Download - SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel

  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel


  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel


  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel


    Jevfms ky Decj D. Bekkfmm

    O Gomm te Gemers

    (Yeii Ljbroh sfrlfs)

    Fibf e` PomerYf Jfptujf Wtrotfby

    Rcfj Iuty Rclspfrs MewO Geif `er eherrew

    Yf Most Mlfutfjojt

    Yf Krutus Mlf

  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel



    J O P O M L J W Y L Y V Y F ^ [ F W W

    O J J O ^ E M L W , H O [ \ M O J I

  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel


    Yls keea cos kffj kreubct te pukmlgotlej wltc tcf bfjfreus osslstojgf e`

    Horbufrltf oji Bfrry Mfj`fst.

    Jovom Ljstltutf ^rfss


  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel


    Ifilgotfi te tcf hfj oji wehfj wce sfrvfi lj tcf Ohfrlgoj oji

    Ommlfi `ergfs iurljb tcf mejb, oji sehftlhfs kmeeiy, Gemi Ror.

    \eur gejtrlkutlej hoy covf jet kffj lhhfilotfmy opporfjt, kut yeu ili

    ljiffi prfvolm. Kfgousf e` yeu, tcf wermi ls o hugc kfttfr pmogf.

    Rfmm iejf.

  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel


  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel



    Yfrfs je ieukt tcot pfepmf orf tcf fssfjgf e lt omm4 eur rlfjis, eur rfmotlvfs,

    eur speusfs oji gclmirfj, eur kessfs, tfogcfrs, gewerafrs, cfomtcgorf prevlifrs,

    gosuom ogquoljtojgfs, fvfj tcesf wf iejt geujt ohejb eur rlfjis. Yfy irlvf tcf

    fjbljf tcot ommews us te fxfrglsf eur tomfjts oji, fvfjtuommy, oggehpmlsc o beom er

    twehoykf fvfj herf l tcf beei Meri ls wltc us. L oh je fxgfptlej. L gejstojtmy

    turj te tcfsf pfepmf wcftcfr er jet Lh lj treukmf. Yflr gehert oji tomfjts sus-

    tolj hf. Evfr tcf yfors tcfy covf gejtrlkutfi te hy weras lj herf woys tcoj tcfy

    wlmm fvfr ajew. Ohejb tcfh, lj je slbjlgojt erifr orf tcf emmewljb.

    Yf yljb sgfjfs wfrf brfotmy fjcojgfi ky Gopt. Iojlfm ruox, VWJ ([ft.),

    oji hy emi rlfji oji gersolr degafy Ilga Kfrtfo, erhfrmy o plmet er tcf V.W.Horljf Gerps. Gehhfjtory okeut V.W. Jovy erbojlzotlej, togtlgs, oji fqulp-

    hfjt gohf reh tlj goj solmer [for Oih. Iovli [ohsfy, VWJ ([ft.). Ojetcfr

    emi rlfji, sukhorljfr, oji fmmew outcer, Gir. Bferbf O. Rommogf, VWJ ([ft.),

    prevlifi alji oivlgf os wfmm. \ft ojetcfr rlfji oji gejtrlkuter ls fmmew tlj goj

    solmer frry Hlmmfr, fxfgutlvf ilrfgter oji filter e tcf Jotlejom Osseglotlej e

    Ifstreyfr Pftfrojs. O wejifrum rlfji, yogctshoj, jovom ovloter, oji potrlet,

    Gopt. [ojiomm D. Myjgc, gehhojiljb egfr e tcf J[EG ujlt ot Fhkry [liimfOfrejoutlgom Vjlvfrslty, cfmpfi wltc jovom gustehs oji usobf.

    Rcfj hfilgom prekmfhs wfrf ljvemvfi, L ejgf herf turjfi te Ir. [ussfmm

    Wtrl oji @rfi Hflstfr, ^cI. Fmsfwcfrf L rfgflvfi jf geujsfm reh Kek Kolmfy,

    [ekfrt B. Hocoj, oji Kfvfrmy Clmms ^emlgf Gclf Iovli M. Wjewifj. Hy cot ls

    e ejgf obolj te Wusoj Afgcfaloj e VWGs Ifporthfjt e Wmovlg Wtuilfs er cfr

    ljvomuokmf cfmp wltc [ussloj trojsmotlejs jet ejmy cfrf kut omse lj tcf sfgeji

    jevfm e tcf eii Ljbroh sfrlfs,O Geif er eherrew.Hest e omm, tcojas te [lga [ussfmm, ilrfgter e tcf Jovom Ljstltutf ^rfss,

    wcesf alji gehhfjtory, subbfstlejs, oji filtljb prevlifi tcf truf fjbljf er

    tcls wera.

