VNIR/SWIR Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy for …35 C for one week. Two profiles of different...

PFG 2015 / 12, 0423 0436 Article Stuttgart, December 2015 © 2015 E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany DOI: 10.1127/pfg/2015/0279 1432-8364/15/0279 $ 0.00 VNIR/SWIR Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy for Wall-to- Wall Mapping of Elemental Concentrations in Soil Cores Simon Schreiner,henning BuddenBaum,chriStoph emmerling, Trier &markuS SteffenS, Freising Keywords: PLSR, VNIR, SWIR, hyperspectral, soil profiles fuse reflectance spectroscopy has proven to be useful for many soil scientific topics. Re- flectance spectroscopy has been used in many studies for the determination of soil proper- ties like mineral composition (ViScarra roS- 1 Introduction Visible/near infrared (VNIR, 400 nm to 1000 nm wavelength) and shortwave infrared (SWIR, 1000 nm to 2500 nm wavelength) dif- Summary: Visible/near infrared (VNIR, 400 nm to 1000 nm wavelength) and shortwave infrared (SWIR, 1000 nm to 2500 nm wavelength) labora- tory imaging spectroscopy with spatial resolutions of 63 µm and 250 µm, respectively, was used for mapping contents of C, N, Fe, Al, and Ca in soil profiles. Four soil cores of 30 cm to 50 cm length were collected at a Regosol and a Cambisol site and scanned hyperspectrally after drying. Small sam- ples (ROI; Regions of Interest) were taken from the cores and analysed chemically as references for re- gression analyses. Partial least-squares regression (PLSR) and multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) models between spectral informa- tion and elemental contents of reference samples were established for VNIR and SWIR data sepa- rately and for the combined datasets. The regres- sion models were applied to the hyperspectral im- age data to create spatially explicit maps of elemen- tal contents for the soil profiles. PLSR yielded slightly better regression accuracies than MARS, and PLSR maps were more plausible in visual in- spection. The optimal spectral range for elemental mapping was inconsistent, but in most cases the ad- dition of SWIR data to VNIR data resulted in im- provements of the elemental content estimations. Zusammenfassung: Abbildende Laborspektrosko- pie im VNIR/SWIR-Bereich zur flächendeckenden Kartierung von Elementkonzentrationen in Bo- denprofilen. Hyperspektrale Laboraufnahmen in den Wellenlängenbereichen Sichtbar/Nahinfrarot (VNIR, 400 nm bis 1000 nm Wellenlänge) und Kurzwelleninfrarot (SWIR, 1000 nm bis 2500 nm) mit räumlichen Auflösungen von 63 µm und 250 µm wurden verwendet, um die räumlichen Verteilungen von C, N, Fe, Al und Ca in Bodenpro- filen zu kartieren. Vier Bodenkerne mit 30 cm bis 50 cm Länge wurden an einem Cambisol- und ei- nem Regosol-Standort entnommen und im Labor hyperspektral abgetastet. Kleine Proben wurden aus den Profilen entnommen und als Referenz für die nachfolgenden Regressionsanalysen chemisch analysiert. Regressionsmodelle wurden mittels Partial Least-Squares Regression (PLSR) und Mul- tivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) zwischen Spektralinformationen und Element- konzentrationen der Referenzproben aufgestellt, separat f ür VNIR- und SWIR-Daten und f ür die kombinierten Datensätze. Die Regressionsmodelle wurden auf die Bilddatensätze angewendet, um Karten der Elementkonzentrationen in den Boden- profilen zu erzeugen. Die Regressionsgenauigkei- ten von PLSR waren leicht höher als die von MARS, und die PLSR-Karten gaben einen visuell plausibleren Eindruck. Der optimale Spektralbe- reich zur Kartierung der verschiedenen Elemente war uneinheitlich. Aber meistens brachte die Be- r ücksichtigung der SWIR-Daten eine Verbesse- rung gegenüber den VNIR-Daten alleine.

Transcript of VNIR/SWIR Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy for …35 C for one week. Two profiles of different...

