asteria Contemporanea

Post on 14-Jul-2022

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Transcript of asteria Contemporanea

PRIMAVERA asteria Contemporanea

ff§ at Jr'(f!f ined fflat!iatn dining experience !ed lby new

!Exerultve Sou§ Chef Hero§ de Ago§Un£§9 who over§ee§ at!!

off The IR.ttz-CatrUon9 !Bathrattn'§ ru!tnatry operatUon§o

!Feat!urtng atn 0§!ertat Conlempora1nea1 a1lmo§phere9

htgh!tghltng r!at§§ir ffla1!ta1n rertpe wtlh at modern lwi§!

atnd at ff oru§ on atu!henltr tmporled tngredten!§ from

na1!y9 !he new menu wU! unveU at refre§htng ga1§!ronomtr

!tneup !hat! tnr!ude§ §!atp!e§ §Urh at§ homematde pat§!at9

lbreatd atnd §7Perta1Uy dt§he§ !hat! §JPOUtght atn tnnova1Uve

!atke on the new !at§!e off fflat!Jlo

Chef Hero§ de Ago§ lint§ i§ atn tmpat§§ioned !eatder atnd

atn tngentou§ rheff with more !hatn 20 yeatr§ off expertenre

tn muUt Mtrhe!tn-§!atrred re§!aturatn!§ atnd !uxury hole!§

atround the wor!d who wt!! e!evat!e the ru!tna1ry

expertenre lby rrea1Ung at retnlerpreta1Uon off the na1!ta1n


•'7fta1!y hat§ matny dV}erent region§ atnd eatrh hat§ if§ own

dt§Uncct ff!atvour§ atnd §!y!e off prepatratUona Al !Prtma1vera19

U i§ my u!Umat!e goat! to !et diner§ ga1tn great! a1pprerta1Uon

off !hi§ untque9 dtver§e atnd a1ulhenltr ccut§tne9 promt§tng

at refined ru!tna1ry expertenre to rememlbera JJ

- Che] Hero§ de A(!o§!tnt§

!Buon Appeltlo!

Is a refined Italian dining experience led by new Executive Sous Chef Heros de Agostinis,who oversees all of The Ritz-Carlton, Bahrain’s culinary operations. Featuring an Osteria Contemporanea atmosphere, highlighting classic Italian recipe with a modern twist and a focus on authentic imported ingredients from Italy, the new menu will unveil a refreshing gastronomic lineup that includes staples such as homemade pasta, bread and specialty dishes that spotlight an innovative take on the new taste of Italy. Chef Heros de Agostinis is an impassioned leader and an ingenious chef with more than 20 years of experience in multi Michelin-starred restaurants and luxury hotels around the world who will elevate the culinary experience by creating a reinterpretation of the Italian traditions. Italy has many di˜erent regions and each has its own distinct flavours and style of preparation. At Primavera, it is my ultimate goal to let diners gain great appreciation of this unique, diverse and authentic cuisine, promising a refined culinary experience to remember. – Chef Heros de Agostinis

Buon Appetito!

PRIMAVERA asteria Contemporanea

Viteiio !onnai,fo Green beans. pickled Tropea, onions. capers

Cai,rpaicrio di manzo rrorrai,n!e Rucola. Umbria, black lrullle. dry-a,[!e pa,rmesa,n cheese

ffn§ai,lai,!ai, di mai,re White tomato mousse and Jine herbs

/Lai, !Burrai,!ai, Grilled avocado. conJil loma,lo and basil leaves

JPai,nzai,neUai, To§rai,nai, Grilled scallops wilh cucumber {lazpa,cho

Zuppai, di r&§!&gne Dried ceps and Piedmont (loa,l cheese

Spai,ghetto rai,do e pepe Sicilian red prawns. A mall i lemon

!Bo!foni di JPai,ppai, ai,l !Pomodoro Ravioli. Pa,ssa,la, di pomodoro and baked herbs ricotta,

T&(lliolini ai,li'@,§ftre Smoked a,ubeqJine. Sicilian oran{les and marjora,n

Imso!fo ai,ll zurrai, Alba, while lrullle and sla,r anise



ff2 I with lruff le 22









Antipasti Vitello tonnato 13 Green beans, pickled Tropea onions, capers

Carpaccio di manzo croccante 12 / with truffle 22 Rucola, Umbria black truffle, dry-age parmesan cheese

Insalata di mare 15 White tomato mousse and fine herbs

La Burrata 13 Grilled avocado, confit tomato and basil leaves

Panzanella Toscana 12 Grilled scallops with cucumber gazpacho

Pasta e Risotti

The Ritz-Carlton cannot guarantee that products are allergen-free or have been produced in an allergen-free environment. If you have any concerns regarding food allergies, please alert your server prior

to ordering. Prices shown are inclusive of service charge, government levy and VAT.

