WEB DMIS MANUAL - Tupperware · 2020. 3. 25. · Page 3 Ver 2012.02 / 01/09/2012 About This...


Transcript of WEB DMIS MANUAL - Tupperware · 2020. 3. 25. · Page 3 Ver 2012.02 / 01/09/2012 About This...

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Table of Contents

1 About This Document ............................................................................................................................................ 3 2 Functionality ............................................................................................................................................................ .

2.1 Login .................................................................................................................................. .....................4 2.2 Change Password ..................................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Logout ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.4 Administration - DB Staff Administration (Add/ Modify) ...................................................................... 7 2.5 Administration - DB Staff Administartion (Delete) ................................................................................ 8 2.6 Administration - DB Staff Administration (Reset Password) .................................................................. 9 2.7 DB Staff Administration (Assign Menu) ................................................................................................ 9 2.8 Masters- Consultant Masters ................................................................................................................ 10 2.9 Consultant Masters (Add) ..................................................................................................................... 11 2.10 Consultant Masters (Modify) ................................................................................................................ 12 2.11 Consultant Search Procedure ................................................................................................................ 13 2.12 Business Process - Calender ................................................................................................................. 14 2.13 View Factsheet ..................................................................................................................................... 15 2.14 Factsheet Personalization ..................................................................................................................... 17 2.15 Network Management- Manager Promote Up ...................................................................................... 17 2.16 Manager Step Down ............................................................................................................................. 18 2.17 Build Up Period for EM ...................................................................................................................... 19

2.18 EM Step Down ..................................................................................................................................... 21

2.19 EM Unit Management .......................................................................................................................... 21 2.20 Consultant Assembly Mapping ............................................................................................................. 22 2.21 Consultant De-Activation ...................................................................................................................... 23 2.22 Consultant Transfer .............................................................................................................................. 24 2.23 Order Processing (COF – Consultant Order Form) .............................................................................. 25 2.24 DOF – Distributor Order Form ............................................................................................................. 27 2.25 ROF – Replacement Order Form .......................................................................................................... 28 2.26 ROF Order Close .................................................................................................................................. 30

2.27 AOF Order Serving ............................................................................................................................... 31 2.28 Order Approval ...................................................................................................................................... 32 2.29 Order Details ......................................................................................................................................... 34 2.30 AOF Process .......................................................................................................................................... 34 2.31 Material Receipt Note ........................................................................................................................... 36 2.32 Item Allocation After MRN.................................................................................................................. 37 2.33 Packing Slip .......................................................................................................................................... 38 2.34 Invoice Generation ................................................................................................................................ 39 2.35 Kit Invoice ............................................................................................................................................ 41

2.36 Auto Advance Adjustment ................................................................................................................... 42

2.37 Unpick Order ........................................................................................................................................ 42

2.38 Inventory View ..................................................................................................................................... 43

2.39 Invoice View ......................................................................................................................................... 44 2.40 Packing slip view .................................................................................................................................. 45 2.41 Payment to Tupperware ........................................................................................................................ 46

2.42 Refunds to Sales Force ......................................................................................................................... 47

2.43 Consultant Master Report ..................................................................................................................... 48 2.44 Unit Master Report ............................................................................................................................... 49

2.45 EM Master Report ................................................................................................................................ 50

2.46 Consultant Wise Item Details ............................................................................................................... 51 2.47 COF Register......................................................................................................................................... 52 2.48 Packing Slip Register............................................................................................................................ 53

2.49 Activity Register ................................................................................................................................... 54

2.50 Replacement Details ............................................................................................................................. 55

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2.51 Itemwise Summary................................................................................................................................ 56

2.52 Order received through Internet ............................................................................................................ 57

2.53 Product wise listing of order received through Internet ........................................................................ 58

2.54 Kit Status Report ................................................................................................................................... 59

2.55 Pick and Pack Register .......................................................................................................................... 60

2.56 All KPIs’ ............................................................................................................................................... 61

2.57 DWSA ................................................................................................................................................... 62 2.58 On Pace Sales ....................................................................................................................................... 63

2.59 Order vs Invoiced Report...................................................................................................................... 64

2.60 Unpicked Order Report ........................................................................................................................ 65

2.61 Consultant Outstanding Report ............................................................................................................. 66

2.62 Sales Tax Register ................................................................................................................................ 67

2.63 Invoice Sales ......................................................................................................................................... 68

2.64 Active Incentive .................................................................................................................................... 69

2.65 Consultant Wise Performance Report ................................................................................................... 70

2.66 Consignment not picked within two weeks .......................................................................................... 71

2.67 New Recruit Sales Performance ........................................................................................................... 72

2.68 Consultants going to be deactivated ..................................................................................................... 73

2.69 Consultants Tracking for Promote Out ................................................................................................. 74 2.70 Manager Performance – All KPIs’ ........................................................................................................ 75

2.71 Manager Going to be Stepped Down .................................................................................................... 76

2.72 Group Manager Tracking DB Level ...................................................................................................... 78

2.73 EM Performance - Unitwise ................................................................................................................. 79

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About This Document

1.1 Document Purpose

Tupperware is one of the world's leading direct selling companies with the largest women

network, marketing premium food storage, preparation and serving items. Tupperware

started its operations in India in 1996 and is a household name today.

Tupperware has all-women network of above 150,000 sales force and 100+ Distributors.

Every year the number of these women are recognized and rewarded for their significant

achievements in selling these excellent products

Web DMIS application has been developed and launched with a well thought vision to

support the fast growing business of Tupperware India Distributors.

The primary objective of this user manual is to provide a complete easy-to-follow guide

for Tupperware associates who would be using the Web DMIS application. The document

would cover the overall flow of the modules of Web DMIS along with detailed screen shots.

The purpose of this document is also to list the defined features and provide step-by-step

instruction for performing various operations in Web DMIS application which would

support the users in terms of better understanding of this System.

We would keep on fine tuning this user manual on regular interval of time so that all the

upcoming features/ changes are updated and the same would be circulated to all of you

for your ready reference.

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2.1 Login

2.1.1 Description

Objective of the login screen would be to allow the Users to gain access to the modules of

Web DMIS. The Distributors would access this application by logging into the application

with their DB Code and the password sent to their registered mobile number or email id.

The DB can extend this access to their Staff by creating their IDs with a cap of maximum

5 IDs. The limited/ required access would be there with the sales force of distributors and

they would be using their Consultant ID as user name.

2.1.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the” Login” screen when the user enters the appropriate URL

of the application in the address bar of the internet explorer.

b. URL of the website is www.tupinddmis.com

c. In the “Username” textbox please enter your ID Number provided to you.

d. Enter the password of the user in the “Password” textbox. The password should

consist of minimum 6 alphanumeric characters and would be case sensitive.

e. Select the “Submit” button to persist the data.

Screen Shot of Login Screen

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f. Do not misspell the ID Number or Password otherwise “Invalid Login

ID/Password " error will occur.

g. The system will give you 10 attempts to login and in case if system will not receive

the right password in these attempts, that ID will get locked.

h. To unlock it click on Forgot password. Enter the user name in the “Username”

textbox and enter either the registered mobile number or the email ID to receive the

new password.

Screen Shot

**Note: Once you change the password kindly remember it for further Login.

2.2 Change Password

2.2.1 Description

The user should change his/her login password, to keep the data secured. The “Change

Password” option allows the user to change the login password.

2.2.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can change password by clicking the “Change Password” link placed at the

right-top corner of every screen.

b. Enter the new password in the “New Password” textbox.

c. Re-enter the new password in the “Confirm Password” textbox for confirmation.

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d. Click the “Submit” button to persist the data.

Screen Shot of Password Change

**Note: The change password link is available across all pages of the application

only after the user has successfully logged in.

2.3 Logout

2.3.1 Description

It is advisable to log out from the application rather than closing the application window.

Logging off from an application terminates all the services that are in the active state for


2.3.2 How to Arrive at?

User can logoff from the application by clicking the “Logout” link placed at the right top

corner of every screen. The logout link is available across all pages of the application only

after the user has successfully logged in.

