Wisdom Book WSI


Transcript of Wisdom Book WSI

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 Table o conTenTs:

 bT im d etrtimt |  Mdi & etrtimt 4-5

 Mid I ciri |  srvi 6-7

 buy Ryd Prdut |  Rti 8-9

 l ly d’or |  wr shp 0-

 ey cr Rt  |  autmtiv -3

 Agreements Online  |  lg Dumtti 4-5

 apx Prdtr  |  shrk cg Divig & shrk Pht 6-7

 Dr. akdr cry |  Dt 8-9

 Flower Spot  |  u srvi rit 0-

 Irmti Thgy |  RDb cutig -3

  Trans-Global Migration  |  Immigrti cuty 4-5

 Corp Shorts  |  Itrt Vid Prduti irm 6-7

 smrtbGr  |  e-nwttr Puiti 8-9

 sgwy Pr Trprtr  |   Trprtti  Hrrd cuty cutur art brd  |  aiti 3-33

 Front Range Honda  |  autmtiv 34-35

 sg Rty llc  |  R ett 36-37

 uIT, I. |  Irmti Thgy 38-39

 Seraphini |  Iti Rturt 40-4

 Pd lir | ldpig 4-43

 aph oifd |  oi d G 44-45

 cutm it cpt | Hth & W 46-47

erg Ditriutr | autmtiv Prt Ditriutr 48-49

 Answer is Fitness  |  Hth d it 50-5

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 Corinne’s Banquet Hall  |  evt Vu 5-53

 GTur  |   Trprtti /chrtr bu

 ovrt surity | surity srvi 56-57

 suwy sdwih - Ksa | Rturt chi 58-59

 evrdriv | Ud aut Prt 60-6

 Pk d Rid | afrd Ridti Mvig srvi 6-63

 mu | Prit 64-65

 M shpir | Pui spkr 66-67

 athti suti | Hth, buty & W 68-69

 Jh equipmt | equipmt Muturr 70-7

 skyi Whitp | exhiiti Dipy 7-73

 Hrtd bk  | i 74-75

 Jy d Pi | R ett 76-77

 spi nd miy ctr | cmmuity ctr 78-79 Mrum Grup (Mrgi & c. P.c.) | i 80-8

  Tty bit |  d 8-83

 Whit Pi chryr Jp Ddg |  aut Dr 84-85


  cvri arhittur 87-98

emi Mrktig 99-09

ldig Pg Dig -5

Yur Guid t Pid srh 7-39

srh egi optimizti 4-47

si Mdi 49-60

W ayti 6-66

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Mdi & etrtimt

FBT Film andEnTErTainmEnT

srh egioptimiti


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

FBT Fm’s srvcs c rwrtg ms,

srac, bgt aayss, tax crt gsa ocato assstac. Pror to bg a

wbst, FBT Fm ha r argy o rct

wor o moth rrras or thr bsss.

Bt wth th rap growth o th stry,

thy wat to rach ot va thr wbst to

m procrs a xctvs that thy

ot hav rct cotact wth.

 THe SOluTiOn:

A w wbst was vop that captr

th ook a o a mov-ocs

losaa bas vstmt rm. Th st

c a cott maagmt systm that

aows or asy patg a ato o w

pags as .

WSi crat prossoay wrtt cott

or th wbst a optmz t to attract

wb srs sarchg or rat ky wors

a phrass. Ths c optmzg th

st or tt tags, hars a kywors.

At th sam tm, WSi bga a aggrssv

campag to markt th st to o ws,

prss a artc otts to stabsh or

ct’s xprts th markt. Ths c

wrtg artcs a prss rass wth

vaab ormato abot tmy topcs. As

a rst, ths ratvy w st was ab to

ar hgh pag 1 rakgs ss tha oyar or thr targt sarch phrass.


Thi it w uhd rd w

dmi whih diut t rk ry. Hwvr, tr y 90 dy, v with

rd w dmi m d Pypr

cik (PPc) dvrtiig, thy rd pt

pg Gg r ky phr r thi

ui d pg r m thr.

Withi yr w wr t hp th it

r tur rh rut thrugh xtiv

rti d PR rt w gd it

ptimiti. Thi pd thm vry high i

rh gi rkig.

Th iud phr uh :

» luii m itiv

luii m tx rdit

luii m irmti

luii m rdit

luii m tx

luii m tx rdit

luii m

luii tx itiv

luii tx rdit

luii m iur


The site looks terric – it ’s clean and 

easy to navigate. This really changes

the way we market our business.

leonaRD alselD

Pridt bT im d etrtimt

WsI cutt:André Savie

luii, Usa

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Th tt ggrgtd tr tht wt thm i th giig thmpig(rury 7, 008 – augut 8, 009).


Impri: 357,659Viit: 4683Ph (rrdd) 09emi: 73W vt: 3095avrg Viit pr wk: 6.7avrg spd pr wk: $86.73avrg ct Pr Viit: $.98

Iutrt th tp 5prrmig kywrd r

h th mjr rh

gi. Udr tht w

th dti iudig hr

ikthrughrt, ikt

rti, d iktw

vt rti.

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maid inCaliFornia



CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Th it trid ruig PPc prgrm

thir w d with th hp thrmpi d vr hivd rtur

thir ivtmt. Thy hd virtuy tr

d ui rm thir wit.

 THe SOluTiOn:

WsI dvpd pyprik trtgy

tht drv trgtd tr t www.

MidIciri.m. W uiky ud th

hight prrmig kywrd wr tuy

miti w gri “hvy hittr”

tht drw t tr, d high vum

idividu gtrgtd kywrd tht

y drw r tw viitr h mth.

Th tw trtgi hv mid t

prdu muh uid tr th

it hd.


a rut th mpig, th itird hr ui uiky h hd t

hir tw dditi pp! WsI i divrig

my it t h th pri h w pyig

wh h did it hr.

Th wig ttiti r pury rut

th mpig WsI i ruig (d t

iud y iidt tt pit). T

dt, WsI h driv th wig tt

rm hr wit:

Tt $3,95 pt t dt rm rury

7, 008 t augut 8, 009 (8 mth)

» ,09 ph

» 97 rut r ig rm umittd

» 73 mi

Th vt mjrity th tt pit

rutd i . si hukpig i

rurrig rvi, thr i itim vu t

mt th .


I am so sorry we didn’t start working

with WSI years ago. We can’t believe

what a dierence it made once WSI 

took over our website and search

engine marketing. You have completely 

changed our business or the better.For the ‘Ater Construction’ campaign

that you are running or us, we made

$5600 the rst month on only a $400

investment! Our main House Keeping

campaign is really cleaning up (pardon

the pun). It is a bit difcult to convert 

into dollars, but our stats show that in

the last 4 months we have received 245

 phone calls, 21 emails and 56 request 

or quote orms! Not only that, we are

spending hal what we used to spend! 

These numbers are staggering or us. I 

can’t express how much WSI helped my 


DeboRaH a. KeRR

Mid i ciri

WsI cutt:Chuck Bank 

ciri, Usa


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Buy rECyClEdProduCTs



CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Bor workg wth WSi, th ct ha a

brochr sty wbst (FbrxGrop.com)that ack v th most basc optmzato.

H was spg ovr $2,000 pr moth or

Goog AWors pa sarch avrtsg

a sg trac to th st wth o rgar

to covrso trackg a Covrso

Archtctr. Th ct ha o rportg to

show th ctvss o hs st trms o 

captrg as a covrtg vstors to

payg cts.

 THe SOluTiOn:

For ths projct, WSi s th Mrchat Pro

Commrc soto bcas o ts capabty

to hav mtp catgors, cross sg,

orr trackg, cstomr trackg, tc. WSi

was rsposb or projct maagmt,

trobshootg, a assstg th ct wth

avac atrs o th patorm.

WSi y optmz th st or sarch

a cots to prov avac SeO

tchqs to mprov sarch rsts. W

ar aso rg a mt pa sarch

avrtsg campag or 2 o th ct’s

proct catgors.


Th it rvrd hi ivtmt

withi th rt mth tr uhigth cmmr it with xdig

$4,000 UsD. sit tr th rt yr

rhd $5,000 UsD xdig ui

rvu g y 5%. sd yr rvu

r up y 47% vr th rt yr.

Th it w pd with th rut

tht h trtd WsI t rdvp hi

rhur it, irxGrup.m, t iid

with hi w tg puiti.

irxGrup.m, whih vrg 5,000

uiu viitr mth, mpimt

buyRydPrdut.m y givig it

viitr th pti t purh th itm

thrugh “buy nw” utt tht ik t

th cmmr it, vig rp

igit tim.


WSI has been wonderul to work with.

They have been so responsive to all our 

needs. The website is amazing. It has

helped us realize our dream o an onlinestore and it couldn’t be more impressive.

WSI is our Internet partner or lie! 

sUzanne leenDeRs

VP, buy Ryd PrdutWsI cutt:

Darren KincaidVirgii, Usa

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lg Dumtti


srh egioptimiti


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Agrmts O provs owoaab

ga ocmtato (cotracts, gaagrmts pocs) to a o markt. Th

compay s ow by a awyr that wat

to kow how sh co go o wth hr

bsss. WSi sggst that sh start p a

vtr that ss agrmts a a ks o 

ga ocmtato to a o markt.

 THe SOluTiOn:

WSi crat a Voopr OBS wbst, prov

a w sg a a th wb copywrtg.

W optmz th tr wbst or a

thr srvcs a ra sccss PPC & SeO

campags. W crat a Commrc shop

a prov ocs k bg throgh

rctory sbmsso, bog postg a

cott marktg wth wbst artcs.


agrmt oi i urrty rkd tumr Gg suth ari r

th kywrd “lg agrmt”. Thy r

mkig i th rgi $3,000 $6,000

mthy i u thir i


WsI murd th rut uig Gg

ayti d murd th umr  

viitr dig th wit thrugh vr

4,000 dirt kywrd phr d WsIdut mthy rviw with th it t

diu th rut.


I cannot believe the return on invest-

ment I have received rom WSI. I could 

never have imagined the business that 

was available to me online. As a lawyer,

 you tend to think one dimensionally;

however, WSI and their team haveshown that additional money can be

made without spending long hours in

the courtroom.


agrmt oi

WsI cutt:Francis muscat

Gutg, suth ari

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shrk cg Divig &shrk Pht


W ayti


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

br WsI m ivvd, apx Prdtr

w u t mur th dk thywr gttig rm thir wit. Thy wr

u t t wht pp wr dig wh

thy rhd th wit. Thy wr t

ur whr mt thir W tr w

mig rm (ggrphi ti). apx

Prdtr did t kw hw my pp

wr uig thir wit r whih ur

thy wr mig rm (rh gi, dirt

rrr, xtr ik, t.)

 THe SOluTiOn:

apx prdtr’ wit riv t

tr rm vr it

th w yti irmti tht WsI

prvidd w t hp thir ui gt

imprvd p thir mmr

vtur. Prir t WsI’ triuti, thy

wr truggig t d tiv wy  

mrktig thir hrk g divig trip d

hrk pht i. W impmtd

ur i rm tht hwd whr th

mjrity d wr mig rm. W

impmtd Gg ayti.

apx Prdtr i w t p w

u thy t th xt umr  

pp tht kd hrk g divig

trip rm th wit, hw my pp

r rdrig thir hrk pht i, d

hw my pp r uriig t thirwttr – gd iditi tt



Rut r murd with Gg ayti

W u advd W Rkig (aWR) tmur th prrm th kywrd

w trk.


Prior to WSI’s involvement with Apex 

Predators, we were unaware o the

opportunity that was available on the

Internet or our industry. We had a ancy 

website but we did not know about the

marketing opportunities that the Inter-

net presents. WSI’s steps have enabled 

us to build lasting relationships with

clients rom all corners o the globe. Our 

online orms have made it easy or us

to plan our trips accordingly and alsoto make sure we have sufcient stock 

o the in-demand photos that we sell 



apx Prdtr

WsI cutt:Francis muscat

Gutg, suth ari


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dr. alEksandraCErny

Itrt Mrktig


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Mt dtit th m prm wh

mrktig thir ui d Dr. cry w dirt. Dtit ry wrd muth

rrr d Dr. cry’ ui rid 00%

wrd muth. Dr. cry’ hud

rmmdd WsI t hr, w hd jut

mptd hi mpy’ wit.

WsI vutd Dr. cry’ urrt wit

d ud it t “rm d” wit,

whih did t tur th rh gi.

I t, th wit w ivii t Ggdu t it thi trutur.

 THe SOluTiOn:

WsI rtd wit with prt W

pg r h th dt rvi tht

Dr. cry prvid. eh th pg

w ptimid uig irmti tht

w idtid rm ur kywrd rrh.

rm th trt, WsI impmtd Gg

pyprik mpig i rdr t hiv

immdit rut. W umittd th wit

t vriu Itrt dirtri d wrt d

umittd d t umr uy Itrt

id wit. WsI th trtd ik 

uidig mpig d rtd pi g

ik tht rpidy ird th it’ rh

gi piti r Dr. cry’ rvi.

WsI prvidd W yti d rm

ur itrprtti w rtd umr  pi dig pg tht urthr ird

wit tr. our rt rutd i

tiig th rt 8 piti i Gg

r Dr. cry’ dt prti.


I th rt wk, Dr. cry rivd 9 i

kig. at th d th rt mth, kig wr md dirty rm th

wit, whih m rm rh

gi tr. o vrg, w it

h thr ppitmt d th vrg

rvu vu i $300. at 6 mth d, th

wit grtd 50 w it with

vrg 450 ppitmt. Th vu

6 mth’ rvu rm th wit i

$45,000. Th wit t vr th 6 mth

prid w $,00, rutig i rtur

ivtmt 3,750%!


Beore WSI, we had a website but had 

not received any queries in the 2 years

since creating it. WSI showed us ex-

ample reports o some o their customer 

successes and convinced us to build a

new website that was search engine

riendly. WSI were so condent that 

they would generate interested trafc 

to our website and provided us with a

monthly Internet marketing solution

that included the cost o the website

build. This made it attractive to us as we

would get an entire solution right rom

the beginning.DR. aleKsanDRa ceRnY

lhi Dt cii

WsI cutt:Francis muscat

Gutg, suth ari


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u srvi rit

FlowEr sPoT

srh egioptimiti


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Fowr Spot s a o-stop shop or rsh ct

fowrs a a fowr accssors. Th storhas grow rom a oca fowr shop to a

stato stor carryg vrythg rom

party écor to scrap bookg to gtwar.

Pror to WSi comg oboar, Fowr Spot

ha a goo wbst bt t was’t rrg

mch bsss sc t was ary mpossb

to t o major sarch gs. Th st

was ot optmz.

 THe SOluTiOn:W xtsv SeO work cg k 

bg wth boggg a copywrtg.

WSi’s itrt marktg srvcs c:

sarch g optmzato, wb copywrtg,

cott marktg wth wbst artcs a

pa sarch avrtsg wth Goog.


W g ptimiig th wr sptwit yr g. Th itt mut

rti tht r ddd t th wr

spt wit mthy i h driv

tr xptiy. Th ik uidig h

triutd t wr spt’ xt rh

gi rkig.

W u Gg ayti d advd W

Rkig (aWR) rprt t mitr wr

spt’ wit prrm.


Flower Spot had just completed the

development o its 2nd ecommerce

website with local developers. We have

a great website but no online exposure.

My local developers introduced me to

WSI. Within 6 months we started to re-ceive a steady stream o leads and now 

we get over 1,200 queries a month that 

are generated through search engine


DennIs DUaRTe

wr spt

WsI cutt:Francis muscat

Gutg, suth ari

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RDb cutig


srh egioptimiti


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Prir t rtiig th rvi WsI, RDb

cutig rid d ig t itrduthir mpy rvi t rprt suth

ari. Thy did t thik tht thir wit

wud prdu d r thm thy r

piid i prvidig or, sql d

sy upprt rvi. atr rviwig

th xitig wit w ud it w’t

ptimid. W rmmdd rtig r

thm w wit d w, pri

w pr tht wud dirtit

thm rm thir mptiti. W rtd rur wit tht wud upprt

thir rdiiity, grt d d t

rruitmt pprtuiti.

 THe SOluTiOn:

W rtd Vpr obs wit, prvidd

w dig d th w pywritig.

W ptimid th tir wit r thir

rvi d prvidd ud ik uidig

thrugh dirtry umii, g ptig

d rti mrktig.

Itrt mrktig rvi prvidd:

» srh gi ptimiti

» W pywritig

» ctt mrktig with wit rti

» Pid rh dvrtiig with Gg


WsI g ptimiig th RDb cutig

wit i otr 008. Thy r wrkig t umr Gg suth

ari r “Dt outurig” whih i

thir mi rvi. si rury 009, thy

hv uird 3 w it with u

prjt vu $400,000 – my r t

bu chip rgiti.

WsI prvid mthy yti rprt d

rviw uig ui g d

mthy rviw r hd with th it.


I called WSI the other day and told them

that my website costs me nothing! The

amount o business that we have re-

ceived over the past 6 weeks is amazing

and i we never get another lead I will be

more than happy. WSI and their team

have become my salesmen. The results

we have achieved are truly amazing. I 

recommend everyone that I know to use

WSI’s services. I would also like to add 

that WSI has done amazing work or 

my wie’s dental practice. Her website

generates over 20 new leads per month.

JaRo ceRnY

MD RDb cutig

WsI cutt:Francis muscat

Gutg, suth ari


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Immigrti cuty


Pid srh Mrktig


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

 Tras-Goba Mgrato provs a smp

3-stp procss or Soth Arcas watg tommgrat to Astraa, nw Zaa, uSA,

Caaa a th uK. Bor cotactg WSi,

 Tras-Goba Mgrato was spg a arg

porto o thr marktg bgt o of

prt avrtsg – wspaprs, magazs

tc. Thy xprc cts wth of

avrtsg bcas thy co’t t whr

most o thr ct as wr comg rom.

 THe SOluTiOn:WSi rbt thr wbst a bga a

aggrssv Pay-Pr-Cck campag to

grat qrs a covrsos. By sg

itrt Marktg w ma sr or PPC

campags cck throgh to rvat,

accssb ag pags. W wrot as a

sbmtt thm to casss wbsts o

a rgar bass. WSi aso vop cott

marktg artcs that rv “og ta” trac

wh w start wth ocs k bg.


W mgd t dr thir mrktig

udgt rm $3,000 t $500. TrG

Migrti h vri rt .8%.

Rut r murd diy with Gg

ayti d prtd i mthy rviw



I did not know about Internet Marketing

beore I met with WSI. WSI has really 

helped my business generate a lot o leads and decreased our spending on

traditional media advertising, tenold.

JoHn GaMbaRana

TG Migrti

WsI cutt:Francis muscat

Gutg, suth ari

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Itrt VidPrduti irm

CorP shorTs

Itrt Mrktig


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Corp Shorts was ab to grat as

va th itrt , part, to ts fash-basWb st a ack o rvat cott. lss

tha t bo sts k to th Corp

Shorts Wb st, a t ot rak sarch

g rsts. Th rm a itrt

marktg stratgy to rv arg amots o 

trac to ts st.

 THe SOluTiOn:

WSi mpmt a comprhsv, mt-

phas itrt marktg soto that


» Ag kywor-rch cott to vry pag

o th Wb st

» impmtg soca bookmarkg a k 

bg stratgs

» Pay pr cck (PPC) avrtsg

» Bg a soca tworkg prsc o

YoTb, Twttr, lki, Facbook, a

othr tworkg sts

» dvopg ma marktg campags

» Cratg a ssmatg kywor-rch

prss rass

A ky partr or compt itrt

marktg soto was novo, ic., a

copywrtg rm spcazg sarch

g optmzato (SeO), to wrt artcs

o a mothy bass. Ths kywor-rch

artcs hp Corp Shorts sgcaty

cras ts o xposr by rakg oth rst pag o Goog a othr sarch

gs or svra targt kywors.

Th impt ur Itrt mrktig

uti tr th rt yr i xtiv.


Rut iud:

» Irig viitr t crp shrt’ W ity 500%

» big itd th t thr pg  

rh gi rut r mr th 0

trgtd kywrd

» ovr ,00 kywrd phr r vrtd

t W it viit

» Mr th 40 dirt ur divr

tr t th W it

» Vid r viwd y vr thud

viitr YuTu» ovr 4000 wr/rid/ti

Twittr, k, likdI, d Px

igit tim.

