13 quiz show

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Transcript of 13 quiz show

Chapter 13 - The Peripheral Nervous System and Reflex Activity






$100 $100$100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200

$300 $300 $300 $300

$400 $400 $400 $400

$500 $500 $500 $500

Sensory Receptors

Nerve and Ganglia

Cranial and Spinal Nerves

Motor Activity and Reflex Arcs

Spinal Reflexes


Sensory Receptors:

$100 Question

Nociceptors respond to what type of stimulus?

a. touch

b. sound

c. vibration



Sensory Receptors:

$100 Answer

Nociceptors respond to what type of stimulus?

a. touch

b. sound

c. vibration


Sensory Receptors:

$200 Question

Receptors located in our skeletal muscles, tendons, and joints are classified as ________.

a. barocepters

b. nociceptors

c. proprioceptors

d. exteroceptorsBACK TO GAME


Sensory Receptors:

$200 Answer

Receptors located in our skeletal muscles, tendons, and joints are classified as ________.

a. barocepters

b. nociceptors

c. proprioceptors

d. exteroceptorsBACK TO GAME

Sensory Receptors:

$300 Question

An example of an unencapsulated receptor is ________.

a. Merkle discs

b. Meissner’s corpuscles

c. Pacinian corpuscles

d. Ruffini endingsBACK TO GAME


Sensory Receptors:

$300 Answer

An example of an unencapsulated receptor is ________.

a. Merkle discs

b. Meissner’s corpuscles

c. Pacinian corpuscles

d. Ruffini endingsBACK TO GAME

Sensory Receptors:

$400 Question

Ascending pathways make up which level of sensory integration?

a. receptor level

b. circuit level

c. perpetual level

d. transductionBACK TO GAME


Sensory Receptors:

$400 Answer

Ascending pathways make up which level of sensory integration?

a. receptor level

b. circuit level

c. perpetual level

d. transductionBACK TO GAME

Sensory Receptors:

$500 Question

The two point discrimination test is performed to measure the quality of which type of discrimination?

a. magnitude

b. spatial

c. perceptual

d. patternBACK TO GAME


Sensory Receptors:

$500 Answer

The two point discrimination test is performed to measure the quality of which type of discrimination?

a. magnitude

b. spatial

c. perceptual

d. patternBACK TO GAME

Nerve and Ganglia:

$100 Question

Nerves that only carry information to the CNS are classified as ________.

a. afferent

b. efferent

c. mixed

d. spinalBACK TO GAME


Nerve and Ganglia:

$100 Answer

Nerves that only carry information to the CNS are classified as ________.

a. afferent

b. efferent

c. mixed

d. spinalBACK TO GAME

Nerve and Ganglia:

$200 Question

A group of neuron cell bodies in the PNS is a ________.

a. nerve

b. nucleus

c. ganglion

d. tractBACK TO GAME


Nerve and Ganglia:

$200 Answer

A group of neuron cell bodies in the PNS is a ________.

a. nerve

b. nucleus

c. ganglion

d. tractBACK TO GAME

Nerve and Ganglia:

$300 Question

The connective tissue covering that surrounds the myelin sheaths of a peripheral nerve is the ________.

a. endoneurium

b. epineurium

c. neurilemma

d. perineuriumBACK TO GAME


Nerve and Ganglia:

$300 Answer

The connective tissue covering that surrounds the myelin sheaths of a peripheral nerve is the ________.

a. endoneurium

b. epineurium

c. neurilemma

d. perineuriumBACK TO GAME

Nerve and Ganglia:

$400 Question

Regeneration in the nervous system is restricted to _____________ .

a. cell bodies in the PNS

b. cell bodies in the CNS

c. cell fibers in the PNS

d. cell fibers in the CNSBACK TO GAME


Nerve and Ganglia:

$400 Answer

Regeneration in the nervous system is restricted to _____________ .

a. cell bodies in the PNS

b. cell bodies in the CNS

c. cell fibers in the PNS

d. cell fibers in the CNSBACK TO GAME

Nerve and Ganglia:

$500 Question

The ability to detect the intensity of a stimulus is called ________.

a. perceptual detection

b. magnitude estimation

c. feature abstraction

d. quality discriminationBACK TO GAME


Nerve and Ganglia:

$500 Answer

The ability to detect the intensity of a stimulus is called ________.

a. perceptual detection

b. magnitude estimation

c. feature abstraction

d. quality discriminationBACK TO GAME

Cranial and Spinal Nerves:

$100 Question

Nerves that innervate our upper limb arise from the _________.

a. cervical plexus

b. brachial plexus

c. lumbar plexus

d. cutaneous nervesBACK TO GAME


Cranial and Spinal Nerves:

$100 Answer

Nerves that innervate our upper limb arise from the _________.

a. cervical plexus

b. brachial plexus

c. lumbar plexus

d. cutaneous nervesBACK TO GAME

Cranial and Spinal Nerves:

$200 Question

Parts of this cranial nerve would be deadened during dental work:

a. abducens

b. facial

c. trigeminal

d. vagusBACK TO GAME


Cranial and Spinal Nerves:

$200 Answer

Parts of this cranial nerve would be deadened during dental work:

a. abducens

b. facial

c. trigeminal

d. vagusBACK TO GAME

Cranial and Spinal Nerves:

$300 Question

Partial paralysis of facial muscles could be due to a problem with which cranial nerve?

a. III

b. V

c. VII



Cranial and Spinal Nerves:

$300 Answer

Partial paralysis of facial muscles could be due to a problem with which cranial nerve?

