Your word is a lamp unto my feet

1 30/12/12 Introduction from Peter Brave-Heart: all of the following is on www. under EDITORIAL. A lot is happening right NOW! Best Wishes, Peter. ****************************************************************************** Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119:105) A Lamp Dear Friends, Greetings. Happy New Year may sound like an oxymoron, with all the bad news we have been hearing, but every year is and can be happy when we walk hand in hand with Jesus. As Minnie Louise Haskins wrote many years ago in “God Knows”. God Knows And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely



Transcript of Your word is a lamp unto my feet

Page 1: Your word is a lamp unto my feet



Introduction from Peter Brave-Heart:

all of the following is on www. under


A lot is happening right NOW!

Best Wishes,



“Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

A Lamp

Dear Friends,

Greetings. Happy New Year may sound like an oxymoron, with all the bad news we have been hearing, but every year is and can be happy when we walk hand in hand with Jesus. As Minnie Louise Haskins wrote many years ago in “God Knows”.

God Knows

And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely

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into the unknown.”

”And he replied:“Go out into the darkness and

put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a

known way.”

So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night. And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.

We have only included three articles below, but the first two are somewhat lengthy. The second article deals with the “Keys of the Kingdom” which we thought you might find interesting.

While in no way are the articles meant to cause trepidation, the intent is as the old proverb says, 'praemonitus, praemunitus' loosely translated as 'forewarned is forearmed'.

Jesus warned us to be aware of “the signs of the times”.

Have a happy 2013!


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'Oh, how the mighty have fallen,' says producer of

'Isaiah 9:10 Judgment'

Published: 12/21/12


New York Stock

Exchange has never

been the same after

the Sept. 11, 2001,

terrorist attack, the

biblical "beginning

of sorrows," according to those who have read

Jonathan Cahn's "The Harbinger," the bestselling

Christian book in America in 2012, or viewed "The

Isaiah 9:10 Judgment," the No. 1 faith movie of the


So when the New York Stock Exchange was sold this

week to an upstart commodity and derivatives

exchange called Intercontinental, prophecy buffs saw

yet another "harbinger" of America's economic decline

as described in the movie and the book.

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On Dec. 20, the Atlanta-based Intercontinental

Exchange (ICE) announced the purchase of the

NYSE, ending what USA today called "a storied 220-

year reign over financial markets."

The New York Times reported: "It was the temple of

commerce, the symbol of New York's status as the

nation's - and for many decades, the world's -

financial center."

In all the stories about the big financial development,

histories of the NYSE were written like obituaries -

tracing the start of the exchange back to the 18th

century "Buttonwood Agreement."

Few of those stories, however, mentioned why the

agreement was called "Buttonwood."

It's because the early traders met under a buttonwood


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Buttonwood is another name for sycamore, a tree

prominently mentioned in Isaiah 9:10 - the key verse

to interpreting how America has been under

judgment since 9/11, according to Cahn and Joseph

Farah, WND's founder and producer of the movie.

"Oh, how the mighty have fallen," said Farah. "Who

would have predicted back in the heyday of the New

York Stock Exchange prior to 9/11 that we would

witness the two biggest crashes of the stock market

and finally its sale this week."

Said Cahn, "One of the mysteries in 'The Harbinger'

and 'The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment' is called The

Uprooted. It reveals a dynamic of national judgment,

the exposing of foundations. In the days of judgment,

the foundations of a nation's power are laid bare. The

foundations of America's financial superpower began

in the 1790s with a secret meeting of New York's

leading merchants. The meeting led to a covenant

they all signed together on Wall Street - the

Buttonwood Agreement. This was the beginning of

Wall Street as we know it and the foundation of

America's financial world power.

"The agreement created the Buttonwood Association.

The Buttonwood Association was later renamed, The

New York Stock Exchange. Why was it called

'Buttonwood?' Buttonwood was the name of the tree

that grew on Wall Street and under which the

agreement was signed. What kind of tree? The

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sycamore. In other words, the symbol and sign of

America's rise to financial power is the sycamore

tree. And another name for Wall Street is

'Buttonwood' or 'Sycamore,'" he said.

Farah and Cahn see a pattern here - a pattern that

began on 9/11 and continues to shake and shape the

future of America.

It's a pattern of defiance expressed by Americans

and their leaders at a warning from God - repeating

the words and the fate of ancient Israel before its final


"On Sept. 11, 2001, the sign of the sycamore

reappeared in lower Manhattan as a steel beam from

the falling North Tower struck down a tree - the

sycamore. This uprooted tree was later made into a

bronze statue. The statue was put on display, not at

Ground Zero, but on another street - Wall Street.

