Download - CHAPTER section quiz Imperialism and America10... · Terms and Names Write the letter of the nation that best answers ... section quiz America as a World Power Section 4 ... Answer

Page 1: CHAPTER section quiz Imperialism and America10... · Terms and Names Write the letter of the nation that best answers ... section quiz America as a World Power Section 4 ... Answer

Name Date


lOSection 1

section quiz Imperialism and America

A- Terms and Names Write the letter of the term or name that best completes eachtime line statement.

a. William McKinley

b. Grover Cleveland

c. The McKinley Tariff

d. Congress

e. Sanford B. Dole

£ Alfred T Mahan

g. Liliuokalani

h. Kalakaua

i. Pearl Harbor









1887 1. White business leaders force King

to change Hawaii's constitution to grant voting rightsonly to wealthy landowners.

2. U.S. military and economic leaders pressure Hawaii to allow the United States to build anaval base at







3. Urged by such leaders as U.S. Navy Admiral

, the United States constructs many new

battleships, transforming the nation into the worlds third largest naval power.


causes a crisis by threatening Hawaiian sugar growers with economic disaster.


becomes Hawaii's queen and proposes a new constitution.

6. With the aid of the U.S. ambassador, white business groups overthrow the Hawaiian

government and establish a provisional government with as president.

7. President

formally recognizes the Republic of Hawaii.


, who favors the annexation of Hawaii, takes over the presidency from Cleveland.


proclaims Hawaii an American territory.

B. Extended Response Briefly answer the following question on the back of

this paper.

What were the three main roots of American imperialism?

America Claims an Empire 193

Page 2: CHAPTER section quiz Imperialism and America10... · Terms and Names Write the letter of the nation that best answers ... section quiz America as a World Power Section 4 ... Answer



f section quiz The Spanish-American WarSection 2

A. Terms and Names Write the letter of the term or name that best matches the

description. Not all names and terms will be used.

a. Cuba e. Rough Riders i. yellow journalism

b. Jose Marti f. de Lome letter j. William McKinley

c. San Juan Hill g. George Dewey k. General Valeriano Weylerd

. U.S.S. Maine h. Philippine islands

1. This is a sensational style of writing that exaggerates the news to lurereaders.

2. This volunteer cavalry unit fought in a famous land battle near

Santiago, Cuba.

3. This Cuban poet and journalist launched a Cuban revolution in 1895.

4. Soon after this was destroyed, the United States declared war on


5. This nation gained its independence in the Spanish-American War.

6. Its criticism of the American president caused American resentmenttoward Spain to turn to outrage.

7. This general forced Cubans to relocate to concentration camps,where thousands of them died.

8. After the war, the United States paid 20 million dollars to Spain forthe annexation of this land.

9. Theodore Roosevelt was declared the hero of this, even though he


and his units played only a minor role in its capture. Scn

10. He was the naval commander who led the American forces that §steamed into Manila Bay and destroyed the Spanish fleet.



B. Extended Response Briefly answer the following question on the back of

this paper. 5

Identify two people, ideas, or events that helped to ignite the Spanish-American War. Explain the role they played. ©


194 Unit 3, Chapter 10

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. I

J section quiz Acquiring New LandsSection 3


A. Terms and Names Write the letter of the nation that best answers the question.

a. Puerto Rico c. Philippinesb

. Cuba d. China

1. In which nation did the Boxer Rebellion take place?

2. Which nation was directly affected by the Foraker Act?

3. For which nation s independence did Emilio Aguinaldo fight?

4. Which nation was the focus of John Hays "Open Door notes"?

5. To which nation did the Treaty of Paris of 1898 guarantee indepen-

dence from Spain?

6. Which nation did the Piatt Amendment make a U.S. protectorate?

7. Which nation was not affected by the Spanish-American War?

8. Which nation attempted to achieve its independence by going to war

against the United States?

9. In which nation did the United States use the same sort of concentra-

tion camp practices that it had condemned Spain for using in Cuba?

10. At the turn of the century, which of these nations could be bestdescribed as an independent, though bullied, trading partner of theUnited States?


