War & peace 8 july

Conductor Christopher Tinker WAR PEACE Tuesday 8th July 2014 Ingatestone Hall Ingatestone


The Stondon Singers concert "War & Peace" 8 July as part of the Brentwood Arts Festival 2014

Transcript of War & peace 8 july

Conduc t o r C h r i s t o p h e r T i n k e r


Tuesday 8th July 2014 Ingatestone Hall


Part of the Brentwood

Arts Festival 2014

P r o g r a m m e

Let God ar i se in ma je s t y W h y f u m ' t h in f i gh t Quomodo c an t ab imus

Missa de la Batal la escoutez Glor ia

Versa est in l u c t um

I n ie iun io e t f l e t u C iv i tas sanct i t u i

O q u a m g l o r i o s um 0 q u a m g l o r i o sum

I n t e r v a l

Missa pro De func t i s Requ i em in a e t e r n u m

La Gue r re

Missa de la Batal la escoutez Sanc tus Agnus Dei

Missa p ro De func t i s Lux ae te rna

E m e n d e m u s in me l ius Th is swee t and m e r r y m o n t h of May

Quomodo cantab imus How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land? I f I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. I f I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief j oy . Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem.

Gloria in exce ls is Glory to God in the highest, and peace to His people on earth. We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we adore Thee, we glorify Thee, we give Thee thanks for Thy great glory. Lord God, heavenly King, almighty God and Father. Lord Jesus Christ, only-begotten Son. Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, who takest away the sin of the world, have mercy on us; Thou who takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; Thou who sittest at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For Thou alone art the Holy One, Thou alone art the Lord, Thou alone art the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

V e r s a et luctum My harp is turned to mourning and my music into the voice of those that weep.

Spare me, Lord, for my days are nothing.

I n ieiunio et fletu Fasting and weeping, the priests shall pray: Spare Thy people, Lord, and give not Thy heritage over to destruction.

Between the porch and the altar, the priests shall pray: Spare Thy people.

Civ i tas sanct i tui Thy holy city has become a wilderness; Sion is laid waste and Jerusalem is a desolation. O quam gloriosum O how glorious is the kingdom wherein all the saints rejoice in Christ; clothed in white robes they follow the Lamb wherever He goes, praising God and saying: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power and might be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.

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Intro i t : Requiem aeternum Grant them eternal rest, 0 Lord, and let perpetual light shine on them.

I t is f i tt ing that a hymn should be raised unto Thee in Sion and a vow paid to Thee in Jerusalem: give ear to my prayer, O Lord, unto Thee shall all flesh come at last. Grant them eternal rest

See following page for La Guerre

S a n c t u s Holy, holy, holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest.

Agnus Dei Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, grant us peace

Communio: Lux ae te rna Let l ight perpetual shine on them, O Lord, in the company of Thy saints for evermore, because Thou art merciful.

Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine on them, in the company of Thy saints for evermore, because Thou art merciful.

E m e n d e m u s in Melius Let us amend our ways for the better where ignorantly we have sinned lest, the day of our death coming suddenly upon us, we seek in vain for t ime to repent of our deeds.

Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy on us for we have sinned against Thee. Help us, O God our saviour, and absolve us for the honour of Thy holy name.

La Guerre

P a r t i Listen, all you gallant noblemen, To the victory of the noble King Francois. And you shall hear, if you listen wel l , Clouts hurled f rom every side. Fifes, blow; strike, drummers; Turn, spin, make your turns. Soldiers, good comrades, together cross your staves. Band together quickly, noble Gascons. Noblemen, j u m p in your saddles, The lance in your fist, daring and swift, like lions! Arquebusiers, make your sounds. Buckle your arms, elegant minions. Strike them! Hit them! Alarm, a larm! Be daring, be joy fu l , let everyone smarten up. The fleur de lys, Flower of high prize, is here in person. Follow Frangois, Francois, the King, Follow the crown. Let trumpets & clarions resound to delight our comrades,

Part I I Fan fan, fre re le le Ian fan. Fa ri ra ri ra. Quickly rally to the colours. Into the saddle, men at arms. Fre re le le Ian fan [etc.] Roar & thunder, bombards and cannons. Thunder, great warhorses and falcons, to help our comrades, Von von, pa t i pa toe, etc. Ta ri ra [etc.] Pon, pon [etc.] la la la ... poin poin ... la ri le ron. France, have courage, deal your blows. Squeeze them, catch them, wipe them out, stare them down. Pa t i pa toe [e tc . ] Kill them, put them to death. Take courage, strike, kill them. Be valiant, you noble, brave men. Strike them down, hurl yourselves at them. Freshly cast blades, stab them. Alarm, a larm! Take courage, pursue, strike, hurl. They're confused, they're lost. They take to their heels. Let all the weaklings flee the f ield, armour t inkl ing. They are defeated. Victory to the noble King Francois! Let all the feeble troublemakers flee the field.