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Thus on the same street where America's rise to

financial superpower began under the sign of a living

sycamore, there now stands a symbol of a dead

sycamore, an uprooted sycamore. So if America's rise

was symbolized by a living sycamore, what does the

sign of an uprooted sycamore portend? In the days of

a nation's judgment, the foundations of its power are

laid bare," Cahn explained.

"The sign of the sycamore also appears in the

Scripture Isaiah 9:10, the key verse of The Harbinger

- where it stands for national judgment," he said.

"When I first shared the first part of the mystery of

'The Harbinger' in 2005, I spoke of the collapse of

Wall Street. Three years later, Wall Street collapsed.

Now, at the end of 2012, the sycamore has fallen

again. After two centuries, that which was founded

under the sycamore of Wall Street, the rise of

America's financial power, has now come to an end.

Even the New York Times is speaking of the

sycamore tree," he said.

"The sycamore has fallen. Of what does that

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As Cahn, author of "The Harbinger" and the

inspiration behind "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,"

explains, one of the harbingers of judgment is the

defiance of leaders toward God and their emphasis

on "rebuilding" versus repentance and the idea of

coming back stronger and better without any

thought to what God is trying to convey through


"What we see is defiance, not repentance. A number

of years ago, as I was standing at the edge of Ground

Zero in New York City, I came across the first puzzle

piece of an ancient biblical mystery and a prophetic

message known as 'The Harbinger' that concerns the

future of America," explains Cahn, who helped write

and narrate the two-hour documentary "The Isaiah

9:10 Judgment."

Cahn says he has since found nine harbingers that tie

the problems America has experienced beginning

Sept. 11, 2001, with parallels that led to the

destruction of ancient Israel.

"Before God judges a nation, He sends warning,"

explains Cahn. "He sent warning to ancient Israel. He

even allowed its enemies to breach its borders in a

devastating strike that would traumatize the nation. It

was a wake-up call, the call to return to God. But

the nation responded with defiance. God then gave

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nine harbingers of judgment, nine prophetic signs,

alarms and foreshadows of what was to come. Now

America is the nation in rapid departure from God's

will. And God likewise allowed an enemy to breach its

borders in a devastating strike - the terrorist attacks of

Sept. 11, 2001. It was, likewise, a wake-up call. But

America, like Israel, has not responded with

repentance, but with defiance. And now the nine

harbingers of judgment have reappeared and have

done so on American soil."

Isaiah 9:10 is a verse in which

Israel's national leaders utter a vow

of defiance following an attack by

Assyria. It declared that the nation

would not repent before God, but

would defy Him instead. Cahn

reveals in "The Harbinger" - and in

even more dramatic fashion in the

video - that beginning the day after

Sept. 11, 2001, American leaders began repeating

that 2,500-year-old vow, word for word.

"Having no idea what he was doing, the majority

leader of the U.S. Senate (Tom Daschle) was

declaring America as under the judgment of God,"

Cahn says. "It was the reenactment of an ancient

mystery - and bore the most grave of consequences."

He continues: "According to the ancient mystery

revealed in the Book of Isaiah, if after that first

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calamity and warning, the nation doesn't return to God

but responds in defiance, it will end up triggering a

second calamity. It was because of this ancient key,

that, seven years after 9/11, the American economy

collapsed. In the days after 9/11, the Federal Reserve

slashed the base interest rate in an attempt to defy the

consequences of the attacks. That action put us on the

path leading to the collapse of the American economy

seven years later. In 2008, the government made a

second fatal mistake, another ill-fated financial

decision, that would trigger the collapse of the

American economy. Amazingly, it took place on the

seventh anniversary of the uttering of the ancient vow

on Capitol Hill."

Cahn also reveals in "The Harbinger" and "The Isaiah

9:10 Judgment" something that readers and viewers

universally find astonishing - that New York's

Ground Zero actually represents more than the

former financial center of the country. It represents

the exact place at which America was first

consecrated to God in prayer by the country's new


"When judgment came to Israel, the calamity returned

the people's attention to the place where the nation had

been consecrated to God - the Temple Mount," says

Cahn. "God was calling the nation back to Himself.

What about 9/11? Could there be, in the American

calamity, as well, a mystery of return? Could there be

a prophetic message hidden in the place where it

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happened? There is a place where America was

consecrated to God in prayer. It is also a place linked

to a prophetic warning given on that same day -

uttered by the nation's first president - now coming

to pass."

In 1789, newly inaugurated President George

Washington gave a prophetic warning at Federal Hall

in New York City. He declared that America's

prosperity and protection were dependent upon its

adherence to God. Later, the political leaders of the

young nation gathered at St. Paul's Chapel to

commit the nation's future to God's purposes. That

chapel is located at Ground Zero and miraculously

survived 9/11 virtually unscathed.

