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Trento Edition 2012

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This presentation will be distributed after the class

Do not take notes

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Participants overview

Description I E A Total %

Male 22 5 7 34 70%

Female 2 7 5 14 30%

Total 24 12 12 48 100%

Description I E A Total %

Italians 15 7 7 29 60%

Not Italians 9 5 5 19 40%

Total 24 12 12 48 100%


Italians / not Italians

I = informatics / EngineeringE= Economics – SociologyA= other

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• 18 Nationalities!• 19 PhD students or graduates• 14 women – 30%• 27 years average age of the

participants• 46 people out of 48 on FB

Fun Facts

Fun Facts + languages


• More than 80% of the participants is fluent in English• 36% of the non–Italians is fluent in Italian

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Facebook Group

• Become fan of the general Innovactionlab page (

• All general communications at national level are there

• All information regarding YOUR innovAction Lab happen on our secret facebook page

• Facebook is the only point of access: no more email

• The secret group will be deleted at the end of the group and you will join the national Alumni group (secret)

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The course

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APRIL 3 Team Building

APRIL 12 Business Plan and Pitch

APRIL 18 Market and Investments Trends

APRIL 23 Technology/Science Entrepreneurship

MAY 7 Pretotyping

MAY 10 Communication and Decisions

MAY 14 Coaching session 1

MAY 21 Optional: Business Modeling

MAY 28 Coaching session 2

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Team Building

Where: hereDate: todayTime: now – 20.00Lecturers: Mirko Corradini, Alessio Dalla Costa

Mirko Corradini is a theater director and head of the theater school EstroTeatro in Trento.

Alessio Dalla Costa is a theater actor and lecturer in theater courses.

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Business plan and pitching

Where: Facoltà di lettere p.zza VeneziaDate: 12.04.2012Time: 18.00 – 20.00Lecturer: Augusto Coppola

co-founder, Innovaction LabChapter Governance co-Chair presso BAIA Italy - Business Association Italy America

Previous:CEO and co-founder, ERIS4Product Management Director, Smarten SoftwareOSS Area Manager, Consultancy & Projects Group

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Market and Investment Trends

Where: Povo, Polo FerrariDate: 18.04.2012Time: 15.30 – 17.00Lecturer: Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli

University of California at Berkeley, co-founder of Cadence e Synopsys, advisor/board on VC funds: Greylock, Vertex, Sofinnova, Walden, Xseed, Innogest, Fondo Atlante, Fondo Next, IEEE/RSE Maxwell Medal, Comitato Esecutivo IIT; Board of Directors: Cadence, Accent, Sonics

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Technology/Science Entrepreneurship

Date: 23.04.2012Time: TBDLecturer: Piera Morlacchi

Senior Lecturer in Business and Innovation (Business and Management, SPRU - Science and Technology Policy Research) – University of Sussex

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Date: 7.05.2012Time: 17.00 – 19.00Lecturer: Alberto Savoia (+ Carlo Alberto Pratesi)

Google Engineering Director, Wall Street Journal Technology Innovation Award 2005, founder of 2 sucessful startups in Silicon Valley

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Communication and Decisions

Date: 10.05.2012Time: 17.00 – 19.00Lecturer: Nicolao Bonini

Faculty of Cognitive Science, University of Trento

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Open Innovation Business Model

When: 21.05.2012Time: 17.30 – 19.00Teacher: Alberto di Minin

Assistant Professor – Department of Economics and ManagemenrScuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa

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Coaching sessions

Every team makes a pitch

Get feedback from Augusto Coppola, Paolo Lombardi

In Italian it’s better (the final pitch will be in Italian)

1.PITCHES are the single most important thing in InnovAction Lab

2.THE PITCH contains all info about your business plan

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Final event in Trento

5 teams will be admitted to pitch in the final event in Trento

All other participants are invited to attend

Date: 12 June

You will pitch in front of a small jury of investors and entrepreneurs

7 minutes

The jury will declare 1 winning team:- will be admitted to pitch in the final in Rome- will win a fully-paid 1-week summer school near Rome

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Final event in Rome

The same as before but for:

All other participants are invited to attend but must pay for their travel

Date: 04 July, Rome

You will pitch in front of a LARGE jury of investors and entrepreneurs

The jury will declare 3 winning teams:- will convert their summer-school prize into a study tour of

an international startup hub (Israel, Silicon Valley, Berlin, Singapore … yet to be defined)

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Your focus

• Pitches are the single most important thing in InnovAction Lab

• 90% of the decisions about the winner will be taken based on the pitch

• Did I mention pitches are fundamental?

