Academic Thesis on James Joyce

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Transcript of Academic Thesis on James Joyce

  • 7/29/2019 Academic Thesis on James Joyce


    The elaboration of the dynamic concussions a nicens, little, squawking, hovering w

    ayfarer of a protagonist of the pale space of sky above be liable to in the winds eye,

    over the dozing sentinels, the wandering rocks, those vinous and clenched-fisted

    convives, Joyce once knew as nahireannaigh. Please attend! Looks like rain. Better

    close the window. Just so.

    Written by: Martin Dun Cow Consultant:Dr. Susan Rawlinson

    Pannon University

    Department of English Linguistics and Literature

    May, 2008
  • 7/29/2019 Academic Thesis on James Joyce



    Chapter 1

    0. Introductory words viz. the lashes of the Joycean subversian gust ............................1

    I. The most fundamental code restituting the formation of Stephen Dedalus life(Away, away!)

    1. For heat abatement turn right 45 Degrees!.................................................................7

    2..So far! So good! The tough go making an epoch-making feller.................................12

    Chapter 2

    I. Contemplations from the crows nest of a far-off posture............................................ .18

    II.In the dusty wake of the those long-ago paternal remonstrances(with an infantile Stephen peeping out from under the vault of the table with a cunningly

    screwed-up, far-sighted eye).......... .........................................................................................19

    III. Wedged between the wandering rocks incarnated by the churchand state ever-roaring on the Irish territorial waters

    (with the infantile then afully-fledgedStephen tariffed by Dantes childrhyme of a stricture).................................................................................................................................................25

    IV. On the fringe of the line with eyes weak and watery(with a clongowean Stephen in the possession of the leases of a revealing visuality).........28

    1. Tap. Tap. Taptaptap. Tap.Taptap.2. On the fence of the self-imposed detachement at zero altitude

    a) Pronto, pronto, Mrs Fatica! Put me through to his brittle psyche

    b) Glass him with car, lady! Rathe rinvite us to go up-stage of what came to be depicted!c)Eluriating the universal residue. Ahaa! Clear as mud!d) Being adrift on the hazy waterway of fiction. Whom ya are at aiming, my luv?

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    Chapter 3

    I.The self-devouring perfidies of unleashed poltergeists with battering rams, pounding(with a clongowean Stephen and the hundred and odd students stooping, poring over)

    1. A copious but systematic view of an abduction .....................................................................38.

    2. Into the ashes of a charred stuble field................................................................................... 41.

    3 The consummation of a squalid and advanced imbroglio.........................................................43.

    II. The ordinary (Irish) mans bane of existence

    1. Booze-made ups. Or fortune knocks. The latter not. I believe ....................................................47.

    2. An analogous hawthornian distress of being excommunicated from society.............................50

    3. The coruscating countenances of the ever-roaring scolds of church and state under the ivy-twined branches of ther chandelier..........................................................................................52.

    4.A history of betrayals, of eloquent inactivity,of absurd and narrow belief...................................56



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  • 7/29/2019 Academic Thesis on James Joyce


    I am poised to devote my thesis to the elaboration of the manifold respects what make

    James Joyces novel entitled The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man such an influental and

    emblematic work of the modernist movement and classic of the whole subsequent prose-

    writing assembly.

    The body of the work is meant to be divided into three parts. The first part is to

    commence with the explication of what the possible reasons and motives were that compeled

    Joyce to defect to the Continent as his fictional character, Stephen Daedalus mellowed the

    same decision in his conscience by the windup scene of this autobiographical story. By opting

    for the family name, Daedelus Joyce yields to his predilection of putting the representation of

    his stories and characters on Greek mythological grounds. I also stop several time to look at

    the fence seeking the possible resemblances relative to the cunning Greek artificerss and the

    man of tortuous letters, Joyces relative missions as ethnically and intellectually independent

    wayfarers of self-assertive and self-defining innovation, being on a special embassy, once

    managed to get the trusses of autocratic and grappling censors off their wings and sallied

    forth in search of the wherewithals to make a solo act of the process of their personal and

    elevating consummation as self-reliant artificers, creators.

    Through the analysis of the elected paragraphs the follow-up part aims at representing

    above all those regards that cast a light upon Joyces manner in intelinking the curlicued

    threads of a story representing a newly-fledged perception of the world around, a discernment

    triggered by an unprecedented attitude of the modernists, towards the operations and

    inspirations of the authormind and mission . While doggedly following his protagonists

    scents, wavering ahead of him, concussed by the blows a delicate and impressionable psyche

    driven by the counterrotating cog-wheels of excessive responsiveness is subject to be seized

    with, Joyce also lets the momentous historical, religious and political interferences infiltrate

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    into the pores of the text . Furthermore, opting for his protagonists grappling conscience to

    be the major associating nucleus in the process of assimilation of the events, he in fact lays

    the foundations, nay the raison dere of those techniques and achievements appearing on the

    stage, subsequently, of his grandiose work, entiteld Ulysses, that tremendously corroborates

    his and the rest of the modernists convictions concerning the uncanny, unequivocal potentials

    of the conjured-up forces of the consciousness of the author in the course of the arrangement

    of the reality of experience in tiers for the millions time. The voice of statically

    reverberating interior monologues, the soliloquies and dialogues told by surrogate narrators I

    constantly go halves with throughout the narrative process on the one hand came to be

    employed on the firm grounds of the tribute I wished to pay to the arch founders, of these

    mold-breaking means above all to Joyce. On the other hand, more importantly to me, while

    unraveling the curlicued line of my pensive analysis, I could not help but acnkowledge that

    after Joyces novel of great reverence, the Ulysses, there is by no means a chance for one,

    once involved in a writing process, not to give free reins, every now and then, to the

    tremendously affluent bonanza of ideas, associations and deliberations of ones psyche that

    incontrollably stream, being the flotsam and jetsam of the associative and sensationally

    profuse but irrationally taut fabric of the human mind, in the heat of moulding the

    consummative and ultimate track of result of his hissing train of thoughts.

    Finally, the third part is devoted to the overview of the Irish tagged with the voice of

    the reverent writer himself, pondering , as a cosmopolotian and independent and renowned

    writer the past, present and future of a folk, he is as obsessed with as an inveterate one with

    the long-forgotten relish of bourdon distillations.

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    0. Inroductory words, viz the lashes of the Joycean subversive gust

    (Marty, now, works both ways. There ya go. The latter better though. Just so.)

    At first blush.Flushed your auntie mine not. Recap that. As you were! At first blush

    Joyces protagonists actual defecting to neutral and distant lands that held out the legacy of

    boundlessness an epoch-making talent was entitled to appears to be a bit of a betrayal of the

    fundamental principles relative to someone who was so solicitious about the ailments and

    encumbrances of his race. Paradoxically enough, it was Stephens recoil from serving in

    which he no longer believed, his consorting with his own peremptory, renegade and

    cosmopolitan dictates and his sallying forth towardsthe mode of life whereby his spirit could

    express itself in an unfettered freedom (James Joyce: A Portrait of The Artist as a Young

    Man Penguin Modern Classics p.246) what was the momentous prerequisite for him in

    originating an array of multi-faceted prose works of horrendous innovative power. Thats the

    card.Gomaire t!(1.) The yellow. The right played card. Away from home ground Joyce

    that eye-patched buccaneer of a referee booked the English for the fouls on his compatriots.

    O I mean his ceardchumainna. That you roaring what it is sassenach fans? Translate then!

    Leath-dall seo roteoir s! (2.) Fair-faire!(3.). Spectacles for the referee! Unbiassed one we

    demand! Right well that true is not all you know well. He tends amatory in the first

    defamatory in the second half to be. Two-edged this is a whistler of a referee. He but then

    conscience-arbiter once consciousness-booster was. For his team deuce he diagnosed after

    deuce in the long run though. Into the ring when transferred to the guest team Diarmad

    dropped his hat! With Diarmad the primal foul lies, Eire-frondeurs!Admhil! (4.)

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    Then again, it was his shaking the dust off his feet in due course assuming the identical

    obligation his maker, the irascible Joyce took upon at the same time of his life that enabled

    him to contemplate his native land from a due distance and caused his prophecies about

    forging the uncreated conscience of his race (p.253) to reach a personal fulfilment. Wonder

    whether in fill that not double l. Better check upon that. Tout le suit(5.). One does hear here

    and there that gaulish wordy. Better not use. Its like at once or something. French are good

    servants but bad masters. Trianon. Avengers. Thatle mot juste (6.) is. With a stroke of a pen.

