Download - 1922 No. 8 LCHS Messenger newsletter



other. In spite of its diminutiveI size, it performs its work perfect-

PR ESIDENT OF 'IHE BOARD Rev. ly. -Exchange.J. L. Sieber, Roanoke, Va. .•

SECRETARY ANDTREASURER R. Nachusa Orphans' Home sup-:W. Kime, Esq.,Salem, Va. ported by the Illinois synod is plan

SUPERINTENDENT J. T. Crabtree, ning to erection or two new cot-Salem, Va. '

ASSOCIATE SUPERINTENDENT ',tages to' house twenty orphansRev. E. W. Leslie, SalemVa. each. The two' houseswiil cost

MATRON Mrs. L. B. Spracher, about $40,000.HOUSEKEEPER, MissNonie Gable. •••. ----''IEACHERS Mrs. G. V. Ruhl, MrsK·I The man who is fond of, good

S. Crabtree, Miss. M. McSherry. b H' 11 'SEWINGTEACHERMrs. Janie Bailey 00 S IS usua y a man o~ loftyASSISTANTS Miss. Mary Crabtree, thought and elevated opinions,

Mrs. CoraWheeler. --George Dawson.FARMMANAGERJ. S: Critselous. . •.PHYSICIAN Dr. G. A. L. Kolmer. VIRGINIA CONFERENCE N. C. SYNOD

The Associate Superintendentattended the annual conventionof the Virginia Conference of theUnited Lutheran synod of NorthCarolinarecently held at Mt. Ne~bo church, summerset,' Va. wewere cordially received and weregiven an opportunity. to present

-- --- the work of the Home; The mes-"Why does that old hen al- sage was heard by' an attentive

way:; want to roost on the letter and interested audienc-e. Besidesbox?" a cash off'cring of $22.15, we were

"she was hatched from a par- given assurances of assistance by, eel-post egg" ' , ,__ various congregetions and indi-

A tinytypewrjter has been in- viduals. This body of loyal Luth-vented 9Y a Frenchman, which erans are deeply interested in the

", is small enough to be heldin one! work and drvelopment of thehand while it is operated with th J Home.

Horne Directory

Guard well your spare mom-ents. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and theirvalue will never, be known; im-prove them and they will becomethe brightest gems in a usefullife -Emerson


~bt !\ht't'tlt8" IANOTHtR CHECK FOR OUR------____ . 'PRINTING OUTFIT

Published Monthly By We have received anotherTHE LUTHERAN ORPHAN check fro man "Unknown

HOME Friend" Cameron, S. C. for fif-teen dollars to apply on our JobPrinting outfit. This makes thir-ty -dollars in hand of the $225.00needed to equip. our office fordoing job work for ourselves andothers.Somew here on the territory of

our Lutheran church in the Southare thirteen other friends whoare willing to answer this chal-lenge by sending check for $15.We will be glad to hear fromthese friends at an early day.How many additional checksmay we report in next. issue ofthe MESSENGER.


RATE OF SUBSCRIPTION~ingle Subscription, one year ... .25To. one address, ten copies or more.ten cents each.

All subscriptions must be paid inadvance.

I;:ntered at the. Post Office in SA-LEM, VA.• as second class matter.i\ccf!ptance for mailing at special

\ ••te of postage provided for in Sec.1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorizedOct. 20, 19:!0.There are now no. reduced rates to.

our Horne, either by freight or ex-Take Special to These Ship-

ping Dlrect ions r

press. Please mark your shipmentsplainly to. LUTHERAN ORPHANHOME, SALEM, VIRGINIA. Pre-paid freight and express is o.f greatass istance to. our Home,

---- ---NEEDS

The needs and wants of ourLutheran Orphan Horn e are farmore identical than those spokenof elsewhere. Let us explain:- Wewant the co-operation of allfr.iends, Sunday Schools andchurches in' helping us meet ourmonthly expense bills, for we

GOOD RESOLUTIONS. need it; we want 12 more friendsA certain church prints on the to meet our Lutheran Pastor's

back of its program of services ;offer of $15,00, each, to equipthese words:- our Printing Office to-do credi-Iwill not worry. table Job work; We want anIwill not be afraid, iron safe to protect the valuableIwill not give way to anger books and papers of the Home,Iwell not yeild to envy, jeal- for business prudence shows that

ously or hatred. we need it; we want supplies ofIwill be kind to every man, clothing, cloth, shoes, stockings

woman and child with whom I and canned goods of all kinds,-come in contact. and all supplies eatable andI will be cheerful and hopeful. Iwearable, for all conditions showIwill trust in God and brave-I that we certainly do NEED these

ly face the future,' I things. .