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Screen Shot of Logout

2.4 Administration- DB Staff Administration (Add/Modify)

2.4.1 Description

The DB administration option allows the DB to define the details of the her staff. The DB

staff ID is auto-generated.

2.4.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the DB Staff Administration screen by clicking the “Masters”

menu, selecting the “DB Staff Administration” option.

b. The DB Staff Administration screen, displays the details of the distributor’s staff

like the staff name, mobile number, email ID, user code and status along with the

options to manage the details.

c. Click the button to add/modify the Staff details

d. The selected distributor name is displayed in the “DB Name” field.

e. Modify name of the staff from the “Name” textbox.

f. Modify the mobile number of the staff in the “Mobile Number” textbox.

g. Modify the email ID of the staff in the “Email Id” textbox.

h. Select the “Status” checkbox to assign active status to the staff .

i. Click the “Submit” button to submit the data.

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Screen Shot of DB Staff Administration

2.5 Administration - DB Staff Administration (Delete)

2.5.1 Description

The staff details can be deleted using the Delete button provided.

2.5.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the DB Staff Administration screen by clicking the “Masters”

menu and selecting the “DB Staff Administration” option.

b. The DB Staff Administration screen, displays the details of the staff.

c. Click the button next to the DB name which you want to delete.

Screen Shot of Deleting

*Note: Only an active record can be deleted. If the record is in-active, then it

cannot be deleted and the delete button is disabled and is displayed in grey color

as shown “ ”.

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2.6 Administration- DB Staff Administration (Reset Password)

2.6.1. Description

The password assigned to the staff can be reset using the Reset button provided. It is

done when the staff forgets his/her password.

2.6.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the DB Staff Administration screen by clicking the “Masters”

menu, selecting the “DB Staff Administration” option.

b. Click the button to reset the password for staff ID.

c. The system resets the current password and sends it to the mentioned mobile


Screen Shot of Resetting password

*Note: Password of an active record can be reset. If the record is in-active, the

reset button is disabled and is displayed in grey color as “ ”.

2.7 DB Staff Administration (Assign Menu)

2.7.1 Description

The DB staff administration option allows the user to assign access rights to the staff.

2.7.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the DB Staff Administration screen by clicking the “Masters”

menu and selecting the “DB Staff Administration” option.

b. Click the button next to Staff name for whom you want to assign access to Web

DMIS menu.

c. The Distributor Staff Role Menu Mapping screen will be displayed.

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d. The name of the staff is displayed in the “Name” field.

e. Select the checkbox corresponding to the menu name, the role is assigned access

rights to the menu.

f. Click the “Submit” button to persist the data.

Screen Shot of Role assign

*Note: Menu can be assigned for an active record only. If the record is in-active,

the assign menu button is disabled and is displayed in grey color as “ ”.

2.8 Masters – Consultant Master

2.8.1 Description

Consultant of Tupperware is the basic unit of the sales force of Tupperware Distributors. A

woman can join the Tupperware sales force as a consultant and then grow to become a

unit manager, group manager, executive Manager and finally a distributor, all these roles

been non-Tupperware employees. The login provided to a consultant can be used by the

consultant even after she is promoted to Manager, Group manager, Executive Manager or


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2.8.2 How to Arrive at?

a. Log in to Web DMIS.

b. Under the “Masters” Option list, go to “Consultant” and click on it.

c. On clicking it, the “Consultant” screen is displayed.

d. The screen provides three option buttons to view the Active Consultants, Inactive

Consultants, and Transferred Consultants.

e. The consultant master list displays a textbox to search the consultant based on

various parameters.

f. The “Add New Consultant“ button can be used to add a consultant.

g. The “Edit” button can be used to edit the consultant details.

h. The “Deactivate” button can be used to deactivate the selected consultants.

i. The “Transfer Consultant” button can be used to transfer the consultant either

from one unit to another or from one DB to another.

j. The list of consultants transferred from another DB can also be viewed by clicking on

the option.

Screen Shot of Consultant Master

*Note: Consultant Master is open for editing even after week is closed.

2.9 Add New Consultant

2.9.1 Description

The add new consultant allows the user to add a new consultant. The user can enter, the

address details, including the mobile number and email ID of the consultant. The

verification of a consultant is done before assigning the consultant active status.

Verification includes a photo identity of the consultant and her contact details. The starter

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kit issued to the consultant is invoiced during consultant registration only hence avoiding

seamless accounting of the kits issued.

2.9.2 How to Arrive at?

a. Under the “Masters” Option list, go to “Consultant” and click it.

b. On clicking it, the “Consultant” screen is displayed.

c. The user can add a consultant using the “Add New Consultant” button.

d. Enter appropriate details in the fields marked as “* “.

e. The amount for kit is already fixed in the system. On clicking on the checkbox the

“receipt date” column will appear which has to be filled.

Screen shot to add new consultant

*Note - In case a mobile number already exists in the system, a message will be

displayed detailing the name of the consultant alongwith the DBship name where

it is already in use.

2.10 Consultant Masters (Modify)

2.10.1 Description

The consultant can be modified using the Edit button provided.

2.10.2. How to Arrive at?

a. Under the “Masters” Option list, go to “Consultant” and click it.

b. On clicking it, the “Consultant” screen is displayed.

c. From the Consultant screen, select one consultant and click on “Edit”button

corresponding to the consultant you want to edit.

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d. The details of the selected consultant are auto-populated in the respective fields.

e. User can modify the data as per correct details..

Screen Shot of Editing Consultant

2.11 Consultant Search Procedure

2.11.1 Description

The option explains the procedure to search a consultant.

2.11.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate the search option from “Consultant Master”. Under the

Consultant Master Option, a drop-box is available for searching consultants through

name, code, unit name, mobile number, manager name etc.

b. Enter the partial or complete details and click the “Search” button to view the search


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Screen Shot of Consultant Search through Consultant Master

2.12. Business Process – Calendar - View

2.12.1 Description -Calendar view

The View Option gives user the view of all generated “TUPPERWARE” calendar in the

system. Tupperware calendar is the calendar based on which the weeks numbers are

defined by Tupperware for the entire year. All the Tupperware activities run based on the

Tupperware Calender.

2.12.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the View screen by clicking the Business Process menu,

selecting the “Calendar” sub-menu, and finally selecting the “View” option.

b. Enter the calendar year and click the “Go” button to view the search results.

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Screen Shot of Calender View

2.13. View Factsheet

2.13.1. Description

The user can view the factsheet generated, download it to the hard disk or generate a

print out of the same using this option.

2.13.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the View Fact Sheet screen by clicking the “Business

Processing” menu, selecting the “Fact Sheet Processing” sub-menu, and finally

selecting the “View Fact Sheet” option.

b. From the View Fact Sheet screen, the current week number is displayed in the

“Week” field.

c. Select the year to view the factsheet for the particular year from the “Year” drop-

down list.

d. Click the “Search” button to view the search results.

e. The factsheet is displayed in PDF format.

f. Navigate through the various pages of the factsheet using the


g. Select the zoom percentage using the field.

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h. To export the factsheet, select appropriate button using the field.

i. Select the button, to export the factsheet to the selected format and

save on the hard disk of the computer.

j. Click the button, to print the factsheet in the selected format.

Screen Shot of Factsheet View

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2.14. Factsheet Personalization

2.14.1. Description

Factsheet personalization option allows the Distributor to personalize the factsheet as

desired. The personalization of the factsheet, allows the distributor to communicate with

the sales force through the “DB Announcement” section of the factsheet.

2.14.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Factsheet Personalization screen by clicking the

“Business Processing” menu, selecting the “Fact Sheet processing” sub-menu,

and finally selecting the “Factsheet Personalization” option.

b. From the “Factsheet Personalization” screen, select the week number from the

“Week” drop-down list and select the year number form the “Year” drop-down list.

c. Enter the personalized message of the factsheet in the textbox provided.

d. Click the “Submit” button.

