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Page 1: Southam Library Consultation

Ghanging times for WarwickshircLibrary & Information Service


Nationally public sector bodies throughout the country are having todeal with the national deficit. Over the next three years WarwickshireCounty Council will have to reduce its budget by up toe60 million across all of its services.

Th6 ^ r .o :n .1 m:^n ' i , . lo ^ f th6

f inanc al challenge requ res arge scalerefonn and this !1/i l l nrean we wil l haveto make d ff cult decis ons across oursen,ices inclLrding our valued L brar es& lnformation Serv ce.

We are propos ng thatWanvicksh re s brary service w I becomplete y redesigned, with braresjoining, for example, one-slop shopsfor local services and commun ties.Technology wil l also play a muchbigger role n enabl ng local people toaonrA.r ro ar-o 4.. ess oL (e'\ ( aq.

Th^ ||bral <a'vr p ' lWa.\,vLLshl^

has already been undergoing changelor son-re time to reflect the changing\,vay people access nformation. booksard r l . seTvu a5 . The rear ' , o r ra jo '

reduct ons in funding that the Counc Iis iac ng, nreans we cannot afiordto susta n the l ibrary network in itscurrenl Torn'].

We are rev e\n/ f g the whole networkof l ibrar es and have identif ied 1 6libraries that are no longer susta nablein their current fornr. We are alsorevrew ng the open ng hours of allour other lbraries. We are propos ngcontinu n9 to run county s mostused I brar es - those thal accountfor more than 900.6 of all l ibrary v sits.Financia pressures are an undeniablefactor as the lbrary service rnustreduce its annual costs by 12 m I onover the next three financ a years (byApr i l 20 14) .

. Warwickshire CountyCouncil must makeunprecedented savingsof more than 860 millionby 2O14 across all ourservices.

. We have to cutt2 mil l ion frorn our !7.4mil l ion Library &lnf ormation Servicebudget.

. To do this, major reformof all our services isnecessary. Of thef2m cuts, abouttl m is proposed fromthe libraries network andthe other tl m cuts fromsupport, specialistservices andmanagement.

. County Gounci l wi l llook at the overal lbudget cuts for thecounci l of f60mon 1sth February

. A number of optionswere presented tocross-party councillorsat Ovenriew & Scrutinyon 1st March and toCabinet on 17th March

. The 12-week l ibrary .consultat ion period runsfrom 18 March to I June

Worwiclshir.Countv Council

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Page 2: Southam Library Consultation

What we do. We currently run 34 libraries countywide and a fleet

ot five mobiles. Our operational budget for 2010/11 is 87.4m. We raise approximately 8800,000 income per annum. We currently employ |92 (Full Time Equivalent). More than 250,000 local people are county library


What we offer. Free book loans - up to 10 at any one time. Low-cost CD and DVD rental, faxing and

photocopying. A comprehensive enquiry and intormation service. 234 public computers oflering 30 minutes free time

per oay. Events and activities for all ages and wide interests. Spaces for study and relaxation and where people

can meel. Support for groups eg readinq circles, Silver

Surfers and iob seekers. 24/7 online services for renewals. reservations.

enquiries, information and much more. Mobile services to outlying communities,

residential homes and sheltered housingfor older people.

. Home visits to more than 750 housebound readerscountywide, helped by Age Concern and volunteers

. Specialist library services for schools

. Local studies promoting the culture and heritage

. Music and Drama service

. Book Start - which gifts books to babies and youngchildren

. Venues for community activities

Value for money in tough timesWe mlst question the pfacticalty and public va ue of try ng1.r rna ntair 34 separate lbrary bu ldings, afd whetherftegrating and co-locat ng some Ibra[ies w th other locals€nvrC€r wo.ld be ̂ tore osl-effertrve.

There may be other and better ways to oller non bu l. l ing-based I brary serv ces to smaller Warw cksh re cofi lmun]ties- more re evant and conven ent for today s 24l7 busyllestyies.

What's been doneThe transformation programme has already delivered:. 15 library makeovers, along with the introduction of

sell-service equipment.. Alterations to Wellesbourne and Wolston libraries

integrating with on-site Children's Centres.. Five libraries are One Stop Shops sharing premises

with oartners.. The trial introduction of 'Playaway' ipod-style audio

books.. Extra online subscription services, free to library

members, including the oflicial Driver Theory Testand some interesting archives.

. The installation ot free public Wl-Fl and Touchdownstations for mobile workers in all Warwickshirelibraries.

. A free trial e-books service, with hundreds ofdownloadable titles to choose from.

. Teens and twenties'Get it Loud in Libraries' eventsat Rugby attracting young people into the library

. The launch of Books on Prescription in conjunctionwith NHS Warwickshire

G3There may beother and betterways to offer nonbuilding-basedlibrary services tosmaller Warwickshirecommunities.

Page 3: Southam Library Consultation

The future vision s about re-shap ng :rta L.rov s o| of theSery ce to reach and engage !.J th c.rr ClslanteTs n a newway w thin the budgetary restra nls \i-. r ro orlrsetvesiacrng as a nation. lt is less about butd ngs ar]d moreabout deveiop ng q la l ty sen/ ces n lexbleandcost-etf crent ways.

