Westminster Presbyterian Churchwpcdbq.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Bulletin-12-07-2014.pdfFall for...

1 Westminster Presbyterian Church 2155 University Ave, Dubuque, IA 52001 | (563) 583-1729 | http://wpcdbq.org WE WELCOME YOU AS WE WOULD CHRIST HIMSELF DECEMBER 7, 2014 9:30 A.M. “Take a hard look at Jesus. He’s the centerpiece of everything we believe.” (Hebrews 3:1 The Message )

Transcript of Westminster Presbyterian Churchwpcdbq.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Bulletin-12-07-2014.pdfFall for...

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Westminster Presbyterian Church

2155 University Ave, Dubuque, IA 52001 | (563) 583-1729 | http://wpcdbq.org


DECEMBER 7, 2014 9:30 A.M.

“Take a hard look at Jesus. He’s the centerpiece of everything we believe.” (Hebrews 3:1 The Message)

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TO OUR GUESTS: Welcome! Thanks for joining us for worship. More information about Westminster Presbyterian Church is available on the Welcome Table in the back of the Sanctuary. We encourage you to fill out the Friendship Binder found in your pew and please join us for coffee and fellowship in the Narthex after the service. Pastor Murry hosts “Welcome to Westminster” classes in the Spring and Fall for anyone considering church membership or who would simply like to learn more about Westminster Church and the Presbyterian Church (USA).

• Large print Bibles and bulletins and portable hearing aids are available from the ushers. • Children’s activities, books and crayons are on the small table in the back of the sanctuary. * All who wish may stand.

Prelude “Christmas Winds” Westminster arr. Wagner Band

Lighting of the Second Advent Candle The Kaiser/Huseman Family

Words of Greeting Ruth 2:4 Hal Murry Leader: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Welcome and Announcements

*Greeting Our Neighbors

* Introit #28 vs. 2 “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice” Good Christian friends, rejoice... With heart, and soul, and voice; Now ye hear of endless bliss: Jesus Christ was born for this! He hath opened heaven’s door, And we are blest forever-more. Christ was born for this! Christ was born for this!

*Call to Worship Adam Etheredge Leader: Listen! The voice of God calls out across the ages. Men: We hear and respond. We rise up to worship God from the valleys, the mountains, and the plains. Leader: Like a shepherd, God leads us and tenderly gathers us together. Women: “Comfort, comfort my people,” says our God of love. ALL: The grass withers and the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever!

*Hymn #11 “O Lord, How Shall I Meet You?”

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*Unison Prayer of Confession Adam Etheredge God of the Past, in the wilderness of Jordan you sent a messenger to prepare human hearts for the coming of the Christ. We rejoice that through the centuries that message of hope has brought confidence and joy to people. God of the Present, even now you are among us. Forgive us that often we have failed to discern your presence with us, and have felt deserted and alone. Make strong in our hearts a faith that empowers us to live with compassion and serenity. God of the Future, you have promised that the Kingdom of God is coming. Teach us to live in that expectation, that who we are and what we do will hasten the day when all of your children live in peace with justice. Amen.

(Moment of silence for personal reflection.) *Assurance of God's Forgiveness Hal Murry *Response “Love Has Come” (Tune: Bring a Torch) Love has come and never will leave us! Love is life everlasting and free. Love is Jesus within and among us. Love is the peace our hearts are seeking. Love! Love! Love is the gift of Christmas. Love! Love! Praise to you, God on high! Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 40:1-11 Adam Etheredge Solo Comfort Ye My People from “MESSIAH” Steve Peake by G. F. Handel Tenor

Children’s Message Hal Murry Epistle Lesson: II Peter 3:8-15a Hal Murry Anthem “Promise of Peace” by Mark Hayes Chancel Choir

(medley: I Saw Three Ships/ My Dancing Day/ Watchman Tell Us)

Gospel Lesson: Mark 1:1-8 (NRSV) Robert Hoch

Leader: The Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

Sermon: While you Wait…” Robert Hoch *Hymn #12 vs. 1, 4, 5 "People, Look East”

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*Affirmation of Faith: Brief Statement of Faith Hal Murry In life and in death we belong to God. Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve. With believers in every time and place, we rejoice that nothing in life or death can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen

Giving of Our Offerings Hal Murry Please use this time to pass the Friendship Binder found at the inside end of your pew.