Page 1: VNIR/SWIR Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy for …35 C for one week. Two profiles of different depthsweresampled for each soiltype, one of 30 cm and the other of 50 cm depth. The two

PFG 2015 / 12, 0423–0436 ArticleStuttgart, December 2015

© 2015 E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany www.schweizerbart.deDOI: 10.1127/pfg/2015/0279 1432-8364/15/0279 $ 0.00

VNIR/SWIR Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy for Wall-to-Wall Mapping of Elemental Concentrations in Soil Cores

Simon Schreiner, henning BuddenBaum, chriStoph emmerling, Trier & markuS

SteffenS, Freising

Keywords: PLSR, VNIR, SWIR, hyperspectral, soil profiles

fuse reflectance spectroscopy has proven tobe useful for many soil scientific topics. Re-flectance spectroscopy has been used in manystudies for the determination of soil proper-ties like mineral composition (ViScarra roS-

1 Introduction

Visible/near infrared (VNIR, 400 nm to1000 nm wavelength) and shortwave infrared(SWIR, 1000 nm to 2500 nm wavelength) dif-

Summary: Visible/near infrared (VNIR, 400 nmto 1000 nm wavelength) and shortwave infrared(SWIR, 1000 nm to 2500 nm wavelength) labora-tory imaging spectroscopy with spatial resolutionsof 63 µm and 250 µm, respectively, was used formapping contents of C, N, Fe, Al, and Ca in soilprofiles. Four soil cores of 30 cm to 50 cm lengthwere collected at a Regosol and a Cambisol site andscanned hyperspectrally after drying. Small sam-ples (ROI; Regions of Interest) were taken from thecores and analysed chemically as references for re-gression analyses. Partial least-squares regression(PLSR) and multivariate adaptive regressionsplines (MARS) models between spectral informa-tion and elemental contents of reference sampleswere established for VNIR and SWIR data sepa-rately and for the combined datasets. The regres-sion models were applied to the hyperspectral im-age data to create spatially explicit maps of elemen-tal contents for the soil profiles. PLSR yieldedslightly better regression accuracies than MARS,and PLSR maps were more plausible in visual in-spection. The optimal spectral range for elementalmapping was inconsistent, but in most cases the ad-dition of SWIR data to VNIR data resulted in im-provements of the elemental content estimations.

Zusammenfassung: Abbildende Laborspektrosko­pie im VNIR/SWIR-Bereich zur flächendeckendenKartierung von Elementkonzentrationen in Bo­denprofilen. Hyperspektrale Laboraufnahmen inden Wellenlängenbereichen Sichtbar/Nahinfrarot(VNIR, 400 nm bis 1000 nm Wellenlänge) undKurzwelleninfrarot (SWIR, 1000 nm bis 2500 nm)mit räumlichen Auflösungen von 63 µm und250 µm wurden verwendet, um die räumlichenVerteilungen von C, N, Fe, Al und Ca in Bodenpro-filen zu kartieren. Vier Bodenkerne mit 30 cm bis50 cm Länge wurden an einem Cambisol- und ei-nem Regosol-Standort entnommen und im Laborhyperspektral abgetastet. Kleine Proben wurdenaus den Profilen entnommen und als Referenz fürdie nachfolgenden Regressionsanalysen chemischanalysiert. Regressionsmodelle wurden mittelsPartial Least-Squares Regression (PLSR) und Mul-tivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS)zwischen Spektralinformationen und Element-konzentrationen der Referenzproben aufgestellt,separat für VNIR- und SWIR-Daten und für diekombinierten Datensätze. Die Regressionsmodellewurden auf die Bilddatensätze angewendet, umKarten der Elementkonzentrationen in den Boden-profilen zu erzeugen. Die Regressionsgenauigkei-ten von PLSR waren leicht höher als die vonMARS, und die PLSR-Karten gaben einen visuellplausibleren Eindruck. Der optimale Spektralbe-reich zur Kartierung der verschiedenen Elementewar uneinheitlich. Aber meistens brachte die Be-rücksichtigung der SWIR-Daten eine Verbesse-rung gegenüber den VNIR-Daten alleine.

Page 2: VNIR/SWIR Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy for …35 C for one week. Two profiles of different depthsweresampled for each soiltype, one of 30 cm and the other of 50 cm depth. The two

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close to Trier, Germany. Hyperspectral imag-es of the cores were recorded using a VNIRcamera and a SWIR camera. The content of C,N, Fe, Al, and Ca was analysed on referencesamples with standard laboratory techniques.Spectra of the reference samples were used toestablish regression models (PLS regressionand MARS). These models were used to cre-ate maps of the elemental concentrations inthe soil cores. Main research objectives were(1) to compare the regression techniques forelemental mapping of various elements, (2) tocompare the predictive capacity of the VNIRand SWIR spectral range, and (3) to comparethe two sampling sites in terms of elementalcontents and distributions.

