30 october 2018 - INIAV• Mrs. Gabriela Cruz – Farmer 12:30 Questions and Answers 12:50 Final...

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Transcript of 30 october 2018 - INIAV• Mrs. Gabriela Cruz – Farmer 12:30 Questions and Answers 12:50 Final...


09:30 Welcome coffee

10:00 Welcome and opening session • Chargé d‘Affaires of the Kingdom of the Netherlands – Mrs. Christianne Bleijenbergh

10:10 Introduction of National Institute for Agrarian and Veterinarian Research (INIAV) • Director of Biotechnology and Genetic Resources – Mr. Benvindo Maçãs

10:20 Netherlands Vision of the Sustainable Future of Farming • Mrs. Rosanne Metaal – Ministry of Agriculture

10:50 National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector • Mr. Gonçalo de Freitas Leal – General Directorate of Rural Development (DGADR)

11:20 Questions and Answers

11:30 The Sustainable Use of Soil and Water • Mr. Wijnand Sukkel - WUR Netherlands

12:00 Water and Sustainable Intensification • Mrs. Gabriela Cruz – Farmer

12:30 Questions and Answers

12:50 Final Conclusion


30th october 2018

Estrada de Gil Vaz | 7351-901 ELVAS Tel.: 268 637 740 | Email: polo.elvas@iniav.pt GPS - 38°54'53.4“N7°19'11.1”W


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