Download - Access Tutorial 4



Tutorial Project

When you volunteered to work with a local Habitat for Humanity group, you were assigned to maintain a database pertaining to current projects. Habitat for Humanity builds houses for families who cannot afford to buy a house themselves. Each house is assigned a House ID which is unique to that house. As people from the community volunteer, they are assigned to one of the house projects. It is your job to keep up with this data pertaining to house projects and their assigned volunteers. This is a new database that you must create and then begin accumulating the data.

1. Start Access and open a new Blank database named Habitat Houses.

2. Create a table, Houses, that will contain the following fields.

Field NameData TypeField SizeDescription

House IDText6Uniquely identifies the house project and is the primary key

AddressText30Address of the house

Project ManagerText15Name of the manager of the project

Start DateDateDefaultDate the project was started

End DateDateDefaultEstimated completion date

3. Create a second table, Volunteers, that will contain the following fields.

Field NameData TypeField SizeDescription

Volunteer IDText6Uniquely identifies the volunteer and is the Primary Key

Last NameText20Volunteers Last Name

First NameText20Volunteers First Name

PhoneText10Volunteers Phone Number

4. Each of the tables above has a primary key that will identify each record in the table. Now, you must determine a field that will establish a relationship between the two tables. Each volunteer works on only one house at a time so the relationship will be a One-To-Many relationship. You will need to add a field that will serve as the common field on which the relationship will be formed. Look at your two tables and determine what you need to add. If you have trouble, look at the data that you will add to the table in Step # 7. This will give you a hint as to what you need to add to your table.

5. Add the field needed for the relationship in the Volunteers table. Open the relationships window and establish a relationship between the two tables. Choose the option to Enforce Referential Integrity, Cascade Updates, and Cascade Deletes.

6. Add the following records to the Houses table.

House IDAddressProject ManagerStart DateEnd Date

SP01051467 Elm StreetDavis05/18/0309/01/03

SP01068906 Franklin Ave.Dorcey04/01/0308/01/03

SP01078907 Franklin Ave.Dorcey04/01/0308/15/03

SP01088908 Franklin Ave. Dorcey04/30/0309/15/03

SP01098910 Franklin Ave. Dorcey04/30/0309/30/03

SP01041466 Elm StreetDavis04/30/0309/15/03

SP01021465 Elm StreetDavis04/15/0309/30/03

SP01011464 Elm StreetDavis05/01/0308/15/03

SP0120789 Chester Ave.Povoloski05/01/0308/15/03

SP0121790 Chester Ave.Povoloski05/01/0308/15/03

7. Add the following records to the Volunteers table.

Volunteer IDLast NameFirst NamePhoneHouse ID











8. Add a record of your choosing to the Houses table. Be sure the House ID is unique.

9. Add yourself to the table using data of your choosing. Be sure the new record is assigned to a House ID that already exists and make sure your Volunteer ID is unique.

10. Close the database and close Access.