CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DE … Sunday of Easter ~ Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma April...

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Transcript of CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DE … Sunday of Easter ~ Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma April...

Second Sunday of Easter ~ Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma

April 23, 2017


April 23, 2017

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Original artwork by Fr. Bruno Segatta

Second Sunday of Easter ~ Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma

April 23, 2017

SAINT MARY’S STAFF / PERSONAL DE STA. MARIA Pastor / Párroco ~ Rev. John Worster, 1(208) 680-0608 ~ Rev. Jesús Camacho, Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial ~

Rev. Bruno Segatta, Assisting Priest / Asistente del Sacerdote ~ Rev. W. Thomas Faucher, Pastor Emeritus (Ret.) / Párroco Emérito ~

Deacons / Diáconos Francis Hess ~ ~ 409-4103

John Carpenter ~ José Ayala ~ 344-2597 ext. 201/204

Gene Fadness ~ 890-2712 Harley Salazar ~ Bill Petzak ~ ~ Retired

ADDRESS: 2612 W. State Street, Boise, Idaho 83702 ~ PHONE: (208) 344-2597 FAX: (208) 344-9337 Monica Pittman, Business Manager/ Gerente de Finanzas (Ext. 206)

Roxanne Harlow, Parish Manager / Gerente parroquial (Ext. 214)

Alejandra Díaz, Parish Manager / Gerente parroquial (Ext. 201)

Meg Lawless, Coordinator, Children/Family Ministry (Ext. 207) Coordinadora del Ministerio de los Niños y de la Familia

Mike Dambach, Facilities Manager/Gerente de Mantenimiento (Ext. 208)

Patty Gabica Haas, Director of Music

Tammy Emerich, Principal, St. Mary’s School / 342-7476 Directora de la Escuela de Santa María



Altar Servers: Sam Murano 921-9534 ~ Esther Huerta

Lectors: Sam Murano ~ Margarita Luna

Eucharistic Ministers/Ministros de la Eucaristía Rod Jaszkowiak ~ Familia Carretero

Bishop Kelly Representative / Representante: Bryan Smith Mike Caldwell, Principal

Director of Music/ Director Musical: Patty Gabica-Haas/Ray Lopez

Choir Directors / Directores del Coro Robert Parsley ~ Juan Moreno ~ Benny Garcia

Development & Finance Council / Consejo de Desarrollo y Finanzas Bob Ancin Merikay Jost

Saul Huerta Lynn Sprague Douglas Schulze Monica Pittman

Food Bank Coordinator / Banco de Comida: Stacy McDonough

Funeral Ministry Coordinator: Blaise Bernal

Knights of Columbus / Caballeros de Colón Bob Tratz

Ruben Irigoyen ~Martin Esquivel (Secretario) 369-0964

Nursing Ministry: Linda Bieker-Arkoosh/Christie Burke-Running Melissa Gorozpe/Teresa Sanchez-Lopez

Prayer Network / Cadena de Oración Sandy Racine, 985-4760

Prison Ministry / Ministerio de Prisión Christy Chapman ~ Carlos Castro

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos

Carole Christensen ~ Luis Carrillo

Confirmation / Confirmación Meg Lawless ~ Rosi Terriquez

Religious Education/Coordinadora de Educación Religiosa Meg Lawless ~ Olga Rodriguez

Sacristan: Mike Sellars

Parish Ambassadors for Salt & Light Radio Teresa Tavelli ~ Liliana Tena ~ Francisco Amaral

St. Mary’s School Governing Board: Emily Kane

St. Mary’s School P.T.O.: Ron Goodwin

Small Church Communities / Estudio Bíblico Imanol Betikoetxea ~ Francisco Amaral / Socorro Lima ~

