Chhai Theke Gan

Post on 29-May-2015

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its a collection of poetry both in english& in bengali based on love,nature,valueskeeping in mind the socio political environment

Transcript of Chhai Theke Gan

qR cqrrssN

uoH Tfilfq

,. I rl l,'i:l

)lf..ll; -.lqg,..l

r..l,v<jl r.',ttqtll

gr."'77:*r r > sRqD'Fffir ftt r +o+tO-ro

deNefs'H:<tmil, to)o


ISBN 81-8613401-8

€lst"l$ 'qffi RqqdlT rstsR | 5e tb qR{D'ft,FiftF r+-q--+lst*q'r r

qq;sR{tlq ,sFrR | )s t) {frqu-tilsB@ twntrof-rrr I

qn+ 'xw-ofrq{dH r vc ftW+lq cEFEt r@FFlst-b I


qtFls $rs

1or ' 4qftHbfsl


+fr fi stq qFr]q q<sqprfq-qi qq <lfuv r g:en"fmft Vr"rW qq, qfqR-+sls

ffi fr ff"TrF wq'{6t +r<n frqqn-cfi Bmr"nrvca< a&+q*o_=* ,u*fr:qRs qK sR-f,qr r iotfu+ <.lI' ilqfrfus \nlqf <F|(q'9 Rc{T 6s'G &frqe$.'- frC-Ttfr u'*.t sfr s*v cq{ ffRs l.lq.{€{l.l(6t< ro(g r ffi< Cqlfi-sa s6 qffs qt<nK lfto "rcqr 4ft"F0 <xrn frR<rsr< retfltar qigCqfcffi <s d:{frR ff{c{< s ERIK{qqK *tfr-s qc{ r qbtqRfi-Ecrq \fltR

sRq< csrla,m I s<"F qt{ ft-cq m-+ q-{ qTttfr'stfrtmquxfrrr fi-<v< urE

qfi\o 66t, fts s +firot KFqt s {ilr{tq{r €l qwirffi ffi{t 'ttc{ {-{lc{tplgsr fiR\o, fire qs qKfl s(6t qrEG qtwfu-s qrlco q<qtcffi acnn &ql{iq qs fr-{E rrrl{ 4s rrr{ e$ftsn{ stw c{&^€ {"rw calrt qw

<tq q]qf fr-{E vRqiq q\emrtr rtm< s'q"t vel.l{ S qFTkq.{ sR qCsI

sncil ffi s T{fis qc+-{6s {rsQ e fr"ffi TR".F r

Biography of Sonnet Mondal

As an Indian English poet Sonnet has come up as an emerging voice inthe International arena ofpoetry and literature during the past two yearswith 13 International avards and five national Govemment recognitions.His first book "A Poetic Peep Into The Post Modern World" has beenpublished by The Underground'Literature Kolkata Publications in 200i..

Sonnet is the Founder and Managing Editor of "The EnchantingVerses International Journal" (ISSN-0974-3057). He is also the Founderand Secretary General of the "United Minds for Peace Society (A GlobalPeace Organization-Head office-India) and thc Sub-Secretary (ieneral ofPoetas Del Mundo (International Poct's of the World Movement-Head-quarters, Chile). At present he is pursuing B.E./B-Tech. coursc at BESU,Shibpur, West Bengal in India.


Biography of Ketoki Goswami

Dr. goswami is an associatc Proli:ssor in Ertglish in onc of the reputed

colleges in Kolkata. I'lcr M.l'lril. itrld Ph.l) Disscrtrtions are on D.H.

Lawrence and Grahatn Grccnc rcspcctivcly. Ilcr critical work 'Mulk Raj

Anand : Early Novels' has bccn prtblishcd by Prcnticc I llll. lndia. She has,

to her credit several papers in national lrnd itttcrrl:tliotlal ilcildclnic jour-

nals. Her collection of poetry 'Parnornochi' (2(Xl2) ltas drrly rcccivcd ap-

preciation among lovers of poetry. Dr. Goswarni is a vocal classicist atrd

has performed in dignifred classical soirees. A fcw of the poems by Sri

Sanyal has been kindly translated by Dr. Goswami in this collection.

sR\il {.<n ffi q{f{ qH{

sr{ €qv qfrq wcr< qF6?.q, tRffrT Tr<r<l6fK{ qs;r<lvq rrc{rqq'

S(s't, ffi celcs tfiq'+.f<lafqt +R o'R qt{Ilq 'qs qf,s{ ER-T{ {l$ ctl

\r{ R1t Drqlq {aF q-(Ev'K $cm, €ffiKt<K srl{ qFt{ firdcq qnvnqIAs(.K +ftq bql({r q \oK \r&-q<Frs 4fr-4qcf I s csrc"e, 'q-fi $qqq fu, c+-{ qF{ +-<r-q, VqVqful Vrq.< <tall{, *sR KK q3tFI ? t frEq

"5a q{q R"r, c$;l qEE $-q@ ? ?" qfqcq{ qffi-{el{ qtsl-g s"r{ e&fr R(6

fr-<-dlT ft;f"nc"$ cqcrl fr-cg Dt{, cqln frre uta {Ffts cqfrcs vK q{Ef{

(Co-ordinate) fr+ c+rqqnq rit&rs <srql Tc*f IG'r, dlEtrq, tg.Rr-<' +'rq

{l1C{< *q1, qEcl{ &corq o"ff <r{<K cqRs mrcq, q+& "tpttffi qtcr'f

D].gt frc-T E rR fr\9sr{ r<"ilq Sq{ q\oTluK I qlTq qfq {ncr{ a16q qFtrl

q'rff sL{€ qR"trcq-{ Rrssm rit{t qw slcuqr qsfrm ailierc fr"ffirq{qffitGs FKs, $-{IIR-{ qdq-{ qtdffr effiMr?K{ cfr-{t w{rfrc-T E\r-fs

