4castplus document management

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 4castplus document management


As part of its document management module, 4castplus provides key tools for organizing and controlling project documents

Included in 4castplus Document Management:

1. Configure Document “Categories” and Document “Classes” for hierarchical organization

2. Configure Document Naming Standards

3. Configure Document Metadata types

4. Auto-Routing of Documents based on Upload Point

5. Auto-Cataloging of Documents based on Upload Point

6. Intelligent Search & Retrieval of Documents – including Saved Searches

7. Check-out and Check-in of Documents

8. Document Access Controls

9. Document Versioning and History

The rest of this presentation will explain each of those DMS features.

1. Configure Document “Categories” and Document “Classes” for hierarchical organization

4castplus provides tools in Configuration to define document Categories and Classes. These specify how documents are organized and stored.

Category 1

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Category 2

Class 21 Class 22 Class 23

Each Category can have multiple Classes

By configuring this category & class hierarchy, you’re establishing a corporate standard for how your document repository is organized

Configuring the document repository hierarchy looks like this in 4castplus:

1. Click on Configuration

2. Click on Documents

3. Add/Edit Categories

4. Add/Edit Classes

You’ll notice that there are System Classes already defined. These are there for 4castplus module-specific purposes. Such as for purchase order, change order, Invoice, Timesheet, etc.

The Document “Class” is the level where actual documents will be located on the Project. In the next screen, you’ll see a project-level document repository.

1. Open a Project

2. Go to the Documents area

3. The documents organizational hierarchy is based on category and class.

Notice that the project repository reflects the configured hierarchy.

Remember: this is NOT a folder structure! This is a Document Repository.

By standardizing the repository, ALL project documents will be organized the same way

This enables you to report on documents across projects and the organization

Document Naming

See how when you click on a document here, that document’s detailed information shows up below

Notice the File Naming. The file is being catalogued according to a standard file naming convention.

This is the name of the original file.

You can configure naming standards according to your document codes. See the next slide…

The Document Code is used to define a document’s name according to your standard naming rules

Now let’s talk about Metadata for a minute.

4castplus automatically captures a lot of contextual information about a document. For example …

Sample contextual Information captured about an uploaded document:

1. Date & Time uploaded

2. Upload Point: Origin of where the document was uploaded. For example, a Purchase Order, Change Order, Jobsite, Timesheet, etc.

3. Uploaded by: The Person that uploaded the document

4. Project, Customer, Location

5. And much more…

In addition to contextual data you can also configure Metadata data fields to capture extra information about documents.

When you click on a document, you’ll see that there is:• An area for Comments/Notes• Extended Metadata• Document Versions• Download History

The next screen shows how to configure metadata fields.

1. Click on Metadata

2. Create customized metadata fields to capture specific information about types of documents

A bit more about metadata:1. You can have metadata fields specific to document classes

2. You can optionally make metadata fields as “Required” so that filling them in is mandatory

3. There’s no limit to the metadata you can define

Auto-Routing and Auto-Cataloging of Documents based on Upload Point.

You can upload documents into 4castplus in many locations throughout the system. For example:

Example Upload Points in 4castplus

1. Purchase Order

2. Request For Quote

3. Jobsite Timesheet

4. Change Order

5. Customer Invoice

6. Project

7. Equipment

When you upload a document from one of these Built-In upload points, the document is automatically given the Category/Class attributes according to that context.

For Example, when you upload & attach a document to a Purchase Order, that document is given …

Category: Procurement Class: Purchase order

These documents have been attached to this purchase order. Therefore given the appropriate class in the repository.

The 4castplus Field Data Capture module –called the “Jobsite Timesheet” – has further features for collecting, cataloging and routing documents.

The Jobsite Timesheet has a specialized “Documents” area that allows site personnel to upload multiple types of documents

To enable this, you can configure “Drop Zones” for the Jobsite. Here’s what it looks like …

Drop Zones

Uploaded Documents

Site personnel can drag & drop documents into the zones and the documents will be organized according to the zone Class.

Here’s how you indicate which classes should appear as a Jobsite Timesheet Document Drop Zone …

Specify which “Class” appears as a drop zone in the Jobsite Timesheet here

Document Search

4castplus provides a global document search tool …

1. Click on Documents

2. Select Desired Search methods

3. Click Search

4. Analyze Search Results

5. Click document to download

Document Check-out and Check-in

By clicking on Check Out, you can lock and reserve a document to you