Download - February 19, 2009 Northern Michigan University Board of Trustees Retreat.

Page 1: February 19, 2009 Northern Michigan University Board of Trustees Retreat.

February 19, 2009February 19, 2009

Northern Michigan UniversityBoard of Trustees Retreat

Northern Michigan UniversityBoard of Trustees Retreat

Page 2: February 19, 2009 Northern Michigan University Board of Trustees Retreat.

Orientation for New TrusteesOrientation for New Trustees

Page 3: February 19, 2009 Northern Michigan University Board of Trustees Retreat.

Mission / VisionMission / Vision

Dr. Les Wong, PresidentDr. Les Wong, President

Dr. Susan Koch, Provost and Vice President for Academic AffairsDr. Susan Koch, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

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What an organization does now

Answers, “Why does the organization exist, what do we do, what values guide us?”

Accomplishment should take the organization toward the vision

Is uplifting, but practical, more “here and now”

Photograph of the present

The future the organization aspires to

Answers, “What will success look like?”

Should challenge and inspire organization to achieve its mission

A dream, an imaginative anticipation of success that grows realistically from the current mission

An artist’s rendering of the future

MissionMission VisionVision

Mission vs. VisionMission vs. Vision

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Mission StatementMission Statement

Northern Michigan University challenges its students and employees to think independently and critically, develop lifelong learning habits, acquire career skills, embrace diversity, and become productive citizens in the regional and global community.

Adopted September 26, 2008

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Northern Michigan University will become the university of choice in the Midwest for students seeking a quality academic program with individualized attention in a high-tech learning environment.

(High-Tech, High-Touch, High-Quality)

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Road Map to 2015Road Map to 2015

Road Map Directions● Innovation● Meaningful Lives● Campus Attributes● Community Engagement

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Carnegie Community Engagement ClassificationCarnegie Community Engagement Classification

Northern Michigan University has been selected for the 2008 Community Engagement Classification by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

NMU is one of 195 higher education institutions in the nation to earn the distinction

A community engaged campus collaborates with its larger communities for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity

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Virtual Tour and10 Things I Know About NMU

Virtual Tour and10 Things I Know About NMU

Dr. Les Wong, PresidentDr. Les Wong, President

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10 NMU Numbers to Remember10 NMU Numbers to Remember

1) Number of students: About 9,400 2) Number of full-time undergraduate students: About 8,600 – 92% of

student body3) Number of students who live on campus: About 2,850 – Approximately

one-third of the student body (2,500 in the residence halls and about 350 students in the university apartments)

4) Male-female ratio of student body: About 50-50, women having a slight edge (male 48%, women 52%)

5) Average class size: About 25-30 students in a non-lab course6) Number of faculty members: A little over 300 7) Number of NMU employees (not including students): Around 1,100

(about 950 full time)8) Number of academic programs: About 200 (includes programs at all

levels)9) Where does NMU rank in Michigan in tuition and fees? Second most

affordable among the 15 public universities.10) Graduation rate: 50% for baccalaureate students – about the same as

the national average for comprehensive universities.

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A few more frequently asked questionsA few more frequently asked questions

Is NMU the largest employer in Marquette County? No, we’re third behind Marquette General Health System and Cliffs Natural Resources (formerly Cleveland Cliffs)

How old is NMU? Established in September 1899; 109 years old in 2008-09 What is NMU’s general fund budget? About $100 million (base budget) –

the overall operating budget is about $184 million Faculty-student ratio? About 23 to 1 – it depends on how one defines

faculty (whether adjuncts, GAs are included) and students (all students or an equation of full-time and part-time)

Budget cuts/operational savings/reallocation changes in general fund since March 2003? Downward about $15 million

Number of varsity sports teams? 13 (5 men’s, 8 women’s – track and field is counted twice by the NCAA: indoor and outdoor)