Nl6l-{l('i-{ slEslfr lqr{{qFq confrcoqf6{? rf<f"ff{ c?lca{FK{fi{ qSaEqqfvl.ffi fifi qorr+te rrt ucEcq q€q I cffitn fr<-6m rqesr +<R{l

eunr{{ D't"ff qW.{ftEs firw.f" We\5 qfffi cfr"fcE-qq-"iq {RGI.Kqwds"n TR qr4T frns utx sRvl{ orcqr sr<Q fi-'tf frfl (cRF etN3Tt

q{i"B q&wotT +q-E E9RK fic{eq or< +Rsrtcq{ 4ls'F 41s1T I .!{lcq

Fi'< {RF{ q}R ffi {R :-+f.rvt qfq A<t6 1lQ1,rir1 "tl(,r'l ftow fit< <Fs

t'rlr.r1l 1.r11..11 )lRilnl im\rlr.{1 (rlr.+l :ilF41, \rlft{lFr 19.<{llrFl"P ;1.1 'ellr.rl s"i;iq ,qfnl ?s<?l

*.o.1 1l/.et, r.q.ll.t.'\ .....

qfr qrc.r."ttirt :1 >l-,16t

\Tffi{ Frcfl< IVi ..q1-$


q?IlF q]sH {tr{ qlt{ fi{:{'l{Ecv< sf{tT qfq critq] $tr{ q-tr

qg <9, q\5 {qs{ vKCs q{fS ETC'f, €v ql{q ,S"li\s rfl{ 5tf{

st<Eq.{ Vfr <rq v{'13, q-dj rlTo-{gfr {<ftrt, yfr rrGcq{ qssf{r

U?rl wlcS <c{ TNBTf qfr-{ <Ftq(qiQ c.tro qwm rtFr

sfr q.teq qt€ qtR qEN TtG *{r&

{fN qlq oitgtq qfq cefiI?ffi G"tttrtcrr :n"nriRsqKK D-Er< s66f4qfcq+Rs"t .sR frft< mcrfr"fs \rffi cq{'fr......

R:i-{s afy<5, {5{c6I{ qcs Rq{ bw'r<q fi(g?co? *q "ttnq-l ai ft r \qfic[<<R (6teB', sRb-|< qttq qK sRqstq-s qsT ffi\D ; qFilcq3r oR oEr<

s-cq-{ TR r qM vrFrfl uR& ${cs-{ nR ; oR< csl(:{l FfR-{Q qr$6o ?lrc(qt-{ \fl(s \rf {l{cr-fr FtR-< r oR ${c{< qG[R Ra:,,[qr{, fi{ce1, h.rcT{€-*{bR qql?n<

"TTlfrs "F"-"tflt s'r{ c{ $clt qfc{, qfnr qHn-R oqlT-{F DF, qffi ffir"tBq ritntp utl r +Rstq quto< Rttrq-tqrrn co^f$sr{R st<r< <t set6-{ *ngl| ft.rTK n"cq ffi {'.|t\5rq rg< lq&nl {_{fr.{.t$uffi"l {-qfr"axq erts? s.kiq.dr "fi}cs< nre qp * <rnq Rqlq mR I qx.6q.q ff1r<, qr cql$ sRq<, sK.i sR eM qr'1e[tsR]\r\5|{,

6rtTR{Rqq, Tlfrv cfl\e

hv"t/sulfr-c >t:"r

vr+"1*nR FsrEq


\sffi{ FlCq< W Rts

?cq "ilRqlTK 6s{



{r$'mfeff{?smqdE f{l{ \Trcq?

c${"{ qtcqt?

qA {{55q-{ qttffi<pclf fr"q.l{

ur{ frc-x1q

tpmr$?FRqq1rr1': -,fr44


,rt.T'li'T,l 1,.,1:l r",r'tt

l;11fl{.t !ql

1x111.9 lrp|..1 :1lvr

-4.1 'Jf.4.l


'vtd (e|..+l

,ri1 r.rfr$ sil;t

1G 4 q











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Q 1t'

f, /,


Let My Creation Perish

Wish Bird

Me in Love

Urbashi (Dancer of heaven)


Where is man?


Is God there?

How are you?

This Moment

When Mind Awakens

Promise You


Last Breathe

Longing Only fbr You

Life even today

Meaning of lifc

Thc Birth of a Poem


Go back to f{oots



Stat' I llrllPv

Sorr11 li'ottt thc ashes

eR. c*lcs ulrq

qtq.r{ Frcq-{ TW Rr{,

<fr pmr< +rB <lqtt qt "rR,

{fr {r{:{< qf{tE'tcr,

rFlqsnr q(n' qt 80,wlsF r< Fne-< ryi cqto qR{c{


colTlR {t<r{ \Tlst qK

1&q'emmqqK TRg-l< caRT

{fr 1& {t <RT lwqNK TE Ftw< 1pi cq+ eR"ffnr

sfr qrus il {rRsft qq.F qv{ cctcs

csrcrt;Tt sr} qfcs< qqT q@t \Tf{ s.fffilNl(g<l frqq c{c.I,qfr sR Eirscs qr +tR...ql^F l:I Fnn-< pl cqlo eq"$fi r

ffi nfft< "i"lcg qtctt q\r + $R

ffi qgE<K qtfr cqrol cScq il sF 6FfrcqL$ vsrc ltclqe{rq' tE cffcs TFvr{ qNl-{ tr< Ffqq lY] cqrc eR-.flGr r

Let My Creation Perish!

If I don't get hurt in your sufferingsIf in human atrocitiesAnd genocide I don't get stirred upThen let all my creation perish here.

If through the touch of your heart's fireAnd creationRain docsn't fallFrom rny poetryThen let all my creation perish here.

lf I fail to laughIf the light of the nightDoesn't wake up from me withinAnd I fail to draw picturesMixing with serenity of dawnThen let all my creation perish hcrc.

ll I fail t0 bow down before the fcet of thc grcenll rny lips do not tremble seeing the smilc of a naiveIl rvhile breaking myselfWrrds stay suppressed in incensementl'ltcn let all my creation perish here.