    Os omwoys, hy wlf, Dojljf, ls jet ejmy o brfot filter (sehftcljb L rfmforj

    fvfry tlhf L be tcreubc tcls) kut omse o horvfmeus oji mevljb portjfr. Jejf e

    tclsoji omm e tcf wejifrum fvfjts lj hy mlfweumi covf eggurrfi wltceut cfr.

  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel


    Omse, te yeu, hy rfoifrs tcoja yeu, oji tcoja yeu, oji tcoja yeu er yeur

    suppert, fjgeurobfhfjt, grltlquf, oji f-holms evfr tcf yfors. rumy, lt ls yeu

    wce affp hf beljb. ^mfosf vlslt hy wfksltf, www.DecjDBekkfmm.geh, er geh-

    hfjtory ej hy jevfms ljgmuiljb pcetes e tcf ogtuom pfepmf, pmogfs, oji hlmltoryfqulphfjt pertroyfi cfrflj. Hojy e tcf gcorogtfrs lj tcls jevfm oppfor lj tcf

    prfvleus eur eii Ljbroh jevfms. Os omwoys, hlstoafs cfrflj orf hljf omejf,

    hojy tlhfs gommfi te hy ottfjtlej ky yeur alji f-holms. ^mfosf affp lt up.


    @fkruory ;>?9

    Jfwpert Kfogc, Gomlerjlo

    vlll | Decj D. Bekkfmm

  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel



    Jetf4Aoroute Lsmoji oji ere Olrfmi kfgohf Woacomlj Ekmost oji Wcoactyersa

    Olrfmi, rfspfgtlvfmy, o`fr tcf Wevlfts gopturfi tcfh lj OubustWfptfhkfr ?

  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel


    Bfj. [lgcori A. Wutcfrmoji, Bfjfrom HogOrtcurs gclf e sto

    Krlb. Bfj. Etls (j) IfRltt, olif te Bfjfrom Wutcfrmoji

    Gem. Wyijfy Hoscklr, Dopojfsf-mojbuobf fxpfrt oji gclf jfbetloter,

    HojlmoHod. Gmlvf R. Jflifhflfr, Wtotf Ifporthfjt mlolsej, Lf Wclho Olr Kosf/

    Otsubl Olr Kosf

    Aoro`ute (Woacomlj) Fxpfiltlejs

    @lrst fxpfiltlej4 VWOO@ G-69, tolm juhkfr 0;0739 (Cet [ei 739)

    Wfgeji fxpfiltlej4 VWOO@ G-69 2997;0 (Opprfjtlgf ;0)

    Hod. Horvlj @. (Kugay) [oigml, plmet oji olrgro` gehhojifr, rstfxpfiltlej

    ?st Mt. Mfrey fmeri A. ^fepmfs, geplmet, rst fxpfiltlej1 plmet oji olrgro`

    gehhojifr, sfgeji fxpfiltlej

    Gopt. Dejotcoj M. (Dej) Kfrjf , jovlboter, rst oji sfgeji fxpfiltlejs

    ;ji Mt. [lgcori R. Mossltfr, geplmet, sfgeji fxpfiltlej

    Wbt. Mfejori (j) Cohhfr, lbct sfrbfojt, fjbljffr, rst oji sfgeji

    fxpfiltlejsByWbt. Vmyssfs Boymeri (Vbmy) Corpfr, VWHG, squoi mfoifr e tclrtffj

    Horljfs, rst fxpfiltlej

    ByWbt. Cerogf . Kemoji, VWHG, squoi mfoifr e tclrtffj Horljfs, sfgeji


    Gemlj Kmljif, obfjt, Egf e Wtrotfblg Wfrvlgfs (EWW)

    Woj ^fire, Goml`erjloHod. Cfmfj Iuroji Ljbroh, V.W. Orhy, eii Ljbrohs wlf1 eer jursf,

    Rori 0, @ert HogOrtcur Ljrhory

    Fhho ^fokeiy, eii oji Cfmfj Ljbrohs jfxt-ieer jflbcker ej Weutc

    Omho Wtrfft

    Hod. Dumloj . [oiubo, HI, V.W. Orhy, psygclotrlst, @ert HogOrtcur


    Gpm. Fiilf Kfrbfj, potlfjt, Rori 0, @ert HogOrtcur Ljrhory1 prfvleusmyV.W. Orhy H-9 tojafr ej Ealjowo

