Download - Communication Solutions for Low Carbon Cities

  • 1. Communication Solutions for Low Carbon CitiesHelping cities to reduce CO2 withexisting low carbon ICT solutions

2. Low Carbon ICT (Information andCommunications Technology) Solutionsis an umbrella term for the information technol-ogy field that can contribute to reductions of CO2emissions. It includes any communication deviceor application, encompassing: mobile phones,computer and network hardware and software,satellite systems and so on, as well as the variousservices and applications associated with them,such as videoconferencing and m-health. ICT isoften simply referred to as IT and solutions thatfocus on the communication aspect can be calledlow carbon communication solutions. becominG cLimate positive The need for climate action in the midst integrated part of all major projects and of an economic crisis can be percieved initiatives from governments and busi- as a problem, but also as an opportunity.ness. To achieve this WWF Sweden and Until now, most of the global policy focus Ericsson will: has been on high-emission sectors and on incremental improvements that entailEstablish a methodological additional costs. But in order to make approach to make low carbon real progress, it is imperative to directcommunication solutions visible a good deal of attention to sectors that If something cannot be measured, it can provide solutions. Especially importantneither be managed nor supported. In order are companies that provide low carbonto make the climate potential of low carbon solutions that create transformative re- ICT solutions visible, thus enabling their ductions with low carbon feedback (solu- support, a methodology for calculating CO2 tions that encourage further and deepersavings from related solutions will be devel- reductions). This would lead us towards aoped. A priority is to ensure that the role of low carbon economy without adding un-a well functioning broadband infrastructure necessary costs. is well understood.Once companies have moved away from the traditional approach where climate Integrate low carbon ICT solutions change is seen as a problem and a risk, they in climate strategies for cities will be better positioned to recognize new Low carbonEngage in dialogue with central policy mak- Leadership business opportunities. Instead of a riskers in key markets to ensure that the posi- approach, where the best thing a company tive potential of low carbon ICT solutions can do is to reduce their own emissions to With COP 15 taking place in Copenhagenbecomes an integrated part of all major zero, companies with products and serv-this December, 2009 will be a defining year climate strategies. Publish supporting facts ices that can help reduce CO2 emissions in for climate solutions and the world will be and figures to guide companies and policy society, can lead the way by actively con- looking for strong low carbon leadership. makers on how to make smart decisions. tributing towards a low carbon economy.This is a unique opportunity to establish Instead of carbon neutrality as a target,the ICT sector and ICT solutions, includ- Support low carbon partnerships these companies, such as those providing ing low carbon communication solutions, Together with users of ICT solutions identify, low carbon communication solutions, canas an important part of both climate andquantify and validate selected telecom re- have targets that also make them net con-industrial policies. Low carbon ICT solu- lated solutions which support a carbon lean tributors to emission reductions. This would tions can play a leading role in improvingeconomy. The aim is to support the imple- enable them to go beyond neutral to be-basic services while reducing CO2 emis- mentation of solutions that can make signifi- come Climate Positive, i.e they deliver asions both by replacing physical prod-cant reductions in CO2 emissions and ensure greater reduction in CO2 emissions through ucts with services, and by helping people that low carbon solutions are available on the the use of their products and services thanto use resources more efficiently. For this market. they emit over the whole value happen, these solutions should be an 3. a Low carbon 21st century infrastructure Over the next 30 years more than 200 tril- incomes and resource intensive lifestyles the Ensuring support for a lion USD will be invested globally in urbancarbon footprint of urban dwellers is often 21st century infrastructure areas to provide us with basic services, very high, which adds urgency to the impor- Current approaches to tackle climate change such as transportation, heating, cooling tance of reducing the footprint of cities. Lowtend to focus on single products and how and lighting. From this perspective, low carbon ICT can lead to smarter ways of work-they can be improved. But this fails to address carbon communication solutions can makeing and ensure that basic needs are met. This the invisible problems and negative impacts, a significant contribution to a low carbon will require collaboration, new partnershipswhich often occur due to todays 20th century economy by:and constellations, and open for new playersinfrastructure such as roads, airports, trans-and opportunities for leadership. mission lines and old buildings. This means Delivering