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Page 1: Vermont Cynic Spring 2013 Issue 25

First-year Isabelle Groper had two friends running the Boston Marathon course when two bombs exploded near the ¿�QLVK�OLQH�0RQGD\�DIWHUQRRQ�RQ�Boylston Street.

One of her friends was two PLOHV�IURP�WKH�¿�QLVK�OLQH��*URS�er was waiting for her other friend, Rayna, at the bottom of Heartbreak Hill, roughly six miles from where the bombs ex-ploded.

“My grandma texted me that bombs went off, but no one was panicking,” Groper said. “A few minutes later a lot of people around us started talking about ZKDW�ZDV�JRLQJ�RQ�DW�WKH�¿�QLVK�line.

“Then all these cop cars and motorcycles came telling people to get off the course. Eventually, the runners stopped coming.”

2QFH� RI¿�FLDOV� FDQFHOHG� WKH�race, people began to cry by the sidelines, Groper said.

³$IWHU� ¿�YH� PLQXWHV�� DOO� RXU�phones stopped working and we couldn’t make phone calls,” she said.

Rayna’s father picked her up half a mile away from Groper, who was then able to meet them on Commonwealth Avenue.

Since the incident, there have been army soldiers all

around the bus terminal at South Station, which is “pretty out of the ordinary,” Groper said.

Annie Stevens, Associate Vice President for University Relations and Campus Life, and Bill Ballard, Associate Vice President for Administrative and Facilities Services, sent an email to the UVM community yesterday evening regarding the Boston Marathon tragedy.

“We have not heard about any member of our Univer-sity community who may have sustained injuries,” the email stated.

“We have heard from stu-dents and staff members who

were at the marathon and have reported that they are ok. Our thoughts are with the runners, family, friends and spectators who experienced this traumatic event.”

By Monday afternoon, UVM students — many of whom are either from or have ties to the Boston area — took to Facebook and Twitter accounts to express reactions of shock and sympa-thy.

SGA President Connor Dal-ey said he thought the Univer-sity had dealt with it as best as it could, but the event hit close to home to a large portion of the

T h e Ve r m o n t C y n i c w w w. v e r m o n t c y n i c . c o m@ V E R M O N T C Y N I C @ Ve r m o n t C y n i c L i k e u s o n F a c e b o o k F o l l o w u s o n I n s t a g r a m F o l l o w u s o n Tw i t t e r V i s i t u s o n l i n e

T h u r s d a y, A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 – Vo l u m e 1 2 9 I s s u e 2 5 | B u r l i n g t o n , Ve r m o n t

The Vermont

CYNICThe University of Vermont’s independent voice since 1883

UVM mourns for Boston

When the clock ticks 4:20 p.m. on April 20 a number of students plan to light up for WKH� XQRI¿�FLDO� ���� HYHQW� FHO�ebrating marijuana use.

Last year, hundreds of students gathered on the

Redstone Green April 20 un-til police presence broke up the crowd at about 4:26 p.m., the Cynic reported.

But when did this event ¿�UVW�EHJLQ"

Despite rumors that 420 was a police code for mari-juana smoking in progress or that it comes from the num-ber of chemicals in marijua-

QD��WKH�WHUP�ZDV�¿�UVW�FRLQHG�by a group of California high school students, according to WKH�+XI¿�QJWRQ�3RVW�

,Q� ������ ¿�YH� VWXGHQWV�called the Waldos — because their chosen hangout spot was a wall along the school — would smoke everyday after sports practice at 4:20 p.m. and drive down to Pt. Reyes

peninsula in search of a hid-den treasure of marijuana plants, the article stated.

The idea of celebrating the illegal substance on April 20 gained popularity throughout the 1970s, according to the +XI¿�QJWRQ�3RVW�

Students at UVM began an annual campus smoke-in throughout the mid-1990s

as a way to protest marijuana laws, according to the Associ-ated Press.

The event grew over the \HDUV� XQWLO� RI¿�FLDOV� LQWHU�vened in 2001 and 2002.

Ben Plotzker Staff Writer

See FEATURE on page 8-9

Clearing the haze: a look at 420

Decriminalization: puff, puff, passed

Possession of a small amount of marijuana could soon be de-criminalized in Vermont.

But it would still be illegal, and that is a distinction that ad-vocates of a decriminalization movement currently unfolding at the Statehouse are emphasiz-ing.

“This bill does not legalize marijuana,” Rep. Tom Koch, R-Barre, said Friday during de-bate. “This bill deals with the penalties for the possession of marijuana.”

The House voted 92-49 to approve a bill Tuesday that would remove criminal penal-ties for possession of an ounce or less of marijuana.

Instead, the bill would make possession of up to an ounce of pot a civil violation—similar to a speeding ticket—subject to a ¿�QH�RI������RU�OHVV�

Those under the age of 21 who are caught with an ounce or less of pot, however, would face the same penalties imposed for an underage alcohol possession, which require completion of a diversion program and payment RI�D�¿�QH�RI�XS�WR������

Supporters of the bill say

that criminal sanctions are too harsh a punishment for posses-sion of small amounts of mari-juana.

“We’re basically recogniz-ing that people use marijuana and that doesn’t make them criminals,” Rep. Chris Pearson, P-Burlington, who is the lead sponsor of the bill, said. “In fact, many very successful people choose to use marijuana.”

Under current Vermont law, possession of two ounces or less of marijuana is a criminal vio-ODWLRQ� WKDW� FDUULHV� D� ¿�QH� RI� QRW�PRUH� WKDQ� ����� DQG� XS� WR� VL[�months in jail.

“The collateral consequences of having a criminal record that follows you for your whole life are really bad,” Pearson said. “Having a criminal record could jeopardize everything from stu-dent aid to adopting children. That doesn’t make a lot of sense, DQG� WKDW� GRHVQ¶W� ¿�W� ZLWK� P\�sense of justice.”

Proponents also say the bill UHÀ�HFWV�SXEOLF�RSLQLRQ�DERXW�WKH�issue.

A February 2012 Public Poli-F\�SROO�LQGLFDWHG�WKDW����SHUFHQW�of Vermonters back a reduction of the penalty for possession of an ounce or less of marijuana to

See BILL on page 2

.HHJDQ�)DLU¿�HOG�Senior Staff Writer


Kevin SantamariaStaff Writer

See BOSTON on page 2

WRUV DJs Mama Bear and HoneyPage 6

Page 2: Vermont Cynic Spring 2013 Issue 25


Every year 420 puts Police Services’ efforts to the test as many students at the Univer-sity engage in different forms RI�FHOHEUDWLRQ�IRU�WKH�XQRI¿�FLDO�holiday.

Despite the day’s popularity among students, UVM unwav-eringly prohibits the unlawful possession, use, distribution or manufacture of marijuana by University employees and students on University prop-erty, in any University-owned or leased facility or as part of any University employment or activity, according to UVM Po-lice Services.

Police Services’ role and mission for 420, and every other day in the calendar year, is to promote public safety, Lt. Larry Magnant said.

Between 2008 and 2012 there were 14 drug-related FULPH� UHSRUWV� ¿�OHG� E\� 3ROLFH�Services on 420, according to the Police Services Crime and Fire Log.

Although Police Services stands by its mission of treat-

ing 420 with the same laws as every other day, a high number of students have continued to take part in the illegal activi-ties.

Sophomore Meg Matthews said she was surprised by the number of students who open-ly participated in 420 last year.

“The Red Stone green was covered with people smoking,” Matthews said. “It wasn’t until later in the day, about four or ¿�YH�� WKDW� ,� VDZ� SROLFH� DVNLQJ�students to leave.”

Through existing disciplin-ary procedures, the University will impose disciplinary sanc-tions of those who unlawfully use, possess, sell or distribute drugs, according to Police Ser-vices.

“Enhancing public safety contributes toward a better, safer learning environment WKDW� KHOSV� IXO¿�OO� WKH�8QLYHUVL�ty's primary mission – educa-tion,” Magnant said.

Lauren GieryAssistant News Editor

Police patrol 420


Josh Barry was sworn in as 2013-2014 SGA treasur-er. Connor Daley described him as “passionate and intelligent.”

Senator Kevin Conlon was sworn in for 2013-2014 SGA speaker.

Vermont New Economy Summit is taking place April 27. It explains the process that takes place after divestment from fossil fuel.

Marissa BeinhauerStaff Writer

COLA hopes to open up dialogue with police about heroin use on campus.

Academic A! airs plans to work on enhancing course descriptions before students need to pick classes, text reserves and international education.

WALKER SULTZBACH The Vermont CynicA student speaks at the SGA meeting in the Livak ballroom April 16.

$150 with no jail time.Opponents of the bill have

expressed concerns that de-criminalization would send the wrong message to young Ver-monters.

“The message to our chil-dren is ‘it’s okay’ to toke up,” Rep. Duncan Kilmartin, R/D-Newport City, said. While not all children ‘toking up’ will become substances addicts, we know that many will.”

Other lawmakers said they are concerned that passage of WKH�PHDVXUH�FRXOG�PDNH�LW�GLI¿��FXOW�IRU�EXVLQHVVHV�WR�¿�QG�ZRUN�ers that are able to pass a drug test.

“This bill ignores the impact on our workforce and it is dis-appointing that the committee did not hear testimony regard-ing this issue,” Rep. Lynn Dick-enson, R-St. Albans Town, said Friday.

Overall, however, the de-criminalization movement has strong backing amongst Ver-mont lawmakers, Pearson said.

“It’s considered to be a bill that will go all the way,” he said.

:LWK� ¿�QDO� +RXVH� DSSURYDO��the bill will now move to the Senate for consideration and amending.

If both houses approve the bill, it will then be sent to Gov. Peter Shumlin, who has previ-ously voiced support for mari-juana decriminalization, to be signed into law.

The current decriminaliza-tion movement is the latest ini-tiative in an ongoing legislative effort to reform marijuana poli-cy in Vermont.

7KH� ¿�UVW� PDMRU� PLOHVWRQH�was achieved in 2004 with pas-sage of legislation that approved the use of marijuana for medical purposes. The Legislature ex-panded the law in 2007.

Most recently, in 2011, the Legislature authorized the es-tablishment of four medical marijuana dispensaries.

To date, the Department of

Public Safety has approved two locations, including the Cham-plain Valley Dispensary in Burl-ington, which will open its doors to patients in June 2013, accord-ing to its website.

And though the decriminal-ization debate at the Statehouse has yet to draw to a close, some lawmakers are already calling for broader legislative action on marijuana.

“Going forward, I believe we need a comprehensive regu-lation, taxation, legalization, education policy,” Rep. Tom Burditt, R-Rutland, said during Friday’s debate.

Marijuana is currently legal in two states. In November, vot-ers in Colorado and Washington approved initiatives to legalize possession and consumption of small amounts of the drug.

Vermont, however, is not a so-called “initiative state,” meaning that marijuana could not be legalized by popular vote—as was the case in Colo-rado and Washington—but in-stead would require an act of the Legislature.

Bills have been introduced in both houses this session of the Vermont Legislature, but Pear-son said he doesn’t expect they will make it out of committee.

“There are bills in right now to legalize; there have been for years,” he said. “But at some lev-el, people have known that they weren’t going to move.”

With marijuana still illegal under federal law, Pearson said that the best course of action for legalization in Vermont is to wait and see how the federal government responds to the

states that have already legalized marijuana.

“Once the feds have a little more clarity about how they’re going to handle states that have legalized, then we’ll see some possibilities opening up in Ver-mont,” he said.

Support for legalization seems to be growing among Ver-monters.