"Translation by Isabelle Cazeaux

C h r i s t o p h e r T i n k e r was educated a t t he Royal Col lege o f Music in London , and la te r a t Du rham and Lancaster Un ivers i t ies , and now e n j o y s a var ied ca reer as a mus i c i an . A longs ide m a n y yea r s as a D i rec to r of Music in severa l schools, he has a lways ma i n t a i n ed an ac t i ve profess iona l l i fe as an o rgan i s t , conduc to r and compose r . His conduc t i ng career has t aken h im t h r o u g h o u t Br i ta in and Europe, and also t o sou the rn Afr ica and Japan. He has wo r ked w i t h such ensemb les as t h e London Mozart P layers, U lvers ton Chora l Soc iety, A l debu rgh Music C lub, P i e t e rmar i t zbu rg Ph i lharmon ic Soc ie ty and Royal Ph i lharmon ic Orchest ra , and has conducted such l a ndma r k pe r f o rmances as Elgar's Dream of Gerontius c o m m e m o r a t i n g Card ina l Newman ' s cen tena ry , Wa l ton ' s Belshazzar's Feast in Ripon Ca thed ra l , Verdi 's Requ iem in t h e Royal A lbe r t Hall w i t h a massed cho i r o f 500 vo ices , and t he Mon teve rd i Vespers in ce lebra t i on of f o u r hundred years o f pub l i ca t ion . He has cons iderab le exper i ence in chu r ch music, f i r s t l y as o rgan i s t t o t h e King's School , Can t e rbu r y , a t t h e ca thedra l , and la ter as a chora l t r a i n e r on RSCM courses , and as t h e mus ica l d i r e c to r of serv ices in m a n y English ca thed ra l s and churches . Ch r i s t ophe r presents chora l and educat iona l wo rkshops bo t h a t home and overseas, conduc t s t h e S tondon S ingers , and d i rec t s t h e mus i c a t S t Margaret ' s Chu r ch , Ipsw i ch . He con t i nues to compose , and has w r i t t e n both sacred and secular mus i c f o r choirs, an a n t h e m for f i r s t pe r f o rmance in f r o n t of Her Ma jes ty t h e Queen wh i c h was b roadcas t l ive on BBC Radio, inc identa l mus i c f o r t h ea t r e , a nd a ch i ldren 's ope ra .

Chr i s topher ' s doc to ra l research, exp l o r i ng fo r t he f i r s t t i m e t he mus i c of I m o g e n Hoist , has resu l t ed in much a cadem i c and pro fess iona l i n te res t ; he con t r i bu ted t o t h e book Imogen Hoist - A Life in Music ( ed . G rogan , Boydel l and B rewe r ) , and ins t i ga ted t he f i r s t record ing of he r la rge ly unpub l i shed s t r i ng mus ic wh i c h won the 2 0 1 0 p rem ie r a w a r d f r o m the BBC Music Magazine. The cho i r o f C lare Col lege Camb r i dge inv i ted h i m t o sugges t r epe r to i r e , and wr i t e t h e s leeve notes f o r t h e i r record ing o f I m o g e n Hoist 's chora l mus ic , p roduced f o r Ha rmon i a Mundi by John Ru t t e r in 2012 . A paper exam -in ing t h e mus ica l r e l a t i onsh ip be tween B r i t t en and I m o g e n Hoist was recen t l y pub l i shed in t h e 2013 ed i t i on of t h e a cadem i c j o u r na l 'B r i t i sh Music'. Ch r i s topher is mus i c adv isor f o r 'Neve r Such Innocence ' , a m a j o r i n i t i a t i ve c omb in i ng poe t ry and mus i c re la ted to t h e Grea t War wh i ch was launched in cent ra l London in May 2014 , i t s in i t ia l success ra is ing over £100,000 f o r f ive m i l i t a r y char i t i es .

