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The Hayes, Swanwick 24 – 26 January 2020


Gathering‘Boldness in Prayer and Mission’

Guest speakers include:Richard Gamble: CEO The wall of answered prayer

Lyndall Bywater: Writer and speaker on all things prayerRev Clive McKie: Taketime Founder

Lieut-Colonel Drew McCombe: Assistant Secretary for MissionColonels Lee and Debbie Graves: (CS & TSLD)

Worship leaders: Joel and Jo Thomas (Cheltenham Corps)

‘Early Bird’ discount (pay before 31st October): £165 per personAfter 1st November full price applies: £180 per personDeposit of £35 secures a placeApplication form available at corps / SA Website — Prayer Network Office / Territorial Events web pages

The Salvation Army is a Registered Charity No 214779, and in Scotland SC009359

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Greetings, Prayer Matters readers,

Welcome to this 2020 Prayer Matters and a very Happy New year to you all!

I am delighted to share with you this first January–June edition. The discerning amongst you will notice that this is a six-month period rather than the usual four. This year we are trialling the bi-annual production in order, amongst other things, to reduce our print and postage costs. We are interested in your feedback, so please do let us know what you think.

This edition includes our Lent prayer focus. This slightly extended prayer focus has been written by Lyndall Bywater specifically to link in with the exciting Vision and Commitment focus for this year of ‘Infinitely More’. I know that you pray tirelessly for the needs of others, and so I pray that each of you will find much to enrich your own spiritual life as you share in the Lent reflections.

From 24–26 January we have our annual Encounter Prayer Gathering at the Hayes Conference Centre in Swanwick. The theme this year is ‘Boldness in Prayer and Mission’ and we have a great line-up of speakers. Please pray for the speakers and delegates, that God will bless, challenge and inspire us as we encounter him in worship, teaching and prayer. It is not too late to book a place, but you will need to do so very quickly now to avoid disappointment.

As ever, my grateful thanks and acknowledgments go to all our contributors who provide us with a diverse balance of Scripture and mission-focused prayers. Thank you too to Stephanie Chagas-Bijl (Resource Hub, THQ) who collates and edits Prayer Matters.

Last but by no means least, in closing I say thank you to you, our subscribers. It is indeed a wonderful thing to partner with you through Prayer Matters. I thank God that he continues to raise up prayer in The Salvation Army through you and I pray that God will equip and bless you richly in this vital Kingdom-building ministry of prayer.

God bless you all!

Captain Pauline Milner, SA Prayer Co–ordinator


The Hayes, Swanwick 24 – 26 January 2020


Gathering‘Boldness in Prayer and Mission’

Guest speakers include:Richard Gamble: CEO The wall of answered prayer

Lyndall Bywater: Writer and speaker on all things prayerRev Clive McKie: Taketime Founder

Lieut-Colonel Drew McCombe: Assistant Secretary for MissionColonels Lee and Debbie Graves: (CS & TSLD)

Worship leaders: Joel and Jo Thomas (Cheltenham Corps)

‘Early Bird’ discount (pay before 31st October): £165 per personAfter 1st November full price applies: £180 per personDeposit of £35 secures a placeApplication form available at corps / SA Website — Prayer Network Office / Territorial Events web pages

The Salvation Army is a Registered Charity No 214779, and in Scotland SC009359

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Bible quotations from the New International Version (2011) unless otherwise stated.



f WEDNESDAY 1 JANUARY – INFINITELY MOREThis year’s Vision and Commitment theme acknowledges that God is ‘Infinitely More’ than we could ever imagine (Ephesians 3:20 NLT). Lord, at the start of this year, help us to discover more of your infinite love and power at work in our lives. Amen.

f THURSDAY 2 JANUARY – GREATER LOVE Lord, forgive us for the times in which we limit your power. We ask forgiveness of each other for the times our fears, disappointments or traditions have stopped you from doing new things in our communities. Help us to dream bigger dreams and pray bigger prayers for those who haven’t yet discovered your limitless love. Amen.

f FRIDAY 3 JANUARY – EVERLASTING LOVEFather God, help us to look back in thankfulness, choosing to acknowledge your long, everlasting love in our lives. We know that the world needs mature Christians – people who are doing the hard work and the heart work of discipleship. Amen.

f SATURDAY 4 JANUARY – SPACIOUS LOVE Lord, we thank you because your love is radically inclusive. Help us to be honest about the prejudices which may cause us to exclude people or think them less important. You call us to love our neighbours, making our own hearts spacious. Give us courage, as your Church, to make that truth known to the world. Amen.

f SUNDAY 5 JANUARY – DEEP LOVELoving Jesus, you went to the cross – the darkest experience any human has ever had – because you longed for all of creation to come to life, to ‘infinitely more’ life. Help us sing songs in our dungeons of pain, because we know that your deep love has not forgotten us. Amen.

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f MONDAY 6 JANUARY – ‘PUT ON YOUR NEW NATURE, CREATED TO BE LIKE GOD – TRULY RIGHTEOUS AND HOLY’ (EPHESIANS 4:24 NLT).Father, as we go into this new week we look to you for strength and guidance. As we bow before you, please clothe us with your nature so that our lives radiate your love and goodness wherever we are. Amen.

f TUESDAY 7 JANUARY – ‘HE PUT A NEW SONG IN MY MOUTH’ (PSALM 40:3).We lift our hearts in praise to you, Father, as we thank you that each day brings new challenges and new opportunities. Please help us open our eyes to see you in the world and in the people around us. Amen.

f WEDNESDAY 8 JANUARY – ‘IF ANYONE IS IN CHRIST, THE NEW CREATION HAS COME’ (2 CORINTHIANS 5:17).Lord, please remind us today that we are your new creation and your ambassadors. What a responsibility! May we become the special people that you created us to be so that you can use us however you want. Amen.

f THURSDAY 9 JANUARY – ‘SEE, I AM DOING A NEW THING!’ (ISAIAH 43:19).Father, it’s easy to see the new things you are doing when everything is going well and according to plan. In those times when we can’t see what is happening, help us to hold on to the vision, in faith, and believe that you are true to your promises. Amen.

f FRIDAY 10 JANUARY – ‘I WILL GIVE YOU A NEW HEART AND PUT A NEW SPIRIT IN YOU’ (EZEKIEL 36:26).Lord, we are so glad to know that you are continually working in our lives. Please take away any hardness in our hearts and make us willing to be led by your Spirit within us. Thank you for your patience with us. Amen.

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f SATURDAY 11 JANUARY – ‘HIS COMPASSIONS NEVER FAIL. THEY ARE NEW EVERY MORNING’ (LAMENTATIONS 3:22–23).Lord, thank you that your love is new each morning. When we close our eyes to sleep, you watch over us; when we wake, your love enfolds us and takes us into the new day. What a miracle!

f SUNDAY 12 JANUARY – ‘I AM MAKING EVERYTHING NEW’ (REVELATION 21:5).Father, you are the beginning and the end. We trust you with all of our lives here on earth until that day when you call us home. Let that certainty give us peace for each day in a world that is constantly changing around us. Amen.


(Prayers adapted from

f MONDAY 13 JANUARY – LIVELIHOOD TRAINING Dear Holy Spirit, bless those who seek to transform the lives of people who live on the land through practical skill and education. We pray that their livestock will become a rich source of income to help feed their families and provide for their futures. Amen.

f TUESDAY 14 JANUARY – RELEASING AND REHABILITATING SLAVES Dear Lord, thank you for those who seek to bless men and women who have been treated so poorly as slaves. Let them show your love, grace and compassion in the same measure that Jesus did with those he encountered. May they live out the realisation that they are now sons and daughters of the living God. Amen.

f WEDNESDAY 15 JANUARY – TEACHERS’ SALARIESLord, you are a practical God, who enables us to walk by faith, knowing that you are more than capable of meeting our daily needs. We thank you for the skills and calling that you have put in teachers around the world. Give them the insight to dispense the living waters of your word in their classes today. Amen.