Number of student organizations? About 300 Number of NMU alumni? A little more than 60,000 Number of notebook computers on campus? About 9,500

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University Organizationand Faculty / Staff ProfileUniversity Organization

and Faculty / Staff Profile

Dr. Les Wong, PresidentDr. Les Wong, President

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Narrative Description by Employee GroupNarrative Description by Employee Group

Category Group Narrative

Faculty AAUP If you stepped in to observe a class taught by one of the 309 AAUP–represented faculty members on the NMU campus, an average composite would find that the class is taught by a male faculty member with almost 13 years of experience with NMU. This individual would be slightly over 50 years of age, and would be making just over $65,000 for his class delivery, research on a variety of topics, and service to the campus. They are likely to be teaching in Art & Design, Education, or Criminal Justice.

NMUFA Should you happen to visit the Jacobetti Center and participate in one of the hands-on learning experiences offered in the Construction Management program, you would also be likely to be in a classroom led by a male. Similar to the AAUP, the NMUFA membership is approximately 65% male and 35% female. This individual would almost be exactly the same average age as the AAUP faculty (50.96 vs. 50.82), but would have almost one year less experience with Northern’s campus (11.96 vs. 12.88). The average salary for this composite individual of its 26 members, however, would be approximately $47,771

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Narrative Description by Employee Group Narrative Description by Employee Group (continued)(continued)

Category Group Narrative

Staff AFSCME The infrastructure of the Northern Michigan University campus is supported by the efforts of the Dining Services, Facilities, and Public Safety employees who are represented by AFSCME Local 1094. Stopping by the Dining Services area, you would be far more likely to interact with a female employee than in the Custodial areas, but this mix is continuing to shift. With only 147 employees in this bargaining unit, NMU provides very efficient levels of service, which is possible through the almost 15 ½ average years of service. The average employee is 48.84 years of age, and makes an annual salary of $32,564.59. Wages within each classification are equal, regardless of seniority.

Technical and Office Professionals (TOP), represented by UAW Local 1950

Secretarial and clerical staff are the front-lines of service to students, and NMU has a very committed employee group in the Technical and Office Professionals (TOP), represented by UAW Local 1950. Of its 163 members, the great majority (147) are female. Visit a department on campus, and you’re likely to find a very competent individual, approximately 47 years old, who makes an average salary of $38,795. For the first time, in summer of 2008, this group used Interest-Based Bargaining in a mutual effort to identify common areas of interest and collaborative solutions which led to a win/win.

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Narrative Description by Employee Group Narrative Description by Employee Group (continued)(continued)

Category Group Narrative

Staff Administrative / Professionals

Aside from the AAUP faculty, the Administrative Professionals are the largest group on campus. Represented by UAW Local 2178, these 184 employees cover a broad range of student services and campus support activities. The group is almost evenly split between males and females (96/88), and the average individual in this group is 42.74 years of age, with 12.07 years of service at NMU. Searches for individuals in these positions are most diverse, as they may remain local or go regionally or nationally. We are in the process of moving to a purely market-based compensation structure, and the average salary is just under $43,000.

Leadership (Non-represented)

Leadership at the Executive, Dean, Senior Manager, Academic Department Head, and Senior Administrator levels is a diverse mix and represents every department. The average tenure with NMU is 14.38 years, and individuals in these positions often bring significant experience from other institutions or industries as a result of nationwide searches. Salaries reflect this expertise and market demand at an average $73,775. Similar to some of the other groups, the gender composition is 2/3 male, 1/3 female. There are 138 employees in this non-represented group, with an average age of 48.3.

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Narrative Description by Employee Group Narrative Description by Employee Group (continued)(continued)

Category Narrative

Summary Overall, the Labor Relations environment at Northern Michigan University can be characterized as a positive and productive collaboration. The co-governance expectations of the faculty often mirror the other employees in their desire to participate in important decisions which affect their work life. Most issues are resolved through Special Conference meetings prior to grievances, and there is an active Labor-Management committee for further communication on issues of collective interest. As a result, grievances are low, and arbitrations are a rare occurrence.