2 Material and Methods

2.1 Study Site and Soil Sampling

The sampling was carried out approximate-ly 12 km northeast of Trier (Rhineland Pa-latinate, 49.84°N, 6.71°E). Two differing soiltypes were sampled. The first soil type wasclassified as an albic Cambisol under a Nor-way spruce monoculture, the second soil wasa colluvic gleyic Regosol (WRB 2014) close toa creek under a European beech monoculture.Both soils derived from Triassic Sandstone(Buntsandstein). The study site is character-ized by temperate, oceanic climate conditionswith a mean annual temperature of 9.1 °C anda mean annual precipitation of 780 mm.The soil profiles were sampled with cus-

tom-made stainless steel boxes. Two boxeswith 100 × 100 × 300 mm3 size and two box-es with 100 × 100 × 500 mm3 were available.They were designed to sample undisturbedsections of soil profiles. After digging a holeand removing the litter layer, the steel boxeswere gently hammered horizontally into thesoil and subsequently excavated. In the lab,the soil cores were dried in the steel boxes at35 °C for one week. Two profiles of differentdepths were sampled for each soil type, one of30 cm and the other of 50 cm depth. The twoprofiles of albic Cambisol are subsequently in-dicated as Cambisol30 and Cambisol50, andthe colluvic gleyic Regosol profiles as Rego-sol30 and Regosol50.

Sel et al. 2009), texture (StenBerg 2010), bio-logical properties (heinze et al. 2013), soil sa-linity (farifteh et al. 2008), or chemical com-position (Vohland et al. 2009). The papers byViScarra roSSel et al. (2006), Ben-dor et al.(2009), StenBerg (2010) and harteminK &minaSny (2014), among many others, give anoverview on techniques and results of reflec-tance spectroscopy in soil science.In most studies, reflectance spectrosco-

py was either used on samples from selectedpoints (field and laboratory spectroscopy), oron the soil surface (airborne and spaceborneimaging spectroscopy). Recently, Jung et al.(2015) introduced a hyperspectral snapshotcamera for proximal soil sensing.

The horizontal variability of soil surfaces isusually slow and gradual, but variability in thethird dimension, depth, is much higher (ViS-carra roSSel et al. 2015). Information on ver-tical variability is needed, among others, forinterpretations of soil formation processes,characterizations of the soil horizons and thedetection of small scale soil processes like bio-turbation. The technique of laboratory imag-ing spectroscopy of soil cores using a hyper-spectral line scanner was introduced by Bud-denBaum & SteffenS (2011) for spectroscop-ic analysis of undisturbed soil profiles witha very high spatial resolution. Applying thisproximal sensing technique for the creationof elemental maps by using support vector re-gression and PLSR was presented by Budden-Baum & SteffenS (2012b). Effects of spectralpre-treatments on elemental regressions usingVNIR laboratory imaging spectroscopy werestudied by BuddenBaum & SteffenS (2012a).The approach was extended to include horizonclassification and geostatistical characteriza-tion of a soil profile (SteffenS & BuddenBaum

2013), and soil organic matter quality (Stef-fenS et al. 2014). While these studies used onlyVNIR spectroscopy, SWIR cameras are nowavailable with a comparable spatial resolutionfor laboratory use. Since many mineralogicabsorption features are situated in the SWIRspectral region, an improved elemental map-ping could be expected from adding SWIR in-formation.

For the present study, soil cores were sam-pled from a Cambisol under Norway spruceand a Regosol under European beech stand

Page 3: VNIR/SWIR Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy for …35 C for one week. Two profiles of different depthsweresampled for each soiltype, one of 30 cm and the other of 50 cm depth. The two

Simon Schreiner et al., VNIR/SWIR Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy 425

track; a single pixel is about 250 µm wide.The 30 cm profiles consist of approximately1200 lines, the 50 cm profiles of 2000 lines.The SWIR images were also recorded with aSpectralon white reference panel which cov-ered about 50 lines.