WsI cutt:Gregg Twsey

ciri, Usa

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enwttr Puiti


si Mdi


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

smrtbGr dd xpur, uid

viitr t thir wit, d w urirt ur u r thir Itrt ui.

a, smrtbGr.m did t rk i

rh gi rut r thir tp trgt


 THe SOluTiOn:

T Ud: Gg, Twittr, YuTu,

k, likdI

WsI impmtd mprhiv, muti

ph Itrt mrktig mpig r

smrtbGr tht iudd:

» addig kywrdrih tt t vry pg

thir wit

» Impmtig i kmrkig d ik 

uidig trtgi

» buidig i twrkig pr

Twittr, YuTu, k, d likdI

» autmtig updt r w tt


» lik uidig mpig r iud ik

rm thr wit


Th impt ur Itrt mrktig

uti tr th rt ix mth itggrig, rut iud:

» Ird viitr t smrtbGr

wit y 900%

» litd th t thr pg rh

gi rut r mr th 780 trgtd


» t pg itig i Gg rh rut

tp 0 kywrd

» ovr 00 kywrd phr r vrtd

t W it viit

» Mr th 450 dirt ur divr

tr t th wit

» ovr 4000 wr/rid/ti

Twittr, k, likdI, d Px

» Vid r viwd y vr thud

viitr YuTu


WSI’s keyword research, competitive

analysis, search engine optimization,

and social media marketing helped our 

website rocket in the ranks o the search

engines. Our business has grown as a

direct result o WSI’s solutions.

bIll GUeRInGeR

Pridt d ceo smrtbGr.m

WsI cutt:Gregg Twsey

ciri, Usa

“      “

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TransPorTErW Dig, Dvpmt,

d srh egioptimiti


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

isgwy w kig t ir th

wr sgwy Pr Trprtr(PT) i th rgi w grtig

mr d i. Th jtiv wr t

tih i pr i th rgi r

sgwy PT i rdr t imprv th it’

rd d ir wr. a, it w

vry imprtt r thi it t gt uid

d rm thir wit i rdr t vr

th wit xp d t grt mr

prt t th ui.

 THe SOluTiOn:

WsI prprd 6 pt drt r thi it

uig ur ihu dig xprti d

th it td tw dig, whih wr

urthr hd d imprvd t hp th

it mk ti. Th dig

gt xt dk rm th it d

th it viitr. WsI dutd m

uiity ttig t mk ur th wit

w y t vigt y ur.

urthrmr, WsI ud pi img

rprtig vriu utri rm

th it’ trgt rgi t rt t

th udi d imprv vr it

vri. a r thgy tur

g, th it iud tt mgmt

ytm, i rm, dumt

mgmt ytm d pht gry.

WsI itd th it y t d mdvpmt djutmt t pg yut,

css, it tr d vigti mu.

I dditi, w hv impmtd

mprhiv srh egi optimiti

prgrm r sgwy PT i th rgi, whih

it gig kywrd rrh,

i mptitiv yi, dvd

W d rh gi ptimiti, d

tr grti trtgi rm rhgi, miy Gg, Yh d Msn.

W hv itgrtd dig yti

thgi th wit t trk 

it prrm d idtiy r  

hmt rgur i.


I th rt mth pt uh, th

wit rivd mr th 3,000 viit

th it i gttig w d vry dy. Th

it i xtrmy hppy with th wit

d w md with th mgit

rut i trm tr d d tht r

grtd diy i vi th wit.

Th it’ ui i w vry prt

d th wit w th mi tr

r thir u.


When we rst looked at expanding and 

enhancing our Web presence, we set a

Web generated sales goal o our units.

Little did we know that we would not 

only meet that but would rapidly exceed 

it. In act, in the eight months since

WSI team designed and implemented 

our website, we have seen our Web

trafc increase dramatically and,

more importantly, our Web-generated 

sales leads increase almost ten-old.... I can easily say that WSI has been

instrumental in our sales growth this

 year and I believe the same will be said 

in the years to come.

sTeVen a. bRoWn-cesTeRo

ceo, isgwy

WsI cutt:Husa Janda

Dui, Uae


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The Harord County Cultural Arts Board 

is very pleased with the website that 

WSI created or us, and it was a well 

 placed investment....The best part o this

 project or me has been working with

WSI. You’ve made every aspect o this

huge project simple and a lot o un! Huge kudos to you! 

TonYa WooDY

Hccab crditr


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CulTural arTs

Boardbui edg d seo


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Th Hrrd cuty cutur art brd w

kig t:» Imprv utmr rvi y prvidig

i grt ppiti umii

» Ir thir xpur withi th grtr

Hrrd cuty rt mmuity i rdr t

mk grt vi t grtr umr  

rtit / rgiti

» bm THe rur r rt rtd

vt i th r

» Dvp i mmuity r th

rtit i th r» Prvid grtr xpur r m th

mr r r kw rt vt d

grup i th uty

» b t updt thir w wit t wi

(whih thy ud t d r)

» Utii th tt rtit t rt

th dig r th wit

 THe SOluTiOn:

WsI ddrd th it’ d y

prpig WsI bui edg wit tht

ud pd th it’ dmi d

ud ptimid r th rh gi.

WsI bui edg w th h ptrm

u it u r th it d

d ur, w th wid ti  

mdu d tur tht r iudd

withi thi WsI rdd uti.

Th W uti ruird utmid rmr th grt ppiti d itrtiv

vt dr with utmid add evt

mdu. It ruird it rgitrti tht

wud w y rgitrd mmr t

hv t rti pg, iudig th

itrtiv grt ppiti. Th it

dd th iity t ddig vt t th

rt dr.

lty, WsI iudd pti mi mrkt

t rp rthr i th it w

rdy uig. Thy hp t vtuy dd

diui rum i h diipi withi

th rt, d prhp m w d

rtd t th rt tiwid.

d th it i gttig w d vry

dy. Th it i xtrmy hppy with

th wit d w md with th

mgit rut i trm tr d

d tht r grtd diy i vi

th wit. Th it’ ui i w vry

prt d th wit w th

mi tr r thir u.


I th t 30 dy, th Hccab wit h

ggd vr 580 it viit, with 57% th

ig rtur viitr wh utii th it

rgury:» 5% it viitr ud th it thrugh

rh gi

» Th it rk # i Gg r “Hrrd

cuty art” (ut 4,000 rut), “Hrr

cuty artit,” d “Hrrd cuty Grt

r th art,” “Hrrd cuty art cdr”

d “Hrrd cuty art evt” g

idtid prir t th trt th prjt.

» Th it v rk highr th th Hrrd

cuty Gvrmt wit (prt

rgiti) r th ky phr!

» Th it h vr 00 rgitrd ur,

with mr th 30 rt grup rgury

triutig vt t th rt dr.WsI cutt: Je Harrisn

Mryd, Usa

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FronT rangEhonda

srh egi optimiti& Py Pr cik 


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Frot Rag Hoa ha b mpmtg

a pay pr cck (PPC) campag wth Googa Yahoo! hos, spg $2,500

pr moth a ot trackg ay rsts.

 Th goa was to ramatcay cras th

ct’s itrt xposr, brag a cck 

throgh rat or ss moy.

 THe SOluTiOn:

W kw w co gt thm as may ccks

as thy wr crrty rcvg or $1,000

ss, as approxmaty 50% o thr as wr

ot bg s. W pa to accompsh

ths goa wth som optmzato orts a

by rcg th ct’s bs.


Withi th rt 30 dy, WsI mpihd

wht w id w wud with rgrd t th

py pr ik mpig. nxt, WsI dvid

th it t ppy th my thy vdtwrd 0 trm/0 pg rh gi

ptimiti d ik uidig mpig.

Th it’ wit tr ird 80% i

6 mth.

WsI i urrty mitiig Gg

adWrd mpig d th 0 trm seo

d ik uidig mpig r th it.

Thi ut d WsI t tr th a

srr aut Drhip md up 4 prtui d wit.


I would highly recommend WSI as a

search engine marketing provider. WSI 

is a proessional organization with top

notch customer service. They are always

available to answer my questions. We

have been more than satised with WSI and their perormance and support.

They have more than exceeded our 

expectations within a very short period 

o time.

DIana WeaVeR

rt Rg Hd

WsI cutt: Jerry Kane

crd, Usa

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R ett

sagErEalTy llC

 srh egioptimiti


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

sg Rty w uig gri rtr’

it r wit dig d htig  th W mpi tht prvid wit

r thud rtr. Th it ud t

rrty ptimid. It hd ridy

URl, t th rt rh gi

itmp d rt ud t ddd.

TP a t th pg v w t

wd d d ud t ddd t

th pg v. Th tr rprt did t

rrd dt r trth tim d th dt

rrdd w t iv.

My th pg wr d d hd

dupit tt. Th it w t w

digd. It prmittd trit tmpt

dig d y hd th iity r

yr vigti. Th it w uig

t vigt u it hd u pg

r drp dw mu d y dditi

pg wr tr. Th it pg hd

miim mrktig t ti. Th it’

prrm w pr. It w dw r

gthy prid (mr th 4 hur) tim

d th htig upprt w trri. Th

Mutip litig srvi (Mls) did t

wrk d tdd t hv d dt mr

t th t.

 THe SOluTiOn:

WsI ud grphi dig trtgi

prtr wh wrkd with th it r wmth th pt drt. W rtd

w it mp whih trrrd th dt

rm th d it t th w it. W ddd

th mrktig d seo trtgy t th

itmp. W trid th it d hr t 

hw t miti th it thmv d

uig kywrd rrh, thy wr t

mk th wit py mr ptimid

r rh gi.


I th wrt mi diti r th r

tt idutry, my it h td m tht

thi mth h hd t tur wy ui

u h i uy. Th uk hr

ui i w mig rm hr wit

vru rrr rm pt uyr d rid

I 4 mth, thi i mt $5 mii i r

tt r my it. I dditi t

rviwig th tr d rkig rprt, my

it h murd th rut i trm  

th ui th wit h rught hr.


WSI provides the benets o a small,

highly personal service provider with

the technology and know-how o aninternational Web solution company.

We had the ollowing results this year 

so ar rom the new website: 3 new 

clients in March, 2 bought a total o 

$1,975,000 value homes and one is still 

looking with me in the $400,000 range;

2 new clients in April, bought $558,200

value homes; 1 new client in May,

under agreement to buy a $315,000

value home; 1 new client in June who

decided to rent but will buy in the next 

9 month with me in the $500,000 range

range; 1 new client in July looking in

the $400,000 range and a new client in

 August seeking a $700,000 home ...

lInDa WalTeRs

sg Rty llc

WsI cutt:Nancy Vinker



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Wow, the SEO work is really kicking

in this month. We received our leads

in two days rom our website or PDS

hosting. We usually receive 2-3 per 

MONTH. Nice work! We had a ton o call 

activity this week rom people saying

“I ound you on the web”. That’s all  your hard work paying o. Thanks or 


JosH boPP

Pridt uIT, I.


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Iti Rturt


bui edg dItrt Mrktig


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Sraph wat to vop a wbst to

promot thr w rstarat, whch op Sptmbr 2008. WSi bchmark th

ct’s ma compttors, a bas o

ths ormato, w work o th graphc

sg a Wb vopmt to sr th

ct’s rstarat stoo ot.

 Th ma objctv was to promot th

rstarat. WSi vop a wbst

that rfct th sophstcato o thr

rstarat a thr shs a to show thrvstors commts ma by xprts o th

imprsa (prss) pag.

 THe SOluTiOn:

For ths ct, WSi chos th WSi Bsss

eg soto bcas o ts fxbty, as

o s a amarty wth th patorm. Sc

t was a vry smp projct, th wbst s

compos o cott pags, a ma gary

a map mos, whch ar c th


W work thr ct bas by rg ma

marktg campags. Wth that w wr

ab to ty rt grops o trst

a targt thm wth spcc mssags

orr to cras covrso rats.

Sc cts Braz o’t choos

rstarats bas o sarch gs rsts,w c to ocs o bg comg

ks. W avs th ct to work wth thr

PR agcy orr to cras th mbr

o rvws a ws artcs rat to th

rstarat th prt ma (sch as oca

magazs) a thr o cotrparts.


Withi 3 wk uhig th it, it hd

vr ,300 viit d ,8 uiu viitr,whih hpd grt vr 30 rrvti

pr dy! Th it i vry hppy with th

w wit d th mpimt thy

riv. Thy r vry imprd with

WsI’ wrk d th wy WsI hdd th

prjt i rdr t uh it withi 0 dy.

Th wit w vrg 900 viit pr

mth (78% w viitr d 700 uiu

viitr). 50% thir viitr m rmrrrig wit (30%), rh gi

(0%) d ur mi mrktig

mpig (0%).

Du t th pr srphii´ utmr,

it i muh mr tiv t wrk with

rturt rviw piid gurmt

it, mgi, wppr d thir

i vri. W h th wit d

g tht thir utmr uuy viit d

tht r vry ppur Gg d Yh,

srphii wud t idirty rm

thir w rkd rut th rh


WsI cutt:Wadear Antnacci

Rubens Ki s Pu, bri

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Pond linErs



CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

 Th objctv was to sg a st wth

a q po r cacator – othat wo tak th gth, brath a

pth po masrmts gv by th

cstomr a cacat th xact po r

msos rqr a th cost o ach

typ o po r or that mso. Th

cstomr wo th sct a po r/s

a go throgh a scr chckot procss. A

rthr objctv s to sr that th st s

ormatv a a s rsorc to ayo

watg to pa a costrct a po. WSiwat to s th itrt as th so mas

o marktg th proct.

 THe SOluTiOn:

WSi chos a cstomz soto to th

atabas rqrmts o th po r

sz cacator. Workg wth th voprs

o th ctoaty o th po r sz

cacator was a chag bt th a

rst s a q, sr-ry po r

sz cacator. i th vopmt procss,

th cty was rog p th mtr

sqar msos. Th po rs ar

spp va th maactrrs x

masrmts wth th “o th-ro” PVC

po r msos rg rom that

o th rbbr po rs. So th cacator

ha to work both mpra a mtrc

masrmts, rog p to th cosst

0.5m o mso a cosst 1m aothr or PVC, a to th cosst 0.5m

both msos or th rbbr rs. Th

po r msos hav to b absoty

accrat to avo wastag or th r ot

ttg to th ho xacty. Prcso was ky

ths projct.


si Ju 008, th wit i rivig

3,000 viitr pr mth with vri rt 34%. WsI’ rprt hw

vrg it viit tim 4. miut

d 4 pg viw pr utmr, w

viitr u rt % (imprvd rm

7% i Ju). si Ju, th it h

rivd mr th £5,000 wrth rdr

vrgig t £500 pr dy. Thy wr thrid

wh WsI mptd d uhd th

wit, prtiury u thy rivd

thir rt rdr th dy th it wt iv th W, d hv tiud t d i.


I am very pleased with the results o 

my WSI solution. I was not expecting

to receive so many sales in the rst 

two months o the site going live! 

MIKe leasK 

Pd lir

WsI cutt:Brian Hryd

bdrdhir, egd, UK 

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oi d G

alPha oilFiEld

srh egi optimiti& Py Pr cik 


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Pror to workg wth WSi, Apha O

Sppy oy ha a vry basc wbst. it wasa work progrss wth ot a ot o pags

compt, or mch cott o ay o 

th pags. Most o th pags sa “ur

Costrcto”. Th orga wbst ha b

v or a cop o yars, a ’t prov

thm wth ay as.

WSi’s objctvs wr to prov Apha

O Sppy wth a prossoa ookg

wbst that wo gv a tr rprstatoto th typs o procts a srvcs that

thy prov. W aso wat to prov

thm wth a itrt Marktg Systm

(iMS) that wo or thm wth maxmm

xposr o th itrt, sc thy s thr

procts worw. WSi wat to mak

sr, somo was og a sarch o th

itrt that thy wo b ab to

Apha O Sppy, o mattr what cotry

thy wr og th sarchg .

 THe SOluTiOn:

WSi crat a try w wbst or

Apha O Sppy tzg th McroSt

patorm. i ato, w spp thm

wth ssta SeO or thr wbst, as w

as start og pay-pr-cck marktg, as

soo as th st wt v.


aph oid suppy h hd t mv it

rgr uidig, d i rdy giig tutgrw whr thy r w. W rig th

tr t thir wit, vrt th tr it

prpt. Thy vrt th prpt it


Thy wr vry pd with th rut.

Thy hd trtd wit withut muh

irmti it. With th xpur tht

w rught t thm vi th rh gi,

thy r w gttig d thrugh thirwit rm vr th wrd. lt yr,

aph oid suppy pikd up it

wh ud thm y rhig r th

prdut thy d. I ry rury 007

Jh Jh d WsI t t u kw tht

thy id ut $00,000.00 t tht it i


Withi th rt yr impmtig

Itrt mrktig trtgy with WsI, th

it’ hv dud vry yr. I

thy’v hd t ir thir t, w

mv t rgr iity. Thy hv mt

mr wrk th thy hd t tim,

whih i gd prm t hv.

WsI cutt:michae Richards

Een RichardsMiuri, Usa

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autmtiv PrtDitriutr


disTriBuTorscvri arhitturd Itrt Mrktig


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

erg Ditriutr hd prviu wit

tht w utdtd d itiv. Thywtd t rdig thir wit with

gi tht ud w viitr t

rh thrugh dt vr ,000

prdut, t th prdut thy r

itrtd i d dd thm t dymi

utti umii hppig rt. Thy

ruird wit tr grti vi

Itrt mrktig. WsI’ jtiv r thi

prjt w t gt th it gd d.

our pprh w t ppy cvriarhittur t thir W uti d

prud wit viitr t umit ut

rut i. WsI pd t utii

Itrt mrktig t driv th right pp

t thir w it.

 THe SOluTiOn:

WsI prvidd erg Ditriutr with

pri wit dig d

dvpmt. W mdid th cmmr

ytm t w r prdut ti d

utti rut umii t tk

p. o th it w uhd, WsI

iititd pyprik d mi mrktig

mpig. ltr , WsI impmtd

rh gi ptimiti rvi r th

it t driv v mr tr t th it.


a rut WsI’ rvi, erg Ditriutr

wt rm mt xitt W

pr t rivig vrg 80

w d r pprtuiti h dy.

Trditiy, th mpy y ditriutd

thrughut nrth amri, ut w gi

it rm vr th wrd rut  

WsI’ rh gi mrktig. Th wit

h m igit rvu ur

with h mth’ rm witiuiri xdig th prviu mth’.

si impmtig thir rh gi

ptimiti trtgy ry yr g, thi

viitr tr h mr th tripd d w

thr r thud uiu viitr

h mth.

WsI cutt: Jasn Gervais

Denise Gervaisotri, cd



We knew that our website was dated 

and needed a major overhaul ... WSI 

truly wanted to present to us with an

ongoing strategy that would help us

increase our sales or years to come ...

What a terric experience! 

WSI listened and responded instanta-

neously to recommendations that were

made along the way. They continually 

 presented innovative ideas to make thesite more eective ... Most would think 

that the job was done at this point.

Quite the contrary! WSI immediately 

started presenting ways to optimize

and make our site more eective by 

ensuring potential clients were nding

us. This has been an ongoing process

ever since the site was launched three

months ago. WSI continually tweaks

our site, develops landing pages and looks or ways to ensure we are increas-

ing our sales. It’s like having another 

sales agent working or you – actually 


Joe zUnDl

Pridt, erg Ditriutr

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Hth d it

answEr isFiTnEss

srh egi optimiti& Py Pr cik 


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Aswr s Ftss was ookg to grat

mor as a ha a otat st thatwas o 100% Fash. Thr mros

rct ma orts wr ot gratg

th as to b ab to th

opg o a sco cb. Togthr, w

spc a w st havy ocsg o th

ook a a th cas to acto that

w t thy to hav. Th objctv

was to vop a prossoa ookg Wb

soto that wo tak avatag o sarch

trac a bcom th prmary sorc o gratg as.

 THe SOluTiOn:

WSi’s ocs was o prsoa trag

a wght oss prospcts. W chos th

WSi Bsss eg patorm bcas o 

th abty to crat a moar ook w

t was orr to mphasz

Covrso Archtctr. it’s a smp st

wth a sshow Fash mo o th hom

pag, mros ca-to-acto ks, a

ormato rsorcs o tss, stayg

hathy, wght oss a prsoa trag.

 Th srvcs WSi prov c graphc

sg, wbst vopmt, cott

wrtg, pag ayot, Wb SeO, aaytcs, a

pa sarch throgh WSi loca AWorks.


Th wr, t d utmr awr i

it v th w it. awr i iti w pg Gg r mr th 0

ky rh trm i th 3 tw tht mk

up thir trgt mrkt. Th mid rt

rh gi ptimiti d WsI l

adWrk grtd 70 w mmrhip

prpt i th rt 5 dy tr uh, 3

whih hv m mmr r. Th

xpt thir ig rt t grtr th

80% th d.


This is exactly the site that I would 

want i I could have described it. How 

is it that not everybody is ocusing on

Internet marketing? The results are

 just incredible! 

- DaVID Dos sanTos

owr, awr i it

WsI cutt: Jseph Cupa

Mhutt, Usa

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evt Vu

CorrinE’sBanquET hall

srh egioptimiti


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Cor’s Baqt Ha kw that 50% o 

thr crrt as cam throgh thrxstg wbst. Thy wr covc that  

thy co show p o pag o o Goog

or srvc rat trms srrog

gographc aras, thy wo s a hg

cras bsss.

 THe SOluTiOn:

WSi prov SeO whch c ky wor

rsarch, compttv aayss, pag crato

a mocato o th xstg st, o-pag

optmzato, mta tag chags a wrot

w cott. Th objctvs wr rst to

gt th ct o pag o o Goog a

Yahoo! or 20 rt goctrc trms. Th

sco objctv, whch s jst as mportat,

was to grat trac or thr targt

markt sgmts. For th aayss, w s

Wortrackr.com, WSi loca Aworks trac

stmator too a Qtra.com.


a rut ur rt, crri’ but

H i w pg i Gg r mr

th 0 gtri trm r Pwtukt d

Prvid, RI d attr, Ma whih wr

th prim trgtd r. Thy vd th

w k th Hm pg d th liv

etrtimt d std Dir pg.

