Reflection from the Pastor...PAGE 3 Reflection from the Pastor continued... APRIL 2020 can all...


Transcript of Reflection from the Pastor...PAGE 3 Reflection from the Pastor continued... APRIL 2020 can all...

  • PAGE 2

    GRACE PRESS Reflect ion from the Pastor“The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear?

    The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?”

    Psalm 27:1

    I stand with the Psalmist! Though we are living in an unprecedented season of the Covid-19 pan-demic, the Lord of light, our salvation, and the stronghold of our life—the Lord watches over us and protects us! We shall not be afraid! Even in the face of death we are eternally loved and re-

    deemed children of God!! To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord!! We can rest

    in the assurance that while we are separate from our usual affirming gatherings, God is not separat-

    ed from us. God stands over us, there is nothing to fear.

    Having said this, until the time that Jesus returns, or we go to be with Him eternally, we have our

    marching orders as His Church on earth. We are to “love one another!” How do we do that when

    we have to practice “social distancing?” How do we stay connected and operate our ministries

    when we can’t do it as a group? How do we worship together when we can’t be together?

    This is where the Church excels in ministry. We are

    the Church wherever we are! We stay connect-

    ed to one another through frequent phone calls,

    emails, text messages and video conferencing. We

    intentionally connect with one another to check

    on and respond to needs no matter how frequent

    or redundant. That is love! My wife Joni and I are trying to call many of you and to pray for you. But

    you can do the same thing! Take time to connect with people in the congregation whether they

    are members or not. This helps us to value one another, to appreciate, to respect, to solidify our

    family connection. After all, we have a lot more time while we are under the “stay at home” order

    from our government, why not have a few loving conversations each day showing compassion and

    kindness. Use this time to pray together and seek the Lord’s guidance and deliverance. I guarantee

    that these connections will make us stronger as a congregation in the ministry God has given to us

    in Vista.

    In addition, if you weren’t aware of our on-line Worship Service, now is a time to get acquainted

    with this resource. As your pastor I quickly organized a way for us to worship together virtually. I’m

    posting Sunday worship (although different than our physical gatherings) each Sunday at 10am.

    You can view them live on Facebook by following the link we send out every Sunday morning or

    you can wait till I post the video on our website media page via our YouTube channel. This way we

    continued on page 3...

  • PAGE 3

    APRIL 2020Reflect ion from the Pastor continued. . .

    can all worship God together even though we are apart… the Church is not the building, it’s the

    people! Check your emails and our Facebook page frequently for the latest updates and messages

    that will keep us connected.

    Lastly, stay calm and pray. More than ever we have the honor to pray for one another, the com-

    munity, state, our nation and for our world. When people are hurting it is a unique opportunity to

    trust God for His mercy and grace. As the Church prays with expectation and faith, God will re-

    spond in ways we can’t see right now but ways that will give Him glory. We could be on the cusp

    of a renewed interest in God and His salvation. Let’s be ready for God’s movement of love in Jesus


    Easter is just a few weeks away. It’s an event that celebrates the victory over death and sin through

    the loving sacrifice of Jesus Christ. As we are the body of Christ on Earth, we demonstrate that

    love and salvation in all our actions. Get ready for a springtime of life anew for this world that is so

    filled with fear and uncertainty. Jesus is not dead but very much alive right here in Grace!

    He is Risen!

    He is Risen indeed!

    Grace and Peace,

    Pastor Mike

    Phi l ip Yancey: L iv ing in Plague Times

    Pastor Mike shared this Philip Yancey blog with the Session last week as part of the opening devotion. The Session was blessed by it and the links that Yancey recommends in regards to dealing with this pandemic. Unfortunately, it is a bit too long to be shared in the Newsletter so you

    can find it by clicking on or going to this link:

    We hope you are blessed by it and please remember to let us know of any Prayer, Pastoral, food, or

    other needs that may arise during these times. continued on page 3...

  • PAGE 4


    While we are adjusting to the reality of no worship services because of restrictions on group gath-ering, please remember that the church continues to operate. We continue to pay for utilities, payroll and administrative costs. So, it is important that giving continue. You can give your financial

    gifts on-line at by clicking on the “donate” button where you can give through Pay-

    pal or by credit or debit card. If you prefer you can mail your check and your offering envelope to the

    church office or drop it off at the church office (if you find no one in the office you can leave your

    check in the mail drop outside the office door). We appreciate your continued giving.