Cahn, the pastor of the Jerusalem Center-Beth Israel

Congregation in Wayne, N.J., says America is

uncannily re-enacting ancient Israel's behavior

prior to its judgment and eventual fall. He found a

sympathetic ear for his message in WND founder

Joseph Farah, who produced "The Isaiah 9:10

Judgment," as a follow-up to "The Harbinger."

The key to decoding the harbingers, Cahn says, is

found in understanding the seemingly innocuous

words of Isaiah 9:10, what it meant to Israel and how

the history seems to be repeating itself in America


These words were first uttered by leaders in Israel and

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in response to a limited strike by Assyria on the

lands of Zebulun and Naphtali - an attack the prophet

makes clear is actually part of a limited judgment by

God against apostasy. It wasn't meant to destroy the

nation, but to awaken it, according to most


But, says Cahn, Israel didn't take the cue. Instead, the

response from the people in Isaiah 9:10 is one of

defiance. The brick buildings were toppled, but they

vowed to build bigger and better. The little sycamore

trees may have been uprooted, but they vowed to plant

bigger and better cedars in their place.

God, speaking through Isaiah explains what will

happen as a result of their pride and arrogance and

failure to heed the harbinger: Bigger and more

potent attacks will follow. Because neither the

northern kingdom of Israel nor the southern kingdom

of Judah truly repents, the first is eventually swept

away by Assyrian invaders and the latter is carried off

into captivity by the Babylonians for 70 years.

But what does this have to do with the United States of

America - particularly what the U.S. experienced on

9/11 and since? Cahn has found some eerie parallels.

"In the aftermath of the attack, the nation was

stunned," said Cahn. "Everyone was trying to make

sense of what had happened - this unprecedented

attack on America. The very next day, Sept. 12, then

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•Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle presented

America's response to the world. And what did he


Daschle said: "America will emerge from this tragedy

as we have emerged from all adversity - united and

strong. Nothing ... nothing can replace the losses of

those who have suffered. I know there is only the

smallest measure of inspiration that can be taken from

this devastation. But there is a passage in the Bible

from Isaiah that speaks to all of us at times like this."

He then went on to read Isaiah 9:10.

"Daschle has no idea what he is doing here," explains

Cahn. "He thinks he's offering comforting words to a

grief-stricken people, but he is actually embracing

the spiritually defiant and arrogant words of the

children of Israel, proclaiming the ancient and

ominous vow of the leaders of that nation. He doesn't

realize it, but he is actually inviting more judgment

on the nation."

It might be of some significance that Daschle, one of

the most powerful men in the nation when he spoke

those words, later fell into disgrace - to the point

where he couldn't even serve in Barack Obama's


That might have been the end of the story - if no other

top leader in the nation uttered those strange and

obscure words after 9/11. But that's not the case.

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•On the third anniversary of the attack, Sept. 11, 2004,

another powerful U.S. senator running for vice

president that year and who would famously run for

the presidency four years later, gave a speech to the

Congressional Black Caucus.

This time, John Edwards' entire speech was built on

a foundation of Isaiah 9:10:

"Today, on this day of remembrance and mourning,

we have the Lord's Word to get us through," he said.

He then read Isaiah 9:10. He went on to talk about

how America was doing just that - rebuilding with

hewn stone and planting cedars.

Later, •in his first State of the Union Address in 2009,

Obama hearkened back to the same theme. Then

•New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo - right back at the

site of the original attack - repeated the theme.

In "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment," viewers get to see

these remarkable, largely forgotten or overlooked

speeches, which directly link the events of 9/11 and

the events referred to in Isaiah 9:10.

But aside from such statements, which could be

chalked up to political talk and coincidences, is there

anything else linking Isaiah 9:10 to 9/11 and the

shockwaves that followed, including two economic


The DVD documentary, like the book, is full of

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shocking parallels. There was actually a very famous

sycamore tree felled in the attack on the World

Trade Center. It was replaced by trees in the same

genus as the cedar. There have been many plans

made to rebuild the twin towers bigger and better and

a large "hewn stone" was actually quarried out of the

Adirondack Mountains in New York and brought to

Ground Zero as a cornerstone.

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"The parallels are truly stunning," says Farah. "In fact,

they are overwhelming in their number and their

exactitude. I am persuaded God is trying to tell

America something and Rabbi Cahn has found the

key to unlocking the message."


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Part 1 of 1

By Paul McGuire -

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December 24, 2012

"MindWar is the deliberate, aggressive, convincing

of all participants that in a war we will win that

war." -General Michael Aquino and Col. Paul E.