Last November, 70 percent of Burlington voters said they supported the legalization, regu-lation and taxation of cannabis and hemp products. A similar question posed to Montpelier voters was favored by a 3-1 mar-gin in March 2010.

Burditt said he thinks the potential economic revenues that taxation would bring for 9HUPRQW�MXVWL¿�HV�OHJDOL]DWLRQ�

Burditt calculated that a tax rate of $2 a gram could yield $33 million or more in tax rev-enue a year, based on estimates of national marijuana consump-tion. Factor in a business model, and those potential revenues are even higher, he said.

“Ultimately, I believe we are talking close to a one-half billion dollar industry,” he said.

Pearson said he believes this potential economic revenue will eventually bring some lawmak-ers who are skeptical about le-galization to change their stance.

“The potential revenue is kind of hard to ignore after a while,” he said.

In the meantime, however, Pearson said he thinks that de-criminalization is a step in the right direction.

“The war on drugs has been an unmitigated failure,” he said, “and marijuana is probably the most obvious substance where policy is just completely out of whack with the values of our so-ciety.”

“As a state, we can’t end the war on drugs, but we can work on little pieces, like decriminal-izing the possession of marijua-na.”

...continued from page 1

BILL Decriminalization bill moves to the Senate

“It’s considered to be a bill that will go all

the way.”

Chris PearsonRep. (P-Burlington)

For the second year in a row more than 300 student registrants will participate in the Student Research Confer-ence (SRC), said senior direc-tor of research and strategic initiatives Dr. Melody Burkins.

The University has 177 un-dergraduate and 136 graduate students currently registered for the conference that will take place April 23, Burkins said.

The showcase is a part of a weeklong celebration of stu-GHQW�DFKLHYHPHQW�WKDW�¿�UVW�EH�gan in 2007, the SRC website stated.

“That puts the event at over 300 student registrants for the second year in a row,” Burkins said.

Graduate student senate president Kelly Swindlehurst said the conference includes a combination of posters and talks presented by students.

Some of the poster pre-sentations include “Consump-tion of Fruit and Fruit Juice LQ�+HDOWK\�:HLJKW� DQG�2EHVH�

Children” and “Children of Incarcerated Parents: An Eco-logical Program Evaluation” along with several others.

“Student presentations will range from new research and ¿�UVW� SURMHFWV� WR� UHVHDUFK� WKDW�has been published in peer review journals,” Swindlehurt said. “It is a showcase of all dif-ferent stages and types of work being done by individuals and teams across campus.”

SGA president Connor Daley said he appreciates the SRC because of the high un-dergraduate involvement and LQÀ�XHQFH��

“My job is helping logisti-cally what it should look like and most importantly, giving student opinion about how it should be run,” Daley said.

Burkins said he feels stu-dent research is huge for the state of Vermont.

“It is important for eco-nomic development as an epicenter of innovation and ideas,” she said.

The conference will feature one morning session and two afternoon sessions of posters DQG�WDONV�RQ�WKH�IRXUWK�À�RRU�RI�the Davis Center.

community. “So many students, actually

most students, come from that DUHD�´�'DOH\�VDLG��³,W¶V�GH¿�QLWHO\�on all our minds.”

The two bombs that ex-SORGHG�QHDU� WKH�PDUDWKRQ�¿�Q�ish line killed three people and wounded over 170, according to the New York Times.

Joe C. was in a Starbucks on Boylston Street when the explo-sion went off.

“I saw smoke coming out of the backpack and three bodies on the ground,” he said. “Ev-eryone came rushing into Star-bucks.

“Being an engineer, you de-velop a sense of direction in a building. But even I got lost, I felt like a mouse in a maze.”

No arrests have been made EXW� WZR� XQLGHQWL¿�HG� VXVSHFWV�were seen on video surveillance carrying black backpacks near WKH�¿�QLVK�OLQH��WKH�/RV�$QJHOHV�Times stated.

“I haven’t heard anything,” RQH� %RVWRQ� SROLFH� RI¿�FHU� VDLG�on whether a suspect had been taken into custody. “That’s just the media reporting.”

Talking researchDanielle Kaidanow

Staff Writer

...continued from page 1


Page 3: Vermont Cynic Spring 2013 Issue 25

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“I love UVM for the green,” a girl says in the “I’m Shmacked The Movie: Univer-sity of Vermont- 4/20 Week-end” YouTube video that was ¿OPHG� WKURXJKRXW� FDPSXV� RQ�420 last year.

Although students have shown affection toward what they think are “weed friend-ly” vibes at UVM, Burlington may not be as friendly as they WKRXJKW� LQ� FRPSDULVRQ� WR� LWV�neighbor Canada.

Tom*, a student at McGill University in Montreal, said he thinks that Burlington’s laws on criminalization are much stricter than in Canada.

7KH� UHODWLRQVKLS� EHWZHHQ�SHRSOH� LQYROYHG� LQ� VPRNLQJ�and/or dealing marijuana and the law enforcement in Canada is much different than in Burl-ington, he said.

“In the U.S. there's the IHDU� WKDW� LI� WKH� SROLFH� EXVW� D�SDUW\�WKH\UH�ERXQG�WR�¿QG�SRW�DQG� SRW� VXSSOLHV�´� 7RP� VDLG��“They've seen my bongs before, but they just tell you they could take them if they want to but they aren't there for that.”

,Q�KLV�RSLQLRQ��PRVW�&DQD-GLDQ�SROLFH� IRUFHV� WHQG� WR�JLYH�students caught with marijua-QD�³D�VODS�RQ�WKH�ZULVW�´�HVSH-cially in Montreal where there are more major drug issues and organized crime to com-bat, he said.

Pat*, a drug dealer in Bur-

lington, described the differ-HQFHV� RI� SROLFH� LQ� WKH� 8�6�� WR�SROLFH� LQ� FRXQWULHV� ERUGHULQJ�the U.S. in regards to reactions to drug distribution.

³:KHQ�WKH�FRSV�EXVW�SHRSOH�here they take everything,” he said. “They take your money, they’ll break all your glass. The FRSV�DUH�GLUW\�´


The outlook on marijuana legalization, decriminalization and use in general seems to be quite different in the U.S. than surrounding countries.

The Liberal Party in Cana-da voted to make marijuana le-JDOL]DWLRQ�D�SDUW�RI�LWV�SODWIRUP�at its biennial convention last year, as well as stated its desire WR�ORZHU�WKH�SULFH�RI�PDULMXDQD��according to an article in the +XI¿QJWRQ�3RVW�&DQDGD.

The Vermont House of 5HSUHVHQWDWLYHV� SDVVHG� D� ELOO�Tuesday in favor of decrimi-QDOL]DWLRQ�� D� VWHS� EHORZ� OHJDO-ization.

First-year Rachel Rhodes said she agrees the difference in marijuana use and distribu-WLRQ�DFURVV�WKH�ERUGHU�GHSHQGV�on attitudes toward the drug.


On the issue of selling, 7RP¶V� SULFHV� LQ� 0RQWUHDO� UH-ÀHFW� WKH� QRUP�� KH� VDLG�� ����

for an eighth of marijuana and �����IRU�DQ�RXQFH��

Tom said he thinks the SULFH�RI�PDULMXDQD�LV�KLJKHU�LQ�the U.S. because of the risk in-volved in selling.

³7KHUHV� PRUH� RSHQ� VSDFH�LQ�&DQDGD�IRU�SHRSOH�WR�VPRNH��the country is very wide and there's a lot of land mass so getting caught isn't as much of a concern,” he said.

Pat agrees that the cost RI� PDULMXDQD� LV� PRUH� H[SHQ-sive on this side of the border DW� DURXQG� ���� DQ� HLJKWK� DQG�����������DQ�RXQFH��EXW�GLV-agrees on why.

³3RW� LV� FKHDSHU� LQ� &DQDGD�because Canadians are dumb and don’t know what they are doing,” he said. “Also a ton of EXG�LV�JURZQ�XS�WKHUH�HVSHFLDO-ly in British Columbia.”

But according to www.the-SULFHRIZHHG�FRP�� DQ� DQRQ\-mous source for analyzing the JOREDO� SULFH� LQGH[� RI�PDULMXD-na, the cost of marijuana is re-lated to the quality.

Both Tom and Pat said they have never been caught nor KDG�DQ\� LVVXHV�ZLWK� WKH�SROLFH�since they began selling in Bur-lington and Montreal.

“I think [the consequences] DOO�GHSHQGV�RQ�KRZ�PXFK�\RX�are selling and how much you have on you at the time that you get busted,” Pat said. “An ounce isn’t anything major but over an ounce or two is where it gets more intense.”


Comparing dealers in U.S. and CanadaLauren Giery


Page 4: Vermont Cynic Spring 2013 Issue 25

From packing basement shows at house parties to playing venues such as High-er Ground, Burlington-based bands and DJs have been at-WHPSWLQJ� WR� ¿QG� WKHLU� ZD\�above ground.

Despite the large number of well-known artists that are brought into Burlington by the “upper-ground” venues (i.e Memorial Auditorium and the Flynn), with enough persistence and strong effort, local acts can be showcased as well.

The Bumping Jones vocal-ist and student, Shawn Con-nolly said the band started playing together in late 2010 and began by playing at par-ties on Colchester Ave. Their most recent show with long-time Sublime cover-band, %DG¿VK�� KLJKOLJKWV� WKHLU� ULVH�to Vermont fame.

“We always packed the houses to capacity,” Connolly said. “We played a gig one Saturday and the ceiling pan-el literally got ripped down and fell on the crowd. Kids were breaking through the wall paneling that separated the room we were playing in and the keg room.”

As the parties continued,

the cops started cracking down and began busting the parties at which they were playing, he said.

House parties were not a reliable venue due to in-creased police enforcement for a band that wanted to continue growing.

³2XU�¿UVW�JLJ�ZDV�DW�0DQ-hattan’s pizza in October 2011,” Connolly said. “We were opening for our friend’s band. We packed the house and the line was out the door so it was like we just brought the basement scene into a bar.”

But despite their success, Shawn said it is not as easy as some may think to get booked at a venue.

“For the most part I e-mail venues many times before we hear back about booking a gig,” he said. “It took a while for us to get into Higher Ground but now we play there at least once a year opening for big acts. It’s all in the luck of the draw and the work you put into it.”

And Burlington’s under-ground music scene is not limited to bands—in recent years the amount of local DJs have also continued to grow.

WRUV DJ John Moses began DJing at places like Manhattan’s Pizza and Club

Metronome in high school with some friends who were also on the radio station.

:LWK� HPSW\� GDQFH� ÀRRUV�and blank stares, a lot of WKRVH� ¿UVW� JLJV� ZHUH� UHDOO\�awkward, Moses said. He played music that he loved and hoped that they would love it too.

“These days I am still able to play music I love but I’m PXFK�PRUH� DGHSW� DW� ¿QGLQJ�a middle ground between crowd pleasers and personal favorites,” he said. “Now when I play out you are more likely to see me relaxed as op-SRVHG�WR�P\�¿UVW�JLJV�ZKHUH�,�was sweaty and nervous and trying to connect with an au-dience that wasn’t really hav-ing it.”

Underground artists may not be commonly booked at venues according to Moses, but DJing, once an under-ground hobby to some, is be-coming more prevalent.

With the right techniques, such as joining a radio sta-tion, production company or simply being persistent with emails to venues, Burlington artists continue to try to get their music heard.

Want to know more about the ungerground mu-sic scene? Read the whole ar-ticle online at vermontcynic.



