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Living SpacesIntroduction

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Think about the advantages and disadvantages of living in each of these places ….

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Read pages 166-167

Under suitable title summarise in own words the table half way down page 167 but use a spider diagram format and not a table.

Complete question 2 (bottom page 167)

Write about 100 words to sum up your own personal view about what makes a good living space. Is it the place you now live in? Is it somewhere else you’ve always wanted to live in? What is it about this place that is so appealing. Be specific and use the ideas from the text book.

Read pages 168-169

Complete the decision making skills activity page 168. Write a brief summary.

Complete the skills builder 1, page 169.

FINISH FOR HOMEWORK ready for next lesson.

Over to you

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What makes a good living space?

Discuss this in pairs and try to come to an agreement

Did you agree?


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By now you should know …

• that people vary in their opinions about what makes for a good living space

• why people’s opinions vary

• that people asked about their home environment in a Scottish survey seemed generally very positive about where they live

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What do you like about the place where you live?

Likes Excellent Good Just OK Poor

Convenient shops

Public transport

Pleasant surroundings

Safe/low crime

Leisure/entertainment facilities

Quality of buildings/architecture

Education/good schools

Well maintained, clean and litter free streets

Quality of parks and open spaces

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Do people like where they live?

Does your survey confirm what the Scottish survey found - that people are generally very positive about where they live?

Why do you think this is the case?

What are the differences between you and your parents?

Why do you think there are these differences?

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Why might your views differ from those of others?

Refresh your memory about why it may be the case that not all people have the same view about what makes a good place to live.



Cultural background

Knowledge & perception

Economic status

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What processes make some areas more attractive than others?

NATURAL PROCESSES - the physical processes that shape the environment, creating challenges or opportunities

For example hurricane and earthquake prone areas will create challenges whilst an abundance of natural minerals like oil will ensure opportunities

HUMAN PROCESSES - the actions of people over the ages that have altered the natural environment and the living space

For example some areas suffer a lack of investments, streets are dirty and poorly maintained, buildings neglected and the atmosphere polluted, but other places are very well maintained with no litter and well planned streets and buildings layout

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How do natural and human processes affect the quality of

where we live?• Think about these two processes and the

reasons why people all around the world think differently about what makes a good living space

• Then read first half of page 168 (again!)

• Now summarise under the two headings, giving examples in each case

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Urban Rural

Features of urban areas

Features of rural areas

1. Positives of Urban areas.

2. Negatives of Urban areas.

1. Positives of Rural areas.

2. Negatives of Rural areas.

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• How would an urban area differ in a developing country to a developed country?

• How would a rural area differ in a developing country to a developed country?

• Discuss these two questions in pairs and write a brief (100 word?) summary.