DEAD WHEN WORTHLESS. I I will cease to sit repmmgEvery worthless man is a dead Iwhile my duty, call is clear.

man. In schools that were old I will waste no moment whiningwhen Jesus was born it was a and my heart shall know no fear.part of the discipline to regard as I will look sometime about medead any student who grew for the things that merit praise;weary of studying to be useful I will search for hidden beau-or returned to an idle life. And ties that include the grumbler'sit was customary, when such an gazeone died, to place on his tomb an I will try and find contentmentinscription that would serve as a in the paths that I must tread,warning to others lest they also I will cease to have resentmentsquander 'their days and live to no when another moves ahead.useful purpose. Our Lord gave I will not be swayed by envythis idea an em.phasis it never when my rival's strenth is shown:had before. To Him a man' was I will not deny his merit, butdead, not when his breath went I'll strive to show my own;from him and his body returned I will try to see the beautyto the dust, but when he ceased spread before me. rain or live for .others. In His thought I will cease to preach your duty"that man may last but never and he more concerned withlives," who forgets his relation- mine.ship to God and man. In thatsense and soul must be adaptedadequate and assimilated to pre-serve the soul' life. Outwardforms are good, but they cannotbe substituted for deep spirituallife Paint is good and is needed. It has value of preservative andas beautifier. But decayingwood, or rusting iron, can not besaved, by a few coats of standardpaint. No more can a life besaved from failure by surfaceapplications merely,

---LUTHERAN YOUNG FOLKS.--- ...••••...... _--

--SoE. Kiser.--~....----

I WILL.I will start anew this morning

with a higher; fairer creed;I will cease to stand complain

. ing of my ruthless brother'scree I:


College Lutheran Church, thehandsome new structure incourse of erection by the Luth-erans of Salem, Va., is nearingcompletion and will be ready foruse in a few months.When completed, the building .

will be the most up-to-date andbeautiful church in the city, andis justly the pride and joy of theloyal Lutherans of Salem. Thisis the church home of our OrphanHome family.

•TO THE MANY FRIENDS OF THE HOME.Please mar.k all donations with

the name of the donor and ad-dress, so that we can keep anaccurate account of all donations.


4 THE ~.'f'''SENGER

TWO THINGS THAT NEVER END. I the impression that he is s~llingThere are at least two things I by the Golden Rule; that he IS con

that are endless--a perfect circle sidering the man at the otheran~ ~ur Orphan Horne needs. end of the bargain. This is theThis tIme,. besides our Job best rule for action in any and

Prmtmg outfit mentioned else- ..'where in this issue every kmd of buisness, How

WE NEED A SEPARATOR. much of sorrow a~d d~sappoint-. . ment would be avoided If all men

The milk from our herd of lived I according to this blessednine fine cows would yield twen- Rule spoken by the Mastertv-five per-cent more butter.and Himself.eliminate the handling and car-ing for large quantities of milk There is nothing in human lifeif we had a separator. We have a so precious to God. neither clev-

er words nor famous deeds. asspecial price of $80 from the the sacrifices of on one of the best ma- -Ian Maclarenchines on the market. but we do •••not have the $80 for th is purpose. I A CORRECTIONWe are wondering if some kind The contribution of $10.20

friend or generous congregation credited in last issue to Mt.will not send us a check for the Pleasant S. S., Sands, N. C.,

should have been credited to Oldan:ount and enable us ~opurchase Mt. Pleasant, Sandi, N. C. Wethis much needed equipment for r s glad to make this correction.our dairy. -- __ •.••0----


e xecut~;e Commitee m- Some are going: some are «om-s~ructed us to get a safe," but ing:many others are waiting.vyes:did not tell us whsre to find the several children went out fromsafe or the money--another case the home recently, -two to Alber-of "making brick without straw." marie, N. C.; two to Norfolk andUTeare 0 deri in if three to Newport News, Va.-Butvy w n ermg agam I some .of our rich Lutherans who have these vacancies th~s made havebeen U d th it f b been more than filledt- as fol-n er e necessi yo uy- .ing ala f Id t d lows:- One from Princeton, W. Varger sa e, wou no 0- .nate to the Home the old one, or f~o from ~an:ls; t;o fr~ml ~u~-send us money enough to buy a ~ngto.n an t ree r~m. a el?, one. Thank you, kind friend, '1~aht IS sevebn ouft an