Vallely "From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory

2013 is going to be the convergence of many events

that have been more or less in a holding pattern. First

of all, there exists a hidden and very powerful,

Satanic elite that is largely controlling world

events. This elite which goes all the way back to

Nimrod and the Tower of Babel has changed names

many times. Sir Francis Bacon, a Rosicrucian (the

forerunner of the Illuminati,) planned for America to

be the "New Atlantis" and head of the New World

Order, long before 1776.

The Illuminati was officially formed in 1776 by Adam

Weishaupt, the same year America was born. Many of

our Founding Fathers who claimed to be Christians

were actually member of the Illuminati. The

architectural symbolism all over Washington D.C. is

Illuminati and Freemasonry symbolism. For example,

according to the historical legend of Nimrod and his

wife Semiramis who built the Tower of Babel and

created Babylon, there is a deep meaning behind

architectural symbols such as the Washington

Monument and the rest of the nation's capital.

Washington D.C. is a mirror city to the Vatican. The

Washington Monument is a phallic symbol and the

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capital is the symbol of a womb. This is repeated in

Egypt and many other cultures.

Nimrod married the beautiful Semiramis who was

either a prostitute or a madam. Some legends indicate

she was both Nimrod's mother and wife. In a power

struggle at Babylon, which was the world's first one

world government, one world economic system and

one world religion, Semiramis murdered the powerful

Nimrod. It appears Nimrod was far more than an

ordinary man, he apparently was a Nephilim. The

Nephilim was the hybrid race that were produced

when fallen angels (B'nai Elohim) had sexual relations

with human women. This act of interspecies breeding,

which was forbidden by God, produced a race of

supermen who were called the "mighty men of old," or

the Nephilim. Apparently, they were physically giants

and had highly advanced knowledge. The Nephilim

were responsible for the advanced technology and

science that produced the great megalithic structures

such as the Egyptian pyramids, the Mayan and Incan

ruins, Stonehenge and countless other architectural

structures that would be impossible to build even with

today's technology. They are advanced and giant

instruments of technology which transmit energy and

they are constructed to line up with stars and galaxies

and are built in accordance with celestial mathematical

equations that modern science has yet to discover. In

addition, they seem to indicate direct contact with

advanced civilizations from outer space, an idea being

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considered by a growing body of scientists.

Finally these Nephilim-built structures were occult and

Satanic temples of worship which involved human

sacrifice. Nimrod designed the Tower of Babel to

allow men to project themselves into the stars in order

to become gods and to worship the hosts of heaven,

which would have been stars and fallen angels.

In the Biblical account Lucifer wants to become God

and leads a revolution of one third of the angels

against the throne of God, so that Lucifer can seize

God's throne and become God. When Nimrod, whose

DNA was a combination of fallen angel DNA and

human DNA, built the Tower of Babel it was to

contact and worship these fallen angels.

Throughout the Old Testament we read about the

mighty men of old, which refers to the Nephilim. The

giant Goliath and his brother were Nelphilim. In the

story of Joshua and Caleb fighting all the giants in the

land of Canaan, they were actually fighting the

Nephilim. The Nephilim founded the Canaanite

religion which was adopted by the pagan cultures of

the time, and all versions included similar styles of

Satanic worship. For example, the ancient Canaanites

burned their children alive in the white-hot metallic

hands of the god Moloch or Baal. They indulged in the

most perverse sexual orgies, Satanic worship, and drug


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But, what is most interesting is that these Satanic

religions are alive and well today and growing. The

secret society ceremonies at places like the Bohemian

Grove feature drug taking, orgies and the sacrifice of

child-like effigies which burned in the hands of a giant

statue of Moloch, who looks like an enormous owl.

Why would Presidents, Vice Presidents, Prime

Ministers, leading scientists, the wealthiest men in the

world, and other members of the elite worship Moloch

even in what appear to be mock ceremonies?

Throughout Europe a very powerful and secretive elite

participate in Satanic rituals, human sacrifice and

sexual orgies in giant underground caves. Some of the

world's leading financiers and heads of government

and culture participate in these rituals. In fact, at one

time these rituals were sponsored by what was called

the Hell Fire Club, which Benjamin Franklin

participated in.

All of the ancient mystery or occult-based religions

began at Babylon. Semiramis murdered her husband

Nimrod, and to conceal this murder from the

population of Babylon she told them that Nimrod had

ascended into the heavens and become the sun-god Ra,

who was to be worshipped. However, after Nimrod's

death, Semiramis became pregnant because she was

carrying on an illicit affair. To conceal her affair, she

told the people that she became supernaturally

pregnant (a counterfeit of the Virgin Birth.) Semiramis

claimed she became pregnant by using a phallic

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symbol upon herself. This began the countless

architectural phallic symbols and womb symbols that

have been built around the world, including

Cleopatra's Needle in Manhattan, New York.