2.3 Image Pre-Processing

Because the illumination was not perfectlyuniform, the object reflectance ρobj was calcu-lated for each image line (along track) sepa-rately following (1):


ρ ρ= ⋅obj

obj refref


where Lobj is the measured radiance from theobject in camera units, Lref is the measured ra-diance from the white reference and ρref is theknown reflectance of the white reference panel(peddle et al. 2001).

Different pre-processing steps have beenapplied by several authors, e.g. Ben-dor etal. (1997), BuddenBaum & SteffenS (2012a),udelhoVen et al. (2003), and ViScarra roSSel

& WeBSter (2011), but in combination withPLSR, these transformations were not able toincrease regression accuracy significantly. Toimprove the signal-to-noise ratio, we appliedspectral resampling, a bisection of the spatialresolution of the VNIR images, and continuumremoval (CR). Spectral resampling implies anincrease of the spectral sampling interval andthe full width at half maximum from 3.7 nm to7.3 nm in the VNIR range and from 7 nm to15 nm in the SWIR range. With this transfor-mation, neighbouring spectral bands were av-eraged, and the number of bands was reducedfrom 160 to 78 bands (VNIR) and from 256 to100 bands (SWIR). The spatial resolution ofthe VNIR images was bisected by averaging2 × 2 pixels to one resulting pixel. CR is a toolto amplify reflective features and especially toamplify absorption bands in a spectrum. Thisis done by fitting a convex hull to the spectrumand dividing the reflectance values for eachwavelength by the reflectance level of the con-tinuum line (convex hull) at the correspond-ing wavelength (KoKaly & clarK 1999). Thispre-processing returns a CR value of 1 to all

2.2 Imaging Setup

After smoothing the surface of the soil pro-file with a long knife, the images were record-ed using a HySpex VNIR-1600 and a HySpexSWIR-320m-e hyperspectral camera (NorskElektro Optikk, Skedsmokorset, Norway) atthe Department of Environmental RemoteSensing and Geoinformatics at the Universityof Trier (BuddenBaum & hill 2015, Budden-Baum et al. 2015). The cameras were equippedwith a 30 cm focal lens and set up in a labora-tory frame with a translation stage under thecamera. The translation stage moves the ob-ject in along-track direction, while the cam-era, a push-broom scanner, records imagelines across track. The speed of the translationstage is adapted so that square pixels result.

For the VNIR images two tungsten halogenlight sources illuminate the currently scannedline from about 35 cm distance and at an angleof about 45° in front of and behind the camerato minimize shadows on the soil surface. TheVNIR-1600 camera records 1600 pixels acrosstrack with a field of view of 17°. The pixel in-stantaneous field of view is 0.18 mrad acrosstrack and 0.36 mrad along track. The area re-corded from the 30 cm distance is 10 cm wide,so that the size of a single pixel amounts toabout 63 µm. A 30 cm long soil profile con-sists of approximately 4800 image lines, a50 cm profile of 8000 image lines. About 200additional image lines containing a certifiedreflectance standard white reference panelof known reflectivity (Spectralon, LabspereInc., North Sutton, NH, USA) were scannedwith each sample, so radiance could be trans-formed to reflectance. 160 spectral bands wererecorded in the spectral range of 414 nm to1000 nm with a spectral sampling interval of3.7 nm. The data was recorded in 12 bit radio-metric resolution.

The laboratory frame can only hold onecamera at a time, so the SWIR images wererecorded after the VNIR datasets. Because thelight source used for VNIR imaging only cov-ers the spectral range up to 1700 nm, a stabi-lized tungsten halogen lamp (50 W) was usedfor illumination. The SWIR-320m-e camerarecords 256 spectral bands in the spectralrange of 1000 nm to 2500 nm with a field ofview of 13.5°. 320 pixels are acquired across

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gen (TN) concentrations were determined induplicate by dry combustion at 1100 °C by aEuroEA elemental analyzer (Hekatech GmbH,Wegberg, Germany) in carbonate-free sam-ples. Total amounts of aluminum (Al), iron(Fe) and calcium (Ca) were extracted with3 ml concentrated HNO3 and 1 ml H2O2 (su-prapur) in 0.1 g – 0.2 g dry mass using highpressure bombs (Berghof, Eningen, Germany)(udelhoVen et al. 2003). Element concentra-tions were measured with an atomic absorp-tion spectrometer (Varian AA 240 FS and AA240Z/GTA 120, Palo Alto, CA, U.S.A.).

