Ethics in Bussiness Research Final

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Transcript of Ethics in Bussiness Research Final


Chapter:2Ethics in Business


Group Members:o Azka MS13MBA034 o Zainab MS13MBA035o Rabia MS13MBA020o Sidra MS13MBA006o Salma MS13MBA004

Key Terms of Research Ethics

Code of ethicsConfidentialityDebriefingDeceptionEthics

Informed ConsentNon-DisclosureFindingsPurposeSponsorRight to PrivacyRight to QualityRight to safety


Zainab SaleemMS13MBA035

Ethics:Ethics are norms or standards of behavior that guide moral choices about our behavior and our relationships with others.Research ethics:Research ethics involves the application of fundamental ethical principles to a variety of topics involving research, including scientific research

What are Research Ethics?

Promote the aims of researchPromote values that are essential

to collaborative workResearchers can be held

accountable to the publicPublic support Moral and social values

Why Ethics Are Important In Research

Honesty Objectivity Integrity Carefulness Openness Respect for Intellectual Property Confidentiality Responsible Publication

Ethical Principles

Responsible Mentoring Respect for colleagues Social Responsibility Non-Discrimination Competence Legality Animal Care Human Subjects Protection

In order to respect and cause no harm to the participants

A sign of respect for other researchers It is a requirement to obtain funding. Failing to conduct research ethically could be

embarrassing or result in research (or the researcher) being dismissed or rejected.

Questionnaires and focus groups, must be passed by an Ethics Committee to confirm that the research conforms to a set of ethical guidelines.

Why Are Research Ethics Important?

1. Explain study benefits2. Explain participants rights and

protection3. Obtain informed consent

Ethical Treatment of Research Participants

The respondent is told only part of the truth or when the truth is fully compromised

To prevent biasing the respondents before the survey or experiment

To protect the confidentiality of a third party


Informed consentDebriefingRight to privacy/ConfidentialityData collection in cyber space

Issues Related To Protecting Respondents

Debriefing is a process of receiving an explanation of a study or investigation after participation is complete.It involves several activities following collection of data. Explain any deception Describe purpose Share results Provide follow-up


Obtain signed non-disclosure Restrict access to identification Minimize instruments requiring

identification Reveal only with written consent Non-disclosure of data subsets

Participants Confidentiality

Rights to refusePrior permission to interview Limit time requiredSchedule field and phone interviewsRestrict observation to public


Rights to Privacy

Rabia HussainMs13MBA020

Cyberspace is a domain characterized by the use of electronics and the electromagnetic spectrum to store, modify, and exchange data via networked systems and associated physical infrastructures.

What is cyberspace

Data Mining Generally, data

mining (sometimes called data or knowledge discovery) is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information - information that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both.

Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relations.

Researchers to cyberspace in search of abundant sources of data. Whether we call it wired society, computer-mediated communication or cyber culture the growth of cyber studies causes us to question how we gather data online, deal with participants, & present results. �

Issues relating to cyberspace also relate to data mining. Smartcards, biometrics, electronic monitoring are just some technological tools being used by today’s organizations to track and understand employees, customers, & suppliers.

The primary ethical data-mining issues in cyberspace are privacy &consent.

Cyberspace And Data Mining Ethics

European Union countries passed European Commission's Data Protection Directive This commission prohibits the transmission of

any personal information to any country that has no data protection rules.

If any one fails to act upon then Those Companies could be prosecuted Websites may be blocked

European Union

Sponsor non-disclosurePurpose non-disclosureFinding non-disclosure

Ethics and the Sponsor

Sponsor’s obligation: Specify the problem Provide adequate information to the researcher Provide access to company’s information Researcher’s obligation: To develop a creative research design Give analyzed data for the problem specified Point out limitations affecting the results

Sponsor-Researcher Relationship

Knowledge gap between the researcher and the manager

Job status and internal, political coalitions to preserve status

Unneeded or inappropriate research The right to quality research

Sponsor-Researcher Conflicts

Sometimes researchers will asked by sponsors to participate in unethical behavior.To avoid coercion by sponsor the researcher should: Educate the sponsor to the purpose of research Explain researcher’s role Explain how distortion of the truth leads to future

problems If necessary, terminate relationship with sponsors

Sponsor’s Ethics

Safety Ethical behavior of assistants Protection of anonymity

Ethical issues related to Researchers and Team Members

Sidra BasitMs13MBA006

Various standards of ethics exist for the professional researcher. Many corporations, professional associations, and universities have a code of ethics.

One comprehensive source contains 51 official codes of ethics issued by 45 associations in business, health, and law.

Professional standards

The business section of this source consists of Ethics Standards for: Accounting—American Institute of

Certified Public Accountants. Advertising—American Association of

Advertising Agencies. Banking—American Bankers

Association. Engineering—American Association of

Engineering Societies. Financial planning—Association for

Investment Management and Research

Resources for Ethical Awareness

Case Study

Salma AttiqueMS13MBA004

Making Research Discussions