That is very difficult for some people to accept

because they have been indoctrinated into what is

called a "scientific-materialistic" world view.

Although, this view is not scientific, it is the

perception that has been programmed into the

American consciousness through media, education and

social engineering and was planned by the Fabian

socialists over one hundred years ago and who were

secretly involved in the occult.

The Fabian socialists designed the new world order,

but they also inspired secret occult societies and the

Society for Psychical Research, founded in the UK.

Past and current members include Frederick Myers,

Alfred Russell Wallace, Sigmund Freud, W. B. Yeats,

C. G. Jung, William James, Peter Underword and

Charles Tart. This group has ties to the Illuminati and

the development of mind control. Sigmund Freud and

others helped establish the Tavistock Institute, which

has implemented scientific mind control and social

engineering worldwide.

In the Book of Revelation it talks about "sorcery,"

which comes from the word pharmakeia, from which

we get the word pharmacy. It talks about a global

government which maintains control through drugs,

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the occult and scientific mind control. This global

government will eventually be controlled by the

Antichrist and the False Prophet, who will head a one

world religion and a one world economic system and

who will place the mark of the beast on their subjects.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg! Planet earth is

controlled by a Satanic Elite which has now come out

in the open and begun letting people know they exist.

Think of the blatant occult symbols that have been

projected to six billion people through the media.

America and the nations of the earth are being herded

into a global government, global economy and a

global religion. The global currency will probably be

called the Phoenix, which is the bird on the back of the

U.S. dollar that many people think is an eagle. The

primary method of tricking hundreds of millions into

accepting this new world order is through occult-based

mind control. Mass mind control uses trauma-based

programming just like an individual mind control

program. The collective consciousness of the human

race, primarily through the mass media is being fed a

constant series of images of horror, chaos, violence

and destruction. Therefore the Illuminati slogan

"Order Out of Chaos" is being implemented before our

eyes. Another way of putting it is "manufactured


2013 will be an acceleration of these manufactured

crises. The secretive Satanic elite are guiding the

nations of the world into the global Luciferian

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government, economic system and religion that the

Apostle John predicted on the Isle of Patmos when

writing the Book of Revelation. It must be

remembered that often things like social engineering,

neurological sciences, economics and politics are the

handmaidens of Luciferianism. As I have stated

earlier, the entire counter-culture revolution of the

1960's was a massive mind control experiment. But if

you listen to certain key words from the counter

culture leaders themselves you see its direct

connection to Satanism. For example, a shadowy

figure who worked for British Intelligence and

influenced Adolph Hitler was Aleister Crowley, the

Great Beast 666. Crowley's name and face pop up all

over the place among rock and roll groups and

filmmakers, and the LSD prophet, Dr. Timothy Leary

from Harvard, openly said he was carrying out

Crowley's work.

What most people fail to understand is that in the

realm of wars, social movements and revolutions, we

have entered into an entirely different kind of

battlefield. For example, in their book "From PSYOP

to Mind War: The Psychology of Victory" General

Michael Aquino and Col. Paul E. Vallely, discuss

using ESP (extra-sensory perception), "telepathic

behavior modification," para-psychology,

psychokinesis ("mind over matter"), remote viewing,

out of body experiences, and other New Age and

occult practices in U.S. military intelligence. Their

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definitive statement is: "MindWar is the deliberate,

aggressive, and convincing of all participants that in a

war we will win that war."

In "Mind War" the authors talk about using subliminal

brainwashing technologies and weapons that directly

attack the targeted population's central nervous

systems and brain functioning: "There are some purely

natural conditions under which minds may become

more or less receptive to ideas, and Mind War should

take full advantage of such phenomena as atmospheric

electromagnetic activity, air ionization, and extremely

low frequency waves." That would suggest that EMF

waves could be used against foreign enemies and

theoretically U.S. citizens.

The co-author of "Mind War" was General Michael A.

Aquino, a PSYOP Research & Analysis Team Leader

who had helped found the Temple of Set, an allegedly

Satanic organization which was the successor to Anton

Szandor LeVay's Church of Satan. Those who would

dismiss Aquino as some kind of occult nut should

think twice. After reading his papers and research it is

obvious that the man has a highly sophisticated

understanding of history and the neurological sciences.

What many people do not understand in our nation and

world is that they live in the illusion that battles are

being fought with conventional warfare. The reality is

that military warfare, social movements, religious

movements and political campaigns are being fought

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by implementing neurological science that is 50 years

beyond what we are seeing in science fiction novels.