Mr imprtty, thy wr truy mdtht th it w pg Gg r

my dirt trm. Immdity thy

tid igit ir i d

t i ui. Thi v titi

rutd i w 6mth d r seo d

mi mrktig mpig.


I had heard these types o results were

 possible but I had no idea how to do it 

or who could do it.


oprti Mgr/Prtr,

cri’ but

WsI cutt: Jseph Cupa

Mhutt, Usa

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Trprttichrtr bu


 srh egioptimiti


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

GTur i hrtr u mpy tht

prvid rvi i th tt Tx,miy, auti d s ati, xpdig

t uthr Tx (brwvi, Ma d

Hrig) d Hut. Thy wr t

hwig i th rt 50 piti i Gg,

Yh! r Msn. Mt thir mrktig

d utmr r i d rh vi

– rgi rh. GTur wtd t ppr

tp rh gi trgtig ti

uh s ati d auti, Tx t

ptur tht mrkt.

 THe SOluTiOn:

W t y pitid GTur i th

rt pg mjr rh gi r s

ati d auti ut pitid th

mpy i th rt p r iti uh

Ma, brwvi d Hrig withi

mth. WsI prvidd seo d i i th

pr upgrdig th seo d mvig

t si Mdi optimiti (sMo) t.


Th it w t du thir i

3 mth t th xtt tht h hd t uy

thr u t kp up with th grwig

dmd. GTur w tid tht thy

wt t ir pdig d trt sMo

mpig. Thy wt t trgt iti

uh Hut d Drt Wrth dxpt tht with thi trtgy thy wi

t imit ity r ummr d

witr wh it i th wt r thir rvi

i suth d ctr Tx. WsI murd

th rut uig Gg ayti d

irmti rivd rm utmr.


My company received 75% o itsbusiness rom brokers. Depending on

brokers made my business vulnerable

because i brokers decided to work 

with other companies I would be out o 

business very ast. I learned that brokers

received more than 85% rom search

engines. This is when WSI approached 

me and we decided to go give it a try.

We proved this decision to be the best 

we have ever made in our business.

Now we still receive the same amount o business rom brokers but their 

 participation in our revenue decreased 

rom 75% to 34%. We will continue to

invest our marketing budget with WSI 

and plan to upgrade our SEO and add 

SMO in our strategy.

WsI cutt: Jesus mnry

Tx, Usa


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surity srvi


srh egi optimiti& Py Pr cik 


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

ovrt w gig thrugh my igit

hg r th pt mth. Thy hdhgd thir ui m d wr uy

xpdig it thr mrkt. Thy hd

put tgthr w wit with th w

m uig rtPg. It w d vry

uiky d thy ud ut tht it w

idut r th w rd thy wtd

t uid. Thy wr kig r rd

w pri wit tht thy ud

prud d mpt with th rgr

urity mpi i th mrkt.

Thy rigiy ttd WsI t jut uid

w wit. but w prtd Itrt

Mrktig sytm, thy wr itrigud

y th pt mrktig uig rh

gi th Itrt

 THe SOluTiOn:

Th Itrt Mrktig sytm Gd Pkg

w th id uti. WsI prvidd th

it with rd w wit uig WsI

bui edg, i dditi t rh gi

ptimiti rvi r 0 ky phr,

pyprik mpig r $000 pr mth

Gg d Yh! Thir mi g with

th w wit i t y t prt

mr pri k ut highight

thir mi i ui. Thir hm

pg ry hw thir 3 mi rvi.


ovrt surity i w trg ivr

Itrt Mrktig sytm. It h y

ut 6 mth ut thir PPc/seo

mpig hv rdy rutd i vr

mjr d with ugh prt t vr

th tir 5mth mpig t vr

tim. Thir seo mpig h put thm t

th tp Gg d Yh! r vrky phr.


WSI guided us through the entire

 process o website design, development 

and Internet marketing. We launched 

our new site in March o 2008 and initi-

ated SEO and PPC to generate trafc to

the site. To date, the campaigns have

led to very positive outcomes. PPC is

generating plenty o clicks and we are

getting substantial leads. SEO has posi-

tioned us at the top o the rst pages o 

Yahoo! and Google.

We have already closed several major 

accounts which have more than paid 

or the website and the cost o Internet 

marketing. WSI continues to meet with

us monthly, helping us makes careul 

adjustments that ensure that we con-

tinue to get calls and inquiries.

The WSI team has been invaluable,

 proving to us that Internet marketingcan work eectively or Overton Secu-

rity. It has become a very signicant 

 part o our overall marketing strategy.

RanK DIMeco

Mrktig Dirtr, ovrt surity

WsI cutt: Jasn Yi

ciri, Usa


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Rturt chi




CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

 Th objctv was to crat a ry

wbst that s appag to yogcstomrs a ca b asy mata a

pat by th owr. Sbway Sawchs

KSA was ookg or a ry cott

maagmt systm that co b y

cotro by a o tchca sta.

 Thy aso ha two targt acs m:

» Sbway cstomrs rom th pbc (may

schoo ag stts a hath coscos

m ag cstomrs)» potta Sbway rachss.

Frst, WSi aayz th ct’s pro to

assss thr bsss. Bg a rachs,

Sbway Sawchs oprat k a typca

SMB, so th chags a objctvs

wr o stragr to WSi. WSi trm

that awarss to b crat a

a prstab itrt prsc ha to b

vop. Thy aso a st that

rqr mt rsorcs to markt

a mata.

 THe SOluTiOn:

WSi prov a WSi Bsss eg soto as

ths patorm covrs a Sbway Sawchs’

basc s a has a ry trac,

a s covt a scaab. Th wbst

s smp yt has a th cott thy .

Bsss eg mos ar vrsat acstomzab, so thy mt vry aspct

a rqrmts wthot th or

ay spca cstomzato or compx

ctoaty. Thy rcv approva or th

wbst rom th rachsor, whch cary

cat that th wbst was mtg

tratoa staars.


Right w th wrd muth i vry pitiv

ut th wit, whih m tht it h

gd ur pp.


Great job! We made the right choice

by working with WSI. Stand by or 

reerrals rom us.

aWaz baHIan

supprt srvi Mgr, suwy Ksa

WsI cutt:mhaed E-Sawah

sudi ari

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Ud aut Prt


Py Pr cik 


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

evrrv has a Commrc st sg

ary a mo rt SKus o s atoparts. esstay, thy ar a o sas

agt or ato jk yars across th cotry.

 Thr ss was thy wr ot mtg thr

o sas potta. Thy to

cras sas wh maagg marktg


 THe SOluTiOn:

W vaat thr crrt PPC actvty, ma

chags to thr campags, coct

sabty sts o th wbst, xct a

SeO campag, vaat mtrcs, tc. As or

itrt marktg, WSi prov costg

srvcs, PPC, SeO, Covrso Archtctr

a aaytcs costg.


Wh w trtd wrkig with evrdriv

thy wr ig $70,000 pr mth i.

I th mt rt thr mth, thir

hv vrgd $,037,000.

WsI puihd wky rprt vr

mtri iudig uit d dr .

Th dt m rm th it.


Partners like WSI have been instru-

mental in making Everdrive a success.

WSI and their team have worked 

closely with us to achieve our online

sales goals.


WsI cutt:Nea lappe

Virgii, Usa

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afrdb RidtiMvig srvi

PaCk and ridE

 Py Pr cik 


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Pk d Rid prvid frdb ridti

mvig rvi thrughut th Uitdstt. Thy trtd thi bui i 005

d WsI h wrkd with thm rm th

trt. Thy wr trt up mpy dig

t grw, ud d ir thir i

qut thir iid tm ud


 THe SOluTiOn:

WsI buit d tiud t imprv thir

wbit. W t up thir PPc mpig

d hv b mgig thm trtgiy.

W dutd ubiity tudi th

wbit d xutd seo mpig.

WsI prvidd utig rvi, PPc, seo,

cvri arhittur, yti utig

d wbit dvpmt.


n lpp d hi tm buit d tiudt imprv th PkadRid.m wbit

d t up thir PPc mpig. Th

it pd th bui dig $0 i .

 Thy w riv vr thud qut

pr mth d grt vr mii

dr i yr. WsI pubihd mthy

rprt vr mtri iudig i

qut, uit d dr . Th

dt m rm th it.


We were a startup company looking or 

a very extensive website. Ater diligently 

shopping the market, we decided on

WSI. We did not mind spending extra

money because we knew we were

orming a partnership. Our decision

to go with WSI was one o the best 

decisions we have made. We received a

 proessional and intricate website along

with invaluable ongoing marketing

services. The WSI people have

handled our account in a timely and 

 proessional manner throughout the

 process. We will continue to give WSI 

additional business and look orward 

to continuing our mutually benefcial 


WsI cutt:

Nea lappeVirgii, Usa



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ard RidtiMvig srvi

PaCk and ridE

 Py Pr cik 


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Pk d Rid prvid rd ridti

mvig rvi thrughut th Uitdstt. Thy trtd thi ui i 005

d WsI h wrkd with thm rm th

trt. Thy wr trt up mpy dig

t grw, ud d ir thir i

ut thir iid tm ud


 THe SOluTiOn:

WsI uit d tiud t imprv thir

wit. W t up thir PPc mpig

d hv mgig thm trtgiy.

W dutd uiity tudi th

wit d xutd seo mpig.

WsI prvidd utig rvi, PPc, seo,

cvri arhittur, yti utig

d wit dvpmt.


Th it pd th ui dig $0 i. Thy w gt mr th 5,000 ut

pr mth d itt vr $500,000 pr

mth. WsI puih mthy rprt  

vr mtri iudig i ut, uit

d dr . Th dt m

rm th it.


We were a startup company looking or 

a very extensive website. Ater diligently 

shopping the market, we decided on

WSI. We did not mind spending extra

money because we knew we were

orming a partnership. Our decision

to go with WSI was one o the best 

decisions we have made. We received a

 proessional and intricate website along

with invaluable ongoing marketing

services. The WSI people have

handled our account in a timely and 

 proessional manner throughout the

 process. We will continue to give WSI 

additional business and look orward 

to continuing our mutually benecial 


WsI cutt:Nea lappe

Virgii, Usa



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srh egioptimiti


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

mu i W trdig rm mprit ltd.

piiig i pritd dr dpht k. mu rdy hv ytm

i p tht thy u r tkig rdr, d

wrkd with W dvpr t hg

thir hm pg rdig t thir mi

mrktig d mi ht. Th im mu

w t ir rd wr d t ,

, . mu gry y prit r UK 

utmr, thugh gtrm thi ud

hg wh thy hv hippig ytm i

p r vr utmr. 

 THe SOluTiOn:

WsI i juti with prtr i th

WsI twrk trtd wrk immdity d

xdd th it’ xptti y turig

th prjt rud vright. Thy vrm

vry t i rdr t uh th it.

ReSulTS:mu trtd th t u th rt WsI

t dig mr seoridy W pg.

Th W pg hv uit with ky

wrd d mt tg i p d ik hv

rtd t. Thy mid thi

with pyprik mpig, hivig

vrg 4.86% ikthrugh rt!


I hrt p tim, th wit h

m mr vii th rh gi.I t, 90.44% thir viitr d thm

thrugh th rh gi urrty. Thi

h d t rg ir i r mu.

Thy r vry hppy with WsI’ rvi.


...WSI have been invaluable to my 

business www.2m2u.co.uk during the

last ew weeks. They have insured we

had our new website up and running on

time to match our marketing campaign

we were in the process o rolling out.

WSI have put their skills and eorts into

making the difcult situation a more

manageable one, something I am most grateul or. I will be trying to secure

WSI more business whenever I can. I will 

be recommending their services most 



M Prit ltd.

WsI cutt:Tracy Spence

nrthmpthir, UK 

Warren Thrpnrwih, UK 



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Pui spkr

mo shaPiro

srh egioptimiti


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

a pui pkr d imprtr, th

wy t gt wrk thi kid i rmythrugh gt. Th gy wud

rmy tk rthr hvy ut, mig

hr prt wr grty rdud. Hr im

w t rdu th t. Hr wit w

hrd t updt, hr i hp rry d

ythig (my r k yr) d h

did t h gt th upprt h wtd

rm hr ld d w mpy. spm

mi wr ig iu r hr.

  THe SOluTiOn:

W rtd Jm d wit whih

iudd virtu mrt hp. Thi w r

ir t mg th hr prviu it.

It d hr t dd vid t hw

xty wht h d. It’ grt kig

it with gd utiity. Thi i

htd with WsI d w mitr th pm.

W rtd rht y r ht

PwrPit Prtti ur mu with

ik rm th itr pg t th pg h

wud u t ur h mpty

mg hr wit.

W rrhd kywrd, iudd XMl

itmp whih w updd t Gg,

ddd hr t Gg l; w md hr

m th mi u, rthr th thr

wrd. W r ut t rt YuTu

pg t hp “hw hr ”.


Th it h tk hr rt rdr hr

wit r vry ih k. sh h ivitd t prt i tw p utid  

th UK rdy. shpir riv pitiv

mmt ut th k d hr

wit. Th it iy mg hr

w wit vig hr my d rdui

hr mthy htig t. Thr h

igit rduti i pm mi. Th

it i w th rt pg Gg r

hr m with hr wit rkig.


WSI is a company that truly represents

the can-do approach to websites. [My 

Consultant] clearly knows her way 

around the Internet and combines a

 proessional, knowledgeable approach

with an excellent understanding o the

complexities o the Internet to the web-

site novice. She has created a website

that we can easily navigate and change

whenever we want to. She made us

eel as though we were her only clients

and nothing was too much to ask. Her 

approach is one that combines humour 

with lots o creativity in the construction

o the clean, accessible website that wewanted. It has been a pleasure to work 

alongside WSI and we look orward to

a long-term and successul relationship

with her.

Mo sHaPIRo

WsI cutt:Tracy Spence

nrthmpthir, UK 


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Thi hw th mut viit t th it i mpriwith th rh r th wrd. Th ikthrugh rt (cTR)

i vr 3% mig tht r h 00 pp tht rh

r pi wrd mr th 3 rh g t th Jh

uipmt wit.

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euipmt Muturr


Py Pr cik 


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Jh euipmt cmpy trtd

with i W pg d m mditriutd withi th utry, ut thy

dd wy t tivy prmt

thir w prti i Mxi. Th mi

jtiv wr t trt with i wit,

r d prmti mpig

t th mtr th prmti trtgy

i Mxi. WsI’ g w t hp Jh

euipmt with itgrtd trtgy t

hp th mpy prmt thir prdut

withi th Mxi mrkt d t hiv gd rtur ivtmt.

 THe SOluTiOn:

WsI prvidd th it with i W

uti t trt th r ut thi trtgy.

Th uti w digd rdig t th

rprt img d thir prdut, whi

hwig rd with th prdut  

thir hm pt i th Uitd stt.

WsI divrd uti uig th sm

bui expr. at th tim, WsI’ g

w t trt with tw Itrt mrktig

mpig r thir tw mi prdut,

dig dk d idutri vtitr. r

thi, w trtd tw pyprik mpig

with Gg.


atr th it w uhd, WsI trtd

th PPc mpig. Thr mth tr thrt mpig w trtd, WsI uhd

th d . Th it wrkd with WsI

thrughut th prjt with id d vu

ddd iput. Wh WsI divrd th

prjt, th it w xitd with th d

rut. WsI grty urpd thir rigi

xptti. Th prjt r th it

prdud xt rut withi th rt

mth, d w thy r grwig with

rgr r.

I th mth Ju 009, th utmr

rivd tt ,47 viit t thir

wit (40 r mpig # d ,87 r

mpig #) – i y mth!


We have maintained two PPC cam-

 paigns with WSI, and I eel very happy 

when I ask a customer on the phone

‘How did you nd about us?’ and they 

respond with ‘I Googled “levelers” 

and ound you’. We have been able to

 participate and win important projects

through this. I strongly believe our 

 potential customers will use the Internet 

more and more to nd quality suppliers.

MaRco DáVIla

s Mgr / Mxi nrtht Rgi

Jh euipmt cmpy

WsI cutt:Abert Ferreirnuv l, Mxi


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CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Pror to WSi, th bak was ot ab to asy

pat th cott o thr wbst. Thyt ths was hrg thr abty to or

crrt ormato abot th bak a

thr st was both bcomg sta a

ot kpg p wth crrt brag a

marktg orts. Thy aso ha o a

what th actvty o thr st was, who was

vstg, how thy wr bg o a

ha com to th cso that thr wbst

was a “cssary v” th cors o og


 Th prmary objctv was to b a soto

that ab thr marktg partmt to

kp th st crrt wth rsh a hp

ormato or thr cstomrs a vstors.

 Thy aso wat to gt a bttr ha o

what vstors wr og o thr st, a

rcogz trs st actvty.

 THe SOluTiOn:WSi rsg a w st or Harta

Bak sg th tgrat itrt marktg

patorm, WSi Fso or as o s a

ogog maagmt. Th bak’s w st

mbracs thr ow “ma ocs” o th

hom pag to hp vstors g pr to

th st.

 Th ct opt or a vry cttg g,

graphca trac wth or ca-to-actotms a Fash-bas avgato atr. Th

st aso corporats a aca cacator

packag to rthr gag vstors wth

tractvty. Harta Bak s aso pag

o corporatg o accot opg

srvcs to op post accots o.


Hrtd bk i vry xitd t uig

thir w it ptrm d ig tupdt tt whvr (d whrvr)

thy wt. si th it i wy uhd

(withi th t mth), WsI i ti trkig

tivity th it d ig pitiv trd

d utmr mmt.

WsI cutt:Eric Ck 

Mihig, Usa



Wit Dig


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CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Joya Pacco was ookg or vstors to

vst thr rt ra stat projcts,sch as coomms a mara projcts.

i ato, th ct wat to cras

thr cb mmbrshps by sg mor

ctv marktg tchqs.

 Th objctvs o th projct orr o 

mportac wr:

» S a

» icras mmbrshps o th cb

» S bach hoss» S apartmts

» S sharhor cb mmbrshps

» icras th vts o th cb

» Hav a itrt o bookg systm or

th cb

 THe SOluTiOn:

WSi chos to vop ths soto sg WSi

Bsss eg bcas th patorm ca b

cstomz amost vry way, a WSi

was ab to taor th ook a o th

patorm or ths projct.

atr th wit w uhd, WsI

dutd PPc mpig r Jy d

Pi t ir wit tr. W

uhd d dirty dig t th

dirt prjt Jy d Pi w

wrkig .

I dditi t th rh mrktig

trtgi, WsI uhd mi mrktig

mpig r Jy d Pi tht w

mg r d grti purp vry

mth. W dut thr mpig

wky t th u mmr with pi

prmti d diut t driv mr

tr t th it’ ui.


a rut WsI’ PPc mpig, Jy d

Pi’ wit wt rm rivig 4

viit diy t 4050 trgtd wit viit

diy. I miti with WsI’ seo rt,

th w it riv ut 7590 viit pr

dy i tt. Jy d Pi i vry hppy

with th w wit, ut mt imprtty

thy r thrid tht WsI grt ut

05 prpt r thm mthy itrity rm th W.

WsI cutt:Edgar Sandval lirtd, e svdr

R ett

 Joya dElPaCiFiCo

srh egi optimitid Pid srh Mrktig


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cmmuity ctr

sPECial nEEdsFamily CEnTEr

W Dig demi Mrktig


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

br WsI, spi nd miy ctr

hd ii wit with vry prdig, d trutur, t. It w hm

md wit, thy dd t hv

pri i pr rtd r

thm rm rth.

 THe SOluTiOn:

WsI’ Itrt mrktig p iudd

dvd tt mgmt ytm,

highd rtiv dig, itrtiv gm,

dti ytm, miig it mgmt

ytm, mi mrktig tmpt,

vutr’ ppiti mdu, d vt

gry d rgitrti uti. r thi

prjt, WsI h th Vpr obs (oi

bui suti) th ptrm

r thi it. a th i hu wrk h

d t mpt th divry

dig, mrktig, t. W dd up

hvig i d y t u wit r thi

rgiti. Thy v it, thir vutr

vd it, d th pi d kid r uig

it with iu. It w t vry mpx;

hwvr it i vry uti d u.


Th rut hv grt. Th it h

wrdd Pri Hy awrd r

th outtdig spi eduti Wit

i apri 009. Th it w vry hppywith th rut d thy ppritd ur

it t mk th it u i.


Words cannot express the joy I elt when

the announcement was made that SNF 

had won the Best Website award. I am

so thankul that SNF has such a great 

band o dedicated Volunteers like WSI,

who have given so much o your time

and talent to make this award pos-

sible. Thank you and your team or all 

the eort that you put in to create the

SNF website and I wish you success in

all your endeavors, big or small, in the


saIa baRI

sn Dirtr

WsI cutt:Husa Janda

Dui, Uae


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Working with WSI has been an incredible

experience. With their thorough

understanding o eective Internet 

marketing systems, they were able to

help our rm increase our return on

investment drastically. I am so impressed 

with the hard work, dedication and 

results-driven nature o WSI 

lIsa TIeRneY

Mrgi & cmpy P.c.


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marCum grouP(margolis & Co. P.C.)

