Download - Simple Present Tense new

  • 8/18/2019 Simple Present Tense new


    Simple Present Tense

    ( positive, negative, interrogative )

    1. + I received last Christmas from a close friend- I don’t received last Christmas from a close friend

    !o I received last Christmas from a close friend

    ". + The clo#n’s short $ello# hair, made of $arn, covers its

    ears %&t is parted a%ove the e$es- The clo#n’s don’t short $ello# hair, made of $arn,

    covers its ears %&t is parted a%ove the e$es 're the clo#n’s short $ello# hair, made of $arn, covers

    its ears %&t is parted a%ove the e$es

    . + The %l&e e$es are o&tlined in %lac #ith thin, dar

    lashes *o#ing from the %ro#s- The %l&e e$es don’t are o&tlined in %lac #ith thin, dar

    lashes *o#ing from the %ro#s

    're the %l&e e$es o&tlined in %lac #ith thin, dar

    lashes *o#ing from the %ro#s

    . + It has cherr$-red chees, nose, and lips, and its %road

    grin disappears into the #ide, #hite r&e aro&nd its nec- It doesn’t has cherr$-red chees, nose, and lips, and its

    %road grin disappears into the #ide, #hite r&e aro&nd

    its nec

    !oes it has cherr$-red chees, nose, and lips, and its

    %road grin disappears into the #ide, #hite r&e aro&nd its


  • 8/18/2019 Simple Present Tense new


    . + The clo#n #ears a *&$, t#o- tone n$lon cost&me- The clo#n don’t #ears a *&$ t#o-tone n$lon cost&me

    're the clo#n #ears a *&$, t#o-tone n$lon cost&me

    /. + The left side of the o&t0t is light %l&e, and the right side

    is red- The left side don’t of the o&t0t is light %l&e, and the

    right side is read

    're the left side of the o&t0t is light %l&e, and the right

    side is read

    . + The t#o colors merge in a dar line that r&ns do#n the

    center of the small o&t0t- The t#o colors don’t merge in a dar line that r&ns

    do#n the center of the small o&t0t

    're the t#o colors merge in a dar line that r&ns do#n

    the center of the small o&t0t

    2. +The #hite spoes on the #heels of the &nic$cle gather

    in the center and e3pand to the %lac tire so that the

    #heel some#hat resem%les the inner half of a grape fr&it- The #hite spoes don’t on the #heels of the &nic$cle

    gather in the center and e3pand to the %lac tire so

    that the #heel some#hat remem%ers the inner half of a

    grape fr&it

    're the #hite spoes on the #heels of the &nic$cle

    gather in the center and e3pand to the %lac tire so thatthe #heel some#hat resem%les the inner half of a grape


  • 8/18/2019 Simple Present Tense new


    4. + The clo#n and &nic$cle together stand a%o&t a foot

    high- The clo#n and &nic$cle don’t together stand a%o&t a

    foot high

    're the clo#n and &nic$cle together stand a%o&t a foothigh

    15. + This colorf&l 0g&re greets me #ith a smile ever$

    time I enter m$ room- This colorf&l 0g&re greets me #ith a smile ever$ time I

    don’t enter m$ room

    This colorf&l 0g&re greets me #ith a smile ever$ time.!o I enter m$ room