    Cemmyweei, Goml`erjlo

    Mouro Rfst, plojlst, JKG Wyhpcejy Ergcfstro, Rfst Geost Ilvlslej

    Hofstre Orture esgojljl, gejiugter, JKG Wyhpcejy Ergcfstro, Rfst

    Geost Ilvlslej

    x | Decj D. Bekkfmm

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    [ekfrto Yotgcfr, kusljfss hojobfr, JKG Wyhpcejy Ergcfstro

    Ojeuscao Ifzcjfv, [ussloj mh stor1 hetcfr e Fiuori Ifzcjfv

    WevlftsVWW[ Jovy

    Goptolj Ylri [oja Fiuori Lojevlgc Ifzcjfv, borrlsej gehhojifr, ;?st

    Jovom [fblhfjt, Wcoactyersa Olrfmi, Woacomlj Lsmoji

    Goptolj @lrst [oja Bfjjoiy Aumlklj, Ifzcjfvs lhhfilotf supfrler ot

    Wcoactyersa Olrfmi, Woacomlj1 motfr, gehhojiljb egfr e tcf grulsfr

    Oihlrom Pemscaev

    JAPI (Joreijyl Aehhlssorlot Pjutrfjjlac ifm), Wevlft Wfgrft Wfrvlgf,prfifgfsser e` tcf HBK oji ABK

    Aorem Iuifa, ^emlsc ossosslj

    Emfb Mfpfgcj, obfjt, Wcoactyersa Olrfmi, Woacomlj

    Hotvlf Kerzoaev, obfjt, Wcoactyersa Olrfmi, Woacomlj

    Lhpfrlom Dopojfsf Jovy (LDJ)

    Goptolj Wclreau @udlhete, gehhojifr hljffmis e eaye Koy ojifjvlrejs

    Hoder Aeteau @udlhete, gehhojifr ere Olrfmi, Aoroute (Woacomlj),

    Lhpfrlom Dopojfsf Horljfs

    Ljtfrjotlejom [fi Gress

    Romtfr @rfifrlga Kerljb, Bfjfvo, Wwltzfrmoji1 rfprfsfjtotlvf osslbjfi te

    tcf jertcfost Oslo sfgter

    Fibf e` Pomer| xl

  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel


    Brfotfr Fost Oslo, ??7> ?9>?;>??>?>>








  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel
















    EaljowoGopf Tojpo



    Afroho Lsmojis

    Cfie ^eljt






    Fos t Gcljo Wfo


    ?;2 7>






    ^ O G L @ L G

    E G F O J

    > ?> ?66 hlmfs

    Ealjowo ^rf`fgturf, [yuayu Lsmojis, Dopoj, ?

  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel




    OtsublOlr Kosf

    Alsorozu Olr Kosf










    Aohoauro @uttsu


    Esclho Lsmoji

    Jll Wclho

    Aezu Wclho














    Wobohl Koy

    > ?> ?6 ;6;>6 hlmfs





    Yeaye oji Fjvlrejs, ?

  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel


  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel


    Ot tcf cflbct e o aohlaozf roli e Ealjowo lj Oprlm ?

  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel



    < Oubust ?>>-peuji predfgtlmfs flbct hlmfs ljmoji. Cfr torbft4 tcf ljiustrlom sfgtlej eLkoroal ^rffgturf, wcfrf Cltogcl Ljiustrlfs fmfgtrejlgs weras wfrf gejgfjtrotfi.YfHoxwfmmoji tcf rfst e tcf tosa ergf coi kffj gmesf fjeubc te puhp

    eut o fw reujis os wfmm. Kut os tcfy rftlrfi er tcf fvfjljb tcf ifstreyfrs rfoi-lfi tcflr 6-ljgc bujs er tcf aohlaozfs ifoimy rftrlkutlej. Buj grfws struga tcfgehhej ohhujltlej wltc kosf-iftejotljb usfs kfmew ljte tcf hobozljfsoji pummfi up ojtlolrgro` predfgtlmfs wltc prexlhlty usfs, stegaljb tcfh lj tcf

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    9 | Decj D. Bekkfmm

    uppfr cojimljb reehs er lhhfilotf usf. Jew tcfy wfrf ejgf obolj ot bfjfromquortfrs te iffji oboljst tcf roli tcot wos gfrtolj te gehf.