Py Pr cik 


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Mrgi & c. P.c. wtd t uid

i mrktig mpig piygrd twrd ttry d ui

wr wh wr kig r timy, t

tiv ui vuti rvi. Th

gig mpig g i Mrh 007

d w grd twrd murig rtur

ivtmt rthr th uidig rd

wr r th rm’ ui vuti


 THe SOluTiOn:» st up adWrd mpig with mjr

rh gi Gg, Yh!, ak, d

aol whry vr rh phr uh

“ui vuti xprt, Phidphi” i

vriu miti ppr t th tp right

um th rt rut pg.

» crt wit dig pg r th

mpig tht viitr wh tr th it

thrugh th mpig dig pg

trkd r pg viit, tim pt th it,

d wht wr dwdd.

» crt uiu ph i tht rig

dirty it th Mrktig Dirtr’

d u r ID t idtiy r rm

th pyprik mpig. Wh thi i

rig, th Mrktig Dirtr m th

ui dvpr d hd th



Th mpig h uu

tht th rm i tiuig it idity.

Murmt rm th trt th

mpig Mrh , 007 t Mrh 3,

008 iud:

» ,058 viitr mig it th rm’ wit

rm th mpig’ dig pg.» ,89 pg viw th dig pg.

bhid th hm pg, th mpig

dig pg w th d mt viwd

pg th rm’ vr wit durig

th 3 mth.

» 5 ph t th uiu ph

umr th dig pg tht wt

dirty it th Mrktig Dirtr’ .

» Rvu grtd rm igd

ggmt: $ 6,74, rtur ivtmt 6%.

» avrg t t ur ggmt:

$ 79

» 8 prpt urrty i th pipi r

timtd dditi $ 50,000.

» Th tw dwd urriuum vit

th ui vuti tm tht r ikd

t th dig pg, cVGlUsMan.pd d

cVbaRbaGallo.pd, wr dwdd

mid 650 tim. Gum w th3rd mt ppur dwd rm th

rm’ vr wit r th 3 mth

d brg w th 6th mt ppur

dwd rm th vr wit.

» Th dig pg w viwd vrg

4 miut d 3 d viit.

» othr wrk pprtuiti hv

idtid rut th iiti

mmuiti with prpt d t t

ttry h rturd t Mrgi & c.

with rpt ui.

WsI cutt:Nancy Vinker

Pyvi, Usa

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TasTy BiTE

W Dig demi Mrktig


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Tty bit mutur d rdyt

t ai d, miy Idi d Thi. Thy it i mi uprmrkt hi. Wh

WsI mt th it th rt tim, thy wr

t rdy t ivt i W uti yt.

Hwvr, WsI tiud t kp i tuh

with thm, d tw yr tr, wh thy

wr rdy r uti, thy turd t

WsI. Th mi hg th it hd

w dig ytm t vrg th

rg mut it wh purh thir

prdut rgur i. Thir it uythir prdut ut rmi ymu,

thy did t hv y mmuiti with

thm tr th purh.

 THe SOluTiOn:

WsI divrd uti uig th rut

Itrt mrktig ptrm, WsI ui.

Thi d ytvigt wit h

gd dig with dtid irmti

ut th it’ prdut. It tur

thir prmti d th iity t uri

t thir miig it t riv rip d


aid rm th wit dvpmt, WsI

prvid th it with i

dvi Itrt mrktig t prti.

atr th it w uhd, Tty bit

trtd tt t wi trip r tw t

Idi. Purhr hd t d thm thrd th prdut thy ught t

tr th mptiti. Th wit prvidd

irmti d upprt r thi prgrm.

Thi tt w ud t uid miig it

thrugh th wit wig th it t

miti xtiv mmuiti with

thir utmr uig th itgrtd mi

mrktig ytm.


With thir w wit, th it w

t gt mr d d prti ttr

mmuiti with xitig it. WsI

prvidd th it with pri W

uti, whih thy r vry hppy with. W

d th it r urrty i diui

rgrdig gig hmt t th

wit d trtig Itrt mrktig

trtgy i th r utur.

WsI cutt:Yarn Berkwitz

Vitri, autri


The website is a great success. We were

able to communicate directly with our 

clients and prospects and promote our 

 products eectively. WSI eFusion is a

great and user-riendly system. We are

happy to recommend WSI’s products

and services to new prospects or clients.The website has been wonderul or our 

business and I want to thank you again

or your persistence and patience.

VasanT ManoHaRan

nti bui Mgr,

Prrrd brd autri


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aut Dr

whiTE PlainsChryslEr JEEP

dodgEsrh egioptimiti


CHAllenGeS And GOAlS:

Whit Pi chryr Jp Ddg i

tihd r drhip i dwtwWhit Pi, nw Yrk. Th nw Yrk 

mtr r i highy mptitiv d

wppr dvrtiig tiu t it

tiv. Th utimt g i t driv

prptiv utmr it th hwrm.

 THe SOluTiOn:

W didd w dd t ir th

wit i th rh rut rkig,

ir d mur tri. W rgid

tht utm uti w ruird t

hiv thi. W rd ut seo prgrm

t iud xtr ky wrd d pg

with th upprt WsI srh Rut.

I dditi t seo, w prvidd i

xutiv rprt whih iudd iight

w m i dt.

ReSulTS:Viit i Ju 008 ird t 337 rm

838 i augut 009. 

» Uiu viit i Ju 008 wr 348

mprd t 609 i augut 009

» Tt pg viw i Ju 008 0,65

mprd t 345 i augut 009

» ni trgtd ky wrd tht wr t

pg i augut 009 r w pg


I My 009, wh chryr d ut

5% it drhip, Whit Pi chryr

Jp Ddg rmid p r ui.

I Ju 009, wh th it purhd

Hyudi drhip, WsI w hird t d th

seo w PPc.


WsI murd th rut uig yti

d rkr rprt prvidd y WsI srh


WsI cutt:Rb Shapir

nw Yrk, Usa

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vv  YYoolee RRrrssii

uurr dduu





AArree PPYYoo

I  White P  pared  by:version 

chhiirrf f oo

rr SS


 Doug Schrchitectu



ust  e Expert, 





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CCoonnvveerrssiioonn AArrcchhiitteeccttuurree:: IImmpprroovvee YYoouurr OOnnlliinnee PPeerrf f oorrmmaannccee WWhhiillee RReedduucciinngg YYoouurr MMaarrkkeettiinngg SSppeenndd 

Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved.  Page 2 of  


Research has shown a major difference in conversion and return on investment between companies 










So why doesn’t every online business have a regular testing program? 

The fact is that many businesses and marketers are confused about where to begin, and how. Some that 

do test don’t do it often enough, or are not sure how to interpret the results. 

With so many potential areas to test, including home page, landing pages, pay‐per‐click ads, emails and 

now the influence of  social media, marketers need to know: 

•  Which tests provide the biggest potential return on investment 

•  How to








•  How to continue improving test results and duplicate success 

First of  all you need a solid benchmarking framework for basic online testing that enables you to realize 

significant gains in conversion and revenue. 

We hope this overview helps your business and if  you have not yet implemented a formal program as 

well as those looking for higher conversions, we recommend a WSI Benchmarking Program to guide and 

improve your efforts. Please contact a WSI Marketing Consultant today! 

There is



















that is simply Test, Test and Test. 

Within that testing there are 4 key areas you need to understand to increase your online conversion and 

reduce your overall cost per lead. 

‐  Ask The Right Questions 

‐  Measure The Right Items 

‐  Perform The Right Tests 

‐  Analyze & Make Adjustments Based On Results 

These tests




 a better









 patterns and what drives them to take action. 

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IItt AAllll BBeeggiinnss WWiitthh TTeessttiinngg TToo EEssttaabblliisshh BBeenncchhmmaarrkkss:: 

At WSI, we apply the concept of  “benchmarking” to our testing process. 

What do we mean by benchmarking? A testing process that is useful, practical, and delivers predicable 

results that you can carry forward into a successful marketing program. 

The benchmark results of  our online testing process are directly related to five key elements. 

This formula was created by MarketingExperiments and is the basis for online conversion today. 


u = Utility 

q = Research Question 

t = Treatment 

m = Metric System 

v = Validity Factor 

i = Interpretation 

In other words, ask the right question, measure the right thing, perform the right test, and learn from 

the results. 

We recommend that businesses interested in establishing a strong online presence use the WSI 

Benchmarking Program and incorporate these elements into your online strategies. 

There are 3 main areas that need to be tested, home page, landing page, email and the impact of  social 

media. Using these testing techniques you can see what influences a client or potential client when they 

connect with you online. 

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved.  Page 4 of  


11.. SSttaarrtt wwiitthh tthhee rriigghhtt qquueessttiioonn.. 

In a recent Web clinic on this subject, more than 60% of  the audience said that the very first 

step in successful online testing—asking “the right research question”—is their biggest 


All single factor A/B split tests begin with “which?” 

Marketers may start with the interrogative “what?” or “why?” when they are brainstorming on 

an informal basis, but their research question must progress to “which?” in order for it to be 

specific enough





 a formal



For example, “What is the best headline?” becomes “Which headline will convert best?” and 

“What is the best price?” becomes “Which of  three price points is best for this product?” 

22.. DDeevveelloopp tthhee TTrreeaattmmeenntt((ss)).. 

A variable is the general element you intend to test. Headline, price, and copy are all example of  

variables, and there are dozens more. Again, one key to successful A/B testing is knowing which 

one you want to single out. 

A value















going to test. 

The test Control—“A”—will be your current page, ad, or email. 

The test Treatment or Treatments—“B” or “C”— are the pages, ads, or emails containing the 

new values of  your variable. 

Values become Treatments. When a new Treatment performs better (better than the Control, 

better than another Treatment if  there is more than one), it becomes the new Control in 

subsequent testing. 

33.. DDeetteerrmmiinnee tthhee rriigghhtt mmeettrriiccss.. 

Your main objective will be to determine the metrics that will best answer your primary 

research question (the “which?”), though secondary metrics may also provide insight. 

First, establish what you are trying to accomplish. 

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved.  Page 5 of  

Are you trying to attract more subscribers? 

Capture more qualified leads? 

Obtain a higher




Produce a better ROI on a pay–per–click (PPC) campaign? 

After establishing what you want to achieve, choose the element you wish to test in order to 

select the appropriate metric. 

There are essentially four elements you can measure: 

•  The amount of  activity on your site 

•  The source of  that activity 

•  The nature of  that activity 

•  The results of  that activity 

Use organizing questions to help you choose the appropriate metric; for example: 

Question Metric










Where did they come from?  Referring URL, organic search, PPC ad & social media influence 

What did they do/view?  Page views per visitor; clicks 

What did they buy / sign up for

or did they call? 

Number of  orders, average amount, total revenue 

44.. CChheecckk vvaalliiddiittyy,, ssttaarrttiinngg wwiitthh ssaammppllee ssiizzee ssuuf f f f iicciieennccyy.. 

For confidence in your findings, test results must be statistically meaningful. In other words, 

there has to have been enough difference in results to make the meaningful right choice. 

Typically, researchers will tolerate no more than a 5% chance that the test results are due to 

random variation. This is referred to as “5% significance level” or “95% confidence level.” For 

example, you would want to be at least 95% confident that the results of  your test will detect a 

difference in clickthrough rate of  0.5% or more. 

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved.  Page 6 of  

Key point: as sample size (n) increases, Margin of  Error (E) declines. 

Check for four additional, major validity threats. 

There are

 a number
















online testing: 

•  History effects 

•  Instrumentation effects 

•  Selection effects 

•  Sampling distortion effects 

Ensure that your test results have not been skewed or invalidated by these threats. 

History effects. The effect on a test variable by an extraneous variable associated with the 

passage of  time. Industry events, news events, and holidays are all examples of  history effects 

that could skew your test results. 

Instrumentation effects. The effect on a test variable by an extraneous variable associated with 

a change in the measuring instrument. Having a server go down in the middle of  your test is one 

example of  an instrumentation effect. 

When reviewing your test protocol to exclude this threat, ask: Did anything happen to the 

technical environment, measurement tools, or instrumentation that could have significantly 

influenced the



Selection effects. The effect on a test variable by an extraneous variable associated with 

different types of  subjects not being evenly distributed between experimental treatments. 

Mixing traffic sources can skew results. A great landing page created for one specific channel—

for example, a PPC ad with great copy related to a specific organic search term—can do poorly 

when presented to visitors coming from a different PPC ad for a completely different product or 
















sufficient number of  observations. 

Depending on the amount of  traffic your landing page normally gets, the number of  email 

addresses you have to send your new email to, or the clicks you normally get on your existing 

PPC ad, it may take days, weeks or even months to reach the number of  observations necessary 

to achieve testing validity. 

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55.. CCoorrrreeccttllyy iinntteerrpprreett tthhee rreessuullttss.. 

If  results are valid, determine the impact and decide what your next test should be. Remember, 

the “winning” Treatment becomes the Control for your next test. 

If  results are invalid or inconclusive, consider re‐running the test, but keep in mind that even 

invalid or inconclusive tests can provide value when properly analyzed. Learn from your results: 

•  Expertise is cumulative knowledge. Keep careful records of  tests and results. When results are 

surprising, look for hidden sources of  error or insight. 

•  Lack of  difference is meaningful. That changing the variable(s) in the way that you did had little 

effect on performance is valuable knowledge. This may be the single most valuable insight you 

gain from an inconclusive test. 

• Try

















day, etc.). You may find a clear statistical “winner.” 

•  Note alternative or secondary conclusions. Look for patterns of  performance, even those that 

identify things that you definitely DON’T want to do. 

BBrreeaakkiinngg DDoowwnn YYoouurr CCaammppaaiiggnnss aanndd MMaarrkkeettiinngg CChhaannnneellss 

HHeellppss ttoo DDeetteerrmmiinnee tthhee FFoolllloowwiinngg:: 

Who your clients are, what their needs and wants are and what drives them to take action. These are 

the key to any online marketing program. The diagram below illustrates a standard conversion funnel. 

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Testing allows you to identify your clients or potential client’s profiles which ultimately leads to higher 

conversions.  Understanding each potential audience allows you to communicate the right message at 

the right time. 

Understanding how your audience makes their decision is very important. The graphic below illustrates 

a standard buying process in a B2B environment buying process. 

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TTeesstt PPrroottooccooll f f oorr AA//BB SSpplliitt TTeessttiinngg f f oorr LLaannddiinngg PPaaggeess:: 

11.. DDeevveelloopp YYoouurr CCaappaabbiilliittiieess aanndd SSeelleecctt tthhee RRiigghhtt TToooollss 

A/B split testing tools vary from simple CGI scripts to sophisticated software applications. You 

will find a list of  services in the Resources section at the end of  this report. 

Even without sophisticated A/B testing capability, sequential testing offers you an opportunity 

to learn many insights about your pages. For more on sequential testing, see the Concluding 

Comments, below. 

22.. IIddeennttiif f yy YYoouurr EEssttaabblliisshheedd CCoonnttrrooll PPaaggee 

Your control page will be the page against which you test all subsequent optimization efforts. If  

you are

















before any optimization. When a new page performs better than the existing control page, it 

then becomes your control page in subsequent testing. 

33.. EEssttaabblliisshh YYoouurr TTeessttiinngg GGooaallss aanndd PPaarraammeetteerrss 

What are you trying to accomplish with A/B split testing? Are you after more subscribers, a 

higher conversion rate, or a greater return on investment on your PPC campaigns? Your goals 

will determine your testing parameters, which will determine the potential success of  your 

testing efforts. 

44.. DDeetteerrmmiinnee YYoouurr SSuuf f f f iicciieenntt TTeesstt IInntteerrvvaall 

This time period should allow you enough time to gather sufficient data to gauge real insight 

about your A/B tests. Identify the number of  unique visitors and/or conversions needed to 

establish good data and then determine how long it will take you to generate this traffic. This 

number will vary from business to business, but should give you enough data to confidently 

declare a "winner." 

55.. CCrreeaattee 11‐‐33 RRaaddiiccaall RReeddeessiiggnnss 

KEY POINT: These pages are not subtle optimizations changing only one or two elements on the 

page, but are wholly different pages representing a radically different approach. 

66.. EEvvaalluuaattee TThheessee RReeddeessiiggnnss iinn AA//BB SSpplliitt TTeessttss 

Test these alternate landing pages against the control page. Ideally, each page will be tested 

against every other page, but if  that is impractical, test two pages at a time and keep the best as 

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your control for subsequent testing. We like to use heat maps to help track the impact of  all the 

key elements and its potential impact. 

77.. BBaasseedd oonn RReessuullttss,, DDeetteerrmmiinnee YYoouurr TTrruuee CCoonnttrrooll PPaaggee 

The radical redesign method will be more likely to generate a quantum leap in improved 

conversion rate



 a mediocre










the best general approach, you are now ready to optimize individual elements on the page. 

88.. OOppttiimmiizzee wwiitthh TTrraaddiittiioonnaall VVaarriiaabbllee‐‐SSppeecciif f iicc AA//BB TTeessttiinngg VVaarriiaabblleess 

ttoo TTeesstt:: 

•  Headline 

•  Call to Action 

•  Page Copy 

•  Graphics 

•  Color 

•  Configuration of  Page Elements 

•  Etc. 

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CCoonncclluuddiinngg CCoommmmeennttss:: 

There are a few important points to remember about A/B split testing: 

1.  Even if  you can't set up a true A/B split test (where two versions of  a page are being displayed 

one after another to alternate visitors to your site), it is very easy to create a sequential A/B split 


KEY POINT: A sequential test is when you show one version of  a page for a certain period, like 

two days or a week, and then show another version for the following two days or a week. The 

results may be a little less reliable, but can still yield valuable information and trends. 

2.  Testing gives you the opportunity to maximize conversion rates, solve problems, and challenge 

assumptions. And keep in mind that you have opportunities beyond testing small changes to a 


You can also challenge an existing page by designing and writing a radically different version, 

where almost everything is different. In fact, it is through these dramatically changed 

approaches that you are most likely to achieve breakthrough improvements. 

3.  Testing provides companies with an invaluable means to demonstrate to company heads and 

management the hard figures behind any suggested changes or improvements. 

4.  Use of  consistent testing will increase the knowledge base of  your web group or company 

significantly. You will learn more, and soon be able to determine a set of  optimized practices 

that work best for your particular business. 

The absence of  rigorous testing leaves you in the dark, depending on guesswork alone when 

creating your pages. 


Most businesses today do not take advantage of  how important it is to test regularly. The key for any 

business wanting to achieve online success is knowing how to communicate to your target audience and 

knowing that all parties do not act on the same principles. This also allows your to figure out your online 

ad spend in an effective manner. The average online conversion today is 2%, which means that 98% of  

your ad budget is not being used effectively. 

The key is really to keep the testing simple and uncomplicated and once you have established your 

benchmarks then you can start to divert from your Control Page. This can be a simple process and or a 

more complicated one but the key is simply testing, testing and more testing of  the right things and you 

will increase your online conversion. 

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AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr 

Doug Schust’s background consists of  both online and traditional marketing. His main 

focus is online marketing and helping clients focus not on traffic but the results from 

that traffic. Most recently Doug has spoken at several Google events on conversion 

and continues to share his knowledge and experience with other consultants and 



•  MarketingExperiments 

•  MarketingSherpa 

•  Omniture 

•  Google 

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SSttiillll tthhee PPoowweerrf f uull EEnnggaaggeemmeenntt TTooooll

TThhaatt TTuurrnnss MMaarrkkeettiinngg DDoollllaarrss 

IInnttoo HHiigghheesstt RROOII 

WSI White Paper 

Prepared by: Francisco Hernandez

Email Marketing Expert, WSI 

EEmmaaiill MMaarrkkeettiinngg:: 

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 11 


Email marketing’s popularity is attributable to its low cost, high ROI (Return-On-Investment) and focus

on customer retention. While the economic crisis will force retailers to cut back on many important

marketing and technology initiatives, email programs will survive relatively unscathed.

Odds are your marketing budget has felt the negative impact of growing concerns over the worldwide

economy. Small businesses and large corporations alike have been forced to erase entire sections of 

their 2009 marketing “wish list” in response to a bleak economic forecast that has many marketers

evaluating the cost-effectiveness and ROI of previously ironclad marketing vehicles.

Amid the turmoil, Email marketing has remained a staple due to its cost-effectiveness and flexibility. At a

fraction of a penny per message, the value of an email campaign compared to an expensive direct mail

communication is substantial. However, getting the most from your email marketing campaigns during

tough economic times may require a different approach than what you’ve done before.

It is not surprising to see how advertisers continue adding to the budget for marketing activities that are

generating the greatest ROI, like searches and email marketing.

According to eMarketer, at the beginning of this year, 14% of the online marketing budget is destined

for email marketing. What is more surprising, is that advertisers are giving more importance to their

email marketing campaigns than on investing in social networks, even though it is a rising trend. In the

current economy, on which marketing budgets plummet, email marketing can be as important as a

wood plank to someone stranded at sea.

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 11 

While marketing budgets will undoubtedly be trimmed in 2009 due to the recession, email’s share of 

budgets is likely to rise. Email owes its resilience to its low cost, highly measurable results and focus on

customer retention.