WALKER SULTZBACH The Vermont CynicSinger Katie Richter (right) and guitarist Ben Chussid of the Bumping Jones perform in the Davis Cen-ter Feb. 15. They started performing at parties and are one of many underground bands in Burlington.

Inside the underground




Jess Schwartz Senior Staff Writer

Art enthusiasts and fellow shredders, students Timothy Andreasen and Brandon Sau-er, have combined their pas-sions into a unique idea with a community-driven cause: Art on Board.

Hosted in collabora-tion between the UVM Ski and Snowboard Club, Sticky Brand, Burton and the Bur-lington City Arts, the event will reveal seven snowboards featuring custom graphics by local artists at the BCA Center downtown April 19.

“We have a solid group of friends of artists and we thought why not get them all together to showcase their art, enjoy music and some drinks,” Sauer explained.

Sauer works with Burl-ington-based Sticky Brand, a homegrown print shop and vinyl diecuttery that provided the top sheets for each board.

In conjunction with the collaborative effort of work orchestrated by Andreasen and Sauer, Burton donated the boards that serve as can-vases not indented for use.

Each artist, including Jackson Tupper—multime-dia student artist behind the skateboarding, bearded man hauling around a jug of whisky on the event poster—and graphic designer/artist, Brian Zager, had the option of creating artwork that could EH� SULQWHG� IURP� GLJLWDO� ¿OHV�onto the vinyl sheets or work-ing directly on the board’s surface.

Proceeds from an auction of the boards will go to the Burton Chill Foundation and the BCA Scholarship Fund.

“It started off as an art show and we always wanted it to be a fundraiser. Now we’ve taken it to a whole other level,” Andreasen said. “We have all these resources in the form of a snowboard that can potentially go for a lot of money.”

$� EHQH¿FLDU\� RI� WKH� DXF-tion, Burton Chill Founda-tion has been providing gear, transportation, lessons and tickets to kids that normally are unable to snowboard since 2005.

Though patrons of Ver-mont’s most popular winter sports industry, the two se-niors know its exclusiveness.

“Boarding is not very ac-cessible, the cost is high,” Sauer said. “It shouldn’t be reserved to certain classes and because Burton has the money they can bus un-derprivileged kids into the mountains.”

In addition to doing good through art, Art on Board is the product of a well planned and professional effort.

“We’ve had our hands in a lot of events over the years,” Andreasen said of their UVM SSC experience. “But it’s nice to really own this. From start WR�¿QLVK�ZH¶YH�PDGH� LW�ZKDW�we’ve wanted it to be.”

Sauer agrees. “I think the biggest thing

before starting an event, be-fore you make the creative commitment, you need to make sure everything is set in concrete so when you release it, it’s professional.”

Art on Board begins at 8 p.m., is free and open to the public. Hot Wax will perform a DJ set and Pot Belly will take over for in an informal, after-party gathering at Man-hattan’s Pizza.

Madeleine GibsonAssistant Arts Editor

“It started off as an art show and we

always wanted it to be a fundraiser. Now

we’ve taken it to a whole other level.”

Timothy AdreasenArt on Board Curator

Students curate local art show

Boards become art for a charity

Page 5: Vermont Cynic Spring 2013 Issue 25



“Game of Thrones” con-stantly builds us up to a SRLQW� ZKHUH� ZH� ¿QG� QRWK-ing shocking. Where we feel we’ve seen every scandalous or violent thing possible. But then someone stumbles upon a giant swirl of decapitated horses and the show tops it-self once again.

Episode two,“Walk of Punishment,” thankfully—al-EHLW�EULHÀ\²EULQJV�EDFN�'DH-nerys for some major strat-egizing. With its walkways OLQHG� ZLWK� FUXFL¿HG� VODYHV��Astapor is appropriately ter-ULI\LQJ�� 'DQ\� EX\V� ������slaves in exchange for her biggest dragon.

I’m torn by this. Are we supposed to cheer her on or lament her separation from one of her dragons? Probably the former, especially since 'DQ\� KHUVHOI� LV� XQSHUWXUEHG�by the whole situation.

,W¶V� H[FLWLQJ� WR� VHH� 'DQ\�once again with a female con-¿GDQWH�� $V� VKH� VD\V� WR� KHU�newly acquired translator, Missandei, with some hefty foreshadowing in one of her best lines to date, “Yes, all men must die; but we’re not men.” Cheers to feminism. Jon Snow and company don’t have much to do this ZHHN��DVLGH�IURP�¿QGLQJ�WKH�aforementioned horse parts. Rayder commands Snow DQG� ��� RWKHU� PHQ� WR� FOLPE�the wall in order to attack the Night’s Watch.

I’m worried–is Snow’s unfailing loyalty to his new family going to drive him to murder those in his old one? Or worse, will he have to come head-to-head with his dearest friend Sam, poor, birth-watching Sam?

In King’s Landing, Tyrion is appointed Master of Coin. This is clearly a terrible idea. He realizes his family owes a massive amount of money to

the Iron Bank, but then pretty PXFK�LJQRUHV�LW�RQFH�KH�¿QGV�the need to interrogate Po-drick about pleasing whores.

And here our quota for naked women on television IRU�WKH�ZHHN�LV�IXO¿OOHG��DORQJ�with some impressive contor-tionism.

We still don’t know the name of the cleaning boy who twice rescues Theon, whose motives I greatly question, because why would anyone want to rescue Theon?

Robb Stark’s monologue about the war not being about glory is especially compelling.

Arya and Gendry’s good-bye with Hot Pie is almost too sweet. It’s sad to see Hot Pie VWD\� EHKLQG�� EXW� LW¶V� VLJQL¿-cantly full-circle. He’s taking over for the bakery boy who was slayed by the Hound, who is now a prisoner of the Brotherhood.

The most impressive de-velopment this week, howev-er, happens with Jaime and Brienne.

They’ve gone from the comfort of hostage/holder banter to both being in cap-tivity and Jaime’s the only one who need be delivered alive. Brienne inevitably has to face being murdered, tor-tured or both.

Jaime seems to convince Locke that Brienne is more valuable alive and well, and the whole viewership is si-multaneously shocked—is Jaime Lannister, of all peo-ple, being a decent human?

It seems like it, so natural-ly he gets his hand chopped off. And it’s his sword hand. Like his daddy, he’s nothing without his hand, and now his hand isn’t there!

Leave it to “Game of Thrones” to punish a gen-erally despicable character when he actually starts show-ing some promise.


Shocks continue


PHOTO COURTESY OF RACHEL JANKELSONFunk fusion quintet Kung Fu poses for a photo. They mix 1970s funk style with modern dance music.

SaturdayApr. 20Joe Adler

Radio Bean, 8:30 Joe Adler is your friend and mine: talent buyer at the Radio Bean and a singer/songwriter himself, Joe will delight you with his bari-tone voice and fun stage presence. In addition to great music all night, the Bean is probably the most �����IULHQGO\�SODFH�LQ�WRZQ�other than UVM.

SundayApr. 21

Bohemian Blues Quartet

Radio Bean, 7 p.m. Still have the munchies? Ra-GLR�%HDQ�DQG�'XLQR�'XHQGH�have the answer to your problems and great music to go along with it. Check out this local gypsy jazz power-house and enjoy delicious brunch without the wait you get at Penny Cluse.

Weekend Arts

Kung Fu’s funky returnBrittany DahlbergCynic Correspondent

As an on-the rise funk “fu-sion” band, Kung Fu is break-LQJ�LQWR������ZLWK�D�QHZ�IXOO�length album release, a busy summer festival schedule, nationalized music play on Sirius XM radio and a tsu-nami-like wave of hype sur-rounding them.

Kung Fu is a quintet from New Haven, Conn. comprising Tim Palmieri (guitar), Robert Somerville (tenor sax), Todd Stoops �NH\ERDUGV��� &KULV� 'H$QJH-lis (bass guitar), and Adrian Tramontano (drums/percus-sion).

With the Burlington mu-VLF� VFHQH� HOHFWUL¿HG� IRU� WKH������FRKHVLRQ�RI�7ZLGGOH�DQG�Kung Fu, the Cynic caught up with keyboardist Todd Stoops to talk about being on the road, how close is “too close,” what the future holds and how the name “Kung Fu” developed.

Vermont Cynic (VC): The term “Kung Fu” can be translated as “achieve-ment through great effort.” How did the band adopt this name?

Todd Stoops (TS): I wish I could tell you that the name “Kung Fu” was adopt-ed by us with some deeper meaning but we kind of just grew into the name.

I was on the phone with Chris, the bassist, and at the time when Kung Fu formed my two-year-old son was ob-VHVVHG�E\� WKH�¿OP�³.XQJ�)X�Panda.”

Ad nauseum he had the movie memorized. As I’m talking on the phone my son comes up to me and says, ³'DGG\��,�ZDQQD�ZDWFK�.XQJ�Fu Panda.” And that’s how the name came to be.

We all kind of kick ass and the music we play kicks ass so WKH�QDPH�LV�YHU\�¿WWLQJ���

“Kung Fu” sort of symbol-izes achieving the pinnacle of whatever you are doing. If you basket weave, basket weaving is your Kung Fu, if you ski, skiing can be your

Kung Fu. VC: Who have been some

of your personal musical in-ÀXHQFHV"��$UH�WKHUH�DQ\�SDU-ticular individuals or bands WKDW�.XQJ�)X�KDV�EHHQ�LQÀX-enced by?

TS: A few certain key-boardists have personally LQÀXHQFHG�PH���+HUELH�+DQ-cock, Kenny Warner, Grate-IXO� 'HDG� NH\ERDUGLVW� %UXFH�Hornsby and John Medeski ZLWK� KLV� MD]]� LQÀXHQFHV� LQ�particular.

VC:�'R�\RX�IHHO�D�VSHFLDO�connection to the state of Ver-mont? Would you describe how it feels to play to crowd at a venue in Burlington?

TS: I have a special con-nection to the state of Ver-mont. I listened to Grateful 'HDG�DV�D�NLG�DQG�,�PRYHG�WR�Vermont on my own to see VRPH�'HDG�VKRZV�� � ,�PRYHG�WR� 9HUPRQW� LQ� ����� DQG�VWD\HG�WKHUH�WLOO�DURXQG��������

Burlington in general is very spoiled with bands. It’s an extremely hard place to play because there is so much expectation. Phish blew it out, playing at Nectars and making a name for them-selves.

0\�¿UVW�EDQG�5$4�VWDUWHG�playing at Nectars and it is the best feeling in the world to pack a Burlington room. Coming back here for the ����� VKRZ� ZLWK� 7ZLGGOH� LV�GH¿QLWHO\� D� KRPHFRPLQJ� IRU�me.

VC:� �'RHV� LPSURYLVDWLRQ�play into your musical realm at all? If so, how much?

TS: Even though we are considered to be in the “jam band” realm, in reality there is little improvisation going on. With Kung Fu, every-thing is really composed.

Now, don’t get me wrong, there are some solos and parts in some songs that we do do improv on but for the most part, making up music RQ� WKH� À\� LV� QRW� .XQJ� )X¶V�style.

VC: Your second full-length album “Tsar Bomba” will be released in June of ������ �:LOO� \RX� WHOO�PH�KRZ�this album is different from your self-titled album in

������ �'LG�\RX�KDYH�D�GLIIHU-ent approach to this album?

TS: 'DYLG�/LYROVL��RXU�IRU-mer bassist, left the band last summer in July for some per-sonal issues.

We then recruited Chris-WRSKHU� 'H$QJHOLV� ZKR� LV� DQ�amazing talent in which we said “we need to record with you.” Chris being recorded on this album is one of the big-gest differences.