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f THURSDAY 16 JANUARY – SUPPORT FOR CHILDRENLord, we thank you that it is your greatest desire to bring the fullness of your life to the whole of your creation. We thank you for the work that is carried out with children and the transformation this brings to their lives as they are supported financially and spiritually. Amen.

f FRIDAY 17 JANUARY – FUNDRAISING Lord, in a world where there never seems enough money to go around, we thank you for always making a way. Grant financial funds to support your work across the world. Amen.

f SATURDAY 18 JANUARY – CHURCH PLANTING Heavenly Father, bless missionaries across the globe. Open their eyes to see with your heart the needs of the people they serve. Give them the humility that Jesus had, so that your love flows out of everything they do. Amen.

f SUNDAY 19 JANUARY – SAFETY IN OPPRESSIVE ENVIRONMENTS Lord, you call your people to work in impossible political regimes, but where you have called them there is already a blessing. Grant continued protection over the work they do in your name. Break impossible chains, releasing your aroma, justice and favour into regimes where you are not openly honoured. Amen.


f MONDAY 20 JANUARY Loving Father God, today I join with my Christian brothers and sisters to pray that the gift of evangelism will be released to equip the people of God to be witnesses for Jesus. I pray for my faith to be bolder so I can speak to people who do not yet know about his love for them. Give me opportunities to share your love. Amen.

`CONTEXTThe call to prayer has come from Hope Together for all Christians to pray on the 20th day of each month at 20:20 for 20 minutes. We are asked to pray that God will open hearts to respond to the love of Jesus.

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f TUESDAY 21 JANUARY – CALLINGLord Jesus, I stand in awe of your glory and majesty. Thank you for calling my name and leading me in the paths of truth. I praise you because I know you and trust you with my life. Keep on calling me and equipping me to build your Kingdom. Amen.

f WEDNESDAY 22 JANUARY – CONNECTINGThank you, Father, for the way prayer connects me to you. Through prayer I can intercede for the world and know you are with me. I can cry out for those who need healing, freedom and love. Through prayer I can sit quietly and say nothing, yet feel so close to you. Thank you for connecting with me. Amen.

f THURSDAY 23 JANUARY – RELEASINGLoving Lord, release me from doubts about my own inadequacies and allow me the freedom to know who I really am in you. Break all the chains that are holding me back from knowing I am loved and cherished. Free me from insecurity and give me the joy of knowing that I am your child. Amen.


f FRIDAY 24 JANUARY – BOLDNESS IN PRAYER AND MISSIONFather God, we pray your blessing and power on all delegates travelling to the territorial Prayer Gathering today in Swanwick. Through your Holy Spirit we want to see deeper spiritual growth, bolder believing prayer and a greater understanding of what it means to be missional. Amen.

f SATURDAY 25 JANUARY – DYNAMIC KINGDOM–BUILDING PRAYERDear Lord, thank you that wherever we are we can pray believing, powerful prayers in your name. The cry of our hearts is that more people will come to know Jesus and enjoy the wonders of faith, love and forgiveness. In the power of your Spirit, use my prayers to be a building block for the Kingdom. Amen.

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f SUNDAY 26 JANUARY – WORSHIPFather God, I bow before you in humility and honour you with my whole being. Accept the worship of my heart. I offer you my mind to be filled with Scripture, blessing, hope and joy. I give you my body with all its imperfections, weaknesses and disease. Renew my strength and lift me up as on wings of eagles. Amen.



f MONDAY 27 JANUARY – ONE ARMY IN CALLING (1 PETER 2:9,10)The Salvation Army wasn’t planned. It happened because William and Catherine Booth felt the call to follow where Jesus led them. That same call – to be and do what God directs – is still with the Army today. Pray for a readiness to say ‘yes’ to God without placing your own conditions on his call.

f TUESDAY 28 JANUARY – ONE ARMY IN COVENANT (LUKE 22:20)A covenant with God is more than a contract or agreement. It involves the total giving of ourselves to the God who, in Jesus, covenanted the wholehearted giving of himself to us and our salvation. Pray that your personal response to the love of Christ will honour his covenant and the salvation he has provided.

`SETTING THE SCENEThe One Army teaching resources, centred on Jesus, are presented in books, leaflets, DVDs, on the webpage and through social media. The teaching, available in more than 30 languages, is clear, direct and uncomplicated, yet has both depth and challenge. The prayers shared here are from those printed in the books. (Available from SP&S Ltd.)

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f WEDNESDAY 29 JANUARY – ONE ARMY IN CHRIST (GALATIANS 3:28)In John’s Gospel, Jesus speaks of the ‘oneness’ of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the same way that they are ‘in’ one another, Jesus prays that we will be ‘in them’ (John 17:20,21). To be ‘in Christ’ is to be together in relationship with God, part of an eternal fellowship. Pray that God will unite us all in true fellowship.

f THURSDAY 30 JANUARY – ONE ARMY IN TRUTH (JOHN 8:32)It is possible to deny, exaggerate, ignore, supress, misrepresent and hide the truth. But we can never destroy it. Truth will always be truth, because God – who is Truth – will always be God. Thank God for the eternal standard of truth found in Jesus. Thank him that we are not left without guidance, direction or help as we seek to live in truth.

f FRIDAY 31 JANUARY – ONE ARMY IN PURPOSE (MATTHEW 6:10)We are not only meant to hear and receive the message of God’s unrelenting grace, we are also meant to share and show it, helping others to understand, receive and enjoy it too. God’s transforming grace is for everyone. Thank God for the gift of his grace. Ask him to guide us into sharing it with others.

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(LUKE 22:42)Relationship with God is at the heart of prayer. There are many ways to pray, including listening to God and seeking guidance. When we discover that saying ‘Your will be done’ is the most complete prayer of all, we will have found the basis for all our other prayers. Take some time to sit quietly in God’s presence and wait for him.

f SUNDAY 2 FEBRUARY – ONE ARMY IN FELLOWSHIP (EPHESIANS 4:3–6)The blessings of sharing the same faith, purpose, hope, salvation and Lord, create a harmony and sense of unity that is a powerful witness to a divided and troubled world. Christian fellowship is also an incredible privilege. Pray that God will give you a fresh understanding of the vastness of his Church and the importance of each person playing a supportive and unifying part.

f MONDAY 3 FEBRUARY – ONE ARMY IN SERVICE (LUKE 22:27)Some people – and religions – find the concept of being a servant difficult to understand. Jesus didn’t. He described himself as being ‘among you as one who serves’. The authority he gives us is, above all, the authority to serve. Pray that the servant heart of Jesus will be yours too.

f TUESDAY 4 FEBRUARY – ONE ARMY IN FAITH (JOHN 3:16)Faith – like love – is about quality and depth of life. Faith breeds faithfulness and faithfulness breeds faith. It is by trusting God – and only by trusting – that we discover him to be true. And faithful. Reflect in prayer on the difference faith in God makes to your life – and what further difference it could make.

f WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY – ONE ARMY IN HOLINESS (EPHESIANS 3:15–19)Jesus showed that a holy life need not be distant or separate from others. He mixed freely within communities, engaging, encouraging, touching, healing and renewing those who came

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to him. He gave and received love, showing that the holy God was approachable, accepting of others and ready to develop relationships. Pray that the presence of Christ in your life will truly mean that he ministers to others through you.

f THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY – ONE ARMY IN HOPE (1 TIMOTHY 1:1–2)Despair comes in many forms. The helplessness and hopelessness felt by those fleeing from wars, persecution, injustice and terror leaves them vulnerable and dependant. For the unloved or overlooked, hope seems illusive. Help is essential. It doesn’t always come. Ask God to give you an understanding and love for those who most need us.

f FRIDAY 7 FEBRUARY – ONE ARMY IN LOVE (MARK 12:28–31)Jesus said that the greatest command is to love God and each other. It isn’t to worship, serve or praise him. There is unrivalled power in God’s love. It is stronger than death, more powerful than evil and – like God – is eternal. It lives on. It is indestructible, because God is love. Consider that, more than anything else, God wants our love. Then confirm your love for him – heart, mind, strength and soul.



f SATURDAY 8 FEBRUARY (1 TIMOTHY 1:12)Mablethorpe Corps, only about 20 years old, was always run locally. It is now overseen by the corps officer at Louth and a corps

`SETTING THE SCENEThe East Midlands Division spreads across cities, towns and villages of Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire. The divisional team enables mission and serves the East Midlands Division to the glory of God: ‘We are a family and at the heart of this family is a passion for mission.’