No wonder business leaders were most likely to say email was a marketing tactic earmarked for

increased spending in 2009, according to a December 2008 StrongMail survey. The survey generated

responses across all industries, with strong representation in retail, financial services, technology and


CCRRMM == CCuussttoommeerr RReeaallllyy MMaannaaggee 

A few years back, great importance was given to the acquisition of the latest technologies to predict,

model and manage the relations between brands, companies and consumers. Unfortunately, for many

years, advertisers were lost in the midst of technological development and they were not giving

importance to what the consumer deserved. Today, with the growing reach of the Internet, broadband

connectivity, search engines, social networks, and increased demand for Smart Phones, we have arrived

at an era on which the consumer is truly the manager.

Taking into account that technology has to facilitate things, but it is not everything, advertisers have to

give the consumers the value they demand. For this reason, when we speak of email marketing, it is very

important to speak of RELEVANCE of the messages and the level of personalization in the conversations

that are initiated through email.

The actual situation of the use and abuse of email marketing has led the consumers to fight more and

more against SPAM and has driven them to different avenues of communication like social networks,

text messaging and other methods that allow the consumer to regain control over their personal

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 11 

communications and relations with retailers. If retailers want to avoid being blacklisted or ignored, they

must improve the relevancy of their email programs. The solution lies in using segmentation and

personalization techniques to target emails. Of course, retailers also need to be vigilant about testing

their tactics to determine which are most effective.

FFooccuuss oonn CCuussttoommeerrss’’ NNeeeeddss oorr LLoossee TThheemm FFoorreevveerr 

Marketers must use measurement tools in order to provide personalized messaging. In a 2008 Merkle

Study, half of email recipients said good email influenced their decision to make a purchase, and 38

percent said they tend to spend more money with a company that sends emails they read regularly.

Thirty-two percent said they stopped doing business with a company because of poor email marketing


Looking forward, some of the most exciting possibilities for email marketing are appearing in social

networks. The social inbox, for instance, promises to provide an integrated view of a user’s email and

other communication channels. Furthermore, new applications will make it easier for people to virallyshare emails with friends in their social networks.

EEmmaaiill MMaarrkkeettiinngg’’ss EEf f f f eeccttiivveenneessss 

Email marketing’s ROI in 2008 was $45.06 for every dollar spent on it, according to the DMA’s report

“The Power of Direct Marketing,” which analyzed direct marketing activity across major industries.

However, compared to other media, the ROI of email marketing has been in a faster decline than other

advertising avenues. This decline could be attributed to the maturation of this method. But also to howcompanies are investing more on emails that are not focused on generating revenue, like order

confirmations, or the failure that companies have experienced by using “rented” databases.

Despite these issues, advertisers and retailers do not want to reduce their media budget for email

marketing, because they recognize the ROI is going to be affected by the relevance of the messages sent

and the segmentation done on the databases, and also the low cost compared to other online marketing


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Typically in any recession, there is tremendous pressure on marketers to do more with less. According to

MarketingSherpa, 24 percent of B2B and 34 percent of B2C marketers reported budget cuts this year.

Not surprising given its remarkably high return on investment, email marketing increases during tougheconomic times.

Also, in email’s favor is its measurability. Marketers can quickly and effectively measure who is

responding to messages, which promotions work best and so much more.

FFiivvee EEmmaaiill SSttrraatteeggiieess f f oorr 22000099 

1. CClleeaann aanndd NNuurrttuurree YYoouurr EEmmaaiill LLiisstt 

Be sure to perform a thorough cleaning of your email lists. This does not mean blindly deleting a bunchof names, but rather using segmentation strategies to treat historically inactive recipients differently

than people who are actively opening and clicking on your email messages. Here are some suggestions

for cleaning house:

•  Take a close look at your lists and list segments. Are there some list segments you are never

using? If so, clean them out.

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 11 

•  Today’s email success is about quality, not quantity. Review lists of people who have not

responded to messages in the past few months and contact them in a different way than the

rest of your list. If they still do not respond, consider removing them.

•  Review any new list segments you may want to make. Are there any ways to segment and

strengthen messages to various groups? If so, segment them now and start communicatingmore effectively to those groups.

2. EEnnhhaannccee YYoouurr SSeeggmmeennttaattiioonn 

Email marketing data offers incredible segmentation power and the ability to take advantage of small

audience segments that might otherwise be financially or technically difficult to reach. If you haven’t

started segmenting your list and sending more targeted messages based on recipient data or behaviors,

start in 2009. Most of the research in the email industry indicates that segmentation yields significant

gains in email conversions. Some typical strategies for segmentation include:

•  Geography - This is an easy, fairly obvious segment. For example, your customer in Florida islikely not interested in a snowmobile. And your customer in Minnesota probably isn’t

interested in a jet ski—not in the winter, anyway. Geography can also be an indicator of 

buying patterns and other influences on the purchase cycle. Take the technology industry,

for example. In high-tech pockets like Silicon Valley, Boston and Austin, early adopters are

far more common.

•  Demographics - This is another easy one, and can make a lot of sense. For example, we

know men and women can interpret information quite differently. Younger vs. older

audiences take in information in different ways as well.

•  Job title and function - Are you emailing potential users with none–or all–of the buying

power? An owner or CFO may want to know about ROI, while a middle manager may just

want to make his or her job easier. An engineer or programmer may want to find better

ways to work, and so on...

•  Purchasing frequency - Less frequent purchasers may require a time-sensitive offer to

encourage them to act. Another approach would be to reward frequent buyers with

exclusive privileges via email.

•  Monetary spending - Adjust resources so you’re dedicating your efforts toward customers

who spend the most money with your company.

If you have been segmenting your email audiences, don’t stop. Try to find new ways to segment and

look at segmentation based on historical email activity, perhaps treating people who are frequent

“clickers” or “openers” differently.

3. RReevviieeww aanndd RReef f iinnee YYoouurr OOpptt--iinn CCaammppaaiiggnnss 

Now is a good time to perform a checkup on your opt-in processes. Review everything from the data

fields you’re collecting to the confirmation emails you are sending afterwards. Small changes can mean

big gains in new audiences, as well as setting the proper expectations for subscribers.

•  Can you increase opt-ins by reducing unneeded data collection?

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 11 

•  Are you prominently directing web visitors to sign up for email? Can you place this on more

pages, or in more visible locations?

•  Do you clearly define significant benefits for subscribers signing up for your email? Does the

email you send confirming the opt-in restate the benefits?

•  Can you set expectations and ask subscribers to “add this address to your safe list” in theopt-in process?

The language you use, the support graphics, and the staging techniques you employ can make a huge

difference between being ignored and creating an evolving, dynamic relationship that can enhance

database precision, enrich dialogue, and help you showcase a larger scope of services.

If you’re not using strict opt-in policies, 2009 is the year to start. As consumers continue to tire of 

unwanted email, you’ll continue to see declining response rates if you are not using an opt-in-only


4. DDeessiiggnn f f oorr ““IImmaaggeess OOf f f f ”” aanndd PPrreevviieeww PPaanneess 

In 2009, you’ll find your audiences are increasingly looking at your messages without images turned on

(it may not be their choice, but rather the default of their email client or a corporate IT policy). Make

sure your messages are still readable and compelling without images. This may mean designing

messages using fewer images, or including a short list of articles at the top of your newsletter. This

technique works well for people who are viewing your message through a preview pane as well. Making

sure enough content is placed at the top of the message to give recipients something to act on will be

important to success rates.

Without designing your messages with “images off” in mind, your campaigns may end up looking like

this to recipients:

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EEmmaaiill MMaarrkkeettiinngg:: SSttiillll tthhee PPoowweerrf f uull EEnnggaaggeemmeenntt TTooooll TThhaatt TTuurrnnss MMaarrkkeettiinngg DDoollllaarrss IInnttoo HHiigghheesstt RROOII 

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5.  IInntteeggrraattee SSoocciiaall MMeeddiiaa iinnttoo YYoouurr EEmmaaiill PPrrooggrraamm 

Like email, social media has quickly become one of the most widely used communication mediums on

the web, so it only makes sense that integrating the two can serve to increase the overall effectivenessof your online marketing.

The power of social media lies in the ability of its users to quickly and easily share information with their

contacts, which might then turn around and share with their own contacts. If the information being

shared is, for example, a piece of content from one of your emails, this type of “word-of-mouth”

marketing can extend the reach of your message by a tremendous margin.

Here are a few ways to integrate social media into your email program:

•  Incorporate a social media bookmarking tool into your emails, allowing subscribers to share

your newsletter to their contacts on various social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn, etc.)

•  Develop and maintain a company profile on various social media networks, and prompt

social media contacts to consider subscribing to your email newsletter(s)

•  Promote your social media presence on your emails in order to build a larger social media


•  Start a company blog and use your emails and social media profiles as traffic generators

SSoocciiaall EEmmaaiill MMaarrkkeettiinngg:: TThhee NNeexxtt BBiigg TThhiinngg 

While the World Wide Web continues to generate exciting new forms of human interaction, including

such Web 2.0 offshoots as social networking and video-sharing sites, wikis and blogs, what is just asexciting are the new engagement-marketing opportunities that result from the joining of both old and

new Internet-based communication technologies. Email and social networks represent such a nexus.

Clearly, social networks have changed the relationship between companies and their customers. Sites

like Facebook and MySpace allow people to share their thoughts and quickly connect with hundreds of 

friends and friends-of-friends. An estimated 19 percent of online users log onto social networking sites

at least monthly or more often, while 41 percent of youth ages 12 to 21 visit social sites daily.

Individuals linked to one another on a social networking site are affiliated for a reason. They’re like each

other in some important ways. Social email marketing, therefore, enables you to reach prospects that

share some affinity with your best customers. The ability to reach out to others with attributes similar toyour best customers is invaluable.

WWiillll EEmmaaiill JJuusstt ““TTwwiitttteerr”” AAwwaayy?? 

There’s mounting evidence that social networks are pulling certain audience segments away from the

email inbox, and the numbers indicate it’s not just the Millennials, or Generation Y. JupiterResearch

reports that 22 percent of email users say they use social networking sites instead of email. And in

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England, Hitwise estimates that social network sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Bebo receive more

Internet traffic than email sites Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail and Gmail.

IIss TThhiiss TThhee DDeeaatthh oof f EEmmaaiill?? HHaarrddllyy!! 

Though change is inevitable, most industry analysts and experts agree that email marketing won’t be

going away anytime soon. A recent Pew Internet & American Life Project survey found that 92 percent

of adult Internet users send or read email — far more than regularly visit any social network.

Email is simply too valuable a marketing channel to disappear or even diminish. Email marketers have

long been the stewards of customer engagement. And Forrester Research projects that email marketing

will grow to more than $4 billion by 2012.

But new technologies that combine the rich reporting capabilities of email with the viral, consumer-

oriented nature of social networking have arrived to make reaching out to customers and their friends

through social networks easier, allowing progressive marketers to enjoy the benefits of both.

In fact, a few companies are making it easier than ever to enable both email recipients and landing page

visitors to post their favorite messages on social network sites. Such new technologies allow marketers

to combine the power of email with the reach of social networking sites to engage with customers,

friends of customers and friends-of-friends of customers.

NNeeww TTeecchhnnoollooggyy BBrriiddggeess tthhee EEmmaaiill//SSoocciiaall NNeettwwoorrkk GGaapp 

Recently, Silverpop developed an industry-first technology that bridges

the gap between email marketing and social networking. Using links

within emails, recipients are able to quickly post messages to their

profile page on Facebook or MySpace. When these social emails are

posted on social sites, everyone connected to the original recipient can

see the message, make a comment or post it on their own profile page.

Dynamic content and personalization remains intact in the posted

email. So when Golfsmith sends an email about a putter sale at its

stores in Dallas, area recipients can post the message on their profile

page to let Texan friends in on the good deal. And the golfer in Akron

will be able to post a message on her profile page giving the details of 

the sale there.

Share-to-Social feature gives email marketing a tremendously powerful

viral effect. Plus, the ability to pull reports on who posted emails to social network sites resulting in

additional opens and clicks provides marketers with the detailed data necessary to prove the campaign’s


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GGiivvee SSoommee SStteerrooiiddss ttoo YYoouurr EEmmaaiill CCaammppaaiiggnnss 

Combining the targeting and reporting capabilities of email with the reach of social networks enables

companies to build marketing programs that change their relationships with customers in very real and

dramatic ways. To help ensure effective outreach, take a customer-centric approach to your messaging.

Begin by listening to your customers and monitoring the way they currently interact with your

messaging. Start with those recipients most connected to your brand as indicated by their behavior.

Those who open your messages most and click on links frequently are already in line to serve as brand

ambassadors. Give them a good reason to share your promotional emails with their friends, and make it

easy for them to connect by including links within the email and landing pages to their social site.

Utilizing brand enthusiasts to post your emails onto their social sites signifies their endorsement—they

posted them for others to see. But better yet, social emails can even result in the poster adding an

influential comment or two, such as, “This is a cool watch, and it’s on sale. Did I mention my birthday is

coming up soon?”

Such postings add strong word-of-mouth marketing that helps sell products. Studies by Bazaarvoice

found that customer accolades can make Web site visitors who browse for highest-rated products 49

percent more likely to make a purchase. And sharing opinions is at the very essence of social

networking, where consumers are frequently influenced by the thoughts of peers.


Email marketing continues to prove itself to be a low cost retention and conversion tool that yields high

response from consumers. However, using segmentation and personalization techniques to target

emails is essential to prevent campaign failures. Remember, relevancy is king. By diligently studying the

extensive reports that can be gathered from an email marketing campaign, a feature many other types

of media lack, you will be able to apply the 5 email strategies and provide information about your

products/services to the people that are truly interested in it. Lastly, keep up with the times! Social

media is becoming huge and these two strategies (email marketing + social media) promise to skyrocket

the ROI of your campaigns.


•  eMarketer

•  Silverpop – “Beyond opens and clicks” – “Engagement Marketing”

•  Forester Research

•  GotMarketing•  Listrak

•  Wunderman

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AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr 

Francisco Hernandez’ focus is not only to provide just a website, but a complete Internet

marketing strategy that includes creative work like promotions, display advertising,

email marketing, social media campaigns and consulting. Francisco is also an

international speaker and in 2008 created a road show of Internet Marketing Summits

with Google through 8 countries in Latin America. Francisco can be reached at

[email protected]

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WSI White Paper 

Prepared by: Chuck Bankoff 

Research Analyst & Conversion Expert, WSI 

C C oommmmoonn MMi i sst t aak k eess && T T eesst t eed d T T eec c hhnni i qquueess LLaannddiinngg PPaaggee DDeessiiggnn 

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IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn IItt’’ss NNoott AAbboouutt TTeecchhnnoollooggyy;; IItt’’ss AAbboouutt PPssyycchhoollooggyy…… 

“  Advertising is the art of getting people to buy things they don’t need with money they don’t have”. 

That statement predates the Internet by a number of decades, yet it is as true today as it was back then.

A bit cynical? Perhaps, but let us not forget that in the Internet world people rarely stumble across a

website without actively searching for something. If you have what they are looking for, your job is to

help them find it.

The problem is most websites are so ill conceived and poorly constructed that they are little more than

monuments to their owners.

Let’s make something transparently clear; people do not read on the Internet… they scan! They see

headlines, images and bullet points. Depending on the personality type of your visitor, you havebetween 2 and 8 seconds to convince them to stay on your website and delve deeper into it. They click

in… take a quick peak… and click out. Those are the conditions in which business is conducted on the


WWhhyy AArree EEf f f f eeccttiivvee LLaannddiinngg PPaaggeess EEsssseennttiiaall?? 

A Landing Page is where visitors land after clicking on an email link, a search engine result, a banner ad,

or manually typing in a specific advertised address. Actually making use of that tidbit of knowledge is a

little more complex.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of throwing money into driving traffic and living with your conversion rate.

Want more customers? Just buy more traffic. Not exactly efficient…or cost effective.

The scenario below illustrates that a mere 2% increase in conversion results in 240 additional customers

WITHOUT increasing traffic. Depending on the lifetime value of those new customers, that might be a

game changer for this particular business.

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66 SStteeppss ttoo EEf f f f eeccttiivvee LLaannddiinngg PPaaggee DDeessiiggnn:: 

SStteepp 11:: DDeef f iinnee SSuucccceessss 

In order to accomplish your goals, you have to know what they are. Is this an eCommerce website

focused on transactions? Is the purpose to generate leads, or is it about branding or relationship

building or increasing your database through membership registration? A good marketer will often start

at the bottom of the sales funnel and work their way up to the point where the visitor first enters the


SStteepp 22:: DDeef f iinnee YYoouurr CCuussttoommeerr 

It’s NOT about YOU! Many businesses feel compelled to tell their story to what they perceive as a

captive audience. There is no captive audience on the Internet. Check your ego at the door; it’s just too

easy for a visitor to leave and find what they really want.

A tried and true technique for defining you customer is to actually create a persona… complete with

name and age and marital status, etc. You may even have multiple profiles; just make sure that you

prioritize them. Remember…if you try to appeal to too many different customer types, you will wind up

appealing to no one. Once you know WHO you are selling to, you can craft your message so that it

appeals to THEM.

SStteepp 33:: SSeelleeccttiinngg DDoommaaiinnss 

Most businesses consider their home page their landing page. That may be perfectly acceptable in some

instances, but it is not always the best choice. Your landing page may be part of a micro-site or single

page with its own domain name. You might consider one or more “vanity names” targeting a specific

product or service. That is particularly effective when the domain will be visible such as on printed

material or other instances where the domain will be visible such as on sponsored link advertising (pay-


SStteepp 44:: WWiirreef f rraammiinngg 

Essentially a “sketch” of the page layout. Start by listing all of the elements that go on the page and lay

them out on a piece of paper taking up approximately the amount of space they will warrant. You

should do this “before” you write the copy because the space available will dictate the amount to copy

you have to work with. Make sure that you place the most important elements above the “fold” (the

spot on the page where most visitors will have to scroll down to see more).

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SStteepp 55:: CCooppyywwrriittiinngg 

People don’t actually read on the Internet...they scan. They see headlines, bullet points and graphics.

Headlines should refer back to what the visitor was looking at before they landed on your page. Only

about 20% of your visitors will actually read the body copy... still, it has to be good (less is more).

Don’t forget the call to action! You might test matching up the call to action with the headline since that

is almost certainly the one element on the page that you can be sure they will read.

SStteepp 66:: TTeessttiinngg && TTwweeaakkiinngg 

This is not a spare time activity. It is something that should be scheduled at regular intervals. Examine

your metrics, make incremental changes and reexamine the effect. Don’t make too many changes at

once or you won’t know what you did to effect the changes. Your testing and adjustments should match

your original goals (Transactions, Lead Generation, Branding/Education, Relationship Building,

Registrations, Viral Marketing, etc.)

KKeeyy CCoonnssiiddeerraattiioonnss 

There is a difference between a “web designer” and a “web marketer”. A web designer can make a web

page pretty. A web marketer can make a web page pretty compelling. Although a list of tips is no

substitution for a web-savvy marketing professional, there are certain industry best practices that every

business can use as a guideline or “check sheet” to avoid some campaign killing mistakes.

SSccrroolllliinngg,, PPaaggiinngg && tthhee FFoolldd 

Scrolling is the point on a web page where a visitor would have to scroll down to see the rest of the

page. If the visitor isn’t intrigued at first glance, you will never even get to show them what is below the


Do NOT make text-copy columns too wide or fonts too small just to keep content above the


10-12 point or larger fonts / no more than 50-60 characters (including spaces) across.

Women ages 34-45 are more likely to scroll, read more info and click onto additional pages than


Above-the-fold info must contain enough convincing data to will over the short attention span


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NNaavviiggaattiioonn BBaarrss 

It is very tempting to make sure that no information about your company is left out; however the truth

is that most people just don’t care at this point. Keep in mind what your goal is… if it is to get visitors’

contact information, you will have plenty of opportunities to educate them as you build the relationship.

You will have plenty of opportunity to tell your customers how wonderful you are.

Would you tell an attractive stranger your life history when you are just trying to get them to

agree to a first date?

The objective is to not encourage the visitor to wander “off-point”

LLaannddiinngg PPaaggeess wwiitthh LLiinnkkss ttoo OOtthheerr PPaaggeess 

Use discretion when providing links to other pages or websites from your landing page. You may be

tempting the visitor to wander off-point. In some cases it may be permissible or even desirable to offer

the visitor an opportunity to lean more as long as each link returns the visitor back to the sales funnel.

Eliminate any clicks to irrelevant pages or advertisers

Minimize font size of links to privacy and legal information

Make the ENTIRE area around a link clickable

Make the first 3 words of a link descriptive

Make your hero shot clickable and open in a separate window of information so the visitor does

not lose the main landing page (hero shot is a single picture that tells the story).

CCoolloorr CChhooiicceess 

Believe it or not, color choices have remarkably little influence on the effectiveness of a landing page.

However poor color choice that impacts reading comprehension does have a negative effect. Keep in

mind that a higher percentage of the population than you probably realize is color blind and may have

trouble with the contrast of certain color combinations.

Copy: Black (or dark) text on a white (or light) background

Headlines: Large enough to be readable in most colors, so largely irrelevant.

Hotlinks: Blue until clicked and then turns purplish. Designer colors are OK…but test first….

Branding Colors: OK if branding is more important than copy.