In addition, modern Evangelical theology has been

largely formed not by the Bible, but by highly

advanced and scientific methodologies of personal and

social transformation. For example, the Seeker

Friendly Movements and the Emergent Church

Movement have been synthetically created with mind-

science technologies that began at the Frankfurt

School in Germany in the late 1800's and have evolved

into neurological sciences which can program reality

through the creation of new neurological pathways and

the re-programming of DNA.



PART 2 of 2

By Paul McGuire - December 24, 2012 -

As an author and speaker, it is stunning to me to watch

some of the so-called big name Christian preachers or

celebrities use well-known behavior patterns, which

are well known inside of the neurological scientific

community. To put it bluntly, they are "Manchurian

Candidate preachers," and they and their worshippers

do not even know it! But the net effect is that you have

the systematic dismantling of the Biblical church

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through scientific-occult forces.

The Satanic elite who are creating our new world

order in the image of Lucifer are moving quickly to

their destination point, that must end in mass human

sacrifice in order to please their master Satan. Human

and child sacrifice is a mandatory component of

Satanic worship. This demonic kind of worship goes

back to ancient Canaan and the pagan nations which

surrounded the tribe of Israel. It can be found in the

Druid monument of Stonehenge, the Egyptian

pyramids, and the Mayan and Incan ruins. The mass

slaughter of approximately eight million people by

Hitler was not only about creating a genetically

superior master race, but it was also about Satanic

sacrifice. - The approximately 50 million abortions in

the United States are not only about population

reduction or the breeding of a master race, but also

about Satanic ritual worship. The Communist Russian,

Chinese and North Vietnamese revolutions killed,

tortured and imprisoned over 175 million people. It is

important to understand that the Communist

revolutions were created by the Illuminati and the

Communist Manifesto was a direct imitation of the

Illuminati Manifesto. Stalin and Lenin both understood

that the world's power elite were controlled by the

Illuminati. Karl Marx was a practicing member of a

Satanic church. The carving on the Georgia Guide

stones about reducing the human race from seven

billion to 500 million as quickly as possible is more

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than population reduction; it is about Satanic sacrifice

as the new world order is brought in.

When Benjamin Franklin helped found the United

States, he was secretly a member of the Illuminati and

would participate in the Satanic orgies and ceremonies

in the underground caves of Europe as a member of

the Hell Fire Club. Relatively recently the skeletal

remains of human and animal bodies were found

buried underneath his house. How they got there and

why is a secret, which is buried with Benjamin


The elites' global pedophilia network in which little

children are sexually abused and die has occult

connections! In an age of the most highly scientific

mind control ever known to mankind there are mass

shootings. A disturbing number of these individuals

were into Satan worship, but all this was covered up

the media. There is open Illuminati symbolism in

many rock, hip-hop and contemporary music videos

and most teenagers understand what they mean.

Illuminati symbolism is found on government

buildings around the world like the Denver

International Airport and in feature films, the Super

Bowl and the Olympics in Great Britain. With each

week, the Satanic symbolism is becoming bolder and

bolder! Simultaneously, the signs of the times that

Christ referred to as birth pains of a woman going

into labor are growing in intensity. The human race

is moving simultaneously into what Aleister Crowley

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referred to as the Age of Aeon, or the Age of Horus,

which is the all-seeing eye above the pyramid on the

back of the U.S. dollar. Occult teachers are telling us

that we are entering a New Golden Age, the Age of

Aquarius, the birth of the new world order, and that we

are approaching the Mass Awakening or Mass


But are we approaching the New Golden Age or the

last days? Is this the new world order, or is it the

Apostasy and Great Tribulation? One thing is for sure;

there are usually two or more sides in every battle.

Those who would call themselves Satanists recognize

that they are in a battle. They understand that their

god Lucifer is in a war with one third of the angels in

a revolution against the Biblical God. They know they

are revolutionaries! That is why the Illuminati use the

term, "Order out of Chaos!" Chaos is part of

revolution. That is why Marxist revolutionaries, who

received their game plan from the Illuminati, use the

word crisis or manufactured crisis. A manufactured

crisis is built on chaos. That is why the two Columbia

University professors, Cloward-Piven created an

anarchistic strategy which would literally overwhelm

all government and social systems. The results would

be chaos, which would create a demand for a new

order! This is the Illuminati strategy of using

manufactured crisis.

This is why the disciples of this kind of radical

socialism use the term, "Never let a good crisis go to

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waste!" This is why America, economically, socially,

politically and militarily is the midst of an accelerated

series of crises, such as the manufactured fiscal cliff

and the ever increasing national debt. Ever- increasing

national debt is the Cloward-Piven strategy of

manufactured crisis. It is intentionally designed to

break the system, so that a new one can be created!