S B. Extended Response Briefly answer the following question on the back ofi? this paper.

= By the turn of the century, what were the three main beliefs that guidedo American foreign policy?

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section quiz America as a World PowerSection 4



A. Terms and Names Write the letter of the name or term that best matches the

description. Not all names and terms will be used.

a. Panama Canal £ Roosevelt Corollaryb

. John J. Pershing g. Mexican Revolutionc. dollar diplomacy h. Venustiano Carranzad

. Woodrow Wilson i. missionary diplomacye. Theodore Roosevelt j. Francisco "Pancho" Villa

1. The Panama Canal was built during his presidency.

2. During his presidency, the United States and Mexico came close towar.

3. He led American forces into Mexico in pursuit of a Mexican revolu-

tionary leader.

4. American troops were sent into Mexico to try to capture this Mexican

revolutionary leader.

5. This term refers to the policy of using the U.S. government to guar-

antee loans made to foreign countries by American business-people.

6. Its construction ranks as one of the worlds greatest engineering feats.

7. This term refers to the policy of denying recognition of Latin

American governments that the United States viewed as oppressive,undemocratic, or hostile to U.S. interests.

8. Also known as "big stick" diplomacy, this official American policy "§

stated that disorder in Latin America could force the United States to |send its military into Latin American nations to protect American 2economic interests.


B. Extended Response Briefly answer the following question on the back of =this paper.



Identify one word or phrase you would use to describe American policy and =?behavior toward Latin America during the presidencies of Roosevelt and Wilson. QUse examples from each presidency to support your choice.

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f chapter test America Claims an EmpireForm A

Part 1: Main Ideas

Write the letter of the best answer. (4 points each)

1. Which of the following did not stimulate U.S. imperialism?

a. need for a new source of cheap laborb

. thirst for new economic markets

c. desire for military strengthd

. a belief in the cultural superiority of the Anglo-Saxon culture

_______ 2. Which country's residents became citizens of the United States in 1917?

a. Cuba c. Puerto Rico

b. Hawaii d. the Philippines

3. Who told the artist Frederic Remington, "You furnish the pictures

and I'll furnish the war"?

a. Jose Marti c. William McKinleyb

. Teddy Roosevelt d. William Randolph Hearst

4. For which action did Theodore Roosevelt win the 1906 Nobel

Peace Prize?

a. leading the Rough Riders

b. developing the Roosevelt Corollary

c. negotiating the Treaty of Paris of 1898d

. negotiating an end to war between Russia and Japan

5. In which of the following conflicts were U.S. military troops not


a. the Boxer Rebellion c. the Hawaiian revolution<j> b. the Russo-Japanese war d. Cuba's second war for independence

J| 6. Which of the following did the United States insist that Cuba include

2: in its constitution?<

cia. the Boxer Protocol c. the Teller Amendment

b. the Piatt Amendment d. the Roosevelt Corollary

zl 7. On what did the Roosevelt Corollary build?CO ,

§> a. Monroe Doctrine c. Piatt Amendment

q b. Open Door Policy d. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901i©

8. What was included in the de Lome letter?

a. de Lome's resignation as Spanish minister to the United Statesb

. an apology to the U.S. governmentc

. criticisms of President McKinleyd

. an incitement for war

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Name Test Form A continued

9. What war ended with the Treaty of Paris of 1898?

a. Spanish-American War c. Philippine-American War

b. Russo-Japanese War d. Cuban war for independence

10. What was the purpose of the Foraker Act?a. to give Cuba and Puerto Rico to the United Statesb

. to grant Puerto Rican residents U.S. citizenshipc. to end the Puerto Rican uprisingd

. to end military rule and set up civil government in Puerto Rico

Part 2: Map Skills

Use the maps to complete this section. Write the letter of the best answer. (4 points each)

iama Canal







Military Base

Puerto Pilon

Buena Vista New York CitySan '







00Panama(;.jf hh


SOU 1 H0


R I (: A

5S San Miguelito




" Panama City



cao Highway

0 10 MilesA

La Chorrera0 10 KilometersPACIFIC

act: an

11. The map on the left shows that a ship traveling through the PanamaCanal from the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean heads mainly

a. east. c. southeast.

b. west. d. southwest.

