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Qatar Academy Primary

Tel: 445 46113

Email: [email protected]

Upcoming Events



12th January 2017


Mr. Harish Kanabar,

Primary School Principal



















To contact the Primary School use:

Tel: 445 46113

Dear Parents,

We are fast approaching the mid point of the year and are firmly settled in our Primary campus.

There are lots of rich engagements happening across the school and it is very evident that our school is a hive of energy and positivity. My daily walk throughs, visits to the classrooms and interactions with the students are by far the highlight of my day.

Over the next few weeks, we will be working on our faculty growth programme which will involve more formal visits to classrooms, observations and meetings with faculty and staff to get a better sense of what needs continued improvement with our approaches to teaching and learning as well as curriculum.

Thank you to the parents who were able to attend the 2nd PTA General Meeting. As always, it is good to see and hear from enthusiastic parents who are willing to give up their time to support our school and wider community.

Please ensure that reading is happening at home on a daily basis, because over the next 5 months we will want to see significant gains in student commitment, behaviors and achievement with reading.

أولیاء األمور األعزاء،

ها نحن نقترب بسرعة من منتصف العام الدراسي، ونحن نستقر بثبات في المبنى


هناك الكثیر من األعمال و االنخراطات الخصبة والغنیة والتي حدثت في المدرسة، ومن الواضح جدا أن مدرستنا هي خلیة من الطاقة واإلیجابیة. مهامي

الیومیة األساسیة هي تفقد الصفوف الدراسیة والتفاعل مع الطالب.

خالل األسابیع القلیلة المقبلة، سوف نعمل على برنامج تنمیة وتطویر أعضاء هیئة التدریس لدینا والذي سوف یشمل المزید من الزیارات الرسمیة في

الصفوف والمشاهدات واالجتماعات مع أعضاء هیئة التدریس والموظفین لكي یتسني لنا معرفة االحتیاجات

بغرض التحسین المستمر في توجهاتنا في التعلیم والتعلم، وكذلك في المناهج الدراسیة.

أود أن أشكر جمیع أولیاء األمور الذین تمكنوا من حضور االجتماع الثاني

لمجلس األهالي .كما هو الحال دائما أنه من الجید أن نرى ونسمع من اآلباء المتحمسین الذین هم على استعداد لدعم مدرستنا والمجتمع من حولنا.

یرجى منكم التأكد من قیام أوالدكم بالقراءة یومیا في المنزل ألننا نطمح في

خالل الخمسة أشهر القادمة أن نرى تغییرا ملحوظا ومكاسب كبیرة في التزام الطالب وسلوكیاتهم وانجازاتهم في القراءة.


مدیر المدرسة االبتدائیة

هاریش كنبار

رسالة لجنة األهالي،

األهداف إلنجازات وانوقشت حيث ، الماضي يوم االثنين لجنة األهاليالعام" ل "االجتماع حضرواالذين لجميع ا جزيل شكر

الزيوإمكانية القيام بتبادل رمضان، فعالياتمارس، 25إلى تغيير موعدهتم ذي " العائلييوم المرح البما في ذلك " لجنةل المساهمة بأي مما سبق. ميرجى االتصال بنا لمعرفة كيف يمكنك المدرسي.

لرحلت الميدانية لمعاونة خلل ال واطوعالذين ت، وعطلة الشتويةقبل ال العائليفيلم ال حضرواونود أيضا أن نشكر جميع الذين برنامج لالجلسة التعريفية الصباحية لمع تزامنالثانوية بال ةرسيناير في المد 25يوم لألهالير آخ للقاءنخطط ما كة. يالمدرس .يالتعليم

2017 مارسإلى الخامس والعشرين من تم تغيير الموعد ،يوم المرح العائلي

الساعة من ،2017 مارسالخامس والعشرين من )يوم المرح العائلي( في عمل حاليا على الترتيب لفعاليتنا الكبيرة القادمةنن أسرة مدرستنا سرة الصغيرة فقط، ولكلسنا نتحدث عن األ ،المتوسطة، في مبنى المدرسة الواحدة إلى الرابعة مساء

وكما هو الحال في احل العمرية،والطلب في جميع المر‘ نهدف إلى مشاركة الجميع، األهالي، المعلمين ومجتمعنا األكبر. جميع فعاليات لجنة األهالي، فالنجاح سيحالفنا فقط عند تكاثف الجهود وتعاون كل من اآلباء والمعلمين معنا.