    Exceptionnellenment blessures(7.). All one. Have nice equal days! Yours fraternally! Marty.

    P.S. : Ishove you, though! Now. Fulfillment. And. Fulfilment. There are both ways about it.

    There ya are. Latter better though. Just so. Futhermore, the gust of the Joycean literary output

    he passed down to us bears testimony to such an subversive potency, under the load of which

    the dome of prose-writing- getting plated with hairline cracks-caved letting its lashes slam

    into the nave of the literary world. The strident, wuthering, rampageous sweep careering

    around made almost all his contemporaries, readers and critics want to hump shoulders,

    huddle up, keep their ears stopped and their eyes twitched waiting for the aerial affray of the

    presence of one of the most influential vanguard artists of all time to spend itself. Passably

    good that is. The sharp is word. Come along. He can posthumously be credited with whipping

    such a thunderhead of new conceptions and techniques that even in these days and shall also

    continue to hover around and precipitate on his adherents.Zap!Sounds like an epoch-making

    guru, by jove! Sure brd (8.) you are to have been ofim, Nora! Wheny seeingy thaty gaelicy

    wordy my hearty didy jumpy soy closey ity beingy toy they magyary wordyBrdy. Another

    folk long last I found toiling with ccnts. Alas! And with his own kinsmen. Hollo! Snad

    OConnor and Republic of Loose. Prsnt time tht is nd still lose thm Irsh re. Their

    being loose is a grist for Snads and other artists mill though. The Cranberries. Better

    continue Mr. Circuitous on duty. It was on account of his far-off position and the detached-

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    service warrant that he granted himself what really caused his mind to prey constantly upon

    the country he left for good and all, upon the Ireland that in the first place yielded the

    particular literary predecessors who came short of attaining the independence Joyce sought

    for and whom his artistic self-assertion was moulded by (1.). Then again, it was the Irish

    plight itself that fashioned his soaring and detachment-seeker imagination into what it became

    by having it wedged between the wandering rocks incarnated by the church and state ever-

    roaring on the Irish territorial waters.The direct bearings the (mal) functionings of these latter

    two entities have on the individuals and exclusively on Stephens life persistently seep

    through the drape of the text. It is small wonder, therefore that in the course of his tte-a-tte

    with Cranly in the last chapter, when all is said and done, it is the supremacy of his Fatherland

    and his Church that he emphatically denominates as the major dual ideological fetters that

    stymie him turning loose his innovative spirit. His Fatherland and his Church are the two-ply

    swaddling-bands that are to be sloughed off for keeping the wings of his much-sought-after

    maturity as an autonomous artificer trussed. Stephen is hell-bent on setting off on a voyage

    towards the consummation of his artistry actuating the cogs of his creative fancy once having

    graduated from the self-established institute of his exultant and terrible youth (p. 253). The

    idiosyncratic machinery of the creative retrieval of the artists default drive datas of

    experience has already become operative in his brain in testimony whereof it is rather

    sufficient for one just to evoke the timbre in his diary in the very last chapter. It comes as

    statically as that of the unhitched Bird of Prey blissfully squawking once having succeeded in

    cutting himself loose from the constraints of a life in the Falconers aviary intending to

    encounter the millionth time the reality of experience (p. 253) and shrieking most fervidly:

    Away, away (p. 253.).It is in that manner that the consciousness of a sovereign and self-

    contained individual reverberates saturated with the unabated ambition pertaining to

    somemone, who has already made a lunge forward to forge in the smithy of his soul the

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    uncreated conscience of his race (p. 253) and who is, once in ascension, to assimilite his

    own multifarious woes (2.) with and absorb them into those of his suffering countrymen

    (p.253). Okie doak! Nice of him to think of his house and home. Gnail dilach (9.) this

    Joyce was. I mean that Stephen. Dropped a brick, chap! Undo that not ya can! So?

    Doppelgangers the writers the protagonists are. Tell me about it. By gum! Too early though

    that blueberry flavor worn off. Wrigleys. Costs little and last long. Healthful, delicious,

    refreshing. Tell the marines to that! Brumma, brumma! Brummagem ware! Cost though a

    finger but just seconds till it linger! Haw-haw! Mouth-full, malicious, malingering

    schlockmeisters rubble-gum! Brumma! Brumma-gum! Haw-haw! Knock that off, zany! Okie!

    1.The most fundamental code restituting the formation of Stephen Dedalus life

    (Away, away!)

    1.For heat abatement turn right 45 Degrees!

    The most fundamental code that may imply the possible mission and identity allotted to

    the protagonist and shepherd us readers in the process of restituting the formation of Stephen

    Dedalus life in conformity with the significance and reverence Joyce had towards his youth-

    self is contained in the opening citation Et ignotas animum dimittit in artes, that is, And he

    sets his mind to work upon unknown arts. Rendering Ovids Methamorphoses the source

    from where he originated his cursive motto (3.), letting what appears to be the representative

    and synthetic statement of his main characters destiny be second to the bastard title in

    predence Joyce reasserts our back-page-presuppositions concerning Stephen Dedalus

    presumptive similitude of any sort with his mythological namesake, the cunning artificer,

    Daedelus, who is the archetypal personification of the architect. As touching the walk of life

    of the Greek sculptor, though being compelled, he also went into exile once having murdered

    his nephew on the score of the jealousy the relatives bidding potentials to carry the world

    before him as a sculptor had fomented in him. It is the island of Crete, more specificially the

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    court of King Minos, where the skillful inventor establishes a foothold subsequently. Ha!

    Rings the holidays-bell! If had only me and hon just come across with that final fling to

    Rhodes last summer. Too true to be good would it have been. Island of roses. Practically zero

    climate rate. Would that! No use crying. Off Daedalus went to Crete. Sure no flies were on

    that bloke. Wonder at all they back then used lolly. Remember seeing them drachmas at that

    auction? A proposito! Receiving 13 month pays on Friday. Whee! Gonna buy one good Ouzo

    bottle to Deadalus good health! As the myth has it he proceeded to construct an artificial

    cow for Queen Paiphae who having let the baits of a feral delict gnaw at her heart had coveted

    a semi-divine bull and wished to have her cravings contented. His second creation, the far-

    famed Labyrinth then was devised to barricade and keep out of sight the freak of nature

    evolved from that passionate but bestial tryst, the half-man-half-bull progeny, called

    Minotaur. The hero Theseus arrived in the island to the end to make away with the quadruped

    monstrosity. Daughter of Minos, Ariadne, her heart seizured, yielding it to the doughty

    fighter, langourously requested Daedelus to hold out a hand to him, to uphold him in

    executing his remarkable feat of effacing the behemoth, the longing for its execution being

    triggered by the juggernaut of the calling of the heroic mold he was cast in, and having it

    annealed by embers of the passion he had conceived but gallantly harbored. The man of

    unremitting creativity, Daedalus, conceding, had his good grip on the situation by counselling

    Theseus to unravel a ball of thread on his centerward bound into the maze guaranteeing a

    secure itinerary on his way out throughout the sinuous trails of the Labyrinth indicated by the

    wool left behind afore. Success attending his efforts in waylaying and slaying what was the

    malformed incarnation of a felonious craving howling in an insensate dolor forsaken by their

    parents, the triumphant bravo pressed on abducting his sweetheart Ariadne and absconded

    from the place of his pitched battle with all speed.Ahoy! All is airin love and war. Hot air.

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    Those monsters bte-noires (10.) of ours are. See for yourself those gibbose contorting

    bugaboos. The tin-eyed snare-jawed Shark. The Hunchback. And the Beast. The gawky,

    bening-visaged Manatees. The bung-headed Nessie. Same they are. The same humpy oafish

    slimy bastards ceasessly, self-loathingly whining with us not hunkering by their snuffling,

    hunched-up torsos, plaintively droning in dens, in morasses, in burrows, in thickets or

    undersea. Blast from the past. Two bulls came full butt. Watched their glazed, martyred eyes,

    bloodshot temples once on telly. Hey, guys, is there anything good on telly tonight? Psht.

    Where your eyes are? Seeing them toros I remember to kill did they want each other, just

    picadores (11.) wishing to escape. Barbed arrowheads. Corrida de toros (12.). Alas! Mine

    heart goes out. Once found, not we let them henious lusus natures furrowfacedly slouch off

    but shiftily hoodwink we them dangling the capote (13.) of a guilty, perverse conscience,

    until, mesmerized, on our proud blade of sword they fall. Them we did beget! We, Paiphaes!