Martha García ~ Lupita Martínez

Social Catholic Teaching/Enseñanza Social de la Iglesia Gloria Terriquez

Visita a los enfermos: John Hitchman

Second Sunday of Easter ~ Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma

April 23, 2017


Readings: Acts 2: 42-47; 1 Peter 1: 3-9; John 20: 19-31 This will be my last bulletin article until after Pentecost. But I have the good fortune of having these wonderful readings on which to comment. One is the post-resurrection Gospel from John. The next in time is the first reading from the earliest section of the Acts of the Apostles, and the final one is from what is called the first letter of Peter. I put them in that order because that is the time sequence for them. In the Gospel, Jesus just appears in the upper room. I love the stained glass image of this printed here. Now what he does and says is important, but an even more fundamental question is caused by Thomas not being there. Thomas does not believe that it happened. Then Jesus comes back when Thomas is there, and Thomas sees that it really is Jesus. In all of the Gospels that is a fundamental theme of the post-resurrection stories- is this really Jesus? The early church was a time of unity and joy. Of these three readings, the gospel was written the earliest. At least 80 years later the second reading was written. It is a letter for the newly baptized, which both encourages, but also warns, that there are many dan-gers to being Christian. The point of all three readings is that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead and is truly real. Peace ~ Father Tom Faucher TIEMPO DE PASCUA: EL GOZO DE LA RESURRECCIÓN DE NUESTRO SEÑOR. Después de habernos preparado, con actos de penitencia, durante 40 días para Pascua, ahora la Iglesia nos invita a celebrar durante 50 días el gozo de la Resurrección de Nuestro Señor. Toda la liturgia gira alrededor de la alegría pascual: la música, los cantos, las vestiduras, las lecturas, los adornos de la iglesia. El punto culminante es la aclamación “¡Aleluya!” Es una palabra de origen hebreo que significa “alabanza a Dios”. En la cultura his-pana/latina sería lo equivalente a “¡Viva Dios!” o “¡ Arriba Dios!” Lo importante es que esta palabra trata de expresar un sentimiento religioso de alabanza y gozo al mismo tiempo. San Agustín la mencionaba con frecuencia en sus sermones. Un ejemplo: “El aleluya se dice durante estos cincuenta días. Porque aleluya significa alabanza de Dios; por tanto, para nosotros, que estamos trabajando, signifi-ca llegar a nuestro descanso… y entonces nuestra única ocupación será alabar a Dios, nuestras acciones serán un aleluya. Aleluya será nuestro alimento, aleluya será nuestra bebida, aleluya será nuestra apacible actividad, aleluya será nuestro gozo comple-to” ( sermón 252). “La santidad, nos dice el cardenal José Saraiva Martins, C.M.F., consiste en vivir en toda su radicalidad el misterio pascual, que comprende la muerte pero también la resurrección: el Viernes Santo, pero también el Domingo de Pascua. Por lo tanto no se agota sólo en el sufrimiento. El sufrimiento no tendría ningún sentido sin la resurrección. Cristo murió para resucitar y nosotros debemos vivir en los dos aspectos el calvario y el gozo pascual: no son dos realidades diferentes; es un único misterio pascu-al” (Octubre 3, 2005, Invito a todos ustedes a incorporar a nuestra vida diaria el gozo del triunfo de nuestro Señor y Salvador y hacerlo nuestro también. Su amigo y servidor ~ Padre Jesús Camacho EASTER SEASON: THE JOY OF THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD. After having prepared for 40 days for Easter with acts of penance, now the Church invites us to celebrate for 50 days the joy of the Resurrection of Our Lord. All liturgy revolves around the joy of Easter: music, singing, clothes, readings, the decorations of the church. The highlight is the cry, "Hallelujah!", a word of Hebrew origin meaning "praise to God". In the Hispanic/Latino culture, the equivalent would be "Long live God!" or "God most High". What is im-portant is that this word is used to express the religious sentiment of praise and joy at the same time. St. Augustine frequently men-tioned this combination of praise and joy in his sermons. Augustine writes: "The Alleluia is said during these fifty days. Because hallelu-jah means praise of God, therefore, for us, who are working on reaching our final resting place ... where our only occupation will be to praise God, our actions become a hallelujah. Alleluia is our food, our drink is hallelujah, hallelujah is our peaceful activity, alleluia is our joy complete (Sermon 252).” Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, CMF states, “Holiness is to live the Paschal Mystery in all its radicalism, which includes death on Good Friday, but also resurrection on Easter Sunday. Therefore we are not limited solely to the suffering. For the suffering would be meaningless without the resurrection. Christ died to revive and we must live in the two aspects of Calvary and Easter joy: they are two different realities, in a single paschal mystery (October 3, 2005,” I invite all to incorporate into our daily lives the joy of the triumph of our Lord and Savior, and make this joy ours, too. Your friend and servant ~ Padre Jesús Camacho