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programme development leader has been employed to expand the mission. Pray for more youth activities and an embracing of new opportunities. Pray that the community in this coastal town will be captured by the Holy Spirit.

f SUNDAY 9 FEBRUARY (1 TIMOTHY 1:17)The team at William Booth Complex, Sneinton, have felt a call to intercession over modern slavery in Nottingham. Regular prayer meetings are held with other churches in the area. Pray that people experience Christ’s freedom and know they belong to a wider family.

f MONDAY 10 FEBRUARY (1 TIMOTHY 4:10)In the city of Chesterfield, The Salvation Army worships and delivers mission without its own premises. Pray that one day the corps will have its own building as it continues to grow. Pray for the new innovations ‘Monday Market Ministry’ (bookstall) seeking to raise people’s awareness of The Salvation Army as a church and for the monthly fellowship meals at a local bistro.

f TUESDAY 11 FEBRUARY (1 TIMOTHY 4:14)Nottingham Aspley Corps was paused some time ago, with only a nursery and after–school provision. In 2018 a corps mission development leader was employed. In recent months community events, Messy Church, open days and weekly Bible study have been taking place. Sunday afternoon worship meetings will soon begin. Pray for the leader and for direction as new opportunities for ministry are pursued.

f WEDNESDAY 12 FEBRUARY (1 TIMOTHY 4:16)Pray for the ongoing children’s activities at Ripley, Derbyshire; for the weekly kids club, toddler group and monthly Messy Church and the focus of setting up a youth club. Close by, Somercotes Corps is seeking God’s plan through Sunday worship, friends and family meetings and coffee mornings.

f THURSDAY 13 FEBRUARY (1 TIMOTHY 6:12)Nottingham Meadows Outreach Project was originally a Fresh Expression and works in partnership with the local Church of England fellowship. Pray for continued partnership and increased effectiveness in their community outreach and ‘Kingdom fruit’ from the ‘Introduction to Christianity’ course.

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f FRIDAY 14 FEBRUARY (PHILIPPIANS 2:5–11)Pray for all officers and leaders in the division. In 2018 a ‘faith goal’ was set of ‘20 by 2020’ applicants for officership and territorial envoyship. Thank God for Kingdom victories so far. ‘Master, speak: and make me ready, when thy voice is truly heard…’ (SASB 775)


f SATURDAY 15 FEBRUARY Lord, I pray that through your power at work in me I can overcome the temptation to give in to my weakness and put my energy into exercising self–denial. Give me the strength to follow this through for the sake of those who will benefit from my actions. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

f SUNDAY 16 FEBRUARYFather God, I offer to you all I that I am and all that I have. Lead me to know what I can do without, so that someone else can have a little of what I take for granted every day. Amen. Pause now and consider what you can do without for a week.

f MONDAY 17 FEBRUARYLord, we walk in the footsteps of giants of the faith who willingly sacrificed the little they had to follow you. As I give up whatever it may be during this time, help me to see beyond my small sacrifice to the bigger picture of being part of a Church which practises self–denial for the sake of having more resources to build your Kingdom on earth. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

f TUESDAY 18 FEBRUARYLoving Father, help me to see what is stopping me from having a deeper relationship with you. Help me to deny myself of something I spend time on and use that time to connect with you. Forgive me for my selfishness in wanting to do things my way. As I wait on you, I feel refreshed and uplifted and say thank you, Lord. Amen.

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f WEDNESDAY 19 FEBRUARY In Job 38:7 we read that when God created the earth ‘the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy’. There was singing at the dawn of creation, and today we thank God for the gift of singing that enables us to express our love and praise to him. How wonderful to have a voice to join with others in celebrating the greatness of God!

f THURSDAY 20 FEBRUARYThe phrase ‘To the Chief Musician’ appears 55 times in the book of Psalms. 1 Chronicles 25 lists the musicians appointed by David who played a vital role in leading and organising worship. Remember leaders who have taught and nurtured other people musically and spiritually. Give thanks to the Lord for all who currently serve as music leaders throughout the territory.

f FRIDAY 21 FEBRUARY‘Life seems to go on without effort when I am filled with music,’ wrote George Eliot, capturing the power of music to transform and energise. In Ephesians 5:19 Paul encourages us to ‘Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord’. May this spiritual principle enrich us as we continue our journey of faith.

f SATURDAY 22 FEBRUARYThe Bible contains songs for all occasions, including psalms of praise and lament, and others celebrating victories, births and coronations. The song of Moses in Exodus 15 gives thanks to God who parted the waters so that the Israelites could safely cross the

`SETTING THE SCENEIn March the International Staff Songsters (ISS) will celebrate 40 years of singing to the glory of God in a ministry that has taken them throughout the territory and around the world. ISS members are representative of all Salvation Army singing groups whose music enriches worship and proclaims the good news of Jesus Christ. Reflect on the gift of music and give thanks for composers, musical leaders and musicians who dedicate their talents to God.

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Red Sea: ‘The Lord is my strength and defence; he has become my salvation.’ What is the song in your heart today?

f SUNDAY 23 FEBRUARY‘Your decrees are the theme of my song wherever I lodge’ (Psalm 119:54) is an appropriate word for Salvationist musicians throughout the world. Music and song inspired by God is an expression of a living faith in Jesus Christ. In April the ISS will lead worship and bring the gospel to thousands of people during an Easter tour in the USA and Canada. Pray for the group, that their listeners will experience God’s love and grace.

f MONDAY 24 FEBRUARYPsalm 40 is the personal testimony of David following a time of despair when he cried out to God for help. A king in great distress was not too proud to seek help from the Lord and not too important to wait patiently! God rescued him, and gave him new songs to sing. Father God, we thank you for people who are writing new songs which help us to worship you and experience your gracious presence. Amen.

f TUESDAY 25 FEBRUARY‘As long as we live there is never enough singing,’ said Martin Luther. People who enjoy being part of a singing group would probably agree with him. The experts tell us that singing is very good for us physically and beneficial to our mental health. Whatever our musical ability, let us keep singing – and rejoice that God whom we worship sings over us, his people (Zephaniah 3:17).

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LIMITLESS LOVE‘And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God’ (Ephesians 3:17–19).Lord, as we embark on this Lenten journey, we make Paul’s prayer our own: by your power, may we know your limitless love. Amen.

`SETTING THE SCENE‘Paul boils it all down for the believers in Corinth. Religious people often spend their time practising rituals, projecting dogma, and going through routines that might look like Christianity on the outside but that lack the essential ingredient that brings all of it together – love! It is a loving God who birthed creation and now pursues a broken people in the most spectacular way. That same love must guide believers, so faith doesn’t appear to be meaningless noise.’ (Note on 1 Corinthians 13 The Voice)

This prayer journey is all about the limitless love of God. Based on 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, it is designed to help us reflect on that love: what it’s like, how we can experience it more deeply, how it can transform our relationships and how it can ignite mission in our corps. Each day has a thought, a question, a prayer request or a prayer, and we hope you will find time to reflect, pray and listen to God as you work your way through. Every Saturday there is a local mission prayer focus written by guest writers, according to the theme of the week. May this dive into limitless love refresh your walk with God and your heart for his world.



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f THURSDAY 27 FEBRUARY – LIFE–LONG LOVE‘You have been my hope, Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth’ (Psalm 71:5).Father God, you have been a constant companion on my road through life, lighting my way and holding my hand. You have walked with me through good times and bad and you have been unfailingly patient with me. Today I say ‘thank you’, and take time to remember those moments when I’ve experienced your limitless love. Amen.

f FRIDAY 28 FEBRUARY – TAKING TIME, MAKING TIME‘Love is patient’ (1 Corinthians 13:4). Relationships take time. Is there a friendship you’ve been neglecting because of busyness or avoiding because of unresolved conflict?Why not get in touch with the person today and make time to meet up. Pray that God will guide your conversation; that he’ll help you make peace where there’s tension, and find new rhythms that make your friendship sustainable in the midst of busy lives.


f SATURDAY 29 FEBRUARY – STRAWBERRY FIELD: BUILDING COMMUNITY TOGETHER‘I’m Captain Louise Brown, the Fresh Expressions leader at Strawberry Field, a unique project bringing together a ‘steps to work’ programme for young people, a visitor experience and a fresh expression of Salvation Army church. I see love shown in so many ways: by the young people we work with and by the volunteers who give their time so generously and patiently. Pray that God will continue to move by the power of his Spirit to build connections and community, so that many more lives will be transformed over the coming years.’

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‘Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction’ (2 Timothy 4:2). Mission takes time. Pray today for the outreach activities your corps or centre is involved in, that the limitless love of Christ will be the motive and the energy behind all that happens, giving you patience to keep on sharing the good news of Jesus in every season.