We propose to reshape the library network, prov d ng threecategories or levels:

C a t e g o r y l . L i b r a r y H u b. in three main cer.ltres of population o1ler ng our longest

openl]g hours a week n/ith n bLldgetary restr ct ons. quality book stock which borrowers carr relurn to any

Wa|wickshire i brary. spec al collections. extensive, h gh-qualty children's and young people's

serv ces. fast internet access with learning s!ppod, bookable n

one-noLrr slots. well-tra ned, frendly statf. specralst servrces and staff. a wde range of eve|ts and regular activit ies. nlormation and spec al st adv ce to help w th I te's

cna enges

space 1o relax. chat or study

sell sery ce borrowing and returns

tourist informationphotocopyifrg and fax serv ces

Category 2 . Library Local. n 15 locations with opening hours that reflect comrnun ty

neeos. qualty stock focused on quick cho ce and self stldy. h gh qua ty ch ldren's and yorng people s serv ces. lasl internet access wth learn SUpport, bookable in

one hour slots. well tra ned, friendly staff. an ever'rts and act v t es programrne e.g. Story T me. nlornration to help w th l ife s challenges. se l ' sen . ' .a bor 'ow ' tg ano re l . . .1 ,

Category 3 . Library DirectVirtual Library. o|l lne mernllersh p. on ne enquiry senr' ce. online reference lbrary. e-DooKS seryrce. onlne library catalogue. ofl ne request and renewal serv ceMobile Library Service. regular mobrle lbrary vrsits. tarlored range of books and materials. Internet I nked computer carry ng ofJ ce systems and

giv ng access to email and the library catalogue. reseryalon and request serv ceOutreach service. a programme oi activ ties and events del vered at locai


Housebound reader service. Home delveries to housebound readers colntywide - run

in conjunction with Age UK (Vvarw ckshire) af rd staffedby volunteers

Category 1with the widest range of opening hours

Category 2with opening hours that reflectcommunity needs

Category 3onf ine f ibrary open 24/7 plus mobile andoutreach services to local communities

Page 4: Southam Library Consultation

Tough choices - achieving the t2m savingsA review has been carr ed out ol all 34 | braries inWarw ckshire and the re ative perforlnafce ol eacll hasDeelt assesseo Dy:. an aggregate score of the nurrbef of visils and isstres pef

nour openr ex strng or planned padnersrr p arrarlgements

The follorv ng 16 L brary bu ldings have been dentif ed asbeing no longer sustainable rn lherr currerrt lori l ' l :

BaddesleyBedworth HeathBidford on AvonBinley WoodsBulkingtonCamp Hil lDordonDunchurch

HarburyHartshillHenley in ArdenKeresleyKinetonKingsburyStudleyWater Orton

Reconf gur ng services at all 16 wouid reduce tl le numbefof buildings by almosl hall but would affecl only 9.60/0 oft l . le cur ren t vs ts .

The alm would be to look at alternat ve ways ol pro,/ d rrgour service to these customers and the Council is open tolook ng at how this could be done w th local conrnlunities.

ln addition there wll l also be a need to reduce theopening hours in the remarn ng l ibraries. The prec sehours and days of opening wil l l le discussed w th localcommunit es as pad ol the proposed consu tatiorr processfor these changes.The ntral proposals are:

Reducing Opening hours:

Librar ies

Nuneaton, Rugby and Leamington

Alcester, Atherstone, Bedworth, Kenilworth, Polesworth*,Southam. Stratf ord. Warwick

Coleshill, Lill ington, Shipston, Stockingtord, Wellesbourne,Whitnash, Wolston

* Polesworth l ibrary has gone up from 27 hours to 35hours to br ng rt in l ine w th the ho!rs offered at others m 1ar perform ng librar es.

. lt is also proposed to reduce the current f leet of nrob lelibraries from five to three.

Average hours open

Up to 50 hours a week

Up to 35 hours a week

. For moblle I brar es we propose to revlew currentschedules, remove least-used slops and revise routes sothat the fleet of mobile l lbraries can be reduced lrom liveto three vehicles. We will also be shar ng a vehicle withSolihul L brary Service, wh ch w 11 help with shared costs.

GGL__l t__.1

It is also pnoposed toreduce the currentfleet of mobile librariesfrom five to three.

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Up to 20 hours a week

Page 5: Southam Library Consultation

GonsultationWarwicksh re County Council will conduct a 12 week publ cconsultat on on the proposed cnanges so people s vlewscan be considered and taken into account before any f naldec s ons are rnade.

A consultat on plan has been drawn up to g ve localpeople opportun t es to express their views A roadshow wtlltour WarW ckshire libraries dLlring the consultation periodso people can find out more and have the r say Over the12 weeks, we will attend a range of other public meetrngs,across tlle county, to explain rnore about the proposalsand answer questions. Consultat on questionnaires will beava lable at all publ c sessions, in WaMickshire I brar es andonline - for completion and return by June I (201 I ).

The consultation information will lnclude a factsheetfor each of Warwicksh re's 34 libraries so people can seeexactly what the opt ons are for the r local serv ce - andwhy, so that people can have their input into the iutureshape of the librar es. The consultation will give the publcan opportunity to say how the proposed changes wolrldaffect them, if imPlemented.

Anyone who lves, works, or s being educated lnWarw ckshire w ll be inv ted to make thelr vlews known

We w ll contact/consult:

. Library users

. Our staf f and utr ion representat ive

. Warwickshire MPs

. County, Par ish, Town, Distr ict and BoroughCounc i l l o r s

. Warwickshire schools

. Our partners and wider stakeholders

Community optionsAs parl of the decis on rnak ng process, d scuss ons vr' lthcommun t es wil l look at a range of options lor the provls oncl a I brary serv ce for the cort]munity. These wil l include:

. The local community delivering l ibrary services(Big Society principles)

. Working in partnership to deliver l ibrary serviceslrom another building in the community

. Use the existing building to deliver extra services toprovide income to maintain a l ibrary service

The Librall, ar.]d lnformatton Servtce a feady works witlrmany volunteers on a tegular basis, for exar't. lple throughthe housebound reader servrce. Through consultat orrcomrnLrn l ies mav express an interest n provldlng avolLtnteer run seryrce.

