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What is Emotional Intelligence Why Does it Matter, Can it be Developed and How Do You Assess it?

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Emotional Intelligence Defined MHS 2005

“an array of non-cognitive capabilities, competencies and skills that influence one’s ability to succeed in coping with environmental demands and pressures”

— Reuven BarOn“the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as

to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional meanings, and to reflectively regulate emotions in ways that promote emotional and intellectual growth”

— Salovey & Mayer“the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for

motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships”

— Daniel Goleman

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Why Emotional Intelligence? “There is a growing body of research

findings that scientifically demonstrates that emotional intelligence predicts how well we perform at home, school and in the workplace.”

Reuven Bar-On, Ph.D.December 16, 2004

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Why Focus on Emotional Intelligence in Higher Education?

“It is clear that academic success goes hand in hand with emotional and physical well-being. College is a fresh start for many students, but dysfunctional coping styles can cripple their efforts. Even students who “get by” or succeed academically can be at risk if unhealthy behavioral patterns follow them after college. Promoting emotional health in students is an investment in the future. It should be part of the mission of all colleges and universities.”

Dr. Richard Kadison, Chief of Mental Health,Harvard University

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Specific Issues to Address Emotional Intelligence in Higher EducationAddress issues that connect with student success

Experiencing Stress Feeling overwhelmed Not getting along with others Giving up Engaging in destructive behaviors

Address General Education Outcomes Writing Presenting Problem Solving Ethical Behavior Working in Teams Having Global Perspectives Lifelong Learning Appreciation for Diversity and Diverse Perspectives

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From Greater Expectations: A New Vision for Learning as a National Goes to College (AAC&U 2002)The Empowered Learner

Communicates effectively Has the ability to manage change Works within diverse groups

The Informed Learner Understands the human imagination, expression, and

the products of many cultures

The Responsible Learner Has deep understanding of one’s self and respect for the

complex identities of others, their histories and their cultures.

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Identifying skills successful students have or need to developEmotional self-awareness

Self-regardAssertivenessIndependenceSelf-actualizationReality testing FlexibilityProblem solvingStress toleranceImpulse controlEmpathySocial responsibilityInterpersonal relationship

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What is the BarOn Model?

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Emotional Competencies(BarOn EQ-i®) MHS 2005 INTRAPERSONAL INTRAPERSONAL

SCALESSCALES Self-regard Emotional self-awareness Assertiveness Independence Self-actualization

INTERPERSONAL INTERPERSONAL SCALESSCALES Empathy Social responsibility Interpersonal relationship

ADAPTABILITYADAPTABILITY Reality testing Flexibility Problem solving



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Adapted from: The Cannon Emotional Competence ModelKate Cannon, Author

Self AwarenessSelf Awareness Emotional

Self-Awareness Self-Regard Reality Testing

Coping SkillsCoping Skills Impulse Control Stress Tolerance Problem Solving Flexibility Optimism

Effective Effective RelationshipsRelationships Interpersonal Relationships Independence

Interpersonal Interpersonal SkillsSkills Empathy Social Responsibility Assertiveness

Personal & Personal & Interpersonal Interpersonal EffectivenessEffectiveness Self-Actualization Happiness


is related to

which predicts

and results in

The Foundation

Frances Clendenen – beBetter Networks, Inc.

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Some recent Findings Examining the Impact of EQ on Student Success• Higher achieving students demonstrated higher Total EQ, Intrapersonal Skills,

Stress Tolerance and Adaptability

• Students who are anxious or depressed get lower grades/lower achievement scores

• Students who can delay gratification earn better grades and have an average of 210 more points on their SAT tests

• Students who respond to setbacks with hope and resilience vs. anger and hopelessness achieve higher academic and social success

• Low levels of empathy are associated with poor achievement

• Resiliency training can improve the resiliency of students

• EQ skills can be enhanced in a college transition course

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How Does EQ Differ From IQ?MHS 2005


Focus: developing an understanding of and an ability to manage emotions

Focus: developing one’s cognitive abilities; more academically oriented

Can be enhanced throughout one’s life

Generally thought to be largely established at birth and cannot be enhanced

Recently understood to be an important predictor of one’s potential for success

Has been traditionally used to predict potential for one’s success

Fosters understanding and management of own emotions

Allows development of needed knowledge base

Promotes positive relationships Enables development of technical skills and abilities

Increases self-motivation and drive

Enables conceptual thinking

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Skills First-Year (and beyond) that Lead to Student Success?

What are the skills they need to develop?

Can we identify the skills and teach them?

Can we asses the skills?