    Them we do destroy! We, toreros (14.). Diabolical circle. All one. Keep moving! To say it

    suffice, to elude having his and his courts reputation tarnished by the circumstances of the

    dispatch of the ignominious monster and to get even with the astute architect for collaborating

    with the knavish abductor King Minos, enraged, mandated that Daedalus and even his son

    Icarus be interned in this devious gyration of a prison. It was his dire state of being made

    incapacitated in captivity and devoid of all the capital assets of his craft that set Daedalus

    ingeniuity off. Ooh, is that not nice? Inspiration triggered by being fastened. Dead ringer for

    that Greek cove of a genius is this protagonist of a wit, Brother Stevo. A wow! When the

    goings get tough the tough goes taking wings! Huzza! You, clear for takeoff, Brthair

    Pdraig(15.), too! By using wax and feathers as utility waste in piecing together wings for

    them to fly with Daedalus makes good of his and his sons escape from their sinuous

    oubliette (16.).Away, Away! Szknk a sttsg ell. Falakon trohanunk (17.).Someone

    tuned up. At Kennedy Space Center? Here? A valedictory tune? We have main

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    engines starts. Just, you son, upwards look and your weight pull! After him! 4-3-

    2-1-0 and liftoff! Liftoff of the 25th Space Shuttle Mission!

    Hark! The baobab-pated Rzsis crystal sheer-voice what hear I through the solid rocket

    boosters. Hol on! This late bird, his crows-feet dimmed by Gucci sunglasses, who I envision

    rise through the canopy of this stage-smoke, caterwauling. Challenger is now

    heading down range. A szabadsg vndorai. Felhkrl lbat lgatunk. Ezek mi

    vagyunk (18.).The Greeks, once in ascension, enter into what comes out to be Icaros and

    Deadalus firmamental dialog:

    - TWA 2341. My, TusslingWestboundAlbatross of a son! For heat abatement

    turn right 45 Degrees!

    - Tower! My controlling, soaring father of towering intellect! Haw-haw! Flying

    I am flying! At 35, 000 feet I am. Hail to thee lurid starts! Oops a loop! Hail to thee sullen

    planets! Oops other twos! Haw-haw! Heaving with alarums and excursions my bosom is!

    Agog with curiosity, I wonder, how much heat can I make up here, huh?- O, Son, have you ever felt the swelter a TWA makes when it hits the SUN 474?

    My, TusslingWestboundAlbatross of a wanton son! Shun! TheSeethingUmberNebulae of a

    celestial orb is getting on the soft side of yours! As a mean of egress, irated, my airborne

    one, I counsel to careen your camber lines, then and there, and to assuage, while your flying

    is good!

    - Mine wings as yours, soaring father, waxed are with the same brush! Haw-haw!

    Fear me not! Boon! Mine companion fluttering of a father! Out thou a holy boon taken when

    let thou us get abroad unto heavenly spheres! Sakes! Oops a loop! Haw-haw! Light as mine

    heart is a feather! We art like cart-wheeling pterodactyls, preening baboons making ours

    wing warm on the high rope under the Godheads wary eye!

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    However, in the fever of elation brought about the rapture of drawing nearer the flaming

    nest of a sun, Icaros, flushed, in an unguarded moment, oblivious to the fact that in effect tiny

    wax-drops glint on the assembly marks on his fluttering wings swerves too close and flares

    wildly up like a fired straw. Will I blind struck! Mine son! Where thou art? Flight

    controllers here looking very carefully at the situation . Say

    away Nesbitt! For what bound has my Tussling Albatross of a son been for?Obviously a

    major malfunction. We have no downlink.Koyaniisquatsi! (19.) Broad and

    resplendent billows on its toes I behold earthbound and heavenwards, in this galactic

    amphitheatre sullen planets wobble on sagging trajectories. None I see voidbound of my

    wanton albatross of a son. Hear them cherubs join in the late birds chorus around the

    celestial rotunda.Addg mg gy van. Azt se tudjuk mg.Vagy l? Holt-e? (20.) After a pause,

    at length, Nesbitt said: We have report from the Flight Dynamics

    Officer that the vehicle had exploded. Alack, alack! Most Supreme and

    Serene Artificer of all! , , (21.)mybeloved son?Most High God! I adjure

    you do not torment him! To Thou let a warning that be! A trepidant servant from! I undone

    am! Utter ululation utter thou vacillating lips, utter! From earliest annals extant that reach

    back to these times we know that his sepulchral mound Icaros underwater finds then. Drifting

    within the currents with the scarlet stare of the cauterized orbs embedded in the death mask of

    the wizened, parched swabs of an extinguished face he pitches and rolls through the villi of

    the seas stomach with his singed stumps for the once-ambitious, youthfullimbs resembling

    the buds of inchoate antlers on the heads of alert and juvenile fawns. When found, actived

    Judith A. Resniks PEAP was. My,my learnedDaedalus, hey friend! An nl bhfuair glicgo

    leor? (22.) Where, if any, Icarospersonalegress airpack is? If it is not asking too much.

    Hope not. Eternal springs.

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    2. So far! So good! The tough go making an epoch-making feller.

    Beyond the quite unambigous parallel drawn on the grounds of their respective shrewd,

    perceptive and innovative attributes one wonders whether the architect and Joyce-Stephen

    bear further instances of likeness to each other in other respects. Also, they both were induced

    at a certain period of their life to put the whole output of their accrued erudution to use with a

    view to be able vacate the state of affairs they were embroiled in saying good riddance to

    them for good and all. Then again, they also have the aphrodisiac of jealousy to give a fillip to

    their hearts. One grants that Joyces envy merely manifested itself in the cache of green-eyed

    glances that he glazed her wife, Nora for life and did not hone the blades of a murderous

    intent in his clenched fists. Yet besides their innate gift and vulpine resourcefulness, their

    unrivalled and incontestable excellence in creative inventiveness even their harboring the

    leaven of jealousy among their sentiments offers a common ground for a further constrasting

    deliberation. On this showing, there is the woman for whom Stephens autobiographical

    counterpart Joyces heart-burning tended to flare up, whom he set forth on a voyage into theunknown with to overhear the tales of his distant kinsmen (p. 253). Nora. Nora Barnacle,

    the acquintance of whom Joyce made in the region of the time of his pitching into writing A

    Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, into framing Stephens character as someone whom he

    could entrust the years of his being footloose and fancy-free to. To this delicate and touchy

    youngster, around whom he could get the winds spring up once again that would rush up

    whizzing in the chimneys of belvederian infirmaries, letting it snap at and ruffle his hair

    interspersing it with the beach-sand of past saunters, and of the blazing whispers of amorous

    assignations on tram-steps, sun-drenched roundabouts or of luscious connivances in warm

    and lightsome rooms with a huge doll sitting with her legs apart in a copious easy-chair (p.

    101). Have done! Move on! Wish for the words to be bayonet stabs of a staccato mind. Where

    is that Brendas line of document? Saving I remember onto desktop. Better check upon that.

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    in the dancing multitudes of that lightsome room of the past, and slowly, vertiginous, with a

    heaving bosom, falling into a swoon, to her guests, and her guards, thepawns, false

    dismay, flocking together, wagging their heads. Parnell my dead king! Parnell. Whats he

    that got to do with all? Not much. Read it umpteenth times though. Take it from me. Ay, better

    move on. Where left you it off? Upper, Marty! Right at Trieste and stuff.

    Marshalled onto the Istrian Peninsula by well-wishers where seemed to be a post in store

    for him in a school that was just about to open up its gates he got as far as the town of Pula.

    (9.) When the Irishman is found ouside of Ireland in an another environment, he very often

    becomes a respected man. No one who has any self-respect stays in Ireland, but flees afar as

    though from a country that has undergone the visitation of an angered Jove (10.). The

    likeness over again is in evidence as Daedelus and Joyce both are veritable cosmopolitans

    brimming with their self-reliant, customized dictates, being their own independent-spirited,

    substantive masters. Just as deftly as the double-dyed Daedelus, on the run from his angered

    Jove, Minos, managed cyclically to survive did Joyce dig his foot in again and again while

    travelling up Europe embodying the racially discrete, nay versatile self, who belongs not to

    aon tr (24.)or nation steering clear of ever being encamped or roots-abiding or nested. (11.)

    The quiescent period lasted no longer for the legendary Greek hero since King Minos, having

    made a resolve to lay hold of his one-time polymath, started hunting high and low for him

    scheming to con Daedelus into revealing his identity. Minos, Minos, you, however, did not by

    just mere report know Daedalus. Minos, matey, ya frustrated me! Ought to know him better.

    Him, the unthwartable fire-eater appearing on the scene of his own side-show. Just look!