Colnmunities would need to corne fonr'r 'ard w th a robustbusiness case for operating their own service, which we wil lexDlore w th them. The business case wil l need to cover allthe assoc ated costs e.g. buildings and would need to takeaccount ol the on costs and resoLtrce irnplcatlons whLclrwou d also need caref|] l cons derat on. lt no sttstalnab eoption s identf ed, Waru, ckshire County Council wil l vacatethe bu ld nq at that locat on.



Page 6: Southam Library Consultation

We are praposing la:. invest in a core network of main l ibraries

geographically spread across the county. make bes t use o l techno logy in t l te a reas where

our cus tomers va lue i t most. think creatively about how to sustain services

in as many communities as possible by sharingcosts and premises with partners, and

. g ive the comnrun i ty the oppor tun i ty to runcommuni ty l ib ra r ies themse lves

Meeting the needs of the most vulnerableWe will have conversations with the mast vulnerableusers of our library service and thase living n very ruralareas about meetng their needs. This could include:. extending services to housebound people

provided by volunteers. o rder and d i rec t de l i very by v i l lage and

communi ty agents o r vo lun teers. community drop ofi points for books. continuing to support a postal service to visually

impa i red peop le. providing l ibrary related learning activit ies at

other community venues e.g. children's centres

Wlth the future budgets that we have available, we areseeking ta deliver a library seyice which pravides:. a geographic spread of main l ibraries across the

countY. deve lops a l ib ra ry serv ice tha t t i t s the chang ing

l i tes ty les o f our cus tomers , embraces techno logyand ensures our l ib ra r ies remain re levant topeople's l ives

. retlects the changes happening in our society

. creates opportunil ies lo share buildingswith partners and offer a one stop shop to ourcustomers

. gives the community the opportunity to introducenew services to meet local needs

. learns lrom other authorit ies and trom theprivate sector

. builds on the develooments we have made to ourlibrary service in recent years, and of which weare most proud

Th s approach a ms to g ve Lrs a rrodern and affordab elbrarv service that can be accessed frorn home as wellas be ng geographically spread across the county. ltalso gives the opportLrn ty for commLrnit es and otherorgan sat ons to work together to nf uence what serv cesthev feed for the fulure in the r local area.

Contact us by emai : [email protected] by post: Head of Customer Service & Communications, Shire Hall, Market Square, Warwick CV34 4RB

VforwickrhirrCounty Courcil


Page 7: Southam Library Consultation

Warwickshrre Libran'l and Information Service

Further information

. Librarv Dedormance trend data (2005 2010)

. Waruvrckshlre Library and Lnlormalion ServrccFacrng the Cha enge', Repod to Communil esOverv ew and Scrul nV Commitlee 01 .03 1 1

. Warwickshrre L brary and nforfi]at on Servrce: Factngthe Challenge', Report to Warwrcksh re CountyCounc Cab ine t 1 7 .03 .1 1

ThiS tnforr|al On S avat ab e On OUr

Or can be reouested lroln:erra I l [email protected] Head ol Customer Service & Communicataons'Shire Hall, Market Square, Warwick CV34 4RR


YThe biggest translormation in the history of Warwickshire's Library Service is now underway and everyone as

being urged to have their say.

warwicksh re counly councrl s condLlct ng a 12 week pub ic consultalion on the proposa s lo reshape library prov s on

ancj save 12 mrlron ovef the next three years Tirc consu tat on begins on N,4arch 1B and wil l rununtll June 9' giving loca

people a chance to 1nd oul more and share the r vtews before any fina dec sions are rnade. Cornmun ties consldenng

volunleel f!n I brary scrvices w ]l need 1o have the laots and f gures al the r t ngert ps

Contents'1. Facing the Challenge brief ing document

2. Library data sheet

3. Warwickshire Library Service offer

4. Frequently asked questions

5. Assessment criteria

6. List of publ ic meetings to discusslibrary transtormation

1ilT'I,JJi . l ril ' , , r \ l

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Page 8: Southam Library Consultation

Service statisticsWe currently run 34 libraries count\M/ de and a fleet of five moblie r[]-a..:

The operat ional budget Ior 2A1Ol11 is 17,4m

We raise approximately 1800,000 income per annum

We currently employ 192 (FTE) staff

We are supporled by 159 regular vorulteers

More than 250,000 local people are Warwickshire library memtt,ers

Library Service offer (reading, informarion, learning and titeracy)We provide

. Free book loans - up to 1O at any one time

o Low-cost CD and DVD rental, {axing and photocopying services

. A comprehensive Enquiry and Information service

o Public computers offering 30 minutes free time per person, per day

. Free public wi-f i

. Events and activities for all ages and wide interests

. Space for people to meet

. Support for groups such as reading groups, Silver SurJers and lob seekers

. 24/7 online services for renewals, reservations, enquires, information, and more

o Mobile services to outlying communities and housing for older people.

. Home visits to housebound readers, assisted by Age UK and volunteers

. Specialist l ibrary services for schools and Bookstart programme for babies

. Local studies promottng the county's culture and heritage

. N,4usic and Drama servtce


Page 9: Southam Library Consultation

Why are You Proposing to close l ibraries?

