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  • 7/25/2019 FSSC 22000 vs FSMA Comparison


    FSSC 22000 vs FSMA comparison

    The Role of FSSC 22000 in meeting the requirements of the Food SafetyModernization Act FSMA!"

    As the dates for the publication of the final rules of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) in the

    US approaches, the question of how FSSC 22 can contribute to !eetin" the require!ents ofFSMA will be re#isited$

    %he i!ple!entation of the new law represents a hu"e chan"e in the way the Food and &ru"Ad!inistration (F&A) will re"ulate food !anufacturers and forei"n suppliers$ %he le"islation whichwill potentially i!pact food suppliers all o#er the world, shifts the focus of the re"ulator fro! reactin"to a food safety incident to pre#ention, and in de#elopin" these 're#enti#e Controls ('C) they willrequire that fir!s tae corporate responsibility for the safety of their products and that of their supplychain$

    %he proposed 'C ule outlines the ele!ents of a !odern hazard control (*A'C) based foodsafety !ana"e!ent syste! and requires co!panies to pro#ide proof of their food safety!ana"e!ent acti#ities$ +bli"ations will include pro#idin" docu!ented proof of !onitorin", #alidation

    and #erification to show that hazards are !ana"ed and fir!s will need to ensure that theirpre#enti#e controls are based on a scientifically "rounded understandin" of the hazards bein"controlled$ Manufactures will be required to #erify the co!pliance of both its do!estic and forei"nsuppliers and the F&A will etend its o#ersi"ht to i!porters of forei"n food and food in"redients intothe USA$ -ith an esti!ated ./, do!estic and .0, re"istered forei"n food suppliers, theF&A will need to le#era"e eistin" co!ponents of the food syste! to help the! in !eetin" thesenational standards$

    Many of the require!ents outlined by the 'C ule forfood safety !ana"e!entare reflected in thefood safety !ana"e!ent syste! of the 1S+ 22 fa!ily of Standards$ As FSSC 22 is basedon 1S+ 22 with 1S+ 22 and sector specific pre requisite pro"ra!s, !any of the require!entsoutlined in the initial 'C rule for food safety !ana"e!ent are !et by FSSC 22$

    -ith ., certified facilities in .30 countries worldwide, FSSC 22 is currently relied upon bythe world4s !a5or food !anufacturers to pro#ide e#idence of "ood food safety !ana"e!ent acrossthe "lobal supply chain$ Co!panies certified to FSSC 22 will therefore be !eetin" !any of therequire!ents of a food safety !ana"e!ent syste! sou"ht in FSMA$ 1n co!bination with its 1S+fa!ily of standards, and pre requisite pro"ra!s, FSSC 22 pro#ides a robust and fleible foodsafety !ana"e!ent syste! for !anufacturers and suppliers throu"hout world$ -hile re!ainin"fleible, FSSC 22 is applicable to all or"anizations re"ardless of size, and calls for co!pliancewith all applicable statutory and re"ulatory food safety require!ents$

    A side by side co!parison of FSSC 22 with the initial FSMA 'C rules was conducted by theindependent %A6 6roup and shows how the initial FSMA require!ents for a food safety!ana"e!ent approach are !et by FSSC 22$ 1n their su!!ary of the co!parison %A6 states7

    FSSC 22000 often exceeds FDA requirements, either by being clearer about the specificexpectations or by applying the requirements more broadly ithin a facility !e"g", strong sanitationrequirements including documentation regardless of hether it is a #$# or operational #$#%" A

    facility that has FSSC 22000 certification is in an excellent place ith regard to compliance ith #Crules as currently ritten" Any additional requirements added in the final rule can be easily added to

    the FSSC 22000 standard ithin the existing frameor&'( in)DRAFT: FSSC 22000- FSMAComparison by The Acheson Group.
  • 7/25/2019 FSSC 22000 vs FSMA Comparison


    -hile we await the final rules we re!ain confident that with so !any co!!on "oals and that FSSC22 can help !eet the require!ents of FSMA for both do!estic and forei"n suppliers$

    S#MMAR$FSMA:%he new le"islation (Sec$ .) Mandatory preventive controls (PC) for food facilitieswillrequire industry to do establish a food safety !ana"e!ent pro"ra! that will8

    9#aluate hazards that could affect food safety7

    1dentify and i!ple!ent pre#enti#e controls to pre#ent hazards7

    Monitor controls and !aintain !onitorin" records7 and

    Conduct #erification acti#ities

    FSMAalso requires appropriate 're#ention Standards which include specifications for


    %rainin" for super#isors and e!ployees

    9n#iron!ental controls and !onitorin"

    Food aller"en controls

    ecall contin"ency plan6ood Manufacturin" 'ractices (6M's)

    Supplier #erification acti#itieshttp8::www$fda$"o#:Food:6uidancee"ulation:FSMA:uc!23;