12. The canals length is approximatelya. 10 miles. c. 100 miles.

b. 50 miles. d. 1,000 miles.

13. Before entering Gatun Lake from the Caribbean Sea, a ship mustpass through

a. a military base. c. a bridge.b

. locks. d. the Pacific Ocean.










198 Unit 3, Chapter 10

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Name Test Form A continued

14. Closest to the southern end of the canal lies the city ofa. Colon. c. Balboa.

b. Panama. d. Escobal.

15. Before the canal was built, a ship traveling from San Francisco toNew York City would need to travel

a. 5,200 miles. c. 13,000 miles.

b. 7,800 miles. d. 18,200 miles.

Part 3: Interpreting Political Cartoons

Use the cartoon to answer each question. Write the letter of the correct answer.(4 points each)













i 1



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16. To what does the door in this cartoon open?a

. the United States c. China

b. a colony d. Japan

17. Who is waiting outside the door?a

. the Chinese c. Americans

b. foreigners d. soldiers

America Claims an Empire 199

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Test Form A continued

18. Who holds the key to the door?a

. a French generalb

. Teddy Rooseveltc

. a Chinese man

d. Uncle Sam

19. What does the size of the man holding the key indicate?

a. that he is weaker than all of the others outside the door

b. that he is stronger than all of the others outside the door

c. that he is equal in strength to the Chinesed

. that he is equal in strength to the others outside the door

20. What does the cartoon imply about the Open Door Policy?

a. It favored American interests over other foreign interests in China.

b. It treated all foreign interests in China fairly.

c. It weakened American influence in China.

d. It mainly benefited Americas competitors.

Part 4: Extended Response

Answer each of the following questions in a paragraph on the back of this paper or on aseparate sheet. (10 points each)

21. What did Jose Marti, Luis Munoz Rivera, and Emilio Aquinaldo have incommon? Think About:

. conditions in each mans country* the beliefs and actions of each man

. the events in the mens lives

22. What effect did the yellow journalism used by Hearst and Pulitzer before andduring the Spanish-American War have on American reactions to the situationin Cuba? Ho do you feel about the use of such journalism? Think About:. the definition of yellow journalism. the reasons for using such journalism



the indirect results of yellow journalism <gCD








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lOI chapter test America Claims an Empireform B

Part 1: Main Ideas

If the statement is true, write "true" on the line. If it is false, change the underlined wordor words to make it true. (4 points each)

Example: The first president of the United States was George Washington.-true

Example: President John F. Kennedy resigned from office following theWatergate scandal.

Richard Nixon

1. The mysterious sinking of the U.S.S. Thomas fueled the movement for war

with Spain.

2. The name for sensational and often irresponsible news headlines and stories

is "yahoo journalism/7

3. General John J. Pershing led a force of fifteen thousand soldiers into Colombia

in an attempt to capture Pancho Villa.

4. Luis Munoz Rivera was a newspaper editor and a supporter of statehood for

Puerto Rico.


I 5. "Remember the Maine\" became a rallying cry for U.S. intervention in Cuba.w

g 6. The Panama Canal was built on land that had previously been controlled byo



o 7. The United States would not withdraw its army from Cuba until that country



adopted the Piatt Amendment.

8. During the Spanish-American War, the United States treated Filipinos in much

the same way the Spanish had treated the Cubans.