^ ' , r ^ . , f , l n ^ , , t , e : ha .F ' _ ' ' " :

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to r"Jra" ap""Olnq by t2 m o- z''" "'-

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r.i: '!In the na1 ona dcf c l \\aft1 'K::i:-c::11t'"?"?Hi:i:T[tjJ""1$:. i : , ! lh1n€nar ror rd uu iu t " ' " ' - , i lO , " " and ln io rmat ion Serv ce has

-:r1 lnree yeafs As part ot thls 1n€. ^ , ^ r^^^ ^^ntirio.r 2q no lonoe

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'"l,ds no 'o se1 r , u t u u

: s l n t hose commun l l l es: lner ways to Provide l lbral se^'rc(

How did You select which ones?

xl",#?;:1Ty=!sl i:: r;"li"T :".: ;.:-, ; "'i!.', i%'i!liffii.,1.t"xT:' *ndf11"'"'*' $"1, u:' r " " r r ' " t " r .

l io ;aelher they a l read\ 'L ' r l |are lheIn 'emrsg:ss than 1o"c o l a l l l ibrary vrsLts

,"o" , lo rno r-c'bor ol \{-oardle ro a-r I ; 1 o 'o /v Lld anar' (

What's going to happen to the staft in my library?

WeWLl lbework ingw]thstaf lwhoareai lectedaldnvo] 'EVeryel iodWl lbef l laoe10 redeploy stall and avord

"o'"u"''tln''"0"-ijJnt'"' ' o'r tuxing tuuingt o-n in" t-tui" means these cannoi be ruled


Why can't you get rid of management instead?

c"..nq,^e,u,.al,)rr.- , , ,o, , ,o,a1 d',o, 'rru'n. 'r 'olservce.: ' : : . . , . l i " l ;{ l l l iJ;"",""": : . : :""#; : , : : t ; :"0

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manasemenl and specra s1 sla11

Why are you proposing to cut opening hours? iby 28% rhe

,o j . ^ , ! . : , 1 , . { 6^ , , dqo ,oT ,o r , j : . , , - " : . ; : : " : : : " l " l l i . " l , t "T . l " ,wpe- , cand35

. : . ' , \ ' ' t d 1 r - t s o p r } u o i o q u ̂ o u ' '

' r i i i . : a z ' .

You conduct surveys but do you take notice of what people say?

il e p'o',rLrsars ior clranse arc open tor cornrnun t "" 1'i':'1"-t Y':fl"ilint:il[X:i;J#7;$:;"t;:t:i; l;:

:ll,!.]lii',ffi lH::mnrunt:il?l:iT"'"'"",:'':ail:ii#;;v""insinL'vWhat would the new Warwickshire Library Service look like?

We propose three levels or categorres of servrce:

. L i b r a r y | ] U t ] S ] n l h r e c m a L n 0 e n l | e S o f p o p u l a l | o r l ( L e a m i n g l o n . N U n e a l o n a n d R L l g b y ) o t i e r j n g t h e w j d e s t r a n g e o fseru ces and the longest open ng nours

. Local Lrbranes In 1 5 Local ons (A ceslel Alherston" 899:':11-col"thill Keniwodh' Lrllington Poleswo'(n'

shioslon southarn, StocXrngford slratford war'{i rck werre.ooiini" wn'rnash and wolston) olierinq services and

opening hours that reflecl loca need

. Llbrary Drecl encorTrpassrrg lhctull range of 2417 online llbrary servces plus countywide mobile outreach and

n O J . e O r J ' O a d d o f e n e '

Will you keePhomework?

libraries open after the school day has finished so my child can do their

we w I provide LntormatLon about any other homework support

l i ooeninq hours are reduced of a l lbrary buldrng closed

P ' o . t o i o , a d o ' a t u ' o L d q l L d e ' l :


Page 10: Southam Library Consultation

Where can I go to take my chi ld to Rhyme Time?

l l a l lbrary bu dltrg closes we wrl conlinue 10 de ver : ' r ' !- : :: l n 1 es rnc udrng Bhyme T me. rn olher Loca L l lraries. t la t a p o s s b e W e w o t ] d | k e l o e x p l o r c u s n g o l h - o ' , . € - - , : ! : - : t a r e s u g g e s l e d b y o c a c o m m u n i t i e s

Libraries have helped my children to learn to read. What will you offer in future?

The brary se.vce !\r conl nue to pron]ote Bookstai ,,,- af o,+ls books lo babres ancl youngchrdren. ano,,,,,r,,parlners 10 de ver events and acliv I le! n local com,lu|]., .enues l l a brary closes, \/e vr' prov de nfo.r- i i : t -where the neares l co ec t ron o l l ib ra ry hooks nc lud . rq .h d rer ' s l l cs canbc found

I don't have my own transport. l f my local l ibrary closes, how wil l I be able to access l ibrarvservices?

Peop le wr lh aCCeSS to the n le rne l Can use o f ne lb raryand n forn ta lonservCesarouna j iFe :C: { - -a .a - : t : ] ! Tua

l rb rary servces s expand ng a l the l me andgrowng rpopuar ty as a conven ien l user f . e .o t : , , c : t ia - [ ,1o1] e lb rarysenr' ce schedu es wrl be revtsed 1.) inc ude new slops for some conlmuntttes partlcu arl! , i a l: i ,).a.! ttL d ng c oses Wew prov de nfofrnat of atlout thesc. along w th deta s of the fearesl stalrc brar es

Will the mobile library still visit me?

The moblte l lbfary servrce wt I n fulure havc a wrdef and more mt] tr funclrona ro e tak ng a range of local intormationserv ces and adv sors 10 people n oul y ng commun ttes We propose lo revre!,/ current schecjules. remove easl usedslops anci revrse routes 1o ensrrre the reduced i eel of veh cles reaches as many people as possible

How can I access Silver Surfer advice if my library is closing?

