Download - 1.1.1 healthy, active lifestyles and how they could benefit you

Page 1: 1.1.1 healthy, active lifestyles and how they could benefit you

Healthy, active lifestyles and Healthy, active lifestyles and how they could benefit youhow they could benefit you


Healthy active lifestylesHealthy active lifestyles


Chapter content:

1. What constitutes a healthy, active lifestyle?

2. Classifying the benefits of physical activity

3. How exercise can relieve stress and tension

4. How physical activity can stimulate the individual

Second edition

Page 2: 1.1.1 healthy, active lifestyles and how they could benefit you


• What constitutes a healthy, active lifestyle?What constitutes a healthy, active lifestyle?11

A healthy active lifestyle is one that contributes positively to physical, mental andsocial wellbeing.

This is achieved through:

• Regular exercise and physical activity

• Eating a balanced diet

• Avoiding harmful substances

• Sustaining friendships

• Classifying the benefits of physical activityClassifying the benefits of physical activity22The benefits of physical activity fall into three main categories:

• Physical

• Social

• Psychological / mental

Page 3: 1.1.1 healthy, active lifestyles and how they could benefit you


STUDENT TASK: Add the sentences provided to the correct column in the table.

Encourages teamwork and co-operation; enhances body shape; improves performance; contributes to enjoyment of life; increases fitness; helps relieve stress; develops friendships; helps the individual to feel good

Classifying the benefits of physical activity

Physical Social Psychological (Mental)

Develops friendships

Encourages teamwork and co-


Enhances body shape

Increases fitness

Improves performance

Helps relieve stress

Contributes to enjoyment of life

Helps the individual to feel


Fulfilment of being part of a team

Less prone to injury

Improves flexibility

Can provide excitement

Improves self-esteem

Can relieve aggression

EXTENSION TASK: If you can think of more benefits add them to the table.

Page 4: 1.1.1 healthy, active lifestyles and how they could benefit you


• How exercise can relieve stress and tensionHow exercise can relieve stress and tension33

Exercise can benefit the individual in several psychological ways:

It increases an individual’s wellbeing

and helps them to feel good

• Exercise produces a hormone called ‘serotonin’ which makes the body feel good.

• Improved body shape and fitness also contributes to a ‘feel good factor’.

Page 5: 1.1.1 healthy, active lifestyles and how they could benefit you


It helps relieve stress, and prevents stress related illness

• Regular exercise can act as a distraction to the problems of daily life which cause tension.

• This distraction can also reduce the risk of stress related illnesses such as depression or anxiety.

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It increases self-esteem and confidence

• Overcoming the physical and mental challenge of an activity can give an individual a sense of achievement.

• Completing a difficult task such as a marathon would increase self-esteem and confidence.

It contributes to good health

• The fitter a person is the better they fight and recover from illness.

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It contributes to the enjoyment of life

• Most people who take part in physical activity do so because they enjoy it.

• Whether it is the tactical battle of outwitting an opponent or the fun of being part of a team, most people can find a form of exercise that they enjoy.

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• How physical activity How physical activity can stimulate the can stimulate the individualindividual


Taking part in a healthy, active lifestyle can stimulate:


• Working in teams improves cooperation.

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• As a performer’s skills progress and competence develops, their desire and motivation to compete at a higher level may increase.

Physical Challenge

• Physical activity can present challenging situations. Reaching a goal as an individual or as a member of a team can develop confidence.

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Aesthetic appreciation

• The quality of technique by an elite athlete can often be interpreted by an observer as aesthetically pleasing.

• An athlete can also sense the aesthetics of their actions, judging whether it ‘felt just right’.

The development offriendships and socialmixing

• With most sports there is a social side, allowing players to mix and form friendships.

• This interaction can develop a person’s confidence in social situations.

Page 11: 1.1.1 healthy, active lifestyles and how they could benefit you

3 a) Give two reasons why the over 50s tennis player takes part in physical activity. (2 marks)

b) i) Making sure you give a different reason than you gave in (a) above, give one reason why the school hockey players take part in physical activity. (1 mark)

ii) State whether the reason is social, physical or mental. (1 mark)

Total marks /6


Working in a team

Improved cooperation

Increased self-esteem

Developing friendships

1 Which of the following is considered to be a mental benefit of exercise? (1)


• SOCIAL – To improve cooperation / to develop friendships and to mix socially / (or equivalent answers)

• MENTAL – For the competition / for the physical challenge / to relieve stress and prevent stress related illness / to increase self-esteem and confidence / to increase wellbeing and help to feel good about themselves / to contribute to enjoyment of life / for the aesthetic appreciation of the activity / (or equivalent answers)

• PHYSICAL – To improve performance / to increase fitness / to contribute to good health / (or equivalent)

Accept any answer from a different category given in 3 (a) answers





The answer must be in the correct category given in 3 (a) answers

2 Which of the following is considered to be a social benefit of exercise? (1)





Relieving stress

Increased self-esteem

Increased fitness

Improved cooperation