World History: An Examination of Joseph Stalin · Write Your Own Stalin Propaganda Poster! In...

World History: An Examination of Joseph Stalin Ms. Barlow SPRING 2014

Transcript of World History: An Examination of Joseph Stalin · Write Your Own Stalin Propaganda Poster! In...

World History: An Examination of

Joseph Stalin

Ms. Barlow


Who is Iosef Vissarionovich Dzhugashavili?

Name Change

• 1910 adopted name Stalin

– “Man of Steel”

• Why?

– Improve Image

Stalin’s Birth

• December 21, 1879

• Georgia

• Father was a shoemaker

• Mother was a housekeeper

Early Years

• Attended Church School 1888-1894

– Learned Russian

– Recognized as best pupil in school

– Earned full scholarship to Theological Seminary

Expelled for Reading?


• Social Democrats 1898

• Bank Robber

• Arrested in 1902

– Rothschild Manufacturing

Stalin arrest records…

Lenin and Stalin

• Lenin was impressed with Stalin’s loyalty and ability to obey orders

• Commissar of Nationalities


• Secretary General 1922 – Made power position

Stalin was not always loved…

• Lenin learned from his wife, that Stalin told her to keep her nose out of State affairs and also called her a “whore.”

Lenin Dies 1924

Succession Politics

• Stalin succeeds as part of Triumvirate in 1924

– Kamenev and Zinoviev

– Rallied against Leon Trotsky (Red Army)

• Lenin was raised to demigod status

• 1927 expelled from the Communist party

• 1928 exiled to Siberia

• 1929 deported to Turkey/Mexico

• 1940 murdered


• Central Economic Planning – Aka Planned Economy

• Emphasis on heavy industry – Steel and Coal

• Little private consumption

• Use of terror

Five Year Plans

• Emphasis on heavy industry – Iron and Steel

– Energy

– Concrete

• Stakhanovites – “Champion Workers”

Industrial Success

• Coal - from 36 million tons to 130 million tons

• Iron - from 3 million tons to 15 million tons

• Oil - from 2 million tons to 29 million tons

• Electricity - from 5,000 million to 36,000 million kilowatts

Collectivization Agriculture

Artificial Famine

• Ukraine 1932-1933

– About 7 million died

Political Policies

• Secret Police (NKVD)

– People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs

• Show Trials and Great Purge

• Used art and literature to “glorify” himself

Stalin’s Social/Cultural policies… “The Cult of personality”

• Mandated & expanded education at all levels

• Promoted educational opportunities for women

• Censored all forms of creative thinking and expression

• Replaced religious teachings with Communist ideals

Stalin ordered the arrest and execution of much of her family in 1937…

“He can’t even shoot straight!”


14 million starved 1 million political offenses 15 million exiled to Siberia

(As low as 28 million and as high as 43 million)

12 million Jews and Slavs 30 million if you count the dead in WWII

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it,

people will eventually come to believe it.”


Joseph Goebbels

• Reich minister of propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945

• Creator an Organizer of the “Führer Myth”

• Propaganda Forms: – Speeches – Posters – Film – Newspapers – Radio

Mein Kampf

“The first duty of the propagandist is to win over people who can subsequently be taken into the organization. And the first duty of the organization is to select and train men who will be capable of carrying on the propaganda. The second duty of the organization is to disrupt the existing order of things and thus make room for the penetration of the new teaching which it represents, while the duty of the organizer must be to fight for the purpose of securing power, so that the doctrine may finally triumph."

Three Main Themes of Nazi Propaganda

• Deification of Hitler (e.g. as a messianic figure to be followed)

• Defining the enemy and justifying their treatment (e.g. Jews and Bolsheviks)

• Rallying the masses (e.g. for war and eugenics)

“One People, One Nation, One Leader”

Propaganda Making Rule #1

• Appeal to the emotions (Fear)

Propaganda Making Rule # 2

• Give only one side of the argument

Propaganda Making Rule #3

• Continually criticize your opponents (Us v. Them)

Propaganda Making Rule #4

• Pick out a special “enemy” for special vilification

“Eternal Jew”

Write Your Own Stalin Propaganda Poster!

In seizing control after Lenin’s death, Joseph Stalin transformed the Soviet Union into a totalitarian society, exercising absolute authority over the people of Russia.

Assume that Stalin has hired you and one other person to garner support for his policies. Create a propaganda poster that meets this objective. Be prepared to share!