]f a I brary burld rg rs c osed we w il provrde nformalron about other Librar es thal provrde internel access wrlh supporl forS lver Surfers

Not everyone has access to a computer at home. lf you close the library how will I accessthe internet?

We would provrde rnformaliof aboul other p aces thal provrde nternel access nc ud ng other Local Llbraries and,f narrces a owrng rnvesl gale the potentia to prov de a public computer n a surtable allernative oca venue Commun I esreceiv ng mob le l ibrary v sils wou d be ab e to access informatron the full brary cala ogue and the lnternet via lheonlloard cornpuler

what wil l you do to support people applying for jobs who don't have a computer at home?

We wr provlde trformaliofr aboul conlpuler access and lob seek fg supporl ava able al olher Local Librafles

Will my library have fewer computers?

Glven ower usage ol pub c computers In brares over lhe past year or so and the inlroducllon of free DL.rb c wifr nDrar es. we propose lo reduce lhe nelwork and save money by runnrng lewer PCs. We a so plan to make sav nqs o| our

g a n r r a l a T o . o ' ) o d L r S

What if my community wants to set up volunteer-run library services?

Constder ng othef ways to del ver t lrary seryrccs s a key pan of the consu lalron and dec sron making process So wewant 1o hear tforr anv commun ly nleresled In setl rg up oca a ternal ves They wou ri need lo presenl a busrness caselor the I proposa s suppon is ava able from warw cksh re county couf]c I to he p you wrth the orocess

Are there any other options?

We w look a1 other opl ons 10 ma nta n a |brary serv ce at reducecl cost, such as sharrng ex st ng |brary bu rorngs . ora ternalivc communrly premises w th ollrer oca servrce s Olhef a terf at ves m ghl nc ude mobile l ibral, v sfs af o./or ane eclronrc access pornl al a slr latl e p ace n the communrly lor peop e to make enqu ries and requesl books for delvery,a f d a d rop o f i box fo r re lu rns A mai l o rder loanservccmiqhtbeano l l re ropror l


Page 11: Southam Library Consultation

What do I need to do to keep my Library open?

We c io have 10 rnake savLngs a f r l r (es-a . : : : - : : : l - ' - son n Warw cksh l re We do r " 'an l to lak lo loca l communtes

a b o u l t h c p r o p o s a s a n d l r s l e n t o v , f " : : ' : " . : ' : i l f s e d c h a n g e s w l h a v e o n v o u a n c i a s o w h a l y o u w o u l d l i k e l o

oo ro i r " pu , l ! r t "

changcs TheD. r i t . - . : - . . :1 . . - . ;_ r .ocessa i f f t s lo reachpeocec to ,Jes l ionnat re pub c mee lnqs or


How can I tind out more and have my say?

A l 2 W e e k p U b l l c C O | l S ! ] t a t | o n O n l h e p r o p o s e c c h a | g e s l o W a r W i C k s h r e L l b r a r y a n d | n f o r m a l i o n S e r v i c e s r u n n n q l r o mM a r c h l B t o J u n e g 2 o l 1 F e e d b a c k r e c e r v e c j r i t b c i o t a t e d , . t n a y s e d a n d r e p o d e d t o c o u n l y c o u n c i l o r s i n J u l v s o l h e yare f ully nformed before mak ng any lna dec s o'rs

M o r e | n l o l m a t o n a n d a c o n s u l a t l o n q u e s l i o n n a | r e l S a v a | l a b e i n a I W a M ] c k s h j r e | i b r a r i e s a n d o n ] i n e a l ]w,\{v",wani/ ckShlre gov Uk/fac ngtheCha enge

r,ao.l lrcr lhere s a lrelvell ing roadsfrow explanng more aboul the proposals and publlc consultat on sessrons lo De

're.j a] arca j ro f s atroL tnd t he oounly for f ace to f ace q uest ons, answers and dlscu ss on

: . jr i ., sciredu e oj dates lor pub c meettngs and Lrbrary Boaalshows vis I wwl/ warwrckshire gov uMac nqthecha lenge

_ _ . _ - , ' L . ' a L D r a r \

Worwlc.ttltraCo{tfv Courcil

t, Irau i! ^' ,,),,;i"0"'

Page 12: Southam Library Consultation

criteria for Assessing the viability of the 34 static LibrariesTire Lrl lfary servrce has 1o reduce spenal frg tjy 12 ̂ - - . ' :. ,.-- .r l onger atforri to run 34 Librarres

The follow ng cr ler a vrere used 10 assess al c]l thc ::.:. _ : .-. ,:: . Warw ckshire ancl to deode which ol ifre lJ4L D[afles were |o Ongef Suslainab e

. V s ts pef hour open 12009/20j 0 f gures)

. lssues per hour opef (2009i20j 0 frgures)

' Pannershp l l a bLr r ld ng /s la l1 waswork ingr f pa ' t ' ,a 's 'L :as l -a re thede lveryo lanotherservceeg Sta f l a re1ra ned 1(j de rvef lon-od up Serv ces on behalf ol o:'rE. !a1.r:rs and shalng the costs of delrver ng lh"ose serv ces

Library Total Existing or potential partnershipVisitsper nour open

Loansper hour open


StudleyWellesbourneLillingtonColeshillShipstonBulkrngtonHarburyHenley n ArdenStockinglordB dford on Avon

201 .7196.3279.4085.9249.7154.3844.5435.9223 .7 523 .7 5I9 .5821 .74

21 .9421 .2020.5422 .8419 .8821 .2815 .8324 .7 233.5415.921 6 .01r 9 .901 1 . 3 69 .5413 .841 4 . 8 61 1 . 6 9