2.5 Elemental Mapping

We compared two statistical methods for es-tablishing regression models between ele-mental concentrations and reflective proper-ties: Partial least-square regression (PLSR),and Multivariate adaptive regression splines(MARS). The regression analyses were car-ried out in MATLAB (Version R2012, Math-works, Natick, MA, USA). All models wereestablished on reflectance and chemical datafrom both soils and all horizons combined.

Partial least-square regression (PLSR) afterWold et al. (2001) is a widely used approachfor quantitative analysis in chemometrics andhyperspectral remote sensing (farifteh etal. 2007, SteffenS & BuddenBaum 2013, ViS-carra roSSel & BehrenS 2010, Vohland &emmerling 2011). PLSR is closely related to

parts of the spectrum that lie on the convexhull, i.e. wavelength regions that are not in anabsorption band, and values between 0 and 1to regions inside absorption bands. So CR ac-centuates the absorption bands in the spectrawhile minimizing brightness differences. Therecorded images mostly have a high quality,but despite efforts to reduce noise, some noiseis still present, especially in the SWIR range.The noise is most obvious in vertical stripeson the images.

To obtain spectra from 400 nm to 2500 nmfor each pixel, an image-to-image geometriccorrection was applied. Ground control points(GCP) were identified in the images and usedfor warping the SWIR image to the VNIR im-age’s geometry using a rubber sheeting (localtriangulation) approach.

Homogeneous regions of interest (ROIs)of about 2 cm2 area were regularly distrib-uted over the soil profiles (18 ROIs on eachof the 50 cm profiles and 12 ROIs on each ofthe 30 cm profiles) and mean spectra of theseROIs were extracted.

2.4 Chemical Analysis

The ROIs were visually identified in the soilcore and samples of about 2 cm2 and about 1 cmdepth were taken for chemical laboratory an-alysis. After thoroughly sieving to < 2 mm andgrinding, samples were oven-dried at 105 °C.Total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitro-

Fig. 1: PLS regression of C using the SWIR wavelength range: a) relative cross-validated RMSEas a function of the number of latent variables, best model at 4 latent variables is marked; b) meas-ured versus C contents estimated using the model with 4 latent variables (Regosol: circles, Cam-bisol: triangles), and the 1:1 line.

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te Carlo repetitions to each model to avoidoverfitting (Schlerf et al. 2010) and calculatedthe cross-validated relative root-mean-squareerror (relRMSEcv) for each model.

Fig. 1a illustrates the relationship betweennumber of latent variables and relRMSEcv.The model with lowest relRMSEcv was se-lected. With this optimal number of latentvariables, a new PLSR is calculated and ap-plied on the hyperspectral images to cre-ate maps of the distribution of the element inquestion. Resulting concentrations for C usingthe SWIR wavelength range and four latentvariables compared to the laboratory meas-ured concentrations are shown in Fig. 1b. Nofurther calibration/validation scheme was ap-plied, because plausible maps resulted fromthis strategy. Fig. 2 shows the regression co-efficients (PLS weights) for each element andeach wavelength range. The regression coef-ficients have been normalized for displayingthem in the figure by subtracting their meanand dividing the result by their standard de-viation (z-transformation). The plots show theimportant wavelength regions for estimatingthe elemental concentrations.

Multivariate adaptive regression splines(MARS) after friedman (1991) is a non-para-metric generalization of recursive partitioning

principal components regression (PCR) andcombines features from PCR and multiple re-gression (maraBel & alVarez-taBoada 2013,Wold et al. 2001a). PLS regression projectsthe data (chemical concentrations and reflec-tive properties with a high number of correlat-ed variables) into a lower dimensional space,formed by a set of orthogonal latent variables,by a simultaneous decomposition of X (spec-tral matrix) and Y (chemical matrix) that max-imizes the covariance between X and Y (Voh-land & emmerling 2011, Wold et al. 2001b).A large number of measured collinear spectralvariables is reduced to a few non-correlatedlatent variables (maraBel & alVarez-taBoa-da 2013), which also implements a reductionof the data volume and the calculation time.The method is well suited for the calibration ofa small number of samples with experimentalnoise in both chemical and spectral data (atz-Berger et al. 2010), even if the number of ob-servations is smaller than the number of wave-lengths (Ben-dor et al. 2008).To find the optimum number of latent vari-

ables, we calculated PLSR models with up to20 latent variables on the ROI spectra for eachanalyzed element, separately for all VNIR-,SWIR-, and full range images. We applied afive-fold cross validation and a 100-fold Mon-

Fig. 2: Normalized weights of the input bands in the three PLS regressions (VNIR, SWIR, and fullwavelength range).