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Human Resources – OverviewHuman Resources – OverviewDining

Services, Police, and


Technical and Office


Faculty(excluding Adjunctsand GA)

Faculty (excluding Adjunctsand GA)

Administrative Professionals



Group Size 147 163 309 26 184 138

First Contract 10/1966 7/1975 7/1975 10/1980 5/1982 N/A

Current Contract Expiration Date

9/2010 6/2011 6/2009 6/2011 9/2009 N/A

Salary/Hourly Hourly Hourly Salary Salary Hourly & Salary Salary

Recruitment Market

Local Local National NationalRegional, some

NationalRegional, some


Market Data Source

Local Salary Surveys

Local Salary Surveys


MICUPA-HR**** CPB*****



Starting Salary/Wage

Master Agreement Master AgreementMarket/

ExperienceMarket/ Experience

Master Agreement/ Market/Experience

Market/ Experience

Average Grievances

(past 5 years)4 1 0 1 0 N/A

Total Arbitrations (past 5 years)

1 0 0 0 0 N/A

Average Age 48.77 47.40 50.47 52.56 42.70 48.17

Average Years at NMU 15.48 15.77 12.88 11.96 12.07 14.38

* Executives, Deans, Coaches, Academic Department Heads, Senior Administrators, and Senior Management** MEA: Michigan Education Association*** CUPA-HR: College and University Professional Association – Human Resources**** MICUPA-HR: Michigan Chapter of the College and University Professional Association – Human Resources***** CPB: Corporation for Public Broadcasting

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Human Resources – Human Resources – Years of Service Distribution by Employee GroupYears of Service Distribution by Employee Group

Years of Service

AAUP AdjunctAdmin /Prof


AssistantNMUFA Faculty


Post Doc

TOPSVisiting Faculty


0 – 5 113 74 66 36 75 8 42 2 39 3 458

6 – 10 45 31 35 22 11 7 17   22   190

11 – 15 46 10 25 19 1 3 19   22   145

16 – 20 33 2 16 25   1 22   21   120

21 – 25 23   17 15   4 15   26   100

26 – 30 18   12 15   2 9   17   73

31 – 35 16   13 13   1 8   13   64

36+ 15     2     6   3   26

Total 309 117 184 147 87 26 138 2 163 3 1,176

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Human Resources – Years of Service Distribution by Human Resources – Years of Service Distribution by Full-time Staff / Employee GroupFull-time Staff / Employee Group

Years of Service


represented Total

0 – 5 121 66 36 39 42 458

6 – 10 52 35 22 22 17 190

11 – 15 49 25 19 22 19 145

16 – 20 34 16 25 21 22 120

21 – 25 27 17 15 26 15 100

26 – 30 20 12 15 17 9 73

31 – 35 17 13 13 13 8 64

36+ 15 0 2 3 6 26

Total 335 184 147 163 138 1,176

Faculty – AAUP, Adjuncts, Grad Assistants, Jacobetti, and Visiting Faculty

AP – Administrative Professionals, UAW Local 2178

AFSCME – Food Service, Facilities, and Police, AFSCME Local 1094

TOPS – Technical and Office Professionals, UAW Local 1950

Non-represented – Executives, Senior Management, Senior Administrators

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Bylaws / Procedures /Best Practices /Role and Function of the Board of Trustees

Bylaws / Procedures /Best Practices /Role and Function of the Board of Trustees

Dr. Douglas B. Roberts , Chair – Board of TrusteesDr. Douglas B. Roberts , Chair – Board of Trustees

Dr. Les Wong, PresidentDr. Les Wong, President

Ms. Cathy Dehlin, General CounselMs. Cathy Dehlin, General Counsel

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Key Michigan Constitutional ProvisionsKey Michigan Constitutional Provisions