Screen Shot of Factsheet Personalization

2.15 Network Management- Manager Promote Up

2.15.1. Description

Tupperware DBs can promote a consultant to manager if she satisfies the rules defined.

Using the manager promote up option the DB can view the eligible consultants list and can

promote the deserving consultant..

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2.15.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the List of Consultants Eligible for Promotion screen by

clicking the “Network Management” menu, selecting the “Manager Promote

Up” sub-menu.

b. From the “List of Consultants Eligible for Promotion” screen, search the

consultant name using the drop-down list and textbox by entering the details and

clicking on “Search” button.

c. Click on the “Promote Up” button corresponding to the consultant’s name that you

want to promote.

d. After clicking the Promote Up button, please confirm once again if the manager

actually needs to be promote up by clicking “OK” button.

e. Enter the “Unit Name” in the small dialog box which will become the Unit for that


f. Click the “Submit” button to save the data.

Screen Shot of List of Eligible Consultants

2.16. Network Management- Manager Step Down

2.16.1. Description

The manger can be demoted from her position if she is not able to fulfill the defined

targets. The Manager Step Down option allows the user to view the list of managers and

demote the selected manager. System has an inbuilt auto step down process also which

will automatically run at the time of Week 1 opening of every month. This manual

manager step down option has been provided to Tupperware distributor so that they can

also decide and in case of any reason if DB wants to demote any manager before the auto

run of this process.

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2.16.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Manager Step Down screen by clicking the “Network

Management” menu, selecting the “Manager Step Down” sub-menu.

b. From the “Manager Step Down” screen, search the manager name using the drop-

down list in the textbox provided next to the “Search” button.

c. Choose the checkbox corresponding to the consultant name that you want to demote

from the position of Manager.

d. Click on the “Step Down” button.

e. On clicking the “Step Down” button the manager is demoted and the appropriate

message is displayed.

Screen Shot of List of Managers

Screen Shot of Manager Step down

2.17 EM Promote up Tracking

2.17.1. Description

The EM promote up Tracking allows the user to modify the tracking date of the manager.

2.17.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the EM Promote up tracking screen by clicking the “Network

Management” menu and selecting the “EM Promote up tracking” sub-menu.

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b. The EM Promote up Tracking displays the list of GMs’ that are to be promoted to

Executive manager.

c. Click the “Modify Tracking” button, to modify the tracking date of the group


Screen Shot of EM Promote up Tracking

Screen Shot of EM Promote up Tracking – Modify Date

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2.18 EM Step Down

2.18.1. Description

This option allows the distributor to step down an existing EM in the system.

2.18.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking the “Network Management” menu and

selecting the “EM Step Down” sub-menu.

b. Choose the criteria from the dropdown list (Executive manager name/ Executive

manager code/area name) and enter the relevant details and press the search button.

c. Tick on the candidate to be stepped down and enter the “Submit” button for further


Screen Shot of EM Step Down

2.19 EM Unit Management


The “attach unit” option allows distributor to attach units under an EM. The distributor can

map EM area units by clicking on the check boxes given and can select the tracking from

the combo box as GM Tacking, Built up period or EM Promote Up .

2.19.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the EM Unit Management screen by clicking the “Network

Management” menu and selecting the “EM Unit Management” sub-menu.

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b. The “Attach/ Detach” textbox displays the list of units which are to be attached/

detached to an EM.

c. Click the “Submit” button.

Screen Shot of EM Unit Management

2.20 Consultant Assembly Mapping

2.20.1. Description

The consultants of a distributor need to be mapped to an assembly. The selection of

assembly is done as per the convenience of the consultant. Although the assembly

mapping option exists in Consultant Master also but this option has been developed for

managing the assembly points of the sales force in an easy/ fast way.

2.20.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Assembly Mapping screen by clicking the “Network

Management” menu and selecting the “Assembly Mapping” sub-menu.

b. On the “Assembly Mapping” screen, search the desired consultant by selecting the

consultant code/ name/ unit name option from the drop-down list placed next to

“Search” button.

c. After selecting the appropriate criteria, choose the consultant by clicking on the


d. Select the assembly from the “Assembly” drop-down list.

e. Click the “Submit” button to persist the data.

f. The submitted item mapping is seen in the grid below.

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Screen Shot of Consultant Assembly Mapping

2.21 Consultant De-Activation

2.21.1. Description

Although there is an inbuilt auto process for Consultant Deactivation which would run at

the time of Week 1 opening of every month automatically, still Distributor can decide to

deactivate any consultant at any time and can do the same by using this option. The

distributor can select any number of consultants by selecting the check boxes.

2.21.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Consultant Deactivation screen by clicking the “Network

Management” menu and selecting the “Consultant Deactivation” sub-menu.

b. A drop-box is available for searching consultants through name, code, unit name,

mobile number, manager name etc.

c. Enter the partial or complete details and click the “Search” button to view the

search results.

d. On selecting the appropriate consultant and click the “Deactivate” button.

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Screen Shot of Consultant Deactivation

2.22. Consultant Transfer

2.22.1. Description

Distributor can transfer the consultant from one unit to other unit by selecting the check

box for the numbers of consultant at one go.

2.22.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Consultant Transfer screen by clicking the “Network

Management” menu and selecting the “Consultant Transfer” sub-menu.

b. Enter the “From Unit Name” and “To Unit Name” in respective textboxes.

c. A drop-box is available for searching consultants through name, code, unit name,

mobile number, manager name etc and click on the “Search” button to view the

search results.

d. On selecting the appropriate consultant/ consultants and click the “Submit” button.

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Screen Shot of Consultant Transfer

2.23. Order Processing (COF – Consultant Order Form)

2.23.1. Description

COF i.e. Consultant Order Form is used by the DB to punch consultant orders and even

consultants can also punch their orders directly. While punching order, this form provides

the user a total price of the Tupperware and non-Tupperware products. These orders/

items listed in the COF have to be approved by the distributor after all order forms have

been punched.

2.23.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Consultant Order Form screen by clicking the “Order

Processing” menu and selecting the “COF - Consultant Order Form” sub-menu.

b. From the COF - Consultant Order Form screen, enter the consultant name or select

by clicking the button.

c. The consultant code, unit, assembly, week, and current date are automatically

displayed in the Consultant Code, Unit, Assembly, Week and Ordering Date


d. Enter the item ordering code or click the button to search of the Ordering Code


e. The item description, item code, retail price, and consultant price are displayed in the

Item Description, Ordering Code, Retail Price, and Consultant Price columns.

Enter the quantity of the order in the Quantity textbox.

f. Click the Add New Row button to add additional items to the form.

g. Click the Promotion button to view the promotions for the consultant (hostess

gift, guest offer, brand builders etc) followed by the Submit button.

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h. Sometimes while punching of data, user can miss the Free Guest offers. In that case

the system will prompt the user while saving the COF if the user forgot to tick on

Check box for free offer items.

i. The COF is then finally submitted and an order ID is created by default.

j. The regular sales amount i.e. the sales of the Tupperware items are seen in the

Regular Sales (Rs.) display field.

k. The net sales amount i.e. the sales of the other than Tupperware items i.e. pamphlet,

boxes etc is seen in the Net Sales (Rs.) display field.

l. The total of the regular and net sales is seen in the Total Sales (Rs.) display field.

m. Shortcut keys for Promotion, Submit, Clear and Add new Row (Alt P: Promotion, Alt

S: Submit, Alt C: Clear and Alt N: Add new row). This would speed up your punching


Screen Shot of COF

n. To delete any order input the consultant code/ name again in the COF.A

message will flash whether order needs to be edited. Click “Yes” to proceed

and click on the “Delete Order” option to delete the entire COF.

*Note: After submitting your order, you get a message ‘Order Submitted

Successfully and COF order ID is XXXX’. This ensures that your order is saved

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successfully. In case if you don’t get this message please check that order once

again so that you don’t miss punching any order.

Screen Shot of To be Deleted Order

2.24. DOF – Distributor Order Form

2.24.1. Description

DOF i.e. Distributor Order Form is a form to be filled by the distributor to place orders.