‘I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness’ (Jeremiah 31:3). When we think of God as mighty, holy and just, it is easy to forget that he is also unfailingly kind. No matter what you may think of yourself today, the Father of all compassion longs to draw you into his arms and wrap you in tender love.How might today look and feel different if you go into it remembering that God is kind?

f TUESDAY 3 MARCH – LIVING KINDNESS‘Love is kind’ (1 Corinthians 13:4). Loving God, forgive me for those times when I am unkind. I confess that my need to protect myself and my desire to have my own way often make me mean and ungracious. Teach me your ways, Lord, for I would be one who is kind. Help me make kindness a habit, a way of being that comes naturally to me in all my dealings. Amen.

f WEDNESDAY 4 MARCH – BEING KIND TO YOURSELF‘But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self–control’ (Galatians 5:22–23 ESV). We often think about being kind to others, but how kind are we to ourselves? God is gentle with us in our weakness, but are we


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gentle with ourselves, or do we beat ourselves up when we don’t do as well as we’d like? How can you be kinder to yourself today?

f THURSDAY 5 MARCH – REKINDLING KINDNESS‘Anyone who withholds kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the Almighty’ (Job 6:14). Is there someone you’re finding it hard to be kind to at the moment? Prayer is the place where love comes to life again, so take time to pray for that person today. Think about what they’re facing and what they might need.Pray kind prayers for them, and ask God to overwhelm them with his limitless love.

f FRIDAY 6 MARCH – ACTS OF KINDNESS‘Therefore, as God’s chosen people… clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience’ (Colossians 3:12). Kindness isn’t just an attitude, it’s an action.What can you do today to show kindness to your family, friends, work colleagues or the strangers you meet? As you go about your day, look out for opportunities for random acts of kindness: a smile, a kind word or something practical that will brighten someone’s day.


f SATURDAY 7 MARCH – CROYDON CITADEL: GOD’S LOVE AT WORK‘I’m Gill McCredie, a cadet at William Booth College. I was blessed to spend my summer placement at Croydon Citadel Corps where I saw God’s love at work through volunteers and staff who come alongside vulnerable people, treating them with care and dignity, and helping empower them to be all they can be. Pray for Croydon Citadel as they explore new opportunities for mission; and for me, that I continue to build on my learning in order to show God’s love by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and loving the unloved.’

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f SUNDAY 8 MARCH – KNOWN FOR KINDNESS‘Do you realise that all the wealth of his extravagant kindness is meant to melt your heart and lead you into repentance?’ (Romans 2:4 TPT). Pray for your corps or centre, that kindness will be a hallmark of your life together. Pray that all those who come into your building or take part in your activities will find a warm, compassionate welcome that helps them open their hearts to the kindness of God.


‘Love… is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs’(1 Corinthians 13:4–5). Human love tends to be conditional. It changes over time and it can fade away altogether if it is regularly spurned or taken for granted. The love of God is unconditional, unchanging and endlessly forgiving. Have you taken that knowledge to heart? Spend time today reflecting on the truth that God keeps no record of your wrongs.

f TUESDAY 10 MARCH – FORGIVEN AND FREE‘You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea’ (Micah 7:19).Do you know someone who feels like they can never put the mistakes of the past behind them? Pray for them, as you reflect on this beautiful picture of God casting sins into the sea, that they will come to know the deep release of absolute forgiveness.

f WEDNESDAY 11 MARCH – GRACE INSTEAD OF BITTERNESS‘See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up…’ (Hebrews 12:15). Forgiving people takes trust: trust that God will heal the wounds they’ve caused us; trust that he will work justice; trust that he will help us move forward and not get stuck in bitterness. Ask God to help you trust him and take a step along the road of forgiveness.


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f THURSDAY 12 MARCH – FORGIVENESS INSTEAD OF POLARISATION‘Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you’ (Ephesians 4:31–32 MSG). Forgive us, Lord, when we criticise instead of seeking to understand. Help us to grow in grace, not resenting others for holding different opinions or having different priorities from us. May your Church be an example of loving unity in a polarised world. Amen.

f FRIDAY 13 MARCH – CONVICTED, NOT CONDEMNED‘Christ sacrificed his life’s blood to set us free, which means our sins are now forgiven’ (Ephesians 1:7 CEV). There’s a difference between conviction and condemnation. Condemnation is that overwhelming sense that you’ve messed everything up, and it doesn’t come from God, whereas conviction is the Holy Spirit pin–pointing something specific you’ve done wrong. Is he showing you something today? If so, confess it to God and receive the forgiveness Jesus bought for you.


f SATURDAY 14 MARCH – LIMERICK: LIVING JESUS’ WAY‘I’m Major Imogen Stewart and I’m Involved in pioneering the work of The Salvation Army in Limerick. St Mary’s Park is the most deprived estate in the Republic of Ireland, with a high record of drugs, crime and gang family warfare. It is so important that the people who live here see that the Church is not cruel or authoritarian, that forgiveness is freely available and that love is all about change and transformation.’ Pray that we will be able to demonstrate the new way of living that Jesus taught: love, respect and tolerance to the whosoever, without judging or discrimination.

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f SUNDAY 15 MARCH – PEACEMAKERS‘In Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation’ (2 Corinthians 5:19 ESV). Father God, may our corps and centres be communities which build bridges instead of walls, working for peace and reconciliation. Help us reach out to those who have been left feeling condemned and ostracised by past experiences of church. Amen.


‘Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable… think about such things’ (Philippians 4:8). Loving God, teach me how to fix my thoughts on truth. When worry and negativity dominate my thinking, help me to change my perspective, focusing instead on the many good things you have given me. May the truth of your love for me fill my mind completely. Amen.

f TUESDAY 17 MARCH – THE LIGHT OF TRUTH‘Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth’ (1 Corinthians 13:6). Where do you see evil at work in your local community? What form does it take? Whose lives are most affected by it? What would need to happen for it to be stopped? Turn those thoughts into prayers, asking God to shine light into the darkness, exposing evil, rescuing its victims and bringing its perpetrators to justice and redemption.

f WEDNESDAY 18 MARCH – TRUTH SETS US FREE‘Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’ (John 8:32). Love delights in truth because truth brings freedom. Knowing the truth of how God sees us really does set us free. Is there a lie about yourself which you find difficult to shake off? Ask God to point you to a Bible verse which affirms the truth he wants you to believe. Why not memorise it?


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f THURSDAY 19 MARCH – TRUTH IN THE MEDIA‘Walk straight, act right, tell the truth’ (Psalm 15:2 MSG). Pray today for all those working in the media – TV, radio, print and online – that they will value truth in all they do. Pray for investigative journalists working to uncover lies and injustice. Pray for those reporting on politics, for wisdom to know how to commentate without bias. Pray that love, truth and respect will always characterise the way stories are reported.

f FRIDAY 20 MARCH – TRUTHFUL CONFRONTATION‘But instead we will remain strong and always sincere in our love as we express the truth’ (Ephesians 4:15 TPT). Is there someone you need to speak some uncomfortable truths to? Take some time to pray about the conversation you need to have: that you’ll know how to speak love as well as truth; that you’ll resist the temptation to try and score points; that the love between you will be strengthened.

f SUNDAY 22 MARCH – TRUTHFUL COMMUNITIES‘Now that you’ve cleaned up your lives by following the truth, love one another as if your lives depended on it’ (1 Peter 1:22 MSG). In a world where truth is often sacrificed for the sake of popularity and power, communities of loving integrity are desperately needed.


f SATURDAY 21 MARCH – SHIREMOOR: TRUTH BRINGING NEW LIFE‘I am Faith, and my husband Keith and I are officers at Shiremoor in the North East Division. We recently asked God to show us his will for how we should reach out to the housing estate where we’re based. In response to this, the doors burst open – 250 people joined us for a community fun day. Just eight weeks later, over 100 people joined us for Messy Church and four new families are regularly worshipping on a Sunday! Please pray that we will continue to see lives won, and that people will go deeper in their relationship with Jesus.’

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Pray that your corps or centre will be a community where honesty matters as much as good reputation, humility as much as influence and compassion as much as success.