Bll /_0lr_.1 rll.t \:


qcq {tR

:r-d' cs qFK Qq "fitl Tm c<qn

RTffi eXftp usl-qt$lcs,

<cr< c{tr=i qlq\€ s.Cq mch qugnm,

TsE-slK ac<'{ {lTlT cfr atcu< qlai {&N t

qfr \o"l-{ srt"ff RlGq rRo${K frslTl (Ec{t ql s"{m ql{Nlrflfr qtsq tR< xq'm;qq ft mmm (qq{r{t?gT<E 6KM NCq'GKEIq@ sMq qrFls {.,{,

tm qnmm w{KFr {ls {l Frn

"llTCE Vfr qft qc< q-{rlc{i

"l'l-{c< ft 9R qF{R sql qf{F?qtfr *'fi s1t"ft $BE sRql,.l< fr$Ft (Fc{w s'{cil qF-cq I

ffi qtsq "fiFrq


Id C{.RflTK \5E ell{l-s

(:El6"f 4l {tq elsl 6;S vtqN66'Ic3K qltr'qll sR eilsKRF

d sRlLK "r<< vfn sf{N?ffi q:rq qil4t Ttts"q s1tqm< fr-ofqt C613Tt:Tl T"<t6t srt{Gr I

qtlr srteq "ttfi-g qcrpt

Wish bird

N4irrcl is rny wish-llird roaming freeLosl orrly in lhc girlaxy of my rvish,l)yilrli irr lhc liclcl's wind in search of juice.lrr llrc pe:;rk ol'lhc 'Krishnachura',

rrr llrc trrrrc: ol'thc red sand's 'Chou Dance'"I irrrr 'lirp:rrr. i craq wandering minstrel,Nt:rcr ;rsk rrry address.

I rrrrr ir lircbird's vorrr rnind a prison?l'hcn break the barsl,ct llrc wish wind come to your mindl.r't it flow in the stream of pcarl of your wish light,ll gxrssible you will be thc rivbr at lastWrll y<lu be able to listen to rnc'/l'irr 'Iirlllrn, acrazy wandering rnirrstrcllli.rt'r lrsk my address.

I iilll ;t lilcbird's wick....l\ll rrrrrrrl is my wish mountainlrnl I ;l;k to break the dam breaking wirvc.1 r nlorrr lirl leaf in the picture of my tcarsWrll 1'orr bc able to float in it?

l'rrr 'llpan, crazy wandering minstrelNt:r,cr ask rny address.


ql{K cqn

rq-{{'{l{ftfrqTl{m-{Tcr{ qatftfrqt rcsl3TK'tcfr-<a mpfr<s{s"{ <it<c<Rtr

NKq{qfrfr-<p?qm fifi'wlr\ofcq rNlE q\sxlT frca sf<

{Sff{ T{ in$nl({tq{ei{r{ c{Fc{t{tlqFf{ "fftl{qtfr conofr<csK qlqt qFrfr-<

$q\ffi.ttfrry+t r


coqnffiqrlT 6qlcs,.lqF'l?

gKqNKsl(q"fIRaft<mtqqt r

fts \ilfr RKR e1ffqaft-sfr-<t {trtqqttr:rca-afrEr* rr

Mc in Love

Wlrcn you've given me your heartWhy did you not share my emotions?

I'll dcvour your beauty, youthllrl rcslrain from accepting youl'll seizo yorrr dreamslhrtr'l cry,lny more.

l'll lrrkc you to the intoxicated windItccd you with mahuat winelJul ncver sell my heartI'll bestow on you my mad smile

I'll take your painsl)on't cry any moreYour love is a quarterllow can you give the whole?

l'll give you haH and moreItrrt I know no limitsI losc boundaries for ever( )nly the insane knows theArldress of a heart.

Ketoki Goswami

. L-.I M;rlrrrir llowcrs is llirbllrm districf



+fist q]B-{ qdil

ifr-{ <T'fr

TR\d TlBcqK :ifftE<n'e Rnq? cs{-cfiTt ffi+Ri* q? ftQ-< mcn

fr"fq q6-{ cffift sq"tm qFQ oc< q1a ed-'-stre E4p tr]'e;

TEI Fl l.l{ T1, rft qo rn{q1 wKrtT I

l.Jrbashi (Dancer of heaven)

l'oclry is thc dartglrtcr of soil()f agc likc a rivcrlbclry is thc fltrlc of a wandering minstrel

Sonrol i ntcs sl rity, uncaring, indifferent

l\rclry is tlrc daughter of this earth('vrrosrrtc of'a troubled mind.

Quivcring and burning in intense pain

l.,ct it burnlWho knows if it becornes free?

The imprisoned Urbashi.

\8 a.c


vfr tq& qrd

\,{ q{c.r {'{ER qkRt qcffi lqc{"ffu-fi fiyg qRotRrc

gfr HI{R-+ ENsr{H Rfurhg{rq<r reRsrr

Vfr qR-<\o 1&< q?F {&qf<l-{ {qt e|qcr{ \s{-<sl{

€r< cqfr{ aem 1B nnn

Tt C6lt"l-{ CObC{=< .rE<

q< cs€ TtqtTs Flar{ q{ csl q'lr-I

wEl{to.{;Ne*-sg sc{ r<C"l fi\3

FFRT Tm-< ils< qQ< flrq' t


You lrc moun(ain watcrfallN<lt only irr forcstsIhrl yorr lrc in llrc dcpths of mindln lhc lridtlcrr lirncs of my bodyYorr lrrc silcrrl poctry--one with'l'lrc t:xcilcrncnt of nerves.Yorr ;rrc llrc first bud of the chain of creationA1i:rin [hc darkness of natural havocWlrcn the first rain drips in the bodyOr the news of the secret wavc arisesLct nobody know, but your mind knows-Ncver forget, keep with care-trn the deep mute song of your heart.


Tnq ffiam?

Rwt{ anfu \ryR qFrGK ltRre k1&T\3{rl$ qlR c'fqc{

nt€< *ttn qlR cqqK WrK cFc{(ElriFt {'lcq, frqr{t{, s{+s NFU-< dqq{\3{. sq{ qllr{ st{t{;lt1l Vfr fr-+"na fi-+q

Tctt vcE qm Rs<-{ qlq <Eqqc-&?6-4n affi r

q19fr fr-+"m .Iocqt es1:h otnort

ft\o {tm{ qrsf{ ocB pcq ql "fN{fr frqs.c.t< qrl qs qs ffi "l.i.€Tf {l-{${. sq{ qr.m vFtTr lqs 3s ss Ta_ v{vF65 \{-<ls EtcE

ss ff{{ q*r{s ufla ffilel eQq qtlrr Et<H l


Where is man?