TTyyppeef f aaccee FFoonnttss 

It is hard enough to get a visitor to actually read your copy, so don’t make it any more difficult than

necessary. Generally small font sizes “look” better because they mentally form a block which is a

convenient design element. However, effective trumps pretty every time.

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Make copy as easy to read as possible. Many visitors will bail just because the page “looks like


Use 10 point or larger font. Consider a larger size if you are targeting children, adults or if you

have very long copy

Captions, form field names, legal and some tech-specs can be smaller

Smaller text promotes slower reading and a drop-off in comprehension

Text should never run more than 52-60 characters across the screen. People can’t comfortably

read long or wide columns.

Keep columns at a fixed width (no liquid designs) 

Use “web-safe fonts” to control the appearance of the page. 


With the possible exception of one-line headlines, all text should be flush left and NOT centered.

Headlines should be significantly larger and possibly bolder. Sub-headlines should be close to

body copy size and bold

Note: Harder to read because the human eye wants to return to the same point after each line.

Note: The block of text may look good because smaller print makes a nice “design element” however

small size and poor contrast make it hard to read.

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Note: Group your paragraphs into short easily digestible “blocks”. Not only is it easier for a person to

comprehend, it appears to be “less work” to read at a sub-conscience level.

Note: Which do you think is easier for you mind to organize and retain, the block or the bullets?

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HHooww mmaannyy eelleemmeennttss sshhoouulldd bbee oonn aa ppaaggee?? 

The correct answer is…. As many as necessary… no more no less…. 

These are just some items that MAY go on a landing page. It is not meant to be a checklist of items that

should be on every landing page.

TTrruusstt IIccoonnss 

Data and case studies prove conclusively that trust icons do make a difference in conversions. Multiple

icons may help even more. Make sure you place the icons above the fold and at critical decision points

such as form submissions or transaction points in a

shopping cart.

Consider using the space around your logo to identify it with a

trust image and slogan like the Kelley Blue Book logo to the

right. Notice that Kelley Blue Book awarded themselves their

own trust icon, however it gives the appearance of an award or


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VViiddeeoo oonn LLaannddiinngg PPaaggeess 

Video can be a powerful tool or an unwanted nusance depending on how it is used. NEVER start playing

the video automatically when the visitor arrives on the landing page!!!

No one likes a commercial forced on them. The visitor just may not be prepared. In fact visitors might be

in the work place and might bail as soon as unexpected sounds start blaring from their computer. They

may want to scan the page before investing in the video, or simply adjust their speaker volume. The

quickest way to shut down an unwanted video is to close the web page. That is the last thing you want.

There are many reasons to use video; to educate, to demonstrate, to entertain and become viral… One

of the more successful commercial applications of video on a

website is the “As Seen on TV” scenario.

The purpose is not to sell, but to brand and reassure

the visitor that they are in the right place

Use a shorter version (30-seconds or less) than the

original TV version

Typically works best on the top left side of the page

or in a featured area

Video Testimonials are very powerful. There is evidence to support

that amature video of a real person is more credible than professional

video of a model. Not all video should intentionally be poor quality, but

in the case of testimonials, or product demonstrations, it does give it a

sense of realism.

RReessppoonnssee DDeevviicceess 

Unless you are cultivating a branding-only web presence, you are probably trying to elicit a particular

response from your visitors (remember your goals). It’s important to consider that different personality

types prefer to communicate using different media. Some people prefer to pick up the phone for thecomfort of a human voice; others prefer the anonymity of email.

PPhhoonnee NNuummbbeerrss:: 

Bigger is better….don’t be shy

Some consumers just prefer to call

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Some consumers just want to be reassured there is a real person available (even if they never

intend to call)

Put a phone number on EVERY page, not just the landing page or contact page


Next to headlines, button copy, color and shape as the most important element on the page. Don’t be

afraid to test; red vs. gray… round vs. rectangular. Wording is important as well. You may get different

results from “Buy Now” vs. “Try it Now”.

Different buttons work for different audiences

But don’t get too cute with the labels….say what you mean!

RReeggiissttrraattiioonn FFoorrmmss 

As a rule, the less you ask for, the more likely you are to

have people fill out the form. Go on the premise that you

will have future opportunity to get the rest of the

information as you build a relationship with the visitor.

Be patient. Ask for only what you need… you will have more

chances to get the rest. Roughly 40% of visitors may answer

a few extra questions on the “Thank You” page for example.

On certain occasions however, you may actually want to use

a longer form as a screening or “qualifying” tool. You might

want to trade volume for quality if there is a cost associated

with following up.

CCooppyy TTiippss 

Use half the copy that you would use in printed material

Headline should exactly match the headline that got them there

Stay on point…. headline match body copy

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Nothing more than needed…nothing less than needed

Don’t waste valuable real-estate with “Welcome…”

“You” and “Your” trumps “We” and “Our”

People read only the first few words of bullets and paragraphs

People read the tops and bottoms of lists…not the middle

Keep your first few paragraphs short and inviting

Alternate long and short paragraphs

Paragraphs shouldn't be longer that 4 or 5 lines long

Numerals have more impact than written numbers

LLoonngg CCooppyy vvss.. SShhoorrtt CCooppyy 

Face it, the USA Today newspaper is written at a 6


grade reading level for a reason. Attention spansand motivation to invest time reading is contingent on the demographic of the visitor, and the nature of 

the product or service. Long copy works well for….

Expensive products and services

Money related products and services

Health related products and services

Older consumers

Reading related products

Technical products

CCoommmmoonn MMiissttaakkeess aanndd CCaammppaaiiggnn KKiilllleerrss:: 

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LLaannddiinngg PPaaggee DDeessiiggnn:: CCoommmmoonn MMiissttaakkeess && TTeesstteedd TTeecchhnniiqquueess 

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IInn--HHoouussee vvss.. OOuuttssoouurrccee 

In September of 2007 MarketingSherpa conducted two surveys in an effort to learn what challenges in-

house marketers have designing a landing page program, and what challenges agencies have managing

a landing page campaign for their clients. Notice the common frustrations in each case:

Frustrations of In-House Marketers round analysis of Landing Pages

The biggest obstacle to in-house landing page optimization is by far is the lack of resources. In mid-sized

companies the marketing department is typically overloaded. In smaller companies without a marketing

department, the owner of the staff, even if they had the right credentials is (or should be) too busy

minding the core business.

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Frustrations of Agencies in Providing Better analytics to Clients

Resources: It is tempting to try and do it yourself or assign it to existing staff. Take into consideration

the true cost of doing it in-house. Are you diverting staff members from other necessary duties? Are you

paying them to learn on the job when an agency or consultant may have already cultivated that know-

how? You may indeed have the talent under your own roof; just consider carefully the true costs.

Aptitude: Most individuals are either left brained or right brained. That is to say technically or creatively

inclined. Since a landing page campaign is a combination of creative and analytical, a technical oriented

team or individual is not likely to come up with the compelling creative, and the creative team may not

be able to interpret the data. That applies to agencies as well as you and your staff.

Experience: Agencies may have strengths in either creative or analytics; however they may not have thefull array of skill sets necessary to do it any better than you can do in-house. If your current levels of web

traffic are insufficient, make sure you work with a consultant that can deliver everything that you need,

either in full or in part with your in-house team.

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The limited scope of this white paper covers only some industry best practices. Virtually every element

on a web page has some effect…positive or negative on the actions that a visitor takes. Ultimately onlytesting will determine what works and what doesn’t.

Whether you are working with an agency, a consultancy, in-house staff, or doing it yourself, this paper

was designed to help you avoid costly mistakes and wasted effort. Use the information in this paper to

help you implement, or manage others to implement best practices. There are however other


•  Traffic: If you are not driving enough traffic to your website, no amount of landing page best

practices will help. There is still a common misconception that if you build a website your

customers will automatically find it. Before you can gauge how your visitors react to your

landing page, you need to have visitors.

•  Testing: It’s easy to say that you will test the results, but do you have the mechanisms in place

to capture the data? Do you know how to interpret the data?

•  Implementation: Who will implement these best practices? Should you hire professional help

or task you in-house staff? If that is a budgetary decision, what is the true cost of re-taking your


AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr 

Chuck Bankoff is a WSI Certified Research Analyst, and has certified other WSI

Consultants around the world in Landing Page Design and Conversion Architecture

strategies. Chuck is currently serving his third term on the Internet Consultant

Advisory Council for WSI and is a sought after speaker at Internet marketing

conferences in both the United States and Europe.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. .

Special thanks to team at MarketingSherpa for providing much of the research data used in this paper. 

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DDoonn’’tt LLeeaavvee YYoouurr 

MMoonneeyy oonn tthhee TTaabbllee 

WSI  White Paper  Prepared  by: Ron  Adelman Search Marketing Expert, WSI  

YYoouurr GGuuiiddee ttoo PPaaiidd SSeeaarrcchh

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When was the last time that you looked online for a product or service?  What stood out to you and did 

you visit





 a purchase?















 who use the internet to make a purchase.  Online shopping has increased by over 40% in the last two 

years according to Nielson’s Global Online Survey.  That’s over 875 million consumers! Think of  all of  

those opportunities for new business.  If  you aren’t  taking advantage of  them, then you should  be and  you’re leaving money  on the table…. 

Paid Search or Pay‐Per‐Click (PPC) advertising is an effective and powerful marketing tool that allows 

your company to create online brand exposure to your target markets.  Additionally, PPC gives you 

ultimate control over your marketing dollars while allowing you to capture the attention of  the booming 

number of  online consumers who are ready to spend money on your products and services.  You  just 

need to be there.  It’s like having an ad in your local newspaper and only paying for the prospects that 

read it!  How can it get any better than this in advertising? 

OOnnlliinnee AAddvveerrttiissiinngg SSppeenndd  – – TTrreennddss IInnccrreeaassiinngg 

Remember the 875 million people that was  just mentioned? The figure below will show you the latest 

trends in online advertising spend and how it has increased since 2001. You’ll notice that the amount of  

money spent directly on paid search correlates with the growing number of  online consumers, which 

will continue to skyrocket.  Now, compare that figure to what you are currently spending on print 

advertising. The difference is astounding, isn’t  it?  

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The driving force behind shifting advertising spend is attributable to the growth in search volume and 

the tracking and refinement that only paid search marketing allows.  To the very keyword or ad we can 

track the effectiveness of  our campaign and improve targeting and spend.  No other advertising 

mediums are as accountable for performance as online sources. 

For companies seeking more website traffic, paid search marketing offers an opportunity for immediate 

results. You can instantly get to the top of  the Google, Yahoo!, or MSN, and access precisely targeted 

traffic that is likely to transition to real customers for your business. 

PPaaiidd SSeeaarrcchh MMaarrkkeettiinngg oorr PPPPCC MMaarrkkeettiinngg 

Paid search










 a method




 a user

 searches for one of  your keywords, through paid online ads that link to a landing page of  your choosing. 

Usually labeled as “Sponsored Links” or “Sponsor Results,” these ads appear  just above or to the right of  

the natural listings, known as organic search results. 

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GGooaall oof f  YYoouurr CCaammppaaiiggnn 

Before you begin your campaign you first need to identify, “What is it that I want to accomplish with 

buying clicks?”


Typical goals of  a paid search campaign: 

•  Sell products or services 

•  Get leads direct email or calls 

•  Increase website membership or RSS / e‐newsletter subscriptions 

•  Establish a brand 

Once you’ve clearly identified your goals, make sure your website and its conversion architecture funnel 

your visitors to these goals. By far the most common mistake first time advertisers make is not being 

honest with












 would you buy from and why?  Make it simple for your users to accomplish your goals, give them plenty 

of  incentive, remove their fears and “roadblocks,” and answer their questions. 

KKnnooww YYoouurr AAuuddiieennccee 

Knowing your audience allows you to specifically target your keywords, ad text, landing page and 

conversion funnel to speak directly to that audience.  The more customized your message can be, the 

more “roadblocks” you can remove. Gaining more targeted clicks will maximize your marketing dollars 

for your core demographic. 


Limit the visibility of  your ad based on the theoretical audience and their likely online behavior. 

GGeeoo TTaarrggeettiinngg:: 

Many businesses only serve customers in a certain geographic areas. Select only the areas you are 

willing to sell.  Alternatively, if  your budget is limited, market only to areas where you have the best 

conversion, highest margins, or prefer to work. This can be narrowed to a 10 mile radius or custom 

inclusion area.  In other words you can target an area, like delivering pizzas only in the area you want to 











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SSeeaarrcchh NNeettwwoorrkk oorr CCoonntteenntt NNeettwwoorrkk:: 

Do you want to advertise on Google only or 3rd party websites with content “matching” your keywords? 

The content network can result in cheaper clicks but with less targeted traffic, as we are letting Google 

determine relevance of  3rd party content to our search terms.  Determining when and how much to bid 

on the content network will be something you’ll want to track and Google also provides the analytics for 

this tracking. 


When your audience tends to use the Internet during certain hours or days of  the week, deactivating 




off ‐














to business companies that get targeted inquiries during the work week, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The inverse 

can be true for those gaining most of  their business evenings and weekends. 

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved.  Page 8 of  13 

AAdd TTeexxtt:: 

Write compelling ad text that lets a search user know, “This is exactly what I was looking for.” Specific 

descriptions also help decrease irrelevant traffic, which prevents you from wasting money on clicks that 

don’t translate into sales or leads. Google allows you to rotate ad text for your ad group effectively 

providing you A/B testing to determine which ad text is getting more clicks and more importantly more 

leads. Selectively pulling messages that aren’t working will move your campaigns to the next 

performance level and help drive positive changes to your sales and marketing messages.  Adding phone 

numbers, pricing, competitive advantages all seek out the right potential lead to click. 

LLaannddiinngg PPaaggee:: 

By keyword you can land your traffic on your site’s most relevant information or highest conversion 

area. It is also possible to test unique landing pages which are customized for specific search terms and 
















phone number (call tracking), on a PPC landing page can help identify which incoming calls originated 

with paid ads.  We can even record the calls off  your specific landing page for our clients to follow up on. 

Google also provides A/B or multi‐variate landing page testing to help you improve your landing pages 

ensuring their conversion potential. 

GGooooggllee WWeebbssiittee OOppttiimmiizzeerr EExxppeerriimmeenntt 

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YYoouurr GGuuiiddee ttoo PPaaiidd SSeeaarrcchh 

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BBuuddggeett:: HHooww mmuucchh aarree yyoouu wwiilllliinngg ttoo ssppeenndd ttoo aaccqquuiirree aa nneeww 


Budgeting for






 a thorough







returns will suffer and advertisers begin to doubt the value of  this medium. Although you can change 

your budget at any time if  you find it’s not working for you, you can use this simple calculation to help 

you find a good starting place for your daily budget. 

•  Decide what you are willing to spend for a goal being met. Think about what your usual cost per 

lead is in other forms of  advertising like direct mail, networking, radio, print, or billboard. 

•  Estimate how many completed goals or sales you expect or want to get in one month as a result 

of  your PPC campaign. 

•  Multiply your expected individual cost by anticipated number of  sales. 

•  Divide that total by 30 days to get your daily budget. 

Your budget can also be divided proportionally so certain keyword phrases get a higher daily spend, and 

less important or experimental phrases will have a more limited spend. Frequency of  ad delivery can be 

adjusted as well, either spending your budget as quickly as the search volume allows or spacing out your 

ad impressions to make sure there is at least some visibility for your site over the full course of  the day. 

KKeeyywwoorrdd BBiiddddiinngg:: 

When setting up your campaigns, Google, Yahoo, and MSN will provide estimates on what you need to 

bid to achieve a certain position for each keyword phrase. You can apply one amount to an entire ad 

group or change bids by individual keyword. Your bid amount determines your placement on the page, 

and ads












Higher placement will get you more clicks, but there can be a downside. Increased cost per click may be 

detrimental to your return on investment (ROI), and the bounce rates for the top three ads tends to be 

higher as they receive more casual search traffic we call the “Happy Clicker”.  By using an analytics 

program to closely monitor your sales or lead values, and dividing that by your keyword cost per click, 

you can keep an eye on each phrase’s ROI and determine if  higher placement is worth it. 

CCoonnvveerrssiioonn aanndd AAnnaallyyttiiccss TToooollss:: 

Just like a traditional marketing campaign, PPC marketing needs to be tracked and have its success rate 

evaluated. Each


















conversion from ad views to ad clicks to final goals met. Areas of  success can be expanded and the 

pieces that aren’t productive can be tweaked or eliminated altogether. This ongoing process of  

campaign refinement uses web analytics, tools that give you information about user activity and help 

make search marketing decisions. 

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The most popular analytics tool in search marketing is Google Analytics, which is completely free and 

usually more than adequate for managing online business. The program directly integrates with Google 

AdWords, and tracking information for Yahoo, MSN, and other properties can easily be input as well. If  

you opt in and allow your information to be included, you can access industry comparison data. As the 

number of  companies using AdWords has increased, their metrics have gotten very accurate and 

incredibly useful. 

By using















time. As you adjust the structure of  your ad groups and budgets, edit your ad text, and add very specific 

longer keyword phrases, you will see consistently increasing ROI for every dollar you spend. 

WWSSII CCaassee SSttuuddyy:: MMaannaaggeemmeenntt oof f  AAddWWoorrddss UUssiinngg AAnnaallyyttiiccss 

We were hired by a nationwide business broadband provider targeting small to medium businesses as 

well as enterprise level clients in Nov. 2006. They had been managing their own paid search marketing 

internally and were seeing diminishing returns and made a decision to outsource. Our plan to increase 

overall efficiency centered on gaining lower cost qualified traffic with increased conversion rates. These 

key aspects paid big dividends for the client.  Featured below are some of  the key metrics we use to 

measure our



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DDoonn’’tt LLeeaavvee YYoouurr MMoonneeyy oonn tthhee TTaabbllee 

YYoouurr GGuuiiddee ttoo PPaaiidd SSeeaarrcchh 

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TToopp FFiivvee RReeaassoonnss CCoommppaanniieess MMuusstt CCoonnssiiddeerr PPaaiidd AAddvveerrttiissiinngg 

iinn aa SSllooww EEccoonnoommyy 

1. Targeted

 marketing. You don’t have time to waste pitching to consumers who may have no need 

for the products or services you provide. 

2. Instant traffic.  Acquiring inbound links and domain credibility to move up in the organic results 

can take awhile. Paid search offers a quick ticket to immediate visibility, and can be especially helpful for 

new and small businesses facing competition with national chains and long‐established brands.  Local 

Ads Sell! 

3. Marketing during the purchase phase.  Impulse shopping is out. Buyers are thoroughly 

researching and performing price comparisons on even small purchases. With PPC marketing and 

custom landing pages, you can include specific messaging and resources that give consumers the 

information they need. 

4. Measured budgets. Only spend what you can afford.  As sales and your profits increase, you can 

adjust your PPC budget accordingly. 

5. Higher conversion rates.  The number of  sales and leads you’ll get per dollar spent in PPC 

marketing exceeds the averages for traditional media like direct mail or telemarketing, TV and radio. 

Newspaper, Trade Shows, and Magazines are hard to measure. 

WWoorrkk WWiitthh WWSSII ttoo MMaaxxiimmiizzee YYoouurr PPaaiidd SSeeaarrcchh RROOII Developing and maintaining a paid search campaign requires constant attention and analysis. Selecting a 

long list of  keyword phrases and letting the costs accumulate may increase sales, but at a much higher 

cost than is necessary. By investing in PPC management services and targeting your advertising spend, 

your budget can stay the same while your sales increase and awareness of  your brand builds a solid 

foundation for your company’s future. In tough economic times, the highly‐qualified, relevant traffic you 

need can be brought to your front door. 

Let WSI apply our wealth of  paid search management experience to your advertising campaigns. We’ve 

spent years learning and mastering the PPC back‐end systems of  Google, Yahoo!, and MSN—detailed 

and complicated tools that are updated and changed regularly. Focus your attention on your business 

and let
















 click honing in on the leads that covert!  Very compelling reasons to use a WSI Consultant... 

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DDoonn’’tt LLeeaavvee YYoouurr MMoonneeyy oonn tthhee TTaabbllee 

YYoouurr GGuuiiddee ttoo PPaaiidd SSeeaarrcchh 

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AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr 

Ron Adelman is a Search Marketing Specialist at WSI who really knows the ins and outs of  

the Internet












 marketing conventions, training workshops and events organized by the American 

Marketing Association and the Direct Marketing Association. If  you have any questions, 

please email [email protected]

GGlloossssaarryy oof f  PPaayy‐‐PPeerr‐‐CClliicckk TTeerrmmss 

To fully grasp the concept of  PPC marketing, you need to know a few important terms. By learning the 

lingo, you can properly communicate your business needs, give specific input on how the campaign is 

set up, and understand the value that paid advertising brings to your company. 

Keyword Phrase:  The string of  text a user enters into a search engine. 

PPC (pay‐per‐click): An advertising model in which sponsors acquire online ad space, but are only 

charged by the host when a search user clicks on the ad. 

Impressions:  The number of  times your ad has been produced in search results. 

Clicks:  The number of  times a search engine user has clicked on your ad and been taken to a landing 

page on your website. 

CPC (cost per click):  The actual amount you are charged for each click. 

Average CPC:  The average of  your CPC over a set period of  time. CPC is usually represented as an 

average number, since the individual click costs will vary depending on changes in your maximum bid 

and competitor campaign changes. 