WAY‘God is our refuge and strength, an ever–present help in trouble’ (Psalm 46:1). Have you ever found yourself saying: ‘If God really loved me, this wouldn’t be happening’? God is a refuge, his love is a safe place, but it’s a mobile sanctuary which travels with us through every season. God’s love is ever–present in every situation. What does it mean to you to know that God’s love is right there with you today?

f TUESDAY 24 MARCH – A SAFE PLACE OF FREEDOM‘Love is a safe place of shelter, for it never stops believing the best for others’ (1 Corinthians 13:7 TPT).Pray today for parents who are struggling to find the balance between protective love and releasing love – between keeping their children safe and giving them freedom to take risks. Pray that God will calm their fears and give them courage to believe the best, releasing their children into all he has for them.

f WEDNESDAY 25 MARCH – A SAFE PLACE OF RESPECT‘Love does not traffic in shame and disrespect, nor selfishly seek its own honour’ (1 Corinthians 13:5 TPT).Gracious God, forgive me when I fail to be a safe place for people; when I belittle or disrespect them instead of honouring them. I want to be a living example of sheltering love. Help me to see people for who they are, to value them and to treat them with dignity.


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f THURSDAY 26 MARCH – A SAFE PLACE OF HEALING‘You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat’ (Isaiah 25:4). Pray for those you know who have experienced violence, abuse or trauma and who don’t feel safe anywhere, that God will help them find safety in his limitless love, calming their fears, lifting their shame, healing their wounds and giving them new hope.

f FRIDAY 27 MARCH – SAFETY AND SECURITY‘The Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace’ (Numbers 6:26). Give thanks today for the various emergency services – police, fire, ambulance, lifeboats, coastguards and mountain rescue – whose diligence makes our communities safer places to live. Pray they’ll have the stamina to work long hours in difficult conditions and the wisdom to know how to handle potentially life–threatening situations. Pray they’ll know that God smiles on them as they do their work.


f SATURDAY 28 MARCH – ANTI–TRAFFICKING: FROM SLAVERY TO SAFETY‘I am Major Kathy Betteridge, the Territorial Director for Anti–Trafficking and Modern Slavery. Please pray for those we work with, as they leave places of danger and come to places of safety, that they will have hope, even when they struggle to believe they will ever escape from slavery. Pray that, in their recovery, they will come to know God’s love and freedom. Pray for our staff and volunteers, that their care, their words and their actions will help many more people find the way to a better life and to a deep experience of God’s rescuing, restoring, overshadowing love.’

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f SUNDAY 29 MARCH – A SAFE PLACE OF WELCOME‘The stranger who dwells among you shall be to you as one born among you, and you shall love him as yourself’ (Leviticus 19:34 NKJV). Pray for projects aimed at making your local community a safer, more welcoming place for people who have arrived there from other countries, whether as refugees or immigrants. Pray that your corps will find ways to partner with other churches, charities and agencies in this vitally important work.


‘Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening]’ (1 Corinthians 13:7 AMP). Spend time meditating on this beautiful paraphrase. How have you seen this love at work in your own life? Which of the four promises do you most need to hold on to at the moment?

f TUESDAY 31 MARCH – LOVE NEVER RUNS OUT‘Love knows no limit to its endurance… It is, in fact, the one thing that still stands when all else has fallen’ (1 Corinthians 13:7,8 JBP). Pray today for communities around the world which are affected by war or natural disaster, that God’s enduring love will come to life amidst the brokenness. Give thanks for every glimmer of love: for every person rescued, for every act of generosity, for every moment of solidarity.


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‘Love never takes failure as defeat, for it never gives up’ (1 Corinthians 13:7 TPT). Are you grieving over something that feels like failure – something you’d put a lot of hope in, and now it seems to have come to nothing? Take courage today in the knowledge that God hasn’t been defeated and he hasn’t given up. Keep trusting in his love – the love that can even bring new life out of death.

f THURSDAY 2 APRIL – LOVE DOES ITS BEST‘Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful and trusting’ (1 Corinthians 13:7 CEV). Holy Spirit, search me. Show me the truth about my relationships with family and friends. Where have I offered support, but only on my own terms? Where have I fallen short of loyalty? Where have I lost hope? Where have I become too scared to trust? Ignite your endless, limitless love in me again. Amen.

f FRIDAY 3 APRIL – LOVE KEEPS MOVING FORWARD‘(Love) never looks back, but keeps going to the end’ (1 Corinthians 13:7 MSG). As we come to the end of this ‘Living Limitless Love’ prayer focus, what have you learnt about the way God loves you and the way you love others? Give thanks for the journey so far, and put aside any sense of failure or inadequacy. God’s love doesn’t dwell on the past; it propels us into the future.

f SATURDAY 4 APRIL – COMPELLED BY LOVE‘Love will never become obsolete’ (1 Corinthians 13:8 Voice). Faithful God, whose limitless love brought The Salvation Army into being, inspired its Founders and has kindled a fire in the hearts of its members for many generations, ignite in us again today the love that only you can give. May your unquenchable love be our motive and our mission, our strength and our song. Amen.

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f SUNDAY 5 APRIL: PALM SUNDAY (JOHN 12:12–19) – PALMS, PRAISES AND PROPHECYKing Jesus, we join in waving palm branches and shouting praises as we remember your journey into Jerusalem. You are worthy of our adoration. We know that riding on a humble donkey was the fulfilment of prophecy. Thank you, Lord, for being obedient to your Father’s will. Amen.

f MONDAY 6 APRIL (JOHN 2:13–17) – PASSOVER, PROFIT AND PURITYLord, we humbly ask you to cleanse us from all our sin. We know we are often like those merchants who made profit in the Temple courts at the time of Passover. Purify my heart today, I pray. Cleanse my soul and breathe holiness into my life. Amen.

f TUESDAY 7 APRIL (MATTHEW 26:14–16) – BETRAYALJudas had walked closely with Jesus for three years, yet he still betrayed him and received a monetary reward for agreeing to hand over his Master to the authorities. As we consider Judas’s part in this Holy Week, pause and remember these words: ‘Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us’. This assures us that Jesus forgave Judas and he forgives you and me.

f WEDNESDAY 8 APRIL – HOLY RESTDear Jesus, help me to see the importance of resting in order to focus on the important decisions I need to make. As you faced the horror of what was to come, you found time to be quiet, to seek peace, strength and courage. Thank you for this example of holy rest. Amen.

f THURSDAY 9 APRIL (JOHN 13:1–38) – MARKED OUT TO LOVEIn the narrative of this Last Supper we have the beautiful commission to love one another. O Lord, when I think about your love for me, I am overwhelmed. Give me that same love for others that you have for me – that perfect, limitless love. Amen.

f FRIDAY 10 APRIL: GOOD FRIDAY (JOHN 18:28 – 19:37) Lord Jesus, today we remember again the events of your crucifixion. We try to imagine your agony as the nails pierced your hands and feet.

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Jesus, your suffering on the cross horrifies us and yet you willingly surrendered yourself to die for the sins of the world – for my sins. Thank you. Amen.

f SATURDAY 11 APRIL (JOHN 19:40) – IN THE TOMBJesus’ body lay in the tomb on the Sabbath day, prepared for burial. The disciples knew their Lord was gone from them as they had seen his body wrapped in linen, lying in the tomb. Lord, just like your disciples on that day, we can feel very far from you because we think you have left us. Thank you for your promise that you will never leave us or forsake us and we are never left on our own. Amen.

f SUNDAY 12 APRIL: EASTER SUNDAY (JOHN 20:19–37) – RESURRECTION SUNDAYToday is the greatest day in history, the day when death was conquered and we celebrate that Jesus is alive! Imagine what it must have been like when the women found an empty tomb. Scripture tells us that ‘the other disciple… saw and believed’ (v8). As we look on the empty cross and see the empty tomb, we rejoice today that we too believe and can say with confidence, ‘Hallelujah! Christ is alive!’



f MONDAY 13 APRILThe Ridgeway National Trail starts just outside the boundaries of the division and meanders through ancient places like Avebury. Pray today for friends and family who seem ‘outside’ our fellowships. Lord, as you led the apostles, lead us to come alongside those we come into contact with daily. Give us courage to speak to them concerning you. Amen.

f TUESDAY 14 APRILAs people continue their journey through the Ridgeway, they cross over the M4 motorway. There are several motorways crossing the division with many vehicles travelling through them, and thousands of people commuting many miles to work. Lord, you are an all–present God. Please be with everyone who will be travelling today and keep them safe in their journey. Amen.