The distributor places orders on behalf of her consultants, managers, GM and EM. Hence,

the DOF allows the distributor to order goods that are not covered under COF/ AOF. The

items included in the DOF are, Kit’s, Samples, Game Gift’s, Attendance Builder, Stationary

and any miscellaneous items which are not covered under COF/ AOF.

In case of DBs handling multiple locations, they need to submit their DOFs location wise

because warehouse will serve the consignment based on location only.

2.24.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Distributor Order Form screen by clicking the Order

Processing menu and selecting the DOF - Distributor Order Form sub-menu.

b. From the DOF - Distributor Order Form screen, current week and current date are

displayed in the Week field.

c. Select the location from the Location drop-down list.

d. Enter the item ordering code or click the button to search for the Ordering Code


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e. Enter the quantity of the order in the Quantity textbox.

f. The corresponding description, DB price, and total price are displayed in the

respective columns.

g. Click the Add New Row button to add additional items to the form.

h. Click the Submit button to save the data.

Screen Shot of DOF - Distributor Order Form

*Note: DOF data need to filled Location wise. Distributors handling multiple

locations can punch their orders location wise.

Also system will prompt for Kit Ordering i.e. “Kit inventory is below 20 ,your

actual kit is (10), Please place kit order in this week”.

2.25 ROF – Replacement Order Form

2.25.1. Description

ROF i.e. Replacement Order Form is an application form to be filled to replace defective

items. As Tupperware gives life-time guarantee of its products, distributor can punch the

details of any defective item using the ROF under Replacement Policy.

2.25.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Replacement Order Form screen by clicking the “Order

Processing” menu and selecting the “ROF - Replacement Order Form” sub-


b. From the ROF - Replacement Order Form screen enter the consultant name or

select by clicking the button.

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c. The consultant code, unit, assembly, week, and current date are automatically

displayed in the “Consultant Code, Unit, Assembly, Location Name and

Executive Manager Name” fields.

d. Enter the item ordering code or click the button to search of the “Ordering Code”


e. Enter the quantity of the order in the “Quantity” textbox.

f. Select the reason for replacement from the “Reason” drop-down list.

g. Click the “Add New Row” button to add additional items to the form.

h. Click the “Submit” button to persist the data.

i. Click the “ROF List” button to view the list of consultants who have placed ROF.

Screen Shot of ROF - Replacement Order Form

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Screen Shot of ROF List

*Note - All orders punched till Week Close (Order Approval) will get uploaded as

one order. I.e. in case if someone is punching between week close on Tuesday

and week open on Friday, these orders will be logged together with the order

approval on next Tuesday.

2.26 ROF Order Close

2.26.1. Description

Distributors can serve the items punched under ROF using this option. This helps to

maintain the proper replacement inventory in the stock.

2.26.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking the “Order Processing” menu and

selecting the “ROF Order Close” sub-menu.

b. On the screen enter the “Year “and “Week” in the relevant fields.

c. From the dropdown select the consultant code or consultant name or unit name or

manager name.

d. Click the “Submit” button and then click on the “Export to Excel” button to

download the report.

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Screen Shot of ROF Order Close

2.27 AOF Order Serving

2.27.1. Description

Distributors can serve the items of AOF module from this option in order to maintain the

proper inventory in their stock.

2.27.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking the “Order Processing” menu and

selecting the “AOF Order Serving” sub-menu.

b. On the screen enter the “Year “, “Week” and “Activity “in the relevant fields.

c. From the dropdown select the consultant code or consultant name or unit name or

manager name.

d. Click the “Submit” button to save the data and click on the “Export to Excel” button

to download the report.

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Screen Shot of AOF Order Serving

2.28 Order Approval

2.28.1. Description

Order approval is a task of the distributor. The orders punched by the DB/ DB Staff or

placed by the sales force online thru internet have to be approved by the distributor.

The order approval form displays the list of items that are ordered by the consultants. The

distributor has to select the items which are to be approved by selecting the checkbox.

The distributor can view the details of the item ordered, using the Order approval form.

2.28.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Order Approval screen by clicking the “Order

Processing” menu and selecting the “Order Approval” sub-menu.

b. On the screen two options are available – internet users and distributor staff.

c. Internet user orders are the ones which consultants place directly from their own

login id while distributor staff orders are the ones which are punched by the staff.

d. From the “Order Approval” screen select the order you want to approve, by

selecting the checkbox next to the order list.

e. Click the “Approve” button, to approve the selected order.

f. The submitted the order is sent for approval.

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Screen Shot of Order Approval

g. In order to check any report status while punching only, orders may be confirmed by

using the ‘Confirm Orders’. By doing this the already punched orders will get

approved and you will be able to see this data in reports. After doing ‘Confirm Orders’

your week will NOT get closed and you will be able to continue your order punching

but you can’t modify/ delete the confirmed orders. System will allow addition of more

items in Confirmed Orders but will not allow modification/ deletion of punched items.

** Note: - Week will not be closed until “Final Approval” button is clicked and

further process is completed. On clicking on this button and completing the

further process, this message would be displayed – “Your AOF approval is done

successfully, week has been closed.”

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2.29 Order Details

2.29.1. Description

The details of the order punched can be seen by order details option. The orders can be

viewed by the order type- COF, DOF and ROF. Distributor can check individually the

details of each order by clicking on the details option of the consultant.

2.29.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Order Detail screen by clicking the “Order Processing”

menu and selecting the “Order Details” sub-menu.

b. Enter the “Order Week”, “Order Year”, and “Order Type” in the relevant


c. Select the search criteria from the dropdown and enter “Search” for obtaining the


Screen shot of Order details

2.30 AOF Process

2.30.1. Description

AOF lists the activity level of the applicable consultants/ Manager/EM. The distributor can

define the item and its associated quantity for a given sales force by selecting it from the


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2.30.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the AOF Process screen by clicking the “Order Process” menu

and clicking on the “AOF Process” button.

b. The “AOF Process” screen is displayed and the distributor can view the AOF process

and the “Party/ Assembly/ Guest Details” which need to be entered in this Tab.

c. The AOF Process screen displays the level, the item with the quantity, the

consultant name and unit name.

d. Select the checkbox corresponding to the given activity level for a consultant which

the distributor wants to process.

e. Select the level of the process from the “Level” drop-down list in case a consultant

wants a different level and is eligible for the same.

f. Select the serving type i.e. either the Distributor or Tupperware from the “Serving

Type” drop-down list.

g. Click the “Process with AOF” button to process the orders with AOF.


Click the “Process without AOF” button to process the orders without AOF.

Screen Shot of AOF Process

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2.31 Material Receipt Note

2.31.1. Description

MRN i.e. Material Receipt Note is an acknowledgment of the consignment received at the

distributors end. The DBs can punch/ report the shortage while doing MRN itself. Once this

shortage is dispatched from warehouse, the same would again reflect in your MRN window.

**In case if there is any item in Invoice from warehouse which is not there in the order

from the Distributor’s end, it is mandatory that it should be mapped as an alternate item to

the original item in the Alternate Item Mapping otherwise one would not be able to do

MRN. In case if one has these kinds of cases, one needs to approach Distribution/

Warehouse for Replacement Invoices (RL) and Marketing for other Invoices.

2.31.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the screen by clicking the Inventory menu and selecting the

MRN-Material Receipt Note sub-menu.

b. For the Material Receipt Note – week wise, click the MRN button corresponding to

the record.

Screen Shot for MRN

c. On clicking on MRN, the “invoice number” is to be selected from the dropdown list

provided. In case of any difference between ordered and received quantity the

reason for the same needs to be selected from the dropdown menu under “Reason”.

Click on the “Submit” button.

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Screen Shot for Inputting Invoice Number/ Type

2.32 Item Allocation after MRN

2.32.1. Description

The option allows the user to allocate items after MRN is generated.

2.32.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the screen by clicking the Inventory menu and selecting the

Item Allocation after MRN sub-menu.

b. In Case of any short shipment received, such items which are short the system

allocates them on FCFS (First Come First Serve) basis but if distributor wants to do

the allocation manually she can do the same.

c. Click on “Allocate” user to allocate the items and then click on “Submit”.