Scicncc, lcclrrxllogy lrc standing in thc first row-Only rrrrrr is bclrind.

Slirlc:, rrrrrry lrrlrrrinistrations are infront of your face-Irr vorrr 1ir;r.y rrratter, bed and sometimes in your biogenetics--( )rrlt' llus rrruch makes me muse.

Mlrnl you are helpless, unarmed'l'hc poisonous serpent State is standing with expanded hoodHistory is confused at this very position.

Still you are helpless searching for a handful of lightSo that the sky of hunger doesnot break in sufferinglf for a bit of time a peck of peace can be foundOnly this much rnakes me muse.So much blood, so much wars, still I wondermany people still sing songsOnly this makes me musc.



yR \rn\r cu€r+"< ftflv',NFK SlCq "tR \.KT{ C+lT{ *"Ff

Vfr \ffif< vR\o-<{T-rf{l3 NFI{ Cq-5q Q.|(6] s('lFt{$"1{B \5K.[

Vfr ofl"rl. {c{ (pc{ ltsxt qqq stlw lftvR ft R"{< ffi"i rsn qnoff+ {c{ ft fi:etst\e-(E m-{ ss <s'l.s qt& frcs-{r{'l{t 3s 3l-{l@ \5rfl ft qrcq

VR cot.ttl ffi ssfi {c{-{ f;t-rtfi] --rcElql{ scetKcq \Ttcql 41(D, qlc{ \5r{.tr qflr{tfi'l

vfr $ts scq rsifrgfr ffirt{ -+tft

uR cret \Trsi€ NFIFI \-,lqqtfr

'ilc{ ellc{ *q {R pm< qmr-q< *"l{vfr wlqf< q+q*ft vKvfi'NNK qtcECrK Tftq q:Kt w w.K nsxfr c"gm cq{K \ie c6G qR<Eq{'cst qlqFl llqlc{r qG-s sqT

fi-cqn +rc< a'c+< <fqf{ FE dI ft csery

\!{ efE-c{trr

{fu vfr {q ffi{ ftffivR qcn e{tT qry qf{$R

vfr qrft{t, vfr TrErE-{ srsmtgfr Tft< W q1nt ruq Nllv-{<Frfq€ ICd q{ {cs <{c{ {NRT

1n< &u< ss-fl {r{ ff{ffiq6;rc1vfr wl{F lr&-Ttq-+m q-{fr{t

1s cEco {F5qq\gqlv cqm Tf,m{ cn't

6{"{tr.da sR 6ot"il{ cr{plqlT {3il{ K.tuR rer {Er 4t6{ &q {R ooml{ qtrq "*r"lmtq]x qt"F(t qters dru qr&yf, qll.K<-ru qtrar< vFv<{lr


You'rc the never-ending horizon ol- wavcs--l rcccivc'l'lrc soft touch of a mother in you-You'rc rny India-your breast contains hcnnitagc,l)cnsc lirrcsl-you're a meandering riverIrnrrrtl;rlirrg shores at her own speed-volition.l)o 1'orr bclong to Hlndus only?Worrld rnuslims be razed to earth?Why then so much bloodshed-enmity betwixt races?

Men spilling blood hot, red-Do they know where you are militant? How youLong for music? You're a hermit of beauty-You're the flute of Chaurasia!I love you so much even todayIn each footfall I locate your loving touchYou're my affectionate IndiaCompared to your overwhelming emotional contentWe pose as insignificant clustcr ol grass-If only I could own incessant waves as youMy make-belief world of garbcd statements of untruth-The feigned imposition of urban colours-Would have imrnersed in the flood of love-You are love incarnate, you're the BaulSr dntmYou champion the aesthetics of nude art-youAre an entombed artistry in the.formations of lhe rasafYou're the Suft tune-rhythm-dumb green prairie-At rnoments you pose as Kishori Amonkar's volubleMusic rendered expression, while her heart blccds andSings alone-you're my commonplace lovc-casyI Iclrr:rlizcd rapture.l'.rrsl lo West, Atlantic to Alaska thc snow landWlrerccver I tread I listen to your'l'ririlrng rhlthm-in my never-ending walkI rcccivc your pious touchI still livc in your warm embracc- youArc rny very own beloved lndia.

Kctoki Goswami



lJaul is a clan o['nrinistrcls sirrgirrpl songs ol lrlt'lrrtl lovcItasas arc nine irt ntrrtrher llorlriryrrtll rrrcrrlrl slrrlcs.


V'Kl{ qME?

fu{ Tf v'RF qcq? Rt frFu-cs qnrq.t,

Ts'ddfi.m lt\s csFf{ I

g'1, sKerr{r{ qKq \flDlrr, frD"lc{, ffi c{cq, T{qq{, "|.t"tcfiqcomgt $sqfq-F ea+rc safiV sr< rRr-GF "tqqfis <rcaqqf<t{ {6TCqt stf{l{ qtR?

cotvn frenr+ qTs fi{{ {@ <Kqr{ <sc{q I

qRK <dl-ct v6Rr{ \ffcq?

FFq-{t ffi cs r{rrF qRrc ose r

Tl-{slT c"ttslfi {ln sf<Fcs Ftfimqrs Er{ e Elcql \s ql4lq$ qq sjlv-K qt{ osF {@< B"ttnn {"nvRs\TKl{ TECI E6RF{ \TrCq?

cl{ fuT pn-{t rt1:T{ {EK<I<tr qql <tfiGsrqEcffi <w frc-s <v 3v +q<, qbtfu qfqm GI{TR CIrdqlqaF qlT{stsi 1q-{ {q"flr WfRq Ei}s q-<qfi\o

s{d\s ft <qc< vsRl'l qfcs?


ls Ciod there?

Docs God or the Almighty exist? No. Stay unworricd.

Carrry on with your evil works.Ycs but(iod is present in custom, justice, destructive notion, wczrkness, guilty

l'cc:l i rrg

Yorr have trarnpled people piercing history

Again, you say God is Present?You all have turned women into harlots,'taught men to call by hypocritical names

l{e is red, he is black, he is white....'l'oday men have turned into ingrcdients of cadre and voting machine'

Will you say again God is Present?Yclu all have turned human values into merchandise in your final

iudgrnentPoured men's blood into the light of big cities and palaces

Still today people are being crucified in deep suffcring, looted and

lcpressedSlill noW will you say God is present?