1'1 .581 2 . 3 6

4 . 6 9

89.9096.5054.7583.756 1 . 4 048 0636.0334.393 1 . 9 035.9233 71

29 .5129 .2529.0725.3527 .2624.442(J. .1 |

21 .598 . 1 824 4920.521 4 . 1 520.242 1 . 1 6'14.36

13.27'1 6.1 2l c . J /

1 2 . 7 1


7 .75

3 1 9 . 1 6186.22175 .90144.67133 .46r 1 5 . 7 892.607 1 . 9 558 .1 455.6555.5055 .45

3 1 . 4 3

50.4549.6148 .1 54 7 . 1 445.7244 .1442 .3141 .7240.4136.5334.05J . O O

30.7028.202 8 . 1 327 .A126.6424.2919 .8317 .32

1 2 . 4 4

Warwickshire Dlrect

Warwickshire Direct.Police Service (Summer 201 t )

Children's CentreWarwickshire Direct

Polrce Service (Spring 201 1 )Police Service (Spring 20t 1)

Warwickshrre Drrect

Children's Centre

Warw ckshire Drrecl

KingsburyDordonWolstonKrnelonBedworth HeathWhrtnashKeresleyBinley WoodsWater OrtonCamphi l lBaddesley

Hartshi I I

Page 13: Southam Library Consultation




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Page 14: Southam Library Consultation








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Water Orlon

Bir{ey Woods


Whitnash '

B€dworth Fleath


Wolston '


BiJford on A\,on

Stockirqford '

l-br{ey in Arden




Colestill '

LillirEton '

w€llesbour€ '


Sodham '












e R g 8 3 E 8 oP i 6 d i N

Page 15: Southam Library Consultation


Stratfod.upon.AvonLibrariesGonsu]tationEventsQoadshqrys (DroP-in sessions)

28,312A11 ALcesier L Draryfr, o-, ,lijaal

i ae51e '

1215/2A11 Harbury Par sh Cour-rcAnnual Meetrnghar i r , l 'y 'Vlaqe qa

Sor lh Parade HarDu' t

OV33 9JL

13/5/2a11 Wellesbourne/KrnetonCommunity Forum(rnetor V lage Ha[l Slreel K'relonCV35 OLB

1Bl5/2O11 Southam/FeldonCommunltY ForumSoLrlna'r I rre StatonCole'rlrt Streel SoLrlhanrCVTT OLL

1g/512O11 Stud eY CommunrtyForumSlLrd eY V lage r lalr l qh Slreet. Stud eY B80 7hJ

2Al5l2A11 Stour/ShiPStonCommunitY ForumSlr Pslof l l rgrr S'rfrooJarlnl ls 'ole FoadSnrPslorr o'r StourCV36 4JY

241512011 Henley In Ardenl ie 'e! rr Arde'-r vAC .)1 E Prmary ScnooA,del RoadHerr eY rr Arden895 5-l

ilotile Libraries Roadshows

Public Meetings3.30pm6 3 0 p m

ii:g !:rz

. ^ , ^ ^ . . a ^ , f h a m L h r A n /o / 4 1 z v I I 1 .30 am

2 3 0 p mq gr Streel

S.J lhan_Lea- nclorr SDa

CV,17 OHI]

1a/412011 Kineton LlbraryK nelo- V age Hal',,1I StreetKrnelonCV35 0Ltl

27 l4 /201 1 Wellesbourne LLoraryKneton RoadWe esoolrrrleWarwrc(CV35 9NI

12/5/2A11 StudleY LrbraryH gh StieetSlLrd eY8 8 0 7 n J

1415/2011 Henley in ArdenLlOraryThe GJ d Ha

H 9' S1'ee1Healey , ' Arden

ts95 5AU

191512011 Harbury L Draryq oh Slreel|1arDu'Y

Lelrm ngto ' SPa

cv33 9fl\ry

24 5 2A1' S l raf lord upon Avon 1 1 J0 a^rHen eY Slreel - 2 30 PrnStiat iord uPon Avorr

CV37 6PZ

27 l5/2A11 Bidlord LLbraryBram -6y Wa!Brdloro on AVorra501 rOG

28/512011 Shipston-on Stour 9 30 am

LlDrary 12 30 Pm



7 00 pnr

7 O 0 p m

Alcesler E aia':lCor r . - . , - i . : . ' . _

Crawlc' i j \" ,- - . _. '

Sa iorc qci,a

Bd lo ro on i ' . - ' : : j : -

Stratford Co---ur:rtorun Strat 'o 'a i ' l ' : ' . '

Chrr ich Oc lour_

Strat lord.upo'A' . ,CV37 68G

7 3 0 p m

7.00 pm

7.00 pm

7 0 0 p m

7.00 pm

7.00 Pm

3 . 3 0 p m -6.30 Pm

2 0 0 p m5 O O P m

I 0.00 am- 1 0 0 p m

9.30 pm12 30 pm

l O 0 0 a m1 0 0 p m

3.30 pm -

6.30 pm

r 0r5120I i

' ! ' 5 ' 2 q i

1 3 1 5 2 0 1 l

I q '520!' 7 : 2 0 I 1

A ceslPf Mot i e I la ' raI2 Orrurch StreetSh pslon on SloLrrcv36 4AP

uedwodh Mob e Olhe o

So|rlhari l',4ob e C eoPal'a

Al .ers loni Mob E Ham e]