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2. Typically, in both soils a vertical elementgradient was clearly developed with high or-ganic matter content in the topsoil and de-creasing amounts with increasing depth. Thethickness of the humus-rich A-horizon rangedfrom 6 cm to 10 cm depending on the respec-tive soil profile. Mean concentrations of TOCin the topsoil reached more than 200 mg g-1,whereas in the subsoil it was about 20 mg g-1

– 30 mg g-1. Nitrogen showed the same trend,with amounts in a range from 0.2 mg g-1 –16 mg g-1. Maximum C contents of 291 mg g-1

(Cambisol) or 339 mg g-1 (Regosol) might beattributed to residues of the litter layers, whichhave not been involved in the soil samplingschedule. Both soils derived from siliceousbedrocks (Sandstones) and thus, as expected,soil pH in these soils varied between 4.5 and5.0, which is equivalent to the silicate buffercapacity of soil. As a consequence, soils werecarbonate-free and thus, amounts of total car-bon in soil were equivalent to total organiccarbon.

Amounts of Fe, Al, and Ca in both soilsshowed a different element distribution in thesoil profile compared to carbon and nitrogen.Although there was a remarkable variabilityin the amounts of Fe and Al, the differencesin both elements between the top soils and thesub-soils of both investigated soil profiles re-mained small. The differences in the elementdistribution of Fe and Al between both soilswere also quite small and in a typical rangeof those soils. Similarly, Ca was concentratedin the top soil and amounts of Ca in the sub-soil were in both soils roughly at the detectionlimit. This result can also be attributed to theparent material and forestal land-use of bothsoils.

regression approaches such as classificationand regression trees (CART) (ViScarra roS-Sel & BehrenS 2010). It makes no assumptionabout the underlying functional relationshipbetween the dependent and independent vari-ables. naWar et al. (2015) found that MARSwas better suited for the visible and near-in-frared reflectance spectroscopy estimation ofsoil salinity than PLSR.

The MARS models were evaluated using afive-fold cross validation and 100 Monte Car-lo repetitions. Elemental maps were then cal-culated by applying the models on a pixel-by-pixel basis on the hyperspectral images.Even though the profiles were illuminated

from two directions, the formation of shadowbecause of strong surface roughness was una-voidable. Parts of the profiles with high carbonand nitrogen or iron-concentrations are darkcoloured. The spectral signatures of theseparts are similar to the shadow signatures,which results in false values. To correct this,shadows had to be determined and the profilesshadow masked. Shadows were detected usinga principal component analysis followed by anunsupervised classification. One of the result-ing classes corresponded well with shadowedareas in a visual inspection. After building ashadow mask for each profile, this mask wasapplied on the respective image (SteffenS &BuddenBaum 2013).

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Elemental Concentrations

The high variance of carbon and nitrogen con-tent in both soils are shown in Tabs. 1 and

Tab. 1: Descriptive statistics of the Regosol including minimum (Min), maximum (Max), mean ofconcentrations of all five elements. Negative values result from detection limits in the analysis andwere treated as zero in further analyses.

Colluvic Gleyic Regosol

C (mg g-1) N (mg g-1) Fe (mg g-1) Al (mg g-1) Ca (mg g-1)

Min 5.7 0.2 0.44 3.26 -0.42

Max 338.8 16.1 4.66 17.06 1.77

Mean Topsoil 270.8 13.4 3.42 3.63 1.26

Mean Subsoil 36.5 1.7 1.36 9.35 -0.10

Mean full profile 71.2 3.5 1.66 8.50 0.10

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Tab. 2: Descriptive statistics of the albic Cambisol containing minimum (Min), maximum (Max),mean of concentrations of all five elements in their specific units. Negative value results from de-tection limits in the analysis and was treated as zero in further analyses.