Offertory “Caroling, Caroling/I Saw Three Ships” Piano duet: by Alfred Burt/Dennis Alexander Patricia Williams Pam Crawford *Song of Thanksgiving #53 vs 3 “What Child Is This?” So bring Him incense, gold and myrrh; Come, one and all, to own Him. The King of kings salvation brings; Let loving hearts enthrone Him.

The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

Invitation to the Table Robert Hoch & Hal Murry

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving Leader: Let us pray. The Lord be with you. All: And also with you. Leader: Lift up your hearts. All: We lift them to the Lord. Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. All: It is right to give our thanks and praise. (Prayer continues) …we gladly join our voices to the song of the Church on earth and in heaven:

All: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

(Prayer Continues) The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our

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debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Participation As you pass the bread please say, “The body of Christ given for you.”

As you pass the cup please say, “The blood of Christ shed for you.”

(Please retain the bread to partake together as a sign of our oneness as a community of faith in Jesus Christ. Drink the cup whenever you are ready as a sign of our individual and unique relationship with Christ as our Lord and Savior.)


*Unison Prayer after Communion Robert Hoch In gratitude, in deep gratitude for this moment, this meal, these people, we give ourselves to you. Take us out to live as changed people because we have shared the Living Bread and cannot remain the same. Amen.

*Hymn- insert vs. 2 & 3 “Love Has Come”

*Blessing Hal Murry

*Response #29 (refrain) “Go Tell It On the Mountain” Go, tell it on the mountain Over the hills and everywhere; Go, tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born!

Postlude “Bring a Torch” Roy Carroll by Aaron Miller Organist WELCOME to today’s guest preacher, The Rev. Dr. Robert Hoch, Associate Professor of Homiletics and Worship at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. Rob is the author of Breathing Patterns: A Teacher’s Reflections on Calling, Equipping and Sending. His most recent book is By the Rivers of Babylon: Blueprint for a Church in Exile. CHANCEL FLOWERS TODAY were donated by Glinda Manternach in honor of her mother, Geneva Hovey’s 97th Birthday!

The Gift of Advent is the coming of Jesus!

Join us after worship today to hear a panel share personal faith experiences

on seeking God’s presence through scripture, prayer and meditation. On the

panel will be Steve Mosiman, Bev Nichols, Arlys & Del Williams and Nancy

Wallace. We will meet in the Conference Room.

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The SERRV Shop is open to the congregation TODAY!

WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Hal Murry, Teaching Elder Church Administrator: Mary Kay Pancratz Custodian: Tim Till Financial Secretary: Nancy Kringle Adult Choir/Adult Handbells: Pam Crawford Organist/Pianist: Beverly Nichols Band/Youth Handbells: Sally Stulken Children’s Choir/Timbrel & Lyre: Karmella Sellers Sunday Custodian: Scott Heicken Head Usher: Rich Henderson

Greeters: Fritz & Ruth Cabalka Ushers: Youth Janet Neumeister & Bonnie Sue Lewis Communion Servers: *Myra DeLong, Judy Schuster, Denise Reyerson & Pam Crawford Nancy Wallace, Betsy Badger, Jeremiah Bock, Sue Dravis Mike Breitner, Steve Mosiman


Church Office Number: 583-1729 | Rev. Hal Murry: 563-580-4196


Dee Mosiman and family, Robert Carroll, Wally Hartman & Ken Evers

If you would like to have your name on our Prayer Request list, please advise the church office (583-1729) or the Pastor.

Snowbirds... Help us to save on postage!

Please notify the office when you

leave for a period of time, so we can

either email or send the Hotline to

your temporary address. Thank you!


A great estate plan is more than the transfer of assets to loved ones; it is an act of love for those individuals and organizations we deeply cherish.

Please contact John Adams about a FREE, confidential, estate planning process.

THE DUBUQUE FOOD PANTRY HAMS are due tomorrow! Thank you!