6$:r{ qftql?

c$q.{ ql-cqt? cffqt{, Tss[gt 3s-$qfrq,qil, Fl€fr-6S11-4 \flCql? \T35 {{g rlts rffivlclt cEI? ffi Pmnq{ $ sts q@-\q-{qi {l(Bq qR6{

FC<l{t C$lq.RT{ gCn CutR

FFq-{r ft <q(E nFq?

vrfr mmrq< lt$fr WeqRI T( ,.CT qlsf*t

"fl<rSql q&-cl fdcs

ft oc< TE qf{ cars {F {ReR crK q\F-s qqlR"nr

csToK qFff{Ff cuNtm{ qf<e otrq uR-m{{ \stcqt? qqR {tFt, Ee F{'-cslqfm-{ sfr 1lrT {l-Clf c'lE]{q{Fl "Ifi mssN {cffi q6s<s q-?rql{ fir4-.${1 \sfcqt? c<qfrq coNtcs cst ql{ cn{lR {F ilcsm< ESr< ffi e? .l-q< R-..r l-{ \34(s catcst

q5cst {l{3 qa<n cqfr+ qcst r

"lElsFr 3( qlE dl Sc{ q.{(gl C{tq( 6qls

6qffi qRRI qFKilfiI dfrIsfr cqqlK rrcqt qes 'msF.-{cut< {s ql<Bf{ qlte-qfrc{ frc-T TsvN.-qtfr sRw< ritn<


I-low are you?

llow are you? Rose, red colored flowcr, rcd Olcandcr, 'Mahua', 'ShiLrli'

t'low are you? Silly green trees and plants....

Alright!!! I know you all are intensely suffcringl;orcsts are getting lost

l)o not think I have forgotten you!Arc you all changing?

I know you can no longer spread the colorfirl slry

With your enchanting smell.Tell me how I will sing from my heart

ln this deep dark new moon night.Besides civilization I rvant you all to be more near-

How are you? Yellow bird, Dream-kite-If I could get you all in the core of my heart

Perhaps I would then open theLocks of many doors of my mindHow are you koel? You hardly come into sightIf this crowded town could hcar your voice oftenMay be, men would have bccn lrtorc lovable.

l)crhaps the colour of the flag would have turned frorn Red 1o Sun-

shineI low are you river? heading torvards the sea?

ll'I could be like you-'l'lrcn I would have madeAll the dirts of ages floatArrtl speak outI rrorrld live like thisI trr rurlly!!!

-i. r'1. r rll,l

qqrgdqB {{d 6rcq qq"fi

rfKI {fcEI R"{nT,\fl<l{ -$-il(Tf ql(K'.crt 3tffi q{ qlq-q

EtFl Elcrt ql{]{,v{ cr c<,rcil nqr5 cum< o$qr< c{{Fttlqtr {{65 E{ DsE,

mq €@ \rrcq. cqffl{, Trel-vl

{B< {sq-{lse {qc'5 qT{q{q,qRul{ qtE"l'P.t <\F{r{{{ cfi \qq-q3{-4 |

qKK ql(E fr'{l{qhts cuB {as uqtq,q{ ca mtc{t gc6 osm< qmr< t{ilf rr

qe TW6 q{-{ w<qql,s3. =ft$ R Tttsl mtq'F ffi{ q&{q{ I

qfu TK.6 fr6{mcs]s qf qR-<\o <ss'<'t, slvu{"is{ qF 'lcg N]{r< scff

e&fr ret TFI,

Vfr qt< cq$ i\s6{ cslc{t1q6 <Q-<-+<tt

l'his Moment

l'.;rclr ruoment lile is in strife-at timcs pcaccful arrayAlilrin sometimes mind bugle dances in cnrolion,Assrrrance consoles-lhtt at any moment you and me perishlr;rch rnornent comes sportive dreams-as if floatslloscs and carnations-lotus of creation-l rrch moment forceful irnposition-snake-chains of irrjusticc-bloodbatlrAll upside down-Again comes trust-sudden waves-sudden gleeStill at any moment you and me perishlitrch mornent domination and repression{ )h poetry! Still I live, my endless ovation to you.lrrrch rnoment sighs invadel,ct there be incessant oozing of blood, tired legs-Slill I remember you. Never ever forsakeu you-\irrr are none other thanI { i rbindranath-for all morncnts.

Ketoki Goswami


nq q-trlrdR

q'.ffr {-{ qlc{ q{fr \fltn ?e-{fr

+q qtEGR pR sR$*F*s csrnm vR qurliqqrc qt€Tt <c{ {t{, 6uU cqtrt, gq mt6, {{ "dcstqlR q{rulvtc<I Vfr tni

1Rr? cuffi qriv.r< qfrcs q< frca

'ft{ w{i e+ fir{ ft'lgsR cst qlt4t Tcqqq $rqqTqvr

When MindAwakens

Whcn mind awakens, then comcs 'Bhairabi'r'I'lrc alvakened mind makes you a poct

Ncvcr think yourself as disregarded

litill the breeze bolws, waves flow, flowers bloom, thc Sun

( )nly for you

{hrly think that you are blessed'l'he world is only for You.lust take a diP into mind's riverYou will get a new blue skY

lltcmal house within a home'l'hat's why the mad saYs'l'he blooming mindllrings the spring.


I Illr,rrr:rlrr is rr titgit stlttg tlttrittg lllollllll,-l ltotlt:; ;1'ttet:rlly

sql fu{yfr fr qffis c"wqqfrc-{ cfl$'f q+-yfr cq"rcs 'tt\s?<ft q.t

"ms WTI{ O.LTlqti_

gfr vn-af+m< <nc{ cqM frAvn< s|qi T<rcE 'ttr{t?sft n "ilr-Tl

qqF curmtr

ER qR-< DtEfr-{ cler4 q5u qmt fiqcs qN3 ?