Also when we set out on our self-titled album, we had only been a band for eight months at that time, still get-ting to know each other per-sonally and musically.

This second album “Tsar Bomba,” we are more sea-soned. We have been in the van, smelling each other’s farts so we are very familiar.

We just released our sin-JOH�³'R�7KH�5LJKW�7KLQJ´�ZLWK�Nigel Hall and Sirius XM ra-dio has been supporting us by playing these singles. It feels really good that the album is being well received.

VC: There is incredible hype surrounding the merg-ing of Twiddle and Kung Fu at +LJKHU�*URXQG�RQ��������&DQ�you tell me how this show got set up with Twiddle?

TS: The guys from Twid-dle lived in the house where I played this show when I was ����,�ZRXOG�VD\�LW�ZDV�³ORYH�DW�¿UVW�VLJKW�´

Kung Fu has been in touch with Twiddle for months and decided that Higher Ground would be ideal for Twiddle and Kung Fu to play, espe-FLDOO\� RQ� ������ WKH� KLSSLH�holiday grand event in Burl-ington.

We wanted to play a show for all ages, which is what WKH�VKRZ�ZLOO�EH�RQ�������EH-FDXVH�LI�\RX¶UH�D�¿UVW�\HDU�\RX�deserve to go see a great show as well. And we all know fake ,'V�DUH�H[SHQVLYH��

Want more Kung Fu? Check out the entire inter-view online at

Kung Fu is coming to the Higher Ground Ballroom on April 20 with coheadliners Twiddle. Tickets are $12.


Here our quota for naked women on television for the

week is fulfilled, along with some impressive


Page 6: Vermont Cynic Spring 2013 Issue 25

WRUV has two veritable

treasure troves of sass and

questionable wisdom in the

form of the Glammas: DJ

Honey aka Clara Flaherty,

and Mama Bear aka Kylie


The duo donned match-

ing cowboy hats as they threw

down what their Glamma

experience has taught them

about children’s music, Sha-

ron van Etten concerts, and

the Jonas Brothers.

If you’re looking for some

new rock, or child tunes,

check out their show “Glam-

mas in Paradise” Thursdays

from 6-8 p.m.

Cynic: So, what kind of

music do you usually play?

Mama Bear: We play a

whole smorgasbord, a smear

on a platter if you will. We

dabble in more of the rock

genre, and Honey here is

more into the blues.

Honey: I like my hip-hop

if I’m feeling, hmm…

M: Saucy.

H: Yes, saucy, but usually

it’s just honey in your soul.

M: Or occasionally some

kid songs if we’re feeling


Cynic: Do you have a fa-

vorite album from this year?

M: I’ve really enjoyed

the new Foxygen album. It’s

pretty cool.

Cynic: When did you

start DJ-ing and when did

your show start?

H: Well, we have a his-

tory, we got a lotta history.

Freshman year we met and

were friends and it was love

DW�¿�UVW�VLJKW��:H�ZDQWHG�WR�GR�the radio station and decided

to get into it sophomore year

together, then Kylie left me

second semester, and I left

her junior year but now we’re


M: Now we’re back and

stronger than ever. We need-

ed some time apart but now

we’re back, streaming some

love through our airwaves, a

really steady stream.

H: ,W¶V�D�À�RZ�M: So this is our second

show together, it’s part deux

of the Glammas if you will.

Cynic: Do you play the

same sort of stuff this semes-

ter, or have you switched it


M: It’s always been a pret-

ty strange mix. The kid music

has gotten a bit stronger this


H: Mama Bear works with

kids now, so I think it’s a sub-

conscious thing. She needs

them around at all times.

Cynic: Have you been to

any concerts this year?

H: We went to Sharon

van Etten together, what a

lady she is.

M: She dedicated a song

to you. It was probably one of

the greatest moments of my


H: She called out an audi-

ence member and pointed to

me, and she dedicated a song

to me and then I freaked out

and proceeded to turn bright

red and sweat a lot.

Cynic: How’s being PR


M: I’m actually stepping

down right now; it’s my tran-

sition week so that’s pretty

sad. Basically I handle all the

PR announcements, make

sure they’re FCC appropri-

ate and all. I make fun post-

ers, and I pick the DJs of the

month, which is fun. I get to

make people feel special.

Cynic: Do you have a

guilty pleasure band?

H: We have a mutual

guilty pleasure.

M: We both love the song

Love Bug by the Jonas Broth-

ers. That guitar riff where

they just start rockin’ out, I

think I pulled a hamstring.

H: Yeah, I think they

should just be called plea-

sures if you like them. No

guilt. Just pleasure. Simple


M: Words of wisdom

from Honey.

H: Well, we are Glammas,

lots of experience.

M: Mud and gravel.

M: Thanks for accepting

our weirdness.

black and white

LifeA slice of paradise dished by Glammas

NATALIE WILLIAMS The Vermont CynicSeniors Kylie Schulze (left) and Clara Flaherty pose in the CD stacks of the WRUV studio April 16.

Alyssandra TobinStaff Writer

The Burly Grind

When selecting a movie to

watch on the upcoming “holi-

day,” maybe you don’t have

the foggiest idea. Wait for

it… it will come to you. If not,

here’s a list of the top 10 mov-

ies (see the full list online) in

no particular order to watch

when you’re feeling groovy,


1. Wristcutters, A Love

Story (2006)

Don’t be fooled by the

serious title. This movie is

completely feel-good. When

=LD�FRPPLWV�VXLFLGH��KH�¿�QGV�himself in a strange, sur-

real world where nobody can

smile or see the stars.

When he hears his ex-

girlfriend, for whom he com-

mitted the act, has also killed

KHUVHOI�� KH� VHWV� RII� WR� ¿�QG�her. This movie will have you

thinking about the meaning

of life and death in a seriously

trippy way.

2. Willy Wonka & The

Chocolate Factory (1971)

This may seem like an

obvious tip, but believe me,

BRING CANDY. This trip

into a crazy candy wonder-

land is just what you’ll need

for the lull in activity. Curl

up with some jelly beans,

chocolate and candy buttons,

and revel in the fact that “the

snozberries taste like snoz-

berries!” BEWARE: The tun-

nel scene might just be more

than you can take.

3. Pineapple Express


Ah, the mandatory Judd

Apatow movie. In this ston-

HU� À�LFN�� 'DOH� DQG� KLV� GHDOHU�Saul run away from angry

druglord, Ted, smoking all

the way. Pineapple express

knows just what to say, “I feel

like a, like a slice of butter...

melting on top of a big ole pile

RI�À�DSMDFNV�´�<RXU�VWDWH�RI�EH�ing will probably enhance the

“connection” you feel to the

main characters.

4. Jurassic Park (1993)

If you want intense, dino-

VDXU�¿�OOHG�WKULOOV��RU�D�ODXJK�DW�special effects, Jurassic Park

is a must. Made around the

time some of us were born, it

is based on the beloved prem-

ise of “what if we could bring

dinosaurs back to the Earth

by using mosquito DNA?”

Honestly, just watch Jeff

Goldblum and maybe appre-

ciate the line in #3 on the list,

“Your Jeff Goldblum impres-

sion made me pee my pants.”

“I wish.” Also, it’s currently in

3D in theaters!


The Cynic does not endorse the use of marijuana or other illegal substances.

Feel good movies

Page 7: Vermont Cynic Spring 2013 Issue 25

Everyone knows UVM’s freeskiing team is talented through watching their vari-ous edits, yet many are un-DZDUH� RI� WKH� ¿OPLQJ� EHKLQG�the scenes. First-year Steve 0DUVKDOO�PDGH�KLV�GHEXW�WKLV�winter as the UVM Freeski-ing Team’s videographer.

³:H� EURXJKW� 6WHYH� RQWR�WKH� WHDP� DV� RXU� ¿OPHU� WKLV�season. Throughout the win-ter he was always willing to spend his days on the moun-WDLQ� ¿OPLQJ� DQG� SXWWLQJ� WR-gether great edits showcasing the team.” said senior Max (EHQVWHLQ�� 9LFH� 3UHVLGHQW� RI�the team.

“It was great to have someone on the team with a passion for videography and who would put in the effort QHHGHG�WR�¿OP�DQG�FXW�TXDO-ity edits,” he said.

6WHYH�VDLG�KH�JRW�LQWR�¿OP-ing a few years ago when his own freestyle skiing was put on hold due to a knee injury.

³,�XVHG�WR�EH�D�ELJ�IUHHVW\OH�skier when I was younger and ,�MXVW�ERXJKW�RQH�RI�WKRVH�OLW-WOH�*R3UR�FDPHUDV�DQG�,�DFWX-ally ended up that year tear-ing my ACL so I couldn’t do too much,” said Steve.

6WHYH¶V�¿OPLQJ�JUHZ�DW�KLV�home mountain of Waterville Valley in New Hampshire.

“I had to wait like a certain amount of time for the swell-ing to go down so I would hike up into the park at Wa-WHUYLOOH�DQG�¿OP�P\�IULHQGV�´�he said.

Steve explained that this

experience allowed his love RI� ¿OPLQJ� WR� HPHUJH�� $IWHU�his knee healed he continued WR�¿OP�ZKLOH�VNLLQJ�DORQJVLGH�his friends.

+LV�¿OPLQJ�FDUHHU�EHFDPH�more serious when he landed WKH�MRE�ZLWK�WKH�890�IUHHVNL-ing team as he entered col-lege.

“It was this year I got the camera I have now and really learned how [it] works and stuff like that and how to con-trol shots,” said Steve.


“Steve’s videos have helped to highlight all that we have accomplished individu-ally and as a team this year,” said Jared.

Steve documented the team’s progress with his ZHHNO\� ³ZHELVRGH´� UHOHDVHV�DQG�DOVR�E\�SRVWLQJ�RQ�RWKHU�LQWHUQHW�YLGHRV�EORJV�VXFK�DV�<RX7XEH�� 9LPHR�FRP� DQG� “Steve’s videos have im-

proved the overall positive exposure of the team. This \HDU�� KH� UHOHDVHG� ³ZHEL-sodes” that each had a dif-ferent theme involved. For example, one was focused on pre-season off-hill training while another was focused RQ� LQWURGXFLQJ� PHPEHUV� RI�WKH�)67�IDPLO\�WR�WKH�SXEOLF�´�said Jared.


“His passion for what he does allows him to learn TXLFNO\� DQG� H[FHO� ZLWK� DQ\�

directions given to him. I think that’s why he has con-tinued to learn and progress KLV� ¿OPLQJ�HGLWLQJ� VR� PXFK�LV� EHFDXVH� RI� WKDW� SDVVLRQ�´�he said.

6WHYH¶V� ZHHNO\� ZHELVRGH�posts keep him in the loop with freeskiing videos around the world and keep the UVM team competitive nationally.

“The freeskiing team pretty much just gave me the inspiration to keep working RQ�LW�EHFDXVH�WKH\�NHHS�EXLOG-ing,” Steve said.



cause there are still people EHWWHU� WKDQ� PH� DQG� HYHQ�though they’re 1,000 miles DZD\�,�VWLOO�ZDQW�WR�EH�EHWWHU�´�said Steve.

Working with the UVM freeskiing team has allowed 6WHYH� WR� H[SDQG� KLV� ¿OPLQJ�from freestyle skiing to other action sports.

1H[W�VHPHVWHU�KH�ZLOO�EH-gin working in the UVM stu-GHQW�OLIH�RI¿FH�DV�WKHLU�¿OPHU�producing videos to help them market and promote their student life department.

THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2013 7

PHOEBE SHEEHAN The Vermont CynicFirst-year Steve Marshall speaks during an interview in the Davis Center April 14. Marshall had been working as a videographer for the UVM Freeskiing Team since a knee injury put his skiing on hold.