The goal has never been to fix the economic crisis!

The goal is to accelerate the economic crisis, in

order to bring in the New World Financial Order

that is the game plan of the Satanic elite. A new world

currency is to be adopted by 2018, with a new

currency called the Phoenix. With this comes the

predicted mark of the beast and the bio-chip implant.

More than likely hundreds of millions of people have

already received the mark of the beast through a

vaccination, which injects a nano-chip technology that

settles in the brain, probably behind the forehead,

where it is predicted to be in Revelation 13.

Now remember the purpose of a mind war: "Mind War

is the deliberate, aggressive, and convincing of all

participants that in a war we will win that war." There

can be no effective opposing voices in the legal public

square of debate or legal organization of a different

plan for America when people believe that it is

impossible to make positive and legal changes. An

artificial consciousness has been created where people

no longer believe change is possible.

Jesus Christ very clearly said, "Occupy until I come!"

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Jesus Christ also said, "Be salt and light!" At every

avenue Jesus Christ did not promote any notion of

fatalism! That is found nowhere in the Bible, unless

you misinterpret it!

Let us remember God is Sovereign!.. God is a

Sovereign King!

So the problem here is not God at all! The problem

here is that in the battlefield of the mind people are

surrendering their minds to the control of Satanic

programming and not God's Word. You must

understand as David did, along with many other

Biblical and historical leaders, that you have been

given the power to turn the tide of history. The

entire army of Israel was intimidated by a Nephilim-

giant called, Goliath. David, who understood the

multi-dimensional nature of the battle, refused the so-

called superior military armor of King Saul. He picked

up his slingshot and a rock. But, David knew

something about the nature of true power. David

understood that his power did not come from

superior military armor, troop numbers or other

assets of traditional military theatre. David

understood that he stood on a physical battlefield, in

a multi-dimensional universe and the Personal

Living God of the Universe was the true God, not

Baal or Moloch.

David moved towards Goliath under the anointing of

the Holy Spirit and proclaimed with authority, "How

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dare you defy the armies of the living God?" In a

second, the giant Goliath fell to the ground with a rock

in his forehead and the armies of the Philistines fled.

This truth is repeated constantly in the Bible. The

prophet Elijah confronted Jezebel and King Ahab over

the prophets of Baal. Jezebel and Ahab ruled over a

kingdom controlled by the pagan religions of the

Phoenicians and Canaanites, who worshipped Baal.

Remember this worship promoted child sacrifice to

Baal, sexual orgies, and Satanic worship. In a contest

between whose God was more powerful, Elijah the

bold prophet of God, challenged the prophets of Baal.

In the end he called down fire from heaven to consume

the prophets of Baal.

Let me close with these words: you have direct

access to a power far greater than yourself to make

changes that will protect millions and drive back

the Luciferian forces of darkness. You can access

that power anytime you choose, but you must actively

choose to do so. That power is a divine power and it

is accessed by faith. Jesus Christ called it the "keys of

the kingdom." If you trust in Christ, you have the keys

of the kingdom and now you must use them wisely for

your life depends on it and the lives of all those you

love. First, you must understand that you are in a

spiritual war with the Lucifer and his forces. But

you have been given the power to overcome him.

In its simplest form, this is how you use that power.

This is how you release its full energy. This is how

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you spiritually overcome and conquer! You •pick a

target or situation in your mind. Remember you are

not fighting against people, but principalities and

powers. You •make sure that your heart is cleansed

and pure even if it means asking God for

forgiveness. Then you simply pick up and use the

keys of the kingdom He has given you. You •come

before Him with childlike faith and you simply

asking Him, with whatever measure of faith you have.

That may be the faith of a mustard seed or the faith of

a molecule. Then you ask God in the name of Jesus

Christ what you want and what you are asking for.

Your request does not have to be long. But I suggest

that •on a daily basis you keep asking until you see

the results, even if it takes years!

You can and should increase your requests. You will

discover that many of your requests will be answered

quickly and some may take a lifetime. As a spiritual

warrior you simply do not give up! You keep asking

in faith until you are released from asking or it is done.

But you never give up due to discouragement or


Now what happens when you ask in prayer is not

spiritual magic. This is not a ritual or a rabbit's foot.

Your asking comes in the context of your relationship

with the Personal Living God of the Universe, not a

religious practice! When you ask, making that cosmic

connection, your are releasing an enormous

amount of spiritual power that can change

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situations, stop things and release things. If you

were to actually see the power of what you were

releasing in terms of Quantum Physics it would be the

release of energy that could exceed the energy

released in nuclear blast releasing either positive or

negative energy. This energy travels outside of space

and time through what is called the invisible realm,

spiritual world, or parallel universe. Its force is not

constrained to space and time, because it moves faster

than the speed of light in an eternal dimension. There

is no limit to what it can do.