Pursuant to Article VIII, §6, the Board’s duties shall include:● Board is a body corporate● Shall have general supervision of the institution● Shall have control and direction of all expenditures

from the institution’s funds● Elect a president under its supervision

President is “principal executive officer of the institution”

● Consists of eight members with eight-year term President of the university is an ex-officio, non-

voting member

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Key Michigan Constitutional ProvisionsKey Michigan Constitutional Provisions

The legislature shall appropriate moneys to maintain NMU and be provided with an annual accounting of all income and expenditures (Article VIII, § 4)

Formal sessions of governing boards shall be open to the public (Article VIII, § 4)

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Role and Function of Board of TrusteesRole and Function of Board of Trustees(Act 48 of 1963, 390.554, (Act 48 of 1963, 390.554, § 4) 4)

A majority of the member of the Board constitutes of quorum (5) A majority of its members may enact, amend, and repeal rules and bylaws for

the conduct of the board’s business and for the government of the institution Fix tuition and other fees and charges Appoint or remove personnel as the interests of the institution and the generally

accepted principles of academic tenure permit or require Determine compensation to be paid for services and property Confer degrees and grant diplomas usually conferred or granted by other similar

institutions Receive, hold and manage a gift, grant, bequest, or devise of funds or property,

real or personal, absolutely or in trust, which will promote the purposes of its institution

Enter into agreements not inconsistent with this act as may be desirable in the conduct of the board’s affairs● Delegation of authority

Lease or dispose of property which comes into the board’s possession, if the board does not violate a condition or trust to which the property may be subject

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Board of Trustees BylawsBoard of Trustees Bylaws

Meetings Officers and organization Committees

● Each committee established by the Board shall act as an advisory body only for the purpose of recommending action to the Board

● No activity of such committee shall commit the Board to any policy declaration or action unless and until duly approved by the Board at a regular or special meeting

Conflict of interest● Annual signed statement● Fiduciary responsibilities

University organization Personnel actions

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Board of Trustees BylawsBoard of Trustees Bylaws (continued)(continued)

Admissions / Fees / Degrees Financial responsibility Property and facilities Collective authority and action Name and seal Amendments Repeal

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Board of Trustees ProceduresBoard of Trustees Procedures

Meetings Leadership Committees Member practices Amendments

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Board of Trustees – Best Practices / ExpectationsBoard of Trustees – Best Practices / Expectations

Presidential selection Principles and guidelines of the Board / President

relationship President / Board roles and responsibilities Important points of agreement between the Board and

the President Programs and activities to strengthen the relationship

between the Board and the institution

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University OverviewUniversity Overview

Dr. Les Wong, PresidentDr. Les Wong, President

Dr. Susan Koch, Provost and Vice President for Academic AffairsDr. Susan Koch, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Mr. Gavin Leach, Vice President for Finance and AdministrationMr. Gavin Leach, Vice President for Finance and Administration

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Overall University AccreditationOverall University Accreditation

NMU is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission NMU became an AQIP institution in 2002 The systems portfolio provides information demonstrating

that NMU continues to meet the Higher Learning Commission’s standards

Current AQIP Action Projects● Aligning unit mission statements with revised university

mission● Benchmarking the NMU Road Map to 2015● Documenting and Benchmarking the NMU Outcomes

Assessment Process NMU will host an accreditation visit on March 25 – 27, 2009

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Program AccreditationProgram Accreditation

College of Arts and Sciences

Chemistry American Chemical Society

Music National Association of Schools of Music

College of Business

College of Business AACSB International

College of Professional Studies

Athletic Training Education Program

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Program (CAAHEP)

All Education Programs National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)

Clinical Laboratory Tech. (2-year program)

National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences

Clinical Laboratory Sciences National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences

Respiratory Therapy Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs

Cytogenetics Program National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory

Diagnostic Molecular Scientist Program

National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS)

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Program AccreditationProgram Accreditation (continued)(continued)

College of Professional Studies (continued)

NursingCommission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)Michigan Department of Licensing (Board of Nursing

Practical Nursing Michigan Department of Licensing (Board of Nursing)

Social Work Council on Social Work Education

Surgical TechnologyCommission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Professionals (CAAHEP)

Aviation Maintenance TechnologyDepartment of Transportation Federal Aviation AdministrationCertification

Cosmetology Licensed by the State of Michigan

Counseling Center International Association of Counseling Services, Inc.