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Name Test Form B continued

9. King Kalakaua surrendered Hawaii to the United States in 1893.

10. Theodore Roosevelt was known as the hero of San Juan Hill.

Part 2: Map Skills

Use the maps to complete this section. Write the letter of the best answer. (2 points each)


A Shortcut gr%Canal




Military Base

Puerto PilonA

CARIJiBi:.! .V

SI .4 j

; %0

Buena vista New York CitySan <








CanalGattt n


A M I -: R I C A0

53 San Miguelito






v Panama City



0 10 Miles paA

La Chorrera0 10 KilometersPACIFIC

OCT. ANf > (

11. By how many miles did the Panama Canal shorten the trip from SanFrancisco to New York City as compared to the route around SouthAmerica?

a. 5,200 c. 13,000

b. 7,800 d. 18,200

12. Which locks are located on the north end of the canal?

a. Gatun c. Miraflores

b. Pedro Miguel d. Pedro Miguel and Miraflores

13. What physical feature might have made Panama well suited to build-ing a canal?

a. The presence of Gatun Lake reduced the amount of digging required.b

. Panama is the Central American country closest to the United States.c. Mountains in Panama made much of the canal flow downhill.

d. A railroad ran along the canal route, making it easy to move supplies.









202 Unit 3, Chapter 10

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Name Test Form B continued

14. How many military bases surround the canal?a. two c. six

b. four

15. Which of the following was not an advantage of building the canal?a

. American businesses saved money when they shipped goods.b

. Travel time between the East Coast and West Coast was reduced.

c. It allowed for a strong American military presence in Central America.

d. It strengthened ties between Colombia and the United States.

Use the maps on page 202 to answer the following questions in complete sentences onthe back of this sheet or on a separate sheet of paper. (5 points each)

16. Why might a railroad running alongside the canal have been beneficial inbuilding the canal?

17. As a ship enters the canal, the locks pump in water to raise the level of theship. The locks drain water as a ship exits the canal, returning it to sea level.Describe the process of passing through the canal from the Caribbean to thePacific, using the map to identify the distance traveled and the locks passed.

Part 3: Interpreting Political Cartoons

Use the cartoon to answer questions 18-22 on page 204. Write the letter of the correctanswer. (2 points each)













A r \

s v ill






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Test Form B continued

18. What political policy is satirized in this cartoon?a. the Monroe Doctrine c. the Open Door Policyb

. the Piatt Amendment d. the Foraker Act

26. Discuss the actions the United States took in order to build the Panama Canal.

19. What lies inside the door?

a. the United States c. a colonyb

. China d. Korea

20. What do the people outside the door seem to want?

a. to walk through the door c. to return homeb

. to talk to the key holder d. to break down the door

21. Who controls the situation, according to this cartoon?

a. the Chinese c. the United States

b. the foreigners outside the door d. the French

22. According to this cartoon, who benefited from the policy?

a. the Chinese c. other foreign influences in Chinab

. the United States d. all of the above

Use the cartoon to answer the following questions in complete sentences on the back ofthis sheet or on a separate sheet of paper. (5 points each)

23. How is Uncle Sam depicted in this cartoon?

24. In your own words, state the main idea of this cartoon.

Part 4: Extended Response

Answer each of the following questions in a short essay on the back of this paper or on aseparate sheet. (10 points each)

25. What happened as a result of U.S. imperialism in Cuba, the Philippines, andHawaii? Think About: "§

how the United States gained control over the countries ghow the United States treated the native peoples of each country how the native peoples reacted to the United States &

Do you think that the United States was warranted to take such actions? _

Think About: S_j

the people and money involved in obtaining the landthe political aspects of obtaining the right to build othe actual building of the canal

204 Unit 3, Chapter 10

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chapter test America Claims an EmpireForm C

... I

Part 1: Main Ideas

Write the letter of the best answer. (4 points each)

1. All of the following were imperialist powers in the late 1800s except

a. Japan. c. China.b

. Spain. d. the United States.

2. Jose Marti, a Cuban poet and journalist in exile in New York,

organized a guerrilla campaign to destroy American-owned propertyin Cuba in order to

a. provoke U.S. intervention in Cuba.

b. retaliate against U.S. involvement in Cuba.

c. give money to poor Cuban natives.

d. recover his family's land from American control.

3. All of the following countries came under some form of U.S. control

as a result of the Spanish-American War excepta. Cuba. c. Puerto Rico.

b. Hawaii. d. the Philippines.

4. General John J. Pershing led a force of fifteen thousand soldiers in an

attempt to capturea. Jose Marti. c. Emiliano Zapata.b

. Pancho Villa. d. Emilio Aquinaldo.