In addition, the release of this energy or force is not

contingent upon how spiritual or holy you are. The

release of this energy is purely based on faith which

means unmerited favor. When you gain practice in

releasing this energy which is simply a very high form

of prayer, you develop the ability to become a true

spiritual warrior. It is essential that you use this form

of prayer along with wisdom, intelligence, and

understanding; otherwise you are going to limit the

effectiveness of the power you release.Again, you are

operating with the keys of the kingdom. In practicing

this form of prayer you are engaging in spiritual

warfare with overwhelming force. You need to grasp

the degree of power you are working with and how it

will cause certain changes in your life.

You have now moved from being a well-intended

person who wants to see good done, to a spiritual

warrior who can release overwhelming force. But, I

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must warn you, this is not a game or a hobby; once

you begin this you are held accountable for it. The

only thing that will restrain its capacity to accomplish

its goals is your own personal failure to not understand

the full extent of the power you are dealing with. In

the Book of Revelation, it talks about becoming priests

and kings. The kingly authority you have been given

is built upon your understanding that you are a

priest first.

(Paul McGuire: radio talk show host, author, feature film producer and television


Paul McGuire is the author of 22 books, such as the best-selling, "The Day the Dollar

Died" and "Are You Ready for the Microchip? Paul is the host of the syndicated television

show, The Paul McGuire Report. Paul McGuire hosted the nationally syndicated talk radio

show, "The Paul McGuire Show" for 10 years. Paul McGuire is a television commentator

and has been a frequent guest on the Fox News Network and CNN.

Paul is the producer of two science fiction films in Hollywood. The History Channel did a

2-hour special with Paul McGuire entitled "Seven Signs of the Apocalypse." Paul has

interviewed numerous world leaders, Presidents and Prime Ministers. Paul lives in Los

Angeles, California.)


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Celente: This Will Usher In A Massive Financial

Collapse in 2013

Today top trends forecaster Gerald Celente spoke with

King World News about what he believes will usher in

a massive financial collapse in 2013. Celente also

discussed the recent gold and silver smash, and told

KWN he is buying physical gold and silver right now.

Celente is the founder of Trends Research, and the

man many consider to be the top trends forecaster in

the world.

Eric King: "Gerald, I wanted to take a look at this

upcoming issue you have coming out. (In here it

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says,) 'Bonds Away! The bond bomb is ready to

explode ... threatening to make the real estate and dot-

com bubbles, and even the Great Recession, look like

market corrections.' Can you talk about that?"

Celente: "Yes. This piece is being penned by Dr. Paul

Craig Roberts, the former Assistant Treasury Secretary

under Ronald Reagan. And he is convinced that the

bond bubble is about to burst. This cannot continue

to go on the way it is. Everyone knows that the whole

game is rigged, and so is this....

"The whole game is rigged. It's ready to go down, and

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts believes it's 'Bonds Away' in

2013 as the bond bubble explodes and brings about

a financial disaster even worse than the Great


Eric King: "He's saying here it's a road to financial

collapse that we are going to head down when this

thing bursts."

Celente: "It is. Because the whole world is being

propped up by these phony bonds and it's going to

collapse. It has to happen. Interest rates are going to

start going up, and when they do the bond bubble

explodes. You cannot keep interest rates at zero for

this amount of time and expect anything other than

disaster to follow."

Eric King: "Gerald, I have a couple of other things I

want to talk to you about from your upcoming Trends

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Journal, but the gold and silver action, obvious

manipulation and intervention there. Can you talk

about the gold and silver smash that we've seen


Celente: "Yes. How could gold and silver prices be

going down? We just heard the Federal Reserve

Chairman give us another name for QE4, but they did

it. We listened to the head of the European Central

Bank, Mario Draghi, 'Unlimited financial

transactions.' All of the money you want.

He (Draghi) promised to do whatever it takes to keep

the markets going. And we just got a new Prime

Minister of Japan (Shinzo Abe). What did he say?

He's now telling the Bank of Japan he wants

quantitative easing, printing more cheap money and

debasing the currency.

When you look at the amount of gold and silver traded

on the commodities exchanges, it's very easy to

manipulate it. And they are manipulating (the metals)

mostly at night in the Asian markets.

Gold has been around for civilizations. It's not going

anywhere and neither is silver. I don't give financial

advice, but I do have a retirement account. It's the end

of the year and I had to put money into it. Guess what

I bought? Gold and silver."

Eric King

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Until next week...keep on believing.

Almondtree Productions

"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor

angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things

present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth,

nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us

from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our


(Romans 8:38-39)