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Screen shot for Item Allocation after MRN

2.33. Packing Slip

2.33.1 Description

Packing slip is a document provided by the distributor to their respective consultants as an

acknowledgement of the served items of their orders. The packing slip displays the details

of the consultant, the details of the unit and the amount of the items packed under this

packing slip.

System will generate separate packing slips as per different Order Weeks.

It would give you an option for sorting selection (Order ID, Consultant Name or Unit Name

+ Consultant Name). It would also show the list of pending MRNs and Allocation for your

reference so that if you want you can clear them before proceeding to Packing slip


2.33.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the “Packing Slip Generation” screen by clicking the

“Inventory” menu and selecting the “Packing Slip Generation” sub-menu.

b. From the “Packing Slip Generation” screen, select the assembly name from the

“Assembly” drop-down list.

c. On selecting the assembly name, the packing slip details are displayed.

d. Click the “Generate Packing Slip” button to generate the packing slip.

e. On clicking the “Generate Packing Slip button”, the system displays a message.

f. The “Print Register” and “Print Packing Slips” buttons are enabled.

g. Click the appropriate button to generate the printout of the packing slip.

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Screen Shot for Packing Slip

2.34 Invoice Generation

2.34.1. Description

This option is to be used for punching the receipts of the amount received from the

consultants and generating the Invoices against their pending Packing Slips.

It would also show the Order ID, Order Year and Order Week as well. The receipt amount

would get filled automatically after selection of relevant packing slip equal to the order

value but would be editable. Advance will be recorded against order week only and system

will not allow selecting multiple order week packing slip. System should not take the

receipt amount more than the order value.

2.34.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Invoice Generation screen by clicking the “Inventory”

menu and selecting the “Invoice Generation” sub-menu.

b. Enter the consultant’s name for whom the invoice needs to be generated and upon

receiving the details enter the “Receipt No” and “Receipt Amount”. The “Receipt Date

“by default will be the current date.

c. Click on the packing slip against which invoice needs to be generated.

d. Click the “Generate Invoice” button to generate the invoice number of the order

e. Click on the “Save Advance “option to save the amount as advance against that

packing slip.

f. The option of “Pending Invoice” helps in obtaining a list of all the consultants for

whom invoice is still to be generated.

g. There is a button beside Advance where you can check week wise advance.

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Screen Shot of Invoice Generation

Consultant Advance Detail:

Click here to view

Advance Detail

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This screen shows week wise advance detail and “0” Order Year and “0” Order Week

indicates old advance prior to new system.

2.35. Kit Invoice

2.35.1. Description

Kits are set of Tupperware items given to a new consultant. The kit invoice option

generates invoice of the available kits for new consultants.

2.35.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Kit Invoice screen by clicking the “Inventory” menu and

selecting the “Kit Invoice” sub-menu.

b. On the Kit Invoice screen, enter the name of the consultant whose invoice needs to

be generated.

c. Enter the receipt number in the “Receipt Number” box and receipt date in the “

Receipt Date” box The date being displayed in the receipt date box will be the one

on which the last kit invoice was generated (which may be modified to any date till


d. Click the “Generate Invoice” button to save the data.

e. The invoice of the submitted kit is generated with the invoice number displayed.

f. For all the pending kits whose invoice needs to be generated the list may be

obtained by clicking on the “Pending Kit Invoice” at the bottom of the page.

Screen Shot of Kit Invoice Generation

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2.36 Auto Advance Adjustment

2.36.1. Description

This option would help to generate the Invoices in one shot for the cases where Advance

amount is available.

This would save your time and would facilitate in clearing the Invoices of shortages

received from warehouse for which receipt have already been punched before.

2.36.2. How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking the “Inventory” menu and selecting the

“Auto Advance Adjustment” sub-menu.

b. On the screen, enter the date for which the invoices need to be generated.

c. Click the “Generate Invoice” button to persist the data.

Screen Shot of Auto Advance Adjustment

2.37 Unpick Order

2.37.1 Description

This option allows a distributor to unpick all those orders in the system which has not been

picked by consultants. This helps in optimum utilization of the unpicked items by way of DB

Serve. The orders/ items of an order which are at Packing Slip Stage can be unpicked with

this option After unpick, items would be stored in DB Stock in disassemble form (in FG

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form) i.e. if the promotion is in sets and containing different items then it would hit your DB

Stock in FG form.

2.37.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking the “Inventory” menu and selecting the

“Unpick Order” sub-menu.

b. Choose the week by selecting from the dropdown and enter the “Submit” button.

Screen Shot of Unpick Order Screen

2.38 Inventory View

2.38.1 Description

The Distributor can view the entire inventory which is her stock both in terms of actual

stock and stock in hand. Actual stock is that stock which comprises of her office stock and

all the orders for which invoices have not been generated. Stock in hand is only her office

stock which is physically present in office (excluding orders). Current week item is a list of

all the products available for DB serve in a given week. Replacement stock is that stock

which had been sent for replacing and has been serviced from the warehouse. It too will

be visible after running the MRN only.

2.38.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking the “Inventory” menu and selecting the

“Inventory View” sub-menu.

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b. Choose the view by selecting “Actual Stock”, “Stock in Hand” or “Current Week

Items” option.

c. After this, select the search criteria from the dropdown (item code/ description) and

enter the “Search” button. If the entire list is to be viewed, press the “Search”

button without giving any option.

Screen Shot of Inventory View

2.39 Invoice View

2.39.1 Description

The Distributor can view the invoices/ Invoice register both for normal consultant orders

as well as kits for the ones which have been already generated in the system.

2.39.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Invoice View screen by clicking the “Inventory” menu and

selecting the “Invoice View” sub-menu.

b. Choose the viewing by selecting “Invoice From” and “Invoice To” option.

c. After this, select the invoice week from the “Invoice Week “drop-down list, select the

search criteria from the dropdown (consultant code/ consultant name/ unit name etc)

and enter the “Search” button.

d. For viewing and printing each invoice individually, click on the “Details” option and

print the document.

e. For viewing and printing all invoices together click on the “Print Invoice” option.

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f. For viewing and printing the summary of invoices use the “Print Invoice Register”


Screen Shot of Invoice View

2.40 Packing slip view

2.40.1 Description

This option helps the distributor to view the packing slips for all those weeks for

which they have already generated the Packing Slips. You can see/ print packing slips on Order Week wise as well.

The Packing Slip prints are different for “Packing Slip Week wise” and “Order Week wise”, so you may use which ever suits you.

2.40.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Packing Slip View screen by clicking the “Inventory” menu

and selecting the “Packing Slip View” sub-menu.

b. Select the packing slip week from the “Packing Slip” drop-down list, select the search

criteria from the dropdown (consultant code/ consultant name/ unit name) and enter

the “Search” button.

c. For viewing and printing each slip individually, click on the “Details” option and print

the document.

d. For viewing and printing all slips together click on the “Print Packing Slips” option.

e. For viewing and printing the summary of packing slips use the “Print Register”


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Screen Shot of Packing Slip View

2.41 Payment to Tupperware

2.41.1 Description

In this option distributor can see the details of all the pending documents like Invoice,

credit notes or debit notes. They can select the documents which they want to process for

making the payment to Tupperware.

2.41.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Payment to Tupperware screen by clicking the

“Financial” menu.

b. The invoice for which payment is to be made click on the checkbox next to it and

input the amount in the “Cheque Amount” textbox.

c. Enter the “Bank Name”, “Cheque Number” and the “Date” in the textbox and

click on the “Submit” button.

d. The “Document amount” shows the invoiced amount and “Amount due as per

Tupperware “shows how much amount is payable to Tupperware. Amount which the

distributor has already paid and which is under process by Tupperware is reflected in

the” Amount paid and under process”.

e. The details of the amounts already paid can be viewed also.

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Screen Shot of Payment to Tupperware

** Note – Amount lesser than the Amount Due can be inputted in the system.

System will not allow clicking on the check box if already made the full payment.