a. III

b. V

c. VII


Cranial and Spinal Nerves:

$400 Question

The ventral root of a spinal nerve contains axons of the __________.

a. motor neurons

b. sensory neurons

c. association neurons

d. unipolar neuronsBACK TO GAME


Cranial and Spinal Nerves:

$400 Answer

The ventral root of a spinal nerve contains axons of the __________.

a. motor neurons

b. sensory neurons

c. association neurons

d. unipolar neuronsBACK TO GAME

Cranial and Spinal Nerves:

$500 Question

Our funny bone is actually this nerve:

a. brachial

b. median

c. radial

d. ulnar



Cranial and Spinal Nerves:

$500 Answer

Our funny bone is actually this nerve:

a. brachial

b. median

c. radial

d. ulnar


Motor Activity and Reflex Arcs:

$100 Question

All are levels of complex motor activity except:

a. segmental

b. projection

c. reflex

d. precommandBACK TO GAME


Motor Activity and Reflex Arcs:

$100 Answer

All are levels of complex motor activity except:

a. segmental

b. projection

c. reflex

d. precommandBACK TO GAME

Motor Activity and Reflex Arcs:

$200 Question

A reflex that results from practice is a(n) ______ reflex.

a. intrinsic

b. acquired

c. autonomic

d. skilledBACK TO GAME


Motor Activity and Reflex Arcs:

$200 Answer

A reflex that results from practice is a(n) ______ reflex.

a. intrinsic

b. acquired

c. autonomic

d. skilledBACK TO GAME

Motor Activity and Reflex Arcs:

$300 Question

These two brain areas, along with the cerebral cortex, are the precommand areas.

a. spinal cord and midbrain

b. midbrain and basal nuclei

c. basal nuclei and cerebellum

d. cerebellum and spinal cordBACK TO GAME


Motor Activity and Reflex Arcs: $300 Answer

These two brain areas, along with the cerebral cortex, are the precommand areas.

a. spinal cord and midbrain

b. midbrain and basal nuclei

c. basal nuclei and cerebellum

d. cerebellum and spinal cordBACK TO GAME

Motor Activity and Reflex Arcs:

$400 Question

Central pattern generators are involved in which type of movement?

a. rhythmic

b. reflexes

c. skilled

d. posturalBACK TO GAME


Motor Activity and Reflex Arcs:

$400 Answer

Central pattern generators are involved in which type of movement?

a. rhythmic

b. reflexes

c. skilled

d. posturalBACK TO GAME

Motor Activity and Reflex Arcs: $500 Question

All of the following are true of somatic reflexes except:

a. they may be monosyaptic or polysynaptic

b. both motor and sensory neurons are part of the reflex arc

c. the CNS is not a part of the reflex arc

d. a receptor is necessaryBACK TO GAME


Motor Activity and Reflex Arcs: $500 Answer

All of the following are true of somatic reflexes except:

a. they may be monosyaptic or polysynaptic

b. both motor and sensory neurons are part of the reflex arc

c. the CNS is not a part of the reflex arc

d. a receptor is necessaryBACK TO GAME

Spinal Reflexes:

$100 Question

Which of the following is a superficial reflex?

a. stretch

b. flexor

c. plantar

d. golgi tendonBACK TO GAME


Spinal Reflexes:

$100 Answer

Which of the following is a superficial reflex?

a. stretch

b. flexor

c. plantar

d. golgi tendonBACK TO GAME

Spinal Reflexes:

$200 Question

The receptors for the stretch reflex are the _________.

a. pain receptors

b. muscle spindles

c. tendon organs

d. touch receptorsBACK TO GAME


Spinal Reflexes: $200 Answer

The receptors for the stretch reflex are the _________.

a. pain receptors

b. muscle spindles

c. tendon organs

d. touch receptorsBACK TO GAME

Spinal Reflexes:

$300 Question

The reflex which causes a muscle to relax due to an increase in muscle tension is the ________________.

a. stretch reflex

b. plantar reflex

c. golgi tendon reflex

d. crossed extensor reflexBACK TO GAME


Spinal Reflexes: $300 Answer

The reflex which causes a muscle to relax due to an increase in muscle tension is the ________________.

a. stretch reflex

b. plantar reflex

c. golgi tendon reflex

d. crossed extensor reflexBACK TO GAME

Spinal Reflexes:

$400 Question

When a reflex occurs on the same side of the body as the stimulus it is classified as ________.

a. monosynaptic

b. polysynaptic

c. ipsilateral

d. reciprocalBACK TO GAME


Spinal Reflexes:

$400 Answer

When a reflex occurs on the same side of the body as the stimulus it is classified as ________.

a. monosynaptic

b. polysynaptic

c. ipsilateral

d. reciprocalBACK TO GAME

Spinal Reflexes:

$500 Question

Antagonistic muscles are inhibited during reflexes. This is known as _________.

a. reciprocal inhibition

b. ipsilateral inhibition

c. Babinski’s sign

d. reciprocal activationBACK TO GAME


Spinal Reflexes:

$500 Answer

Antagonistic muscles are inhibited during reflexes. This is known as _________.

a. reciprocal inhibition

b. ipsilateral inhibition

c. Babinski’s sign

d. reciprocal activationBACK TO GAME


The area of skin innervated by a single spinal nerve is called a __________.

a. nerve division

b. segment level

c. integument segment

d. dermatone BACK TO GAME



The area of skin innervated by a single spinal nerve is called a __________.

a. nerve division

b. segment level

c. integument segment

d. dermatone BACK TO GAME