، مثل المتنوعة التطوع لمساعدة األطفال في القيام باألنشطةحدث! ونود من اآلباء والمعلمين مساعدتكم إلنجاح هذا الللذا نحتاج

وتناسب الجميع بما فيهم طلب المدرسة نشاطات ممتعة ترغبون في مشاركتها لالحرف اليدوية واأللعاب. إذا كانت لديكم أفكار ممتعا لفالرجاء أن تتطوعوا لجعل تلطة، المتوس النشاطات ىحدإ ا إذا رغبتم في المساعدة فقط في. أمهمك األفكار واقعا

إذا كانت لديكم أعمال و! بياناتكم تسجيلالرجاء فة، أو على مائدة الحرف زاوية التصوير، النشاطات الرياضيكالمتوافرة، ترغبون في استخدام هذا اليوم كفرصة لإلعلن عنها فالرجاء إعلمنا وتفيدنا في تحقيق الهدف من هذه الفعالية، تجارية صغيرة تيسير الحصول على تجيدون نقش الحناء، أو الرسم على الوجوه السعيدة الصغيرة، أولديكم القدرة على بذلك. إذا كنتم

نحن بحاجة إلى مشاركة طلب المدرسة الثانوية في ل من األشكال يرجى إعلمنا. أي شكأو ترغبون المساهمة ب ،النطاطاتأو كرة السلة، بين الطلب والمعلمين أو الطلب ضد آبائهم، أو في كرة القدماستضافة زوايا ترفيهية، كترتيب مباريات ودية

خدمة المجتمع مقابل تطوعهم في هذه المعلمين، الخ. سيحصل طلب الثانوية على ساعات من العمل في حتى اآلباء ضد الوقت لضمان ونحن في سباق مع، على التخطيط لنشاطات ممتعة جدا عملحاول التعاون مع برنامج سراج ونن. الفعالية

دعمنا. المحدد لها، فالرجاءجهوزيتها في الوقت

ألطعمة التي تؤكل ا نقترح، وإحضار طبق لمشاركته مع الجميع ،يوم المرح العائليالحضور واالنضمام إلى هاليمن األ نتمنى .(الكحول، وزيرت لحم الخنمنتجا، والمكسراتأن تكون خالية من يجب و) بسهولة

الذي ورقم الهاتف، وعنوان البريد اإللكتروني والنشاط سمنموذج الذي يتطلب االالللتسجيل على الرجاء تتبع هذا الرابط

مناوبات بحيث تتاح لكل فرد على شكلالبعض، وبحيث نقرن المتطوعين ببعضهم التنسيقحاول نترغبون في التطوع له. س فرصة التمتع بهذه االحتفاالت.

لهذه الفعانحن في غاية التشوق إذا كانت لديكم أية تساؤالت، اتصلوا بنا على متشوقون لها، لية ونتمنى أن تكونوا أنتم أيضا [email protected] بريدنا اإللكتروني

التي QAS Parent Teacher Associationالخاصة بمدرستنا تحت اسم للنضمام إلى صفحة الفيسبوك ندعوكم جميعا

يمكن االستفادة منها في نشر اإلعلنات المتعلقة بالفعاليات المدرسية، كما تعتبر طريقة سهلة وسريعة للتواصل بين األهالي.

نشكركم على دعمكم المتواصل لنا،

لجنة األهالي

Thank you to all those who came out to the PTA's General Meeting on Monday January 9th.The accomplishments and goals of the PTA were discussed including the Family Fun Day that has been moved to March 25th, a Ramadan event, and the possibility of doing a uniform exchange. Please contact us to see how you can contribute to any of the above. We would also like to thank all of those who came to the movie night before break, and volunteered for the school field trips. We also plan on having another parents meet parents on Jan 25th at the secondary school in conjunction with the MYP DP coffee morning.

