Whatever You Do, Don't Commit These Post-Breakup Sins

Harmful PostBreakup Behavior By Leslie Jo Saul February 25, 2014 Every aspect of a breakup is usually pretty awful. However, there are a few things you can do to make a breakup feel even worse. The real problem is a lot of us engage in these sorts of behaviors, sometimes in a masochistic sense that only seems to continue our own misery. It is important to have a clean break from your ex and to avoid the following behaviors. Do not jump into bed with someone else right after a breakup. It may feel empowering at first, but really you are just reminding yourself of what it was like with your ex. Sleeping with someone new is an important part of getting over your ex, but it shouldn’t happen until you have emotionally connected with someone else and feel that you are ready. It is also important to stop stalking your ex on social media. It will only bring pain to look through his/her photos and wonder what they are up to every moment of the day. If you feel like you can’t stop yourself from looking through their accounts, it may be wise to ‘unfriend’ and cut yourself off from them for a while. Do not revisit your old spots to try to run into them. This will be painful for you and very obvious if you do see them at that coffee place just around the corner from their apartment. Do not put yourself in that situation, find different places to make your own. Closure is not often possible, and not often necessary. Meeting up post breakup usually just results in someone wanting an apology. Even if ‘closure’ happens there is a reason you are not together anymore and a magical post breakup meeting is not going to change that. Do not constantly talk about your ex. Although it’s hard because you shared a lot together, try to keep yourself in check. Filter your stories so your friends don’t have to hear about him/her all the time. If you really need to have a conversation about your ex with your friends, frame it as such. Constantly dropping your ex into other conversations will get old very quickly.

Transcript of Whatever You Do, Don't Commit These Post-Breakup Sins

Page 1: Whatever You Do, Don't Commit These Post-Breakup Sins

Harmful  Post-­‐Breakup  Behavior  By  Leslie  Jo  Saul  February  25,  2014    Every  aspect  of  a  breakup  is  usually  pretty  awful.  However,  there  are  a  few  things  you  can  do  to  make  a  breakup  feel  even  worse.  The  real  problem  is  a  lot  of  us  engage  in  these  sorts  of  behaviors,  sometimes  in  a  masochistic  sense  that  only  seems  to  continue  our  own  misery.  It  is  important  to  have  a  clean  break  from  your  ex  and  to  avoid  the  following  behaviors.    

Do  not  jump  into  bed  with  someone  else  right  after  a  breakup.  It  may  feel  empowering  at  first,  but  really  you  are  just  reminding  yourself  of  what  it  was  like  with  your  ex.  Sleeping  with  someone  new  is  an  important  part  of  getting  over  your  ex,  but  it  shouldn’t  happen  until  you  have  emotionally  connected  with  someone  else  and  feel  that  you  are  ready.  

  It  is  also  important  to  stop  stalking  your  ex  on  social  media.  It  will  only  

bring  pain  to  look  through  his/her  photos  and  wonder  what  they  are  up  to  every  moment  of  the  day.  If  you  feel  like  you  can’t  stop  yourself  from  looking  through  their  accounts,  it  may  be  wise  to  ‘unfriend’  and  cut  yourself  off  from  them  for  a  while.  

  Do  not  revisit  your  old  spots  to  try  to  run  into  them.  This  will  be  painful  

for  you  and  very  obvious  if  you  do  see  them  at  that  coffee  place  just  around  the  corner  from  their  apartment.  Do  not  put  yourself  in  that  situation,  find  different  places  to  make  your  own.  

  Closure  is  not  often  possible,  and  not  often  necessary.  Meeting  up  post  

break-­‐up  usually  just  results  in  someone  wanting  an  apology.  Even  if  ‘closure’  happens  there  is  a  reason  you  are  not  together  anymore  and  a  magical  post  break-­‐up  meeting  is  not  going  to  change  that.  

  Do  not  constantly  talk  about  your  ex.  Although  it’s  hard  because  you  

shared  a  lot  together,  try  to  keep  yourself  in  check.  Filter  your  stories  so  your  friends  don’t  have  to  hear  about  him/her  all  the  time.  If  you  really  need  to  have  a  conversation  about  your  ex  with  your  friends,  frame  it  as  such.  Constantly  dropping  your  ex  into  other  conversations  will  get  old  very  quickly.  


Page 2: Whatever You Do, Don't Commit These Post-Breakup Sins

Do  not  lose  it  over  your  ex  meeting  someone  else.  It  is  not  healthy.  It  is  perfectly  reasonable  to  be  upset  with  the  new  boyfriend/girlfriend  your  ex  has,  but  don’t  broadcast  it  publicly.  They  have  moved  on  and  it’s  time  that  you  did  so  too.  

   Leslie  Jo  Saul  is  a  Certified  Master  Neuro-­‐Linguistic  Life  Coach  (MNLP)  and  Clinical  Hypnotherapist  (C.ht).  Leslie  received  her  diploma  in  Healing  and  Success  Arts  and  Sciences  from  Bennett  Stellar  University,  an  internationally  recognized  school  of  Life  Coaching,  with  emphasis  in  relationships  and  certifications  in  the  additional  areas  of  DreamSculpting®,  TimeLine  Regression  &  Trauma  Release,  Hypnosis  Mastery,  and  Communications  and  Life  Mastery.