2.42 Refund to Sales Force

2.42.1 Description

In this option distributor can see the details of all those amounts which had been collected

as advances and which need to be refunded. The order week and order year are also

mentioned. Also the option of settling the old advance is available by ticking on the


2.42.1 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the “Refund to Sales Force” screen by clicking the “Financial”


b. The consultant who needs to be refunded her name should be entered in the box and

the details will automatically appear on the screen.

c. Enter the amount in the “Refund Amount” box and select the mode of payment –

Cash/ Cheque.

d. Click on “Submit “button to submit the details or “Clear” button to re- enter the


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Screen Shot of Refund to Sales Force

2.43 Consultant Master Report

2.43.1 Description

This report helps in knowing all the details about a recruit – week of recruitment, year of

recruitment, unit name, unit code, manager name etc.

2.43.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Consultant Master Report screen by clicking on the

“MIS” menu and selecting “Masters” as the sub menu and then finally selecting

“Consultant Master Report”.

b. The “Location”, “Assembly” and “Unit Name” details should be inputted in the

respective textboxes.

c. Select the “Active”, “Inactive” or “All” recruits from the dropdown and enter the

“From Week – To Week” and “From Year – To Year” details.

d. Click on the “Generate Report” button to download the report.

e. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


f. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

g. A small mark (Up & down Arrows) beside any of the columns can be used to sort the

report by that column .

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Screen Shot of Consultant Master Report

*Note: Consultant Master is open for editing even after the week is closed.

2.44 Unit Master Report

2.44.1 Description

This report helps in knowing all the details about a unit – promote out week, unit code –

both old and new, location, assembly of the unit, manager name etc.

2.44.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Unit Master Report screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu

and selecting “Masters” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Unit Master


b. The “Location” and “Assembly” details should be inputted in the respective


c. Select the “Active”, “Inactive” or “All” units from the dropdown and click on the

“Generate Report” button to download the report.

d. The report can be printed by clicking icon which is on the right upper corner or by

exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the same.

e. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

f. A small mark (Up & down Arrows) beside any of the columns can be used to sort the

report by that column .

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Screen Shot of Unit Master Report

2.45 EM Master Report

2.45.1 Description

This report helps in knowing all the details about an EM – promote out week, Build up

period, unit name, unit code, unit status, manager name etc. In case unit status is false, it

means unit is inactive and if unit status is true it means unit is active.

2.45.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the EM Master Report screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu

and selecting “Masters” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “EM Master


b. The “From Year – To Year” and “From Week – To Week” details should be

inputted in the respective textboxes click on the “Generate Report” button to

download the report.

c. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


d. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

e. A small mark (Up & down Arrows) beside any of the columns can be used to sort the

report by that column

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Screen Shot of EM Master Report

2.46 Consultant Wise Item Details

2.46.1 Description

This report helps in knowing the item wise details ordered by each consultant each week

category, item code, ordering code, item description, unit name, consultant name,

ordered quantity, MRP, consultant price etc.

2.46.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Consultant Wise Item Details screen by clicking on the

“MIS” menu and selecting “Order Processing” as the sub menu and then finally

selecting “Consultant Wise Item Details”.

b. The “Location”, “Assembly” and “Unit Name” details should be inputted in the

respective textboxes.

c. Enter the “From Week – To Week” and “From Year – To Year” details and click on

the “Generate Report” button to download the report.

d. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


e. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

f. A small mark (Up & down Arrows) beside any of the columns can be used to sort the

report by that column .

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Screen Shot of Consultant Wise Item Details

*Note: This report is available even before approval (any time while punching)

2.47 COF Register

2.47.1 Description

This report shows the order value for each and every order for each week. Both the COF

value and the Amount actually due are present in this report and as such can be used for

collecting cash and handing over the orders. All details are covered for each like- unit

code, unit name, location, assembly of the unit, consultant name etc. Sub – totals for

each unit are given at the end of each unit and grand total for the entire week is given at

the end of the report.

2.47.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the COF Register screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and

selecting “Order Processing” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “COF


b. The “Location”, “Assembly” and “Unit Name” details should be inputted in the

respective textboxes.

c. Enter the “From Week – To Week” and “From Year – To Year” details and click

on the “Generate Report” button to download the report.

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d. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


e. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

f. A small mark (Up & down Arrows) beside any of the columns can be used to sort the

report by that column.

Screen Shot of COF Register

*Note: This report is available even before approval (any time while punching)

2.48 Packing Slip Register Report

2.48.1 Description

This report shows the packing slips of the entire week together. Thus it is in a register

form. The packing slips may be taken individually for a week or together for a couple of

weeks. The details covered are- unit code, unit name, location, assembly of the unit,

consultant name, packing slip date, packing slip number etc. Sub – totals for each unit are

given at the end of each unit and grand total for the entire week is given at the end of the


2.48.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Packing Slip Register screen by clicking on the MIS menu

and selecting “Order Processing” as the sub menu and then finally selecting

“Packing Slip Register”.

b. The “Location”, “Assembly” and “Unit Name” details should be inputted in the

respective textboxes.

c. Enter the “From Week – To Week” and “From Year – To Year” details and click

on the “Generate Report” button to download the report.

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d. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


e. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

f. A small mark (Up & down Arrows) beside any of the columns can be used to sort the

report by that column.

Screen Shot of Packing Slip Register

*Note: The packing slip week is the week in which packing slips were generated

and not in which the orders were punched.

2.49 Activity Register

2.49.1 Description

This register gives you the details of all Activities (unit/ personal), Recruiting Gifts, High

Starts & Mission Million which are getting calculated by the system at the time of Order

Approval in the form of Activity Order Form (AOF). Apart from the register these activities

may be tracked also week on week by using the “Activity Tracking” option. Also the MM

targets are available to cross check the eligibility.

2.49.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the MIS menu and selecting “Order

Processing” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Activity Register”.

b. Enter the “From Week – To Week”, “From Year – To Year”, “Location”, “and

Assembly”, “Activity Type” details and click on the “Generate Report” button to

download the report.

c. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


d. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

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Screen Shot of Activity Register

*Note: This report is available only after order approval and not while punching.

2.50 Replacement Order Register

2.50.1 Description

This report shows the consolidated quantity for each product ordered in a particular week

towards replacement. This report contains details like – order week/ year, consultant

code/ name

2.50.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the MIS menu and selecting “Order

Processing” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Replacement Order


b. Enter the “From Week – To Week”, “From Year – To Year”, “Location”, “and

Assembly”, “Order Type” details and click on the “Generate Report” button to

download the report.

c. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner or

by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the same.

d. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

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Screen Shot of Replacement Order Register

2.51 Item wise Summary

2.51.1 Description

This report shows the consolidated quantity for each product ordered in a particular week

and whether any product is pending or has been received in full quantity – for COF, DOF,

ROF and AOF. The following details will be available in this report- item code, item

description, ordered quantity, allocated quantity, pending, DB serve/ Tupperware Serve


2.51.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Item wise Summary screen by clicking on the MIS menu

and selecting “Order Processing” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Item

wise Summary”.

b. Enter the “From Week – To Week”, “From Year – To Year”, “Location”, “and

Assembly”, “Order Type” details and click on the “Generate Report” button to

download the report.

c. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


d. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

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Screen Shot of Item Wise Summary

*Note: This report is available even before approval (any time while punching)

2.52 Orders Received through Internet

2.52.1 Description

This report shows the total orders received through internet in each week from a


2.52.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the MIS menu and selecting “Order

Processing” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Item wise Summary”.

b. Enter the “From Week – To Week”, “From Year – To Year”, “Location”, “and

Assembly”, “Order Type” details and click on the “Generate Report” button to

download the report.

c. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner or

by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


d. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

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Screen Shot of Orders Received Through Internet Report

2.53 Product wise listing of Orders through Internet

2.53.1 Description

This report shows the details of products ordered by each consultant through internet

along with the value of such orders.