S^°The S t o n d o n S i n g e r s °<y

S o p r a n o s Kathar ine Adams , Michel le A r t hu r , Mavis Ho lmes

Cather ine Ke l ly , Jul ie Lork ins, Annabe l Mal ton Faith Marcha l , Karen Mor t l ey

A l t o s Anne-Dore Bea ton , Mavis B rown , Aud r e y Cassidy

Jul ia D imon , Jill Evans, Josephine Go rdon , Mar jo le in H i l lman T e n o r s

Nick A l s ton , Ma t thew Bu t t Dav id Hampson , Dav id L loyd, John Wagge t t

B a s s e s Michael Aves , Mark Ellis, Dav id Evans

Phil Ho lmes , Chr is Overy, Dav id Schacht C o n d u c t o r

Chr i s topher T i nke r

The choir was founded in 1968 to celebrate the music of William Byrd. Since then we have branched out considerably and we now perform music right up to the present century, without losing the focus on Renaissance music. This is particularly featured in our annual William Byrd Anniversary concert in Stondon Massey Church.

In recent years the Stondon Singers have presented concerts of a cappella music ranging from Gregorian chant to contemporary compositions, as well as bigger works with soloists and instrumental ensemble. These have included J S Bach's St John Passion performed in Brentwood Cathedral, Monteverdi Vespers 1610 in St Thomas, Brentwood, and the Faure Requiem in Blackmore. The choir regularly sings in charity concerts and church services and recently sang Choral Evensong in Chelmsford Cathedral.

The Stondon Singers perform several concerts a year in the Priory Church of St Laurence, Blackmore, which is also their rehearsal venue. I f you are interested in joining the choir, please contact the choir secretary (see back page) or speak to a member of the choir.

The Stondon Singers are affiliated to Making Music (formerly NFMS) We are also members of the Brentwood Arts Council and gratefully

acknowledge their support

The Stondon Singers Registered Charity Number 1154435

www. stondonsingers. org. uk

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T h e Stondon S i n g e r s

P a t r o n s and F r i e n d s

We are very grateful for the support of the following Patrons of the choir:

Mr Hugh Arthur Mr David Barbour Mrs E G Beal Mr Mike Brown Miss Audrey Butler Mrs P A Butt Mrs Bettine Evans

Mr Gerald Evans Mrs Elizabeth Hawkings Mr Gerald Malton Mr David Pears Mr Richard Turbet Mrs Sally Walker

Patrons contribute financially to the resources of the choir. In return, they receive our regular newsletter, priority booking for all our concerts, the opportunity to reserve seats, their name in our programme (i f desired) and invitations to open rehearsals and workshops.

I f you feel able to support us in this way, please fill in a form available at the back of the church, contact David Lloyd on 01245 259246, [email protected], or use the contact form on our website www.stondonsingers.org.uk

Friends of the choir jo in our e-mailing list. They also receive a regular newsletter and advance details of our concerts. To become a Friend please contact David Pears by e-mail at [email protected] or via our website, details above.

E n h a n c e y o u r w e d d i n g or s p e c i a l o c c a s i o n

The Stondon Singers- one of the leading choirs in Essex. Experienced singers and a wide-ranging repertoire.

We are available to sing for weddings and other occasions.

To discuss your requirements, check availability and see how we can tailor a package just for you, please contact:

Annabel Malton 01245 360240 [email protected] or www.stondonsingers.org.uk

Your adver t i sement here!

Advert is ing in th is p rog ramme is a cost-ef fect ive way of reaching many people quickly.

To discuss you r requ i rements , please contact:

David Schacht on 01277 810576 or use t he contact f o rm on our webs i te:

www.stondons ingers .org .uk



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Future c o n c e r t s

Tuesday 1 1 t h November 2014 at 8.00pm For t h e F a l l e n , to Include Flutter's Requiem Priory Church of St Laurence, Blackmore

Tuesday 1 6 t h December 2014 at 8 .00pm C h r i s t m a s a t B l a c k m o r e Priory Church o f St Laurence, Blackmore

Saturday 7 t h March 2015 at 7 .30pm Mozart a n d S c h u b e r t Great Wa l tham Church

Tuesday, 7 t h July 2015 at 8 .00pm Wi l l i am B y r d A n n i v e r s a r y C o n c e r t Church of St Peter and St Paul, Stondon Massey

For advance notice of future Stondon Singers concerts, why not join our free e-mailing list? Contact David Pears at d pears® ntlworld.com Details can also be found on www.stondonsinqers.orq.uk You can contact the Choir Secretary on 01992 522300 , or e-mail us at Stondon_Singers@fsmail .net