    Gir. eii Ljbroh pogfi cls krlibf, tubbljb ot tcf strops ej cls mlf vfst. YfHoxwfmmcoi hoif lt tcreubc se or. Rcftcfr ky muga er Ilvljf ljtfrvfjtlej

    er salmmum bctljb oji hojfuvfrljb, Ljbroh geumijt soy. O`fr tcf pretrogtfiEaljowo gohpolbj geupmfi wltc Oihlrom Comsfys trluhpcojt kehkorihfjt etcf geost e Dopoj, cf wos tee tlrfi te tclja okeut lt. @er tcf post eur hejtcscfi ovfrobfi vf ceurs e smffp o ioy. Omejb wltc tcf rfst e tcf grfw cfi mlvfireh hfom te hfom oji wotgc te wotgc, kfgehljb o jfor outehotej.

    Kut evfr tcf post tcrff ioys o ilfrfjt ffmljb coi grfpt evfr Ljbrohoji,pfrcops ky eshesls, evfr tcf grfw os wfmm. Wehftcljb owfsehf oji cerrlgcoi coppfjfi ot Clresclho. [uhers fw oreuji tcf fft. Yf wor geumi kfevfr. Fxpfgtotlejs e surrfjifr brfw ljte irfohso beei jlbcts smffp, o wffaswertc e beei jlbcts smffp1 o tclga, dulgy stfoa1 pmfjty e kffr1 oji geursf zfre-jljf-zfre4 cehf. Kut tcf beei jfws ilijt gehf1 tcf prfssurf wos stlmm ej. Jesmffp, je kffr, je stfoa, je cehfwori trfa1 dust herf aohlaozfs oji tcf ljgfs-sojt grogaljb e bujs oji tcf shfmm e geriltf oji tcf eier e ifotc.

    Mt. Gir. ukky Rcltf, tcfHoxwfmms fxfgutlvf egfr, gmehpfi ejte tcf krlibfwforljb acoal scerts, o -sclrt, oji sojioms. Rcltf coi pmoyfi buori ot VWG, kut

    cls wfmm-husgmfi terse coi brewj te bfjfreus prepertlejs sljgf tcfj1 tcus clsjlgajohf. Rcltfs ljvfrtfi kfmmy kuttej peafi tcreubc cls swfoty -sclrt. Osfxfg, Rcltfs bfjfrom quortfrs stotlej wos twe ifgas kfmew lj tcf gehkot ljer-hotlej gfjtfr (GLG), o iora, grohpfi spogf umm e cfot-bfjfrotljb fmfgtrejlgfqulphfjt sugc os roior rfpfotfrs. Yfrf wos je olr gejiltlejljb.

    Ljbroh oji Rcltf coi ajewj ejf ojetcfr sljgf tcf Wemehej Lsmojis goh-polbj e ?

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    Fibf e` Pomer| 6

    foturf kfljb uppfr oji mewfr rews e bmfohljb wcltf tfftc. O pfjglm-tclj hus-togcf ej tep wos ifslbjfi te irow lj tcf moilfs oji herf tcoj oifquotfmy ili lts

    dek. Yf sej e o Kreeamyj stfvfierf, Mojio wfjt te sfo ot `ffj oji werafi clswoy up, ektoljljb cls hostfrs mlgfjsf ot tcf obf e tclrty. Ot tcf wors eutkrfoa,

    cf lhhfilotfmy trojsfrrfi te tcf V.W. Jovy oji o mlf ej ifstreyfrs. Cf seejeuji clhsfm lj gehhoji, oji lt sultfi clh wfmm. O formfss oji semli mfoifrot sfo, tcf ujhorrlfi Mojio wos ohkeyojt wcfj oscerf, ieljb herf tcoj clsscorf e irljaljb. E`fj, dujler egfrs wfrf tosafi wltc gorryljb tcflr geh-hojiljb egfr koga te tcf sclp, wcfrf tcfy pltgcfi clh ljte cls kuja te smffp lte. Evfr tcf yfors Mojio coi ogqulrfi tcf jlgajohf Keeh Keeh, prfsuhokmykfgousf wcfj tcf porty coi scl`fi te tclri bfor, cf weumi stoji ej o gcolrer wcotfvfr wos gejvfjlfjtoji tfmm korreeh deafs hlhlgaljb tcf seujis ecuhoj otus. Eiimy, Mojio ilijt mlaf te kf gommfi Keeh Keeh, omtceubc cffjdeyfi gommljb etcfrs ky jlgajohfs.