CTR (click‐through rate):  The percentage of  impressions that generated  ad clicks. 

Landing page:  The web page delivered to search users who click a particular ad. 

Conversion:  A specific behavior that the search user completes that matches a goal set by the sponsor. 

A goal could be an e‐commerce sale, contact form submission, newsletter subscription, or specific series 

of  page



Conversion rate:  The percentage of  ad clicks that resulted in completed goals. 

Quality score:  A ranking given to your ads by Google that take into consideration your CTR, landing page 

relevance, and domain trust that is used in determining CPC and level of  placement in the results. 

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WSI White Paper 

Prepared by: Francois Muscat 

Search Engine Optimization Expert, WSI 

SSeeaarrcchh EEnnggiinnee OOppttiimmiizzaattiioonn

Y Y oouur r GGuui i d d ee t t oo LLeeaad d GGeenneer r aat t i i oonn i i nn T T oouugghh E E c c oonnoommi i c c T T i i mmeess 

MMaakkee SSuurree YYoouurr CCoommppaannyy iiss 

VViissiibbllee oonn GGooooggllee wwiitthh 

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SSeeaarrcchh EEnnggiinnee OOppttiimmiizzaattiioonn:: MMaakkee SSuurree YYoouurr CCoommppaannyy iiss VViissiibbllee oonn GGooooggllee 

Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 2 o

IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn How many times have you typed keywords that are related to your products or services into Google and

saw your competitors’ names instead of yours?

Many business owners have heard of the successes that others have had using the Internet as a lead

generation marketing tool. But some of us are not sure how to approach Internet marketing as an

integral part of our business. We continually hear about social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

We know that companies promote themselves on sites like Twitter and on television and radio, but how

do we know that this will work for us.

This whitepaper examines how a company should approach Search Engine Marketing and Social Media

Marketing as part of their marketing strategy.

MMaarrkkeett DDrriivveerrss 

TThhee YYeellllooww PPaaggeess VVss SSeeaarrcchh EEnnggiinneess 

This graph from webpro news (Australia) shows that search engines have finally passed the Yellow Pages

with regards to finding products and services.

Search engines can be more effective than Yellow Pages because:

•  Your Yellow Pages ad can appear next to your competitor

•  With an optimized website you can differentiate yourself from competitors

•  It is difficult to determine what business came from your Yellow Pages ads

•  Using analytics you are able to track how visitors interact with your website

•  With Content Marketing your website will become an asset to your business

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SSeeaarrcchh EEnnggiinnee MMaarrkkeettiinngg 

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) generally covers two areas: Paid Search Advertising and Organic Search


Google Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is the most popular or well known method of advertising your products and

services on the Internet. Even though PPC is one of the best forms of advertising, like all advertising,

your exposure stops when your budget runs out.

With organic search, once you achieve a page one Google ranking you will begin to receive up to 75%

more visitors to your website than with traditional Google PPC. So how does one go about achieving

these often elusive rankings? Once you know the secret to obtaining search engine visibility, you will be

motivated to participate in the process of developing your online brand.

SSeeaarrcchh EEnnggiinnee VViissiibbiilliittyy 

Search engine visibility means getting your company’s name and brand to appear on search engine

results pages for many keywords that are related to your product or service. So how does one go about

achieving this? Why do people use search engines today?

Analysing the Enviro and MarketingSherpa B2B Report 2009 identified that only 10% of people go to a

search engine like Google, type in a keyword and then click through to a Web page and buy a product,

all on the same day.

The rest of us go to the Internet to get information and do research on the product or service we areinterested in.

WWhhaatt IInnf f oorrmmaattiioonn DDoo WWee LLooookk FFoorr?? 

The study revealed that people who use search engines are looking for the following information in

order of importance:

•  Easily found prices

•  Download info

• Product info

•  Product comparisons

•  Your company’s approach to business

•  Technical papers

•  Knowledge base

•  General information about your product

•  White papers

•  Case studies

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•  Multimedia like video on your product

•  Information about your company

•  Webinars

•  Podcasts

From this list it is easy to see what the “secret” is.

It is “CONTENT”. I am sure you’ve all heard of the phrase “content is king”. Well since the inception of 

the Internet, content is what we have all been looking for. It has stood the test of time, while many of us

try to keep up with Google’s ever changing algorithms.

Once we find out that content is all we need to achieve search engine visibility, we see many business

owners get excited about participating in their website marketing with great results.

The best way to get a return on your website investment is to create an asset out of your website. This

is achieved by adding content to your website on a regular basis. This strategy is called “Content

Marketing”. By adding content pages you increase your chances of ranking for “long tail” keyword

phrases. These are phrases of 3 or more words that often result in highly focused and targeted search


CCoommppeettee EEf f f f eeccttiivveellyy AAggaaiinnsstt BBiiggggeerr BBrraannddss wwiitthh SSEEOO 

One of the greatest advantages the Internet has over the Yellow Pages is that the Yellow Pages puts

your business right next to your competitors, whereas the Internet gives you infinite scope to

differentiate yourself from competitors. In addition to this, the various analytical tools available to

website owners allows for you to identify areas where you can make an improvement to your website.

II HHaavvee GGoooodd CCoonntteenntt BBuutt II SSttiillll DDoonn’’tt RRaannkk oonn GGooooggllee’’ss FFiirrsstt 

PPaaggee,, WWhhyy?? 

This is a question that is asked many times. The way Google prioritizes its search rankings is done in two


1.  On-page optimization – at the very basic level, it is where the good content comes in with

the related keywords being used in headings, sub headings, bullets and internal link text.

2.  Off-page optimization – These are external links that point to your website from otherwebsites. These links are seen as recommendations and build credibility for your website.

Google ranks your web page based on the number of valuable related links. You could view

this as a voting system; the one with the most related votes will do well.

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SSoo WWhheerree DDoo WWee GGeett VVaalluuaabbllee LLiinnkkss FFrroomm?? 

Other websites will link to your website if you have good content that they wish to refer to. In this case

your website will acquire links without much intervention from you.

Many webmasters soon realized that external links would get their website ranked well and that is when

they started to use techniques that are seen or termed as “Black Hat SEO”. A term used when one

engages in activities that try to manipulate the search engine rankings.

The objective with link building is to get links back to your website using your “product keyword” or

variable thereof in the link text. This is seen as a valuable link and not easily manipulated.

Links can be created by the following link building strategies:

•  Blog posts that promote, discuss or compare products•  Article marketing – where one writes product related articles and submits to “Article

websites” where webmasters can use your article on their websites. The rule is that they

cannot change your content and must leave the authors signature where links are pointed

back to your website.

•  Reciprocal links from other industry related websites. Where webmasters agree to swap

links with one other using requested “valuable” link text.

WWhheerree DDooeess SSoocciiaall MMeeddiiaa MMaarrkkeettiinngg FFiitt IInn?? 

Social Media could mean many things to us especially if one is not familiar with the term.Social media could be looked at in the following categories:

•  Social media advertising – using paid text or banner ads on sites like Facebook. These ads

allow you to target your market based on their demographics

•  Social media book marking – Sites like “Digg” and “Stumbleupon” provide users with the

ability to tag websites that they like or recommend. Social Book marking supports your

search engine linking strategy

•  Social media optimization – upload your videos to Youtube and optimize them using

product related keywords and you stand the chance of getting on Google’s first page for

your related keywords. By posting optimized content on websites like “Craigslist” & “Yahoo

Answers” one can get ranked for related keywords in a short space of time.

•  Social media networking – many business owners attend regular networking meetings

where the objective is to meet other business owners with the objective of doing business

with each other. Social media websites like “LinkedIn” provide professionals with a way to

establish relationships online where one can build credibility and introduce their products

and services in an educational manner.

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 6 o

WWhhyy iiss SSoocciiaall MMeeddiiaa MMaarrkkeettiinngg IImmppoorrttaanntt?? 

Up until now we’ve heard that “content is king”. This is even more important as one can now place your

content on many social media sites as well.

Content Marketing now moves to video, slideshows, blogs and networking sites like LinkedIn and

Facebook. So many more places for people to find your company and brand.

But with the popularity of Social media networking sites, like forums, Facebook and LinkedIn, we find

out that not only is content king, but “conversation is king”. People like to ask others for

recommendations and experiences with products and services. What people say about your product,

service or company can mean all the difference to closing a lead or losing the business.

GGeenneerraattiinngg LLeeaaddss OOnnlliinnee 

Lead generation for most businesses is possible on the Internet. You will be surprised what good

relevant content can do for website visibility and lead generation. You will be seen as a resource website

and this builds credibility which in turn creates confidence for the visitor to engage with your company.

TThhee SSoolluuttiioonn 

The solution is to think creatively about the types of content you should upload to your website. One of 

the best ways to come up with content ideas is to do some research and identify other keywords that

would help you with writing relevant content.

This is where Search Engine Optimization comes into its own. It is used to increase your website’s search

engine rankings so users can find your products or services easily.

With the addition of Social Media Optimization you can dramatically increase the number of search

engine rankings you list in, which in turn will drive more targeted traffic to your website.

GGeenneerriicc SSoolluuttiioonn 

By taking full advantage of Search Engine and Social Media Optimization you are able to reinforce your

website or brand presence on popular search engines without paying extra for it. Here are some steps

you can take to optimize your website organically:

•  Content Marketing. A resource website should have articles related to the product or

service that you are offering. Websites that contain 100 pages of content or more are likely

to achieve higher rankings in search engines and increase your website’s ability to be found

for long-tail keyword searches.

•  Create Incoming Links. Link building and link popularity is important for all websites. Link

popularity refers to the amount of text links that lead to your website from other sites and is

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 7 o

the single most important factor that a search engine algorithm considers when ranking a

web page. Effective link building is achieved by blogging on a regular basis, submitting your

websites to online classifieds/directories and by taking advantage of the many social media

platforms that are available – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.

Combine SEO with SMO. Brand your name with social media marketing. Websites like Facebook,

YouTube, MySpace and Twitter can be leveraged effectively to grow your business. By spreading your

content over social media channels your website will gain many more search engine positions.

WWoorrkk WWiitthh WWSSII ttoo MMaakkee SSuurree YYoouu AAppppeeaarr oonn GGooooggllee 

Developing a search engine optimization game plan is the key to the success of your website. It takes

careful keyword research which is an activity that can take many hours followed by carefully sorting

them into specific product or service silos to ensure creating relevant content that will attract targeted

“long tail” searches.

Let WSI help you by creating the optimal website content blueprint to ensure a successful “lead

generating” website. With our proprietary WSI Power Search software, we can quickly identify and

obtain creative content ideas that will develop your website into a resource website that will establish

your credibility as an expert in your industry. Let WSI become your Internet marketing lead generation


AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr 

Francois Muscat is a recognized Internet and Search Marketing Expert who hasworked in this industry for the past 6 years. He is a sought after speaker at

Internet marketing conferences and has presented at numerous International

seminars. He recently won best presenter at WSI’s international convention in

Stansted, England.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

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WSI White Paper 

Prepared by: Heather Angus-Lee

Social Media Strategist, WSI 

GGaaiinniinngg aanndd MMaaiinnttaaiinniinngg aa 

CCoommppeettiittiivvee AAddvvaannttaaggee wwiitthh 



















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TTiimmee iiss oof f tthhee EEsssseennccee:: GGaaiinniinngg aanndd MMaaiinnttaaiinniinngg aa CCoommppeettiittiivvee AAddvvaannttaaggee wwiitthh SSoocciiaall MMeeddiiaa 

Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 12 


You keep hearing about social media and how it's spreading like wildfire. But as a businessperson with a crazy schedule - saddled with the added stress of rocky economic times and a

shrinking marketing budget - you need to know: Is there any real business value to social media,

or is it mostly buzz? And if there's value, how on earth will I have time to learn it and use it


Trend-chasing and random leaps into social media will not enhance your bottom line. What will

is strategic social media participation - the alignment of social media activities with your

business objectives and target demographics. If conducted methodically, the benefits of social

media include improvements in search results, customer service, brand awareness, PR/media

relations, recruitment, reputation management, and other measurable outcomes.

Today, you ignore social media at your peril. To quote eMarketer in a Feb. 2009 report,

"Consumers are getting a lot more information about products and services from social

networks than marketers think—and very little of it comes from the marketers." Indeed this

truth extends beyond networks to all forms of social media. Consider this MarketTools research

in late 2008 on the US market:

•  68% of adults visit blogs, social networks and online communities

•  47% said those sites had a direct impact on their purchasing decision 

•  42% say the frequency of their visits to such sites has risen in the last six months

•  34% say they use social media sites to conduct product research

•  26% changed their minds about a product or service after reading information in social


These same consumers have come to expect companies to be participating in social media.

According to the 2008 Cone/Omnicom Group "Business in Social Media" Study, among

Americans who use social media:

•  85% believe a company should interact with consumers via social media

•  56% feel they are better served by companies when they can interact with them in social

media•  43% believe that companies should use social networks to solve their problems

•  41% believe that companies should solicit feedback on their products and services via

social media

•  37% believe that companies should develop new ways for consumers to interact with

their brands.

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TTiimmee iiss oof f tthhee EEsssseennccee:: GGaaiinniinngg aanndd MMaaiinnttaaiinniinngg aa CCoommppeettiittiivvee AAddvvaannttaaggee wwiitthh SSoocciiaall MMeeddiiaa 

Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 12 

One way to wrap your head around the fundamental concept of social media is to think of 

traditional mainstream media turned upside-down. With the traditional "top-down" delivery of 

content (TV, radio, papers, magazines), the media companies and advertisers are telling youwhat to consume, when and how to do it (at a fixed time and location).

Conversely, social media delivers content from the "ground up," which is why it's often referred

to as a "grassroots" media. Social media is all about on-demand content – sometimes even in

real-time, and always downloadable to be watched, listened to when and where one feels like.

The way in which music, literature, movies and other content are produced and distributed has

also been turned upside-down. With social media, any Joe/Josephine can instantly become an

author with his/her blog, a movie producer with a YouTube channel, a radio host or DJ with a

podcast show.

RROOII oof f SSoocciiaall MMeeddiiaa AAccrroossss tthhee CCoommppaannyy 

Resources are limited during a difficult economy, and the workload often falls on the shoulders

of fewer employees, with the expectation of timely delivery and quality results just as high as

before the downsizing. Not to panic!

Your thinking may not be broad enough when you're considering the role of social media to

augment functions within your organization. While marketing is an obvious fit, don't overlook

the value that social media brings to other business processes:

Human Resources: Social media boosts a company's brand online, therefore attracting more

 job candidates, and if social media use by employees is encouraged (such as corporate blogging,

running company Facebook group), and staff is happier and tend to stay longer.

Bottom Line: Reduced employee turnover; lower hiring and training costs; lower costs for job


Customer Service: Social media means open lines of communication between consumer and

company, so customer problems and needs can be addressed in a real-time, transparent

environment. The result is accountability and trust by consumers.

Bottom Line: Less customer churn, lower customer acquisition costs; higher customer

conversion rates.

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PR/Media Relations: Social media is used more and more by mainstream journalists, as well

as citizen journalists/bloggers, for spreading the news and views of a company with easy

dissemination of photos, videos, and links.

Bottom Line: Higher profile means more business leads, more sales per customer.

Corporate Communications/Shareholder Relations: Social media allows a company to keep

close tabs on what the public at large, as well as investors, competitors, and consumer groups

are saying about it.

Bottom Line: Enhanced share value; online reputation management; crisis


In every one of these scenarios, increased revenue is the end-point of a strategic social mediaprogram's development and careful implementation.

NNeeww BBuussiinneessss SSiiggnneedd iinn FFiirrsstt TTwwoo MMoonntthhss 

Companies that have invested in social media programs are getting new business as a result.

For example, Jerry Steele, outreach director for TheraVitae Co. Ltd., was thrilled with the new

business his firm received as a result of social media programs WSI put in place to raise brand

awareness of VesCell, their adult stem cell therapy product. Their blog, Facebook group,

MySpace page, YouTube channel, Flickr account, Twitter stream, Delicious account, and

Squidoo page started in September 2008; the number of new patients signed by the company

increased by 34% in November and by 95% in December over the same months in 2007.

"The (WSI) team trained our staff on blogging principles, influencer outreach strategies, and

online reputation management," Jerry says. "The deep knowledge of search and social media,

coupled with tremendous project management, got us great results in a small window of time."

TToopp 88 SStteeppss f f oorr SSoocciiaall MMeeddiiaa SSuucccceessss 

No matter where you live or what kind of industry you're in, a common refrain among business

owners and executives is: "I don't have hours a day to blog, to update my Facebook, to Twitter,

etc. I have a business to run!" You'll be relieved to know that social media does not have to take

up a lot of your time, perhaps as little as 1-2 hours/week, if you have a well-defined plan with

these considerations in mind.

1. Research First. Who/how/why your prospects and customers are using social media. Which

of your competitors are using social media? What are their best practices? Who are the 'web

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 12 

influencers' (bloggers, podcasters, YouTubers, forum moderators, etc.) in your market who can

affect how your brand is received?

2. Plan, Plan, Plan. Create a detailed social media strategy, based on information arising from

the online market research; then align your social media initiatives with your specific business

objectives and target demographics.

3. Blog. No Exceptions. Blogs? Those personal online diaries written by weirdos about their

cats and superheroes? (No, not those ones.) The practice of corporate blogging gives you the

double-whammy benefit of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and all the above-stated business

benefits (customer service, HR, etc.). SEO plays into blogging because every time a blog post

gets published, Google favors it as a new page of content on your site, moving you up the

ranking to the cherished page-1 position in the search results. No surprise, then, that blogging isviewed as the most important lead generation channel by those companies that have tried it,

according to HubSpot study released in Jan. '09. Compared to other social media, 75% of 

respondents say it is "useful" or better. Other social media ranked positively included

StumbleUpon (55%), YouTube (52%), Facebook (48%), Delicious (47%) and Digg (47%). MySpace

was thought as being the least useful (22%).

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4. Get Your Hands Dirty. There is no greater way to benefit from social media than to get

adequate education, ideally to include hands-on training/demonstration of how to use the

social media sites (create user profiles, uploading digital assets, getting followers/fans/friends,etc.).

5. Think of Social Media as Vertical Search Engines. Maybe you've never thought of 

crowded online beehives like Facebook, YouTube, and Flickr as search engines. True, they're a

lot more fun/sexy than Google's pragmatic functionality - but these social media act like vertical

search engines for finding people, videos, photos, documents, links, etc. For example, Joe is

thinking of buying an acoustic guitar, so he trolls through those sites and lands on the photo of 

a guitar you've uploaded in Flickr (a giant photo-sharing site). He likes what he sees and clicks

on the link in your Flickr profile that takes him to your corporate site. Whether e-commerce or

lead generation, you've now got a potential customer in Joe!

6. Great Ideas Drive Great "Viral" Campaigns. Like in any aspect of marketing, having a

great, timely, demographic-aligned idea can be the bud of a truly memorable social media

campaign that spreads. Online contests, content crowd sourcing, the building of a targeted

community whose members are your market and many other ideas that work in the social

media sphere.

7. Don't Stop at Content Creation. Just as with traditional PR, digital outreach is a key aspect

of an effective social media campaign. Digital PR is all about excellent relationship management

- understanding the needs and wants of key 'web influencers' in your market, and the best

approaches to use with them.

8. Measure and Repeat. It is critical to benchmark the progress of your social media program

at the start, at various milestones during a campaign, and then in an ongoing manner to keep

an eye on the effect on your site's traffic, your position in the page rankings, the engagement

levels at your various social media locations, and most importantly - the increase in business

leads and sales!

The combination of all these best practices is known as Social Media Optimization (SMO) -

which shares in common with SEO, the end-game of getting found easily by people searching

for information, entertainment, enlightenment, pretty pictures, videos, etc. online.

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TThhee MMeetthhooddoollooggyy BBeehhiinndd SSoocciiaall MMeeddiiaa OOppttiimmiizzaattiioonn 

Given that Social Media Optimization (SMO) is a relatively new area in Internet marketing, you

need to feel assured that you're getting the best advice and service. Not every Internet

consultant knows the intricacies of SMO, or has a proven methodology in place to ensure clear

communication of scope and progress throughout the project.

WSI Consultants use a proprietary, tested methodology for Social Media Optimization, whose

project life-cycle provides deliverables in a phased delivery approach, resulting in measurable

results and repeatable processes that maximize your investment.

WWhhaatt ttoo LLooookk f f oorr iinn tthhee SSeerrvviicceess oof f aa SSoocciiaall MMeeddiiaa CCoonnssuullttaanntt 

WSI Consultants feature the following attributes in their social media service packages:

•  Scalability: not every social media project is the same. Look for different sized packages


•  Affordability: A range of price points to suit every marketing budget.

• Customization: A la carte menus and custom-order jobs to suit special cases.

•  Pre-sales support: Conference calls and online meetings with social media experts to

support the end client.

•  Personal service: Direct contact with social media strategists, writers, researchers,

analysts throughout the project.

•  Follow-up: Continuation of service beyond the contract in the form of ongoing social

media metrics and updates.