• Pitches!

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The rules

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General rules

RULE 1A deadline is a deadline. No extensions, no flexibility.

RULE 2If a person misses more than 2 seminars/pitching session out of 8, s/he is out, i.e will not be invited in the Alumni secret group, the final pitching events in Trento and Rome, etc

RULE 3The organizers cannot manage a case-by-case situation, so do not ask.

RULE 4There is no exception to the previous rules.

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Rules for networking

NO!Snob, complain, being shy, speak only of yourself, monopolize discussion, monopolize the guests

YES!Business cards, 60 sec pitch (*), smile, shake hands , listen, give feedback, give back

(*): who I am, what I can do, what I look for / what my idea is

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Rules for the seminars

We start on time (no «quarto d’ora accademico»)

Ask questions

Sit in the front lines

Ask questions

In Italian, always use the «tu» form

Ask questions

Be kind and behave

Ask questions

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APRIL 16Teams have to be formed and must submit their idea. The idea can be temporary (see later), but assignment of the mentor will be based on the one submitted.

APRIL 24Teams will be assigned a mentor.

MAY 14 (1st coaching session)The idea is definitive, cannot be changed any longer.

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Rules for ideas

Each team must be formed and must send its idea before:16 April at 18h30

Send Team id.pdf to [email protected]:- Unprotected- All team members, with contacts (email, fb alias, etc)- max 100 words of description of the idea (ITA or ENG)

This idea can still be changed before May 14. Once you pitch it for the first time, it becomes final.

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• 12 teams - each team composed by:• 2 I participants• 1 E participant• 1 A participant

Requirements:• At least 1 woman per team• At least 2 nationalities per team

Final pitch is in Italian

Simple rules

Rules for the teams

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• Use the Facebook group• Meet offline• Make well-thought choices

Team building…

…and team disintegration• It is among the most frequent causes of

failure• In InnovAction Lab, if your team

disintegrates, you are OUT• If you cannot build a team, you are out• If your team gets to 3 or less, you are out• We can make exceptions for very

important external causes (war, visa, etc)

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• You miss more than 2 seminars

• Your team reduces to 3 or less (if 3, ok if for very important external causes)

• Your team is reduced to 2, in all cases

• You are not on the FB group before tomorrow night (Apr 4)

You are out if…

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What we will NOT do

We will NEVER, FOR NO REASON:- Help you create the teams- Help you solve problems of team management- Contact personally team members to ‘make them work’- Let you change team after April 16th

NOR WILL WE EVER:- Ask your mentor any information about your work- Give your mentors indications- Change your mentor- Help you manage conflicting suggestions from your

mentors and what you learn in the seminars

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My experience

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My experience

- A team of 7- Very diverse background- Very diverse objectives- Never worked together

before- Unbalanced importance

(idea creator, others)- Geo-dispersed- No female team members

… how did we resist?

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Effective teams

1. Share a common vision (where is the world going)2. Share a common mission (where are we going)3. Everybody makes his objectives explicit since day 14. Everybody speaks freely and contributes5. Arguments are seen as good, and ‘not personal’6. Take decisions through consensus (no regret)7. Have clear roles (leadership shifts according to role)8. Be ironic (and self-ironic)9. Discuss of solutions, and not of problems10.Take time to rest and party together (motivation, re-


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What do they invest in?


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Team Building

We could make you run…

… or make you crawl…

… or make you scale these city walls…

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Team Building

… or send you to the frontline…

The theater experience:

- Physical – contact, movement, personal

- Mental – imagination, observation, different perspective

- Group experience – interaction, trust, others’ reactions

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Team Building

Lecturers: Mirko Corradini, Alessio Dalla Costa

Divide into 2 groups:- We read the names of those who go

with Alessio- The others stay here

At the end of the seminar we all gather again here for a 5-minutes wrap-up