A message from Fr. Faucher

Second Sunday of Easter ~ Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma

April 23, 2017


PADRES ACTIVOS. Caridades Católicas de Idaho con orgullo presenta el exitoso programa de Padres Activos. Este taller tiene una duración de seis semanas, em-

pezando el miércoles 26 de Abril de 6 a 8 de la noche. Este curso le enseñará una manera efectiva de usar disciplina sin violencia, mejorar la comunicación y otros valores de gran importancia. El curso se llevará a cabo en Boise, 7255 W. Franklin Rd. 83719. Favor de inscribirse con Ramón o Gaby al 345-6031. El cupo es limitado.

SPECIAL PRESENTATION St. Mary’s Deacon Gene Fadness will share the story of his conver-sion from the LDS faith to evangelicalism and, finally, to the Catholic Church. The presentation, from 4 to 5:30pm, TODAY, Sunday, April 23, in the church is for the St. Mary’s confirmation class, but is open for all who want to attend. Gene has shared his story throughout Idaho and at confer-ences in Wyoming and Nevada. He has been a

guest on EWTN’s “Journey Home” and “Catholic Answers.”



The Idaho Catholic Appeal supports 17 diocesan ministries, including cultural ministries, seminarian vocations, clergy special needs, catechesis office, and deacon and lay ministries. St. Mary’s goal is $96,541 and so far our parish has pledged $70,702. We have reached 73% of our goal. Pledge envelopes are in the narthex. You can drop them in the collection basket, or mail them directly to the diocese. You can also donate online at


THEOLOGY ON TAP The Camelback Hike and Hyde Park Picnic will be held Saturday, April 29. We will meet at 11am at the sand volleyball courts to hike ap-proximately 3 easy miles. After the hike, we will have lunch at the Sunray Cafe in Hyde Park. Bring cash for

pizza and beer. All are welcome!



Mr. & Mrs. Phil Sansotta Bill Grimes

We are accepting donations thru April. Thank you!

MANY THANKS! Thank you to the 40+ parish members who assisted with the reception for the Easter Vigil. Everyone seemed to have a good time because of your generosity. Blessings, Joanne and Mike Lechner

OUR APPRECIATION Thank you to Michelle Pettyjohn for coordi-nating the weekly soup suppers during lent. St. Mary’s is so grate-ful for her dedication to this very important lenten ministry.

LEFTOVER EASTER CANDY? Did the Easter bunny leave too much candy at your house? Fr. Camacho will gladly take it off your hands for his large candy jar in his office. You can bring it to the parish office any-time during the week. Thank you and Happy Easter!

SPECIAL PRAYER RETREAT will be held the weekend of June 9-11 at the Monastery of the Ascension in Jerome Idaho. The weekend is a centering prayer retreat and welcom-ing prayer workshop. Mary Dwyer, a leading contemplative prayer teach-

er, will lead the weekend. Come rest in God! Peaceful setting, great food. The cost is $225 and partial scholarships are available. RSVP to Grace Coasolo at 208-404-4178 or email her at by May 29.

SALT & LIGHT RADIO’S SPRING PLEDGE DRIVE “Rooted in Faith” is this week April 26th through the 28th! St. Mary's is on the air Friday, April 28 from 8 - 10 a.m. As a listener-supported radio group, the Pledge Drive is essential in raising funds to keep Salt & Light Radio on the air. Would you like to help further Salt & Light Radio’s mission to evangelize and

teach, through multi-media communications, the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Sign up to help with the Pledge Drive at You can listen to Salt & Light Radio on the dial on 102.3 FM or 1140AM, or online and find the schedule at Set your pre-set today!

