Audience questionnaire

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Audience questionnaire

In my group, I decided to send out my own questionnaire where I asked a total of 14

males and females a series of questions to do with the concept of horror. It has helped to give me a clearer idea of what to include in

the horror trailer.

Audience Questionnaire

What age group do you belong to?

Under 1515-2526-3536-55over 55

For this question, we asked the age of a selection of people to get an idea of what components to add into the horror piece. The majority of people were “15-25” which meant that we could include footage which would be suitable for someone from the age of 15.

What do you find the scariest aspect of a horror film?

unknownthe supernaturalentrapmentmusicother

In this question, we asked “what do you find the scariest aspect of a horror film?” and the vast majority of people said they found the unknown the

most terrifying. We have decided it will be a good idea to present a lot of unknown elements that will make the audience jump and surprise them.

Are you male or female?


We asked whether our audience was male of female for this question. Gender can have a big impact on a horror film as men and women stereotypically share different interests. Males are known to prefer the gore and violence more, while women stereotypically prefer more of a psychological plot line. This could substantially effect what we decide to base our horror trailer on.

Which are the most important qualities of a film for you?

it is excitingit is realisticit makes you think about something it makes you laughother

For this question we wanted to know what the vast majority of people found the most important quality in a successful film and the most popular answer was “it is exciting.” We are therefore going to create a lot of suspense in our trailer with a constant change in tempo of the music and fast shots to get the audiences heart racing.

What is your favourite location for horrors to be set in?

cityhaunted houseatticisolatedforestsunderwater

For this question we wanted to get an idea of what locations people found most appealing and in keeping for a horror piece. The results on this survey show that the attic is the most popular location. This doesn’t link in with the ideas we have been putting forward in the lesson for our trailer as we personally have found the location of a forest the best idea to take.

What do you like to see in horror trailers?

fast actioncliffhangerslack of infovoice overon screen text

I was interested to find out what exactly people like to see or hear in horror trailers, and the results show that fast action is the most popular answer. I am very happy with this result as I find fast action extremely appealing in horror trailers and I was planning on incorporating this and working a lot with pace throughout the trailer.

Do you use the internet to find out about films?


I asked this question as I wanted to know whether to put internet links onto the trailer and advertise it through the internet to get a bigger audience. These results show that I should use the internet as over half the people question have said they often use it to find out about films.

How often do you watch horror movies?


I decided to ask how often people watch horror movies because it gives a better idea of how popular they actually are nowadays. Luckily, over half the people questioned said that they often watch them which means it is likely that they would be very interested in seeing my horror trailer as well.