“I still have the drive because there are still people better than me and even

though they’re 1,000 miles away I still

want to be better.”

Steve Marshall First-year

Danielle GogliaStaff Writer

Students already planning out their munchie meals for WKLV�6DWXUGD\�DUH� OLNHO\�¿QG-ing themselves out of luck ZKHQ�LW�FRPHV�WR�EUHDNIDVW�

%HWZHHQ�3HQQ\�&OXVH�DQG�Henry Street, a city like Bur-lington has students’ epic cravings covered, if they don’t mind getting up for it.

But this year, getting VHUYHG� EUHDNIDVW� LQ� EHG� LV�an option thanks to UVM’s Breakfast Delivery Service.

“I hate those mornings when you wake up and say µKRO\� VKLW� ,� QHHG� EUHDNIDVW¶�and don’t want to leave your house or deal with people,” said junior Hayden Cleverly, ZKR�LV�RQH�¿IWK�RI�WKH�GHOLY-ery service crew. “Those are the mornings we are trying to help people avoid.”

The service, which Clev-HUO\�EHJDQ�ODVW�ZHHNHQG�ZLWK�four friends, currently op-HUDWHV� WKURXJK� D� )DFHERRN�group that has upwards of ����PHPEHUV��

7KH�SURMHFW�PDGH�D�SUR¿W�E\�VKRSSLQJ�LQ�EXON�DW�&RVW-co. They then had a friend di-vide up the per-unit costs.

“We were surprised that things actually worked out and are excited to continue the project,” Cleverly said.

Cleverly said they were

WLUHG�RI� WKH� ODFN�RI�EUHDNIDVW�options downtown.

This inspired them to go through with their idea to make home cooked food that they could deliver to friends and fellow students.

Their menu ranges from pancakes— with choices of VWUDZEHUULHV�� EDQDQDV� RU�FKRFRODWH�FKLSV²WR�EUHDNIDVW�SODWHV� HTXLSSHG� ZLWK� HJJV�cooked however customer SOHDVH��DQG�EDFRQ�RU�VDXVDJH��


Their menu prices range from $4 to $6, which is FKHDSHU� WKDQ�PRVW�EUHDNIDVW�joints in the area, and deliv-ery service is free.

³:H� WDNH� UHTXHVWV� DQG�we’ll make your order how-ever you like,” Cleverly said.

She said that although some of her friends were KHVLWDQW�DERXW�WKH�SURMHFW�EH-fore they started, they have deemed it a success and have

decided to gear up for this weekend.

Ultimately, they hope to gain UVM student’s seal of approval and continue through the end of the year.

This past weekend sparked only positive feed-EDFN�RQ�WKHLU�)DFHERRN�SDJH�

³%UHDNIDVW� LQ� EHG� WRGD\�was amazing…you ladies got it going on! Thanks for deliv-ering such delicious goodies,” wrote Haleahy Craven.

The praise did not stop there.

“Bacon, sausage, egg, cheese, home fries and hash EURZQV� DOO� RQ� DQ� HYHU\WKLQJ�EDJHO«SOXV� WKH� PRVW� GHOL-cious smoothie I’ve ever tast-ed in my entire life,” wrote David Tinnon. “Couldn’t have asked for more. Worth every penny.”

During last weekend alone the group served over 60 people total. “This week-end, I have no idea. We hope to get to as many as we can,” said Cleverly.

This group offers a few recommendations for timely and accurate service:

To order, call or text in ad-YDQFH��SUHIHUDEO\�RQH�GD\��WR�970-618-6004. Or message WKHP�RQ�)DFHERRN�DW�%UHDN-fast Delivery Service UVM.

Expect a wait time of 20 to 30 minutes. These girls are EXV\��7KH\�ZLOO�VHUYH�IURP���D�P��DQG�JR�XQWLO�DERXW���S�P��

Breakfast Delivery Service

Knee injury sparks filming inspiration

The Cynic does not endorse the use of marijuana or other illegal substances

Best places to chill Many students have their favorite spots on the

UVM campus to let loose:

“In a tree or on central. But I prefer to smoke on campus to not bother the Burl-ington residents,” - Kyle, sophomore

“The tree branches along the Redstone SDWK�EHKLQG�WKH�FKXUFK�µ���0HJDQ��ÀUVW�\HDU

“The old stick igloo in the woods be-hind Mason/Simpson/Hamilton. Rest in Peace,”- Johnny, junior

“Waterfront, for sure,”-Stella, sophomore

“On the roof of my house,” -Matt, junior

“I would say on my front porch. Breath-ing in the fresh air, and saying hello to strangers,”-Ryan, junior

“In front of the police station—the cops would never expect it!” -Bryan, senior

“Not many students know about it, but hiking up to Ethan Allen Park at sunset is one of the most scenic places around. It’s a hidden gem,” -Luke, junior

“In the oven—at a brisk 200 degrees,” -Brent, junior

“It doesn’t matter at all. As long as Fresh 3ULQFH�RI�%HO�$LU�LV�RQ�µ��7LP��ÀUVW�\HDU�

Francesca ParnhamLife Editor

“We take requests and we’ll make your

order however you like.”

Hayden Cleverly Junior

Page 8: Vermont Cynic Spring 2013 Issue 25



8 THURSDAY, April 18, 2013

“Its grown into something that we didn’t expect and we want to keep seeing it grow. Every year we bring in more talented


Dane LiljestrandFootball Club President

Protests, police and pot:

In April 2001 the Summit of the Americas conference was held in Que-bec City, Canada, a controversial event because of its connection to the World Trade Organization protest in Seattle the year before.

“Because of the location of the Uni-versity of Vermont to the interstate system and the amount of intelligence information received about civil dis-ruption and disorder along the travel route, the State of Vermont mobilized all law enforcement agencies to a state of high alert in anticipation of any dis-ruption or disorder,” the UVM website stated.

Former SGA President Bill Tickner wrote an email to the student body on April 12, 2001 to warn students of a potential protest over the Summit of

Americas conference the same day as the annual 420 smoke-in.

“Many of you know that there is an annual unplanned gathering in front of the library on April 20,” Tickner stated. “Whether you hate this event or love it, and whether you plan to go or not, you should know some other issues that converge on that date.”

Despite the warning, 1,500 to 2,500 students gathered on the Bai-ley/Howe green to celebrate the 420 smoke-in.

0RUH�WKDQ����SROLFH�RI¿FHUV� IURP�the University of New Hampshire, Winooski, Burlington and South Burl-ington came for security purposes, but made no arrests, according to the Bur-lington Free Press.

The current chief of UVM police

services, Lianne Tuomey, was given the Meritorious/Exceptional Service Award because of her efforts in 2001 and 2002 in organizing the police forces for the smoke-in, according to UVM Police Services website.

Lieutenant Larry Magnant said that police treat 420 like any other day of the year, with a full time staff work-ing.

The 2001 meeting in Quebec co-incidentally landed on April 20 and it drew a large crowd on campus and the city of Burlington, he said.

“It was obvious that there were QRQ�890� DI¿OLDWHG� SHRSOH� LQ� WKH�crowds and the presence of other po-lice agencies helped,” Magnant said.

First signs of changeAlthough the University supported

a spring concert for years, the term SpringFest was introduced in 2002 to promote a weekend-long event that the administration hoped would deter students from attending the smoke-in, according to the Associated Press.

“Student leaders and administra-tors say the university could no longer ignore the annual mass dope-smoking because it has tarnished the school’s image with lawmakers, alumni and private donors,” the AP stated.

The concert was headlined by Vida Blue, which features members from Phish, the Allman Brothers and the Funky Meters, the AP reported.

7KH� FRVW� RI� WKH� ¿UVW� 6SULQJ)HVW�concert was $55,000 and the week-end started off with a speech by direc-

WRU�DQG�¿OPPDNHU�6SLNH�/HH�Students still participated in mari-

juana smoking around campus and at the event, which was put where the gathering had always taken place: Bailey-Howe Green.

Student Aaron Hawley wrote an opinion article for the investigative journalism website Counter Punch JLYLQJ� D� ¿UVW�KDQG� DFFRXQW� RI� WKH�event as well as discussing the prob-lems faced by UVM at the time.

Hawley stated that cost of the SpringFest was small change in com-parison to administrative efforts to change UVM’s image.

“Fifty-grand is a drop in the bucket for the administration’s larger ‘public relations campaign’ and appeasement of arbitrary threats from Montpelier

to cut funding to the state’s public university,” Hawley stated. “This sort of attitude has failed us, the D.A.R.E. generation, before.”

Thomas Gustafson, vice president of student and campus life, called that year’s 420 event ‘a distraction from what most students are interested in,’ the Burlington Free Press stated.

Other administrators agreed.“We felt it was not safe, not healthy

and not what UVM was about,” said Annie Stevens, vice president for stu-dent campus life.

This year, Stevens said she sees the event of 420 as a non-issue for UVM.

“As for the topic of marijuana use, UVM is always concerned about the health and safety of our students,” she said.

UVM gets a new image

The 420 story continued in 2004 when students again gathered on April 20, this time to protest the recent po-lice crackdown.

The number of protestors grew to an estimated 800 people by 4:15 p.m., the Cynic reported in 2004.

“The police presence made it-self known as they circled the crowd; closely monitoring and video taping the event as it transpired,” the Cynic VWDWHG�� ³7KH� SROLFH� RI¿FHUV� EHJDQ� WR�impede attempts made by some to µSXOO� LQ¶� WKH�FURZG�DQG�XQLI\�E\� LQ¿O-trating and breaking apart some of the denser groups of students.”

Three students were detained and arrested during that event and tried in court by the American Civil Liber-ties Union of Vermont, Seven Days

reported.Two of the students, Thomas

Wheeler and Nikolai Sears, received a cash settlement of $7,500 from UVM after accusing the University of violat-ing their free-speech rights, according to Seven Days.

Wheeler and Sears both said that the University overstepped its legal authority when it tried to intimidate students with a sizeable police pres-ence at the rally, Seven Days stated.

2004 ArrestsAfter the arrests in 2004, UVM’s

420 smoke-in lost popularity for a number of years, Magnant said.

The 420 gathering can be referred WR� DV� HEE� DQG� ÀRZ�SDUWLFLSDWLRQ�� KH�said. The recognition and acknowl-edgement of the event was sometimes minute over these years.

“Our goal and mission has been public safety from the start,” Mag-nant said. “Students are here to learn and it doesn’t matter what calendar day it is.”

In 2007, Conference and Event Services worker Tyler Jividen was D� ¿UVW�\HDU� VWXGHQW� DQG� VDLG� RQO\� D�few people gathered on the green to smoke marijuana. Those that did gather were watched by a van of po-OLFH�RI¿FHUV�ZLWK�ELQRFXODUV��KH�VDLG�

“Most people went off campus because they didn’t want to test the bureaucracy of UVM,” Jividen said. “Most people were not stupid enough to gather in a large group and smoke until the police showed up.”

Jividen said he has been at UVM working and as a student since 2006 and had never seen so many people congregate the way they did in 2012.

As far as 2013 is concerned, Mag-QDQW� VDLG� WKDW� RI¿FLDOV� ZLOO� KDYH� WR�wait and see.

“This year is a slight difference than years before because of the prev-alence of marijuana in the Vermont legislature,” Magnant said. “I don’t know if that will have a bearing, but the subject of marijuana has received more publicity in recent weeks.”

Where are we now

A history of the 420 gathering at UVM

Right: Students sit and smoke on the Redstone Green April 20, 2012. A similar event is planned for April 20 on Central Campus.