5. Of the following statements, the one that best reflects an anti-

imperialist attitude is|| a. "It is not necessary to own people to trade with them."

<j> b. "The expansion of our trade and commerce is the pressing problem."

c. "Is there no nation wise enough, brave enough to aid this blood-smitten land?"H, d. "Fate has written our policy for us; the trade of the world must and shall be ours. .

d 6. The Boxer Rebellion was an attempt by Chinese revolutionaries toa. restore the Manchu dynasty to power.b

. remove foreign influence from China.-jg c. set up a democratic government in China.

d. set up a Communist government in China.

7. The United States gained control of the land it needed to build the

Panama Canal bya

. negotiating with Colombia.b

. invading and attacking Colombia.c. implementing the Open Door Policy.d

. encouraging and supporting Panamanian independence.

America Claims an Empire 205

Page 14: CHAPTER section quiz Imperialism and America10... · Terms and Names Write the letter of the nation that best answers ... section quiz America as a World Power Section 4 ... Answer

Name Test Form C continued

8. The Open Door Policy was designed as a way for the United States tofurther

a. its trade interests.

b. its desires to annex foreign nations.

c. international diplomacy.d

. the establishment of democratic governments.

9. The rapid growth of industry in the United States helped fuel imperi-

alism because

a. America needed unspoiled places for its workers to vacation.b

. Americans had more time to read about foreign places.c. the United States was producing too many goods for its own people to buy.d

. Americans wanted to take over foreign factories and learn their secrets.

10. Teddy Roosevelt's approach to foreign policy reflected the proverb"

Speak softly and carry a big stick" becausea. he allowed U.S. troops to beat foreign natives for breaking U.S. laws.b

. he studied West African methods for negotiating with foreign powers.c. his soft-spoken personality made foreign leaders trust and admire him.d

. his negotiations were always backed by the threat of military force.

Part 2: Map Skills

Use the maps to answer questions 11-15 on page 207 in complete sentences. Use theback of this sheet or a separate sheet of paper. (4 points each)



J= Canal

n Lock

- Road

hh- Railroad

Military Base

CP Puerto Pilona:

5g?Buena Vista New York CitySan <








CanalL- a t un




A M b R I C ASan Miguelito






Panama CityArraijan

-bo Highway Balboa

0 10 Miles Pa

La ChorreraPAC IFIC


0 10 Kilometers







206 Unit 3, Chapter 10

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Name Test Form C continued

11. How did the Panama Canal benefit ships traveling between the East and Westcoasts of the United States?

12. Consider the locations of Balboa and Panama City. How might these citieshave benefited from the building of the canal?

13. Why do you think a railroad was built alongside the canal?

14. How might the presence of the canal have seemed threatening to LatinAmerican nations?

15. How do the maps show the importance to the United States of maintaining astrong presence in the Caribbean?

Part 3: Interpreting Political Cartoons

Use the cartoon to answer the following questions in complete sentences. (4 points each)









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16. What political policy or situation is the cartoon satirizing?

America Claims an Empire 207

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Name .

lest Form C continued

17. Who was affected by this policy or situation, as depicted in the cartoon?

18. Who holds the power, according to the cartoon? How does the cartoonistrepresent this power?

19. What words are written on the key? What does this imply?

20. What is the main idea of this cartoon?

Part 4: Extended ResponseAnswer each of the following questions in a short essay on the back of this paper or on aseparate sheet. (10 points each)

21. How was U.S. imperialism in the early 1900s similar to the concept of"

manifest destiny"

that was popular during the 1800s? How was it different?Think About:

. the goals of both

. the actions taken to achieve both

. the results of both |CO

22. Many people were against taking other nations as colonies of the United -§)States, including such figures as Andrew Carnegie and Mark Twain. Discuss ==the possible reasons for their anti-imperialist feelings. Think About: o. moral issues surrounding colonization and imperialism H. the effects of imperialism on the countries taken as colonies S. the effects of colonization on the United States §>


208 Unit 3, Chapter 10