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f WEDNESDAY 15 APRILJust over half way on the journey through the Ridgeway are the Chiltern Hills. Red kite birds have become a common feature of this area. Lord, renew your people in the division, and as they trust in you may they find their strength renewed and may they rise on wings like eagles (or red kites!). Amen.

f THURSDAY 16 APRILThe Ridgeway through the Chilterns has many beautiful houses, homes to those who live in them. Lord, as we thank you for the house we live in, we pray for the many people who have no place to call home, especially at this time of year when the temperature may be so cold. We pray for our corps and centres who open their doors to help those experiencing homelessness. Please provide and protect the workers and the clients. Amen.

f FRIDAY 17 APRILWhiteleaf Cross is a cross–shaped chalk hill carving on Whiteleaf Hill. You can’t see the cross unless you walk down to the main road, on the east side of the hamlet of houses. So often the cross of Christ seems hidden from view. People live their lives not realising that Jesus died for them. Lord, help us today to be living testimonies of your love to this world. Amen.

f SATURDAY 18 APRILThe Ridgeway through the Chiltern Hills has a natural beauty. Many people flock to this part of the division to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. Today might be a day when you have a chance to rest from work. Lord, today we pray that you will help us to rest. Please give your people peace, renewal and healing. Amen.

f SUNDAY 19 APRILAt end of the Ridgeway journey is Ivinghoe Beacon, a prominent hill. Peter, John and James also climbed a mountain with Jesus. There they experienced an amazing moment when Jesus’ appearance changed and they saw Jesus talking to Moses and Elijah (Matthew 17:1–9). Today, people will meet together for worship. Lord, as we meet together, fall afresh upon our people. May we be empowered as we go back from the mountain top to the valley of this coming week. Amen.

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f MONDAY 20 APRIL – PSALM 121:1As you begin the journey, reflect on where you are in life. Are you in an exciting place? A place of rest or a place of distress? As you make your ascent today, allow yourself to lift your eyes to the glorious presence of Creator God, the source of help.

f TUESDAY 21 APRIL – PSALM 121:2Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we can’t help ourselves. As you journey today, allow yourself to come to a place of surrender. Lord, I surrender my desire to control the journey. I give it over to you, the maker of Heaven and earth and the One who helps me. Amen.

f WEDNESDAY 22 APRIL – PSALM 121:3–4Have you ever been on a hike up a hill with the summit as your goal? Be encouraged; although your goals in life may sometimes seem far away, God still walks alongside you. He won’t let you stumble. His constant presence and protection will see you to your mountain top.

f THURSDAY 23 APRIL – PSALM 121:5–6Sometimes life feels as if it is throwing things at you from all directions. Take encouragement that God your protector shields you from all harm. Put on with confidence his armour and march on (see Ephesians 6:13–17).

f FRIDAY 24 APRIL – PSALM 121:7–8When our journey begins to turn in a brighter direction, it is tempting to want to take hold of the reins again. Let us not fall into the trap of moving on in our own strength. Lord, I rely on your protection and guidance. I give you the reins. Amen.

`CONTEXTIt is inevitable that we will journey through days of trial and darkness. God hasn’t promised us otherwise, yet he has promised that he would never leave us and that he walks beside us every step. Meditate on Psalm 121 as you journey in prayer these next few days and allow God to reveal himself to you.

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f SATURDAY 25 APRIL On this final day of the journey, simply rest and meditate: ‘I look up to the mountains – does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps. The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon at night. The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.’ (Psalm 121 NLT)


f THURSDAY 26 APRIL ‘Look around, you who pass by and go about your business. Is there any sorrow as great as mine? Any pain as great as that which has been forced on me? (Lamentations 1:12 Voice). Stratford moans: ‘…look what my people are doing to each other!’ Which areas of conflict has God placed on your heart to pray for? Lord, help us to wake up and see the sin, shame and trauma and declare: enough! May this be the generation that ends the cycle of violence, pain and death. Amen.

f FRIDAY 27 APRIL ‘Pity, my eyes won’t stop their crying; I can’t stop. There is no one nearby to comfort me or revive my spirit’ (Lamentations 1:16 Voice). I see the ones who turn their heads and look away. I hear the death

`SETTING THE SCENEIn the summer of 2019 The Salvation Army in Stratford opened the only on–street weapon surrender bin in the borough, outside the corps building, in partnership with other local entities. With a lot of drug problems and gangs, the buzz of the air ambulance overhead in the area of East London is not uncommon, nor is the news that another person has lost their life due to knife crime. Captain Lee Raggett shares words based on Lamentations 1, which often speak to her as she walks the streets in prayer.

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chants and cries in houses as I pass. I hear the agony of mothers weeping and fathers dropping to their knees. Lord, help us to write a new story. May we learn to look at the evil in the world and act with love. Amen.

f SATURDAY 28 APRIL It was a phone call every parent dreads. There was disconnect as I heard that my 12–year–old had been threatened, a broken compass point held to his skin as he was robbed. ‘If you scream, we will shank you!’ they said. God, may our young people grow up to love you and love their neighbour as themselves. May they feel safe as they walk the streets. May they know they are never alone and that you are with them. Not hidden. Not forgotten. Not hopeless. Amen.

f SUNDAY 29 APRIL‘Quietly, Zion spreads out her hands, pleading for comfort’ (Lamentations 1:17 Voice). Father, may the ones whose lives have been ripped to pieces by blades feel a supernatural comfort. We dare to ask that they would know they are not alone. We ask for comfort whilst blood lies newly spattered on our streets. Lord, help our unbelief. Amen.

f MONDAY 30 APRILAfter the most recent fatal stabbing in Stratford, a homeless man from the night shelter asked why the voices of evil were louder than the other voices around our young people. In 2018–2019, 43,516 knife crime events were reported in England and Wales. Lord, this isn’t a ‘young people’ problem, it’s our problem. Help us to be role models for people who have none. May the generations to come receive good leadership and wise guidance to have the ability to choose what is right and fair. Amen.


‘Death is everywhere in the homes; the sword makes women childless in the streets’ (Lamentations 1:20 Voice). As I write this, there is another death. Lord, another young person lay dying on our streets tonight. Hear our prayer for all who witnessed and tried to breathe life into him. Would you create healing spaces for parents, siblings and friends whose lives have been ripped apart today. Amen.

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f SATURDAY 2 MAY‘I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall… Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope…’ (Lamentations 3:19,21). Lord, we have to have hope that people will surrender their weapons; hope that you will heal our streets and show us all how to lay down our weapons and beat them into ploughshares (Isaiah 2:4). May your love settle disputes, soothe angry hearts and show us how to live in peace. Hear our prayer. Amen.

f SUNDAY 3 MAY – CANDIDATES SUNDAY The theme for Candidates Sunday is ‘Be Alert!’. In Colossians 3:1–2, Paul called the church in Colossae to ‘…look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ – that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective’ (MSG). Lord, help us as your people to be alert – aware of what you are calling us to do and be. Help us to respond in obedience. Amen.



f MONDAY 4 MAYPray that the Holy Spirit will prepare the hearts and minds of people who will attend the Pioneer Gathering this week, and for Majors Andrea and Andrew Vertigan who are responsible for leading and organising the event. Lord, fill your people with a sense of expectancy. May those who come looking for guidance and affirmation receive this from you. Amen.

f TUESDAY 5 MAYPray for all who will travel from across the UK and Ireland, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands. Lord, as the delegates gather, we ask you to move powerfully. Guard the places and communities which they have left behind. From the commencement of the gathering, may there be a real sense of you doing something new in their hearts and minds. Amen.

f WEDNESDAY 6 MAYThe gathering will have three streams. Pray for those on Stream One who are considering pioneering something new. Lord, be with those who are considering if pioneering is something that you are calling them to get involved in. Help them to test and discern what your will is for their lives. Amen.

