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Page 2: Reflection from the Pastor


GRACE PRESS Reflect ion from the Pastor

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

Psalm 118:1

As we enter the eighth month of the Covid pandemic and social injustice protests, I can’t help but

to believe that our nation will one day emerge a better people. I’m optimistic about the future of

the United States and its resiliency to overcome. History has shown that our nation overcomes crisis’

through turning to God and seeking His will and deliverance. I’m seeing people praying more and

calling upon the name of Jesus for healing and reconciliation. As the nation becomes more uncertain,

as we continue to be fed news that is negative, full of doom and gloom, people are turning in faith to

God for help. As we do so, we will see God at work and give Him thanks!

Our God is good! He has given us salvation in the sacrificial death of Christ on the cross. He has given

us eternal and confident hope in the victory over death and the grave through the resurrection of

Christ. God has given us His presence and power through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The work

of the Church continues to be a witness of God’s presence and power in this world pointing to His

goodness and enduring love. As

we appropriate and recognize

the loving goodness of God, we

are compelled to give thanks!

That’s why our nation celebrates

a day of Thanksgiving to God.

We have recognized that all

good and perfect gifts bestowed

upon this nation come from our

loving God. (James 1:17) This

month we will be celebrating

“Thanksgiving” under duress,

under tension, under unprecedented circumstances, but we must give thanks to God for He is good!

When we take the time to count our blessings the only response to so much loving goodness is

Thanksgiving! We have a hope that God will continue to give His loving goodness and we will over-

come the challenges of an uncertain future. Jesus, “the light of the world,” is victorious over the dark-

ness that threatens to engulf this world. Give Thanks!

Thanksgiving can be expressed in many ways through prayer and the giving of tithes and offerings.

Grace Presbyterian Church ministries are dependent upon your continued grateful offerings of time,

talent, and treasures. Thank you for your prayers and continued support of the ministry of Christ at

Grace Presbyterian Church. Give Thanks!

Grace and Peace in Christ,

Pastor Mike

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--------------------------------------Stewardship Corner

An Open, Generous Heart

Be generous and willing to share –1 Timothy 6:18

After Vicki’s old car broke down with no option for repair, she started scraping together money for

another vehicle. Chris, a frequent customer of the restaurant where Vicki works at the drive-thru

window, one day heard her mention she needed a car. “I couldn’t stop thinking about it,” Chris said. “I

had to do something.” So, he bought his son’s used car (his son had just put it up for sale), shined it up

and handed Vicki the keys. Vicki was shocked. “Who does that?” she said in amazement and gratitude.

The scriptures call us to live with open hands, giving freely as we can—providing what’s truly best for

those in need. As Paul says: “Command (those who are rich) to do good, to be rich in good deeds” (1

Timothy 6:18). We don’t merely perform a benevolent act here or there, but rather live out a cheerful

spirit of giving. Big-heartedness is our normal way of life. “Be generous and willing to share,” we’re told.

As we live with an open, generous heart, we don’t need to fear running out of what we need. Rath-

er, the Bible tells us that in our compassionate generosity, we’re taking “hold of (true) life” (v.19).

With God, genuine living means loosening our grip on what we have and giving to others freely.

– Winn Collier, reprinted from Our Daily Bread, by permission


September Financial Statement

Finance Committee ReportWhile we are adjusting to the reality of limited worship services because of restrictions on group

gathering, please remember that the church continues to operate. We continue to pay for utilities,

payroll and administrative costs. So, it is important that giving continue. You can give your financial

gifts on line at by clicking on the “donate” button where you can give through

PayPal or by credit or debit card. If you prefer you can mail your check and your offering envelope

to the church office or drop it off at the church office (if you find no one in the office you can leave

your check in the mail drop outside the office door). We appreciate your continued giving.

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The Bread of Life kitchen is need of cases of bottled water, the

brand doesn’t matter. Donations can be dropped off in the kitchen

or office.

Operation hope is also asking for lunch meats for sandwiches to be

donated. They can be delivered through Grace, so please bring your donations in a bag marked, “Do-

nation for Operation Hope”, and placed in kitchen fridge. Maria will drop donations off at Operation

HOPE. Thank you!

Bread of L i fe Soup Kitchen: Donations Needed

Special Offer ing: Christmas Joy: The Perfect Gift

God saw the great needs of the world

and offered a perfect gift, a gift

that brought God and humanity closer

together. God’s perfect gift to us, Jesus

Christ, offered the power of being with

us. According to Matthew’s Gospel, one

of the names given to Jesus is Emmanuel,

which means “God is with us.” In Jesus, we

receive the perfect gift of God being with us. Even when we are apart, we are together in spirit, in faith

and in mission.

