bib stud

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Transcript of bib stud

  • 7/30/2019 bib stud


    Joseph F. Ramos BIBSTUD

    Gods Revelation June 6, 2012

    Having a personal relationship with our God is the most significant thing that happened in my life. That relationship

    changed everything.

    Past Life. When I was younger, Ive done many wicked things to my family, acquaintances, to girls, to GOD. Maybe I cant

    explain here in detail how evil those things were. Those were the times that every time problems arise I blamed God why

    all these things are happening not knowing that I am living on my own, that sin separated me from Him.

    Isaiah 59: 1-2 says Surely the arm of the LORDis not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities

    have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.

    That verse hit me. I learned that it is I that keeps on running away from God.

    God is a God of mystery. His nature is unfathomable . Isaiah 55:8-9 says For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neitherare your ways my ways,declares the LORD.

    As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your

    ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.Throughout history the Holy Scriptures provides evidences of his divine

    revelation to man- through soft or loud voice, burning bush, angels, prophets and others. He is also a relational God. And

    He chooses to reveal and disclose Himself to people who sincerely pursue authentic relationship with Him. My Christian

    life as a journey passionately pursues and discovers such desire. While my relationship with Him grows, personal

    transformation takes place.

    Transformed Life. The grace of God is sufficient and powerful. That how bad my past was His grace has always been

    there to welcome me. And that love of God just led me to repentance and fully surrendered my life to Him. Now, God has

    been revealing Himself to me also. It may not be identical the way He revealed Himself to Abraham, Moses, Jacob, but

    the authenticity and the availability of the bible plus the indwelling of the Holy Spirit strengthens and affirms my growing

    relationship and knowledge of Him.

    The ultimate revelation and representation of God particularly in the New Testament was Jesus Christ. He lived among us

    and maximized His life doing the will of the Father, humbling Himselfand became obedient to death--even death on the

    cross! His life exhibited a perfect expression of Gods love.

    Romans 5:8 says But God demonstrated his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

    Were it not for grace I can tell you whereIdbe Wandering down some pointless road to nowhere With my salvation up to

    me I know how that would go The battles I would face Forever running but losing this race Were it not for grace.