Download - #eTAS14 Presentation - Shaun van Eck, Tourism Coach


2. FOCUS INNOVATE PRACTISE - DELIVER 3. 2 3KNOW YOU DONTKNOW, BUT HAVENOT TAKENACTION YET1 4UNAWARE AWAREINACTION ACTIONUNAWAREACTIONHABITDONT KNOW YOUDONT KNOW ITKNOW AND ARETAKING ACTIONDANGER 4. SETH GOLDINMARKETING used to bewhat you say.Now, marketing is whatyou do. What you make.How you act. The choicesyou make when you aresure no one is looking. 5. OUR TOURISM FRANCHISEFRANCHISORSA TOURISMCOACHBuild brand& strategyImprovevaluepropositionVision &sense of usFRANCHISEESBUSINESSESPLAYERS100% Salesgrowth focusEnhancecustomerexperienceIndependentbut teamspiritedTOURISM AUTHORITIESThe key to success of the franchise system is the results &success of the franchisee businesses, the PLAYERS 6. Competitors initiatives 7. CUSTOMER TRENDS READING FAILUREKodak has failed to innovate, meaning it has not onlyfailed to stay ahead of the pack, but even to keep up. 8. The experiencefactorViewed from a tourism lens,it is found that theexperience valueof tourism productsis the overriding factorinfluencing customersmotivation to buy a serviceBrunner-Sperdin & PetersInnsbruck University School of Management & Hong KongUniversity School of Hotel & Tourism Management. 9. Take a greatproductand innovate to meet the needsof our customers REALLY?? 10. FOCUS INNOVATE - DELIVER 11. FRANCHISORSA TOURISMCOACHBuild brand& strategyImprovevaluepropositionVision &sense of usFRANCHISEESBUSINESSESPLAYERS100% Salesgrowth focusEnhancecustomerexperienceIndependentbut teamspiritedTOURISM AUTHORITIESThe key to success of the franchise system is the results &success of the franchisee businesses, the PLAYERS 12. FRANCHISOR(SAT)Build brand& strategyImprovevaluepropositionVision &sense of usFRANCHISEES(BUSINESSES)100% Salesgrowth focusEnhancecustomerexperienceIndependentbut teamspiritedTOURISM AUTHORITIESFRANCHISEESIN SURVIVALOperationsfocusedDatedcustomerexperienceExclusiveattitudeMINDSET - SCARCITY ALONE, OR ABUNDANCE TOGETHER 13. Jacki riversdale case study 14. SNAPSHOT OF OUR TEAM PERFORMANCE1. 87% spend less than one hour a month thinking deeply about theirbusiness, too busy to innovate2. 79% spend less than 3 hours per month on social media3. 97% do not brainstorm guest experiences with their staff4. 82% do not have a written vision5. 98% have never shared their vision with their staff6. 99% who have performance guidelines have never shared WHY withtheir staff7. 60% have a negative view of 3rd party referral websites8. Only 23% encourage guests to rate them on Trip Advisor9. 97% do not respond to positive guest comments on Trip Advisor10.Just 3% have actively advertised on social media platforms 15. FIRSTWORD 16. Viewpoints, tasty meals & lightweight talks are no longergood enough!It means taking the products & services, which havetraditionally been part of ourSA tourism offering, up a level 17. HUH? 18. CRAFTING THEVISITOREXPERIENCE 19. Learn something by doing something with someone wholives there 20. It is an escape fromthe ordinary asense of exhilaration& enjoyment thatestablishes in thememory of the visitoras what life shouldbe like! 21. Our mission is to design and stage authentic and deeplypersonal experiences that are carefully choreographed toinduce a lifelong memory 22. We believe that our most important roleis to create the conditions in which spontaneitycan flourish, for it is in this space where the magicof re-invention occurs. Enjoying lifes pleasures isone of the privileges of a productive and hard-workinglife. We encourage our travellers to gobeyond the limits of their normal lives, to slowdown, to get lost, to take a risk, to try somethingnew, and our greatest joy comes from seeing themre-invent themselves on every journey. 23. Casestudies 24. PRODUCT = Thai MassageSERVICE = Thai massage at an idyllic beachEXPERIENCE = Learning to give a Thai Massage 25. STORYTIME 26. 2014 SINGLEHANDED TOURISM 27. FIRSTRECONNECTWITH YOURWHY 28. VISITOR INSPIREDfocused on the visitor & meets their needs 29. HANDS ONvisitors participate vs being a spectator 30. AUTHENTICnowhere else on earth 31. STIMULATEemotions & memories 32. BUILD SHAREDMOMENTSinto the storyline 33. Its up toyou, e 34. Make a choice,yes YOU! 35. Every person matters 36. THEIREVERY PERSON MATTERSMadiba believed that every person isa valuable being and has somethingto bring to the table. Each hasspecial talents that can add value 37. UNDIVIDEDATTENTION 38. UNDIVIDED ATTENTIONMadiba focused totally on the person hewas engaging with and made them feellike royalty 39. 1. Do I know what is expected of me at work?2. Do I have the materials and equipment that I need inorder to do my work right?3. At work, do I have the opportunity to do what I dobest every day?4. In the past seven days, have I received recognition orpraise for doing good work?5. Does my supervisor, or someone at work, seem tocare about me as a person?6. Is there someone at work who encourages mydevelopment?7. At work, do my opinions seem to count?8. Does the mission or purpose of my company make mefeel that my job is important?9. Are my coworkers committed to doing quality work?10.Do I have a best friend at work?11.In the past six months, has someone at work talked tome about my progress?12.This past year, have I had opportunities at work tolearn and grow?What theWorld'sGreatestManagers DoDifferently 40. INSPIRE THE FUTURE 41. INSPIRE THE FUTUREMadiba looked forward & focussed the nationon a clear picture of what could be & gave usthe reasons WHY we should buy into it 42. RESIST CONFORMITY 43. RESIST CONFORMITYMadiba embraced risk as part of making history.He constantly built new ways instead of followingthe easy paths that most would take 44. THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGEMadiba encouraged people to seewhat they could become througheducation & continuous learning 45. INSPIRE HOPEMadiba inspired hope in us byconfronting our fears &focussing us on possibility 46. CREATE FOCUSMadiba was fiercelyFocussed on his vision & never gotdistracted. The smile hid the pain! 47. EMPOWER TEAMMadiba inspired his team by exercising humility& walking his talk. He was one of those rareindividuals who was not seduced by status 48. SURPRISE YOUR ENEMIESMadiba endeavoured to turn distrustinto mutual respect 49. COACHING TOUR GET TO over 50 towns & cities around SAFREE, FREE, FREE! 3 sessions per destination Power Hour for BEE Entrepreneurs 150 minute session for all stakeholders Tourism office session 50. KNOWLEDGE COACHING MOTIVATING 51. We can create a tourism revolution