You can't sleep because of Noise?

You can’t sleep because of Noise? There is at least 100 solutions…


there is at least 100 solutions

Transcript of You can't sleep because of Noise?

  • 1. You cant sleep because ofNoise? There is at least 100 solutions

2. Stage 1. Irritancy Patience Listening to the sounds of nature Studying the case of noise Studying the effects of noise Calling scientists (what if a ghost is making the noise?) Webserfing 3. Stage 2. Avoiding confrontation Sleeping draught Earplugs Creeping under the pillow Buying a snoring bulldog Dating a snoring boy/girlfriend Sleeping during the day Sleeping at work in a store room Get drunk 4. Stage 3. Rage General anesthetic Eliminating the noisemaker Destroying everything Using fireballs Calling the police Using the Force (Jedi force) Causing an apocalypse Revenge 5. Stage 4. Actions Sound-insulation in the room Soundproof windows Evolving the powers of mind of blocking the noise Sleeping in more silent rooms Building a time machine and live in 19th century Sleeping in a bath breathing through a plastic tube 6. Stage 5. Humility Moving to a country house Getting used to noise Not paying attention Sleep the sleep that knows no waking Consultation with a shrink (in case noise is only in your head) 7. Looking for more solutions?Check