hrune kl.n,-

fo look' d d . Wit anum er 0 ot ers as mgr mg aroun an seemg . . .what ca b d ith b th and waiting. 0, how we wish wen e one on el . er or 0 .of th forezoi iti had room to take m all the needye oregomg propos: IOns. .Thank you! on~s who are applying. Help .us,

__ --.... Friends, to put up more Build-WORKING BY THE GOLDEN RULE. ings for more children. Do notA certain shrewd buisness man let this precious opportunity for

~ays that the salesman he likes service for the M~t.e}' pass .,p~best is the one that gives him you. ''':~

----. .•....---



maybe: It IS a moving, potentshield that protects many a familyfrom the poorhouse. All honorto the brave toiler! God blessthe girl who works.


If we read the Bible aright,we read a book which teaches usto go forth and do the work ofthe Lord; to do the work of theLord in the world as we find it,to try to make things better inthis world, even if only a littlebetter, because we have lived init. That kind of work can bedone only by the man who isneither a weakling nor a cowardby the man who in the fullestsense of the word is a Christianlike Great Heart, Bunyan's hero.We plead for a closer and widerand deeper study of the Bible, sothat our people may be in fact aswell as in theory, "doers of the\\ ord and not hears only."



GOD BLESS THE GIRL WHO WORKS.God bless the girl who works!

She is not too proud t. earn herown living, Rot ashamed to becaught at her daily task. Shesmiles at you from behind thecounter or desk or printer's esse.There is sweet memory in everything she touches. She is likethe brave mountaineer, alreadvfar up the precipice--climbing,struggling, rejoicing. The verysight is an inspiration, It is anhonor to know this girl and to beworthy of her esteem. Lift yourhat to her, young man, as she ---- ••.•---passes by. She is a queen in the Some of the assistants are tak-realm of womanhood. She is a ing their vacation at the presentprincess among the toilers. Her time. We miss them in their re-hand may bQ stained by dish-· spective places, but are glad towashing, factory grease or print _ have them spend a few weekser's ink, but it is an honest hand. with their relatives and friendsIt stays misfortune from the and take pleasant trips to inter-home; it supports an invalid one esting places.

THE MUSIC OF LABOR.The banging of the hammer,

The whirling of the plain,T-he crashing of the busy saw,

The creaking of the crane,The ringing of the anvil,

The grateing of the drill,The clatter of the turning lathe,

The whirling of the mill,The buzzing of the spindle,

The rattling of the loom,The puffing, of the engine,

The fan's continual boom.The clipping of the tatlor's shears.

The driving of the awl.>-These rounds of happy industry,

I love--I love them all.

The clicking of the magic type,The earnest thoughts of men,

The toiling of the giant press,The scratching of the pen,

The tapping of the yardstick,The tinkling of the scale,

The whistling of the needle,(When no bright cheek is pale).

The humming of the cooking stove,The surging of the broom,

The patting feet of childhood,The housewife's busy hum,

The' of the scholars,The teacher, s kindly call---

The sounds of active industry,I love·--I love them all.



PHILOSOPHY IN BROKEN DOSES.Enthusiasm is the headlight on

the train of progress.Youth views life through rose-

tinted glasses; age through bluegoggles; which is beetter?

Shyness is beautiful in thewood violet; it is not thought tobe indispensable to a millionaire.When we're undeservedly praisedwe commend the critic's judge-ment. If we are undeservenlycensured, what do we do then?

When we get Justice, the real-ity, we may dispense with Charity, the sham.

After eating we allow time fordige-tion. After' reading howmuch time do we allow forthought?

A string suggests a man pullingand being pulled.

--- .......----EMPTY JARS

We have plenty of ·them andwill be glad to send them to ourfriends who will fill them andreturn them to us in the fall. Weprepay all charges. Let us knowhow many you want and to whomto send them,

HOUSEKEPER SECURED.Miss Nonie Gable, of Senoia,

Ga. has accepted the position ofHousekeeper in the Home, andassumed her duties ,. July5th, last.