Zuppa di castagne 10 Dried ceps and Piedmont goat cheese

Spaghetto cacio e pepe 14 Sicilian red prawns, Amalfi lemon

Bottoni di Pappa al Pomodoro 12 Ravioli, Passata di pomodoro and baked herbs r icotta

Tagliolini all’astice 19 Smoked aubergine, Sicilian oranges and marjoran

Risotto all zucca 25 Alba white truffle and star anise All fresh pastas are homemade.

PR_IMAVER_A asteria Contemporanea

Me1r!uzzo ne1ro

Basil minestrone sauce. chili bread crust

T!rt(l!t& dU scog!to

CanneUtni beans. while truJJle and rosemary

f'Uelfo dU m&nzo !B~&ck Angus

Aubeq}ine pa,rmiatana. basil oil

Cosfo~elle d~gneUo

Baby artichokes a,Ua, Romana,

Cofo~effai, dt po~to ai,l~& Mtlai,nese

Chicken royal Milanese. mozzarella, cheese. black truffle

C81Irirel~o det ]OirffiiJJ,(l(lt

Cheese trolley with homemade Ji{} Jam and dried Jruil !bread

Gelai,ftnai, dt &Ir&nce dt Stctlt&

Oranf}e Jelly with BeqJamot ice cream and sweet basil pesto

S]eir& ght&cct&fai, &l J1ru!fo dell& pe]J,§sfone

Iced sphere of passion fruit. ManJari chocolate. !blueberry

He1ros· Sundai,y C&ke

flor di latte ice. chocolate sauce





(servinf! Jor 2) 55




(to share Jor 2) Ml

Main Courses Merluzzo nero 29 Basil minestrone sauce, chili bread crust

Triglia di scoglio 25 Cannellini beans, white truffle and rosemary

Filetto di manzo Black Angus 35 Aubergine parmigiana, basil oil

Costolette d’agnello 21 Baby artichokes alla Romana

Cotoletta di pollo alla Milanese (serving for 2) 55 Chicken royal Milanese, mozzarella cheese, black truffle

Dessert Carrello dei formaggi 14 Cheese trolley with homemade fig jam and dried fruit bread

Gelatina di arance di Sicilia 6 Orange jelly with Bergamot ice cream and sweet basil pesto

Sfera ghiacciata al frutto della passione 9 Iced sphere of passion fruit, Manjari chocolate, blueberry

Heros’ Sunday Cake 7 Fior di latte ice, chocolate sauce

Signature tiramisu trolley (to share for 2) 14

The Ritz-Carlton cannot guarantee that products are allergen-free or have been produced in an allergen-free environment. If you have any concerns regarding food allergies, please alert your server prior

to ordering. Prices shown are inclusive of service charge, government levy and VAT.

PllIMAVEllA asteria Contemporanea

Cai,rpai,rrto dt mai,nzo rrorrai,nfe Crispy bee] carpaccio. rocket leaves. Umbria black truJ]le. dry-a{}ed parmesam

§pai,ghe!U dt Grai,gnai,no Cacio and Pepe. Sicilian red prawns

IR.tsoilo ai,iiai, zurrai, Pumpkin risotto. Alba truffle. star anise

Tirtgitai, dt srogito Red mullet cannellini beans. white tru]Jle

IHieros · §unaai,y rai,ke Fior di laUe tee. chocolate sauce


Truffle Tasting Menu Carpaccio di manzo croccante

Crispy beef carpaccio, rocket leaves, Umbria black truffle, dry-aged parmesan °

Spaghetti di Gragnano Cacio and Pepe, Sicilian red prawns


Risotto alla zucca Pumpkin r isotto, Alba truffle, star anise


Triglia di scoglio Red mullet, cannellini beans, white truffle


Heros’ Sunday cake Fior di latte ice, chocolate sauce

Petit fours


The Ritz-Carlton cannot guarantee that products are allergen-free or have been produced in an allergen-free environment. If you have any concerns regarding food allergies, please alert your server prior

to ordering. Prices shown are inclusive of service charge, government levy and VAT.