Each year during the Advent and Christmas season, we turn our eyes to Bethlehem and celebrate the

wondrous gift of Jesus Christ, our Savior.

God has blessed the Church with incredible leadership in every time and place, but those leaders

often need to be supported by their communities as well. This Offering addresses the support needed

by some of our leaders, including supporting leadership development for communities of color, and

providing support for Presbyterian church workers in their time of need.

The Christmas Joy Offering has been a cherished Presbyterian tradition since the 1930’s. The Offering

distributes gifts equally to the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions and to Presbyterian-related

schools and colleges equipping communities of color. The Assistance Program provides critical finan-

cial support to church workers and their families. Presbyterian-related schools and colleges provide

education and leadership development while nurturing racial and ethnic heritage. This has been a

Presbyterian commitment for nearly 140 years.

Each December, during the Season of Lent, we have the opportunity to give to the Christmas Joy Of-

fering. In doing so we share our love with the leaders of our Church - Past, Present & Future.

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NOVEMBER 2020Grandparents@Prayer

God’s Word:: “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children.” (NKJV)

-Proverbs 13:22

Generation G: Leaving a Spiritual Legacy (or Hot Topics on Grandparenting) -by Gramma Pat Whisler

This month’s GP Hot Topic: LL EE GG AA CC YY Jenna, as you probably know is the granddaughter of George H. W. Bush and wife Barbara and the daughter

of George H. Bush and wife Laura. Both men are former U.S. presidents. She is also the granddaughter of Harold and Jenna Welsh of Midland, TX. We know a lot about the first set of grandparents but very little about the second. To Jenna they were Gampy, Ganny, Pa and Grammee. Jenna uses this book to show us the personal side of the famous and not-so-famous, but all valued the same, grandparents.

She spent a lot of time through her life communicating with them. She has saved much of what they wrote.

Sometimes it was only a few lines, not so meaningful when received, but precious now. Excerpts are included in her book.

They had differing personalities. Ganny was strict, to the point of having rules posted on doors in her house. Grammee was more the quiet, easy going type. Jenna may have favored one style over the other while a child, but not at 37. She sees that each had their own way of making the grandkids aware of the rules.

Her family is loaded with ‘named after’ bonding. She is named after her maternal grandmother, Jenna Welsh while her twin sister (born first) is named after her paternal grandmother, Barbara Bush. Jenna’s daughter’s middle name is Laura, her own mom’s name. Her second daughter is

named Poppy, after George H. W. Bush who was now known by that. Jenna’s son is named Harold after Harold Welsh. (Our family has similar name-bonding. Does yours?)

She includes a letter to her children explaining how special her grandparents are to her. It was written when her

children were still babies. She wanted to make sure they knew.

Jenna always liked the tradition Gampy had of strolling to their gate (1/4 mi) and back after a family dinner. When asked ‘Who wants to walk to the gate?” all the kids cheered ‘me’. As time moved on, since Gampy was in a wheelchair, his son issued the invitation “Who wants to walk to the gate?” Gampy, in his weakened voice joined in, “me”. Traditions are important.

Fishing was something the grandkids did with Gampy. It still remains a fun activity for the

family even though times have changed. Now all four grandparents have gone to meet their Maker. They are not physically present but what is there are the memories laid through the years. Whether intentional or unintentional, a legacy remains. The Bible verse (above) says we should leave an inheritance for our grandchildren. An inheritance of beautiful memories can be valued above all else.

• PPrraayyeerr:: Holy Father, please open our eyes to what you value and may we leave it for our children and grandchildren.

• AAccttiioonn:: Be aware of the memories that you will leave behind. Make them worthy. • AA tthhoouugghhtt aanndd aa ssmmiillee:: Simple moments with your grandchildren often become priceless memories.

I had a birthday in September. My daughter and her family gave me a book by Jenna Bush Hager. I thought “Well, they know I like to read so they picked out a nice, not too long, book for me.” I was grateful for the gift and simply being cared about. It was not until I finally laid down (I read in bed) that the gift took on a special emotion that put it near the top of gifts received. The book is Everything Beautiful in Its Time: Seasons of Love and Loss. I’d like to tell you about it.

Join our Grandparents@Prayer meeting on Nov 25 via email or in Room 10 a half hour before the traditional service begins.

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Continued on page 7...

