5 ways-you-can- !mountain-bike!

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 5 ways-you-can- !mountain-bike!

Presentation ByMountain Bicycling Guide

4 Ways You Can Ride A Wheelie On Your Mountain

Taking on the drops

A lot of people find drop-offs a daunting prospect, but as long as you do these few things I’m going to tell you, you’ll be mastering them in no time

The key thing to think about while going off a drop is your body position and making sure your confident. Just like most things, if you think your going to fail then you probably will!


Once you’re in the right position and feel comfortable riding then it’s time to move onto braking

The technique to braking is to prepare your bikes speed before corners and obstacles

This will not only increase control, but also enables you to maintain your speed

How To Ride A Wheelie On Your Mountain Bike

Lower your saddle, you’ll need to be seated for this skill and the lower your saddle, the lower your center of mass will be and the more stable you’ll be.

2. Select an easy gear, but not the easiest gear.  Usually 2 or 3 from the easiest is a good place to start.  Begin your wheelie at about 5–10 mph.  Using a gear that’s too easy will result in too fast of a cadence which will result in you loosing your wheelie because of excessive pedaling.

Mountain Bike Camps

We’ve made new Ninjas at our skills clinics along the base of beautiful sandstone buttes in Arizona’s Papago Park, the stream side trails in Malibu, the oak and sycamore lined trails in Laguna Niguel, and the urban oasis zig-zag trails in San Diego’s Balboa Park.

Our camps are designed for the enthusiast rider or avid racer that is looking to build up and clean up their ‘toolbox’ of mountain bike skills in order to handle a variety of terrain at speed.

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