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f THURSDAY 7 MAYPray for all those on Stream Two of the gathering who represent DHQs and other teams across the Mission Service tasked with supporting the pioneers and also the new expressions of The Salvation Army across the territory. Lord, we ask for clarity and a sense of understanding as people seek how to better serve and support pioneers and pioneering, with a recognition that we all need to do it together. Amen.

f FRIDAY 8 MAYPray for those on Stream Three who are already engaged in pioneering fresh expressions of The Salvation Army. Lord, affirm, re-envision, strengthen and refresh these people as they return to their communities. As the Pioneer Gathering finishes, we ask that you will be with all delegates as they continue to seek your will in the days ahead. Amen.

f SATURDAY 9 MAYPray that today will be a day of quiet rest and restoration for all who attended the Pioneer Gathering. Lord, may each delegate be aware of your peace which surpasses all understanding. Amen.

f SUNDAY 10 MAYLord, we thank you for each delegate to the Pioneer Gathering. Give them holy courage to go to their communities, neighbourhoods, friends and family to seek to extend your Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. Do not let their boldness wane, but empower them as they imagine a new future having attended the Pioneer Gathering as ‘passionate believers and daring dreamers’. Amen.



f MONDAY 11 MAY The Territorial Leaders Conference begins today, a gathering of divisional and THQ leaders and senior officers. Lord, give our leaders wisdom and passion as they represent the many and varied aspects of mission in this territory. We ask your special blessing for the Territorial Commander as he delivers the keynote address and sets the agenda for these significant days. Amen.

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f TUESDAY 12 MAY‘And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best…’ (Philippians 1:9–10). Paul’s words are a powerful prayer for any group of Christians. Lord, may this prayer be accomplished this week in the conference delegates. We pray for your abundant love, depth of insight and discernment to be evident as many practical matters are addressed. Amen.

f WEDNESDAY 13 MAY‘Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ’ (Philippians 1:27). This clear, simple instruction challenges each one of us in our actions and reactions. Ask God to help you walk closely with him this day so that your life may honour him, whatever happens. Lord, may this also be so for those in conference. Amen.

f THURSDAY 14 MAY ‘I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel’ (Philippians 1:27). Paul’s words reflect the result of people living and working together in a way that is worthy of Christ – they stand firm and strive together as one. Father God, as the Leaders Conference concludes, help the delegates to go forward in mission and ministry that will really have an impact for your Kingdom. Amen.

f FRIDAY 15 MAY Take time today to reflect on the work pattern in your life. It might be paid employment, a vocation, voluntary work or caring for family. You may be a retired person who wonders how they ever found time to work! Ask God to guide you to make wise choices in the work that is yours. Thank God for those people whose work supports and enriches your life.



`CONTEXTNatural Church Development (NCD) is a principle–based approach that brings out the unique identity and purpose of any given church so that it can be all that God intends it to be. The aim is to lighten and simplify ministry workload by showing exactly where time, treasure and talent would be best spent.

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f SATURDAY 16 MAY – MARK 4:28For over 25 years the team at Natural Church Development (NCD) have been collecting and analysing data from over 85,000 churches worldwide. In the coming days prayers will be focused on some of the universal principles they have discovered, that God uses to release the ‘all by itself growth’ by which he himself grows his Church. Pray today for the work of NCD International.

f SUNDAY 17 MAY – LUKE 9:1–2 (EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP)Empowering means that you pass on the power you have received to other people so that they can grow. The extent to which leaders at all levels empower and release others is a key factor in determining how healthy and fruitful a fellowship is. Pray today for your leaders.

f MONDAY 18 MAY – 1 CORINTHIANS 12:4–11 (GIFT–BASED MINISTRY)Each member of the body of Christ has been given gifts to be used for the common good. The extent to which we minister within the realm of our own unique gifts, talents, abilities, experiences and passions will determine how fruitful we are. Ask God to reveal or confirm your gifting today and dedicate it afresh to his service.

f TUESDAY 19 MAY – ACTS 2:1–4 (PASSIONATE SPIRITUALITY)As far as church growth is concerned, NCD research indicates that the important thing is not a church’s style, but the degree to which faith is actually lived out with commitment, passion and enthusiasm. This is what sets growing churches apart from non–growing ones. Pray today for a fresh outpouring of God’s love upon your life.

f WEDNESDAY 20 MAY – 1 CORINTHIANS 10:23 (EFFECTIVE STRUCTURES)The most important criterion for church structures is the degree to which they fulfil their purpose. Whatever doesn’t measure up to this requirement should be changed or laid to rest. Through this process of constant renewal, traditionalistic ruts can be avoided to a large extent. Pray for wisdom to see and courage to act on anything that needs changing in your life for God’s glory.

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f THURSDAY 21 MAY – JOHN 4:23–24 (INSPIRING WORSHIP)Regardless of style or form, to what extent is a worship service an inspiring experience for those who attend? It is this aspect that clearly distinguishes growing churches from non–growing ones. Pray today for all those who have responsibility for leading and supporting our worship services.


GROUPS) Holistic small groups can take many forms but should always nurture the heads, hands and hearts of the participants. The healthy ones are those where all members are able to both inhale and exhale the breath of God in their conversation. Pray today for those you share with in your own small group, whatever that may look like.

f SATURDAY 23 MAY – MATTHEW 25:34–40 (NEED–ORIENTED EVANGELISM)We seek to respond to the needs of the whole person that we might share God’s love with them in ways that are most relevant and helpful to them (and not simply what’s most convenient for us). Pray today for opportunities to come alongside those in your community, and that you might share God’s love with them.

f SUNDAY 24 MAY – JOHN 15:9–12 (LOVING RELATIONSHIPS)The biblical concept of love is based on the three pillars of justice, truth and grace. The challenge is to bring these three dimensions into balance. By our love for one another we glorify God, draw others to him and receive our own fullness of joy (John 15). Pray today that we might all be so connected to the Vine that we are enabled to bear the fruit of the Spirit (which is love) in our own lives.


f MONDAY 25 MAY – GALATIANS 5:22–25Father, in this important season of Pentecost, help me to look within honestly and see how healthy I am spiritually. I come into

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your presence through the Holy Spirit, and humbly ask: Am I living in such a way that other people are drawn toward you in love and respect?

f TUESDAY 26 MAY – TITUS 2:4–7Father, I am aware of you challenging me to consider the real priorities in my life. Am I more concerned about lifestyle and comforts than grace and more of your Holy Spirit in my life? Was my spiritual life ever more advanced than it is now?

f WEDNESDAY 27 MAY – PSALM 51Father, what about the seemingly small details? Do I speak the truth? Am I pure in thought, word and deed? Like your servant David I make the prayer: ‘Cleanse me from my sin… Do not take your Spirit from me’ (vv2,11).

f THURSDAY 28 MAY – ROMANS 12:1,2Father, do my family and friends, those who know me best, believe in me? In my daily life am I thoughtful for those who are serving me day by day? Fill me with your Spirit so that I may overflow with your love to them at all times.

f FRIDAY 29 MAY – PSALM 139Father, what about humility? Have I a secret longing to be first? Or can I truly say that I don’t care who is first, second, third… so long as Jesus is first in my life?

f SATURDAY 30 MAY – PSALM 84Father, what about worship? Do I really long to go to your house to worship? As I enter the doors do I always expectantly ask: What are you going to say to me today? Do I genuinely see this time of worship as the highest privilege I have on earth?

f SUNDAY 31 MAY – COLOSSIANS 2:6,7Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – above all else I desire to be a Spirit–filled person engaged in your mission so long as I am here on earth. Keep me faithful, I pray. Amen.

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f MONDAY 1 JUNE – THE GARDEN (GENESIS 1–2)Genesis tells us that we are made in God’s image, reflecting his nature (1:26 The Messsage) so that we can be responsible for the very good world he has created. Pray for guidance today on how you can best serve and preserve creation.

f TUESDAY 2 JUNE – SABBATH (LEVITICUS 25:1–7)Amongst the many laws of the Old Testament is the importance of sabbath – for the land as well as for God’s people. The principle highlighted the importance of not overworking the land, but to also let it lie fallow. Pray for wisdom to ensure that you are not causing the land to be over–exploited through your actions and lifestyle.

f WEDNESDAY 3 JUNE – IN PRAISE OF THE CREATOR (PSALM 148)The Psalms are full of praise for the Creator and his creation. Praise God for his creation through what you can see around you today. Ask God to reveal more of himself to you through his world.

f THURSDAY 4 JUNE – INCARNATION (JOHN 1)In John 1 we read of Christ – who has been present since the beginning of creation – becoming flesh and blood and putting down roots in the world he created. Consider how you can follow this example of incarnation and show commitment to the place you find yourself in at this season of your life.

`SETTING THE SCENEThe story of the Bible is ultimately the story of the reconciliation, redemption and restoration of all of creation. As we journey through this story, let us discover more about our Creator and his heart for all that he has created. And, as people made in his image, may we understand more of how we can join in with his redemptive plan.

