WW1 power point

Uncle Sam recruiting all of us to the army. This was before we got involved in the war.


The power point with pictures of world war 1, captions included

Transcript of WW1 power point

Page 1: WW1 power point

Uncle Sam recruiting all of us to the army. This was before we got involved in the war.

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Our allies in the trench. The conditions were terrible and they practically had to sleep standing up or leaning against the walls.

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The middle person is Corporal. The one directly to his left is Young Jimmy. The old man with the mustache to the right is Old Timer. And I’m the one in black, all the way to the left.

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A British tank charging across some plains to the enemy trench. After our team disabled the artillery, it was over for that battle.

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After we had been pushed back, we found more of our men protecting a supply line where trains could get through.

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Young Jimmy sleeping away as we returned exhausted from our first mission. That was his first time in a real battle and seeing death for what it really was. I don’t think he was as excited about the war anymore.

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Those with trench feet couldn’t walk that well on their own and required help to move from place to place. It was terrible and infected many of the men.

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Someone took a picture of us while we were doing our job. We were looking straight down an enemy trench and firing away.

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The medical tent where they were treating Corporal at. All the food and everything was prepared right next door so hot water could easily be available to the sick.

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Me visiting my fallen comrades. As the only survivor, I received a Medal of Honor yet I feel I do not deserve it. Leaving me alone in the world, my friends have gone on and I have stayed behind to suffer the burdens of life.