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Pre-baccalaureate● Diploma (4)● Certificate (13)● Associate of Arts / Sciences / Technology (29) Baccalaureate● Bachelor of Arts/Science (111) Graduate● Master of Arts/Science (23)● Education Specialist (2)● Master of Fine Arts (1)● Certificate (5)

Three Levels of Degree ProgramsThree Levels of Degree Programs

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Full Time Faculty: 183 Fall 2008 Enrollment: 3,414 Largest Enrollment: School of Art & Design – 705 Research / Scholarship / Creative Activity

College of Arts & SciencesCollege of Arts & Sciences

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Full Time Faculty: 106 Fall 2008 Enrollment: 3,748 Largest Enrollment: School of Nursing – 679 Research / Scholarship / Creative Activity

College of Professional StudiesCollege of Professional Studies

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Full Time Faculty: 32 Fall 2008 Enrollment: 855 Largest Enrollment: Management – 157 Research / Scholarship / Creative Activity

College of BusinessCollege of Business

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Library Academic Computing / Help Desk Instructional Design, Technology, and Media Archives

Academic Information ServicesAcademic Information Services

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Student Leader Fellowship Program (SLFP)

FYE (First-Year Experience) Superior Edge Honors Program International Programs Beaumier Upper Peninsula Heritage

Center Public Radio / TV Native American Studies Multicultural Education Resource


Special ProgramsSpecial Programs

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Admissions Financial Aid Registrar Housing and Residence Life Academic Advising Dean of Students Counseling and

Consultation Services Career Services

Student Services and EnrollmentStudent Services and Enrollment

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Charter School ContractsCharter School Contracts

School Issued Length Ends

Bahweting Sault Ste. Marie

July 1, 2007 Three years June 30, 2010

Burton Glen Burton

July 1, 2008 Three years June 30, 2011

Nah Tah Wahsh Wilson

July 1, 2007 Three years June 30, 2010

North Star Marquette

July 1, 2004 Five years June 30, 2009

Walton Pontiac

July 1, 2008 Three years June 30, 2011

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Charter School LocationsCharter School Locations

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Charter Schools Charter Schools (continued)(continued)

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Innovation Meaningful Lives Leveraging Campus Attributes Community Engagement

Academic Affairs InitiativesAcademic Affairs InitiativesThe Road Map to 2015The Road Map to 2015

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Finance DivisionFinance DivisionDepartment Current Projects

Administrative Information Technologies (ADIT):Technical, Consulting, and Support Services (all university networks, administrative systems, telecommunication systems, administrative applications programming, and maintenance)

• WiMax implementation and testing• Build out of 802.11n wireless technologies• Server consolidation and upgrade project• Intel/IBM internship opportunities• Banner 8 – Administrative system upgrade (all management systems – Finance,

Student, HR, Advancement, Financial Aid)• Cognos Analysis Studio – multidimensional cube development (HR, Student,

Finance)• Online application development – golf application, workforce development (online

registration and payment for workforce development training courses offered through the Jacobetti Center)

• Conversion of summer programs to online system

Auxiliary and Business Services (Dining, Building Services, Purchasing, Risk Management, Transportation, Printing Services, Mail Services, University Center operations, Conference and Catering, Bookstore, and Vending)

• Cbord campus card program conversion (Exterior doors on Residence Halls and Student Apartments and vending machines)

