Download - Status of the EEE telescopes in Catania Paola La Rocca II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi Rome - April 20th, 2012.


Status of the EEE telescopes in

CataniaPaola La Rocca

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi

Rome - April 20th, 2012

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

3.05 Km

The EEE telescopes in Catania 1/42 telescopes (CT-01 and CT-

02) 3.05 km apart

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012


Latitude 37° 31’,500 N 37° 29’,325 N

Longitude 15° 04’,046 E 15° 03’,064 E

Altitude 210 m a.s.l. 110 m a.s.l

Distance between chambers

80 cm 80 cm

Orientation w.r.t. NORTH

60 ° 300°

Position inside the building

Underground floor (5 concrete roofs above the telescope)

Ground floor (light roof above the telescope)

The EEE telescopes in Catania 2/4

Running from April 2008

Acquisition rate ~ 22 Hz Collected data ~ 2 x109 events

CT-01 Telescope(Department of Physics)

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

The EEE telescopes in Catania 3/4

CT-02 Telescope(Istituto Tecnico S.Cannizzaro)

Running from December 2008

Acquisition rate~ 20 Hz Collected data ~ 1 x 109 events

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

The EEE telescopes in Catania 4/4

- “Corso di eccellenza” (2008-2009)

- “Corso di Grid Computing” (2010)

- “Corso di Fisica delle Alte Energie” (2011)

- PON Project “Raggi Cosmici in Classe” (2012)

Lessons and advanced courses

Activities in the schools 1/3

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

- Web Site (

- Participation to Local and national Conferences on Science

- Local newspapers

Web and Media

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

Activities in the schools 2/3

Prof. A.Zichichi at ITIS Cannizzaro

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

Activities in the schools 3/3

- Barometric effect

- Observation of a Forbush decrease

Study of the muon flux

Some scientific results obtained with the EEE telescopes in Catania

- Short-distance correlations (EEE telescope + scintillator)

- Detection of EAS with EEE telescopes

Study of correlations between telescopes

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

The muon flux measured at the sea level changes with the atmospheric pressure

Study of the Barometric Effect


Atm. Press. (mbar)

~ 7 daysII Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

Forbush decreaseValentine’s day solar flare (Feb. 2011)

Moscow Neutron Monitor

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

The solar flare as observed by the CT-01 telescope



Corrected rate

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012


II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

Correlation between the counting rate measured by the Oulu neutron monitor and the CT-01 telescope

Neutron Monitors limits:- Sensitive to low energy neutrons- No information about neutrons orientation

Use of muon telescopes/hodoscopes for Forbush decreases:- Possibility to study the dependence of the Forbush effect upon the zenithal angle of the muonsII Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

Angular dependence of the amplitude variation

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

Muons arriving with a larger zenithal angle are supposed to be associated to higher-energy primaries

Short-distance correlations (<500m) between EEE telescopes and scintillators






EEE Telescope

Small scintillator telescope

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

Astroph. Obs.

450 m

22 d

Dept. of Phys.

25 m 3 d36 m 1,5 d

82 m 11 d

INFN LNS 146 m 10,5 d

d = 36 m

d = 82 m

d = 25 m

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012



d = 146 m

d = 450 m

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012


Dechoerence CurveIt can be used to evaluate the expected coincidence rate between 2 EEE telescopes

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

Rate not corrected for efficiency and acceptance

Detection of EAS with EEE telescopes in Catania

15 x 106 events

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

More statistics100 x 106 events

No Time CorrectionRelative angle < 25°

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

Rate ≈ 1 coinc/day

Outlook- Comparison with results from different EEE sites

- Comparison with simulations

CERN15 m

L’Aquila200 m

Cagliari520 m

Frascati600 mCatania

3050 m

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012

II Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi, Rome - April 20th, 2012