    When challenged to cypher out the mysterious task put forward by Minos about threading a

    spiral seashell Cocalus volunteered Daedalus for solving the enigma. The Kastor-like whizs

    adroitness in having a recourse to the age-old modus of giving a sop to cerberus, he held out a

    dribblet of a honey with an ant whom he allowed to make its way through the convoluted

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    route for it with the greatest of ease. His doing so is rather on par with Joyces subsequent

    bringing off the coup by working his way through the ever-meandering helix of his stupefying

    vision vis--vis humankind in Ulysses, hand over fist.Hem! Christening his fictional alterego

    Daedelus, rendering him the paragon for Stephen and invoking the old artificer to stand

    him now and ever in good stead (p. 253), Joyce, in a way, also warrants the success of the

    future prosperity of his protagonist as a full-fledged and self-supporting literary inventor in

    undertaking the large order of forging in the smithy of his soul the uncreated conscience of

    his race (p. 253). By the example of the contrivance and resourcefulness Daedalus talents

    and audaciousness bore testimony to Joyce sets and prognosticates such an exuberant futurity

    for Stephen, and in effect for himself, that answers his notions about the formation of the

    fecund and torrential carrier envisioned. And lo and behold, in a few years time, while

    begetting the great novel of the century and causing Mr. Blooms and his companions

    vertiginous adventures in the turmoil of the modern city of Dublin to correspond to Odysseus

    prowling on the churning seas of the precious myth we see Joyce just as adeptly amplify and

    interlace the cryptically reverberating tones of the internal hubbub of human experience

    through the stream of his personaes generative consciousness as Daedelus did thread the

    string of inventiveness through Minoscolumella.

    Humph! Minos, Minos! Wo! Anybody in? Hullo? It is in one ear that here Cocalus

    daughter, the gingerish, svelte pixies cohere by your embrasure?! Shalala lala it is us

    purring and sniggering for the road! Risen shine! Bath-duds on, snappy! You, patties you

    tucked your malleus away, sad Greco? Not can you hear us? Shalala lala Old Sweat!

    Shalla shall-we to your aid come? In finding yours breeches in the morning?Shalalalala,shalala lala just for you just for now but then lettus in! In-in! In the

    eveningtoo much Deadalus was for you! Bang! Bygones! Do you not be in the sulks. Oh

    com and rather into redolent, spumy waters lower with us yourself! Oh oh! Oh-ought to

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    have known that foxy trotter of an artificer better! Bibolous-nosed Minos! Outwit did you

    Daedalus? So? Let not be that for a cause the mourning! Shalala! Come alon n in the

    baths join carousing hands with us, glamor sisters! The renowned Ippolit and Sonia are and

    their hulla-hooping succor musicking in the chiming clock, together who they are the

    Vengaboys called. Shalala! May theirs lays hither lull your fatiqued senses!

    Thereinto, come, the bath-cum-musichall, where those zithered singers vaudeville run its

    lilting course andfall with us into the waters. Comon, pop, let your heart go shalalalike

    the wise ours do lalala.

    Minos, inveigled, had made a wayward night of those lalala-summons of Camicus

    conscupiscent daughters to the baths only to finish off by yielding his soul up to their

    beckoning daggers cutthroat rustle, the moments of which was sequential to the court

    festivals staged apropos of Daedalus masterly disposal of what seemed to be Minos

    inextricable conundrum. In the midsts of all that Daedalus arrived in Sardinia as well as Joyce

    did in France, where these restless commuters of daedal artistry came to find their last berths.

    Let be that for a cause the mourning! May the twofold cries (p.225) ofsoaring hawks lull

    hither your fatiqued senses, strokes of genius

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    I. Contemplations from the crows nest of a far-off posture

    Just as redundantly as a light satin evening gowns of the well-to-do is adorned with gold

    scrolls and squiggles is the whiteness of these pages of the novel strewn with references

    offering substantial and revelatory insights into the ecclesiastical and political dealings of the

    Ireland of Joyces and sundry prior eras. The object I have proposed to myself henceforward

    is to show down the debit cards of those regards throughout this ravishing retrospective of a

    novel that Joyce used to give an account of the mercurial dynamism of his protagonists

    sensitive mental constitution and of his specific psychic treatment of those societal, familial or

    personal events of daily occurence peculiar to a sensuous temperament. No small matter.

    Time is the nurse and breeder. Still. Looks like rain. Better close the window. Just so. I am

    intent upon flashing episodes of Stephens personal evolution in his tailoring his congenitaland prostrating sensitivity into the creative potential that ended up making him giddy with the

    thirst for regenerating the long-standing narrative techniques and the conventions of the

    literary reconnaissance of the world around yielding ground to his vision of universal nature

    about the Irish fate and affiliations. Sudden stab around throat. What that is? This turn whose

    is? An atom ant is adamant. Dad, thuswise you would call me. Bat then for me at Sweet

    Hanna to kindly conceive that what defy carcinoma! The magic larynx! Rose-tinted. Without


    Manoeuvred along deliberately in a peculiar pell-mell manner my analysis is intended to

    blow up a number of negative proofs exposing glimpses of the elastic deformation of a novel

    that exhibits the distinct transactions and peregrinations of a protagonist, who as hastily drops

    Joyces shadowy modernist settings off just to reappear at some, the-least-expected angle as

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    runaway school children straggle along the playing-fields in recess. Drift of dusts.

    Hullabaloo. Twirling souffle of crowing colorous jackets. In pursuance of this objective I am

    also poised to elaborate upon those subtle interrelations that the highlighted episodes bring in

    their train. Zounds! Any more you have? Pending the time of this final solidification in

    resolution and creativeness and of the steadfastness of his purpose, we are provided with the

    development of an artist fighting through his way beset with the tangles and intricacies that

    apparent and discernible for those with the aforementioned sensitivive mental constitution.

    That his process of maturation is what I was above all concerned with. Apart from the flashes

    of assurance spawned by the sense of vocation and of the awakening geniality it is the

    intoverted Stephens ceaseless being at grips with the putative or real griveances and private

    wrongs, he believes himself subject to that primarily determines the protagonists prevalent

    states of mind in the course of the proceedings. By the same token, it is Joyces uncanny

    ability in merging into his protagonists rich and circumstantial preoccupations and the

    coverage he imparts us about Stephens clandestine ruminations that warrant the most

    taintless phases throughout the pages of the novel irradiating the shimmery flotsam and

    jetsam of a grappling psyche. The accentuation of the importance of the tribulation that

    sustains the creative elaboration of ordinary events for an artist and brought about by the

    concussions of his delicate and impressionable psyche driven by the counterrotating cog-

    wheels of overreaction can be caught in the recurrent acts of Joyces assembling the parts of

    his story while edging along the path beaten by sensitive Stephens wobbling ahead. Please

    attend! An excerpt from a Joyce-poem excellently mirrors the aforesaid, the troubled waters

    of the incongruous sentiments an artist ladles his inspiration out. The sly reeds whisper to the

    night a name-her name and all my soul is a delight, a swoon of shame.(12.) At the very start

    Stephens recess under the table is sufficiently evocative of what I would term as thepupation

    cycle of the to-be work of art. Once being closeted himself away in his personal, self-imposed

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    isolation with a view to be able to keep his own council over whatever has passed and is to be

    bemoaned Stephen also gains the outer ears and extraneous eyes of the distant and objective

    view.Justify! When exactly? Right now! Good! I remain convinced that this exterior position

    is what is imperative for an artist, in the present instance for Stephen, that is, his shoving off

    of the scene of life and his subsequent contemplation from the crows nest of the far-off

    posture is what makes admissible for him to envelop the imprint of the reality of experience

    (p. 253) into the cocoon of his creative imagination, the imprint, that then will attain full

    growth in the course of the ensuing phase of the actual composition. You sure? Aye. Just look.

    Stephens recurrent assuming extrinsic stances are leitmotives in the novel. Again, from a

    certain standpoint, the process of writing is all about recapturing the reminiscences of the

    empirical formula of the world conditioned by ones former involvement. More exact be. Or

    else, properly speaking, the importance ofbeing presentwith the mind of the outsideris what

    is the intrinsic prerequisite for an author. Bingo! In my eye, the negative of the image of

    existence deposited in the sharpened senses of this outsider, who in effect transubstantiates to

    be an insider, starts pulsating in his carotid while being posteriorly printed off in the current

    of the actual creation.