Sfr {I "il€ \TNIT CD-C{|+I

e:q-C< efffi m]T fiys Df€fi-{ c'jEct (rl]qtc,K -VF< ffic{-I "Xu3 7

sfr qT {*s qTq]l qr{ cuc$'l-{l--

<fr qrN:a nt*s

qtft e-{cs rtFq qf&,

<fr u1 cutc+ qe qNB

qtfu Gsrcs nfu qr&,

sfu n qs <tvt.gqtfr tr{re ile qt&,

{fii fr{ ams mmt< sftqqT6r{ c{renf "il5qq:qlfi "m"lf+;ffi peg fiqm cunrao r

l'rornise You

( lirrr you see the hidden dcsert'/

llchind a roaring laughter?

ll'you can't don't Yearn for me.

(ian you understand the language of opprcssion'/

Wrapped under the enveloPe of love?

Ilyou can't don't Yearn for me.

Can you see the banYan shade?

Ilchind my restless gaze.

It you can't don't Yearn for me.

l[ you give me firel'rn ready to bumI[ you give tearsI'rn ready to get wet.

If you extend both arms

I'm ready to hold them.

lf you have poison with YouYou will get the touch of etemitY

In rny lotus-mudI promise you.

IT{Fq-c{ cfl(s \Ttsne frRqvlEt{t{F ResRT{ qrrm-qfrE{6q54Q qq €s-fr"{Tffirs qcs q€l{ <qrw< c{tgirrq{ 651slr<l xt|(1t Vft $1n ftg c5"r"tftTdqq'e ftqqRs.cR elc{ vFrc-'t?

Isr+ lfc< g<q qA-{ Rtus{r

frln "nnsrt ftB.ctftL.t :Ifsqr {Wru1fict $€{'f, frc{ {€{t q-1er<

ceq6 {< wlTTsrol o'rrc ql.s

ce*cn sfT qs qa-{ c{fEI

sR oot <l3t-{l{ cEFK srcs fr,(< qtfrn"F.s Efr rst{, q?F\s <{q|(9'AW, EqlT \q1T Vfr skt{ -"rq{Ec{ \3{ d,lsl m, & o{ftc^o oflre

1q{ {Tt ls\oK cuB oq{ufa-sue ftqstre eQ vrc{ EFt@?

q-{1g p:rn {aft wm nm{l4f SlCq]{, qtur-<, Rurc<

Ts qfsiffi {aqbR-{

{4ft vm trKqv-ptrq \flrQ <c{ {ts{t.qn a-h<1o EEc{ ftl< w {qA-ftr< <tc {T'qll.|{e<trq {csT '|]-c< C<fftq1

Pqr{ qlui€ "ffRil e$cc"f <r{qfc$ +o frcscw rq\slqt@',irFca qfR q-q, qEcs ortre <.|E-s'e ftqstcq ,R vtr< \,t{(E?

1., iss

I'ill today flows the arotna of protniscuotts lovcI irrrbrace brings trust*wann, intcnscArnity blooms-touches one softlyKnorvn sighs peep outIs there any harm to think thus?

Would you accept my pain-laden loved kisses?

As sun-baked fragrant flora-ln a kiss f,rnd the touch of a young maiden-The flavour of long lost moments

Oh! Blend, blend in my senses-Lovelorn fingers do tremble alongThe wide open river-heart inundates

So I comc back to you againAt times you are a child*friendThrobbing heart in bones and vcins.A kiss is not sexuality*thc strcam carricsRelentless waves of pity and affcction.Is there any harm to think thus'/'Ihe world is weary with passionlcss kisses

With rules rites-black whitc-fhousand implications. World is confused todayThe river sings through warm kisses'Go back to them dear globe'*My friend! Return-for there you may

Find my soul musicflirds fare the best in kiss--even todayln caste creed or some rveb is blocked thcl lcart in chains-nations circumscribed-ls there any harm to think thus?

Kctoki (ioswrmi


eq-q Rg{q

q{ cutciF qcFR?GqH

r-{ cut-trt3r qd ff{Ft"ry-+ oem< fr"rm

<rf,$ Ff{t{ q{eR. qt{6{ csFt{ ttf{,q-pt?&qq qcE

ets frstm t

Last Breathe

History forms in tearsOr disaster in tears

Let your beliefs burnLet your dreams burnYour song will come out from the ashes

May be History will be

The Last Breathe.



$T{ \flsT <w -+Mcs

q]T q](Ds \flsK C$B {l{ 6{F 6<l-F 9ter8 ;

{Ec{< 4trt {\3 TKr{ qsr{' NmK qfr ffi{t\3q-s pfi-r q{mT{ stVt +r< 6<V-RT rflB-{tB-.hG

re qlc{ c{fq ss To +FrqtqKK {$ TF(s rBcs E:rq$ {&r atffi qftq

"tt.ff{ft 41fu cmt sRsK qtBcs 't6


qftg qfN &s< cqro <Il-F {Il-cDq r<l]q ;rc1r5

s]-{K{ srflT qlsT tr{Fil $fr( ttq fu-q Rr.w 4urcs.

ft s'G.qrcqr {ft €r<r{( {fr qt's

rl{cr{ $.l(q {\c TF{ \fle({ oemr< qfr c{-ll$ {E{ rqM <i55 rtft(q

qmpt Fffi c.t{ "Ffu uRcqlr

Longing Only for You

Mankind is crying proftiselY lodaY

Getting beaten up and some are wakirrg rrp rvhilc gctting bcatcn

Go beside people, MixThe fire of heart with your river.

For how long will you all chase us demons'/

Who knows, how many carts are cracking daily'/And uttering the truth with those cracking chests!

Besides digging holes in engineering, talents, poetry and soil.

S,owly the outer skin covering is changing from withinToday the hurnid soil smells wet from the tears of men.

What's the hann in taking life's risk?

Go near people ; mix the fire of heart with your riverMan is in tears today-May be longing for you till thc last.



\qlsi$ -\fr-<-{

qq\e q-fl, cft{v-t{ ffc{efE<fTl{

"tl(il mM Tm{ fr"ffi I

,S?IfCq rt Fsq qf{ q'R-dsK I.ft{pF qF*-{ ddM;Gfb frrs-{ fr-{uqr

q?ffc{ qfs'f*t {lr{. qfr{ frI{.t{tqsr+r< fiq<qs?Ilcq {B s qEK {tcq Rwlf;N qursf{


I rli.'r:vcrt torlity

l'r'crr trxl:ry lilb, biogcnctics mcltttsl\4:rrI'clitt1l ol a .juicel';rr'[.erl irt rrtt cnvclope of love.