FAMILY FUN DAY!!! DATE CHANGE March 25th, 2017 The PTA is working on its next major event, Family Fun Day!!! Which will be on Saturday, March 25th 1-4pm in the Secondary school location. This event is not just about nuclear families but our school family, and our greater community. We aim to get everyone involved and participating, parents, teachers, and students of all ages. Like all other PTA events, Family Fun Day will not be successful without the help, time, dedication, and volunteer work that both our parents and teachers provide. Things only work if everyone pitches in. We need YOUR help to make this event a success! We would like for parents and teachers to participate and help children with activities, such as crafts and games. If you have a fun activity in mind you that you think would be engaging for everyone or targets our secondary school population, or engages our teachers such as competitions please share and volunteer. If you are just willing to help at an activity, the photo booth, a sport, or at a craft table, please sign up! If you have a small business that can help our event and you would like to use this as an opportunity to advertise, let us know. If you are a henna artist, or can do face painting, or have access to bouncy castles or would like to contribute in any way, please let us know.

Secondary students could participate with an idea to host a booth, do basketball, soccer scrimmages with students vs. teachers, students vs. parents, parents vs. teachers etc. Secondary students will receive community service hours if they volunteer! We are trying to get Siraj, and other activities set up.

We are on a time crunch with this event. All hands-on board!

Parents are requested to come and join the fun and share a dish to share with everyone, finger food(s) preferred (no nuts, pork products, or alcohol, please!)

Please follow this link to sign up on the Google Form that will ask for your name, phone number, and email address and the activity you would like to volunteer for. We will try to organize it so that volunteers are paired with each other and in shifts so everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the festivities. ts=58415be9#gid=0

We are very excited about this event and hope you are, too! If you have any questions, please contact the PTA at [email protected]

Finally, as a PTA, we invite all the parents and teachers to join our Facebook page "QAS Parent Teacher Association" we use as platform for different events, announcements, and for the parents to reach out to each other. We hope it is a great resource for everyone.

Thank you all for your support. PTA

What is the difference between bullying and just someone being mean?

Do you know who Kelso is?

What is the difference between ‘Small

Problems’ and ‘Big Problems’?

When is it Tattling? When is it Reporting?

Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017

7:45 – 9:00 am (after the assembly) the General Purpose room

QA Primary

Hello everyone! Just wanted to take a moment and update you on some of the wonderful things that are happening in the PYP at Qatar Academy Sidra. Many of our grades started a new unit when we all returned from Winter Break. The students have begun inquiring into understanding the human brain, examining how countries are shaped by their history and culture, and how learning about the past helps us to better understand our present. Some of the learning highlights across the school are: the third grade is building a partnership with Mathaf Museum (our new next door neighbor) to respond to and understand Art; our fifth graders have dissected “real brains”; our first graders are examining “ancient” technology like rotary phones, cassette tapes, and typewriters (yes it makes me feel old too); and our P3’s have taken several (sometimes cold) trips to the beach looking for living things. Hopefully, your children have come home and shared about many of their enriching experiences and you have had a chance to talk to them about what they are learning about

The second thing that I would like to share with you came out of one our PYP Morning Coffees. Many of the parents had questions about how they could support their children at home while searching for information on the internet. I know we all have concerns about our children going onto Google because the results are not filtered for children and we do not want them exposed to much of the content that they might come across. At that meeting several parents requested information about the search engines that we are using in school to help our students be safer.

Here they are: - popular and educational games. Random interesting facts section. Kids cool videos. Encyclopedia and more. - KidRex is a fun and safe search for kids, by kids! KidRex searches emphasize kid-related webpages from across the entire web and are powered by Google Custom Search™ and use Google SafeSearch™ technology. (copied from from KidRex website) - Created by Librarians for elementary school teachers and their students to use. Several subject areas to search in. - Teach the Children Well is a collection of links to sites carefully selected by a teacher for students as well as their parents and teachers. The site was designed for elementary grades but many of the sites will also be of interest to older students. - Elaine M. Doolittle, M.Ed. - powered by Google Safe search but not affiliated with Google. - web search site designed for kids by Librarians with kid friendly results. It includes a quick search for digital media as well.