    II. In the dusty wake of the those long-ago paternal remonstrances

    (with an infantile Stephen peeping out from under the vault of the table withacunningly screwed-up, far-

    sighted eye)

    Catching the first glimpse of him, consequently, in the halo of the illuminating pierheads

    of his own one-time infancy Joyce commences on unreeling Stephens story with portraying

    him peep out from under the table fighting shy of making an apology and incurring the

    corresponding dreadful plague on himself: getting his eyes carved out by ravens and eaten by

    eagles. The germ of his conscientious reluctance already reared its head here, at the very

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    portals of his succeding accomplishment in becoming a self-asserting individual.Right-o! Let

    us conjure now up the locale where the resigning artist with the mellow resolution in his heart

    and the new, second-hand clothes (p. 253) arrayed in a neat order in his portmanteau is last

    recoiled from ascension in the confluence of the white arms of roads and the black arms of

    tall ships, (p. 252) listening to the noise of many waters far below, flowing to and fro(13.).

    Envision the full-blown artist who is just about to gather headway forward where the

    murmuring tales and closing embraces of distant nations(p. 252) inveigle him from.Purely

    it is like that JA-poem. On an onerous arrival. Gee! Fit then that in. Imagine him as he

    sztnz merengve s okos fejvel biccent, nem reml (Attila Jzsef: Remnytelenl). If

    Ireland is to become a new Ireland she must first become European. Joyce puts these words

    into Padraic Colums mouth in the first act ofExiles and now when we see Stephen standing

    at the end of the road abandoning himself to be shrouded and be torn away by the shadow of a

    moocow of his ever-wistful longings a strange sense of deja vu seems to overcome us,

    readers. Namely, that the other end of this white arm of a road shimmers in the mirage of past

    reminiscences of a nicens little boy named baby tuckoo (p. 7) who would walk arm-in-arm

    with his father at languorous saunters hearkening to his stories about the supernatural, white

    cow referred to as moocow. It takes children across to a realm where they are alleviated and

    relieved of the trifling restraints and enslavements of childhood and miraculously schooled as

    heroesbefore theyre returned to their flabbergasted parents. (14.) Amen. So be it. Welcome,

    O life! (p. 253.). In the dusty wake of the those long-ago paternal remonstrances about a

    possible and enchanting encounter of the moocow, and a little boy, named baby tuckoo,

    however, it costs us to acknowledge, in Joyces case seems to have reached a poignant

    consummation. Indeed, under the direction of that cabalistic leader, that supernatural moocow

    of a governor, he accedes to his protagonists yen to clear the Irish harbor heading towards the

    realm of his future laurels. Aye, he did sanction him to indulge in the euphoria of becoming

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    one of most outstanding inventors of overriding importance, he did permit him, nay, plenty of

    rope and a festoon of additional allotments but one. Alas! It is his being debarred from ever

    bending his steps homeward where the mordancy of the Irish destiny lies, and it is through

    this acerbity that we know how to intuit the flavor turned into ashes on their lips, the

    desperate and universal impasse of their existence forged in casting mould of Joyces era-

    defining vision. There is an economic and there is a spiritual exile. There are those who left

    her (Ireland) to seek the bread by which men live and there are others, nay, her most favoured

    children, who left her to seek in other lands that food of the spirit by which a nation of human

    beings is sustained in life(15.).

    Retracing the billowing of the curlicued yarn of lines of this unfolding essay of mine we

    arrive again at the familial afterimage presenting Stephen hidden under the table. Know this to

    be a paralell radical like billy-oh. That his being hidden thingy. It on the tip of my thought is.

    With that Stevie stuck undertable. Think, chap! Got to be poetized whatever might it be.

    Something is in my mind there. With that Stevie guy retired there like under some kind of a

    what-do-you-call-it. Vault or something. Or else burrow. Scratch. Better for Stevie under a

    vault to be. Why keep in the world calling you him Stevie? Stevie Wonder. Blind darky. Teeth

    white as driven snow. Part-time lover part-time ivory tickler. Signals sensitive teeth an artist?

    WWW dot com. Poor blinds. Mine heart goes out for Stevie. Wobblin head with spangly

    sunglassy and dreadlocks hovering. Lassos. Niggers would be lassoed when cotton was

    easier. Welts. Grand slam. Arthur Ashe. Strived in the third set. Captured then center court.

    Louis the Brass with bloated jowls. With googled eye-whites with beefy paws with bleachy

    palms. Palm Beach. On Saturday Candlelight Ceremony topromote the use of the MLKMemorial Park. Luther Juniordeclaimed like a. Like a dream. To the. To the manacled of

    segregation! Still see your shadowy cast! Your suit-of-ditto-cast. My dead king! The negros

    finds himself in exile in his own land! (16.). Exiles. James Aloysius. Mamma mia, knock me

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    down with a feather! Mutual mission! Luther King and Augustine Aloysius both messianistic

    leaders forging uncreated consciences. Of theirs nation! Something like link that is is not

    that my dear fellows! Hold on. Here is anpearsa aonair a bheidh ag seoladh trdla n

    gairmeeilegohaonraicn igcomhphirtocht (25.). Kunta Kinte. Dolefully, once having

    his leg severed warming the bench on a virginian verandah, with bent and fuzzy head,

    contorted, sweaty, fly-pestered brows in the stark relief of the jittery afterglows skywards. The

    mandinkas doom. Them Kaabu Empire converted to Islam and sold them into slavery to

    Americas. Have the nauseates. Stephention is better than cure. Be a keeper to him first. Still.

    Stephen and the million and odd. What sobriquet (26.) is that? O recurred. Stephen and the

    million odd Emerald Islanders Tudor Empire coerced to Protestanism and sold the Catholics

    into the confines of the penal laws.Pretty Scuttle of Coals Here! Empty! There Helluva

    Flaming Tudor Fireplaces. Scratch that. The previous places you were at? The table. And

    Stephen under. Sure.

    No sooner had he danced, sung, taken his bows and curtain calls, received Uncle Charles

    and Dantes acclamation and said in a glow that he was going to marry Eileen then he

    secluded himself underthe vaultof the table and conscientiously objecting to and backing out

    of offering a reasonable excuse for acting so started caricaturing the idiom of those standing

    around him calling him to account with a forbiding look. Pull out his eyes/ Apologize/

    Apologize/ Pull out his eyes(p. 8). On closer examination of the inward alignment of this

    brief introductory phase, its being the theoreticalgolden section of the subsequent formation

    of the authors personal fate seems to offset the deep tan surface of this analysis. Concerning

    the definition of the golden ratio it declares that two quantities are in it if the ratio between the

    sum of those quantities and the larger one is the same as the ratio between the larger one and

    the smaller. Even if it is not demonstrable in numbers or cannot be derived as precisely as it

    would be as a result of a mathematical implementation it is, at this stage, still more than

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    feasible for us to extrapolate the configuration of Joyces later career from the series of

    Stephens infantile movements on the grounds of their salient structural (re)semblance. On

    your marks. Get set. Go. Refrain again. Hardly had Joyce strutted out of the nave of his

    religion and potential priesthood, sung his artistic credo to Cranly, taken his bows and curtain

    calls receiving his fellow students and teachers furore and said Nora in a glow that he was

    intent upon commisioning her the love of his life and to absconding with her when he

    secluded himself under the vault of the neutral but effervescent existence of a cosmopolitan in

    Europe. Furthermore, while conscientiously objecting to and backing out of offering a

    reasonable excuse for acting so he started caricaturing and polishing the idiom of the milling

    crowds rallying around him and simultaneously calling him to give the encore next in line

    with a startled but infatuated look on their faces. And theres an end of it! He might as well

    have then said: Ireland is the old sow that eats her farrow(p. 221). At the same time had but

    anybody ever conjectured that it (solely) was the towering hustle of his direct surroundings he

    galvanized life into he ought to, in the end, be reconciled to the fact that, while in exile in

    Europe, his obsessive enthrallment all through made Ireland, its people and their history the

    sovereign steerage of all of his novels and lent them their rapid propulsion. When I die

    Dublin will be written in my heart(17.).Along the same lines with this obeisance,

    time and again, in an even proportion, periodically, sheer and fierce criticism, acid admonition

    and cruel condemnation resurface the stream of Joyces vociferous declarations and public

    manifestations (18.) revealing the two-edged attitude of a man of such an incisive mind for

    whom the overt defaults, the malpractises and shortcomings of the past are undisputable and

    stand out like the sore, crumbling Martello tower for a floating pontoon of surveying sailors

    stranded at Sandycove bay, jaded but strenuous. Insilence, with a cunningly screwed-up, far-

    sighted eye to the exile Joyces future accomplishment we seem to let it assume again a

    conformational propinquity, now that, which is analogous with that foregoing bay-vista.