Worldwide Missions: The Cherians- South Sudan

Update on the Cherians:

I am pleased to share with you the excellent news that,

after six months of hiatus, the Jonglei Health Sciences

Institute in Bor, South Sudan, has reopened.

The Institute was closed in March due to COVID-19 restric-

tions on educational institutions. Since then, Drs Anil and

Shalini Cherian have encouraged their students to be health

ambassadors in their communities, as well as participating

in the local response to

COVID-19 in Jonglei. AID

supported them in August

with a delivery of Personal

Protective Equipment paid

for by donors.

This has been a challenging time in Bor. Shalini shared this back in


‘Bor Town is teeming with new people. Many displaced by floods

have come to stay with

relatives whose house

is not affected. People

fleeing conflict are all

here with their guns. One of our students, Rachael Year,

asks ‘How can I maintain social distancing when I have

to sleep with eight children in my hut?’

‘And the absence of a visible government makes the

number of guns an issue. When will there be the next

fight which will escalate to a gun battle?’

We praise God that despite the floods, instability and

COVID-19, the Institute is now able to hold classes again.

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Even though they are operating differently due to social distancing, students are going to great lengths

to attend! Please pray for the current cohort of students, that they would catch up on lost time quickly,

overcome all barriers to their studies and grow in their knowledge and love of God.

Anil and Tina will be traveling to India at the end of November for physical check up, medicines and


Please pray for them as they face several challenges in their mission, as well for safety and health.

-Annie Kumar

Worldwide Missions: The Cherians continued. . .

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GRACE PRESSWorldwide Missions: Ross & Mary Hunter- Ecuador

COVID-19 Exacerbates the Venezuelan Refugee Migrant Crisis in Ecuador!

“Pastor David,” (Ross’s Spanish name), “We are

lucky if we make $3 a day during this COVID

shutdown,” one discouraged Venezuelan told

me, shaking his head. “We struggle to eat and

cannot pay our rent!” Like many parts of the

world, COVID-19 has shut down all nonessen-

tial businesses from mid-March through May!

Everyone had to be off the streets by the 2

p.m. quarantine curfew. You could only drive

your vehicle 1 day a week. There were no bus-

es for those who did not have a car, and taxis

were proportionately reduced. Many of these

migrant Venezuelans depend on the movement of business, selling on buses, and to pedestrians and

circulating traffic in the streets to survive. Many sell small items on the street for a dollar or less, some

wait on tables in a restaurant, or clean houses, others wash windshields at stops lights. All this ceased

during the Corona Virus, So a hard situation was quickly turned nearly impossible. Thankfully, on June

1, restrictions began to ease up, in Riobamba. COVID numbers are monitored each week by the gov-

ernment who adjusts the severity of the shut down to the number of cases reported. Many Venezue-

lans have been forced to leave their room or small apartment because they could not make enough

to pay their rent. Sometimes it feels like we have so little to give. We donate bags of rice and lentils, a

few eggs, and for moms of young children, a handful diapers ). Yet it is amazing how even a small gift

lifts their spirits and enables them to get through another day!

(Above left.) Venezuelans and Alberto (standing up) help package food from 100 lb. sacks into small-

er plastic bags, that are measured to feed 170+ families the basic core of one meal a day (or more

if stretched), for one week. (Above right.) Distributing from the back of our van, a mom and her son

receives food, diapers and some encouraging words of God’s love. Continued on page 9...

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NOVEMBER 2020Worldwide Missions: Ross & Mary Hunter continued. . .

I tell them, "God is Good, in Him

you can find hope even in the

darkest of times." Their eyes meet

mine, some with hope, some

with disbelief, and some with ap-

athy. "Our God wants us to walk

in the light," I continue, hoping

to lift their spirits in the right direction. "Hundreds of People near and far are praying for you, and

some send support so we can give you this food. These people care, and want you to know that you

are not alone! God sends us here to tell you that He is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all! (1

John 1:5)

Xenophobia, (prejudicial attitudes, fears and actions against Venezuelans, from those in the host

country), a fist fight, complications in a pregnancy, a WhatsApp call in the middle of the night with

the news that your mom had just lost her battle with cancer 3,000 Km away, are some examples of

what adds to the already deep hardship of trying to survive as a refugee migrant in Ecuador, during a

COVID pandemic. When you realize you can no longer care for the most basic needs of your loved

ones; when you have no money to pay the rent and your landlord shuts off your electricity and wa-

ter, in the effort to discourage you enough to leave, your dignity can erode into desperation. Venezu-

elans take pride in their culture of cheerfulness in difficulties. But these times do try their souls. Pray

for their encouragement by God, us and each other.