It is very important for me to remind you though that none of these sites are 100% percent effective at filtering out unwanted content. To help our children become better global citizens, I think it is important to talk with them about what they should do when the come across content that their family would not approve of. Also, try to be mindful of what sites they are visiting and monitor their online activities.

As always, if you have any questions about any of this information or would like to learn more about the Primary Years Programme, please feel free to contact me at anytime at [email protected].


Jason McCary

PYP Co-ordinator

في أكاديمية PYPمرحبا بالجميع، أود أن نتوقف لحظة ألخبركم عن األمور الرائعة التي تحدث في برنامج السنوات االبتدائية

بدأ الطالب التحقيق في فهم الدماغ ،دة عندما عدنا من العطلة الشتويةالعديد من صفوفنا وحدة دراسية جدي بدأقطر السدرة. فهم حاضرنا. تم ساعدنا على تحسينيالذي ، وكيفية التعلم عن الماضي اتهاوثقاف ال البلدان بتاريخهتشك يةالبشري، ودراسة كيف

يعملالذي الصف الثالث كل من: تسليط الضوء على على بناء شراكة مع متحف )جارنا المجاور الجديد( لفهم الفن حالياطالب الصف األول يعملون على دراسة التكنولوجيا واالستجابة له؛ تالميذ الصف الخامس قاموا بتشريح "أدمغة حقيقية"؛

"القديمة" مثل الهواتف الدوارة، وأشرطة الكاسيت، واآلالت الكاتبة )نعم شعرت بتقدمي في السن أيضا(؛ وقد قام طالب الكم قد باردة في بعض األحيان( إلى الشاطئ بحثا عن الكائنات الحية. ونأمل أن أطفتي كانت بعدة رحالت )ال P3 الروضة

عادوا إلى المنزل وشاركوكم الكثير من تجاربهم الغنية وأتيحت لكم الفرصة للتحاور معهم عما يتعلمونه في المدرسة. من اآلباء العديد يتساءل .PYPألمر الثاني الذي أود أن أشاطركم إياه قد نتج عن إحدى جلساتنا الصباحية للتعريف ببرنامج ا

إزاء نا قلقونجميعأن وأنا أعلم .دعم أطفالهم في المنزل أثناء البحث عن المعلومات على شبكة اإلنترنت. حول كيفية واألمهاتال نريد أن نعرضهم للكثير من المحتويات التي قد تأتي عبره. وتتم تصفية النتائج لألطفال، توجه أطفالنا إلى جوجل ألنه لم

هالي بمعلومات حول محركات البحث التي نستخدمها في المدرسة لجعل الطالب أكثر وفي ذلك االجتماع طالب عدد من األ أمانا.

وها هي بالتفاصيل:

ألعاب تعليمية مشهورة، حقائق مثيرة لالهتمام، مقاطع فيديو ممتعة لألطفال، موسوعة، وأكثر من ذلك

موقع شيق للبحث اآلمن عن المعلومة من قبل األطفال أنفسهم، حيث يؤمن البحث من خالل مواقع خاصة باألطفال عبر الشبكة اإللكترونية بأكملها. سطة أمناء المكتبات من أجل استخدامها من قبل معلمي المدارس االبتدائية وطالبها.تم إنشاؤها بوا واء. صمم هو عبارة عن مجموعة من الروابط المختارة بعناية من قبل معلم من أجل الطالب وأهاليهم ومعلميهم على حد س

الموقع لصفوف المرحلة االبتدائية ولكن العديد من المواقع ستكون مفيدة للطلبة األكبر سنا

ال ينتسب إلى جوجل. هبإدارة جوجل لكن

طسريع للوسائالبحث الائج بحث مناسبة لهم، ويشمل نتممه أمناء المكتبات لالطفال مع قع بحث صمو .الرقمية أيضا

، ولمساعدة به % في تصفية المحتوى غير المرغوب100فعالة ليست هذه المواقع بأن المهم جدا بالنسبة لي أن أذكركم منالمهم أن نتحدث معهم حول ما يجب أن يفعلوه عند التعرض لما ال يصبحوا مواطنين عالميين أفضل، أعتقد أنه منلاألطفال

توافق عليه أسرهم. باإلضافة إلى ذلك، ضعوا في اعتباركم المواقع التي يزورها أطفالكم وحاولوا رصد أنشطتهم على الكمبيوتر.