I lcr r' rlcrrrocrircy, independence means( )ritt()r'], ol'the vote demonI h'ttrlrg the greatest poisolt.

llrrr sky rneans boundary of landlrr rrrlrlirtg of a flag.

ll'rr' l)cace and equality means

pr rr(:rcation of advertised power.


fr-<rq-< qtcq

{q"tR flqc( Tl(F {Er B"nnfr

rns< AQc-E s{stT 5l|{-qtF< qvftq T+.rrt \qfiFcqllp ft "[\s ? T{r€ sfr "IR-TI


"[cet q?rffl, ffi q.ttcR r}fu ui}<c+< :rn-l'

c{IcE< Evcr FN< qtfr

s${ &w s{Lq {c{ ss cl vryfriq-NeT qft.a qnq ss .l'lq qt ql"rt ,lfq,qfr{ ss {R rF ft qru{fik-<st{CE]qK \TFR Fl{.lT FTfl{ €{]'c' I"{ ERH -c<tr<r< fiW +dq<mcq-.Rv ft "i"Ns ? T(rco lfr "k-+t es-{lT* "lgf eR{a{, qtfr e{C{,q {& fr+cm na{ r

[rlcrrnirtg ol'lil'c

I'le rrrcrrls ol'crcalion daucc unablrlccl r.villrin llrc corc of painl'lrc rrrrrlc sotrg in the darkness ol'nightIlrrklcrr insull behind laughter('lrr yorr scc'/ If you could feel it oncc*l'lrcrr scrrrclt me.just here, I am searching hcrc thc rncarring of life.('lrrklish laughter under senses.

lio rrrany feelings choked to death in the crowd of spccchcsSo rruury anonymous lanes in the depths of feelingsl hrurrrg like a river in a surprising silenceWlrcrc our mind gets lost in veinsltr thc secret waterfall of senses-(';rr you see? If you could feel it once-I lrcn search me just here, I am searching here the meaning of life.

Frl'j r.!lr..T, r1l;l-8


e$F +fi-er<'qq

e$fr TRgt< sT-{ qlcr ftq, ECE ql*3rt {{6( ksq<"mq qR s< wEq'lst

Gr'{ srrs ffi s6q-a erc{ E culc?l @< wmrt-sitqK <plR sR\$ q{ \e{ qWsK,

s?tft{ eff(q fifEq c 1gm mRK r

sR\ot oflq T{r5 TqAq,qR-<\o {lg' qr<Tcf s"fs tr<"t

ql_pt ffi\ot itc-s cT{"llsrl sH "l@lw* f..ik quio

ftq qrtr ft flfl?.oR cot TRq .frru aI69 qtw i*t<trr Ft<rtlr flt<v,t t

q{BT Ttrq esft T,RgK ql stq qef{'l'I I

c{ csl qtr.lT (pcq sl.3{t c<*s{'tk't qftrllil {'ll;ll

I lrc llirlh o1'a Poem

llrc birlh ol a pocrn signalsllre lristory of somc ignited momentsAr, rl' llrc vision of a rainy skylirrsllcndcd on slices of a few cloudsI'or nrc poetry is not only anguished scream\irrr rrury find here the conjunction of life and dcallrI'oetry today is homeless, hungrylllculing incessant, tired legs-Nrrrrrbcrless enmassed wounds may be touchedlly poctry. But does that stop the wail?l\x'lrv thus thrives eternally inlhrrrcs and veins.Wlrcn a poem f,aces insultIt l:rres the same fate as an unidentified corpsc in a drain.

Ketoki Goswami



Vfr *s{. qv sRVfr fr-<ra_{ ?s-{i}Fl{l{ {c{ qt(q rfqT ct{KqqN Q-R E1q

Vfr qm< $<rTt6o< r-<-{tR

wso-{ 'K-Ffi CIcqq pRs.R ret qfq€ qFt{pR .lg. {s TKE1-{, {€ s1 Ej3gqg6{

Vfr qtqru+ sqvcq trrvefesw TC{ 'lts qfqsmp wqro qn{ qe R{ iiQv6<1q{ qtrq s{cg {.c{ ft +r< \tt{El4r.cq U-{{

wrot vfr mlft{Kyfr fr-sFrc 1E< +v {T{ iT qr{fcb-{t qcF{f >t-s w=4{ 't4KRcomx fr"qm qm< "I""fiqfrqv rcq'fire qtqcqfr"{ coll6 qH m{ c+cV ryr tromfiia s"TsM fr cqcolR{re1 cft+ siflrl{? ffiutRE €r{s sRb-t< q-qa frQg 1

Vfr <q pR q.ff ffi, Vfr qrc eE qtcar flalEfr \nstnr qsqq qvR-o <frqqtqtrr


\irrr lrrc not only a PcetYorr arc an Ascetic of lifelrr vorrr mind there prevailst'rt;rdcls of deep thinking.\orr are the musical note of the rnidnightYou have smeared the touchstone of firellurt is why you are unfaded till today\iru not only belong to Bengal, to IndiaYorr are International with earthly feelings.I grcatly remember todayll is quite surprising to mellow in this web of worldly oppressionYorr are so fertile in love?I'crhaps you are an intellectualYuu are a collection of lyrics of lakhs( )l'known or unknown flowersI sprinkle flowers at your fectI greatly remember you today.'l'lrc day when the falcon of dcath took away your lifel)id Kolkata watch that day?( )nly a mourning assembly?Il saw a unique procession of living poetry.You are friend, you are companion, and you stay hand inbv sideYou are our one and only hearty Rabindranath.

h*nd, side


Fl$w frt< qN3

qq \flfr Tfrcg \flRq{rel$fs. Et{Er qftr{qrqcq -rctFmo mma'

apl oc< "iR-qtq$ \$FT oFK q1(<| =fffi

XqE 6{s(-u< slqmeE€(s.t SIE qi-q qcF ?Il{

qwcq -Frfr65 Flq]{{g{ $r{ "l'K-qtq srtfr w{c<r< rcsflv ftrRr-fi r"6ts RIGT< "tt"tt"ttft sg

