Main Causes: Failures of WWI peace treaty WWI resentments Rise of Nationalism Rise of Dictators.

World War II- Chapter 16

Transcript of Main Causes: Failures of WWI peace treaty WWI resentments Rise of Nationalism Rise of Dictators.

Page 1: Main Causes:  Failures of WWI peace treaty  WWI resentments  Rise of Nationalism  Rise of Dictators.

World War II- Chapter 16

Page 2: Main Causes:  Failures of WWI peace treaty  WWI resentments  Rise of Nationalism  Rise of Dictators.

Dictators Threaten World Peace

Main Causes:Failures of WWI peace treaty

WWI resentmentsRise of NationalismRise of Dictators

Page 3: Main Causes:  Failures of WWI peace treaty  WWI resentments  Rise of Nationalism  Rise of Dictators.

Failures of World War I Peace The Treaty of Versailles ended WWI and

promised “just and secure peace” Outcome: caused anger and resentment from

many countries Germany ▪ did not believe they should have been blamed for

war▪ lost many territories which left them feeling insecure

Soviets▪ Resented carving up of much of Russia

New democratic governments that had been set up were weak Many turn to authoritarian rulers to solve


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Joseph Stalin

Benito Mussolin


Adolf Hitler

General Hideki Tojo

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Joseph Stalin and Soviets

Civil war broke out after WWI resulting in a communist state called the Soviet Union

Stalin became leader in 1924 Developed the “five-year plans” to industrialize

All economic activity was under state management 1937- became the world’ second largest industrial power▪ Cost greatly in human life

Held purges (eliminations) of anyone who threatened his power Final death toll: 8-13 million

Became a totalitarian government- individuals have no rights, and the government suppresses all opposition.

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Benito Mussolini and Italy

Benito Mussolini became leader when unemployment and inflation was crippling Italy

1921- developed Fascist Party Fascism- stressed nationalism and placed interests of the state above the individual.

Party led by Mussolini and called Black Shirts▪Mussolini called Il Duce, or the leader

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Militarists and Japan

Japan believed they needed more space for growing population1931- seized control of Manchuria (Chinese province)

League of Nations was sent to check activity and condemned Japan Japan left League

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Adolf Hitler and Germany

Hitler joined the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi Party) after WWI No ties to socialism despite name

Hitler quickly became the leader of the party, nicknamed “Der Fuhrer”

Wrote book called Mein Kampf where he detailed his plan for the Nazi Party Unite all German speaking people into an empire Purification of race (blue eyed, blonde hair, Aryans)▪ Jews, Slavs, and nonwhites were fit for servitude

Lebensraum- more living space to thrive as a country Hard hit German economy allowed for his rise Hitler formed private army, storm troopers or “brown

shirts” 1933- Hitler appointed Chancellor (prime minister) and

establish the Third Reich (Third Empire)

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Third Reich Video:

What conditions were present which made people in Germany accept the Nazi Party? Conditions in Germany Appearance of Nazi Party Communist Party actions

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Description of Hitler:

General appearanceEarly military actionsContent of acceptance speech as Chancellor

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Comparisons to Hitler:

Watch the two video clips and compare the Hitler portrayed in both scenes to Hitler in reality.

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War in Europe (16.2)

Timeline to War 1937-Hitler meets with top advisers and

states Germany’s need to grow by taking the land of its neighbors▪ Claim Austria and Czechoslovakia Third Reich

March 1938- majority of Austrian’s population is German▪ Most favored German unification▪ Germans march in unopposed▪ Rest of the world did nothing

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September 1938- France and Great Britain had promised to protect Czechoslovakia▪ Sudetenland western border regions of Czechoslovakia was full of German speaking people▪ Hitler meets with Daladier (French) and Chamberlain (British) and signs the Munich Agreement- Sudetenland will be last territorial demand▪Winston Churchill (political rival of Chamberlain) thought this was a shameful policy of appeasement- giving up principles to pacify an aggressor

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March 1939- Germans enter into Czechoslovakia

Spring 1939- Hitler spread propaganda about mistreatment of Germans in Poland

August 1939- Stalin and Hitler sign a non-aggression pact to never attack each other▪ Agreed to divide Poland between both countries