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Opportunities to teach or assess skills Orientation groups

Class Academic Advising Students on Academic Probation Department Team Institution Service Unit Wellness Housing Office of Students with Disabilities Judicial Affairs Campus Activities

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Opportunities to develop skills are limitless: Common readings Films Literature Cultural issues

Diversity Religion Gender Identity

Case studies-your text

Service Learning

Campus events Current events Clubs, sports,

organizations Code of conduct Student concerns

Drugs and alcohol Dating Making friends Time management

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Opportunities to assess skills are limitless

Student Surveys Focus Groups Internships Grades Service Learning Evaluation Reflective Journals Group Projects Portfolios Student writing Pre and Post Evaluation Course Exams Videotape of Performance

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Points to consider

Multiple measures embedded

Ongoing Feedback

Build in self, peer and instructor assessment Rubrics

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Emotional Intelligence in a college transition course-embed and assess in all that we do

Students will understand how emotional intelligence is connected to college success Readings Writings Presentations

Students will identify specific emotional intelligence traits of successful individuals Analyze readings and film for character analysis

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Students will use their MBTI and BarOn EQ-i results to describe their strengths and weaknesses Feedback Sessions Presentation

Based on their MBTI and BarOn EQ-I results students will choose one or two goals and describe how they will develop them over the semester Goal Setting Activity

At the end of the semester, students will describe if they achieved their goals, why or why not, and what impact it had, if any, on their success during the first year. End of Semester Meeting Final Reflective Assignment

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Forms of Assessment Quantitative (number based) scores, percentages

Qualitative (words, art forms) opinions

Direct measure -observing a student, scoring an essay, journal, analysis or discussion of an event, response to a film, portfolios

Indirect measure –satisfaction and self perception surveys, focus groups, interviews

Qualitative and quantitative measures can be direct or indirect

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Findings Examining the Impact of EQ enhanced FYS sections of student success at Gallaudet University (Andesen and Moses 2006) All first-year students enrolled in FYS (First-Year Seminar) took the BarOn EQ-

i. in Sept. and December 2005.

Half of the students were enrolled en EQ enhanced sections.

Post test results indicated students in the EQ enhanced sections had significantly higher (p<.05) General Mood.

Two additional EQ factors approached significance: Interpersonal Skills and Total EQ-i.

While not statistically significant, students in enhanced sections had higher FYS course grades and semester GPAs.

Students in enhanced sections were less likely to be on academic probation

Student narrative supported the results

EBI First Year Initiative number one mean question “The course improved understanding of the impact of establishing personal goals.

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T-testsBarOn EQ-I

Traditional vs. Enhanced FYS

Intrapersonal .785Interpersonal .078Stress Management .478Adaptability .702General Mood .042 *Total EQ-I .070


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Student voices:

“I looked back at my midterm and I wrote that I need to look at my impulse control – I do everything at the last minute.” In fact I was doing my midterm at the last minute (sorry). I also had a hard time saying “no” – my stress was up. I really thought about it and made some changes like telling my roommate I didn’t want him to use my car. It was not easy – or not jumping at any chance to go out forgetting about homework. Well I did it – I am not perfect but my post EQ says my stress is down and it is. My General Mood is better too. I feel better.”

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Student voices: (Teaching Assistant) “In the beginning of the semester interpersonal was

one of my lowest scores. It includes empathy, social responsibility and interpersonal relationships. A person with low interpersonal scores can be too blunt without realizing that it hurts someone. When I was first working with students who were failing FYS I was kind of mean. It’s really better to be gentle at first then become firmer later. They just need the chance.”

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Types of Assessment

Quantitative BarOn EQ-I EBI First-Year Initiative (FYI) Course and Semester GPA

Qualitative Student Writings Student Interviews Student Activity (analysis)

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BarOn EQ-i Pre and Post Test

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“Bull’s Eye”EQ skills: reality testing, problem solving, self-actualization

The center of the bull’s eye represents success in achieving a goal. For example, “I will pass all of my classes.”

Steps:1. Ask group members to put their names on or outside the bull’s

eye to represent their level of success in achieving the goal.

2. Ask each individual: to explain her/his choice of placement to explain her/his satisfaction with the placement to explain what she/he needs to do to move to a more desirable

placement To reflect in writing about the experience

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Bull’s EyeActivity and Assessment

Midterm Finals


I will pass all of my courses

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Student Narrative

Goal Setting Journals Mid and Final Reflective Writings Workshop Reflections Movie Analysis Activities Presentations Group work

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How Will Your E-Portfolio Be Graded?

Completed all 7 steps of the project requirements 25%

e-Portfolio *followed project criteria * accurate, complete, informative * reflective (have I met my goals)


Presentation skills * smooth, practiced delivery, included everyone * appropriate dress


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The Majors/Careers Portfolio Project- Assessment Form

Completed all 7 steps of the project requirementsComments:


e-Portfolio presentation * accurate, complete, informative, project criteriaComments:


Presentation skills * smooth, practiced delivery, appropriate dressComments:


Name: / Grade:

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Rubric to score group participation (Empathy, interpersonal skills, AssertivenessPoints 3 2 1 0

Participation Actively ParticipatesShows evidence of supporting group goalsHelps group achieve goals

Communication Shares ideas, reinforcesothers

Shares ideasListens to others

Shares ideas when encouraged

Does not share ideas

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Ways to Assess Institutional Data Pre- Post Measures

BarOn EQ-i Goal setting and end of the semester analysis

Art Student Narrative (writing, focus groups, interviews) Student Reflection Activities

The Bull’s Eye E-Portfolios

A collection of artifacts with feedback Rubrics

Measure student writing and presentations by self, peers and others


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Final thoughts

Assessment should be based on curiosity What do students do based on our efforts Is it making a difference?

There is nothing worth teaching that should not be assessed