Download - PharmSci Winter 2015 newsletter


Winter Quarter 2015

The Daily Dosage


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Featuring this and more:Are you ready for commencement?Ensure you meet all your deadlines by reviewing the commencement checklist! Including everything you need to know for the big day from where to park and how to get your tickets reserved!SB 493?Familiarize yourself with this new policy and how it affects your future as a pharmacist!Missed Pre-Pharmacy Day or the Professor Coffee Hour?Have no fear you can read all about it here!Meet PharmSci Student Council~Bridging the gap between the pharmsci department and the students, the pharmsci student council is a representative voice for us all!HELPFUL APPSWhy search through hundreds of apps for the ones that will help the most, when you can just read this article for the top apps for college students!Student Run ClinicLearn more about the free student run clinic helping the underdeserved in Garden Grove! Saeng DouangdaraMeet Saeng Douangdara our newest addtition to the PharmSci Advising family!



June 13th, 2015 @9:00AM **Registration for the ceremony begins March 3rd@ 9:00AM and ends April


Bren Events Center 100 Mesa Road, Irvine, CA 92697

APRIL 28-MAY 1 • GradExpo, Cap & Gown Sales • May 21 • Grad Night @The HIll • June 11• Commencement Programs available @The Hill • June 17-29• Senior Tour of Europe



RESERVE TICKETS March 3rd @9:00AM -Ticket reservation stops on April 10th @5:00PM

**Tickets REQUIRED for commencement!

PARKING Parking on the UCI Campus will be complementary with no permit required during commencement weekend.

SHARE YOUR STORY Want to share your UCI ex-perience and story with your family, friends, and fellow anteaters? Email [email protected] with contact information and the best times to con-tact you.

GRADUATION LINE-UP Bachelors line up @8:00AM at the Tennis Courts behind the Bren Events Center!


June 12 from 3:30-5:00PM

for PharmSci Graduating

Senior Reception in Natural

Sciences I Room 1114

For more information, visit

UCI Summer Session offers more than 800 courses across 70 academic disciplines each summer, including a wide variety of online classes. UCI Summer session is a great way to get ahead relieve the amount of heavy coursework during the academic year, and an opportunity to take some upper Bio

labs to fulfill Pharmacy School Requirements The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences is offering the following course during the summer:

Courses Offered This Summer

Session: Course:

10 Wk PHRMSCI 174L Biopharmaceutics &

10 Wk PHRMSCI 177L Medicinal Chemistry

I PHRMSCI 90 Speaking About Science I PHRMSCI 120 Human Physiology I PHRMSCI 170A Molecular Pharmacology I


I PHRMSCI 171 Physical Biochemistry I PHRMSCI 177 Medicinal Chemistry

Session: Course:


II PHRMSCI 90 Speaking About Science II PHRMSCI 120L Human Physiology Lab II PHRMSCI 170B Molecular Pharmacology II II PHRMSCI 173 Pharmacotherapy II PHRMSCI 174 Biopharmaceutics and


If you would like an opportunity to be creative, contribute to the Pharm Sci student affairs office

and ultimately give back to the Pharm Sci student community, then this a great opportunity for you!

The Pharm Sci Student Affairs Office is currently

looking for media and communication interns to start Spring 2015 to work on the development of

the Pharm Sci quarterly newsletter.

What to expect: • 3 hours per week devoted to the development

of the newsletter project • 30 minute meeting every other week to report on

its status Enrollment in PHARMSCI 198 for 1 unit P/NP

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact

Geneva Lopez-Sandoval at [email protected].

Apply To Be A Pharm Sci Mentor [ ]

Are you Interested in helping your Pharm Sci Peers? Want the opportunity to mentor an incoming

Pharm Sci Student?

As a Pharm Sci Mentor, you will be a great resource to 1st year Pharm Sci students who will have questions about UCI, the Pharm Sci major,

the field of pharmacy and/or just need help breaking out and socializing!

Opportunity open to all 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year

Pharm Sci Students.

Applications released Week 10 of Winter Quarter. Deadline to apply is Week 2 of Spring Quarter.

If you have any questions, please feel free to

contact Kristin Ignacio or Tiffany Jomoc!





SB 493 was signed into law in California on October 1, 2013. It was introduced by state senator Ed Hernandez.

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what is sb 493

With SB 493, pharmacists are officially recognized as health care providers who have the authority to provide health care services.

Pharmacists are granted new and expanded roles and responsibilites to better address the needs of patients and can be trained to provide additional services.

Due to the Affordable Care Act, there is a lack of primary care providers to accommodate patients. Pharmacists can use their education and training to assist with the demand.

Pharmacists now have the authority to furnish hormonal contraception in addition to emergency contraception.

Pharmacists now have the authority to furnish prescrip-tion nicotine replacement products.

Pharmacists now have the authority to furnish travel medications recommend-ed by the CDC that don’t require a diagnosis.

Pharmacists now have the authority to order tests related to managing a patient’s medication regimen.