    Ljbroh, ej tcf etcfr coji, gohf reh Fgce, o shomm rolmreoi oji orhljbgehhujlty lj seutcfostfrj Erfbej. Jet husgmf keuji, Ljbroh stlmm coi ojotcmftfs rohf oji wflbcfi oj fglfjt ?32 peujis. Cf coi sojiy colr, oji clsiffp-sft fyfs wfrf broy wltc o teugc e grews fft lj tcf gerjfrs, tcf rfsumt emejfmy cet suhhfr ioys lj tcf fjimfss wcfot fmis e fostfrj Erfbej. O kreoi,

    ilsorhljb brlj ifmlvfrfi reh tlhf te tlhf wos gcorogtfrlzfi ky o gclppfimewfr teetc, tcf rfsumt e o omm e o gehkljf os oj fmfvfj-yfor-emi. O broiuotfe tcf V.W. Jovom Ogoifhy lj ?

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    0 | Decj D. Bekkfmm

    Rcltf trojsfrrfi e tcf Cewfmm, kut Ljbroh stoyfi ej keori os fxfgutlvfegfr. Cfi herf er mfss emmewfi lj Mojios eetstfpstcflr pfrsejomltlfs geh-pmftfmy eppesltf, tcflr tcljaljb oji ogtlejs kfoutlummy syjgcrejlzfi. Jew Mojiowos o umm goptolj oji gehheierf e Ifstreyfr Wquoirej 22 (IFW[EJ22) wltc

    togtlgom oji oihljlstrotlvf gejtrem e tcf flbct ifstreyfrs jew orrojbfi oreujitcf heifrj ost kottmfsclp Lewo. Lt wos Mojio wce coi put tcf Hoxwfmmlj sto-tlej sfvfj, tcf pesltlej jforfst tcf Dopojfsf holjmoji.

    Ot mfjbtc, Mojio ireppfi cls fyfs oji rfoi tcf hfssobf. Cemy sheafs. Ylscos te kf lt.

    Lt wcot5 osafi Ljbroh.Yf gerjfrs e Mojios heutc gurmfi up. Cf meeafi ot Rcltf, \eu bet tcls

    reh roile gfjtrom5\fs, slr. Hr. [ess tceubct lt wos lhpertojt fjeubc er hf te sff lt. Cf

    kreubct lt iewj.Oji yeu rfoi lt5 osafi Mojio.E geursf, . . . Gehheierf.Mojios ogf bmewfi1 cls fyfs bmlstfjfi os l cf wfrf bfttljb rfoiy te tfmm ejf

    e cls oheus ortljb deafs. Kut cf rfholjfi slmfjt.Ljbroh sprfoi cls cojis. Fjeubc. Gehf ej, Dfrry!

    Mojio cojifi evfr tcf hfssobf.Lmm kf o hejafys ujgmf! Cf wclppfi e cls cfmhft oji wovfi lt lj tcf olr.

    Gojt kf mejb jew. Rltc tcf [eesalfs ej eur slif, cew goj wf mesf5 Oj ceurobe, o fft kreoigost coi ojjeujgfi tcot tcf Wevlft Vjlej, o suppesfi jfutromte tcf Dopojfsf, coi ljstfoi ifgmorfi wor ej tcfh oji coi kfbuj peurljb tceu-sojis e treeps ogress tcf Hejbemloj kerifr.

    Mojio sjertfi.ukky Rcltf wos herf vegom. Wcfyoooot.

    Ljbroh gejtljufi, Omm lj tcf splrlt e gehroifmy geepfrotlej, Lh surf.O`fr omm, tcesf jf Wevlfts covf kffj iffjiljb eur gousf er yfors.

    Yfy storfi ot clh.Ljbroh brljjfi oji gmoppfi cls cojis. Wpfoaljb e tcf splrlt e gehroifmy

    geepfrotlej, cew keut lt, Gehheierf5 Reumi yeu mlaf te tfmm tcf grfw5Mojio ujmfoscfi cls slbjoturf wcltf-teetcfi shlmf oji sceea cls cfoi.

    Yfyrf yeur buys.Ljbroh jeiifi. Yls wos tcf salppfrs dek. Gojt orbuf wltc tcot. Cf stfppfi

    ljslif tcf plmetceusf oji steei kfslif tcf ?HGtcf sclps pukmlg oiirfss sys-tfhheujtfi ej tcf rfor kumacfoi. Yf flbct solmers oji twe egfrs lj tcfplmetceusf coi tcflr fors gegafi lj cls ilrfgtlej. Ot o bmojgf Ljbroh geumi tfmmtcf weri coi omrfoiy mfoafi up reh roile gfjtrom vlo tcf seuji-pewfrfi pcejfgejjfgtfi te [oieri, tcf mff cfmhshoj, ej tcf fjbljf reeh ojjujgloter. Yfyomrfoiy ajfw wcot tcf hfssobf soli.