Top: Police officers walk across Redstone Green April 20, 2012. Drug viola-tions have increased in recent years, according to UVM Police Services.

Left: Students walk across the Redstone green on April 20, 2012. The 2012 420 gathering was one of the largest at UVM since 2004.

1545 - Spain brought marijuana to the New World (Europe)

1611 - Jamestown, Va. English settlers brought marjiuana to the Americas

1906 - Required la-beling of any canna-bis contained in over-the-counter remedies

By Ben Plotzker Continued from page 1

1920 - Marijuana Pro-hibition in U.S.

1990 - UVM Annual Smoke-In protest begins on Baily/Howe Green

2001 - UVM tightens protest secruity due to Summit of Americas Meeting

From Spain toVermont: a Marijuana History

2002 - SpringFest Concert moved to weekned of April 20 to defuse smoke-in protestors

2004 - More than 800 people gather on Red-stone Campus April 20, three arrests made

2012 - Hundreds of students again gather on Redstone Green for 420 event

�������8QRIÀFLDO�����event planned by stu-dents on Central Cam-pus

April 16, 2013 - Vt. House passes decriminal-ization of marijuana bill, passing it on to Senate

Sources:, Associated Press, The Vermont Cynic,


Page 9: Vermont Cynic Spring 2013 Issue 25


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Sometimes it’s hard to be an American.

We have created so many divisions in our society, ranging from politics to religion to sports teams, that make it hard and of-ten saddening to wake up each day and call ourselves a part of an American community.

Sometimes it’s hard to re-member what makes us a com-PXQLW\�LQ�WKH�¿�UVW�SODFH�

%XW�DIWHU� WKH�KRUUL¿�F�HYHQWV�in Boston, we couldn’t have made a louder statement of the unity and compassion we share with and for each other.

Thousands of Bostonians opened their homes to those stranded in the city, marathon runners ripped off their clothes to aid the wounds of those in-jured and some, after 26.2 miles, ran to Mass General to give blood.

Twitter and Facebook lit up with “pray for Boston” hashtags DQG� SUR¿�OH� SLFWXUHV�� FHOHEULWLHV�and athletes offered help — for-mer Patriot Joe Andruzzi even carried victims from the scene — and restaurants provided free meals and shelter.

The Yankees even tweeted, IRU�ZKDW�KDV�WR�EH�WKH�¿�UVW�WLPH�ever, “We stand united with the @RedSox.”

America spoke with words of kindness and compassion, some willing to do anything possible to comfort those directly affect-ed by the tragic event.

We may be a country built from and prided on our divi-sions. But underneath it all, we are united.

We share our love just as we share our freedom.

We cry for those we have never met and we do anything in our power to protect those we may never meet.

We are a nation that is inher-ently good.

The actions of those who care and love make an impact larger than any bomb can.

The unity we have strength-ened this week is greater than any partisan divide in Washing-ton or income divide between Wall Street and Main Street.

This unity is rare and it comes from kindness — the kindness of your everyday American, which often seems overshadowed by the cruel misdeeds of the few.

We proved this week that no evil can overshadow the love we have for each other.

That we will stand together as one, rejoicing together in cel-ebration and mourning together in sadness.

We are one nation. We are one family. Today, we are all Boston.

America, a nation united in kindness

The left’s social agenda has hurt America’s youth in the last 40 or so years. It ruined their public schooling and robbed their innocence with sex educa-tion classes.

Debt from big government spending is threatening their chance at the American Dream.

Now they are making mari-juana available to more kids and in greater potency than ever before. Those of us who want to promote wholesome family val-ues are attacked by the liberal media and leftist university pro-fessors.

April 20 is a “holiday” dedi-cated to celebrating weed — an illegal drug. Potheads’ chronic laziness is clear from the holi-day’s common name, “4/20.”

Its adherents shortened the name to three syllables because saying April the twentieth, at a whopping six syllables, requires too much effort for the druggies. Shocking — liberals who choose not to work!

A recent poll conducted by the Pew Research Center found that 52 percent of responders favored legalizing pot use while only 45 percent were opposed.

A 1969 Gallup poll on the same subject revealed just 12 percent favored legalization, while 84 percent were opposed.

Until now, President Obama put his “choom gang” days be-hind him, presiding over more

medical marijuana raids in his ¿�UVW�WHUP�WKDQ�3UHVLGHQW�*HRUJH�W. Bush did in two.

Still, activist judges and state legislators in places like Ver-mont, Washington and Colora-do are trying to legalize it.

In 1970, Congress temporar-ily labeled marijuana a “Sched-XOH�,�VXEVWDQFH´�²�D�À�DWO\�LOOHJDO�drug with no approved medical purposes. A commission was made to recommend a long-term strategy. For the Chairman position, President Richard Nix-on appointed a fellow Republi-can – former Pennsylvania Gov-ernor, Raymond Schaffer.

Just like New York’s 1944 LaGuardia Committee Report and 1894’s Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, the Schafer Com-mission caved to the left. The report concluded: “Marijuana’s relative potential for harm to the vast majority of individual users and its actual impact on society does not justify a social policy GHVLJQHG�WR�VHHN�RXW�DQG�¿�UPO\�punish those who use it.”

What the report leaves out is that the drug is part of a larger social agenda.

Potheads try to drain the red, white, and blue from young peo-SOHV¶� KHDUWV� DQG� ¿�OO� WKHLU� OXQJV�with that heinous green. They use drug culture to dumb down the youth into government and union dependent zombies.

Even The Atlantic openly spells out the agenda: “That young people tend to favor lib-eralizing drug laws and labor unions recognize potential new members among pot workers suggests the constituency might be wrapped under the Demo-cratic tent.”

,Q� 2YDO� 2I¿�FH� WDSHV�� 3UHVL�dent Nixon spelled out the lib-eral plot: “Homosexuality, dope, immorality in general. These are the enemies of strong societies.

That’s why the Communists and the left-wingers are push-ing the stuff, they’re trying to destroy us.”

$� VHOI�VDWLV¿�HG� XVHU� LQ� FRO�lege may cite claims made by The University of Queensland, Australia and The Lancet, an English medical journal.

Their “studies” approximate that roughly nine percent of marijuana users will become de-pendent, compared with 32 per-cent for nicotine and 15 percent for alcohol.

Yes, alcohol and tobacco may be more addictive. Forgive my political incorrectness, but young people are more success-ful in life when they use tobacco and liquor over pot.

In the words of President Nixon; people use marijuana “to get high,” whereas “a person drinks to have fun.”

Those of us who refrain from the activity are mocked for not being “with the times.”

Call me old-fashioned, but I would rather enjoy a beer over dinner with friends than get high off some pot, feeling anxious and drained afterwards. But, if the left has its way, more and more children will be exposed to the dangerous substance.

Just say “no” to the dope

Potheads try to drain the red, white

and blue from young and blue from young peoples’ hearts and fi ll peoples’ hearts and fi ll

their lungs with that heinous green.



Illustration by Dana Heng

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Page 10: Vermont Cynic Spring 2013 Issue 25

THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2013 11


Gratitude for TolkienDear Editor,

We are writing to express our appreciation for both Chris Vaccaro, senior lecturer of Eng-lish, and to The Tolkien Club at UVM for their outstanding work during the tenth annual Tolkien at UVM conference.

This year’s conference was RUJDQL]HG�LQ�WKH�IDFH�RI�¿�QDQFLDO�adversity and administrative apathy.

With no funding from the college, the students of The Tolkien Club offered their time and money to make sure that those guests and lecturers in attendance were provided with coffee and donuts for breakfast and pizza for lunch.

These students took it upon themselves to welcome the Tolk-ien academics who journeyed to Vermont for the conference. Their hospitality and generosity was much appreciated by all in attendance.

We offer a tip of the hat to Anders Albertsson, Haley Mar-kosian, Brenden Anderson, Braden Kaiser, Kerry Oster and Corey Dawson for making us feel welcome. We look forward to seeing them again at next year’s conference.

Tolkien at UVM is the only conference of its type that is held annually on the East Coast. As such, it is an event that has been attended by such Tolkien lumi-naries as:

Dr. Michael D.C. Drout, Prof. of English, Wheaton College

Dr. Jonathan Evans, Associ-ate Prof. of English, University of Georgia

Dr. Verlyn Flieger, Prof. of English Emerita, University of Maryland

Dr. Thomas Alan Shippey,

Prof. of English Emeritus, Saint Louis University

Dr. Michael Neill Stanton, Associate Prof. of English Emer-itus, University of Vermont and many other noted academics from many other institutions including Middlebury, Rice and Harvard.

These academics are a veri-table “who’s who” of Tolkien studies. They and many other independent scholars gather at this conference to share their thoughts and ideas about Tolk-ien’s legendarium.

Of particular importance is the presentation of papers by students of Tolkien Studies un-der the scholarship of Chris Vac-caro.

As Tolkien Studies is one of the only academic areas that al-low for independent scholars to be actively involved in scholar-ship, this platform for their work should not only be encouraged but eagerly supported by the ad-ministration at UVM.

Chris Vaccaro should be congratulated for organizing the annual Tolkien at UVM confer-ence for the past ten years.

It is our hope that future conferences will be well-funded by the administration at UVM and that, once again, academics from all walks of life will gather to hear the thoughts of both the current and next generation of Tolkien scholars.


Andrew C. Peterson, ALB can-didate, Harvard ’14Mark Kaminsky, MIT/Lin-coln Laboratory; ALB cum laude, Harvard ’10Erik Mueller-Harder, Ver-mont Softworks; ALB cum laude, Harvard ’99

In the past school year, the student environmental organi-zation Student Climate Culture (SCC) has received attention for its effort to convince the admin-istration to divest UVM’s en-dowment of fossil fuels.

You may have heard about the “how” of divestment from Cynic news articles, the Water-tower, or from SCC members in person or on Facebook.

You may also be familiar with other divestment cam-paigns or other environmental movements that have involved protests, rallies, demonstra-tions, speak-outs and sit-ins.

While the “how” of divest-ment certainly takes up a good portion of efforts for activists pursuing a clean energy future, the “why” is at the core of the discussion.

The motivations behind di-vesting from fossil fuels are both environmental and moral. SCC is, in essence, asking the Uni-versity to live up to its ethical and ecological mission to build a more progressive, innovative, responsible and green univer-sity.

If society continues on a path of destruction for the next eight years, we will warm the planet by +2 degrees Celsius, which will create grave planetary instability and endanger all life on earth.

By the end of the century, we will warm the planet by 5 degrees Celsius, thus ending the planet’s ability to support human life.

The divestment campaign is about saving the lives of those yet to be born, as well as those in the under 30 generation.

I maintain that climate change is about respect and jus-tice for those who cannot speak for themselves, and the respon-sibility to keep the planet’s life support systems intact.

For these reasons, it would certainly be an incredible gain in the future of the earth for us, as a society, to curb our dependence on these destructive energy practices. Instead of promot-ing destruction, our university should foster creative and inno-vative processes that will reduce this dependence and pioneer sources of alternative energy.

Over 300 other schools are working toward divestment as well. Middlebury College, St. Michael’s College and Green Mountain College are currently running divestment campaigns, and some schools have already succeeded in developing a plan with the economic body to ad-just investments.

The Board of Trustees ap-proval of divesting from fossil fuels will send the message that

we as a university do not sup-port the exploitation of the earth and its people. This does not hold with Our Common Ground

Some may argue that this is an economic problem, not a moral problem. Fossil fuels are lucrative here and now, and they are dependable for the time be-ing. Would divestment hurt the endowment of the university? Would this be a poor economic choice?