(en wor lh Vlob e l lomeo

Al oay

A Oay

l|,q"rk*dlrcc-urtv c-o{tldl

Page 16: Southam Library Consultation

I cHft.t6tt6E

Nordr Warudcksh i re Li bra ries Gonsu ltation EventsPublic Meetings11/5/201'1 Water Orton

! !a ler O'1on Prr ta!-SchooAl l ecoroLrqh l .areWa1e, Or lonB rm r 'gt_anrL],16 l SB

Roadshows (Drop11 gesglonql29'3i2411 Hartshrll Library 1 0 00 am

Ho y l. n ly Chu.chor.rch Hoao

- 1 00 Pml ladsrr i


8/4/2411 Baddesey Lbrary 3.30 pmi i l re BtumGrendon

6 30 PmAlhe.s loNeCVg 2FI

2.00 pm5 0 0 p m

16/5/201T Kingsbury 6.00 pnrK neslrury V)ul lr Ce:r1reCovenlry RoadTai_worlrr8 . . . \

17 /5/2011 Dordon 6.00 pmSt Leo,rards Ohurch r la lCh.rrch qcac

uoroof478 r R!1'

11i A/2011 Krngsbury L brarylJ'oirraqe A!,.frire^ ngsouryJanrwo.t l itJ78 2HN

Water Onon1,4 ckle Meadowlio esh floacWaler OrlorlB ' .n ngham816 l SN

17 /5/2011 Coleshil Libraryl9a Parkf ie ld l loadCol-cshI nn ngram9 1 6 3 - D

18/5/2411 Har lsh lM chae Dra! ,1o| Schoolhe lvood ancsHar lsh\unealoI lCV] O OSZ

19/5/2411 Baddes ey: i l N a:r ,o as Clhu,af i Ha. l TcpBi iL ldesey L|sorCVg 2AG


12 4 ?0" A"rers lonp I orar \L.rn,:r SlreelAl l rers loneCVg ] AX

16/4/2411 Po esworth Library 10 OO a-Endoe S l ree l - i .OO O_Po eswodf

1 1 /5/2A1 1

larnworthB7B ] D I

Dordon Library

Dordo"Tanrworlil878 | lD

13/5/2A11 Library 10.00 am1 0 0 p m

6.00 pm

l l 3 0 a . r2 3A )-'

2.00 pm5.00 pm

Mobile Libraries Roadshonus

' O ' ? 0 1 ' A . p s t e ' l v o b . p ' . t a n d

11 /5/2411 Bedworth Nlob e Othetto

13/5/2011 Southam Mob le C eopatra

Al day

A ..r ̂ . ,

A1l day

Atherstone N/obre Hamet Al day

1 1 . 3 0 a m- 2 3 0 p m

17/5/2011 Kenrlwodh Mob e - Romeo A l d a y

n<1t g lJ?) I woffickrhitU IIJ co('|v c€urdl

Page 17: Southam Library Consultation

I CHRtEf'68

Camp Hi Lrbrary 7 |1 LCucal on Sl,oraal lc Soca 1C F i S S160 Cedar RoaoCamp HNunealon CV' 0 9D\

Roadshows (Drop-in sessions)3A/3/2411 Stock ngford Lrbrary

Sl PaJ s qoad

Slo.k,rg lordN. l . raealoa

cvr0 8Hu/

Bedworlh Libraryl E Hgn S t . ee l3-.oworl,r\unealo. lCV12 8N1

7 3 0 p m 1 1 3 0 a n '- 2 .30 pm

1 1 : 3 0 a m-2 r30 pm

3.30 pm6.30 pm

7 /4/24115/4/2011

1 9 4 ? O l K c r o s c y N c w a n o 2 0 0 p mbe||e sfoao 5 00 pma\,/12 j tP Llenfel ls Hoad

11/4/2A11 Bedworth HeathGoodyers t i .J Pr.nai ,SahooEovr nq Greef L-areBedwodr l

12/4/2O11 KeresleyKeres ey V aqe Oommun 1!_CenlreHowal Hd^eres ey t f l ( lCovenl . r_av7 Sl t j

1O/5i2411 StockrngfordT r r e C a b b a g e C ! l lS lock nglordN!, iea1()nCV] O BLG

Mobile Ubraries Roadshows

'0 5 20 l A Lesle Mob ie l tan a

15/4/2011 Bulkrngton L brarySchoo Roadl l ! K ngtonNuneal0nO V 1 2 g J B

6 .30 pm

6.30 pmKeres ey EndOovenlryOV7 8HX

Stockingford LibrarySt Pau s Boa0Stock nqior. l

c v r 0 8H \ i

9 . 0 0 a m -12 00 pm

7.00 pm6/5/2011 Camp B lLrbrary 2.OA

C a m p H l L d u . a l o n S p o r l 8 5 O OS o c a ( C H L S S iCedar RoaclNirnealoalCV] O SDN