    Je hottfr.Ljbroh jeiifi te Klrhljbcoh, tcf scert, steut, cfovlmy totteefi

    sfgeji-gmoss keotswoljs hotf e tcf wotgc. Eaoy, Klrhljbcoh, cf soli. Omm

  • 7/21/2019 SNEAK PEEK: Edge of Valor: A Novel


    Fibf e` Pomer| 2

    cojis reh tcf goptolj. Vsf tcot. Cf peljtfi te tcf slmvfr keotswoljs plpf ioj-bmljb ej Klrhljbcohs gcfst.

    Oyf, oyf, Goptolj. Wtojiljb ej tlptefs, Klrhljbcoh pummfi iewj tcfhlgrepcejf. Yfj cf lppfi omm tcf gehporthfjt mfvfrs oji fjfrblzfi

    tcf ?HG. oaljb o iffp krfotc, cf kmfw ej cls plpf. Klrhljbcohs plpf fgcefigmformy oji heurjummy tcreubceut tcf sclp, blvljb ejf tcf ffmljb cf coi stfppfikoga twe cujirfi yfors lj tlhf. Wtlmm ej tlptefs Klrhljbcoh korafi, Jew cfortcls. Jew cfor tcls. Wtoji ky er tcf goptolj.

    Ljbroh stfppfi te tcf hlaf. Beei fvfjljb. L covf lj coji o fft kreoigostslbjfi ky Oihlrom Jlhltz. O sfgeji otehlg kehk wos ireppfi teioy ej tcfDopojfsf holjmoji. Yls ejf ej Jobosoal lj seutcfrj Ayuscu.

    Yfrf wos o hosslvf ljtoaf e krfotc lj tcf plmetceusf. Omm fyfs wfrf xfiej Ljbroh os cf gejtljufi, Rclmf lt soys jetcljb okeut oj fji te cestlmltlfs, ltiefs goutlej us te holjtolj tcf uthest vlblmojgf wclmf jfbetlotlejs orf ujifrwoy. Yf wor ls jet evfr ky ojy strftgc e tcf lhobljotlej. Oji L gojt fhpco-slzf fjeubc tcot wf hust rfholj vlblmojt. Ej tcf etcfr coji, oji L hoy kf stfp-pljb eut ej o mlhk, L ie mlaf tcf usf e tcf weri jfbetlotlejs. Yots omm L gojsoy okeut tcls, se irow yeur ewj gejgmuslejs. Cf gcfgafi tcf pmoj e tcf ioypestfi jforky. Eaoy, oksfjt ojy vlslters kftwffj jew oji sujsft, tcf hevlf

    tejlbct ls Bufst lj tcf Ceusfstorrljb [ompc Kfmmohy oji Ojjf Koxtfr. Wcewtlhfls twfjty-tclrty ej tcf hfss ifgas. Yot ls omm. Cf lppfi e tcf mfvfrs ojiwomafi eut te tcf epfj krlibf.

    Os cf stfppfi tcreubc tcf plmetceusf ieer, cf cfori Klrhljbcoh huttfr ljcls eb-guttfr velgf, L iejt bft lt. Rcot tcf cfmms oj otehlg kehk5

    Mojio oji ukky Rcltf wfrf stlmm ej tcf pert krlibf wljb prftfjiljb te sjormot fogc etcfr. Mojio soli, Wcert, te tcf peljt, kut jet fxogtmy Ajutf [egajf.

    Rfmm, yeu gojt fxpfgt

    Krlibf, oyf. Ojifrsej, Ljbrohs tomafr, wforljb seuji-pewfrfi cfoi-pcejfs, rolsfi cls cfoi oji soli, Gehkot cos slx keblfs, ljkeuji, kforljb twe-flbct-slx truf. [ojbf twfjty-vf hlmfs.

    Yf irfoifi weris hfshfrlzfi tcf tcrff egfrs er o hehfjt.Ljbroh oji Mojio megafi fyfs, tcf qufstlej ujspeafj. Cew ili tcfy bft ljtcot gmesf5

    Hust kf cubbljb tcf ifga, huttfrfi Rcltf. Wff yeu fmmos. Cf ioscfitcreubc tcf plmetceusf ieer tewori tcf moiifr mfoiljb iewj te GLG.

    Hust kf, soli Ljbroh. Yfy meeafi up te sff tcf Cfmmgots sweepljb mew,cfoifi wfst, tcflr fjbljfs sjormljb.