sustainable climate that investments to reduce CO2 emissions of-Moving towards system ten only result in marginal improvements, or solutions and reducing poverty With billions of people fighting poverty and ainnovation and opportunitieseven increased emissions, due to an overall world population that will reach nine billion in to become climate positiveunsustainable development. For example,To reach a low carbon economy, we mustintroducing more energy efficient cars could a few decades, it is crucial that measures tomove away from dealing with problems af-lead to more people getting cars and driving help reduce greenhouse gas emissions areter they have occurred. This kind of reactive more often, and greater distances, compared extremely resource efficient. Because lowend-of-pipe approach is no longer viable. Into before. In contrast, low carbon communi- carbon communication solutions can providecontrast, low carbon communication solutionscation solutions which instead can be seen as transformative reductions without unneces-are proactive and can offer transformative21st century infrastructure can contribute to sary costs, they can play a key role in bringingresults. Not only can they help deliver smart direct emissions reductions and also pave the people in developing countries out of povertyenergy, smart transportation and smart health way for further reductions (thereby stimulating by enabling access to basic services andand education, they can also help us shift to a low-carbon feedback) by supporting a long- supporting economic development. They cancircular economy, where natural resources are term sustainable infrastructure. For example, also ensure that people in developed coun-efficiently reused. In such an economy wherewith the appropriate infrastructure in place to tries not only reduce their emissions but theirsolutions are based on a cradle-to-cradle ap- support flexi-work and virtual meetings, these total ecological footprints as well.proach, for example supporting smart city solutions will become attractive to more peo-planning, dematerialization and sustainable ple as they will experience better results. This Reducing the carbonconsumption patterns, this uptake can alsowill accelerate the uptake, resulting in a situ- footprint of citiesenable companies to have a net positive im- ation with accelerated CO2 reductions. This For the first time in history more people arepact on global CO2 emissions to becometype of transformative infrastructure is what living in cities than in rural areas. With highclimate positive. the world needs to meet tomorrows needs. 4. from Green ict to Design: Projector Greening with ICT using ICT to reduce the 98% of global CO2GreeninG with ict emissions in other sectors The ICT sector can contribute to emissions reductions in many areas of society through their services. This contribution includesSections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documen-right 2005 User Minesweeper on en.wikipedia. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the termsImage sources: Vectus, Global Environment Monitoring Unit - Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra Italy., Copy- of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant solutions such as virtual meetings, smart buildings, m-health, smart grids and de- materialization services. Combined, thesetation License,, Plastic logic, 2009. solutions can help to reduce a significant part of the remaining 98% of global CO2 emissions that come from other sectors/ar- eas. Thus, activities that are directly linked to emitting CO2 can contribute to an overall Green ICT - reducing up to greening with ICT and have a net positive 2% of global CO2 emissionsCO2 impact. An accelerated uptake of these The term Green IT or Green ICT is widely kind of services is needed and can be sup- used to refer to measures related to making ported by a shift from a product to service ICT equipment and ICT, including everything perspective. from computers and mobile phones to net- work infrastructure equipment and servers, use energy more efficiently in order to re- duce direct emissions from the sector. Up to 2% of global CO2 emissions come from ICT today. It is important, especially as the use of ICT will increase over the coming years, that the efficiency continues to increase and that the ICT sector sets targets for 100% renewable energy. For more information about this WWF Sweden - Ericsson project please contact:Suzanne Pahlman, Project [email protected] Andreas Follr, Project Support [email protected] Dennis Pamlin, Global Policy Advisor, WWF [email protected] John Kornerup Bang, Head of Globalisation Programme, WWF [email protected] Chen Dongmei, Head of Climate and Energy Programme, WWF China [email protected] Staffan Sderberg, Director Corporate Partnerships, WWF [email protected] 1986 Panda symboal WWF WWF is the worlds largest and most experienced independent conservation organisation, with almost 5 million supporters and a global network active in more than 90 countries WWFs mission is to stop the degradation of the planets natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by: - conserving the worlds biological diversity. - ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable. - promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.