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    Retrospectively speaking, James Joyces literary exploit, performed overseas, likewise stands

    out like the sore, crumbling Martello tower, unflinching, in flagrant defiance of the time

    elapsed, for the surging pontoon of an island-state, standing sentinel at Sandycove bay, dismal

    but staunch. The end is that.Well, all well that hides water. Recall seeing the puff pastry of a

    cherub, the cloud, afloat on the milk in a depth that reached up to the sump of a sky when

    pulled away the snap-lid of the well. So much I did by this enchantment fear to be yanked off.

    Pulled it lickety-split back. To forget. D'fhonndearmad, astrmthair. (27.) You forget

    that the kingdom of heaven suffers violence: and the kingdom of heaven is like a


    III.Wedged between the wandering rocks incarnated by the church and state ever-roaring on the Irish

    territorial waters

    (With the infantile then a fully-fledgedStephen tariffed by Dantes childrhyme of a stricture)

    Within the brief compass of the opening phase what is intimidated through Stephens

    being contemptuous and derisive of Dantes reprimand by murmuring his silent mockery lines

    will reach an acrid fulfilment in the grandiose denouement when he turned the scales upon

    playing a lone hand, warding off any parental, societal or eccleastical authority whatsoever.

    Remember who he was. A soaring and detachment-seeker imagination. Wedged between the

    wandering rocks incarnated by the church and state ever-roaring on the Irish territorial waters.

    Dire straits concede I that. But that remember-who-he-was lords it over whoever reads.

    Again read it. Not a bit. Okay, after all. Better resume. The childrhyme of a remonstrance

    referred to by Dante comes from Isaac Watts, Protestant hymnologysts songbook, entitled

    Divine Songs Attempted in Easy Language for the Use of Children and likewise has a

    scriptural basis, that is Proverbs 30: 17. It is put in these words in the original: Have you not

    heard what dreadful plagues/ Are threatened by the Lord/ To him that breaks his Fathers

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    law/ Or mocks his mothers word?/ What heavy guilt upon him lies! How cursed is his name!

    The ravens shall pick out his eyes and eagles eat the same. (20.) The message, which is

    analogous with mocking, or rather slighting his mothers word and breaking, or rather

    shuffling off his fathers law is couched under the imperious dialogue between Cranly and

    Stephen. The integration of the novel kindles here by the provision of identical motives

    planted at the very outset and at the far end of the plot.Half a tick! It was not inadvertently or

    precociously done that we jolted the yeasty and declamatory personality of Stephen so rashly

    from his future at that pacific stage, but for the sake of the analogy in question. Remote as the

    confronted phases are rousing enough the revelation may seem that in the wake of this

    Dantean curse Stephens substantive and future predestination looms up. Even though the

    jinx, Dante anathemized Stephen with, that is, may he be overshadowed by wings of an eagle,

    nay, may he have his eyes carved out by the beak of the same, has not come to a fruition, it

    could have still sown the seeds of a furtive rapport and a for-life marvel in Stephen towards

    the winged wayfarers of the pale space of sky above (p. 224.) hovering overhead,

    squawking, and flitting into the thin air higher than where the dozing goliath sentinels, the

    wandering rocks bow with their crumbling head, loitering and reclining against each other in

    the harbor like those vinous convives, Joyce once knew as Dubliners. Let us have them

    synthetically termed then in a Joycean fashion: Ireland, is sober when Ireland is

    stiff.(21).What was meant as an imprecation, nay as a deterrent, in effect, brought forthan entirely anthitetical longing, a personal wish that becomes father to the thought of the

    yearning artist wistfully, wide-eyed stargazing the dark, quivering bodies of the birds flying

    clearly against a limp-hung cloth of smoky tenuous blue, circling about a temple of air(p.

    224). Birds,unlike man, are in the order of their life and have not perverted that order by

    reason. A satisfaction it was for him to have his ears soothed by the inhuman clamour they

    made, in which his mothers sobs and reproches murmured insistently and to have his

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    eyes soothed by their swerving around an airy temple of the tenuous sky, which still saw the

    image of his mothers face (p. 224). As it happens, it was his mother, whose entreaty relative

    to the Easter duty Stephen had peremptorily repudiated vowing I will not serve (p. 239). In

    exclaiming so he essentially disawoved his Church authority over his walk of life how great

    potency soever it may have formerly had. The curl of Cranlys lips, however, is rather telltale

    and prevents us from hypothesizing this not being a forswearing done so unequivocally, a

    negation of a mind that attempts to invalidate and eradicate all of which it is so fundamentally

    suffused with. Being the untimely canto of human spirit, that cannot be gainsaid and ascends

    from the lips like tribal pyre-smoke emanating heavenwards, the deployment of the soul,

    grown as thick as the droning and feathery reed-plots, standing at a martial attention, like the

    crusaders flagstaffs or clerical scarfs in vestrical armoires, rustling about the time of early

    days, religion is the lulling, the lavender and diagonal waves in the water-course of the

    history of humankind. In reply, sagaciously, Cranly thus spoke: It is a curious thing how

    your mind is supersaturated with the religion in which you say you disbelieve (p.240). The

    profoundity of his interlocking and the severity of his obsession notwithstanding, Joyce

    couldnt make his protagonist not mellow the resolve to leave his much-loved and much-

    despised country behind. He represented Stephen as the scion who periodically comes to

    slight his mothers word since the image of a tr dhchais caoin, urramach (28.), nurturing

    his citizens was that of an old sow eating her farrow in Joyces eyes, a porcine beldam,

    whom a pist fin(29.) had strayed away from in the hour of needand to whomthey were

    called back once, in loneliness and exile, they had at least learned to love (22.).

    Furthermore, he represented Stephen as the descendant who had gradually managed to

    extricate himself in body (but not in mind) from the sprawling, skittish metropolis of a Baile

    tha Cliath (30.), or in a wider sense, from the holdfast with arms (or wings?) pinioned

    behind him by a nisin (31.) comprising those hopeless, useless and disconsistent rs (32.)

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    of charlatans (Joyce recited this while at a Berlitz school in Trieste in order to teach English

    to Italians in 1922) that Joyce ever came across on an oilen(33.), or on the continent. And

    last but no least Stephen also impresses us at the endgame, in the course of the conversation

    held between Cranly and him, as a soul who, by the mettle of his determination, would stall

    even cairdeas (34.) off and would fly in the face of the throes that may start skulking around

    ones solitary heart in ones detachment.I do not fear to be alone or to be spurned for another

    or to leave whatever I have to leave. Im not afraid to make a mistake, a saoil dearmad (35.),

    and perhaps as long as an eternity (p. 246). Mellowing-stopping that accented, pristine-

    looking idiom to the magyar heart seems. tha, nisin, rs and all. Compared the English

    slur to that gawping -sounds. No slur meant though. Upon this here this means mistake that

    dearmad word. Tell you what. Spooky resembleance is that. Dearmad. Diarmaid. Eureka!

    Diarmaid made dire a dearmad.An dearmadchianaosta (36.). Mine dear mad kitchen maid!

    Out of the window with stripped potato jackets and apple parings along, my own Murchadha,

    you threw yournisin onto the rubbish-heap. Shame to your ashes! Take a leaf out, lets say,

    Ashes book!

    IV. On the fringe of the line his eyes were weak and watery

    (with a clongowean Stephen in the possession of the leases of revealing visualities)

    1.Tap. Tap. Taptatap. Tap. Taptatap.

    Let him pass now! Let the heartened-up, the resigned, the frustrated, the undergrad, nay,

    the grownup, the leery, the high-minded, the assertvie, the giddy-paced, the starry-eyed, the

    recalcitrant, the evanescent, the hell-bent-on-leaving, the would-to-heaven-to-arrive Stephen

    come off guard now giving way and allowing his filial himself to belay the rope of this story-

    telling now around the ledge that overlooks the sweeping valley of his long-before-seen

    childhood covered by vineyards and broken up by lines of cyprus trees. Made a sweep clean.

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    Put all his rags in one sentence. Funny enough in these all he is in me. Every attire makes

    sense, come to think ofem. These epithets like attires act. Who writes acts like. Who writes

    acts like tire-women. Who writes acts like tire-women to manikins. Endows the nude torso of

    thrill with the mantle of what. Dauber you are. Hope not. Question remains. What time

    recalcitrant though that Stevo? Liked that word badly. Citrant. Like some exotic. Some, say,

    some exotic something. Think. Bah! Thats dubiety tommyroty. You wrote that and right did

    it. That easy to see that Stevo is recalcitrant. Everyone is like someone sometimes in some

    wise. But he a mimosae is to boot. Right. Tap on. Tap. Tap. Taptatap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tapta.

