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Cynthia ReinhardMajor-Psychology

My favorite assignment was volunteering for my Learning Service Hours for Visions of Sugarplums. I left each time with a smile, as the kiddos gave a lot of hugs, grateful. I will continue volunteering my spare time.

I also enjoyed the Scavenger Hunt. I am always up for a challenge, and research. I learned a lot of recourses and

how much our college has to offer. Grayson is such a great school and I am blessed to be a student, continuing my my next chapter, and becoming the next best part of


The How People Learn discussion, taught me that there are many different types of people going through my

journey with me. It also taught me that knowing the way I process information, is my key to utilizing my

learning skills, and further my education the most useful ways I can.

JournalsMy journals taught me so much…My most intense journal, was Ch 7 Entry 28. I did not hold back at all. I learned more about myself, and was honest with myself completely. I cried the whole way through, and released my past.

Chapter 3 Entry 11- I meditated, for a good 10 minutes, and really visualized my life. I began writing, and felt as if I were walking across the stage at that moment. I saw that I am worth it, I can do it!

Chapter 4 Entry 13- The Quads chart... Once again another challenge and project. Getting to know my prioritizing, was a wake up call. I made choices, to help organize my daily routine, and am applying them to utilizing my time in a better way, so I can structure life and school, with work and family time.

Week 8- last week…Week eight has to be bittersweet for me! It is my favorite week because I love bittersweet moments. It has been challenging, yet rewarding. I am a better person, because of these eight weeks, learning more about myself then I ever knew to think of. This week is a reminder, of what I am capable of. Though I still have a long way to go, this journey is my next chapter to my story and it all began with this class. I cherish each moment, each frustration, each tear, and each of my discussions, for I am On my way, with more positive energy, and ambitions, than I have ever had!

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1) Accepting Personal Responsibility2) Discover Self Motivation3) Mastering Self Management4) Employing Independence5) Gaining Self Aware6) Adopting Life Long Learning7) Developing Emotional Intelligence 8) Believing in Myself

In this course I have learned how to take responsibility for me, and my choices. I am becoming more aware of the things I needed to change, and growing and Adopting life long learning skills, to take with my to my next courses, and absolutely believe in myself. I have overcame fears, anxiety, and tears. Pushing through, not giving up making sure I stay on course