7 /5/2011 Nuneaton L braryCfr-(rh Slreel

cvr 1 rDu

1 1 3 0 p m2.30 pm

Al day' 1/5 241' Bedwonr lvoo . - Orhelro Al day' 3

5 ?411 So l , thd- r Mob le ao1n, . . : A t - l : ,

16/5/2411 Atherstone Nilobie Hamet Al day

17 /5/2011 Ken lworth fvlob e ' Romeo Al day

Nuneaton & Bedurorlfi Libraries GonsuJtation Events

Public Meetings29/3/2011 Bulk ngton

Vy'a' l"4enlo.e a ., iBu k nqlorSlaflo'd C oseBeaiworl lrCV12 gOX

Page 18: Southam Library Consultation

I cHfi[.tfl68

Rugby Libraries GonsuJtation Events

Public Meetings Roadshows (Drop-in sessions)6/4/2011 Dunchurch

D!rc l rJrc l r Jur a/ Sclro{)De!! C ose

Fuqt iy

CV22 6NF

7 .00 pm 1/4/201 1 Wo ston LibraryWar\^.' rk 'load!ryo slo lOovenlryCV8 3CX

B n ey Woods Library

B n ey WoodsCovenlry


2.00 pm5.00 pnr

10 .00 am- 1 O O p m

2i41201113/4/2411 Brnlcy Wood

' ) - . . \ | J o a - - ,iuql t ! Foad3 | - .y WoodsC V 3 2 J , ,

/ .00 pm

26/4/2011 Dunchurch L braryThe Gr- .efL lunchurchRLr{tb!CV22 €JPA

3 .30 pm6.30 pm

16/5/2411 Rugby L braryL t1€ L boro/r Sl . r ,etH!gi ) !

cv21 ' iRl

1 1 3 0 a r2 3 0 D -

Mobile Libraries Roadshows

1A/5/2411 Alcester N4ob e - T tania All day

11 /5/2411 Bedworth N,4ob le - Othel o A I day

13/5,'2411 Southam lvob le ! r E U I / d u d . 1 u d y

16/5/2411 Atherstone Mobie Hamlet All day

17/5/2411 Keniworth Mobie Romeo Al day

Page 19: Southam Library Consultation


Warwick Libraries Gonsultation Events

Publ ic Meet ings Roadshows (Drop-in sessions)23/3/2011 Warw.c< Tcwn

Councrao!11 f lnI i .Ju'r SlrcelWarw cl.ov3.1 .Et'.|

L 3 0 p m 4/4/2411 Lrll ngton LrbraryVa ey BoadL aqlorlL eam||rgroiCV32 7SJ

10 .00 am- 1 O O p m

5/4/2011 Whitnash Library

!Vh l . rashLeam nlr lor SDaC V 3 ] 2 J H

3.30 pm6.30 pm11 /5/201 1 Wh tnash/South

Leam nglon6 3 0 p m

-st . los- .ph s qhL/L ' Har lf "4urcot1 I load L 'a:1$/h ln.1-ql r OV3' 2.1.1

Warwrck Rura EastCommun ty Forum{)1r: lrLrrch V aqe Hai eam nqlo- SpaCV33,qAP

5/5/241 1 Kenilworth LibrarySma ey Pace


6.30 pm19/5/2411

26/5/2411 Warwick Rural WestCommun ty Forum[J shops lachbrock SLrols6 Soc:r C.rL)K "ps et Road[] s'l|)ps l.r.ihtiroor.atv3-19Fq

KeniworthCommun ty ForumKen wol(r ScfooUppgr Schoo Ha

CVs 2 L]A

7 .30 pm

20/5/2011 Leamlngton Spa 1 I .30 amLrilrary 2 30 pmfloya PLrrrp floonrsI rre ParadeLeam nglol l Si raC V 3 2 . 1 A A

21 /5/2011 Warw ck LibraryBarrac{ SlreelWan! ckcv3.1 ,11H

10 .00 amL00 pm

6/6/241 1 7 .00 pm

9',6/2011 North LeamrngtonCommunity Forum-, rlr]to,, Pr rl.r.! St]FrooCuirlr n-ator RoadLeam nolon SpaCV3: ] 'AG

6 .00 pm

Mobile Libraries Roadshows

. O 5 ?O' I At/-cstc ' Mob,,e Trranra 41l day

1 1 /5/2011 Bedwotlh lt/ob e Othe!:o 4rl qgy

13/5/2011 Southam Mobie C eopatra Al l day

16/5/2411 Atherstone fvlobie - Ham et All day

17 /5/2411 Ken lworth Mobi e - Romeo All day

WsrwlgkthirtCounly Counql t t ' / ^

' r ' i " '

Page 20: Southam Library Consultation

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Page 21: Southam Library Consultation

Cost Centre N.4anagers Report

L ibrary & Informat ion Serv ice-Southam










ApprovedB u doet

(s46)(7 4 )(70)

(710 )(4,969)


(233)( 4 1 )




1 , 1 5 6462


'1 1 ,9701 , 9 5 71 , 8 1 8


1 ,14028,359

5501287 130

9541 , 7 3 9



Page 22: Southam Library Consultation

L I A R A R Y I N F O R M A T I O N S U M M A R Y S H E E I . S O U T H A M L I B R A R Y

Southam Lib & Informat ion Centre

H 9h StreelSoulhamLeam ngto. Spa

17 At]A

i --

Jis lp", *eer

flrzo.qloe, an",.

Sal. r rdat

E;"r,arrvl IF", Ho,,,5 3 6 8 8 2 1 7 t ,th 452 6 6683 260 33 71. 1 3 4 3 t , a 90 9 0 0 . - 7 0 0

09 0! 1-o 0009 0i l7 l r r09 0C 19 0. .0,q cN 17 c 'J0 9 3 0 r : 0 N

t nqLJ r€s

CompJle ' S€ ss ons

'P€r Schedulel Hours Open

Age Profr le (Years)

C 4:, l5t 6 6 46 5 +

Oueslron Ashed

' Percen laoe: aLrove ta !€ been ro r rded Lr r o r do ! !n sc rnay nc l s€em loe q u a 1 0 0 ! i , n a c a s € s

' ,aimq


Transpon b !dge is & cos ls fo , So! lha . . a fe h€ d by S l ra t fo rd L rbrarySuppl€s & Setu .e:

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Com€ Tc F nd Somel i |ng Ol lD,a Yo! SLrcc€ed? (yes)

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