Download - 3 Bite, Professional On-Line Training Brochure

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B E F O R E , D U R I N G &



Megrette Fletcher, M.Ed, RD, CDE is an

internationally recognized expert on mindful

eating who helped co-found The Center for

Mindful Eating, Megrette is

a registered dietitian and certified diabetes

educator at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital.

She is the author of three books including

Discover Mindful Eating, Discover Mindful

Eating for Kids, and Eat What You Love,

Love What You Eat with Diabetes,. Megrette

believes that mindfulness practice is an

essential part of health, and has maintained

a daily meditation practice since 1999.

Dh. Amala is a co-founder of The Center for

Mindful Eating, She is also a

meditation instructor and mentor with over

10 years experience teaching meditation and

the importance of mindfulness. She is

dedicated to sharing the practice and

benefits of meditation to audiences in a

variety of contexts including educational

settings, health care, and spiritual or

religious contexts. Amala is a member of the

Triratna Buddhist Order.


About Aryaloka Buddhist Center Dh Amala and Megrette call Aryaloka their spiritual home. Aryaloka has always been at the hub of Mindful Eating, and was the nonprofit organization that supported The Center for Mindful Eating when it began in 2006. These two teachers have chosen to use this program to financially support the mission of Aryaloka Buddhist Center which is situated on thirteen secluded acres in southern New Hampshire.

5-Step, 100-hour

Mindful Eating Training Overview

Step 1: Attend 3-Bite live workshop (~30 hours)

Step 2: Practice the mindful eating skills learned for 6-months. (~200 hours independent practice)

Step 3: Decide if Mindful Eating is a passion that you would like to bring deeper into your professional development.

Step 4: Attend the 6 month online Mindful Eating Professional Training (~40 hours)

Step 5: Commit to offering 10-hours of volunteer Mindful Eating training (~20-30 hours)

Professional Training in Mindful Eating

6-month Online Program January 2016-June 30

T R A I N I N G C O S T All inclusive 6 month online Training, CEU, Training Material• $750 payable to Aryaloka Buddhist Retreat Center• 10, 2-hour online training sessions• Limited size to 7 individuals• Facebook Mindful Eating Group where internet

resources are shared• Weekly MEME (Mindful Eating, Mindful Effort)

activities for participants to use will be shared

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10-Key Mindful Eating Learning Goals

• What are non-judgment and shame?

• How to teach basic nutrition while introducing the concept of mindful eating?

• Why and how to meditate?

• What is self-kindness (metta)?

• How to notice direct sensory experience while eating?

• How to identify and let go of thought experience?

• How to identify and let go of emotional triggering experiences?

• Three obstacles - Craving, Self-destructive Behaviors, Ignorance

• Three tools - Mindful Awareness, Kindness, Knowledge of Direct Experience

• What is a "Practice"?

How the Workshop is Structured?

The 6 month online training is divided into two distinct parts.

Part 1: Professionals will receive in-depth training on various ways to teach 10-learning goals.

Part 2: An opportunity to have supervised teaching training. This will be accomplished by having the student lead specific aspects of the Mindful Eating Training they will or have used in counseling.

Once the online training has begun, students are required to provide 10-hours of volunteer teaching in their community. This volunteer teaching will benefit both the community and it will provide the student with a chance to practice these concepts and techniques in a more supportive environment.

B E F O R E , D U R I N G & A F T E R T H E B I T E P R O F E S S I O NA L M I N D F U L E AT I N G

Who is this Online Training for? This 6 month, supervised online training is for any healthcare or social service professional who would like to receive additional training in mindful eating. When completed the workshop training track offers over 40 hours of supported educated to guide professionals to effectively teach mindful eating.

Understanding The Training Process

The 3-Bite Mindful Eating Professional Training is a 100-hour process that can begin by taking the 3-Bite weekend workshop. This workshop is offered twice a year at Aryaloka Buddhist Retreat Center, in Newmarket NH. After a person has completed this initial step, they will have up to six months to practice mindful eating and decide if this type of counseling is an area that would benefit from more training and focus. Interested individuals can then sign up to attend the 6 month online Professional Training. This training will review the ten key learning goals and provide instruction on how to bring these concepts into your professional work.

How to Begin Your Professional Mindful Eating Training? •It is required* to attend a mindful eating training prior to taking the online training. The 3-day 'Before, During and After the Bite' workshop on Mindful Eating is offered twice each year and provides 20 CPE credits for Registered Dietitians. Other qualifying mindful eating programs would include, MB-eat, Am I Hungry, MECL, Eat for Life and others. *This prerequisite must be fulfilled before participating in the online training. Please contact Megrette directly if have questions regarding this requirement.

•Once you have attended mindful eating retreat you can join us for the 6-month online Professional Training. This will be held on January 2016-June 30, 2016. Experiencing the Before, During and After the Bite retreat as an individual provides valuable learning. This program has been submitted 40 CPE credits for Registered Dietitians. Together these two programs provide 60 CPE for Registered Dietitians.

• This training also offers a training manual and a creative commons license to use any of the handouts and concepts in their personal mindful eating program.

•Refer to the five-steps process outlined on the back of this brochure that describes the certificate for 100 hours of Mindful Eating Training is obtained.