September 1, 1939- Germany used new military technique, blitzkrieg, or lightning war. ▪ Used fast tanks and powerful aircraft to take the

enemy by surprise and quickly crush them September 3, 1939- Britain and France

declares war on Germany▪ Poland was overrun and World War II had

officially begun

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• (1939) After fall of Poland, British and French troops stationed at Maginot Line time was called the “phony war”

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Late 1939- Hitler annexes Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania and Stalin annexes Finland

April 1940- Hitler invades Denmark and Norway May 1940-Hitler takes the Netherlands, Belgium,

and Luxembourg June 1940- Germany invades northeast France and

Italy enters from south▪ Germans occupied northern part of France▪ Nazi-controlled puppet government set up at Vichy

(northern France)▪ Charles de Gaulle (French general) fled to Britain and set up

government in exile Summer 1940- assemble invasion fleet on French

coast and bombed Britain (Battle of Britain)▪ Every night for 2 months, Hitler bombarded Britain▪ Radar helped Britain lessen airstrike

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Boycott Jewish Businesses

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Jewish Ghetto

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Concentration Camps

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Concentration Camps

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America Moves Towards War

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America Moves Toward War

Away from Neutrality

Sept. 1939 Roosevelt implements a “cash and carry” provision Warring nations could buy U.S. arms if

they paid cash and transported on their own ships

Goal: Help Britain and France defeat Hitler and keep U.S. out of war

Congress debated, but Neutrality Act of 1939 put into place

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Axis Threat

September 1940- Germany, Italy, and Japan sign a mutual defense treaty, Tripartite Pact, and become the Axis Powers. Goal: Keep the U.S. out of war and come to the

defense of one another▪ If the U.S. entered war, it would be a two-ocean war

(Atlantic and Pacific)

Building Defenses

Congress boosts defense spending fearful of Nazi victories

Congress passes the nation’s first peacetime military draft

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Roosevelt’s Third Term

Roosevelt broke tradition and ran for a 3rd term

Republican opponent was Wendell Wilkie who agreed with FDR on big issues Aid Britain and stay out of war

Lack of difference between candidates gave FDR the win

In an early fireside chat FDR stated Hitler is impossible to negotiate with He warned if Britain fell America was vulnerable Stated the U.S. needed to become “an arsenal

for democracy”

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Lend-Lease Plan

Late 1940, Britain had no more cash to spend FDR suggested a Lend-lease program▪ President would lend or lease arms to any country

whose defense was vital to the U.S.▪ FDR compared this to lending a garden hose to a

neighbor whose lawn was on fire▪ Isolationists disagreed, but Congress passed initiative

Supporting Stalin

June 1941- Hitler broke agreement with Stalin no to invade the Soviet Union

FDR sent supplies to Soviets stating “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

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German Wolf Packs

Germans deployed U-boats in order to attack lend-lease shipments

Instead of individual submarine attacks the Germans would use up to 40 (wolf pack) Sank 350,000 tons of shipment in a month

President gave U.S. warships permission to attack German U-boats in self-defense

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Atlantic Charter

Roosevelt knew war was looming so he secretly met with Winston Churchill (Prime Minister of Great Britain)

Agreed to the Atlantic Charter between the two countries Collective security Disarmament Self-determination Economic cooperation Freedom of the seas

Document became the basis for “A Declaration of the United Nations” to suggest the common purpose of the Allies- those nations that fought the Axis powers. Signed by 26 nations (4/5ths of the human race)

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Shoot on Sight

September 1941- Roosevelt ordered the navy to shoot German submarines on sight

Weeks later many ships were attacked, sunk, and lives were lost

Congress agreed to arm merchant ships and war seemed inevitable

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“I don’t think there is such a thing as a good war. There are sometimes necessary wars. And I think one might say just wars. And I never questioned the necessity of that war. And I still do not question it.  It was something that had to be done.” – Sam Hynes

“Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.” – Ernest Hemingway

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What is territory?

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Chart 1: December 7, 1941 losses

Personnel Killed United States Japan

Navy 1998 64Marine Corps 109Army 233Civilian 48

 Personnel WoundedNavy 710 Unknown

Marine Corps 69Army 364Civilian 35

 ShipsSunk or beached * 12 5Damaged 9

 AircraftDestroyed 164 29Damaged 159 74 *All U.S. ships, except the USS Arizona, the USS Utah, and the USS Oklahoma, were salvaged and later saw action.*Figures are subject to change according to new evidence.