Advanced Practice Pharmacists is a new category of pharmacists. Their abilities include performing patient assessments, referring patients to other providers, and managing drug therapies.

Expect pharmacy to change and focus on more direct patient care rather than traditional roles of dispensing. SB 493 adds new tools to help improve care and reduce costs.

Layout: freepik.comMore Information About The Bill:�les/�le-attachments/sb_493_fact_sheet_-_10.8.13.pdf

Meet our Pharm Sci Acad em i c CO U NSELO RS

The Pharmaceutical Sciences Student Affairs Office is a resource for all students seeking help and advice about academics, getting involved on campus, and even applying for graduate school. We have dedicated academic counselors who are always willing to help you out with any problems. Get the chance to know more about them!

Saeng Douangdara Student Affairs Officer and Academic Counselor

What do you do as an Academic Counselor? A: “From what the students know, students are able to come in and we advise them and counsel them through what courses they should take. My role is directly working with most of the freshman and incoming students. Aside from the general freshman advising, we are the ones that coordinate events, plan SPOP presentations during the summer, facilitate workshops for students and such. I am also the advisor for the PPS organization, the Pharm Sci mentorship program, and the new Student Council for Pharm Sci.” What motivated you to want to become a Pharm Sci Academic Counselor? A: “When I was an undergrad student, I was actually a science major thinking of going to medical school, but then some experiences got me more interested in the Social Sciences and helping people in other domains. That got me into taking a lot of psychology and sociology courses and I decided this might be something I want to do and later went to school for Counseling Psychology for my masters in Hawaii. Counseling Psychology is the overall understanding of mental health and mental disorders. That got me really interested in working with students in higher education and seeing them progress in four years and seeing what I can do and provide for them.”

What is the Pharm Sci Student Council and what do you do?

A: “The Pharm Sci Student Council is a group of students here to represent the overall Pharm Sci Student Body. At the moment, there are five student members and they are still planning to get one from each year to represent that class and hold meetings to address different issues or what the students want from our department. They are basically facilitating the connection between the students and the faculty by making it more fluid.”

Outside of your job, what do you like to do for fun? A: “I’m fairly new to the area and got here only 7 months ago. Outside of the job, I like to go running and training for different runs and marathons and I hope I can do another one. I also love cooking Asian food and playing tennis and bowling. Basically just exploring things like hiking, that’s a big one, and other outdoors kind of activities. What is your favorite song and why? It can be recent, old, and whatever else. A: “Wow that’s a good one. And to answer your question, I really like the song “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” by Whitney Houston. I feel that describes me because it’s upbeat and I actually used to be in a dance crew, so I love to dance. It’s kind of an oldie with a lot of different covers that still keep it new at the same time.”

What has been the most fun or most rewarding experience you’ve had being a counselor? “I think there are a lot of instances, but the most rewarding is when students come back and feel comfortable coming to see me so it makes me feel like I’m doing something right. Whether it’s good news or need further help, just referring students to other resources. I think that’s also a big thing that students forget that we have a lot of experience and knowledge we can give to them, so we’re not only here for academic support, but also for general support for them to learn and get more opportunities from seeing us.” Anything else you’d like Undergraduate Pharm Sci students to know? A: “I would like them to know that we are good people and we’re not just here to just give bad news or give probation. We’re trying our best to provide as many things to students and to hear everyone’s concerns and feedback. And I would want them to participate more in the Pharm Sci department to help build up our community other than just a school.”


Keeping Yourself Healthy Through the Cold Weather

Stay Bundled Up One of the most important remedies to keeping yourself healthy during the winter months is keeping yourself warm from the cold weather. Exposing yourself to cold weather can cause your immune system to feel off balanced and cause you to get sick. When going out or even staying at home, be sure to wear something comfy and warm!

Get a Flu Shot It’s never too late to get a flu shot! Studies show that flu vaccination offers 70 to 90% protection against any infections that can cause side effects and get you sick. There are so many benefits from getting a flu shot. Take action and get a shot before you get sick!

Wash your Hands… a lot! Walking around UCI, we tend to share a lot of public amenities that people who are sick could have used as well. Be sure to stay healthy by upping your hygiene awareness by washing your hands after being in public to protect yourself from getting sick. Bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer everywhere you go as well!

Pack on The Vitamin C Vitamin C is an important vitamin and antioxidant that the body uses to keep your body healthy and your immune system running. Drink a lot of orange juice won’t stop you from getting sick, but it will definitely help give your body the vitamins to fight off those cold symptoms and keep you worry free!

Get Moving! During the winter months, we all tend to mellow down on physical activity and getting active, but the weather should not be an excuse to stop moving! A recent study shows that regular moderate exercise during the winter helps strengthen your immune system. Stay away from getting a cold during the winter!

fIt may be cold outside, but winter doesn’t need to be the unhealthiest time of year for you and everyone around you. If you want to avoid being sick and

feeling like you have to go to the doctor, now is the time to take action! Here are five tips to make sure that you can keep healthy and fit no matter how

cold the weather may be!


