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There was a time when canvas moved slow.

A time when guys with names like Titian or Hieronymus rolled around in codpieces and crazy hats, taking forever to generate predictable images for dour monarchs, who hung them up in castles for all eternity. That time was called the 15th century, and even though life has sped up considerably since then, canvas still moves at the pace of a medieval horse cart.

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Here we are, shooting people into space and mapping the human genome, but taking a 600-year-old approach to decorating our homes. We assume only certain things belong on canvas, and that those things take a long time to create. We agonize over what should go on our walls, and once it’s up we leave it there forever.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Canvas can move fast. In fact, you may be surprised to find, it already does.

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If only walls were made out of refrIgerator.

Refrigerators are pretty amazing. There’s the light that comes on when you open the door, and the see-through compartment for butter, and the whole keeping-perishables-cold thing. But as impressive as they are on the inside, it’s what happens on the outside that’s truly magical: a totally spontaneous, anything goes, magnetically affixed celebration of life. A revolving reposi-tory of favorite photos, priceless drawings, stellar report cards, funny notes and who knows what else—and that doesn’t even take into account the magnets themselves. This isn’t to say our walls should be as cluttered as our fridge doors. But they should be as vibrant a reflection of who we are, and what we love. And as it turns out, they don’t have to be made of aluminum for that to happen.

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Planets just collided. The world of canvas ran headlong into the world wide web. You probably didn’t notice, because instead of a giant fireball, the collision resulted in something really cool. Eazl. A lightning-fast, crazy-affordable way to convert digital images into canvas. An open invitation to turn anything into art, anytime, anywhere. An easy-to-use interface with the most creative tools for uploading photos. A portal for canvas-ready content from pop- culture’s favorite artists. A rocket ship for home reinvention. A noun. A verb. An uncanny amalgam of awesomeness that makes the digital tangible and teleports canvas into the 21st century. Enjoy.

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WE kIndA lovE THEsE ImAgEs. If You lovE AnY of THEm Too, go To EAzl.Com, doWnloAd THE EAzl moBIlE APP And EAzl onE RIgHT fRom YouR CAmERA PHonE. WE’ll EvEn gIvE You 5 BuCks off. CAll IT A sImIlAR TAsTE dIsCounT.




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The reason you just took an extra second or two to caress this part of the book is not because you’re some kind of weirdo. It’s because you’re a human being. And part of what makes you human is the need to feel things. To hold them in your hands, determine their form, and know the nature of their surface.

This is why people love music on wax, and leather-bound books, and art on canvas. There’s something about the tooth and texture we simply can’t resist. Hundreds of new art mediums have been invented since the middle ages, but no matter how slick or sophisticated they might be, we keep coming back to canvas. for us humans, it’s how art feels best.

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for many of us, what hangs on the walls is as permanent as the walls themselves. A lot of this has to do with the fact that, until now, canvas has been pretty expensive. But it’s also because we aren’t always sure what qualifies as art. so when we find some-thing that does, we tend to stick with it. But when anything and everything can be put on canvas, anything and everything can be art. And when you can get that anything and everything for next to nothing, in less than a week, the possibilities become endless. You can change art with the seasons. update the family photo wall every month. Hang the latest internet meme, or your most recent profile pic, or a screen grab of something completely random. This book contains several ideas for things you could eazl. But we’re sure you have a few ideas of your own. And we look forward to seeing them on canvas.

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There’s an unassuming factory in the town of Longmont, Colorado, on the eastern edge of Boulder County. If you weren’t looking for it, you’d probably drive right past. And you’d have no way of knowing there was all kinds of magical stuff happening inside. Product specialists designing impossibly light, incredibly strong, perfectly trimmed proprietary canvas products. Engineers inventing and fabricating the machines that make those products. In-house chemists, formulating the richest, most colorful, environmentally conscious inks in the industry. And dedicated workers from throughout the surrounding community, making it happen on the factory floor. All of this means we can get you canvas faster and more affordably than anyone in the world.

Are we elves? No. But we like to think we do a pretty good impression of them.

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doWnloAd THE EAzl BRoWsER Plug-In AT EAzl.Com And TuRn THE InTERnET InTo A PAlETTE of HomE déCoR PossIBIlITIEs.




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“ Art is Anything you cAn get AwAy with.” –Andy wArhol