    “I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.”

    —Matthew 25:25

    Since we live in a capitalistic society, it’s not surprising to hear of people investing with some amount of

    risk, but in ancient Palestine safe and secure investments were the norm. In a culture based on honor

    and shame, the loss of fortune meant the loss of dignity. To hide a treasure in the ground was the ap-

    proved way to preserve your wealth, but Jesus challenged that way of thinking in the light of building up

    God’s kingdom.

    In Western countries lately, a noticeable change has occurred in people’s spending habits. In response to

    economic slumps, people are more hesitant to spend and to give. Worried people are saying, “I’m going

    to protect my financial resources, no matter what it takes.” But that sounds like the person in the parable

    who hides his money in the ground to protect himself from loss and shame.

    In hard times, self-preservation becomes the highest value for many of us. But Jesus reminds us of the

    security of the kingdom of God. Give, and it will be given to you. Invest your resources in kingdom caus-

    es, and they will multiply. Miserly, tightfisted people do not inherit the kingdom of God. Instead we must

    become generous toward God, who gives lavishly to us. That’s God’s Word to us when we have lost a

    spirit of openhanded benevolence,

    -Dean Deppe, Today magazine, used with permission

    -----------------------------------February Financial Statement

    February income and expense was in line with budget. The income in January included a 6 month dis-

    tribution from the Legacy Fund, so, the Year To Date (YTD) net income includes that pre-paid amount.

    Finance Committee Report

  • PAGE 5

    APRIL 2020Grandparents@Prayer

    God’s Word: But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure and full of quiet gentleness. Then it is peace-loving and courteous. It allows discussion and is willing to yield to others; it is full of mercy and good deeds. It is wholehearted and straightforward and sincere. James 3:17 Living Bible

    Generation G: Leaving a Spiritual Legacy (or Hot Topics on Grandparenting)

    -by Gramma Pat Whisler

    This month’s GP Hot Topic: GG OO DD LL YY WW II SS DD OO MM

    • PPrraayyeerr:: Father, grant us wisdom to weather this current storm. May we, as your children, pass on this wisdom of confidence in you to our grandchildren and others. Give us strength; give us courage.

    • AAccttiioonn:: Call and personally talk to a grandchild. Ask them how they’re doing and then listen. • AA tthhoouugghhtt: Grandchildren: the only people who can get more out of you than the IRS. (Gene Perret)

    Join our Grandparents@Prayer meeting on Apr 26 in Room 10 a half hour before the traditional service begins.

    Did you ever have something happen in childhood that, when looking back, as an adult you had a different perspective? Did you ever have someone tell you something that eventually you realized was untrue but in their eyes it was? We Christian adults have been granted godly wisdom that often comes with age…lucky us! As we are going through this virus crisis in our country, in our world, we have to use godly wisdom when reacting with our grandchildren. Why? Because they use us as examples just as Jesus Christ came to earth to set the example. We are His hands and feet.

    We are living through unusual times. This virus threat has us thinking many troubling thoughts: The closure of businesses; drop in our investments; halt to schooling; postponement of our church services. We don’t know what to do, what to think? We are uncomfortable with the unknown. Is Satan wielding his power? Is our God readjusting us to the straight path? Imagine what the children of this world,…our grandchildren are thinking? Whatever we believe, we as a Christian family, as God’s children, will likely communicate our feelings to our family, especially our grandchildren (because they listen to us). Do we use godly words of wisdom?

    Take a look at Proverbs 2: 9-15 in The Message Bible. “Lady Wisdom will be your close friend, and

    Brother Knowledge your pleasant companion. Good Sense will scout ahead for danger,

    Insight will keep an eye out for you.” Then there is hope: Jeremiah 29:11-13 (Living Bible)

    For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

    We, as Christian grandparents, must believe the passages stated above. They come from our source of Truth. We have to tell it to all we meet. (Hard to meet people these days.) Yet we may not have contact with our grandchildren. For our safety (us elder-lies) and theirs we may not have physical contact right now. We can try the phone, the email, etablets (ipads, etc) or even letter writing. Stay in touch and let them know, see, feel, hear your words of godly wisdom that come from heaven as we all go through these unusual times…with our Lord.