Online Market Research &


Blogging Training/Training

on Other Social MediaDigital




Social Media Programs,

Other Custom Work

Metrics Reporting

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 9 of 12 


As discussed in this white paper, social media is affecting fundamental changes in consumer

behavior - specifically, how people research and buy products/services. How are YOU


In a day and age when consumers demand an unsurpassed level of service and accessibility -

and in an economy where you need every competitive edge - social media is a must-have

marketing strategy that won't take up all your time and drain your resources. Few, if any, other

marketing initiatives can help the way social media does when you get marching orders to build

the brand, engage customers and prospects, save money, stretch resources, and boost ROI.

To meet these needs, WSI offers Social Media Optimization services - a natural add-on to theWSI portfolio of SEO, SEM and web development services. WSI leads the global Internet

industry offering best of breed Internet marketing solutions to suit the needs of multiple

industries. Through the adoption of international best practices, use of world class

technologies and strategic industry partnerships, WSI delivers online business success to its

customers worldwide.

Every Social Media Optimization project delivered by WSI includes the methodology and best

practices outlined in this white paper to ensure optimum business benefits for every client.

Go forth and enjoy the benefits of doing 'social' business; to your success!

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr 

Heather Angus-Lee is the lead social media strategist for WSI. She has worked extensively in

social media optimization, developing a broad client base that includes an international

biotechnology healthcare provider, a national real estate company, an international machinery

manufacturer, a continental workplace safety advocacy organization, regional retailers, and

other B2B and B2C companies. Prior to her transformation into a web innovator, Heather was

an award-winning business writer for more than 15 years - working as the editor of national

magazines and as the business editor of a metropolitan daily newspaper. Heather can be

reached at [email protected]

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GGlloossssaarryy oof f SSoocciiaall MMeeddiiaa TTeerrmmss AJAX: An acronym (Asynchronous Java Script and XML) representing a way to create real-time

Web applications.

Anonoblog: A blog site authored by a person or persons who don't publish their name.

Archives: Most often an index page, often organizing posts or entries by either category or date

Atom: A popular feed format used for syndicating content.

Avatar: A graphical image or likeness that replaces a photo of the author of the content on a


Blogosphere: Term referring to the entire body of work online encompassed by the millions of 


Blog Roll: The list that a blogger puts on his/her own blog indicating which other blogs he/she is

reading regularly, and linking out to those blogs.

Dashboard: The administration area on your blog software that allows you to post, check

traffic, upload files, manage comments, etc.

Delicious: A social bookmarking site and a property of Yahoo! Allows users to quickly store

organize (by tags) and share favorite web pages. You can also subscribe to RSS feeds of other

users and share a page specifically with another user

Digg: Digg is a website for people to discover, share and recommend content from anywhere on

the web. (People’s vote means they ‘dugg’ something.)

Domain Name: The identifying name of an Internet site. The domain name of my site is


Drupal: popular, open-source (free) software for creating websites and blogs.

Ecto: A stand-alone publishing application, allowing users to compose posts offline.

Edublog: A blog site focused on education, be it teacher, administrator, consultant or student.

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 11 of 12 

EFF: The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is the leading civil liberties group defending your

rights in the digital world

Entry: An individual post or article published on a blog. Each of these entries, while appearing in

an index, is also web pages unto themselves.

Event Blog: A blog specifically launched as a companion to an event

Feed: The RSS or Atom feeds used by news aggregators (aka feed readers).

FeedBlitz: An RSS service that makes it easy for those addicted to email.

FeedBurner: Feed Burner is a ‘must-have’ Google company/tool allowing web sites, blogs and

podcasts to "burn" content into a simple way for readers to subscribe, including email.

Feed Reader: Aka RSS feed reader, news reader. An aggregator of content, subscribed to by the

user, so that specific content or search results arrives in their "reader". Among the popular (and

free) tools are Great News, Feed Demon and Google Reader.

Flog: A fake blog, such as one that a company puts up and either pays the blogger(s) to write

positive stuff, or the company posts under a fake persona, posing as “happy customers” of said


Google Analytics: Free and popular way to measure traffic within a site (page views, unique

visitors, time on page, bounce rate, referring sites and more.) Web developer grabs a piece of 

tracking to add to the back end of the site to activate the analytics then web-based sign in to

monitor the results.

Joomla: A popular, open-source (free) software for creating websites and blogs.

MicroBlogging: A form of blogging allowing users to compose brief text updates and publish

them. These messages can be submitted and received by a variety of means and devices,

including text messaging, instant messaging, email, mobile device, MP3 or the web. Twitter


Moblogs: A blog published directly to the web from a phone or other mobile device.

Post: An individual article, or entry, published on a blog. Each post, while appearing in an index,

is also a web page unto itself.

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 12 of 12 

RSS: short for Really Simple Syndication. This allows you to subscribe to content on blogs and

other social media and have it delivered to you through a feed. Aka News Feed.

SMO: Social Media Optimization – a collection of best practices to make sure your digital assets

(photos, videos, e-docs, links) are found online by submitting them to social sharing sites.

pambot: Automated software robots that post spam on a blog.

Social Media: The tool set (including blogs) that everyone can use to publish content to the

web. This can include audio, video, photos, text, files, just about anything. These days, everyone

is a content producer and distributor!

Splog: Nickname for Spam Blogs, or blogs not providing their own or real content. Sploggers use

automated tools to create fake blogs full of links or scraped content from other sites in order to

boost search engine results.

Threads: On an email list or web forum/message board, these strands of conversation are

defined by messages on that same subject. On blogs, threads are less clearly defined, but

emerge through comments and trackbacks.

Twitter: A social media platform, born circa 2006, that combines instant-messaging technology

with the concept of "microblogging". The second fastest-growing social media tool in 2008.

Web 2.0: a term to describe blogs, wikis, social networking sites and other Internet-based

services that emphasize collaboration and sharing, rather than less interactive publishing (Web


Video Blogging: Speaking to the camera - in studio or out on the street or other settings - as the

chosen form of blogging, and posting those videos, usually homemade, to digital sharing sites

like YouTube. Aka "vlogging" or "vlogs."

Widget: A custom-built web application that has a function, usually involving a data feed that

shows updated content in the widget. The widget can be shared for free across social media

platforms like blogs, Facebook, MySpace, etc.

Wiki: A web page - or set of pages - that can be edited collaboratively. The best known example

is wikipedia, an encyclopedia created by thousands of contributors across the world.

WordPress: A popular, open-source software for creating websites and blogs.

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OOppttiimmiizzee YYoouurr MMaarrkkeettiinngg 

DDoollllaarrss DDuurriinngg TThhee RReecceessssiioonn

WSI White Paper 

Prepared by: Feras Alhlou

Web Analytics Expert, WSI 

WWeebb AAnnaallyyttiiccss:: 

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OOppttiimmiizzee YYoouurr MMaarrkkeettiinngg DDoollllaarrss DDuurriinngg tthhee RReecceessssiioonn 

Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 6 


We have heard it many times, an old management and marketing saying: “You Can’t Improve What You

Don’t Measure”. It is still so true today, and more than ever in a recession. Although Web analytics is fullof numbers and measurements, this whitepaper highlights the business and marketing aspects in

analytics and focuses on two very important aspects for your business:

•  Increasing Revenue

•  Reducing Costs

WWhhyy WWeebb AAnnaallyyttiiccss 

In the graph below, Figure 1 (using the “Google Insights for Search” online tool), it is clear that our

collective interest in analytics has been on the increase since late 2005, November 14, 2005 to be exact.

What is the significance of this date? It is when Google launched its enterprise-level analytics toolbranded as “Google Analytics”. Google also made the tool available to all for free (please note that

“free” doesn’t equate to “cheap”).

(Figure 1) 

Google Analytics and other analytics packages, when properly configured and implemented, help

answer the following questions:

•  Which marketing campaigns generate leads and customers?

•  Which keywords drive more visitors?

•  Which pages do my customers find engaging?

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Especially in a recession, marketing managers and business owners are looking for ways to optimize the

return on their investment, in simple terms, to get more bang for their marketing dollars. But wherewould they start this optimization effort?

•  Does my radio ad really work?

•  Is my half-page yellow page ad worth the thousands of dollars I am paying?

•  Is my website unattractive to my visitors?

•  Is my search marketing campaign driving the wrong traffic?

•  Are my email campaigns going to spam and my emails are un-opened?

The above questions are clear signs that a business is not measuring and not employing available

analytics techniques, or the business owners are unclear what to do in tough economic times. Without

proper analysis and making decisions based on best guesses, marketing managers might stop acampaign that is working very effectively. This action would lead to missed opportunities in leads / sales

and make a bad situation worse.

SSoolluuttiioonn && SSuucccceessss SSttoorriieess 

Analytics and measurements help you remove the guesswork from your marketing decision making


CCaassee SSttuuddyy ##11 

Figure 2 below shows how traffic segmentation (arranging website traffic according to the sources of 

traffic) will lead to significant visibility into your campaign performance.

Note that every bar represents the cost-per-transaction from the respective traffic source.

(Figure 2)

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 6 


•  In August, the most expensive traffic source was the “Google Content”, costing over $250 /transaction.

•  After a few months of optimization (improving targeting and some website enhancements), the

cost-per-transaction from the Google Content, improved by 5 fold. Additional improvements to

other traffic sources also were introduced during the same period, resulting in a significant

reduction in cost of transaction over time.

CCaassee SSttuuddyy ##22 

Analytics doesn’t only apply to websites; it should be an integrated part of running a business.

Businesses often track website metrics but don’t invest the time and energy to track offline activities.

For a lead generation business, understanding where leads are coming from is imperative; tracking thequality of the leads is just as important.

Figure 3 below shows how a typical business might be tracking leads from their website.

(Figure 3)

A much more effective analytics system would cover all mechanisms to capture a lead, including phone

data. For this business, trained staff members who interact with customers, played a key role in

identifying lead quality.









July August

Total Web Inquiries

Total Inquiries

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WSI White Paper 

Prepared by: Gary Levine

Brand Reputation Expert, WSI 

OOnnlliinnee BBrraanndd RReeppuuttaattiioonn 

 A A W W aak k eeuu p p C C aal l l l  

LLeevveerraagiinng SSoocciiaall CChhaatttteerr:: 

MMoonniittoorriinng aanndd MMaannaageemmeenntt 

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 

IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Marketers could keep a positive spin on consumer and client perceptions when their brand visibility was

managed through a combination of media advertising and news coverage. Only extreme, newsworthy

activities got any other visibility beyond small numbers of people, and big brand companies had good

crisis control departments geared to deal with the exceptions.

The introduction of social networking sites and consumer-generated content to the Web has

dramatically altered that landscape. The means for customers, champions and critics to disseminate

information about their experiences and opinions are now accessible to anyone with an Internet

connection and a browser-enabled PC.

Despite this crucial trend, many businesses are still behind the curve. Some recent research1

•  Nearly 70% of executives regard their company’s reputation as vulnerable, but they areuniversal in their belief that non-traditional outlets like blogs are the least important in building

corporate reputation;


703 executives found that:

•  Virtually all executives surveyed regard the Web as important in measuring corporate

reputation, but almost none of them believe the Internet is crucial when making important

business decisions;

•  Despite previous surveys that indicate the reputation of the CEO is closely linked to the

reputation of the company they work for, very few executives seem to believe that, and fewer

than 40% have even Googled their own name;

•  Most surveyed executives say they utilize the Web more for competitive intelligence than

understanding their company’s reputation positioning; and,

•  Despite overwhelming shifts in consumer media behavior trends, global executives put muchmore stock in brand perceptions that appear in mainstream media channels than what’s said

about them in online communities.

The good news is that savvy companies who are open to communicate with their customers can

leverage the online trends to generate new business and deepen existing relationships in ways that are

more effective and less expensive than old fashioned mass broadcast or print media campaigns.

As Tara Hunt says in her book The Whuffie Factor2


Source: Weber Shadwick, Reputations Online 

, marketers need to “turn the megaphone around”

and listen more and talk less.

Companies who shy away from the trend and are uncomfortable adjusting their relationshipsaccordingly are in for rude awakenings. And this is true across the spectrum from very large to small,

local businesses.


2 The Whuffie Factor, Tara Hunt, 2009, Crown Business, New York 

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But with a little executive attention, companies big and small can stay on the right side of the situation

and get advantage – particularly if they do it before or better than their competitors.

TThhee PPeerriillss oof f IInnaaccttiioonn 

Users put great trust in their social networks. One-half of 

respondents to a survey by Beresford Research3

For those executives and business owners whose heads

are not in the game, the risks are significant.

, said

they considered information seen on their social

networks when making a decision—and the proportion

was higher among users ages 18 to 24, at 65%.

The venerable Pepsi brand took a serious hit this year

when they created an iPhone app to promote their Amp

energy drink product. The app provides tips for the

product’s target audience, young men to “score” with


The bad-taste item generated a fire-storm of activity on

various social media sites with comments flying around

the blog site Mashable.com and conversations on Twitter.

Pepsi withdrew the app and apologized to all who were

offended, but the situation points out how vulnerable a brand can be.

In another recent example, two Domino’s Pizza employees created

what they thought was an amusing video of some “un-hygienic”

activities back in the kitchen. They posted the video on YouTube and

had nearly a million viewings before they knew what hit them.

They were able to get the video shut down for “copyright

infringement” and officials of Domino’s pursued both legal and online

responses. They set up a Twitter account to field comments on the

matter, and have since been morphing that traffic into their

@dominos account where they are aggressively running contests and providing other information to

undo the damage and rebuild their online reputation.

3A full copy of the report is available at www.beresfordresearch.com

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There is a definite silver lining to this apparent cloud of consumers being able to readily broadcast their

opinions online. CNNMoney.com posted an article4


about Jim Hobart, co-founder of an online retailer

called . 

Hobart found that even critical feedback can turn into increased sales when he decided to replace thehand-picked customer testimonials on his website with a service that allows consumers to publicly post

ratings and comments. He received some 3-star (out of 5) ratings and unflattering comments, and yet

he notes that sales increased 23% on items that had reviews. He was able to address concerns and

respond to the reviews showing a credible concern for customer service and quality products.

WWhhaatt ttoo DDoo 

There are plenty of things you can do to get a handle on your brand’s reputation and turn the

phenomenon to your advantage.

TTaakkee aann AAttttiittuuddee CChheecckk 

The first step in the process is to update your mindset as a marketer and embrace the opportunities to

make customers into marketers. This is not a trivial task, but is fundamental to capitalizing on the

opportunities. If you fear what customers may say, and are not prepared to respond to the critical and

embrace the opportunity, you may be in for a bumpy ride.

Most consumers and clients are realists. While everyone seeks and prefers the perfect product and

service, we recognize that “things happen.” When you genuinely care about those customers or clients,online dialogue can become your asset.

RReesseeaarrcchh aanndd MMoonniittoorr 

Listening to your audience, customers and potential customers is critical in this world of Social Chatter.

The burning question for companies is: as an organization are you listening? If you have customers, most

likely they're talking about you to their friends, colleagues, and to anyone else who will listen and is in

their social sphere of influence.

Once you are ready to embrace the reality of public dialogue, it is time to find out what people may

already be saying about you. There are many tools available to accomplish this, but unless you have a

lot of time or are going to delegate this to someone who can concentrate on it, narrow your monitoring

to a few key resources.

4Even bad reviews boost sales, September 28, 2009,


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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 

Some of the easiest tools for monitoring your brand online are the search engines you are already

familiar with. Google Alerts5 Yahoo! Alertsor  6

Another tool at 

are free, can be set up in minutes and will send you a

daily update via email letting you know of any materials

they find using keywords related to your brand or other key


HowSociable.com provides a quick scan of 

32 different online sites, rates your brand’s visibility on each

(by number of mentions) and links to those mentions so you

can see the conversations and join or react where


One of the most talked about Web phenomena in recent

years is Twitter. While the very concept of a steady stream of small messages can intimidate busy

business owners, it can be an invaluable source for finding out what people are saying about your brand,or your competitors.

Go to the advanced search panel at Search.Twitter.com/Advanced to see some powerful search options

including not only the keywords, but also the geographical areas in which you are particularly interested.

You can subscribe to your searches so future updates go to your RSS reader when someone is talking

about you.

WE WILL ADD LOGOs of these apps, if you approve.

Here are some of the top tools for listening to and monitoring the online conversation about your brand:

FFrreeee AAppppss 

11.. GGooooggllee AAlleerrttss 

Google Alerts is the steady rock in the sometimes white-water world of monitoring. You can easily target

keywords that are important to your brand and receive streaming or batched reports—choose your own


5Google Alerts can be found at http://www.google.com/alerts

6Yahoo! Alerts can be found at: http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/alerts/

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The most critical factor in this online brand management game is to engage in conversation. The simple

fact is that marketing in the Internet world is not a one-way activity.

SSoommee wwaayyss ttoo eennggaaggee wwiitthh yyoouurr mmaarrkkeettss aanndd ccuussttoommeerrss:: 

Make sure you post to your fan pages or company profiles from time to time. Make sure you, or

someone you assign, responds to the conversations you are now monitoring.

Expand your blog by opening it up for comments. Invite people you know to read and link to it; monitor

the comments and make sure you respond with thoughtful answers.

Consider engaging in active feedback with your market. As mentioned earlier, more and more

consumers are looking for hard data from other buyers to determine the credibility and quality of goodsand services they find online.

Add a 3rd party, online review capability on your

website and solicit feedback from customers.

Review publishing site Customer Lobby9


This is a lot for many business owners and executives to absorb. The important message is that

consumers have unprecedented voice and visibility today, enabled by the Internet and social media

sites. If you have not brought your company around to this reality, it is time to start.

We suggest you use the following checklist to get some traction and begin to protect your brand online:

has a

service that provides a means to ratings and

feedback and post it in a very credible way. They also

provide an enhanced service for under

$100/month that includes making 3 phone-based client

interviews to solicit in depth insights to your

client’s perceptions.

9Customer Lobby can be found at http://www.CustomerLobby.com

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 9 of 

1. Ask 5 customers what they would say about

your business, products or services. Find out

how you will respond if it isn’t all positive. Comment Response






2. Make sure your company website comes upfirst when you search for it by name in Google.

What position did my site come up?

If not, who do I talk to about getting that fixed?

3. Set up a daily Google Alert for your company

name, and some relevant industry terms.Done: ______________ (date)

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 10 of 

4. Make a list of 10 things you repeatedly explain

to customers; then assign them to someone to

write each one into a blog post. Start your blog

and start posting them!

Blog Titles:

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

4. ________________________________

5. ________________________________

6. ________________________________

7. ________________________________

8. ________________________________

9. ________________________________

10. ________________________________

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Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 11 of 

5. Pick a social media site to get engaged in.

Start a conversation by linking a status to your

blog posts; tout your successes and ask friends

to become fans.







6. Make sure you have a way for customers who

have feedback on your products or services toget their input to you in a constructive way that

you can monitor and respond to.




Social Fan

or Company



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WWeebb AAnnaallyyttiiccss:: 

OOppttiimmiizzee YYoouurr MMaarrkkeettiinngg DDoollllaarrss DDuurriinngg tthhee RReecceessssiioonn 

Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 6 

Figure 4 demonstrates how inquiries as well as lead quality are tracked and segmented.

(Figure 4) 


•  Identifying the source of all the “junk” inquires resulted in significant savings on lead generation.

You might ask how. Easy! In case study #1, we discussed “campaign segmentation”, so apply the

same concept here:

o  Say campaign X is bringing the “junk” traffic

o  Campaign X costs you $2,500 / month

o  By stopping campaign X, you begin saving $2,500 / month immediately

o  Alternatively, redeploy the same amount of dollars into a more effective channel,

leading to an improved overall returns

•  Trending data (July and August in the above example), will help identify seasonal and other

business cycle attributes.

WWhhaatt TToo DDoo NNeexxtt aanndd WWhheerree DDoo II SSttaarrtt?? 

You are not on your own! Helpful resources are in abundance. If you are a business owner, you can take

the following steps:

•  Ask for numbers, data and reports on efforts you are spending money on.

•  Educate your staff about the importance of tracking and measurement (highlight cost savings,

increase in revenue, etc.)

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WWeebb AAnnaallyyttiiccss:: 

OOppttiimmiizzee YYoouurr MMaarrkkeettiinngg DDoollllaarrss DDuurriinngg tthhee RReecceessssiioonn 

Copyright © 2009 by Research and Management. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 6 

•  Online marketing is much more measurable than traditional marketing. Familiarize yourself with

online marketing terms (keywords, SEO, PPC, conversion rates, etc.)

•  Stay connected with developments in your industry and monitor what your competition is


•  Seek the help of a qualified Internet Marketing Consultant to increase your ROI!

RReef f eerreenncceess && HHeellppf f uull RReessoouurrcceess 


•  “Web Analytics–An Hour a Day”, Avinash Kaushik

•  “Advanced Web Metrics – Google Analytics”, Brian Clifton


•  http://www.kaushik.net/avinash 

•  http://analytics.blogspot.com 

•  http://www.e-nor.com/blog 

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr 

Feras has an extensive background in the areas of business consulting, interactive

marketing and Web analytics. Feras has traveled the globe educating businesses and

Consultants on the subjects of search engine marketing, online marketing and analytics.

Under his leadership, his company has achieved certification as a Qualified GoogleAdWords Advertising Company as well as a Google Analytics Authorized Consultant

(GAAC). Feras can be reached at [email protected]

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