2.53.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the MIS menu and selecting “Order

Processing” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Product wise listing of

orders through Internet”.

b. Enter the “From Week – To Week”, “From Year – To Year”, “Location”, “and

Assembly”, “Order Type” details and click on the “Generate Report” button to

download the report.

c. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


d. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

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Screen Shot of Product Wise Listing Of Orders

2.54 Kit Status Report

2.54.1 Description

i. This register helps in showing the status of the total kits which have been punched in the

system and total kits invoiced till the selected week.

2.54.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Kit Status Report screen by clicking on the MIS menu and

selecting “Order Processing” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Kit

Status Report”.

b. The “Location”, “Assembly” and “Unit Name” details should be inputted in the

respective textboxes.

c. Enter the “From Week – To Week” and “From Year – To Year” details and click

on the “Generate Report” button to download the report.

d. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


e. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

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Screen Shot of Kit Status Report

2.55 Pick and Pack Register

2.55.1 Description

ii. This register can be taken after MRN and Item Allocation. This would provide you Unit/

Consultant/ COF number wise item details. This report can be used for packing the

consultant orders. In case of multiple deliveries on different days one can get this report

only for the items received on a specific date (MRN Date) day

2.55.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the Pick and Part Register screen by clicking on the MIS menu

and selecting “Order Processing” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Pick

and Pack Register”.

b. Enter the “MRN from Date” and “MRN to Date” details and click on the “Generate

Report” button to download the report.

c. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner or

by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the same.

d. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

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Screen Shot of Pick and Pack Report

2.56 ALL KPIs’

2.56.1 Description

This report shows the KPIs’ of a distributor for a particular week or a couple of weeks

together– total sales, recruits , Q - Rec, managers promoted, COFs’, QCOFs’ etc.

2.56.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and selecting “Sales”

as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Monthly Sales Report”.

b. The “Location”, “Assembly” and “Unit Name” details should be inputted in the

respective textboxes.

c. Enter the “From Week – To Week” and “From Year – To Year” details and click on

the “Generate Report” button to download the report.

d. The report can be printed by clicking icon which is on the right upper corner or by

exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the same.

e. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

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Screen Shot of ALL KPI Report

*Note: This report is available even before approval (any time while punching)

2.57 DWSA

2.57.1 Description

This particular report shows the KPIs’ of a distributor for a particular week – total sales,

recruiting, managers promoted, opening manager/ consultant count , GM count, QM count


2.57.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the DWSA screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and selecting

“Sales” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “DWSA”.

b. Enter the “Order Week” and “Order Year” button to download the report.

c. The report can be printed by clicking icon which is on the right upper corner or by

exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the same.

d. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

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Screen Shot of DWSA

*Note: This report is available even before approval (any time while punching)

2.58 On Pace Sales Report

2.58.1 Description

This report has a double advantage. It shows the weekly sale of each consultant which

helps in keeping a track of her performance in order to find the gap. It also shows the

sales against which invoices have been generated and OR punching has been done.

Details covered under this are - consultant name, consultant code, week sales, pending

amount due etc. The data is available unit wise individually. At a given point of time data

cannot be viewed for more than 5 weeks.

2.58.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the On Pace Sales Report screen by clicking on the “MIS”

menu and selecting “Sales” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “On Pace

Sales Report”.

b. The “Location”, “Assembly” and “Unit Name” details should be inputted in the

respective textboxes.

c. Enter the “From Week – To Week” and “From Year – To Year” details and click

on the “Generate Report” button to download the report.

d. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


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e. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

f. These arrows help in selecting the other units and these arrows help in

reaching at the beginning and end of the report.

Screen Shot of On Pace Sales

*Note: This report is available even before approval (any time while punching)

2.59 Order Vs. Invoiced

2.59.1 Description

This report helps in knowing the total sales of the weeks selected vs the invoiced sales of

the same selected weeks.

2.59.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and selecting “Sales”

as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Order vs. Invoiced”.

b. The “Location”, “Assembly” and “Unit Name” details should be inputted in the

respective textboxes.

c. Enter the” From Year – To Year”, “From Week – To Week” details and click on the

“Generate Report” button to download the report.

d. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner or

by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the same.

e. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

f. These arrows help in selecting the other units and these arrows help in

reaching at the beginning and end of the report.

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Screen Shot of Ordered Vs Invoiced

2.60 Unpick Order Report

2.60.1 Description

This report gives details of all orders which are not picked in the system along with the

relevant weeks in which this has happened. The details present in this report are –

consultant name, code, unit name, manager name, unpicked order value, order week,

unpick week.

2.60.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and selecting “Sales”

as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Unpick Report”.

b. The “Location”, “Assembly” and “Unit Name” details should be inputted in the

respective textboxes.

c. Enter the” From Year – To Year”, “From Week – To Week” details and click on the

“Generate Report” button to download the report.

d. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner or

by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the same.

e. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

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Screen Shot of Unpick Order Report

**Note: Only packing slip stage items will get unpicked in the system.

2.61 Outstanding Report – Consultant Wise

2.61.1 Description

As per this report, details of outstanding/ not picked orders of a consultant week wise may

be viewed with the help of this. This helps in keeping a track of the unpicked orders.

2.61.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and selecting

“Finance” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Outstanding Report –

Consultant wise”.

b. The “Location”, “Assembly” and “Unit Name” details should be inputted in the

respective textboxes.

c. Enter the” As on Year”, “As on Week” details and click on the “Generate Report”

button to download the report. These details may be obtained ordering wise or packing

slip wise.

d. The report can be printed by clicking this icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


e. Clicking on this will help refresh the report.

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Screen Shot of Outstanding Report – Consultant Wise

2.62 Sales Tax Register

2.62.1 Description

This register helps ascertaining the amount of sales tax to be paid for a certain period

(monthly/ quarterly) for both kits as well as orders sale. The sale is taken basis invoice

no/ packing slip ID. Thus only those sales will appear in this for which invoice has been

generated in the system.

2.62.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and selecting

“Finance” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Sales Tax Register”.

b. Enter the “From Date – To date” details and click on the “Generate Report” button

to download the report. These details may be obtained ordering wise or packing slip


c. The report can be printed by clicking the print icon which is on the right upper corner or

by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the same.

d. Clicking on the refresh icon will help refresh the report.

e. The arrows help in selecting the other units and help in reaching at the beginning and

end of the report.

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Screen Shot of Sales Tax Register

2.63 Invoice Sales

2.63.1 Description

This report helps in knowing the total invoiced sale for a selected time period (a week or a

number of weeks).

2.63.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and selecting

“Finance” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Invoiced Sales”.

b. Enter the “From Date – To date” details and click on the “Generate Report” button

to download the report. These details may be obtained ordering wise or packing slip


c. The report can be printed by clicking the print icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


d. Clicking on the refresh icon will help refresh the report.

e. The arrows help in selecting the other units and help in reaching at the beginning and

end of the report.

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Screen Shot of Invoiced Sales

2.64 Active Incentive

2.64.1 Description

This report helps in calculating the manager commission bonus and active bonus for each

manager. The details present in this report are – consultant name, sale per week

(ordered and invoiced), total QCOFs’ etc.

2.64.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and selecting

“Incentive” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Active Incentive”.

b. The “Year”, “Month” and “Unit Manager” details should be inputted in the

respective textboxes.

c. The report maybe generated using the Paid Ins/ Without Paid Ins option.

d. The report can be printed by clicking the print icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


e. Clicking on the refresh icon will help refresh the report.

f. The arrows help in selecting the other units and help in reaching at the beginning

and end of the report.

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Screen Shot of Active Incentive Report

2.65 Consultant Wise Performance Report

2.65.1 Description

This report gives the details of a consultant with respect to her sales, recruits, COFs’ and

QCOFs’. Details covered under this are - consultant name, consultant code, sales, recruits

amount due, paid ins etc. The distributors could track the performance of new recruits

beyond 8 weeks in terms of both sales and number of recruits.