لمزيد عن "برنامج السنوات في معرفة اكما هو الحال دائما، إذا كان لديكم أية أسئلة حول أي من هذه المعلومات أو ترغبون

"، ال تترددوا في االتصال بي في أي وقت علىبتدائيةاال [email protected]

مع خالص التقدير، جيسون مككاري

منسق برنامج السنوات االبتدائية

During the Grade 3’s unit of inquiry into Human Rights the students explored ways to advocate change through collaborative Art action. The children felt empowered to make a difference to our new playground and came up with ideas to research, plan and create additional free flow spaces for the whole school to use. These ideas include playground floor games, water walls, music walls, chalk walls and painted murals. All designs were planned in such a way that we hoped important skills such as gross motor, social, problem solving and imagination are developed and enjoyed.

Over the past two months Grade 3 students designed and submitted a complete floor design to Mr. Harish and made 12 water walls that are now ready to be installed. Students practised QA Sidra’s code of care every lesson as it was a service to others in designing and creating the floor plan and water walls, they cared for the environment by collecting, sorting and using mostly recycled materials and they did this all in a responsible and safe manner. This was a transdisciplinary project as children had to apply a lot of different skills in order to succeed and that they did.

It was a pleasure to work alongside the children as they flourished and succeeded together, well done Grade 3!

Ms. Laura PYP Teacher

Human Rights

Cross-country team at QPPSSA race in Dukhan

On January 8, QAS Panthers went to Dukhan to participate in QPPSSA Cross-country race.

37 QAS students demonstrated commitment and challenged their stamina and speed in the

desert area near Dukhan Water Sports Center. Together with 17 other schools, our grade 2-3

(and few younger) students raced in 1.6 km distance and grade 4-5 ran 2 km. Many students were able to run the whole distance, some needed a walking rest, but everyone

finished and no one was left behind in a desert :) We do not have the official results yet, but the highest in rank came Kriss and Youcef from

Grade 4 who finished in the top 10. Thanks to everyone who participated, parents for support and Ms.Ruta, Ms. Christine and

Ms.Sarah for joining the team and supervising our runners during the trip! Don't stop! Keep running!

Please, visit our Primary Sports teams blog for more information and photos at: Mr. Sandijs

QA Sidra Primary Athletics Coordinator

2017 2018Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 1 2 3 4 5 62 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 7 First Day of Return to School9 10 11 12 13 13 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 2723 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31

30 Administrators in (Grade 16-18) 30 31

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa6 Program Coordinators (|Grade 14-15) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 36 New Staff Orientation/Admin Support 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 National Sports Day13 All returning teaching staff in school 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 1717 PUE Forum 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 2420 First Day of School 27 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 1 2 3

3-8 Eid Holiday -Tentative 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 1010 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 1717 18 19 20 21 22 23 18 19 20 21 22 23 2424 25 26 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 - 5 Break 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 EDI Conference 29 30 31 29 30

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 1212 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 16 Start of Ramadan19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 End of MYP/ DP Exams26 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 31 Last Day of School

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 End of Ramadan18 Qatar National Day 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 17- 21 Eid Holidays Tentative17 Dec - 04 Jan Break 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 179 Instructional Days



August (10)

October (22)

November (22)

January (19)

February (19)

September (15)

December (10)

March (21)


April (17)

May (23)


Name ClassNominating

TeacherLearner Profile

Attribute Justification

Kai McCallum KGC Ms. Sara Thinker and ReflectiveDuring our last unit on homes Kai took on a lot of leadership in our group work he really thought about his work an how he could improve upon it as well.

Shahd Al Dosari KGC Ms. Sara InquirerShahd has been showing more curiosity about the world around her and has been asking the right questions to learn more.

Faisal Al Muraikh KGC Ms. Sara Principled Faisal is an excellent help around the class not just with his teachers but also his classmates.