Westminster has committed to donating 10 to 15 hams. If you are willing to purchase a ham to donate bring it in and we will store it here. Please let us

know in the office if you bring one in. Hams should be here by Dec. 8th.

Thank you!

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INCLEMENT WEATHER CANCELLATIONS To learn of any cancellations of worship services or events you can check the following:

1. The church website www.wpcdbq.org 2. You can listen to any one of these radio stations below:

KDTH 1370 AM

KATF 92.9 FM "The Rock" 97.3 FM "The R iver" 101.1

3. Watch KCRG TV, channel 9, they DO still post cancellations. (KWWL, channel 7 does not)

Note: This will be followed through ALL winter months and inclement weather times.

Westminster Youth will be practicing for the Christmas Pageant, shopping for gifts, and celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Saturday December 13th 12:45 to 5P.M.

The Westminster Giving Tree

is here!

Each year, Westminster supports local families in need by helping with Christmas. All families are recommended to the church by Operation New View Community Action Agency & Bethany Home. Gift requests are hung on a Giving Tree in the Narthex during Advent.

Bethany Home’s Christmas Party is Dec. 13h so their gifts are needed by Dec. 10th. Their tags are purple.

The rest of the gifts are due back December 15th!

Hospitality Teams

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Thank you for sharing in our time of grief with our family. ~Paul & Mark Bosveld

To the Westminster Church Family: Hospice of Dubuque would like to sincerely thank you for allowing us to use your beautiful facility for our Annual Memorial Service once again. The environment creates such a sacred feeling which just adds to the importance of the service. We are so blessed to be able to create this special night of remembrance for our Hospice families with the use of your “home”. Thank You! ~ Sincerely, The Staff of Hospice of Dubuque

Beautiful New Lanyards for 2015 If you haven’t picked up your lanyard please do so. Guests in the church will be able to identify you. There are still a few vacancies for the

2015 Hospitality Team. If you are interested see Lois Pearce or

Cameron Fast.

Ushers*Greeters*Custodians*Hospitality Counter

for volunteering!

It is hard to believe that we are 3 months into the school year as we prepare for the Christmas Season. However, there are still lots of youth activities and many more Sunday School classes to be taught. Not to mention VBS is lurking around the corner. Youth CE is always in need of volunteers. Whether it is for an occasional Sunday School class or youth group activity we’d love to have you. If you are interested see Lisa.

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Westminster’s Book Club will not

meet in December.

January 18 – 3:00 p.m. “Songs of Willow Frost” by Ford

February 15 – 3:00 p.m. “Fever” by Keane

Westminster Guys We meet for breakfast at Caroline’s Restaurant in the Hotel Julien on the 2nd

Tuesday of each month. Our next meeting is Tues., DEC. 9th at 6:45 a.m.

Please join us!

Women’s Bible Study A group of women meet weekly in member

homes to study the scriptures for the coming Sunday service. We are currently meeting on Tuesday evenings. If you are interested in being a part of this study, please call Karmella

Sellers (563-663-2111).

Standing in the Need of Prayer

Looking for more people to join...... A prayer group, for personal growth through

prayer, to pray for each other and to give prayer support to our church, community, and nation….... Are you interested? If so, please e-mail Derek Pursey at [email protected], or phone him at 588-2644.

Are You Connected? Get Plugged In… Fellowship Circles at Westminster

Gift Giving Ideas for Christmas?

Give Scrip “Gift Cards” to Stores, Restaurants, Movies, Gas & Groceries and more!

If there is something special you want, let us know, we can check in to it!

Holiday Scrip Order Forms and Vendor Lists are available to look over and/or fill out.


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Sunday, Dec. 7

SERRV Open Today 8:30 a.m. Chancel Choir, Loft 8:40 a.m. Coffee Fellowship, FH 9:00 a.m. WPC Band Rehearsal, SA 9:30 a.m. Worship – Rev. Dr. Robert Hoch

Preaching 10:45 a.m. Adult CE, CR 10:45 a.m. Youth CE, Classrooms

Monday, Dec. 8 1:00 p.m. Property Long Range Planning

Meeting, BR 7:00 p.m. Troop 11 Boy Scouts, FH 7:00 p.m. Scouts, Brd. of Rev., CR

Tuesday, Dec. 9 6:45 a.m. Westminster Guys, Carolines 11:00 a.m. Regional Prayer Mtg., BR, FH 5:00 p.m. Youth Handbell Rehearsal, LOFT 5:15p.m. PIN, WR 6:30 p.m. Grief Support Group, HS