Albic Cambisol

C (mg g-1) N (mg g-1) Fe (mg g-1) Al (mg g-1) Ca (mg g-1)

Min 5.9 0.2 1.70 4.11 -0.16

Max 290.7 10.4 5.54 15.60 2.83

Mean Topsoil 199.7 7.3 3.05 5.69 1.57

Mean Subsoil 24.5 0.8 3.05 8.09 -0.02

Mean full profile 50.5 1.8 3.05 7.73 0.22

Tab. 3: Intercorrelations of the elemental concentrations.

C N Fe Al Ca

C 1

N 0.979 1

Fe 0.286 0.259 1

Al -0.318 -0.324 -0.027 1

Ca 0.897 0.831 0.255 -0.329 1

Tab. 4: Statistical comparison of the PLSR models. For each element and wavelength range sta-tistically best result (relRMSE and R2) and corresponding number of latent variables (LV) is listed.Data for the two soils are combined.


relRMSE /% R² #LV

relRMSE /% R² #LV

relRMSE /% R² #LV

C 15.32 0.468 4 12.25 0.660 4 10.13 0.767 7

N 12.54 0.601 3 9.44 0.774 4 8.16 0.831 7

Fe 9.78 0.818 7 17.55 0.415 4 9.58 0.826 7

Al 21.71 0.340 5 21.02 0.381 4 19.42 0.472 5

Ca 9.68 0.767 3 7.82 0.848 4 6.34 0.900 6

Tab. 5: Statistical comparison of the MARS models. Best results are displayed in bold. Data for thetwo soils are combined.


relRMSE R² relRMSE R² relRMSE R²

C 25.27 0.250 30.86 0.215 24.62 0.300

N 22.08 0.209 24.42 0.285 19.77 0.353

Fe 18.84 0.451 30.91 0.130 22.45 0.339

Al 27.91 0.186 33.38 0.101 32.59 0.126

Ca 12.50 0.682 16.04 0.629 14.55 0.632

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RMSE values are achieved (Fig. 3c). The highamount of image noise in the resulting mapsand the fact that in most cases the full wave-length range does not lead to the highest ac-curacies hint to some sensitivity to noise andoverfitting in MARS.

Selected elemental maps showing thestrengths and weaknesses of the statistical re-sults are discussed. Fig. 4 displays PLSR-de-rived maps of the five elements for the profileCambisol50. Each map covers a profile area of10 cm width and 50 cm depth. All maps reflectthe spatial distribution well and have plausibleranges of values. C mainly accumulates in thetop-horizon, but also in the subsoil, isolatedorganic residues are recognizable, e.g. causedby roots. Due to the very high correlation be-tween C and N contents, the N map has simi-lar distributions; organic residues in the sub-soil region are even better recognizable in thenitrogen map than in the C map. The Fe con-tent is relatively homogenous throughout theprofile because of the iron-rich parent mate-rial. Al shows a pattern similar to Fe, but themaximum is in a lower region of the profile.The Ca profile in Fig. 4 has to be discussed

carefully, because concentrations in the sub-soils (of both soils) were sometimes under thedetection limit. There are some patches of Caconcentrations which might have remainedfrom previous liming events.

Fig. 5 shows a comparison of C in the Cam-bisol30 profiles created using the three wave-length ranges and PLS regression. In theVNIR profile, accumulations of C are visiblein the humus-rich top soil and in organic resi-dues (roots) in the subsoil regions. The SWIRprofile accentuates regions of high C contentmore strongly. The full range data leads to themost contrast-rich map of C but also shows themost image noise.

Some maps created with MARS can beseen in Fig. 6. While C, N, and Al are mappedin acceptable quality, the maps of Fe and Caare quite noisy. According to the referencemeasurements, C and N concentrations arehighest in the topsoil, but MARS is unable tocapture that.

Intercorrelations between the elementalconcentrations are listed in Tab. 3. C and Nare very highly correlated with each other andhighly correlated with Ca. Fe and Al show nocorrelation with each other and low correla-tions with the other elements.

3.2 Regression Models of ElementalConcentrations

For each element, multiple concentrationsmaps (derived from different wavelengthsranges: VNIR, SWIR, and full range) werecalculated combining data from the two soils.relRMSE and R2 of the statistically best re-sults are shown for each element and eachwavelength range in Tabs. 4 and 5 for PLSRand MARS, respectively.

