.W. - Tulane University Digital Library

r \.1 rr !'\,\\. '\. "When the angry clouds like mountains rolled, On the bosom of the deep, And the brave ship, tossed on the heaving waves Like a restless child in sleep, 'Mid the thunders crash, And the lightnings flash, In the rigging high was he, And a clinging fast To the bending mq.st, . W. as that Sailor Boy at Sea." "He treads the roof of a Steamer now, And he's known both near and far, The Sailor Boy, is the Cap- tain now, Of the Steamer "Guiding Star."

Transcript of .W. - Tulane University Digital Library

r · ~tr't• \.1 rr !'\,\\. '\.

"When the angry clouds like mountains rolled,

On the bosom of the deep, And the brave ship, tossed

on the heaving waves Like a restless child in sleep,

'Mid the thunders crash, And the lightnings flash,

In the rigging high was he, And a clinging fast To the bending mq.st,

.W. as that Sailor Boy at Sea."

"He treads the roof of a Steamer now,

And he's known both near and far,

The Sailor Boy, is the Cap­tain now,

Of the Steamer "Guiding Star."



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white sailed ship a · cross the sea, In si - lent gran - deur crept, And an . gry voice o£ thun - der rolled, And light · ning lit the sky, When

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No n1ore a sail - or boy at sea, A man known near and far, Brave Bass.

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D. C. al FINE.

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~ ~ I Heg - ler! Own - er, Cap - tain of The Steam - er Guid - ing Star.

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3 In time of calm, or hours of storm, Or whence he went, or came,

In prison, irons, foreign lancls, To him, life was the ame,-

A life of bo~d adventure, and, A heart, brave as could be,

Bn-t never happier than ·when, A sailor boy at sea. CHo.

The Sailor Boy at Sea. 2

D. C. al FINE.

4 That sai or boy i now a man, Known to the world of fame,

Big-hearted, brave-kind to a fault, A lo ed aud h nor d name,

He' Captain of the Guiding tar, No b tter n1an than he,

For he' a living m nument 0£ a ailor boy at ea. Crro.

-=­=t: -·-



l'ALACJ; J>.ASSB:-.'lil ~, TEA;I!Elt

GUIDING STAR. 1. D. HEC.1LER, Commander.




'Twas 'way back in the '30's, in Ohio, that a boy, Was born to fill a father's nnd a mother's heart with joy, And as that baby boy grew up, on nature's honest plan, It was seen that pluck developed as he grew to be :1 man.

When he was only eight years old, he ran away from home, He bar! a disposition then, that prompted him to roa1n. To put all idle notions of his own npon the shell, And prove to everybody he coulll take care of himselt.

'l'ho wnvlng fields of corn and wheat, the valleys, streams and trees. 'l'lw varied scenes of country life,-the hirrl~. the llowl'rs and breeze All lost their charms and failed to till his hrart with hope and joy, ]'or proud ambition took possession of this country boy.

Tlui world was large and there was room for boys of grit and vim, He thought that if he left his home, that thrre'd be room tor him. So with a resolution strong, a bopefi.tl heart and glad,

.He started up the hill of life, with all tile plue.k he had,

He had no well filled leather trunk, nor grip filled fnll with clothes, There where no sleeping cars those days. to ride in and repose. He wore his outfit on his back, he owned no more than that, Consisting of a pair of pants, a cotton shirt, and hat.

Ou Lon the road of life he went, on foot, brave and alonr, Possessed with pluck that most of men, would have !.)een proud to own

• · 1 A~d nature looked upon him, a~ the bravest of her boys, And sent him to herd cattle in thc.State of Illinois.

On foot he led grcatllerds of cattle, driven to the east, For miles o'er rough :md rugged roads be lead a many a beast. And then walkr<l hack to Illinois as happy as a bird, Prepared with stout and willing heart to lead another herd.

As time flew on and he grew up, he wanted other work, ., Ire fixed his eye upon Success, and started for New York.

lie reached the great Metropolis, a stranger and unknown, A country boy, who wanted work and sought for it, alone.


Ile found it on a sailing ship and with a heart of joy, lie went to China ru1d Japan on hrr as cabin !Joy. For sixtern years his happy lot upo•1 the sea was cast, ~Iost of the ~ime a sailor brave, who stood before the mast. '

}'or sixteen years upon the sea his sailor life was spent, To foreign lands, :tround the world, and back again, he went. He'd visit home, to sec the loved ones, only to remain, A little while, and then he'd leave and go to sea again.

When wearied of a seaman's life, the next thing hr would clo, He'd work in gold mines in Australia, sometimes in Peru. And then In Calitornia, he would rlig the "yaller stuff," But always go to sea again when he had made enough.

Retiring from thr sea for good, he went out to the west, He struck the to·wn of Aspinwall, Nebraska, as the best. Of all the young and growing towns for him to settle in, Pulled oft' his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and then went in to win.

Misfortune went against h!m there. the luck he had was bad~ And in a little while, the boy, lost 1werytlti ng he had, He struck for Cincinnati then, to try his fortu:tf' o'er, And got a clerk's position in a wholesale grocery store.

It was'nt long before, we find him once again, afloat. The owner and the Captain of a money making- boat. The Annie Laurie, Kitty Hegler, Golden City, are The only boats he ever owned except the GUIDING STAR.

So now you know, the country boy, who left llis home alone, Who l s to-day, as happy as a King upon his throne. A man whose name and fame are known throughout the country far, As the Captain and the owner of the steamer GUIDING STAR.

A braver, bigger hearted man than HEGLl1:R 1loes•ut live, When charity makes it's appeal he don't refuse to give. \Vhen nature made him what he is she used the best of stuff, That other men might honor him-a diamond in the rough.

Long may hr live, and o.t the sett of pleasurr, ever float, And may sm·cess Rutile on the mau, and fortunr 'tend his boat. And other men and ot11er boats, in honor st~ud aloof, Until the GUIDING STAR goes by, with HEGLER on the roof.


The f )llo\ving g ntlen1en represent the Steamer Guiding Star, At their respective point :

Mo 1 T l Co., No. , Pul:'llk L mling;, CindnnC~tt, 0. H. C. LOWE, Agt. JAS. CARR, Pa · ·. Agt, Me1 phis. ( • C.. HYDL: , 176 & 178 Fourt 1 Av ., Louisvil'e, Ky. BURTON & JOHNSON, Helena, Ark.

WILLS. HA\S, Lomsville, 'v. CAPT. SCRUGGS, Greenville, Miss. C NANl & ON, 124~ W tc. t, .v· n. viii , In I CAPT. T. M. SMEADS, Vicksburff, Mis::;.

J. \V. A, LRY, \Vh ri oat, Evan ville: Ind. APT. S. E. RUMRLE, Nat hez, Miss. COL. J. S. Rf ARDC> l, ... ito, II'<>. JOHN IRVINE, JR., Bayou Sara, La.

J. H. WRIGHT, nc; (Jr. v er Stre t, New Orleans, La.