    L wos se meealjb erwori te o qulft fvfjljb wltc [ompc Kfmmohy, slbcfiMojio, hevljb owoy. Os wos tcflr gusteh iurljb ogtlej, Mojio teea o pesltlejej tcf storkeori krlibf wljb wltc cls stotus keoris oji tomafrs te lssuf ljstrug-tlejs te cls ifstreyfrs. @reh tcfHoxwfmms stotlej lj tcf juhkfr sfvfj pesltlejcf geumi sff omm e cls mlttmf keys oji sfji hfssobfs ky ob celst, slbjom mlbct,

    er KWvelgf roile.

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    Ej tcf pert krlibf wljb, Ljbroh teea up o pesltlej kftwffj Ojifrsejoji Mt. eh Rotfrhoj, cls B_ egfr e tcf ifga. Otcmftlg oji iora-colrfi,Rotfrhoj wos komiljb ot tcf obf e twfjty-tcrff. Yf colr mess hoif clh meeatwlgf cls obf kut sffhfi te borjfr rfspfgt reh tcf hfj wce werafi er clh.

    Yfrf! soli Rotfrhoj, peljtljb o`.Ljbroh rolsfi cls kljegumors oji spettfi pmojfs peppljb eut e tcf hlst

    ot okeut ?6,>>> yoris, yljb mew, je herf tcoj 6> fft e tcf ifga. Gmesf, cfhuttfrfi. Fvfj se, cf sow o Cfmmgot reor lj o` e ejf. Omhest lhhfilotfmy tcfDopojfsf pmojf kurst ljte ohfs oji clt tcf egfoj wltc o spmosc. Cf squljtfi ojitlbctfjfi cls egus. Tfres.

    Omm tcf hfj tepslif, reh tcf krlibf grfw te tcf 9>- oji ;>-hh buj grfws,stroljfi te sff tcf ljgehljb fjfhy.

    Ljbroh gommfi, Kottfrlfs rfmfosfi. Cfois up, fvfrykeiy1 cfrf wf be obolj.e Rotfrhoj4 eh, tfmm holj gejtrem te gut lj supfrcfot te omm kelmfrs oji stojiky er hojfuvfrljb kfmms.

    \fs, slr. Rotfrhoj iugafi ljslif tcf plmetceusf oji bovf tcf erifr.Ljbroh cfori tcf oljt kuzz e tcf ejgehljb Tfres fjbljfs. Yfy wfrf

    yljb lhpesslkmy mew. Fvfj se, tcf Cfmmgots rojbfi ohejb tcfh, tcflr fjbljfsstrejb, outcerltotlvf. Hogcljf bujs rottmfi oji ojetcfr Tfre clt tcf egfoj wltc

    o meui fxpmeslej, lts 6>>-peuji kehk kurstljb ej lhpogt. Yf pmuhf coijt yftilsslpotfi wcfj Ljbroh yfmmfi up te @omge, cls bujjfry egfr lj tcf holj kot-tfry ilrfgter. Dumloj, scoaf o mfb, iohj lt.

    @omges cfoi peppfi eut e tcf ilrfgter1 swfot remmfi iewj cls ogjf-sgorrfiogf. Ej torbft oji trogaljb. \eu rfoiy, Walppfr5

    Rolt ejf. e Ojifrsej, Iefs pmet covf o semutlej5Ojifrsej afyfi cls seuji-pewfrfi pcejf, osafi tcf qufstlej, oji jei-

    ifi. \fs, slr, pmet rfperts semutlej.

    [ojbf jew wos okeut flbct tceusoji yoris. O osc e mlbct wos emmewfi kyo morbf gemuhj e wotfr, oji ojetcfr Tfre ilsoppforfi.

    Ljbroh yfmmfi, @omge, heujts 9 oji 6 gehhfjgf rf. Rf covf te ujhosakottfrlfs.Ljbroh woltfi o hehfjt os tcf o`fr twe 6-ljgc heujts kfmgcfi euto reuji oplfgf. Cf gommfi te Mojio tcreubc tcf plmetceusf cotgcfs. Dfrry, cewokeut o turj jljf5

    Jfbotlvf. Mojio, o roilepcejf dohhfi te cls for, wovfi Ljbroh e wltco tcuhks-iewj. Cf yfmmfi sehftcljb, kut o sfgeji somve ekmltfrotfi cls weris.

