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How to Use InDesign

Page 2: How to use InDesign - Emily Climer

New DocumentFirstly I opened a new document and changed the number of pages to four, and the number of columns I left the same as I didn’t know how many columns I would be using yet.

Then I right clicked on one of the pages in the top right hand corner and unticked ‘allow document pages to shuffle’. I then dragged one of the pages in the middle to the bottom, so the double page was last.

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Adding TextNext I added a headline by clicking the type tool and selecting the area I wanted my text to fill. I then selected my text and made the size bigger and changed the font. After that I changed the colour of the text and added a stroke.

Then I created the standfirst and byline sing the same method as adding the headline.

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Columns in a Text BoxAfter that I created a text box and changed the number of columns to 3. I then selected type and fill with place holder text to see how the text would look.

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Missing TextNext I learned that if there is a red plus on the side of a text box, that it means that not all of the text is showing. To rectify this I clicked the white square in the top right of the text box. I then clicked into an empty text box and the missing text appeared in it.

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Drop CapTo create a drop cap I clicked in the first paragraph within he text box. I then increased the number of lines in the drop cap tool to increase the size of the letter.

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Pull QuoteTo create a pull quote I firstly copied the quote I wanted to use and pasted it into a new text box. I then edited the size, colour and font of the text. Next I moved it to the place I wanted it to appear within the text and changed the format to wrap around text, meaning that the text went around the quote.

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Adding an ImageTo add an image I clicked file and then place image, which then let me browse my images to find the right one to add. I then selected wrap around object shape on the image placed over the text.

To edit the distance of the edge of the image to the text I went on the window tap and selected text wrap. I then changed it to a 4 mm gap.

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Image CaptionTo add a caption to my image I firstly created a text box and edited the size, colour and font of the text. However, as the image is formatted to have text wrap around it the text box wouldn’t appear over it. Therefore, I then right clicked on the text box and selected text frame options. This then allowed me to select ignore text wrap for the caption, meaning that it appeared over the image.

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Adding Masthead from PhotoshopTo add in my magazine masthead I firstly went onto Photoshop and created a document with just my masthead in. I then cropped this document to fit around just the word and deleted the background layer.

Next I placed the image into InDesign. To resize the image I pressed the shift, ctrl and alt keys at the same time to drag the image to be larger or smaller.