Second Sunday of Easter ~ Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma

April 23, 2017


Sunday,April23• CoffeeHourafter8:30amMass-Gym• R.E.K-5;6-8,9:40am-VariousRooms• R.E.Pre-school,10:45am-Classroom1• ClasesdePrimeraComunion,11am-Variossalones• RCIAChildren,11:45am-Variousclassrooms• DivineMercyChaplet,2:30pm-Church• Con irmationclass,4pm-Church

Monday,April24• ConsejoHispano,7pm-SalonD

Tuesday,April25• Development&Finance,4pm-RoomD• Estudiobıblico,7pm-SalonD

Wednesday,April26• Adoration,9am-3pm-Church

• Rosary,5:15pm-DayChapel• ChristianMeditation,7pm-FaucherLibrary

Thursday,April27• Caregiversupportgroup,12noon-FaucherLibrary• PlaticasBautismales,7pm-SalonD• Choirpractice,7pm-Church

Friday,April28• Centeringprayer,1pm-St.Anne’sRoom

Saturday,April29• 1stEucharistrehearsal,9am-Church• BautismoenEspanol,9am-BaptismFontarea• 1stEucharistretreat,10:30am-gym• ClasesdeCon irmacion,5pm-Variossalones

Sunday,April30• CoffeeHourafter8:30amMass-Gym• R.E.K-5;6-8,9:40am-VariousRooms• R.E.Pre-school,10:45am-Classroom1• ClasesdePrimeraComunion,11am-Variossalones• Kermesse,12:30pm–Frontofchurch


Sat. April 29,

5pm Sun. April 30,

8:30am Sun. April 30,


Lector 1 Sam Murano Steve Thomas Rita Franklin

Lector 2 M. J. Byrne Julia Grant Vince Huerta

Sat. April 29, 5pm

Sun. April 30, 8:30am

Sun. April 30, 10:45am

Cross 1 Abby Murano Millie Moore Sydney Tepley

Cross 2 Jack Granvall

Candle Connor Granvall Sam Pape Connor Teply

Candle Julianna Mann Sydney Moore Peyton Teply

Altar Servers

24TH ANNUAL BISHOP KELLY YOUTH FOOT-BALL CAMP is set for June 26-29. Boys in grades 3 through 8 will be introduced to basic skills of tack-le football. Fees are $150. Additional family mem-bers pay $120. Camp includes fundamentals, hel-

met, camp shirt, insurance. For applications and online registration go to


BISHOP KELLY WELCOMES STUDENTS Bishop Kelly has room in most grade levels for the 2017/2018 school year, and generous financial aid packages are available to families. Students currently in 8th through 10th grades who are interested in learning more about becoming a Knight can spend the day shadowing a BK student. Call the admissions director, Kelly Shockey at 375-6010, to schedule a visit, or sign up online at

April 24 ~ 30, 2017 Mon. 24th Phil Kuder Tues. 25th Natalie Kuder Wed. 26th Ruth Foxhoven Thur. 27th Jamie Conyers Fri. 28th Monte Conyers Sat. 29th Caroline Almeida Sun. 30th 8:30am– For the people 10:45am– For our Deacons

SALAD AND DESSERT LUNCHEON AT ST. PAUL’S, NAMPA The Catholic Daughters of the America will host a a luncheon for women on Saturday, May 20 from 12-2pm. The luncheon will be held in Dempsey Hall, Old St. Paul’s. Join us food, live violin music by Bryan Fazzari. April McNeiece, associate pastor at Karcher Church of the Nazarene in Nampa, is the featured speaker. She will present on the topic of love and the spe-cial connection between women and young adults. Tickets are available at Mass or at the door for $12. For more information, contact Gloria at Proceeds will help fund the Building on Faith – Growing to Serve campaign.

Second Sunday of Easter ~ Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma

April 23, 2017

SACRAMENTAL EMERGENCIES AFTER HOURS For those who are in need of anoinƟng for a TRUE LIFE THREATEN-ING EMERGENCY, please call Fr. Worster at 1 (208) 680-0608. For someone who is in the hospital, is homebound or is in a nursing home and wishes to be anointed, please call the parish at 344-2597. EMERGENCIAS SACRAMENTALES FUERA DE HORAS DE OFICINA Les recordamos que si Ɵene una emergencia de vida o muerte y necesita la presencia de un sacerdote para ungir a alguien que este en el hospital o muy grave en casa o casa de asistencia, llame al Padre John Worster al 1 (208) 680-0608.