She is proving herself capableand efficient in this importantdepartment of our Home work,and we congratulate ourselveson securing her services.

MISS DORA BARRIER.Miss Dora Barrier, who for

seventeen years was the efficientHousekeeper for the Home,passed peacefully away, after alingering illness, at the Home ofher brother, Mr. M. W. Barrier,near Statesville, N. C., on July19th.

No one has ever worked in theHome with a higher degree of de-votion to her duties than she did.She was loved by all in the Home.The familiar face .and name ofMiss Dora will be greatly missedby us all. She loved' the Homeand was thoroughly consecratedto its great mission. She boreher sufferings with Christian pa-tience and resignation, and diedin the triumphs of Christianfaith. "Asleep in Jesus, "


A BETTER WAYDon't lie in bed and dream and

dreamOf what you'd like to do,But hop right up an hit your

licksTo make your dreams come true

-Tennyson J. Daft.

RECEIVING CONGRATULATIONS.Mr. and Mrs, Critselous are re-

ceiving the congratulations oftheir freinds upon the arrival intheir home on July 18, of a littledaughter.

Mr. Critselous is the Superin-tendent of our farming opsra-tions. Mrs. Critselous is with herparents, Mr. and Mrs.C. J.. Harr,at Indian Springs, Tenn.


FARM NOTES.Our farm manager, Mr. J. S.

Critselous furnishes us with thefollowing items of interests con-cerning-our farm and trucking in-terests:Our crops are all looking very

favorable. We have been blessedwith plenty of rain. Our truckpatches are also doing well andfurnishing plenty of vegetablesfor our large family.Our corn crop is exceptionally

good, there is no better corn in thissection of the state. we have

---SEL. mowed the alfalfa the third time.----<I... The present crop, while not soSOUTH CAROLINIANS WILL heavy as the first two,is a good

NOT TAKE A DARE I one. Pasture lands are in goodS' I' , condition,and our cows aremce our ast Issue we nave reo doi f 11d tv i . ldi I

ceived two responses to the om~ .u u Y.m yre mg arge"Challenge" of one of our pas- I qU~llltles of ~tlk and. butter:tors for our job Printing outfit. 1he threshmg machme has Just,EW)h of these responses come left our barn. we had twenty -fivefi.~m South Carolina one from acres of wheat ani we threshedCameron the other from Ballen- 650 bushels of first quality wheat.tine. South Carolina Lutherans This was an average of more thancan always be depended on to do twenty-five bushels to .the acre,their work. which is far above the generalW t d i t t I average for this section.e ye nee JUS we ve more .•..

responses to this effort to raise BEQUESTS TO OTHERS$2:25 to equip our office with type The Tressler Orphan Home, atfor doing- Job Printing. Friends, Loysville,' Pa., will receive,

through the will of Mrs. Davidwho will be the next to respond H G tl P thays, reeneas e, a., e sumto this "dare"? of $7,000. The Foreign MissionOur b:>YRhave just turned out Board and the local Lutheran

a splendid job of printing letter church will each receive $1,000.heads for the Home, but we A layman in Allentown hashad to have the form set up at a left to the Good 'Shepherd Homenear-by printing' plant. We are a legacy which may reach $75,000anxious to get our own equipment. The legal title of our OrphanWe will appreciate contributions Home is "The Lutheaan Orphanfor this purpose from friends Home in the South." located atof the Home. Salem, Virginia.

LITTLE THINGS.A crumb will feed a little bird,A thought prevent an angryword;

A seed bring forth full many aflower

A drop of rain foretell a show-er

A little cloud the sun will hide,A dwarf may prove a giant'sguide;

A narrow plank a safe bridgeform,

A smile some cheerless spiritwarm.