Rakan Al Ghamieen 1A Ms. Janice Enthusiasm Rakan is enthusiastic about life! He read 100 books which shows he is very committed to improving his reading skills.

Khalid Al Mannai 1A Ms. Janice PrincipledKhlaid is demonstrating much improved work habits and he tries hard to do the right thing. His reading and language skills are improving steadily because of this behavior.

Hana 1A Ms. Asma Enthusiasm In reading Arabic Books

Tahous Al Naimi 1B Ms. Janice CuriosityTahous is very observant and is always wondering and wanting to learn more about the world. He is also very caring and loves to help others.

Ghalia Hamed 1B Ms. Kim ThinkerGhalia has been doing great thinking during math time, understanding and explaining word problems.

Edward Young 1B Ms. Kim Knowledgeable Edward is knowledgeable about many things and enjoys reading to gain more knowledge.

Lillian Al-Ani 1C Ms. Janice Enthusiasm and RespectLillian loves reading and always completes her home reading practice. She is very enthusiastic about learning. She is respectful of her peers and adults.

Alanoud Al Maadeed 1C Ms. Janice Enthusiasm and CuriosityAlanoud loves reading and always completes her home reading practice. She is very enthusatic about all her activities with Ms. Janice. She is wondering and wanting to learn more.

Ibrahim Z 2A Ms. Asma Enthusiasm In reading Arabic Books

Alya Annan 2B Ms. Sarah ThinkerAlya has been doing great thinking during math time. She is excited and willing to share her learning with her peers.

Jason Dennis 2B Ms. Sarah InquirerJason has been very excited and involved in his current research project about inventions. He seeks out additional information.

Raya 2C Mr. Jacob CaringRaya practices a compassionate attitude in the classroom and buoys those around her with her caring mindset.

Moza 2C Mr. Jacob Inquirer Moza continues to dig and search for more knowledge in her quest for understanding. Ahmed Al Rashid 3A Ms. Ana Open-minded Ahmed accepts other student's perspectives in art and poetry.

Ibrahim Almawlawi 3A Ms Ana Principled Ibrhaim is a principled student. He finished all set tasks on time and offers help to his classmates. Well done!

Jenna Darweesh 3C Ms. Becky ReflectiveJenna is becoming a more reflective learner. She is able to talk about her learning and set goals for herself.

Alissa Easir 3C Ms. Becky InquirerAlissa was a great inquirer when learning about poetry. She read many examples from authors and then applied those strategies to her own poems.

Husayn Bashir 3C Ms. Becky Open-mindedHusayn has been very open-minded during our current unit. He collaborated with a variety of students and tried new styles of writing with poetry.

Mohammed Agamy 3D Ms. Yalda Knowledgeable Mohammed knows interesting facts about many different topics and shares his learning with his peers.

Maleka Sallam 3D Ms. Yalda Knowledgeable Maleka is very knowledgeable across many disciplines and helps her peers in their learning. Mohamed Ashab 3D Ms. Asma Enthusiasm In reading Arabic Books

Emilio Mendiolia 4A Ms. Tessa Risk TakerEmilio is a huge risk taker, coming all the way to Qatar to stay for 6 months without his family. He's settled in very well and is a great addition to QAS!

Minaal Khan 4A Ms Tessa ReflectiveMinaal has been very reflective during our newest UOI - thinking about her own culture and her own personal time line.

Minaal Khan 4A Ms.Lama FrangiehCommunicator and risk-taker

Minaal is a communicator . She is always communicates and participates using Arabic language. As well as , she is a risk-takers

Saoud 4B Ms. Asma Enthusiasm In reading Arabic Books

Aziz Al-Enazi 5A Ms. Lou ReflectiveAziz has worked very hard in all areas of curriculum having reflected on his attitude towards learning over the last couple of weeks

Ahmad Aiad 5B Ms. Asma Enthusiasm In reading Arabic Books

School Lunch and Snack

As we are coming to the end of a lunch billing semester, if you would like to opt out or opt back into school snack and lunches, please inform Ms. Nihan [email protected] as soon as possible. The deadline for letting Ms. Nihan know is Thursday 19th January.