CONSEJO HISPANO/HISPANIC COUNCIL Coordinadores/Coordinators Francisco y Socorro Corona ……………… ...... .861-4846 Sub Coordinadores/Assisting Juan y Juana Sánchez …………...……………..466-4150 Tesorero/Treasury Alfredo Garibay ..………...……………………….371-1612 Secretarios/Secretaries José y Martha Ayala ………….Favor de llamar a la oficina

Second Sunday of Easter ~ Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma

April 23, 2017

ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 2612 W. State St., Boise, ID 83702

Oficina/Parish Office: 344-2597; Fax: 344-9337

Escuela/School: 342-7476 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4pm

Horario de Oficina: Lunes a Viernes 8am-4pm.


Saturday, 5:00pm- English Sábado, 7:00pm- Español

Sunday, 8:30am & 10:45am- English Domingo, 12:45 p.m. Español

Weekdays - 8:30am ~ Misa diaria – 8:30 a.m.

RECONCILIATION / RECONCILIACION Saturday 4:00 – 4:30pm, or by appointmentSábado

6:30 - 6:50pm o previa cita

BAPTISM / BAUTISMO Expectant parents should call the office

to register for baptismal instructions. Bautizos en español, favor de llamar a la oficina parro-

quial para pedir los requisitos.


Please contact the parish office six months in ad-vance / Favor de comunicarse a la oficina parroquial

por lo menos con 6 meses de anticipación.


3890 W. State St., Boise, Idaho 83703 Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 11am–3pm Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes: 11am–3pm




“AND SHE LAUGHS” Salt and Light Radio presents a Catholic Women’s day event, “And She Laughs”. Join 400 women from around the state for a memorable on-day Catholic Wom-

en's event featuring inspiring talks, delicious food, fun workshops and a lot of laughter. The date is Saturday, May 13 from 8am-5pm at Renaissance Charter, Meridian. Cost is $45 which includes breakfast, lunch and event materials. For detail and to register, please go to

SUN. Acts 2: 42-47; Ps 118: 2-4. 13-15. 22-24; 1 Pt 1: 3-9; Jn 20: 19-31

MON. Acts 4: 23-31; Ps 2: 1-9; Jn 3: 1-8

TUES. Acts 5: 17-26; Ps 34: 2-9; Jn 3: 16-21

WED. Acts 5: 17-26; Ps 34: 2-9; Jn 3: 16-21

THURS. Acts 5: 27-33; Ps 34: 2 and 9. 17-20; Jn 3: 31-36

FRI. Acts 5: 34-42; Ps 27: 1. 4. 13-14; Jn 6: 1-15

SAT. Acts 6: 1-7; Ps 33: 1-2. 4-5. 18-19; Jn 6: 16-21

SUN. Acts 2: 14. 22-33; Ps 16: 1-2. 5. 7-11; 1 Pt 1: 17-21; Lk 24:13-35

Scripture Readings Second Sunday of Easter

April 23 - 30, 2017


Online giving is available for parishioners, making donating simple, safe, and secure. Please go to our web page and click on donate.

Second Sunday of Easter ~ Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma

April 23, 2017


Advertiser of the week

CATHSOLICS RETURNING HOME St. Mark’s Catholic Church, 7960 W. Northview Street, will offer a Catholics Returning Home program, on April 27 at

6:30 pm. For more information, call Audrey at 375-6651.

YOUR HELP IS NEEDED A 60-year-old woman who suffered a stroke needs tem-porary housing for a short time before ob-taining permanent, affordable housing. She is mobile, but is unable to use stairs.

She has difficulty finding words and numbers, but otherwise is self-sufficient. Contact Henry Krewer at 853-9593.

STYLE SHOW & LUNCHEON The Cathedral Women’s Connection is hosting a style show and luncheon from 11:30am-1pm in St. John’s parish hall on Saturday, May 20. All proceeds will benefit St. John's food bank and St. Vincent de Paul. Single lunch tickets are $15, or $120 for a table of 8. Those sponsoring a table are responsible for providing the place settings, linen and dessert to share with your guests. If you are interested in purchasing a single ticket or signing up as a table captain, email Kathryn Hunter at

MSGR. MORGAN HAS MOVED Msgr. John Mor-gan has moved to an assisted living facility and welcomes visitors. His address is 5815 Coffey St., #105, Garden City, Idaho 83714. His cell phone remains the same and his home number is 375-0478. He recently had a surgical procedure and his sister is requesting prayers.