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f FRIDAY 5 JUNE – SALVATION FOR ALL CREATION (JOHN 3:16)John 3:16 is arguably the most famous verse of the Bible. But we often miss that this verse shows God’s love for the world, not just mankind. On this World Environment Day, thank God for his sacrifice on the cross and that he came to reconcile all things to him (Colossians 1:20).

f SATURDAY 6 JUNE – CREATION GROANING (ROMANS 8:18–25)Paul tells us in Romans 8 that creation is groaning. Pray that you will become more attuned to the ways that creation is groaning. Pray for God to give you guidance about how you can respond to this groaning so that his glory will be revealed in and through you.

f SUNDAY 7 JUNE – A RENEWED EARTH (REVELATION 21)The story we have been exploring is not yet over. We are still living it. In Revelation we see that God’s redemption story ends with a new Heaven and a new (or renewed) earth. Thank God for his plan to make everything new (v5). Pray that as Christians we will help bring about this renewal through our words and actions.


f MONDAY 8 JUNE – PRAYING WITH A GLAD HEART‘…I find myself praying for you with a glad heart…’ (Philippians 1:3 MSG). How reassuring to know that someone is happily thanking God for you right now! Ask God for opportunities to share your faith and demonstrate love in action. Consider who you need to thank God for.

f TUESDAY 9 JUNE – A COMMUNITY OF THE SPIRIT‘If being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care… love each other’ (Philippians 2:1 MSG). Thank God today for your faith community and for the diversity of characters within it. While some may be easier to love than others, ask God to bless every member of your church and for grace to love them as God loves you.

f WEDNESDAY 10 JUNE – FOCUSED ON THE GOAL‘So let’s keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us…’ (Philippians 3:15 MSG). Life is full of distractions, maybe more now than ever. Challenge yourself to make time to focus on God. Allow yourself to relax in his presence, focusing on the goal.

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f THURSDAY 11 JUNE – ENCOURAGERS‘…Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you’re on their side, working with them and not against them’ (Philippians 4:4–5 MSG). It’s great to be part of a team, all working towards the same goal. Ask God to help you to be an effective encourager within your community. Thank God for the people who encourage you.

f FRIDAY 12 JUNE – PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING‘Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray…’ (Philippians 4:6). How amazing is it to have a loving, listening ear to hear your worries and anxieties! Today, remind yourself that whatever you are worrying about can be taken to God in prayer. Take the opportunity to ‘offload’. Thank God for his love for you.

f SATURDAY 13 JUNE – MEDITATE ‘You’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious…’ (Philippians 4:8–9 MSG). Our news reports are filled with fake news and political strife. Ask God to help you to meditate on things that are authentic and beautiful.

f SUNDAY 14 JUNE – CONTENT ‘I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty…’ (Philippians 4:12 The Message). You won’t always have everything that you want, but God will give you what you need. The inner joy that he offers will help you to accept every circumstance of life. Thank God for his provision and pray for encouragement when life is hard.


`SETTING THE SCENETerritorial Envoys Kevin and Jane Sandford (UK Salvationists) serve in the Indonesian Territory with responsibilities for Projects and Child Sponsorship. There is a 50,000–strong Salvationist membership with many young people. The Training College is at capacity (30 per session) with a candidates and pre–candidates waiting list. We give thanks to God for this mighty Army!

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f MONDAY 15 JUNE – THANKFULNESSGive thanks to God for donors; without their faithfulness and support, the territory could not achieve what it does. Pray for all international partners and for strong ongoing relationships. Ask God for wisdom, that the funding will be used wisely and that there will be enough resources to fulfil the focus for development and mission objectives.

f TUESDAY 16 JUNE – SCHOOLS WORK There are approximately 100 schools and projects to upskill the teachers – particularly for interactive learning and increasing literacy. Pray for wisdom to effectively prioritise the work regarding the building facility issues of these schools. Additionally, pray for increased awareness and education around sanitation and the importance of toilets and washing facilities.

f WEDNESDAY 17 JUNE – CHILD SPONSORSHIP Children are sponsored in approximately 14 of our children’s homes. Pray as the territory looks to reunite children back with their own families through the project ‘Safe Pathways’. Pray for all children who come into the Army’s care – that they may thrive in a safe and secure environment, enabling them still to be a ‘child’ and to grow and develop well.

f THURSDAY 18 JUNE – OFFICER HEALTHLife in Indonesia can be very fragile. Tragically in recent years active officers have died through preventable illnesses. Pray for increased education and awareness around preventable illnesses. Pray that officers will keep healthy and well motivated in undertaking their responsibilities.

f FRIDAY 19 JUNE – CENTRAL SULAWESI In September 2018 a massive earthquake and tsunami hit the province of Central Sulawesi. There’s a strong Salvationist presence in the area (20,000) with many corps expressions. Thousands were displaced, with substantial loss of life and life–changing injuries. Lord, we pray for the territory, as Salvationists continue to build shelters for the vulnerable, providing support in restabilising livelihoods and assisting corps in repairing their halls.

f SATURDAY 20 JUNE – PEACE AND HARMONYIndonesia has the fourth largest population of any country in the world and is predominantly Muslim. However, the country prides itself

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`SETTING THE SCENEFaith House is based in London and has supported women involved in the sex industry since 1953. It is currently located in a flat where weekly activities are run for women who have survived human trafficking and exited prostitution and for those who are still active in the industry. English classes, knitting and crocheting lessons, a lunch group, access to a sexual health clinic and skill–based workshops are run alongside weekly evening outreach.

in its level of tolerance and freedom of expression. This is healthy, but it doesn’t take much for unrest to develop. Pray today for peace and harmony and that Christians and especially The Salvation Army will find a voice in society.

f SUNDAY 21 JUNE‘This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it’ (Psalm 118:24 NRSV). Lord, as Salvationists meet today in Indonesia we simply pray for a blessed time of praise and worship. Use the spoken word and all activities that take place in the many corps, outposts and institutions. Amen.


f MONDAY 22 JUNE – LUKE 19:3Dear God, many of those we journey with at Faith House are denied worth by others because of their behaviour. May we remember that we all fall short but also that we all do not fall short of your love. Amen.

f TUESDAY 23 JUNE – LUKE 19:5B Dear God, we are grateful that we are each created in a unique way. We are thankful for all those who have gifted us with the permission to journey with them. Help us to demonstrate trust and respect. Amen.

f WEDNESDAY 24 JUNE – LUKE 19:7–8Dear God, it is tempting to get out the ‘superhero cape’ to save people from their situation. However, you teach us to listen to each individual, help them flourish and empower them to follow through on their dreams. Amen.


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f THURSDAY 25 JUNE – PSALM 91:4Dear God, the people we journey with at Faith House often face attacks on their whole wellbeing. It takes enormous courage and tenacity to seek a life that is better when you realise that your life is bleak. We pray protection for such people, that they will begin to have a sense of safety so they can then seek a flourishing life. Amen.

f FRIDAY 26 JUNE – 2 CORINTHIANS 1:4Dear God, this ministry is full of sorrow and joy. Whatever the situation, may we continue to remember that this is your ministry and it is through the hope that grace brings that we can all receive healing and restoration. Amen.


f SATURDAY 27 JUNEFamilies come in all shapes and sizes, a real mix of personalities! Father God, we thank you that each family is unique, with so much to offer. Help each family reach their full potential, so that they may reflect your glory and goodness to others. Amen.

f SUNDAY 28 JUNEThere are so many vulnerable babies, children and teenagers in the United Kingdom who are in need of a safe and loving home. Father God, we pray that you will raise up a generation of foster parents and adoptive parents to care for those who need a family. Amen.

f MONDAY 29 JUNELiving as a family isn’t always easy and there can be so many issues to deal with. Father God, we pray for families who are struggling right now due to sickness, lack of money or challenging behaviour. Help them know that you are with them and show them the way forward. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

f TUESDAY 30 JUNEWhether we have a small or a big family, we are all part of God’s family. Father God, thank you for my brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for the times they have helped me, encouraged me and loved me. Help me to be there for them when they need me too. Amen.

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The Salvation Army, SA Prayer Network, 101 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6BN

020 7367 4539

[email protected]

The Salvation Army is a Church and registered Charity in England and Wales (214779), Scotland (SC009359) and the Republic of Ireland (CHY6399)