\tc{a'fiF< qscot qbR. oql Rq{< rqn v{t{ lcqi( 'fl4 c4-{ I

qq(s .tstFrc cslqlT w41

vr{ fi"K, q6 {<A< q{J alrq{

{scs1 c.fscv cr6e qm{ "rcTt

eQqn*& qtR qffi, qcE EC{ ffiS< qt< {96o "1.uN a6 W-F "lgreqTNt qEq ft1v oqlT<

"llr{.l {fr 6-ap fi43 413

e?op1-6& oqtfr q1ufs

csmx fi'u+? sq<ls vl-+-<

ql{c< Ft?qWcq "rcTq6 sstr"wdt \ejc< cq"K I

r io lrack to Roots

Iorl:ty I am sleepingl'r'rlurps I will wake up again tomorrowI rvill get vou freshlyln llrc coming ccnnrry-:'trll today I live amidst';rr to the hungry" wolvesl'('r haps tomorrow I will get joful tearsI rvill get you freshJylrr lhe coming century-liday I'm like an insane

I tcside tired bewildered insignificant grasses, yctI u,'ill live in grasses ; perhaps this was rny dcstinyl,:rlcr turn intr: a full tree.I rvill see you in a different rnanner in tlrc conrirrg ccntury.I rvill stay for the earth( )r search me in the rootsI rvill b,e burning just thcrc ,

llurn and dig to bring a nov bourrdlcss rcgion...If'possible go back to rootsI rvill stay arvake thercI rvill surely call you onceWill .vou come'/I rviil see you in a di{ferent mamer in the coning centul

rn "tfr"tcsl{K s;r tFil ft c1(rf qtcq?

Sfr 6q6t 6sft5t cq6 \3{ {fqTfl cq3

sGT "XVc{ ffC{t-T$s Rr+ cqql-< qFf, cE]qt{ rlr{\3{ SS"{r< {{ CsTfitF"l{ er<.ktt 6e({ cit'cEt-q?Fi-{ {c?ll{R q(g ffu-T sft T{q qffiH

Req{ {c{ <]"{rc< T-<f{s

{a{ c{c?ff qM,€ qmq3 rTtcal ctcD \Tre

<'oil, entRR€ rr


ls your mind-police awake?ll you see him only on guard being awakclhcn burn him-l,cl your life and song be blossomedlrrst break the rods of the jail of mind-Il dcath comes rvhile facing the truthl'crhaps history will remernber.llcmember, still today Bruno, Galileo lives amidst us.



rfi€ lRrA ql{K$?r{€ N]If<qtcr< ftr << ft1Rtft w<r<t


Sornctimes the earth is mineSornctimes yoursWill it come? Will il be-'l'hc earth, for all?



srq calcst

qdT ccrcq IfrqTer ss {Etvldr (crcd {lTtft fiq,FFRI &TISq'IT ft -Ptr{ {'{CE?qK Ts fi-q <C< {tfq 6atc<ts

Am bqry <f{c{.$c{<iQr< <s utqt;

qst $B< ft.s vtst€vrcil ccl-csf T{-Efr ft "irsqtir+ft d-e-< $5 {l{cr{ {F c{fl \flircs

{E{ qiq.€ DF Ntqf{ fr-C{ qA cq-+p

{Ftrc wq$ 6sr.lK qls{c{cu qnn

"11|46T< s1-e1\sl6Et Cqc51 \Ef$1.t, 'flr+t sft .so-{K

cstr{ fr{ <iq rE{ co qlfBrl qNg

<q *tfu a6s3 qqq frcsr<qfslxt rFere uRcq c{"6sT m $FrQqlq s1c6 E?e@tfrstn Wzq\5tGI (crcof {R-srffi g< efl+

qlq\3 cslqlfi-{ cqt*s$ itutR-$ Q-qfi qFlr

vffit cclcst <I(et{ <JBE

ftR-re< srgr<rm rttr<t q-{

qlQ-fiEICS'I [ckrc.t:rr{.rFelcEt cFgs

{fi'r< TC[< qlT{l

Stay Flappy

Stay well 'Rain'!AII creations of natureStay well 'Enchanting Moon'!llas a crack been formed in your illumincd body'/lior how long from my mind'I'lrc heart will be uprooted and roastedArre the bloodshot Ganges will flow?'lake a look towards the soil!Stay well Sun-Can't youCome down to the hearts of people like the young surrslrirrc'/People still want to drearn about youLct your fire burn in happinessLet the murnur of birds stay alive.

Stay well Sky-if you canRedden men with your bluc hueMany men castratcdWish to build thcir orvn sky pcrhaps due to this ;

Today their dreamsAre burning in the funeral pyrc.

Stay well Sailor with your sailor songStill today your touch has remained unfaded in urban life.

Stay well wandering minstrel!Tune your 'Ektara"' in a love noteLifelong.Stay well Mother Soil!Let the love of all stay attuned.

L A musical instrument with a singlc stlirrl:.


eR c.lrs uila

esfr:{-<Flq I^|F5B4lffi< a66 e <fF{fisvtnl T{e$F es-{t Klo qM.g fi}'qE qqs{s>ir$fr{ cqFtqFq{f?KF< {&n'FqM{, +tfu-s ufi{

\s{N| qlNS e"K QSqsft Wlt qtsT€ Rfu({-{ "rcq

cr{ s\e_lq'

s-q qfr Tq-{qR cqco ql{F tfl{'l

Song from the ashes

A rnorning evolvesI'r or n the nectar of the lastI'r'crring and night.A krncly night is a muteI'ilrrrl:rin - running aroundI lrc rvlrole day, the balance sheet

{ }l 1llofit and loss, a curse

I l;rl hirrg of exhaustionlllrn<l on hand in eternityA I'rllirr11 isthelastI'lryilrl rrr thc process ofcoercion -lilrll I ;rrrr cortltdentNlckrdy will born from thc asltcs.

Kelohr (lorrvnttu

wtR qg.<

stcq ffiK{ T<16 F-sry-s "fl'.ff"ltFtqtR mos vsre qfr

q vw<mx ffiqrfrfrqeryffi