    Tapta. Taptatatatap. Let ice e! See how out what you tapped thaws. Funny though. I reads

    mean: Once having completed the roll-up of the all the respects the first brief phase

    necessitated and entailed its high time for us to yield to the Clongowean student venturing to

    the fore.Right, you, Marty are. Tap on. As stated afore Joyces intelinks the parts of his story

    while following the scents on the path beaten by a sensitive Stephens wavering ahead,

    concussed by the blows a delicate and impressionable psyche driven by the counterrotating

    cog-wheels of excessive responsiveness is subject to be seized with. And while he lets the

    shafts of Stephens perception seep through the momentous historical, religious and political

    interferences also infiltrates into the pores of the text. An example I want, talker! At my

    command I am. Stephen once having pushed through from under the dining table resigned

    from the family, leaving off of the bonds of parental shielding to find himself alone in the

    pale and chilly evening air. He kept on the fringe of his line, out of the sight of his prefect,

    out of the reach of the rude feet, feigning to run now and then. He felt his body small and

    weak amid the throng of the players and his eyes were weak and watery (p. 8).By every

    indication Stephen has broken away from the rest of those vivacious brats, his classmates,

    footballing with a reckless abandon. O that figures! Thinks he therefore to be a namby-pamby

    seems he. Off the heat of that game. But, but, water-butt! In the heat of the game projected in

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    vision or how I shall put it. Sorta universal stuff. Put that down. The particular and

    indispensible exterior and objective position is what is imperative for an artist and here it is

    ensured by Stephens urge to beat a hasty retreat facing his mates unusual release of energy

    in the press of their fight for the greasy leather orb flowing like a heavy bird through the

    grey light (p. 8).It is that so-to-said outlying localization that is instrumental in Joyce being

    able to take possession of the leases of the revealing visuality of the football match through

    Stephens eyes so that he could negotiate its real significance by means of the poetic

    description. Seen through the haze of the artistic, the aesthetical distance the leather balls

    with its sagging tatters flicking across the sky in the wake of the grass-tained sweep of an

    infantile will jolly well appears to be a fluttering bird being on the wing against the gray

    firmament that gives bed and board to the winged. The association of ideas is set off here by

    delineating an object strayed to a quasi incongruous territory and ostensibly assuming the

    qualities of the entity that by necessity belongs there. The flying ball is endowed and

    animatedwith a bird-like quality through the poetic contrasting, the reason being it fluttering

    with its floppy patches in order to be able to keep up floating as birds do. Yep. Carry on! As a

    matter of course, it is also inherent in the existence of a ball to be ad interim air-bound. The

    bird and the ball having a mutual basis for comparison and the artist being on the

    contemplative side of the fence and having the mandatory withdrawn attitude together opens

    the door, or rather, in this instance, the sky for us to broaden the scope of our apprehension

    concerning certain objects by his uniting them in the course of the creative depiction and

    rendering their inherent linkage perceptible. Likened to a juddering warbler of the skies the

    leather ball significance is intensified and is made to exceed its intrinsic limits. It comes to be

    the celestial herald of the boys radial exhiliration, prancing temperament, or the yet-

    slumbering ambitions of their imminent and awkward adolescence.

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    II. On the fence of his self-imposed detachements at zero altitude

    a) Pronto, pronto, Mrs Fatica! Put me through to his brittle psyche!

    Let us now see further examples of Joyces providing us with revalatory insights intoStephens self-simmering speculations. Having the sundry niches of the narrative space at his

    disposal perpetually partitioned off what his much sought-after aspiration appears to be is his

    finding the wherewithals to be able to beckon his protagonist of brittle psyche in and

    rendering a solo act of the overall orchestration of the span of the distinct chapters. Lets see

    going. Lets see going. Lets. Gone! Gotcha! Sttben bjkl gondolat! (37.) No quarter!

    Haw-Haw! Guffaw. Goofy fawn. Underhooves I you have. All one. Let us take the case of the

    clammy-handed, frothy-browed and indisposed Stephen indulged in hazy chimeras in the

    infirmary. That the fey clongowist beholds through the rippling waves of the hearth, cast on

    the wall in the shape of the prancing but shadowed sea-fire, the flickering but elegiac

    pageantry of past heroes, is again, what one considers an objective, an epiphanistical vision

    pertaining to creative fancy impreganated by the manifestation in line. Manifestation.

    Moneyfestation. Money, money, money. Always sunny.In the rich mans world. Aha-ahaaa.Must be funny. Ahaaa. Hey, you, Anni-Frid and Agnetha! My cutie singing-birdies! A bitty

    thicky thatty is! I mean, from a historical angle, at present, far that from the truth is. Though

    being a well-to-do person of royal intelligence, say, in Charles Parnells world was not it

    always sunny. And funny. Ya, Swedish gals, know that? Thats Ire-land! Ahaaa! Nothing

    doing. Likker absorbs wampum here. Through this vision of Stephens the mercurial Joyce, an

    author of resource, piercingly illuminates the subdued but unrescindable memory of the death

    of the king, Charles Parnell, for whom his fathers eyes were full of tears and Mr. Casey

    sobbed loudly and bitterly(p. 40). More a lot on that later. Promise! Bye. And now

    something else.Munkatrsam mr a vonalban trelmetlenkedik. (38.). Pronto, pronto Miss

    Fatica! (39.).

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    realize. A sizzling flush. Like stuck pigs they looking and looking. Roots of hair getting pins.

    Stareem out. Only chance. So, as I mentioned, dear guests of ours. Quit wry-smiling, chit!

    Im going to read out to our guests from the painters (author!) personal memoirs inviting you

    to go up-stage of what came to be depicted here on these beautious multifold panel pictures.

    And a lisping ducky at that! Would I not employ tongue-tied guidesses. No way! Know a good

    speech clinic missus! It is as follows: The fellows laughed. In the silence of the soft grey air

    he heard the cricket bats: pock. That was a sound to hear but if you were hit then you would

    feel a pain. He looked at Athys rolled up sleeves and knuckly inky hands. He had rolled up

    his sleeves to show how Mr. Gleeson (p. 45). Glass with care, ladies and gents! For fear he

    should feel even the pocks of the cricket bats a pain. Ecco! The flare-up lights of a sensitive

    psyche, pardon my French, guide us in interpreting the world-around depicted from a

    cosmeticizing distance. What ails ya about them French? By the way, them flare-up lights I

    wish showed us around hundred times more than you missus once. Kinda wicked. Bvlgari. Ill

    be bound that someone has it. Cosmeticizing? Jesus! Gloryfying distance or something about

    the same like. Heavens, about she is to read on.

    c) Elutriating the universal residue. Ahaaa! Clear as mud

    - Or, to proceed on, folks, a couple of reminiscences highlithing upon the times of his first

    communion: God was put on the altar in the middle of flowers and candles at benediction.

    When the rector had stooped down to give him the holy communion he had smelt a faint winy

    smell off the rectors breath after the wine of the mass (p.46). Is he, whom the protagonist is

    a dispatch of, the author, is he the only one, ladies and gents, who is capable to notice that the

    altar is festooned with flowers and twinkling candles? Or the winy touch of a breath that

    shortly before were steaming up the chalice-brim of the covenant? Youre right maam! The

    drab-hatted ladys bowing her tepid assent evocative of her scepticism and reveals her just

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    deliberation over what I would term as the collective capacity of any of us in discerning the

    like phenomena aforementioned. Notwithstanding these awakening and smiling acquiscences

    I can see lighting upon your faces all around, there is only a measure of justice in their

    asserting the authors being on an akin, on-par basis with the sensations of the ordinary

    intellect. What? Ease her, missus! The counterrotating cogs of overeaction permitting, the

    author is, in my esteem, the elective one for the possession of the special caliber necessitated

    in the appraisal of his and the general human experience and, subsequently in, though with

    frenzied efforts, elutriating its universal residue.Ahaaa! Clear as mud. Though a point there,

    missus. Must be a drop in her eye. O. Wicked. It is the author, dear habitus, who is the

    partaker of the tranmissivity and the discernment, by the means of which human experience is

    susceptible of creative summation and the ensuing improvement. He is not only capable of

    noticing those flowers on the altar-cloth, but of espying the age-old human manner of

    wreathing garlands of vigilant gladiolis and admonitory tapers, or, if you like, the priests in-

    flame index-fingers around the altar-bound and intangible divine presence. Jesus! That

    guidess is set! Regularly set! Furthermore, relative to the wine,I believe, he is the one, again,

    who, with a grim sense of foreboding, gets, in a flash, imbued by the qualms of a potential

    macabre interrelationship between the wine that, when misused by a skewed intent, discolors

    the actuating conscience and the one that, when nominated by a sacred presence to be the

    drink of life, transubstantiates into be the blood of the same. Such a thing? Went over my

    head. Riddle me this. Take I will a running jump after this long-distance ducky.

    d) Being adrift on the hazy waterway of fiction. Whom ya are at aiming, my luv?