Hearts begin to turn, many want to hear more. Jesus said, “Come to Me, all who are weary and

heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28) “Abide in Me and I will abide in you “(John 15:4),

“Abide in my word, and you will be my disciples and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall

make you free.” (John. 8:31-32). We give those who want them a Bible, and they begin to search for

the Truth!

The Esperanza Viva Venezuelan Cell group is beginning to form. As we hand out food, we’re inviting

them to a Bible Study and prayer, inquiring about a time that’ll work with their schedule. They can

study via Whats App and/or in small groups. Pray for this effort where we seek to offer longer term

emotional and spiritual care while the churches remain closed.

Our warm and sincere, “THANKS!” to you for your prayer and/or financial support of our ministry. We

can’t do this alone! Thanks to you who have dropped us notes of encouragement.

Together we are part of the body of Christ, ministering to other parts of His body, the Quichua and

Venezuelans, in Ecuador and Venezuela!

Warm Blessings, “Dios Bendiciachun,”

Ross & Mary.

To read the full update or to learn more about Ross & Mary please visit

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If you have a birthday or anniversary in November and your name does not appear above,

please contact the church office at 760-724-0077 to update our records. Thank you!


8am Food Pantry Distribution4:30pm Soup Kitchen6:30pm Worship Commi. (Zoom)

6:30pm Deacons (Zoom)

1pm Finance Comm. (Zoom)

6:30pm Session (Zoom)



10am: Worship Service (FH)

10am: On-line Worship



8am Food Pantry Distribution

4:30pm: Soup Kitchen (Take out)


8am Food Pantry Distribution


4:30pm: Soup Kitchen (Take out)


9:30am Grand.@Prayer 10am Worship Service

8am Food Pantry Distribution4:30pm Soup Kitchen

8am Food Pantry Distribution4:30pm Soup Kitchen

8am Food Pantry Distribution

4:30pm Soup Kitchen

8am Food Pantry Distribution3pm Personnel (Zoom)

8am Food Pantry Distribution

8am Food Pantry Distribution

8am Food Pantry Distribution

7pm Deep & Wide (Zoom)

5 Pierre & Judith Domercq (59 years)

6 Les & Suzy Long (54 years)

9 Scott & Linda Huston (40 years)

23 Bob & Shirley Stahl (41 years)

9 Wayne Campbell11 Mary Beaman Anna Nash12 Gary Eldridge17 Kathy Spindelman21 Laurie Allen

23 HJ Jun24 Karen Campbell Steven Stockman29 Ian Barrie Ron Nolf

Office Closed

4:30pm Soup Kitchen

4:30pm Soup Kitchen

4:30pm Soup Kitchen

10am Worship Service

10am Worship Service

10am Worship Service

10am Worship Service

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Alice Nolf

Amy Di Pietro

Anna Belle Beaman

Apollo Bostian

Audrey Baker

Bev Bush

Bob Wilson

Chris Nolf Family

Chuck Enger

Cleta Corum

Ed Paradis

Elaine Corley

Elizabeth Johnson

Grigorii Kirillov

Homan Family

John Earnest

Joni Wallman

Judy Woolsey

Kay BB

Mary Thomas

Mike Cooley

Paulina Cooley

Rex Bassett

Scott Brady

Sinatra Family

Sexton Family

Terry-Jeanne Sawyer

Woolsey Family


Prayer Requests

(Elizabeth Bostian’s son)

(Peggy Paradis’ Sister)

(Albina Lumetta’s Dad)

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Church Staff


1450 E. Vista WayVista, CA 92084

Phone: 760-724-0077

Fax: 760-724-2534

E-mail: [email protected]

Address Service Requested

W H E R E G O D ’ S F A M I L Y G R O W S

Interim Pastor/Head of Staff Rev. Dr. Michael Wallman

Director of Church Operations Christie Elliott

Front Office & Comm. Manager Shawn Homan

Resource Center Coordinator Pablo Acosta

After School Program Director Maria Haigh

Chancel Choir Director Jayne Parker

Organist Frances Hummel

Hand Bell Choir Director Pat Sexton

Facilities Jim Aliaga

Communications Associate Scott DeLeeuw

Nursery Jessica Lozano-Flores


That Jesus Christ alone is Lord of all and the way of salvation.

That Holy Scripture is the triune God’s revealed Word,

the Church’s only infallible rule of faith and life.

That God’s people are called to holiness in all aspects of life.