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Page 1: The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

How the 1920s and 1930s reshaped the world

Page 2: The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

To understand why WWII began, we must look at the end of WWI (1919)

When Germany surrendered to end “The Great War”, they would be punished so severely that they would not be able to recover fully without radical change

Page 3: The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

Page 4: The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

The Treaty of Versailles: The peace treaty that officially ends WWI

5 Punishments forced upon Germany:

- Loss of Land (Rhineland)

-Army reduced to 100,000 men. No tanks or subs

-Loss of overseas colonies to the League of Nations

-Take full responsibility for starting WWI

-War reparation payments back to England and France

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The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

England and France wanted to punish Germany and cripple their economy for what happened to them in WWI

Germany is devastated, humiliated, and ruined financially with no real way to pay back these reparations

This treaty only increases the German citizens’ hatred for England and France

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The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

Page 7: The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

Page 8: The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

The Treaty of Versailles also forces a new Democratic gov’t on Germany known as the Weimar Republic

It is despised by the German people because it is a product of England and France, and it fails to fix any of the problems that Germany will face

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The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

A new peacekeeping body designed to prevent a second world war is also created, known as the League of Nations

The U.S. never signs the Treaty of Versailles, nor joins the League of Nations

President Wilson proposes his own treaty with Germany. One that is more lenient and fair. One that would allow Germany to remain stable. (14 Points)

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The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

In the 1920s and 1930s, Germany is facing hyperinflation, record unemployment, public embarrassment, and a gov’t that isn’t working

The German people desire a savior, a person with direction and answers, and someone who will stand up against the Treaty of Versailles

Adolf Hitler starts to rise to prominence

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The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

Page 12: The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

Page 13: The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

Hitler fought in WWI but did very little. He was devastated by the surrender of Germany and furious over the Treaty of Versailles

In 1919 Hitler joins a small political party called the German Workers Party. He builds it up, advertises in anti-Semitic newspapers, and perfects his public speaking skills

He eventually renames it the National Socialist German Workers Party. (Nazi Party)

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The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

Page 15: The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

In 1923 he becomes leader of the Nazi Party and sets up his own private army known as the Brownshirts

That same year he sees an opportunity to overthrow the Weimar Republic

Munich Beer Hall Putsch: Hitler leads 2,000 brownshirts is a revolution against the Weimar Republic

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The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

Page 17: The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

This coup was easily put down by the police and Hitler was sentenced to 5 years in Landsberg prison

In jail he writes his book, “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle) It sold over 5 million copies and makes him a celebrity

He appears to be the savior that the German people are looking for

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The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

Page 19: The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

The End of WWI and the Rise of Hitler

Hitler is released after only 9 months in prison in 1925. He regains control of his Nazi party and starts to expand the party quickly

Over the next 7 years he redirects the Nazi Party towards gaining political seats through legal means

In 1933 he is named the Chancellor of Germany, and in 1934 he becomes Da Fuhrer (Leader) of Nazi Germany