Research done by experts says no. The risk for the univer-sity being harmed by divesting from fossil fuels is nearly zero.

Fossil fuel resources are also ¿�QLWH���:H�DUH�GHSOHWLQJ�WKHP�DW�an unprecedented rate and they will not be here forever.

By investing in sustainable practices, we will be aiding in the security of the future of so-ciety, and assisting in the inno-vative practices that will in turn come to our rescue.

There are many factors of a political or environmental cam-paign that are necessary for the success of the campaign.

One of these factors is num-bers. UVM has a large and vibrant campaign, and we as students have the capability to promote change just by getting involved and showing support.

There are many roles to be ¿�OOHG�� UDQJLQJ� LQ� LQYROYHPHQW�and time commitment, and all are important.

If you are inspired by this movement and seek to make a positive change for our collec-tive futures, check out our SCC meetings on Monday nights at 6 p.m. in Lafayette, 207.

SCC asks the University to live up

to its ethical and eco-logical mission to build

a more progressive, inovative, responsible and green university.

UVM’s integrity challenge


Caroline DeCunzo is a member of Student Climate culture at UVM as well as a Cynic columnist.

When people ask if you go to UVM, a frequent follow up ques-tion is “So, you smoke weed?”

In my case, the answer is “no.” As someone who is drug-free, I am often asked why I go to a school that is known for its so-called “cannabis culture” and fondness for getting high.

“Don’t you feel like you’re missing out? Or that you don’t ¿�W� LQ"´� 3HRSOH� DVN�� WKHLU� IDFHV�concerned.

To be honest, I’ve never felt deprived or excluded from the UVM experience by not smok-ing weed. And I believe that there are many people on cam-pus who agree.

It is clear that the stereotype of the average UVM student in-cludes a penchant for marijua-na. North Face jacket? Check. Flannel? Check. Bong? Check.

Add some trees and some snow to the mental image, and voilà, you have UVM students in their natural environment.

It is assumed that when the

weekend roles around, out come the pipes, blunts and joints. But is smoking weed as widespread on campus as people think?

The Cynic conducted a sur-vey last April, and found that only 21 percent of students smoke “often.”

Additionally, while UVM Po-lice Services has reported an in-crease in drug law violations by 56 percent in the past 10 years, there has not been an increase in the number of students report-edly smoking marijuana.

There is a strong culture of smoking at UVM, but that does not mean that it encompasses the majority of students on cam-pus.

It is easy to assume that ev-eryone is high on a daily basis when you see people smoking at the amphitheater or on the Red-stone green, but campus surveys suggests otherwise.

The truth about marijuana users at UVM is that they are fairly open about their habits, at times surprisingly so.

The conversations one overhears in the library, in the Marché and walking to class could give anyone the impres-sion that they are perhaps the only person not getting high on the weekends.

For all the talk and the hype, there are plenty of people on campus who go about their ev-eryday lives, neither smoking nor announcing it.

Most of us are easygoing and rather indifferent to whether others choose to smoke or not. We just don’t choose to smoke personally and do other things ZLWK�RXU�WLPH�WKDW�ZH�¿�QG�PRUH�rewarding.

As 4/20 is on the horizon, the stereotype of the Birken-stock-wearing, weed-smoking, apathetic student will be rein-forced in the perception of UVM campus culture, but that does not mean that it is the standard to which the majority of stu-dents hold themselves.

Stereotypes have their amusing qualities, but at the end of the day, it is foolish to apply them to the larger student body LQ�GH¿�QLQJ�FDPSXV�FXOWXUH�

To be honest, I’ve never felt deprived

or excluded from the UVM experience by not

smoking weed. And I believe there are

many people on campus who agree.

Grass not always greener



While the events in Boston are unfortunate and awful, this excerpt from an article written in 2002 on the U.K.’s Daily Mail website raises

questions about our own nation’s innocence (if these bombs were in fact acts of terrorism from outside the U.S.). What’s the Golden Rule again?





Quick OpinionIt is universally accepted that all Burlington

cab drivers are absolutely crazy.Bianca Mohn

For those of you who are fools for a kick-ass female heroine, you should totally watch the

‘80s fl ick, The Legend of Billie Jean.Jacob Lumbra

Page 11: Vermont Cynic Spring 2013 Issue 25

THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2013 d istract ions12

Distractions: This week in Middle Ages

1066 to 1485

Illustrations by Laurel Saldinger

6DIDULBy Hope Olszewski, Staff Writer


2. Useful for seeing animals from a distance

5. Herbivorous animals

7. Hydration source for animals

9. Popular car for safaris

11. “Safari Hat”

13. Know for its long neck

17. This cartoon family went on safaris to learn about wild-


18. A feline known for its speed

19. Striped animal

20. Animal hunted for food


1. A way the public can become educated on the ecosys-

tems and animal kingdoms

3. Horned animal found in Africa

4. Area with scattered trees

6. Animals relying on catching other animals to eat

8. Swahili word for “journey”

����$UHD�RI�ODQG�NQRZQ�DV�ÁDWODQGV�RU�JUDVVODQGV�12. Uninhabited rural areas full of vegetation in South

Africa and Australia

14. Popular safari destination

15. Place that cares for animals in need

16. Hunters who want to kill animals for things like their

tusks or fur

Answers to last week’s crossword: Blown Away

1. Rain3. Rainbow 5. Hail7. Drizzle8. Cloud10. Tornado

11. Fog13. Heat index15. Muggy17. Thunder19. Wind

Down 2. Aurora Borealis4. Thermometer6. Blizzard9. Drought12. Barometer

14. Eye16. Snow18. Hurricane

6DIDUL�)DFWVBy Jenna Bushor, Distractions Editor

A giraffe can run up to 34 miles per hour.

Elephants are herbivores and range from

5,000 to 14,000 lbs.

COLLEGE PRO is now hiring painters all across the state to work outdoors w/other students. Earn $3k-5k. Advancement

opportunities + internships.1-888-277-9787 or

July through

October is a

popular time

for tourists to visit

South Africa for a sa-



can reach a speed of ap-

proximately 25 miles per

hour on land.

Sources: Africa-wildlife-



Camp Morning Wood by Scott Womer

Page 12: Vermont Cynic Spring 2013 Issue 25



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5708. Kylie Atwood is incredibly pretty/smokin’/beaut/etc. Plus she’s a mad baller. What’s not to love?? Get at me, girl... Haha

5950. to the sexy hockey player with the manly stache who was in fantasy before tolkein (I think English 40) last semester, I never learned your name but I wish I did…ur hawt

6787. Alan Nguyen ;) he is a Tennis hottie

5967. Colby Cunningham you look strikingly like Hunter Parrish, which make you incredibly hot!!

320. the quidditch team is probably the best looking team on campus. Especially john bruce.

Saturday afternoon, the Cat-amounts hosted the number 12 team in the country, the Albany Great Danes.

Albany was coming off a win against conference rival Hart-ford, and earlier in the week the Great Danes beat storied pro-gram Johns Hopkins Blue Jays.

Albany has proven to be road tested this year and this held true against Vermont, as Albany used an explosive second half to beat the Cats 21-11.

Albany moved to 9-3 overall and 3-0 in America East play, while Vermont moved to the contrary 3-9 and 0-3 in America East play.

,Q�WKH�¿UVW�KDOI�WKH�&DWV�KXQJ�tough with the Great Danes and were able to head into halftime tied 5-5 with goals from senior attacker Drew Philie, junior at-tacker Graham Horvath and ¿UVW�\HDU� DWWDFNHU� %ODNH� 3HQG-leton. However, the second half was a different story.

“Albany is playing as good as anyone in the country right now, and we were hanging with them WRXJK� LQ� WKH� ¿UVW� KDOI�´� 3KLOLH�said. “If we can play like that the rest of the way, I think we have a great shot to get into the Ameri-FD�(DVW�WRXUQDPHQW�´�

Albany was fueled by the na-tions leader in points-per-game, Lyle Thompson, who matched his season average of 7, scor-ing 5 goals and adding 2 assists. Lyle’s cousin and teammate, Ty

Thompson, scored 5 goals along with 1 assist. Albany outscored Vermont 16-6 in the second half.

Horvath and Philie have been the two most consistent in earning points for the Cats this year, and against the Great Danes, Horvath had 4 goals and 1 assist, while Philie added 4 goals himself.

“Each conference game is

against important and we let this one slip out of reach in the VHFRQG�KDOI�´�3KLOLH�VDLG��

The Cats will travel to face the Binghamton University Bearcats this Saturday, April 20 DV�WKH\�ORRN�IRU�WKHLU�¿UVW�FRQIHU-ence win of the season.

This matchup will be the &DWV¶�¿QDO�URDG�JDPH�RI�WKH�UHJ-ular season.

America East Tournament Preview:

Projected top 4 seeds:1) Albany 3-02) Hartford 2-13) UMBC 2-14) Stony Brook 1-2Albany – Albany has by far

been the most consistent and most well-rounded team in the conference for the past few

seasons. This season they have beaten Syracuse and Hopkins both on the road.

Lyle Thompson has the green light to the cage whenever he gets the ball, which has paid off for the Great Danes, as he leads the nation in scoring.

Harford – Posting a 6-5 overall record, the Hawks are WU\LQJ� WR� ¿QG� VRPH� FRQVLVWHQW�SOD\�DV� WKH\�KHDG� LQWR� WKH�¿QDO�two games of the regular season.

After beating Binghamton 11-3 this past weekend, they have a huge matchup against 6WRQ\�%URRN�6DWXUGD\�LQ�D�¿JKW�for the second seed in the tour-nament.

UMBC – The Retrievers are currently 5-6 coming off an impressive win against Stony Brook last weekend, 13-12.

With only an overtime thrilling 15-14 loss at Hartford, 80%&� LV�GH¿QLWHO\� LQ� WKH�KXQW�for an America East title and will rely on veteran coaching and se-nior leadership to carry them forward.

Stony Brook – Stony Brook could be a dark horse heading into this year’s America East Tournament.

They are 6-7 overall, how-ever, at times show to be an ex-tremely explosive team, scoring 10 goals or more in every game this year with the exception of one.

Jeff Tundo leads the Sea-wolves with 51 points and is WKH�³TXDUWHUEDFN´�RI�WKHLU�KLJK�power offense. Don’t be sur-prised to see Stony Brook upset Albany down the stretch.

Lax heads to tournament, lacking win Josh Aronson

Staff Writer

ALICIA ACCETTA The Vermont CynicFirst-year goal tender Justin Rosenberg shows his dissapointment following the Catamount’s 21-11 loss against the University of Albany Great Danes April 13. UVM will have an away game at Binghamton University April 20.

Like - Comment - Share

Taylor FeussSports Editor

Page 13: Vermont Cynic Spring 2013 Issue 25


Summer in

Knock out a few classes while you’re home.Did you know that as a New Hampshire residentyou can take classes at UNH at the in-state tuition rate?

Study on campus or online.

New Hampshire?

Sports injuries are nothing new. They are presumably as old as sports themselves. Al-though getting injured has prov-en to be a constant in athletics, KLJK�SUR¿OH�VSRUWV�LQMXULHV�KDYH�been especially apparent in the national sports-media recently.

Some sports are more for-giving on the human body than others, but each and every one has their own unique injury con-cerns (yes, even golf).

There has been a myriad of NBA injuries suffered this sea-son and last, including a con-cerning number of knee and leg injuries.