    Rcot5 Ljbroh sceutfi koga.Mojio yfmmfi, @erhotlej spffi, twfjty-flbct ajets. Wtoji ky, fxfgutf. Cf

    cujgcfi evfr tcf roile tfmfpcejf cojisft te rfmoy tcf sohf gehhoji te tcfetcfr ifstreyfrs.

    Ljbroh brokkfi Rotfrhojs orh. eh, hoaf turjs er twfjty-flbct ajetsoji stoji ky er roilgom hojfuvfrljb.

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    Fibf e` Pomer| - oji ;>-hh buj heujts roj er tcflr mlvfs os tcf pmojf gorehfi iewj.

    Rltc o sgrffgc e tforljb hftom tcf Tfres mf` wljb smlgfi tcreubc tcf juh-kfr twe stoga. Yf rfst e tcf pmojf spmottfrfi ejte tcf storkeori slif e tcf holjifga oji splmmfi ljte tcf egfoj mfovljb o clssljb hlst e iora sheaf. Hlrogumeusmy,lts kehk coi jet bejf e. Yf sfvfrfi uppfr sfgtlej e tcf juhkfr twe stogasteei lj pmogf er o hehfjt, os l ujifglifi wcot te ie. Yfj, breojljb oji

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    tforljb, lt tuhkmfi evfr te storkeori ejte tcf holj ifga, fxpesljb fgejehlzfrstcot buscfi scrlfaljb stfoh reh tcf mewfr sfgtlej. Yf tep com e tcf juhkfrtwe stoga tuhkmfi ljte tcf ^oglg, emmewljb lts ef te tcf ketteh.

    Ljbroh smewmy fxcomfi. Cf yfmmfi ot tcf mff cfmhshoj te kf cfori evfr tcf

    ilj, [oieri, tfmm holj gejtrem te sfgurf fgejehlzfrs er juhkfr tcrff ojieur kelmfrs.

    Krfotcf. Meealjb o`, Ljbroh gcfgafi tcf say. Yf Tfres wfrf bejf. Yfstfoh steppfi speutljb. Cf gommfi, Hr. Rotfrhoj. oaf tcf gejj te rfsuhferhotlej geursf oji spffi. e cls tomafr cf soli, Eaoy, Ojifrsej, IohobfGejtrem Gfjtrom, rfpert iohobf.

    Mojio womafi tcreubc tcf plmetceusf. Yeubct tcot mlttmf kostori coi eurjuhkfr.

    Lmm soy. Ljbrohs rlbct coji wos scoaljb oji cf fmt mlaf vehltljb. _ulgamy,cf stufi tcf coji lj cls pegaft.

    Yf hetlej wos jet mest ej Mojio. Cf ajfw tcf slbjs. Yfyi kffj tcreubclt se hojy tlhfs. Oji tcfy ajfw fogc etcfr tee wfmm te soy ojytcljb. Hoykf motfrMojio weumi blvf Ljbroh sehf cfot okeut tcls. Fxgfpt . . . most Dujf e Ealjowo,Mojio coi pffi cls pojts os o aohlaozf ievf ej tcfh, hlssljb ky ejmy o cuj-irfi yoris. Cf coi ioscfi ljte Ljbrohs sfo goklj te gcojbf. Motfr cf gmolhfi lt

    coi kffj splmmfi geff. Hoykf lt rfommy coi kffj. Fvfrykeiy rfogtfi ilfrfjtmy.Kut lj tcf fji, tcfy wfrf dust eriljory hfj.

    Krlibf, oyf. Ojifrsej turjfi te Ljbroh. Holj gejtrem rfperts fgejehlz-frs sfgurfi ej kelmfrs tcrff oji eur. Yfy covf twfjty-sfvfj ajets ovolmokmf erstfohljb. Je iohobf fxgfpt juhkfr twe stoga.

    Ljbroh oji Mojio womafi te tcf storkeori slif. Omrfoiy tcf rfpolr portywos eut ej tcf holj ifga gmforljb wrfgaobf. Ojy gosuomtlfs5 osafi Ljbroh.

    Ojifrsej mlstfjfi er o hehfjt, shlrafi, oji tcfj soli, \fs, slr, tcfrf orf.

    Rfmm, wcot5 ifhojifi Ljbroh.Hr. Rcltf lj GLG, soli Ojifrsej.Hr. Rcltf5 GLG5 Rcot tcf cfmm5 ifhojifi Ljbroh oji Mojio lj ujlsej.Ojifrsej steei ot jfor ottfjtlej oji soli, Hr. Rcltf rfperts tclrtffj buys

    sgorfi scltmfss.