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2.65.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the On Pace Sales Report screen by clicking on the “MIS”

menu and selecting “Sales” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “On Pace

Sales Report”.

b. The “Location”, “Assembly” and “Unit Name” details should be inputted in the

respective textboxes.

c. Enter the “From Week – To Week”, “From Year – To Year”, “Min Sales – Max

Sales” and “Min Rec- Max Rec” details and click on the “Generate Report” button

to download the report.

d. The report can be printed by clicking the print icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


e. Clicking on the refresh icon will help refresh the report.

f. The arrows help in selecting the other units and help in reaching at the beginning and

end of the report.

Screen Shot of Consultant Wise Performance Report

2.66 Consignment not picked within two weeks

2.66.1 Description

This report gives the details of a consultant with respect to her unpicks for the last two

weeks. Details covered under this are - consultant name, consultant code, unit name,

manager name, sale of week etc.

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2.66.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and selecting

“Consultant” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Consignment not picked

within two weeks”.

b. The “Location”, “Assembly”, “As on Year” and “As on Week” details should be

inputted in the respective textboxes and click on the “Generate Report” button to

download the report.

c. The report can be printed by clicking the print icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


d. Clicking on the refresh icon will help refresh the report.

e. The arrows help in selecting the other units and help in reaching at the beginning and

end of the report.

Screen Shot of Consignment not picked in last two weeks

2.67 New Recruit Sales Performance

2.67.1 Description

This report helps in keeping a track on the sales of the new recruit over an 8 week time

period in order to gauge whether the recruiter has become eligible for the recruiting gift

and the manager for the power bonus. Details covered under this are - consultant name,

consultant code, 8 week sales, week of joining, recruiter name, eligibility etc. The

distributors could use this report to identify non-performing recruits and then check

whether these recruits have gone through the Right Start process.

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2.67.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to the New Recruit Sales Performance screen by clicking on

the ‘MIS” menu and selecting “Consultant” as the sub menu and then finally

selecting “New Recruit Sales Performance”.

b. The “Location” details should be inputted in the textbox and enter the “From

Week – To Week” and “From Year – To Year” details and click on the “Generate

Report” button to download the report.

c. The report can be printed by clicking the print icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


d. Clicking on the refresh icon will help refresh the report.

e. The arrows help in selecting the other units and help in reaching at the beginning

and end of the report.

Screen Shot of New Recruit Sales Performance

*Note: This report is available even before approval (any time while punching)

2.68 Consultant going to be deactivated

2.68.1 Description

The report shows the consultants who are likely to get deactivated at the beginning of

next month since they have not placed a single qualified order (of Rs. 2,200 or above) in

the last 17 weeks (approx. 4 months). The report also shows the last week in which the

orders were placed by such consultants as well as the value of the last order. The report

could be used to revive the consultants who have not been active for a while and are likely

to be deactivated at the beginning of next month. This report gives the details of all

consultants who are going to be deactivated in the system as of a certain week. Details

covered under this are - consultant name, consultant code, unit name, manager name,

recruiter name, week of joining, last order week etc.

2.68.2 How to Arrive at?

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a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and selecting

“Consultant” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Consultant going to be


b. Enter the “Location” and “Assembly” details in the respective textboxes and click on

the “Generate Report” button to download the report.

c. The report can be printed by clicking the print icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


d. Clicking on the refresh icon will help refresh the report.

e. The arrows help in selecting the other units and help in reaching at the beginning and

end of the report.

Screen Shot of Consultant Going To Be Deactivated

*Note: This report is available even before approval (any time while punching)

2.69 Consultants Tracking for Promote Out - Report

2.69.1 Description

Under this, all consultants who are on tracking to become eligible to be a manager are

visible along with their eligibility status. The details covered under this are - consultant

name, consultant code, unit name, unit code etc. The distributors could use this report to

identify consultants who could possibly become managers over the next month or two.

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2.69.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this report screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and selecting

“Consultants” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Consultants Tracking

for Promote Out- Report”.

b. The “Location” and “Assembly” details should be inputted in the respective


c. The report can be printed by clicking the print icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


d. Clicking on the refresh icon will help refresh the report.

e. The arrows help in selecting the other units and help in reaching at the beginning

and end of the report.

Screen Shot of Consultant Tracking for Promote Out – Report

*Note: This report is available even before approval (any time while punching)

2.70 Manager Performance – All KPIs’

2.70.1 Description

This report gives the details of a manager with respect to all her KPIs’ - sales, recruits,

COFs’, QCOFs’ etc. The details covered under this are - manager name, manager code,

sales – personal and unit, recruits – personal and unit, promote ups, activity, QM status

etc. The report could be used for two purposes. Firstly, to track the performance of

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managers and identify the promising ones who may need to go through Manager

University for further growth. Secondly, for identifying managers who are at an activity

level of 6+1 or more but are not Group Managers since they do not have a promote up.

The distributors could work with such managers.

2.70.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and selecting

“Manager” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Manager Performance –

All KPIs’”.

b. The “Location” and “Assembly” details should be inputted in the respective


c. Enter the “From Week – To Week” and “From Year – To Year” details and click

on the “Generate Report” button to download the report.

d. The report can be printed by clicking the print icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


e. Clicking on the refresh icon will help refresh the report.

f. The arrows help in selecting the other units and help in reaching at the beginning

and end of the report.

Screen Shot of Manager Performance – All KPIs’

**Note: This report is available even before approval (any time while punching).

2.71 Manager Going to be stepped down

2.71.1 Description

The report shows the list of managers who are likely to be stepped down for not achieving

the 3+1 activity standard in two consecutive months – personal sales, QCOFs’, current

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personal sales, current QCOFs’ etc. The report could be used working with managers who

are likely to be stepped down. The distributors could plan and attend unit meetings for

such managers, have discussions with them and identify the training necessary to get

these managers back into business

2.71.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and selecting

“Manager” as the sub menu and then finally selecting’ Manager Going to be

stepped down”.

b. Enter the “Location” and “Assembly” details in the relevant boxes.

c. Click on “Generate report” to obtain the report.

c. The report can be printed by clicking the print icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


d. Clicking on the refresh icon will help refresh the report.

e. The arrows help in selecting the other units and help in reaching at the beginning and

end of the report.

Screen Shot of Manager to be Stepped Down

*Note: This report is available even before approval (any time while punching)

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2.72 Group Manager DB level

2.72.1 Description

This report gives the details of a group manager with respect to all her KPIs’ – personal

sales, unit ASF, Unit Sales etc for both mother and baby manager.

2.72.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and selecting

“Manager” as the sub menu and then finally selecting’ Group Manager Tracking DB


b. Enter the “Year” and “Month” details in the relevant boxes. This report can be

generated both with paid ins and without paid ins.

c. Click on “Generate report” to obtain the report.

d. The report can be printed by clicking the print icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


e. Clicking on the refresh icon will help refresh the report.

f. The arrows help in selecting the other units and help in reaching at the beginning and

end of the report.

Screen Shot of GM Report

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2.73 EM Performance – Unit wise/ Consultant wise

2.73.1 Description

This report gives the details of an executive manager with respect to all her KPIs’ - sales,

recruits, P – ups, ASF etc. The details covered under this are - manager name, , sales –

area and incremental, recruits – area, promote ups – area, ASF – area and Incremental.

This report may be obtained unit wise or consultant wise.

2.73.2 How to Arrive at?

a. User can navigate to this screen by clicking on the “MIS” menu and selecting

“Manager” as the sub menu and then finally selecting “Manager Performance – All


b. The “Location” and “Assembly” details should be inputted in the respective


c. Enter the “From Week – To Week” and “From Year – To Year” details and click on

the “Generate Report” button to download the report.

d. The report can be printed by clicking the print icon which is on the right upper corner

or by exporting this report to Excel or Acrobat (PDF) and then taking a print of the


e. Clicking on the refresh icon will help refresh the report.

f. The arrows help in selecting the other units and help in reaching at the beginning and

end of the report.

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Screen Shot of EM Performance

**Note: For checking EM Performance status from report during Order Punching,

the punched orders need to be confirmed first and then this report should be run.