Using PLSR, most elements are estimatedbest with the full wavelength range. Surpris-ingly, C estimations using SWIR data are bet-ter than VNIR-based estimations, althoughit is well known that a high organic car-bon amount colours the soil dark in the vis-ible spectral region (Stoner & Baumgardner

1981).Tab. 5 gives an overview of the statistical

results using MARS. In the visual compari-son, almost all MARS maps were inferior tothe PLSR maps, and R2 and relRMSE valuesof the MARS models are lower than the PLSRvalues, which is in contrast to the results ofnaWar et al. (2014). Best statistical values forthe organic matter (C and N) are in the fullwavelength range. Best models for Fe, Al, andCa are in the VNIR wavelength range, whichis plausible for iron because of the broad ab-sorption bands between 0.6 µm and 1.5 µm(mulderS 1987). Fig. 3 shows scatter plots ofMARS estimations of C for the three wave-length regions. The scatter plot in the VNIRwavelength range shows a narrow distributionof most samples on the 1:1 line for the lowervalues, but some strong outliers in the rangeabove 50 mg g-1 (Fig. 3a). The distribution inthe SWIR wavelength range is generally simi-lar, with one outlier even far in the negativerange (Fig. 3b). R2 in the SWIR is lowest andRMSE is highest. In the full wavelength rangethe scatter is still high, but outliers are lessextreme and thus the highest R2 and lowest

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Fig. 3: Measured against MARS estimated C concentrations (with 1:1 lines) using different wave-length ranges (Regosol: circles, Cambisol: triangles).

Fig. 4: Maps of the 5 elements in the 50 cm long Cambisol profile according to PLS regressionusing the full wavelength range. The grey levels are stretched linearly from 0 (black) to the 98thpercentile of values present in each map (white).

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affected by image noise, while the MARSmaps emphasize the noise that is present inthe image data.

While previous studies used exclusively theVNIR camera, the additional information re-trieved using a SWIR camera was tested inthis study. The elemental maps using onlythe HySpex SWIR-320m-e module were notalways reasonable, but regressions includingVNIR and SWIR wavelengths in combinationlead to improved statistical results.

The resulting maps show elemental distri-bution in a very high spatial resolution and canbe used for further analyses of the soil coresand their horizons. Consequently, laboratoryimaging spectroscopy of soil profiles in the

4 Conclusions

In this study, elemental concentrations in soilprofiles were mapped using laboratory imag-ing spectroscopy. We compared three spectralranges, i.e. VNIR, SWIR, and full range im-ages, and two regression methods, i.e. MARSand PLSR.

PLSR was better suited for elemental map-ping, both in terms of statistical measures andin visual quality of the resulting maps. Thisstudy confirms PLSR as a powerful regres-sion tool that makes use of all input bands andserves well in identifying important spectralbands representing specific elemental concen-trations in natural soil profiles. PLSR is less

Fig. 5: Comparison of PLSR C maps of the Cambisol30 profile created with three different wave-length ranges. The grey levels are stretched linearly from 0 (black) to the 98th percentile of valueof the full range map (white).

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VNIR/SWIR range has proved to be a prom-ising and reliable novel technique for varioussoil scientific topics.


We thank Joachim hill from the Depart-ment of Environmental Remote Sensing andGeoinformatics at the University of Trier forproviding the imaging spectrometer, and pe-ter Schad of the Chair of Soil Science at TUMünchen for help with the WRB classifica-tion.

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Addresses of the Authors:

Simon Schreiner & Dr. henning BuddenBaum,University of Trier, Environmental Remote Sens-ing & Geoinformatics, D-54286 Trier, Germany,Tel.: +49-651-201-4729, e-mail: {s6sischr}{buddenbaum}

Prof. Dr. chriStoph emmerling, University of Trier,Soil Science, D-54286 Trier, Germany, e-mail:[email protected]

Dr. marKuS SteffenS, Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde,Department für Ökologie und Ökosystemmanage-ment, Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan fürErnährung, Landnutzung und Umwelt, TechnischeUniversität München, D-85350 Freising-Weihen-stephan, Germany, e-mail: [email protected]

Manuskript eingereicht: September 2015Angenommen: Oktober 2015

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