    As for me to avoid keeping your eyes too long off from the delectable pictures by mine

    long-drawn soliloquies of these, let me be allowed, folks, to bring it to an end by reciting the

    last diary-excerpt. Wo! He passed along the narrow dark corridor. He peered in front of him

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    and right and left through the gloom and thought that they were portraits of of the saints and

    great men of the order who were looking down on him silently as he passed (p.56). What

    rises here to view as an unprecedented feature of our observations is rather peculiar to an

    introspective, testy errant of a protagonist. Gently does it missus!By roster!Word and word

    about! Being entitled by his ventursome maker of an author to regard his own mind as, if you

    like, the zero altitude, which all the heights of the outside world are correlated to and lend

    their order of importance for him in accordance with their respective measure of that

    correlation, consequently, in this novel it is Stephens, the protagonists consciousness that

    acts as the organizing nucleus of symmetry.I like that cutie!Make a mental note let me there!

    Joyce seems to leave no stone unturned to let his hero spin the events of the daily round in his

    very mind and the kinetic energy evaporating from that subliminal latitude as perpetually

    tenaciously and yet airily weaves the reality of experience(p.253) around the bobbin of a

    finger of the protagonist as a spinning-wheel rotates its spokes and whiskery yarn when

    driven by apaced feet. Would you, missus, try corroborating that one more time for, say, for

    good measure? For sure a legal claim that is. Please, do. Step this way, please. From here we

    can get a clear view of Stephen on the dim hallway. Go ahead, sir, just safely cant that railing.

    Go ahead, sir just safely. Refrain from pummeling. Butter him up. Sure. And comb ere my

    hair missus for what. So it goes. Vonnegut. Still the better I dig her. For Stephen, artist in the

    bud, adrift on the gloomy hallway of his self-speculations next astern, it is an embryonary

    sense of a special embassy what kindles while feeling the weight of his succeeding mission

    under the vigilant tableau of the those who already went to their account after a meritorius

    life. She must mean Ricci, Loyola, Xavier Gonzaga, Kostka and the rest of them so fulfilled

    the Jesuits were. Sure, missus.You on the ball are. For Joyce, adrift on the hazy waterway of

    fiction, artist in the bloom, or Bloom with a capital b, if you like, a juvenile sense of a special

    embassy kindles, while feeling the weight of a succeeding delegation under the imaginary

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    tableau of the those, who already went to their account after a laudable life in experimenting

    with making their central figures mind more or less the determinative force of their novels.

    Interesting! Whom ya are at aiming, my luv? An entrant Stephens adventures meant for

    Joyce in his unbounded probing into the till-then uncharted depths of a potential guidance

    proffered on a silver tray by the all-important counsciousness of his character (s). Ahaaa!

    Ahaaa! Right on! A woman of an angel she is. Always sunny. And a Joyce-connoisseur to

    boot. Cant place you, my ducky! His major precursor, who had first used in his novel entitled

    Les Lauriers sont coups in 1888 those interior monologues that initiated the incommunicably

    affluent bonanza of widely and, if you like, wildly diverse facilities for the smith of a story-

    teller in his forging in the smithy of his soul, was douard Dujardin, a gaul crivain

    deuxieme (42.) (23.). My sweet, I just cant hack your if-you-likes any more. Say it flat! A

    proposito! Tthat again run by me, luv, who that? douard who? Petiska? Sure not. Mole-

    hills. Critics asseverates, however, that the tradition of stream of consciousness- the very issue

    under investigation- is not so much untapped as it is hoary and is of great antiguity in the

    history of fiction.(24.) Joyce's major innovation was to carry the interior monologue one step

    further by rendering, for the first time in literature, the myriad flow of

    impressions...Methinks...half thoughts...that this...associations...pretty little

    linaria...lapses...or narcissus...and hesitations...or you name it... incidental worries...who she

    really resemblesI really wonder... and sudden impulses...Gee! I got it! A svelte sunflower she

    is like!...that form part of the individual's conscious awareness along with the trend of his

    rational thoughts (25.).Joyce, like Flaubert isolate the words of his sentences, examining

    them in all their unusual bearings. When composing idioms out of them he wishes to attract

    our attention to the parody or mockery that in posse lie in these coinages. (26.) And theres

    the end of it! So these are the autobiographical particulars, which the author so to say, pardon

    my French, establish the underlay the roofing and the masonry upon, in order for the structure

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    of his multiple vision to be underpinned, eleven feet high, and to have it translated into the

    keen-edged remembrance of the past conglowean among others! Step she is to by me. Stand

    by me Bvlgari! That so yir little parfume, missus! My senses ya made, watch out, cutie,

    reeled. The bus is to leave at 6 sharp. 20 to 6 it is. So Id emphatically request everyone to get

    done with viewing in five minutes before 6 and let us assemble by the front door! Thanks!

    Oh-oo-oh. Do not mention it. You're in the army. Oh-oo-oh. In the army now. Eye eye G.I.

    Jane! We by the front door will be. Stand-to!See mention must be made, though, now The

    Status Quo of what miss ducky said about them hazy waterways of fiction or the blazes what it

    were. Pitched it she too high though. Vehement. Redolent with Bvlgari. Ill bound be. Brought

    the same from Madrid for the yoke-fellow. Gorgeous splash of galanga, and vodka drizzled

    over notes of iris and dark chocolate. Read it every morning on the bath-shelf though.

    Whataver. Oh-oo-oh. Scratch that just right now. As it so good now. In her arms I now. Oh-

    oo-oh. Thats the status quo.

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    I.The self-devouring perfidies of unleashed poltergeists with battering rams, pounding

    (with a clongowean Stephen and the hundred and odd stooping students)

    1A rather copious but systematic view of an abduction

    And now, dear readers we solemnly commence our rappel towards our mutual

    inheritance, the past, through the malleable shafts of recollection. Light carburetted

    hydrogen. Hare off. Into the underworld harewise in fobbed waistcoat. The clongowean

    Stephen, Joyces little gillie aids him in setting the scene in pursuance of the anatomy of an

    extinct, stuporous age of ones early life, the little one, whom face his own physiognomy are

    emblazoned on, whose motions, attributes and sentiments are modeled after his and whose

    reanimated presence is asine qua non for him to restitute the dry-rotten keel of thepast, the

    vertebrae of the boat of oblivion afloat on the billows of the mulish passing. The past is

    consumed in the present, and the present is living only because it brings forth the future

    (p.251). This vehicle of the past is markedly of volatile stability and even if only for an

    instant, is to be re-established for fear the dark, bulky mass, slowly being hove astern,

    impregnated, should keel over and be awashed hissing toward the watery gate. Back all! It

    allows of no delay! The writer by definiton must be such an itinerant with a fisted depth-

    recorder who gets beyond his present-day depth and not only does he venture beyond the

    domain of his personal matters-as they stand-but also transcends the margin of his nations

    bygones and not letting them be bygones he conjugates the universal experience to the

    individual and vica versa. What if that you narrowed? Aye. As in the case of Joyces Ireland

    the road towards the corporate recollection happens to be a gigantic, stonewalled causeway

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    formed by the flow of lava of an unleashed malignancy adjoining to the crape-black sea of the

    past and rank treacheries into which Irish precipitated Irish with one countryman having a

    weight hung round the anothers neck. A millstone better they would have been off wearing

    about their necks! Verily them I think of as them maiming their little ones. My, unrelenting

    rage. Have pity on them! What they were doing didnt they then know. And in spite of

    everything Ireland remains the brain of the Kingdom. The Irish, condemned to express

    themselves in a language no their own, have stamped on it the mark of their own genius and

    compete for glory with the civilized nations. This is then called English literature. (Joyce

    recited this an other vignettes while at the Berlitz school in Trieste in 1922). So there! It is

    here in Clongowes that Joyce first makes his little back-room boy throughout the wizardry of

    his summonings what has passed confront with the bearings of the case relative to the Irish

    paying the interests of the high money of their insurmountable loggerhead twist, their age-old

    leaning towards musterin