CASH RECEIPTS FOR JULY. ·,5.00,HOlYTrinty 8.8., Lynchburg.C~sh ,2.00, 0. 8. Aker, 25.00, 2 36,Colleg'e Chu!'"th,Old

DIvidend, 3.00, Miss Kate 8chaull Mt .. Pleasant 8. 8. Sands, 13. QO30.00 Lebanon Church 8 8 5 71 R.H. Hamm~nd. 5:00; C. G. ~ea-Share 8 8 . . . .: 'gle, 6. 84, Linn Mills, 96. 00: ~t.

aron ., GIbsonville, 4.70, Andrews s.S, Plains; 10: 00; MrsSalem 8;8. Mt. Sidney, 6.00, Hav- D.S. Haltiwanger, (printing) 15en Lutheran 8.8. Salisbury 18:05, .00, Mrs. W. W. Walker's littleInterest, 133.98, Interest, 127.50, girls, 5.00, Tom's Brook ." .15.29,8t. Luke's 8.8. Florence, 6.25,Zion s.~. Crockett, 3.95, FarmSummer Memo. Church, 2.00, 40. 50, women's Miss, soc, Beth-8.8. Newport, Va. 4.28, Farmre- lehem, W3JTe<ioIC, 20'((,; sumturns, 64.65, J.D. Heilig, Treas:- mer Memo. Church, 1. 74; Geo. DChrist's 8.8. 8pencer,.7,69,Mont. Brown, Treas:- St. Markes, '. '-.Amoena8eminary 8.8. 8.00,Holly 13.18, Virginia Hieghts s.S.50.Crove 8.8 ..5.15: -'Phil. 8.8. Gran- OO,Immanuel's, S. '~, 24.33, Mrs'ite Falls., Salem 8.8.Rowan J. T. Runge, 5.00; Va. Conf.2.95, 8t. John's 8.8. Cherryville, United Synod of N.C,22.15; Inter32.47. Christiana 8.8. 10.66, Holy terest, 60.00; Mrs. J.D. Shirer,Trinity 8.8. Charlotte, 7.62, St. 5.00; Rev Paul Sieg, 1.00. Prima-John's Congo Statesville, 10.23, ry Dept. st. Johns 8.S CharlestonChrist's 8.8. Spencer, 8.38, 1st 8.C 10.00 Interest $]28.33, St.Church 8. S. Lexington, 6.19, Johns S. 8. Statesville ·9.96Kimball Memo. S.S. 25.00, E- Total $1,909.43mmanuel's8.8.High Point, 18.00. . DONATIONS· FOR JULY.Sharon 8.8. Iredell, 5.55, Union LURAY, VA., Leta MildredFrank, 1Cone, 12.00, Holy Trinity Congo girl's dr.ess. .W t 3 12 ·C CHINAGROVE, N.C., Class auga, . , enter Grove 8. St. Mark's S. S. 1handsomelyembroid-

8. 15.~1, St. Michael's 8.8. 9.78, ered quilt.·St. James· 8.8. Newton, 4.50, ROANOKE,VA., Miss Mary Mark-. ley's S. S. ,class, St. Mark's church,...St. John's 8.8. Cherryvill«, 16.66, 2 small rocking chairs. Mr. V. P. Hetk-B . k U' 8 ~ T· t '11 5 00 man, 1 dozenrubberballs, 30 pooket diet-rrc mon S. ~ . rou VI e,. 'ionaries." AFriend"Va. Heights church

Emmanuel S.8. Blountville, 8.30, peaches, plums, second-hand clothing.1st Eng .. Luth. Church. Rich- CROCKETVA., Mr. A. L. Snaveley

1barrel apples.mond, 16.66, Returns from farm, SALEMVA., Rev. Paul. Sieg. large11.75, Interest, 247.14, V. Hock- number of books and magazines·, and

onebook,15.JO,::)outhView8.8.10.00, WAYNESBORO, VA., Nettie B.'A.M. Freeze, 3.00, St Barnabas 8. Rusmisele, P.P. Package dry goods.8. Charleston, 3.75, Mrs J. A. LOm, VA., Mrs.Andy Eakin, pac-k-Koon, 23.00,· Emmanue'l 8. S. age clothing.'

RICHMOMD, VA., First EnglishWoodstock, 25.35, (\rphan Home Lutheran church, 33 pillow cases, 32Helpers' Soc. Pulaski, 7.69, Inter- towels, 6 sheets, I gauze shirt and West, 151.81, Women's Miss. Soc. prs. hose.United Luth. American 137 ST. PETERSBURG, FLA., Trinity48 Unkno n F' d.Came . Lunheran church, 10 dresses., w rien ,ameron, CHARLOTTE,N.C.W.P. Bolen, 2

(Printing) 15.00,H. P. Copehaver, I baseball bats. '