Stay Warm! From, The Pharm Sci Newsletter Crew

STUDENT RUN CLINIC “The Student Run Clinic is a great opportunity for primary care physicians to work with undergrad-uates to benefit those who are undeserved.”

- John Ngo, 4th Year


Members of the Free Clinic at the re-grand opening of the clinic .

Mission of the Clinic: The Free Clinic Project at UCI is a student-run organization on campus dedicated to providing FREE basic health care to those undeserved around UCI and Orange County. The clinic is run entirely by volunteers that work in supervision under professional physicians and medical students in Garden Grove. The clinic helps provide current undergrad students interest-ed in a health profession career an inside look on how a clinic is run and experience working with health professionals and patients.

About the Free Clinic: Q: Where is the clinic located? When can I visit? A: Free Clinic in Garden Grove

12741 Main St. Garden Grove, CA 92840

Hours: Saturdays only from 8AM-1PM

Q: Can I make an appointment? A: While walk-ins are welcome, appointments can be made via online ( or calling 714-702-5531

Pharmaceutical Sciences Newsletter Winter 2015

The Pharmaceutical Sciences Department in conjunction with the new Pharmaceutical Sciences Student Council hosted a successful co�ee hour on January 26th in Steinhaus Hall, Room 231. Armed with delicious co�ee and donuts, students were able to meet and network with both faculty and other students. The new Pharmaceutical Sciences Student Council members were also able to introduce themselves. Additionally, students learned about a variety of research opportunities available to them on campus and how to go about applying. Following this great event, the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department plans to hold many more co�ee hours in the future so keep your eyes on the lookout for future notices! It’s a great opportunity to foster facul-ty-student relationships and get more involved with PharmSci!

pharm sci - coffee hour

pre-pharmacy day The second annual Pre-Pharmacy Day took place this winter quarter on Wednesday, January 28th. Hosted by UCI’s Pre-Pharmacy Society (PPS), this free event invited all student interested in learning or pursuing a career in pharmacy. The Mitosis Plaza next to the Biological Sciences III building was packed with admissions counselors from around fifteen pharmacy schools both in Califor-nia and out-of-state. Students were able to network with these individuals, learn more about the various pharmacy programs, and ask questions in regards to curriculum, finances, etc. In the Natural Sciences Building starting from 11AM to 4PM were workshops providing tips and information for:• PCAT (general pharmacy school admissions test)• PHARMCAS application (universal application for applying to pharmacy schools)• Careers in Pharmacy• Pharmacy School Panel Special guest Dr. Jennifer Adams, one of the head directors of the PHARMCAS application, returned

again to provide workshops on applications specifically. The day-long event was a great experience for any pre-pharmacy student, concluding with PPS’s own meeting about choosing the right pharmacy school for you. Look forward to the event again next year!

(photo courtesy of Pre-Pharmacy Society)

(photo courtesy of PharmSci Student Affairs Dept.)

Pharmaceutical Science Student Council

My name is Andy Nguyen and I’m a 3rd year Pharmaceutical Science major. I created the PharmSci Student Council to foster a close-knit PharmSci community by bridging the gap between students and faculty, to provide effective communication between students and the PharmSci department, and providing events, resources, and opportunities to help make your years here as a PharmSci student a more engaging and meaningful one. Outside of school and involvements, I am currently involved with the Student-Run Free Clinic Project at UCI, PharmSci 199 research, PharmSci Mentorship Program, Medical Initiative Against

Homelessness, Best Buddies at UCI, and most importantly, the PharmSci Student Council. Unlike many other majors, we

are quite small, with roughly only 700 students. Yet, even with this size, there lacked a sense of community. I enjoy bowling, hiking, and seeking out new adventures.

“ The PharmSci Student Council is here to advocate for your ideas, represent for your issues and concerns, and implement

programs to enhance your experience as a Pharmaceutical Science student”

HAVE FUN. GET ORGANIZED. Looking for an easy and fun way to get your goals and deadlines organized in one place? Look no further because the Passion Planner has your back! Created and designed by Angelia Trinidad (young entrepreneur based in California), the Passion Planner has garnered the attention of many and has help hundreds organize their long time goals along with their short term needs. Trinidad has described the creation of the planner as the result of her having the feelings of “directionless floating” and the fear of not knowing where to go next. As college students we can all seemingly agree that there is a distinct fear of the road of uncertainty that life takes, but now we don’t walk that path unknowingly. The Passion Planner helps students organize their thoughts and plan ahead, while still keeping a fun, positive vibe about it.

The best part is that Trinidad has made the use of the planner FREE with a download link on her website ( You just have to print it and bind it yourself, OR you can order a nicely bound planner directly from the site!

Pharmaceutical Sciences Backpack!


Help support the PharmSci

Student Council by purchasing your very own Pharmaceutical

Sciences backpack!

Equipped with a side pocket for your water!!!

**bottle not included.


***To purchase a backpack please contact a member of the PharmSci Student Council or email [email protected]