Notably, these have affected two star point guards: Rajon Rondo from the Boston Celtics and Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls. Both Rondo and Rose en-dured severe ACL (anterior cru-ciate ligament) tears, and have had to miss entire seasons while going through the arduous pro-cess of major surgery recovery.

The amount of serious in-juries to NBA players has been staggering of late, and when su-perstars get badly hurt and can-not perform for a year or more, the national media beings to take notice.

Derrick Rose is perhaps the most intriguing case, as he is a former MVP for the Chicago Bulls and a point guard with a freakish combination of ath-leticism and skill. Rose was thought to possibly be the heir

to Michael Jordan, in Chicago and elsewhere. His knee injury occurred in the spotlight of the playoffs, and such disability tru-ly saddens me, as I know how it feels.

My own personal experi-ence allows me an informed per-spective on such predicaments. Rose’s reluctance to return to play has been widely ques-tioned; criticized by some.

My third shoulder surgery was basketball related, and the prospect of me playing basket-ball just ten or eleven months af-ter my operation is absurd; sim-ply being able to hold a job was a struggle until very recently.

Needless to say, sports have hurt me badly. Recently I vis-ited my orthopedic surgeon, with a torn meniscus I suffered in my knee. Naturally we began to chat, and the topic of Kevin Ware came up. My doctor hy-pothesized regarding the seem-ingly freak injury.

He said that often times hu-man being have cysts in their bones that occur naturally. He compared the formation and growing of bones in the human body to the creation of glass, where bubbles can sometimes form.

I have dislocated my shoul-ders approximately 30 times, DQG�DW� OHDVW�¿YH�RU� VL[�RI� WKRVH�occasions occurred playing pick-up basketball at the UVM Rec Center. These injuries were so severe that I required an ambu-lance and a stretcher, as I lied on

the ground in pain, and was then transported to the ER to have a doctor wrench my shoulder back into its socket.

Sports safety has become a staple of our national conver-VDWLRQ�� �$�VLJQL¿FDQW�UHDVRQ�IRU�this has been the NFL as football has grown drastically in popu-larity in the past several decades and is now the most watched professional sport.

It also happens to be ex-tremely violent by nature. Apt comparisons have been made to ancient Rome, the implication being that NFL players are mod-ern day gladiators who battle and get hurt for our entertain-ment.

I do not disagree, yet even the NFL has become more pro-gressive in protecting its play-ers, especially regarding head injuries. In any sport, however, prevention has its limits.

Orthopedic injuries will hap-pen in sports. When they hap-pen to players in the spotlight of the national media, such as in the case of Kevin Ware, they have the potential to increase awareness, but little else differs.

At the risk of sounding bit-ter, at least star athletes whose injuries capture the media’s spotlight have great health in-surance. My medical debt will hang over my head for the next decade. Dwight Howard can afford that shoulder surgery he will be having in the off season.

Kevin Ware is expected to recover, with a similar timeline

that has applied to my own sur-geries; roughly one year with a heavy amount of physical thera-py throughout. I hesitate to use the term “full recovery” because I know from experience that is never the case with such a seri-ous injury/surgery.

His body, like mine, will be changed forever. However he is fully expected to eventually play basketball for Louisville again.

The words of Kevin Ware, to his teammates, following his injury were to simply “win the game”.

In honor of Ware, that’s ex-actly what they did, all the way to the number one spot. With the heart and determination that Ware has he will be out on the court using his talent not his words to win that spot again next season.

Spotlight injuries to bench pro athletes

Illustration by Austin Grant


This Is My Will

Page 14: Vermont Cynic Spring 2013 Issue 25

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Page 15: Vermont Cynic Spring 2013 Issue 25

Penalties for drug use in pro-fessional sports are far too le-nient. Steroids and use of other illegal drugs put the integrity of sports into question, and often without consequence.

MLB Commissioner Bud Selig said, “Under our current drug program, if you are caught using steroids and/or amphet-amines, you will be punished.

“Since 2005, every player who has tested positive for ste-roids has been suspended for as much as 50 games.”

Wow, 50 games! This guy UXOHV�ZLWK�DQ�LURQ�¿VW���6R�LI�\RX�test positive for any type of drugs you might have to miss as much as a third of the regular season!

/HIW� ¿HOGHU� IRU� WKH�0LOZDX-kee Brewers, Ryan Braun is still reaping the rewards of a $145 million contract after snaking his way through a positive test in 2011.

When Braun’s urine sample was tested, it showed Braun had a greater than 20-to-1 ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone, two hormones in the body that should appear in roughly equal amounts in the body.

Anything above a result of 4-to-1 is considered a positive result. The only reason why Braun won his appeal in 2011 was because the sample collec-tor kept his urine in his refrig-erator before he shipped it, for some strange reason.

Then in 2013 his name ap-peared once again in a Miami New Times report where he ZDV� DI¿OLDWHG� ZLWK� WKH� 3HUIRU-mance Enhancing Drugs pro-viding clinic Biogenesis. It can’t be proven without a doubt that Braun took steroids, but where WKHUH¶V�VPRNH�WKHUH¶V�¿UH�

Former San Fransisco Gi-ant Melky Cabrera tested posi-tive for testosterone and was only suspended 50 games. Then he was rewarded in the offsea-son with a $16 million contract with the Toronto Blue Jays even though everyone knows he is a cheat.

So if Major League Baseball wants to keep pretending that they want to eliminate steroid use in the sport, they should in-stitute harsher penalties.

An alternative option would be to go all in and have a league of herculean hitters that look like Bane from The Dark Knight Rises launching home runs 700 feet into the stands.

At least start off with a year-long suspension without pay for WKH� ¿UVW� RIIHQVH�� � 7KH� VHFRQG�should be a lifetime ban. But 0DMRU� /HDJXH� %DVHEDOO� SUR¿WV�too much from steroid use to do it.

Selig says that steroid use is virtually non-existent today. This year Ryan Braun, Melky Cabrera, Alex Rodriguez, Nelson Cruz and Gio Gonzalez have all been linked in the Miami New Times report about steroids.

Commissioner Bud Selig claims to be tough on steroid use. But all of those guys are

still playing, virtually unscathed by MLB.

Don’t reward a known cheat-er. As a Yankee fan, I would ab-solutely love if it was possible to void the remaining 5 years and $114 million on Alex Rodriguez’ contract for steroid use. But it won’t happen.

With the NFL draft coming up, concerns about talented de-fensive back Tyrann Mathieu’s marijuana use have come up. While it is an issue since he failed more than 10 drug tests, there are more pressing issues in sports.

Alcohol abuse has also be-come a serious problem in the NFL. Countless NFL players have been charged with DUIs. Most notably Cowboys’ nose tackle Josh Brent killed his teammate while drunk driving.

Marijuana is a much smaller issue. Michael Phelps was vili-¿HG�IRU�VPRNLQJ�PDULMXDQD�IRO-lowing the 2008 Olympics, af-ter a photo of him using a bong went viral.

In response, the U.S. Olym-pic Committee stated it was dis-appointed in Phelps’ behavior. Michael is a role model, and he is well aware of the responsi-bilities and accountability that come with setting a positive ex-ample for others, particularly young people,” the USOC said in a statement.

USA Swimming said its Olympic champions are looked up to by their many fans, espe-cially young athletes who have their own dreams.

Michael Phelps didn’t ask to become a role model. He’s just good at swimming. He doesn’t owe the young athletes anything, and they certainly shouldn’t idolize him less.

His personal life shouldn’t factor into their admiration, his performance should. America forced him to become a role model because of the celebrity worship in this country. Phelps never tested positive for PEDs.

He won eight gold medals. Smoking marijuana certainly didn’t hurt his performance in the 2012 Olympics, as he be-came the most decorated Olym-pian of all time.

Living so much of their lives in the public eye makes being ³KXPDQ´�PRUH�GLI¿FXOW�IRU�SUR-fessional athletes.

Some drugs have proved to be more detrimental for athletes and their performances on and RII�WKH�¿HOG��WKDQ�RWKHU��

Fans should remember that these athletes are human, they make mistakes, regardlewss they still remain talented players that followers may still look up to and admire for such talents.



The University of Vermont men’s and women’s track and ¿HOG� WHDPV� WUDYHOHG� WR� )DLUID[��Va. April 13, to compete against more than 1,200 student ath-letes from 37 schools.

The participants converged at George Mason Stadium for the Mason Spring Invitational.

The highlight of the sunny afternoon for the Catamounts came when Junior Nika Ouel-lette convincingly won the women’s javelin with her throw of 47.71 meters, surpassing the next best distance by nearly three meters.

Ouellette looked to defend her consecutive titles as Amer-ica East Field Performer of the Week by posting her fourth fur-thest mark of her career [best was 49.98 meters].

This was also Ouellette’s sec-ond best throw of the early sea-son which traveled slightly shy of her 48.20 meter toss at the Texas Relays in Austin, Tx.

In other throwing events, Junior Charlotte Mintzer threw for 46.44 meters, which earned her the sixth overall position for the women’s hammer throw.

Senior Mary Krug placed

seventh in pole vault by clear-ing a total height of 3.60 me-WHUV��&DVVLH�0DULRQ�¿QLVKHG���WK�overall in the triple jump with a distance of 11.12 meters.

For the track events, UVM KDG�RQH� WRS���¿QLVKHU�DQG� WZR�WRS����¿QLVKHUV�� -XQLRU�9DOHULH�Moyer returned to her home VWDWH�RI�9LUJLQLD�DQG�¿QLVKHG�WKH�3000-meter event with a time of 11:09.44, earning her the fourth best time in her event.

In the 5000-meter event, ¿UVW�\HDU� $EE\� +XUG� UHFRUGHG�the seventh best mark with a time of 17:40.94, while senior Sarah Bryan captured eighth SODFH�� ¿QLVKLQJ� VOLJKWO\� EHKLQG�Hurd with a time of 17:49.75.

Junior Tess Cioffredi placed 13th in the 400-meter dash with her time of 1:03.24.

)RU� WKH�PHQ¶V� HYHQWV�� ¿UVW�year Ed Simon cleared 4.45 me-ters pole vaulting which created a tie for ninth place.

,Q� WKH� KLJK� MXPS�� ¿UVW�\HDU�Colby Cunningham and junior Aaron Tenney both managed to clear a height of 1.94 meters, landing both the Vermont na-tives in a tie of 10th position.

Elsewhere in the men’s jumping events, senior Dan Cia-EDWWRQL�OHSW������PHWHUV�DQG�¿Q-ished in a tie for 13th in the long jump.

First-year Isaac de la Bruere threw the javelin 52.42 meters, earning him 11th overall in the competition.

On the track, senior Mitchell Switzer jumped the 400-me-WHU�KXUGOHV� IRU� WKH�¿UVW� WLPH� LQ�the outdoor season and earned KLPVHOI� D�QLQWK�SODFH�¿QLVK� IRU�completing the event in 54.53 seconds.

First-year Ben Greenwald ran the 400-meter dash in 49.01 seconds and placed 14th over-all. Junior Aaron Szotka ran his 5000-meter race in 15:07.25 and placed 15th in the event.

The Catamounts are now fo-cusing on their upcoming com-petitions this weekend.

A number of UVM athletes will prepare to travel to Walnut, Calif for the Mt. San Antonio College relays which will com-mence on Thursday (April 18), and Friday (April 19), followed by the Beach Invitational on Sat-urday (April 20).

The remainder of the UVM men’s and women’s track and ¿HOG� WHDP� ZLOO� FRPSHWH� LQ� WKH�Stony Brook and Middlebury Invitationals on Saturday.

Cats pocket invite winStu Laperle Staff Writer



Sometimes I Wonder

Policy too mild?

Illustration by Austin Grant