• “Trayless dining” participation• Evaluating meal plans for revisions beginning with Fall ’09 semester in an effort to

reduce costs• Evaluating opportunities with Marquette General Hospital in converting the University

Center to MGH office and service space with a new Conference Center and pedestrian bridge to the hospital

• Converting campus Purchasing Card program from GE (American Express Platform to MasterCard platform)

• Budget reduction planning efforts including modification of staffing and responsibility plans for Conference/Catering Services , Dining Services, UC Operations and Golf Course Operations

• NMU Golf Course (Developed preliminary staffing plan: Three primary seasonal positions: Groundskeeper, Pro/Manager, and Equipment mechanic. Working with our HR staff and the bargaining units to gain consensus on employment options.)

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Finance Division Finance Division (continued)(continued)

Department Current Projects

Budget and Planning • Budget analysis in preparation for reductions• Budget forecasting of revenues• Staffing and cost savings opportunities• Budget reduction plans• Cognos ReportNet management reports

Controller Office and Financial Services (Controller’s functions, bond management, cash management, accounting, vendor payables, accounts receivable and collections, student loans)

• IRS comprehensive questionnaire• National Science Foundation Research expenditures survey• Secondary market disclosure for bonds• Streamlining student bank loan processing through electronic transfers

Facilities/Engineering and Planning (building maintenance, grounds, building engineers, heating plant operations)

• Deferred Maintenance Projects• Combined Heat and Power Project• Energy Saving Project Review• Wayfinding Study• University Center/West Hall Joint Use Study (NMU and Marquette General Health Systems [MGHS])• Space Utilization Committee• Quad II Lobby Renovation• Cohodas Lobby Renovation • Jacobetti Renovation for Northern Initiatives

Health Center (on-campus health center) • Completion of Travel Medicine Clinic

Human Resources (employment, benefits, payroll, contract management, and equal opportunity

• PeopleAdmin – online employment application and hiring system• Cognos HR cube – Staff planning and analysis• Leadership training program• Health plan study• Staff planning and review

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The Road Ahead …The Road Ahead …

Dr. Les Wong, PresidentDr. Les Wong, President

Dr. Susan Koch, Provost and Vice President for Academic AffairsDr. Susan Koch, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Mr. Gavin Leach, Vice President for Finance and AdministrationMr. Gavin Leach, Vice President for Finance and Administration

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Continuing our educational commitment to students Pursuing our academic aspirations Advancing a culture of engagement

The Road Ahead … AcademicsThe Road Ahead … Academics

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Continue to grow corporate collaborations in technical and business relationships to identify potential funding opportunities and projects for the institution and internship opportunities for students

Expand development of new technologies that enhance business analysis, measurement, and understanding of university operations

Identify opportunities and resources to implement initiatives, in conjunction with the Campus Master Plan, that move the university forward as a “greener” learner-centered campus

The Road Ahead … FinanceThe Road Ahead … Finance

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Legal IssuesLegal Issues

Ms. Cathy Dehlin, General CounselMs. Cathy Dehlin, General Counsel

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Legal IssuesLegal Issues

Constitutional autonomy Confidentiality / Attorney-Client Privilege Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Open Meetings Act (OMA)

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Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

NMU is subject to FOIA● Full text is provided in your materials● NMU’s FOIA Officer is the Vice President of Finance and

Administration Most NMU records are considered “public records”

subject to disclosure unless the subject matter falls within certain narrow exemptions, including privileged, personal, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), bids, appraisals, investigatory, etc.● “Public records” include all documents, letters, expense

report settlements, and e-mail

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OMA and Public UniversitiesOMA and Public Universities

Constitutional autonomy The Michigan constitution provides that "formal

sessions" of state universities’ Boards are to be conducted in public

Federated/MSU case● Board decides formal/informal vs. open/closed

Oakland University case Complete copy of OMA is in your materials