Download - The UKHO’s International Hydrographic Projects and Partnering · 2019. 11. 21. · The UKHO • The UKHO is the UK’s agency providing hydrographic and geospatial data to mariners

  • The UKHO’s International Hydrographic Projects and Partnering

    Mr Tim Lewis, Head of International Partnering – Far East and Africa

    Mr Sam Harper, International Hydrographic Projects Manager

  • IHO Definition

    “Hydrography is the applied science which deals with the measurement and description of the physical features of oceans, seas, coastal areas and inland waters, as well as with the prediction of their change over time.”

    What is Hydrography?

  • The UKHO• The UKHO is the UK’s agency providing

    hydrographic and geospatial data to mariners and maritime organisations across the world.

    • Supplying defence and the commercial shipping industry, we help ensure Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), protect the marine environment and support the efficiency of global trade.

    • Working to set and raise global standards of hydrography, cartography and navigation.

    • Primary Charting Authority for 71 island and coastal states around the world

  • Hydrography and the Blue Economy – A deficit of data 4“But even with all the technology that we have today… …we have better maps of the surface of Mars and the moon than we do the bottom of the ocean.”

    Gene Feldman, NASA 

    Over 80 percent of the Caribbean is yet to be surveyed to modern standards

  • Hydrography and the Blue Economy – A deficit of data

  • Hydrography and the maritime trade economy

    • Global demand for fish as a food is expected to increase by 58% by 2022.

    • The amount of cargo that will be carried by sea will quadruple by 2050.

    • International tourist arrivals worldwide are expected to increase by 3.3% each year reaching 1.8 billion by 2030.

    • Offshore oil and gas will continue to provide 50% of the energy mix until 2040.

    • Renewable energy will employ 1.2m by 2050.

    • Hydrography is a key component of national infrastructure

  • International Hydrographic Projects and Development Partners

    Past, Present and Future Partners, Projects and Programmes:

    • IHO• IMO• Secretariat of the Pacific Community• Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States• SHOM – West African Hydro Project• Sierra Leone• Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme• Vanuatu

    + many more!

  • 20 Countries in scope





    Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme

  • Cost Benefit ratio 1:91 (Secretariat of the South Pacific, 2014)

    Case Study: Providing Assistance to Vanuatu

  • - TC Pam one of the worst Tropical storms to ever hit Vanuatu

    - The presence of modern data enabled the UKHO to assist in the relief effort

    Case Study: Providing Assistance to Vanuatu

    Hydrography really is a key component of national infrastructure

  • UKHO’s International Partnerships

    Our International Partnerships are Key to our work…

    • 93 international partnerships

    • Formalised through MOUs

    • Articulates requirements and enhances opportunities

    • Provides mechanisms to develop into the digital age

    Bilateral signing with Nigerian Navy Hydrographic Office – September 2015Bilateral with Nigerian Ports Authority ‐ 2011

  • Developments in Nigeria

    Federal Lighter Terminal – Bonny River.

  • Thank you for listening

    Mr Tim Lewis, Head of International Partnering – Far East and Africa

    Mr Sam Harper, International Hydrographic Projects Manager