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    1 2 3 4

    5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    19 20 21 22 23 24 25

    26 27 28 29 30

    If you have a birthday or anniversary in April and your name does not appear above, please

    contact the church office at 760-724-0077 to update our records. Thank you!

    8am Men’s Breakfast


    6:30pm Missions Committee

    6:30pm Worship Committee.

    6:15pm Fellow. Committee6:30pm Deacons

    8:30am PEO

    1pm Finance Comm.

    6:30pm Session


    S U N D A Y S

    9 & 10:30am: Worship Services

    9 & 10:30am: Adult Studies

    10:30am: Children’s Sunday


    M O N D A Y S

    7pm: AA meeting

    T U E S D A Y S

    10am Women’s Bible Study

    5:15pm: Soup Kitchen

    W E D N E S D A Y S

    9:30am: Staff Meeting

    1pm Mission Study Team

    2pm Creciendo Juntos

    7pm Deep & Wide Class

    7:30pm: Worship Band Reh.

    T H U R S D A Y S

    10am: Bible Study

    2pm Creciendo Juntos

    6pm Hand Bell Rehearsal

    7:30pm Choir Rehearsal


    8:30am Grand.@Prayer

    4 Nancy Delp

    Doug Enger

    Richard Tauber

    5 Earl Allen

    Rita Sinatra

    6 Spencer Smith

    Paul Schwichtenberg

    7 Betty Haver

    12 Lou Drexel

    16 Lorraine Tschaeche

    24 Tuyet Salzman

    25 Jayne Parker

    29 Mike Wallman

    30 Bob Stahl

    2 Ed & Peggy Paradis (15 years)

    Canceled Due to Covid-19

    Until Further Notice

    Canceled Due to Covid-19

    Until Further Notice

    8:30am PEO


  • PAGE 7

    APRIL 2020

    Alice Nolf

    Apollo Bostian

    Bill Sinatra

    Bob Wilson

    Chris Nolf Family

    Cleta Corum

    Dick Woolsey

    Dickson Family

    Elizabeth Johnson

    Greenway Family

    Grigorii Kirillov

    Jacob Sparkman

    Jan Patterson

    John Earnest

    Judy Ambrose

    Judy D. Kirkland

    Judy Woolsey

    Mike Cooley

    Neil Kirkland

    Paul Schwichtenberg

    Paulina Cooley

    Rex Bassett

    Rita Sinatra

    Scott Brady

    Terry Breen

    Terry-Jeanne Sawyer

    Trisha Roest-Sinatra

    Valerie Allen


    Punch/Coffee Flowers

    April 5 Fellowship Lilies/Mums

    April 12 Fellowship Lilies/Mums

    April 19 Fellowship Available

    April 26 Fellowship Available

    Punch/Coffee Service and Flowers for Apri l

    (Bill Sinatra’s sister in law)

    (Bill Sinatra’s brother in law)

    (Elizabeth Bostian’s son)

    Canceled Due to Covid-19

    Until Further Notice

    Canceled Due to Covid-19

    Until Further Notice

  • Church Staff

    G R A C E P R E S B Y T E R I A NC H U R C H

    1450 E. Vista WayVista, CA 92084

    Phone: 760-724-0077

    Fax: 760-724-2534

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Address Service Requested

    W H E R E G O D ’ S F A M I L Y G R O W S

    Interim Pastor/Head of Staff Rev. Dr. Michael Wallman

    Director of Church Operations Christie Elliott

    Front Office & Comm. Manager Shawn Homan

    Bookkeeper Albina Lumetta

    Resource Center Coordinator Pablo Acosta

    After School Program Director Maria Haigh

    Chancel Choir Director Jayne Parker

    Organist Frances Hummel

    Hand Bell Choir Director Pat Sexton

    Facilities Jim Aliaga


    That Jesus Christ alone is Lord of all and the way of salvation.

    That Holy Scripture is the triune God’s revealed Word,

    the Church’s only infallible rule of faith and life.

    That God’s people are called to holiness in all aspects of life.