Wednesday, Dec. 10 5:15 p.m. Adult Handbell Rehearsal, LOFT 5:15 p.m. Youth Choir Rehearsal, Choir Rm. 5:45 p.m. Mission Committee, WR 7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal, LOFT 7:00 p.m. Discipleship, CR

Thursday, Dec. 11 4:00 p.m. Finance Meeting, WR

Friday, Dec. 12

3:30 p.m. Girl Scouts, 4th Gr., K 5:00 p.m. Troop 11 Lock In, FH, Classrooms

Saturday, Dec. 13

9:00 a.m. Church Officer Prep, WR Noon – YCE, Parents Day Off, FH

Sunday, Dec. 14

8:00 a.m. Youth Handbells Rehearse, SA 8:30 a.m. Chancel Choir, Loft 8:40 a.m. Coffee Fellowship, FH 9:00 a.m. Youth Choir Rehearsal, SA 9:30 a.m. Worship – Rev. Murry Preaching CHILDREN’S PAGEANT YOUTH CHORALE SINGS 10:45 a.m. Advent Season Treats, FH

Christmas Eve Candlelight and Communion Services:

Room Codes BR = Board Room FH = Fellowship Hall CR = Conference Room K = Kitchen N = Nursery SA = Sanctuary WR = Work Room Ntx= Narthex HS = High School Room MS = Middle School Room PRE = Pre-School K -2 or 3-5 = Rooms by Grades Choir = Choir Room LOFT = Choir Loft

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December is traditionally a generous month at Westminster. Many people complete their pledges before the end of the year, and many people give extra so we finish the year in the black.

Thank you for your financial support of Westminster Presbyterian Church. In order to have your contribution included on your 2014 Contribution Statement, please make sure it arrives at the office by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 30th.

The office closes at noon on December 31st.


Wednesday, December 24 7:00 pm and 11:00 pm.

Both services will be services of carols and scripture and include The Sacrament of The Lord’s

Supper. The traditional lighting of the Christmas candles as we sing “Silent Night” will conclude

each service. A special Children’s Story will be shared with our young ones at the 7:00 service.

The 11:00 service is a contemplative service concluding as chimes throughout Dubuque strike


Special Offerings for Christmas :

CHRISTMAS JOY OFFERING: “Like the shepherds, we hear the news and we are stunned: in Jesus God has come among us as one of us, to accompany us and transform us. As we open our hearts to God’s love in Jesus, we find it will not be contained but yearns to be shared with others. The Christmas Joy Offering supports racial ethnic education at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges, where students develop their gifts and find their calling. It also helps families of active and retired church workers meet unexpected needs through the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions. As we celebrate this good news of great joy – that a Savior has been born to us – may our gifts bear joyful witness to God’s uncontainable love.

DEACON’S EMERGENCY FUND: The loose offering gathered during the Christmas Eve services will be given to the Deacon’s Emergency Fund. The disbursements from this Fund are used for utilities and rent payments, food, gasoline to get to doctor’s appointments, and prescription drugs. So often we wish to do something for our neighbors that will actually make a difference. With your help and contribution, the

Deacon’s Emergency Fund does just that.

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Concert for Refugee Children

Mississippi Moon Bar at the Diamond Jo Casino

Tuesday, December 9th @ 7:00 PM

Tickets: $10.00 Featured talented performers include: * Feast of Mutton * Pat Farrell, OSF * Cranes/Vultures * Dave Reel * Kate Koerperich with John Moran * * Amy Dolan * Susan Kalb * Kristina Castaneda & Shawn Healy * Tickets available at Cafe Manna Java, Dubuque Food COOP, River Lights Book Store and Monks or Call (563) 566-5653 to purchase tickets. Checks may be made out to: Dubuque for Refugee Children All proceeds from the sale of this concert will go toward the medical and legal expenses of the brave children from Central America who are now living in the Tri-State Area.